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  • 标题:Multimoora optimization used to decide on a bank loan to buy property/Optimizavimas multimoora metodu imant banko paskola nekilnojamam turtui pirkti.
  • 作者:Brauers, Willem Karel M. ; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras
  • 期刊名称:Technological and Economic Development of Economy
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-8619
  • 出版年度:2011
  • 期号:March
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • 关键词:Automobile equipment and supplies industry;Automotive parts industry;Bank loans;Banks (Finance);Combinatorial optimization;Multiple criteria decision making

Multimoora optimization used to decide on a bank loan to buy property/Optimizavimas multimoora metodu imant banko paskola nekilnojamam turtui pirkti.

Brauers, Willem Karel M. ; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras

The Problem

Just as an example: suppose a single person decides to buy a small apartment consisting of two rooms in, let us say, Lithuania. The cost price of the apartment is 30,025 [euro]. The person has sufficient income to pay the initial down payment including all kinds of fees and commissions and to guarantee the monthly loan payments, the payment of interests and of insurance. 2011 Volume 17(1): 174-188

The client is reluctant for the obligation to take a special life insurance. In addition he has to face the following obligations:

-- The initial payment in [euro].

-- Loan repayment and payment of interest in [euro] per month.

-- Hypothecation bond registration fee in [euro].

-- A one off loan administration fee in [euro],

-- Life insurance in [euro] per year.

-- Insurance of the apartment to be purchased in [euro] per year.

-- Commission for currency exchange in [euro].

-- Monopolization of all bank activities and the wage administration of the client in % (0%, 50% or 100%) (1).

Even if two obligations are expressed in [euro] the same [euro] is not necessary meant. For instance, a Euro of initial payment can not be substituted by a Euro for the payment of interest. We limit us to a simulation exercise. Contrary to a lot of other definitions, simulation is defined here in a rather broad sense. Gordon, Enzer and Rochberg (1970) give the most complete description of simulation as mechanical, metaphorical, game or mathematical analogs. They conclude: "are used where experimentation with an actual system is too costly, is morally impossible, or involves the study of problems which are so complex that analytical solution appears impractical".

Three banks are assumed in the simulation exercise, one foreign and two domestic banks A and B as shown in the following Table 1.

Two different methods under the name of MOORA, namely a Ratio System and a Reference Point Approach, will try to make optimal the content of the table. By adding the Full Multiplicative Form three methods will compose MULTIMOORA, whereas the three methods will control each other (for more information, see also: Brauers, Zavadskas 2010). The following diagram (Fig. I) clarifies the combination of the three different methods of MULTIMOORA (Balezentis et al. 2010).


The figures between brackets refer to the basic equations involved as shown in the following pages.

Ratio System of MOORA

We go for a ratio system in which each response of an alternative on an objective is compared to a denominator, which is representative for all alternatives concerning that objective (2):


with: [x.sub.ij] = response of alternative j on objective I; j = 1,2, ..., m; m the number of alternatives; i = 1,2, ... n; n the number of objectives; [x.sup.*.sub.ij] = this time a dimensionless number representing the response of alternative j on objective i (3).

For optimization, these responses are added in case of maximization and subtracted in case of minimization:


with: i = 1,2,... ,g as the objectives to be maximized; i = g+1, g+2,... , n as the objectives to be minimized; [y.sup.*.sub.j] = the total assessment of alternative j with respect to all objectives; [y.sup.*.sub.j] can be positive or negative depending of the totals of its maxima and minima.

An ordinal ranking of the [y.sup.*.sub.j] shows the final preference. Indeed, cardinal scales can be compared in an ordinal ranking after Arrow (1974): "Obviously, a cardinal utility implies an ordinal preference but not vice versa".

The Reference Point Approach as a part of MOORA

The Reference Point Approach will go out from the ratios found in formula (1), whereby a Maximal Objective Reference Point is also deduced. The Maximal Objective Reference Point approach is called realistic and non-subjective as the co-ordinates ([r.sub.i]), which are selected for the reference point, are realized in one of the candidate alternatives. In the example, A (10;100), B (100;20) and C (50;50), the maximal objective reference point [R.sub.m] results in: (100;100). The Maximal Objective Vector is self-evident, if the alternatives are well defined, as for projects in Project Analysis and Project Planning.

Given the dimensionless number representing the normalized response of alternative j on objective i, namely [x.sup.*.sub.ij] of formula (1) and in this way arriving to:

([r.sub.i] - [x.sup.*.sub.ij]),

with: i = 1, 2,... , n as the attributes; j = 1, 2,... , m as the alternatives; ri = the ith co-ordinate of the reference point; [x.sup.*.sub.ij] = the normalized attribute i of alternative j then this matrix is subject to the Metric of Tchebycheff (Karlin and Studden 1966) (4):


[absolute value of [r.sub.i] - [x.sup.*.sub.ij]]--means the absolute value if [x.sub.ij] is larger than [r.sub.i] for instance by minimization.

Concerning the use of the maximal objective reference point approach as a part of MOORA some reserves can be made in connection with consumer sovereignty. Consumer sovereignty is measured with the community indifference locus map of the consumers (Brauers 2008: 92-94). Given its definition the maximal objective reference point can be pushed in the non- allowed non-convex zone of the highest community indifference locus and will try to pull the highest ranked alternatives in the non-allowed non-convex zone too (Brauers, Zavadskas 2006: 460-461). Therefore an aspiration objective vector can be preferred, which moderates the aspirations by choosing smaller co-ordinates than in the maximal objective vector and consequently can be situated in the convex zone of the highest community indifference locus. Indeed stakeholders may be more moderate in their expectations. The co-ordinates qi of an aspiration objective vector are formed as:

[q.sub.i] < [r.sub.i],

([r.sub.i]-[q.sub.i]) being a subjective element we don't like to introduce subjectivity in that way again. Instead, a test shows that the min-max metric of Tchebycheff delivers points inside the convex zone of the highest community indifference locus (Brauers 2008: 98-103).

The Full Multiplicative Form

The following n-power form for multi-objectives is called from now on a full-multiplicative form in order to distinguish it from the mixed forms:


with: j = 1,2,... , m; m the number of alternatives; i = 1,2,... ,n; n being the number of objectives; [x.sub.ij] = response of alternative j on objective I; [U.sub.j] = overall utility of alternative j.

The overall utilities (Uj), obtained by multiplication of different units of measurement, become dimensionless.

How is it possible to combine a minimization problem with the maximization of the other objectives? Therefore, the objectives to be minimized are denominators in the formula:


j = 1,2,... ,m; m the number of alternatives; i = the number of objectives to be maximized,


n-i = the number of objectives to be minimized,

with: [U'.sub.j] = the utility of alternative j with objectives to be maximized and objectives to be minimized.

If one of the [x.sub.ij] = 0 it would mean that an objective is not present in an alternative. In that case a foregoing filtering stage can prescribe that an alternative with a missing objective to be an optimum is withdrawn from the beginning. Otherwise for the calculation of a maximum the zero factor is just left out.

A zero in a minimization problem is much more complicated. A real zero factor, like in the case of the absence of pollution, has to maintain its influence. Therefore the zero factor will receive an extremely low symbolic value like 0.01. If the zero factor means missing information then the situation is different and will ask for a serious correction. A correction factor has to be introduced being a bit larger than all corresponding factors of the other alternatives, for instance next ten, next hundred etc. With factors 8 and 11 next ten will be 20. With factors 80 and 110 next hundred will be 200 etc.


MULTIMOORA is composed of MOORA and of the Full Multiplicative Form of Multiple Objectives and in this way up till now no other approach is known including three or more methods, in this way MULTIMOORA becomes the most robust system of multiple objectives optimization

The Importance given to an Objective

The method of multiple objectives which uses non-subjective dimensionless measures without normalization like in MULTIMOORA is more robust than this one which uses for normalization subjective weights (weights were already introduced by Churchman et al. in 1954 and 1957) or subjective non-additive scores like in the traditional reference point theory (Brauers 2004: 158-159).

The Additive Weighting Procedure (MacCrimmon 1968: 29-33), which was called SAW, Simple Additive Weighting Method by Hwang and Yoon (1981: 99) starts from the following formula:


[U.sub.j] = overall utility of alternative j with j = 1, 2,.... , m, m the number of alternatives; [w.sub.i] = weight of attribute i indicates as well as normalization as the level of importance of an objective

i = 1, 2,..., n; n the number of attributes and objective; xij = response of alternative j on attribute i.

In addition, weights adding up to one create a new artificial super-objective, denying any form of multiple objectivity.

Reference Point Theory is non linear with, this time, non-additive scores replacing weights. The non-additive scores take care of normalization.

With weights and scores importance of objectives is mixed with normalization. Indeed weights and scores are mixtures of normalization of different units and of importance coefficients. On the contrary the dimensionless measures of MULTIMOORA do not need external normalization. However the problem of importance remains.

In the Ratio System to give more importance to an objective its response on an alternative under the form of a dimensionless number could be multiplied with a Significance Coefficient:


with: i = 1, 2,... , g as the objectives to be maximized; i = g+1, g+2, ..., n as the objectives to be minimized; [s.sub.i] = the significance coefficient of objective I; [[??].sup.*.sub.j] .. = the total assessment with significance coefficients of alternative j with respect to all objectives.

For the Reference Point Approach the formula would be:

[absolute value of [s.sub.i] [r.sub.i] - [s.sub.i][x.sup.*.sub.ij]. (7)

If the Full Multiplicative Form has to stress the importance of an objective a [alpha]-term is added or an exponent is allocated on condition that it is done with unanimity or at least with a strong convergence in opinion of all stakeholders concerned.

As the stakeholders concern in the banking example only a group of candidate mortgagees a representative sample of them will be sufficient.

The attribution of sub-objectives represents another solution. Take the example of the purchase of fighter planes (Brauers 2002). For economics, the objectives concerning the fighter planes are threefold: price, employment and balance of payments, but there is also military effectiveness. In order to give more importance to military defense, effectiveness is broken down in, for instance, the maximum speed, the power of the engines and the maximum range of the plane. Anyway, the attribution method is more refined than that a significance coefficient method could be as the attribution method succeeds in characterizing an objective better. For instance, for employment two sub-objectives replace a significance coefficient of two and in this way characterize the direct and indirect side of employment. In the banking example for instance some criteria could be split for the older or for the younger generations.

In addition the problem is raised of the subjective choice of objectives in general, or could we call it robustness of a choice? The Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique, as explained in Brauers (2004: 44-60), will gather a representative sample of all the candidate mortgagees to determine the objectives in a non-subjective and anonymous way. The original Nominal Group Technique of Van De Ven and Delbecq (1971) was less robust as the Ameliorated Version, as this one excludes subjective wishes of the group. Indeed in the Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique the group is questioned about the probability of occurrence of an event. In this way the experts become more critical even about their own ideas. The probability of the group is found as the median of the individual probabilities. Finally, the group rating (R) is multiplied with the group probability (P) in order to obtain the effectiveness rate of the event (E). The events are translated into objectives and selected in a robust way by the Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique (for an example, see Brauers. Lepkova (2003), also Brauers, Zavadskas (2010: 18-19).

Given the absence of a representative sample of all mortgagees in the banking simulation all criteria are considered to have the same importance.

Be careful with Rank Correlation in MULTIMOORA

If we would use for MULTIMOORA the total of the ranks of the ratio system, the reference point and the multiplicative form at that moment we would work ordinal and arrive in the rank correlation method (Kendall 1948). The most robust multi-objective method has to satisfy the following condition: the method of multiple objectives based on cardinal numbers is more robust than this one based on ordinal numbers. "An ordinal number is one that indicates order or position in a series, like first, second, etc." (Kendall and Gibbons 1990: 1). Robustness of cardinal numbers is based first on the saying of Arrow (1974: 256): "Obviously, a cardinal utility implies an ordinal preference but not vice versa" and second on the fact that the four essential operations of arithmetic: adding, subtracting, multiplication and division are only reserved for cardinal numbers (see Brauers 2007 and also: Brauers and Ginevicius 2009: 137-138).

Axioms on Ordinal and Cardinal Scales

1. A deduction of an Ordinal Scale, a ranking, from cardinal data is always possible (Arrow).

2. An Ordinal Scale can never produce a series of cardinal numbers (Arrow).

3. An Ordinal Scale of a certain kind, a ranking, can be translated in an ordinal scale of another kind.

In application of axiom 3 we shall translate the ordinal scale of the three methods of MULTIMOORA in another one based on Dominance, being Dominated, Transitivity and Equability.

Dominance, being Dominated, Transitiveness and Equability

The three methods of MULTIMOORA are assumed to have the same importance. Stakeholders or their representatives like experts may have a different importance in ranking but this is not the case with the three methods of MULTIMOORA. These three methods represent all existing methods with dimensionless measures in multi-objective optimization and all the three have the same important significance.


Absolute Dominance means that an alternative, solution or project is dominating in ranking all other alternatives, solutions or projects which are all being dominated. This absolute dominance shows as rankings for MULTIMOORA: (1-1-1).

General Dominance in two of the three methods is of the form with a < b < c <d:

(d-a-a) is generally dominating (c-b-b);

(a-d-a) is generally dominating (b-c-b);

(a-a-d) is generally dominating (b-b-c),

and further transitiveness plays fully.


If a dominates b and b dominates c than also a will dominate c.

Overall Dominance of one alternative on another

For instance (a-a-a) is overall dominating (b-b-b) which is overall being dominated.


Absolute Equability has for instance the form: (e-e-e) for 2 alternatives.

Partial Equability of 2 on 3 exists e. g. (5-e-7) and (6-e-3).

Circular Reasoning

Despite all distinctions in classification some contradictions remain possible in a kind of

Circular Reasoning.

We can cite the case of:

Object A (11-20-14) dominates generally object B. (14-16-15); Object B. (14-16-15) dominates generally Object C (15-19-12); but Object C (15-19-12) dominates generally Object A (11-20-14).

In such a case the same ranking is given to the three objects.

Application on the Banking Example

The different criteria as shown in table 1 are grouped in the following way:

1) The Initial Payment:

-- The initial payment;

-- Hypothecation bond registration fee;

-- A one off loan administration fee;

-- Commission for currency exchange.

2) Regular Payments:

-- Loan repayment and payment of interest;

-- Insurance of the apartment to be purchased.

3) Life Insurance.

4) Monopolization of all bank activities and the wage administration for the client.

Following Table 2 shows the new grouping.

Annexes A and B gives the details of the MULTIMOORA calculations. Table 3 shows the results.

The Foreign Bank shows an ABSOLUTE DOMINANCE on the other banks.

Bank A shows a GENERAL DOMINANCE OF TWO ON THREE MULTIMOORA rankings against Bank B.


MOORA and MULTIMOORA present strong instruments to measure an optimum in economic calculus. MOORA is composed of a Ratio System, producing dimensionless numbers. In addition, the ratio system creates the opportunity to use its ratios as a starting point for a second approach: a non-subjective Reference Point Theory. The two approaches form a control on each other. The choice of the objectives is even more non-subjective if the opinion of all stakeholders interested in the issue are involved by the use of the Ameliorated Nominal Group and Delphi Techniques. The overall theory is called MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis). The results are still even more convincing when a Full Multiplicative Form is added to MOORA under the name of MULTIMOORA.

However at that moment we are in the ordinal sphere, the combination of three rankings. Which is the next step as summation is not allowed? Indeed addition belongs to the cardinal and not to the ordinal sphere. The following axioms are rather to be respected:

1. A deduction of an Ordinal Scale, a ranking, from cardinal data is always possible.

2. An Ordinal Scale can never produce a series of cardinal numbers.

3. An Ordinal Scale of a certain kind, a ranking, can be translated in an ordinal scale of another kind.

On the one side we have three separate rankings belonging to the ordinal sphere and on the other side we will replace them by another ranking decided by a theory around dominance.

Absolute Dominance means that an alternative, solution or project is dominating in ranking all other alternatives, solutions or projects which are all being dominated. This absolute dominance shows as rankings for MULTIMOORA: (1-1-1).

General Dominance in two of the three methods is of the form:

(d-a-a) is generally dominating (c-b-b);

(a-d-a) is generally dominating (b-c-b);

(a-a-d) is generally dominating (b-b-c).

Whereas Transitiveness means that if a dominates b and b dominates c then also a will dominate c.

Applied on the loan demand for an apartment from a bank in a simulation exercise a Foreign Bank shows an ABSOLUTE DOMINANCE on the other banks. A second Bank shows a GENERAL DOMINANCE OF TWO ON THREE MULTIMOORA rankings against a third Bank.

doi: 10.3846/13928619.2011.560632

Received 8 September 2010; accepted 27 January 2011


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Brauers, W. K. M.; Ginevicius, R. 2009. Robustness in Regional Development Studies, the Case of Lithuania, Journal of Business Economics and Management 10(2): 121-140. doi:10.3846/1611-1699.2009.10.121-140

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Brauers, W. K. M. 2002. The Multiplicative Representation for Multiple Objectives Optimization with an Application for Arms Procurement, Naval Research Logistics (49): 327-340. Wiley Periodicals. doi:10.1002/nav.10014

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Zavadskas, E. K.; Kaklauskas, A.; Banaitis, A.; Kvederyte, N. 2004. Housing credit access model: the case for Lithuania, European Journal of Operational Research (155): 335-352. doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(03)00091-2

Willem Karel M. BRAUERS was graduated as: Ph.D. in economics (Un. of Leuven), Master of Arts (in economics) of Columbia Un. (New York), Master in Management and Financial Sciences, in Political and Diplomatic Sciences and Bachelor in Philosophy (Un. of Leuven). He is professor at the Faculty of Applied Economics and at the Institute for Development Policy and Management of the University of Antwerp. Previously, he was professor at the University of Leuven, the Military Staff College, the School of Military Administrators, and the Antwerp Business School. He was a research fellow in several American institutions like Rand Corporation, the Pentagon, the Institute for the Future, the Futures Group and extraordinary advisor to the Center for Economic Studies of the University of Leuven. He was consultant in the public sector, such as the Belgian Department of National Defense, the Department of Industry in Thailand, the project for the construction of a new port in Algeria (the port of Arzew) and in the private sector such as the international seaport of Antwerp and in electrical works. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of SORCA Ltd. Brussels, Management Consultants for Developing Countries, linked to the world-wide group of ARCADIS and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MARESCO Ltd. Antwerp, Marketing Consultants. At the moment he is General Manager of CONSULTING, Systems Engineering Consultants. Brauers is member of many international scientific organizations. His specialization covers: Optimizing Techniques with Several Objectives, Forecasting Techniques and Public Sector Economics such as for National Defense and for Regional Sub-optimization and Input-Output Techniques. His scientific publications consist of seventeen books and hundreds of articles and reports.

Edmundas Kazimieras ZAVADSKAS is Principal Vice-Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, and Head of the Dept of Construction Technology and Management at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania. He has a PhD in Building Structures (1973) and Dr Sc. (1987) in Building Technology and Management. He is a member of the Lithuanian and several foreign Academies of Sciences. He is Doctore Honoris Causa at Poznan, Saint-Petersburg, and Kiev. He is a member of international organisations and has been a member of steering and programme committees at many international conferences. E. K. Zavadskas is a member of editorial boards of several research journals. He is author and co-author of more than 400 papers and a number of monographs in Lithuanian, English, German and Russian. Research interests are: building technology and management, decision making theory, automation in design and decision-support systems.

(1) For these items Zavadskas et al. 2004 inspired this article. In addition we are grateful for a discussion with Prof. Banaitis, one of the other authors.

(2) Brauers and Zavadskas (2006) prove that the most robust choice for this denominator is the square root of the sum of squares of each alternative per objective.

(3) Dimensionless Numbers, having no specific unit of measurement, are obtained for instance by multiplication or division. The normalized responses of the alternatives on the objectives belong to the interval [0; 1]. However, sometimes the interval could be [-1; 1]. Indeed, for instance in the case of productivity growth some sectors, regions or countries may show a decrease instead of an increase in productivity i.e. a negative dimensionless number. Instead of a normal increase in productivity growth a decrease remains possible. At that moment the interval becomes [-1, 1]. Take the example of productivity, which has to increase (positive). Consequently, we look for a maximization of productivity eg. in European and American countries. What if the opposite does occur? For instance, take the original transition from the USSR to Russia. Contrary to the other European countries productivity decreased. It means that in formula (1) the numerator for Russia was negative with the whole ratio becoming negative. Consequently, the interval changes to: [-1, +1] instead of [0, 1].

(4) Brauers (2008) proves that the Min-Max metric is the most robust choice between all the possible metrics of reference point theory.

Willem Karel M. Brauers1, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas (2)

(1) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

(2) Department of Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

E-mails: (1) willem.brauers@ua.ac.be (corresponding author); (2) edmundas.zavadskas@vgtu.lt
Table 1. Conditions for a Bank Loan of 30,025 [euro]

          initial   monthly     registration    administration
          payment   repayment

          MIN.      MIN.        MIN.            MIN.

Foreign   5617.6    331.31      115.44          103.9
A         6926.41   317.46      129.87          115.44
B         6926.41   346.32      129.87          101.01

          life        insurance   exchange   bank
          insurance                          deposits

          MIN.        MIN.        MIN.       MIN.

Foreign   0           46.18       115.44     0
A         69.26       57.72       0          0.5
B         69.26       57.72       0          1

Table 2. Criteria for Loan Payment

     1+3+4+7   2+6/12   5       8
     MIN.      MIN.     MIN.

FB   5952.38   335.5    0       0
A    7171.72   322.27   69.26   0.5
B    7157.29   351.13   69.26   1

Table 3. MULTIMOORA results for the Banking Example


FB   1    1    1         1
A    2    2    3         2
B    3    3    2         3

Table 4. MOORA applied on 3 banks Lt with 8 conditions 4a-Matrix of
Responses of Alternatives on Objectives: ([x.sub.ij])

                          monthly      registration
            initial       payment      repayment      Administration

            MIN.          MIN.         MIN.           MIN.

FB          5617.6        331.31       115.44         103.9
A           6926.41       317.46       129.87         115.44
B           6926.41       346.32       129.87         101.01

4b-Sum of squares and their square roots

FB          31557429.76   109766.3161  13326.3936     10795.21
A           47975155.49   100780.8516  16866.2169     13326.394
B           47975155.49   119937.5424  16866.2169     10203.020
[SIGMA]     127507740.7   330484.7101  47058.8274     34324.624
root        11291.93255   574.8779958  216.9304667    185.26906

4c-Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA

FB          0.497487917   0.576313587  0.532152084    0.5608060
A           0.61339456    0.552221519  0.598671095    0.6230938
B           0.61339456    0.602423475  0.598671095    0.5452071

4d-Reference Point Theory with Ratios: co-ordinates of the reference
point equal to the maximal objective values

[r.sub.i]   0.4975        0.5522       0.5322         0.5452

4e-Reference Point Theory: Deviations from the reference point

FB          0             0.0241       0              0.0156
A           0.1159        0            0.0665         0.0779
B           0.1159        0.0502       0.0665         0.0000

            life                              bank
            insurance  insurance  exchange    deposits

            MIN.       MIN.       MIN.        MIN.

FB          0          46.18      115.44      0
A           69.26      57.72      0           0.5
B           69.26      57.72      0           1

4b-Sum of squares and their square roots

FB          0          2132.5924  13326.3936  0
A           4796.9476  3331.5984  0           0.25
B           4796.9476  3331.5984  0           1
[SIGMA]     9594       8795.789   13326.394   1.2500
root        97.948431  93.785869  115.44      1.118034

4c-Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA

FB          0          0.4923983  1           0.000
A           0.7071068  0.6154445  0           0.4472136
B           0.7071068  0.6154445  0           0.8944272

4d-Reference Point Theory with Ratios: co-ordinates of the reference
point equal to the maximal objective values

[r.sub.i]   0          0.4923983  0           0.000

4e-Reference Point Theory: Deviations from the reference point

FB          0          0.0000     1           0.000
A           0.7071068  0.1230     0           0.4472136
B           0.7071068  0.1230     0           0.894


4b-Sum of squares and their square roots



FB          -2.6591579  [a.sub.1]   1
A           -1.8485051  [a.sub.2]   2
B           -1.3736068  [a.sub.3]   3

4d-Reference Point Theory with Ratios: co-ordinates of the reference
point equal to the maximal objective values


4e-Reference   max.        min.

FB          1.0000000   [a.sub.1]   3
A           0.7071068   [a.sub.2]   1
B           0.8944272   [a.sub.3]   2

Table 4bis

4a'-Matrix of Responses of Alternatives on Objectives: ([x.sub.ij])

            1+3+4+7       2+6/12        5             8
            MIN           MIN.          MIN.

FB          5952.38       335.158333    0             0
A           7171.72       322.27        69.26         0.5
B           7157.29       351.13        69.26         1

4b'-Sum of squares and their square roots

FB          35430827.66   112331.1084   0             0
A           51433567.76   103857.9529   4796.9476     0.25
B           51226800.14   123292.2769   4796.9476     1
[SIGMA]     138091195.6   339481.3382   9593.89520    1.2500
root        11751.22102   582.6502709   97.94843133   1.118034

4c'-Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA

FB          0.506532895   0.575230717   0             0
A           0.610295729   0.55311053    0.707106781   0.4472136
B           0.609067771   0.602642816   0.707106781   0.8944272

4d'-Reference Point Theory with Ratios: co-ordinates of the
reference point equal to the maximal objective values

[r.sub.i]   0.5065        0.5531        0.0000        0.0000

4e'-Reference Point Theory: Deviations from the reference point

FB          0.0000        0.0221        0.0000        0.0000
A           0.1038        0.0000        0.7071        0.4472
B           0.1025        0.0495        0.7071        0.8944


4b'-Sum of squares and their square roots


4c'-Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA

            sum         min.

FB          1.0817636   1
A           2.3177266   2
B           2.8132446   3

4d'-Reference Point Theory with Ratios: co-ordinates of the
reference point equal to the maximal objective values


4e'-Reference Point Theory: Deviations from the reference point

            max         min.

FB          0.0221202   1
A           0.7071068   2
B           0.8944272   3

Table 5. Full multplicative method applied on 3 banks Lt with 8

     1                             3                   4
     MIN.     MIN.                 MIN.                MIN.

FB   5617.6   331.31   16.955721   115.44   0.146879   103.9
A    6926.4   317.46   21.818213   129.87   0.168000   115.44
B    6926.4   346.32   20.000029   129.87   0.154000   101.01

                 5                     6                     7
                 MIN.                  MIN.                  MIN.

FB   0.0014137   100.0   1.41366E-05   46.18   3.06119E-07   115.44
A    0.0014553   69.26   2.10122E-05   57.72   3.64037E-07   200
B    0.0015246   69.26   2.20128E-05   57.72   3.81372E-07   200


FB   2.65176E-09   2      1.3259E-09   1
A    1.82018E-09   0.5    3.6404E-09   3
B    1.90686E-09   1      1.9069E-09   2

4a-Matrix of Responses of Alternatives on Objectives: ([x.sub.ij])

     1         2         3              4                5
     initial   monthly   registration   administration   life
     payment   repay                                     insurance
     MIN.      MIN.      MIN.           MIN.             MIN.

FB   5617.6    331.31    115.44         103.9            0
A    6926.41   317.46    129.87         115.44           69.26
B    6926.41   346.32    129.87         101.01           69.26

     6           7          8
     insurance   exchange   deposit

     MIN.        MIN.       MIN.

FB   46.18       115.44     2
A    57.72       0          0.5
B    57.72       0          1

Table 5bis. Full multplicative method applied on 3 banks Lt with 4

     3+4+7+1   2+6/12                      5
     MIN.      MIN.                        MIN.                MIN.

FB   4952.38   335.1583333   14.77624009   100     0.1477624   2
A    7171.72   322.27        22.25376237   69.26   0.3213076   0.5
B    7096.68   351.13        20.21097599   69.26   0.2918131   1

     8 and results

FB   0.0738812       1
A    0.64261514      3
B    0.29181311      2


FB   1    1    1    1            ABSOLUTE DOMINANCE
A    2    2    3    2            GENERAL DOMINANCE
                                 OF TWO ON THREE RANKINGS

B    3    3    2    3
