Household money demand in Romania. Evidence from cointegrated var/Pinigu poreikio rumunijos namu ukiuose tyrimas naudojant kointegruotus autoregresinius vektorius.
Ruxanda, Gheorghe ; Muraru, Andreea
1. Introduction
This study is a continuation of previous research concerning
household money holdings. The reason why sectoral money holdings are
worthy to be analysed is the information gain, a greater depth into the
understanding of economic influences, reasons and behaviour.
Particularities attached to different money holding sectors identified
through sectoral analysis allow better knowledge of the economic
mechanism and influences and the way they are perceived by the money
holders. The most widely used econometric method for estimating money
demand is the cointegrated VAR (1), its framework allowing both long and
short run analysis as well as conditioning and restricting on account of
economic information.
Compared to the previous research, in this paper we use net income
as a determinant factor both in the cointegrating framework and in the
simultaneous equation approach. Besides the traditional determinants of
money demand we also introduce measures of risk and uncertainty as well
as specific factors. The questions we try to answers are whether
household money demand can be estimated in a sound manner by the means
of cointegrated VAR, what factors can be added to the traditional
determinants of money demand, what influences money demand evolution and
which are the particularities of Romanian household money demand,
especially in the current economic context. We also try to indentify the
information gain of adding another cointegration analysis, the one of
consumption, to the money demand framework.
The paper is structured into this introduction, literature review,
the empirical investigation with some theoretical aspects concerning the
cointegrated VAR procedure and the conclusions.
2. Literature Review
Seitz and Landesberger (2010) analyse household money demand
behaviour by comparing four models with different specifications; they
include as variables monetary aggregates both in real and nominal terms
and use both a log and a semi-log specification with respect to the
various interest rate options, as well as a measure of uncertainty
estimated following Greiber and Lemke (2005). The latter two authors
succeed in showing that the uncertainty measure constructed by using
financial market data and business and consumer survey evidence, helps
explaining monetary developments both in the euro area and US. In a
previous study, Landesberger (2007) demonstrated the different behaviour
of money holding sectors when the same set of explanatory variables was
Starting from the consumer's utility function, Atta-Mensah
(2004) includes in the Canadian money demand equation a measure of
uncertainty derived through conditional variance. Choi and Oh (2003) use
the same method for estimating uncertainty but also introduce a measure
of financial innovation in the money demand equation. Also, Petursson
(2000) starts from the utility function in estimating household money
demand. Lippi and Secchi (2009) show the manner in which money holdings
are influenced by the technology used for money withdrawal. Starting
with the same type of models, Tin (2008) shows the importance of income
variability for precautionary money holdings.
The most common way of estimating money demand is through
cointegrated VAR. Results are sometimes supported by SUR (2) or FM-OLS
(Seitz and Landesberger 2010; Landesberger 2007). A system approach is
implemented by Chrystal and Mizen (2001, 2005) who connect money and
consumption to a lending equation--also by cointegrated VAR--proving
their interactive evolution, the informative content of lending for both
monetary developments and consumption. Thomas (1997) shows the shock
absorbing capacity of money holdings as a result of unanticipated
movements in income and spending. He also includes a measure of wealth
in the system specification.
The inclusion of wealth in the cointegrating vector is also adopted
by Seitz and Landesberger (2010), Chrystal and Mizen (2001) and also
Beyer (2009). Jain and Moon (1994) estimate household money demand for
both households and non-financial corporations (time period: 1960-1990),
showing, with the help of cointegration analysis, significant
differences between the two sectors, a long-term relation being
identified only for households sector. Drake and Chrystal (1997) apply
nonparametric techniques for investigating households' money
demand. They develop their analysis on Divisia aggregate, an alternative
to the traditional summing of aggregates' components, on data
corresponding to the UK. A more descriptive approach to analyzing
sectoral money demand is presented in articles in the European Central
Bank Monthly Bulletin (3).
3. Analysing Households Money Demand--Cointegrated VAR Approach
The theoretical model of money demand most often used has the form
[M.sup.d] = f(P,Y,OC), where [M.sup.d] is nominal money demand, P
represents the price level, Y a measure of real income (can as well be
final consumption as derived from the utility function) and OC an
opportunity cost variable.
The variables we used in the analysis are household M2 money
holdings (4), nominal wage variable significant for transaction money
demand--unemployment, interest rate differential (calculated as a
difference between the yield of long-term government bonds and deposits
rate considered as the own rate of M2) and consumption deflator, also as
opportunity cost. As identified in the previous exploratory analyses,
individuals choose their money holdings also on account of factors such
as uncertainty and risk. Therefore, in this analysis a measure of risk
depicted by consumers' confidence indicator and a measure of
uncertainty derived as in a previous study by the means of averaging
conditional variance derived from GARCH models are included.
We adopted the uncertainty measurement implemented by Atta-Mensah
(2004) and adapted it to what we considered as a greater relevance for
the Romanian context and individuals' behaviour. Moreover, an
equation for consumption was added to this money demand equation. We
adopted a semi-log specification in all the investigations, variables
entering the equations in logarithms with the exception of interest rate
differential, unemployment and consumer confidence.
As money demand is usually assumed to be homogenous in the price
level, of degree one, this hypothesis was tested so that real money
demand could be investigated. Therefore, M2 was deflated by consumption
deflator (as all were variables expressed in real terms) and household
money holdings were extended backwards until 2000.
When series are non-stationary, the only way of avoiding the
problems related to spurious regression is analysing them through
cointegration. Moreover, not only the estimators obtained by the means
of cointegration are not affected by the false relation problem induced
by the trend existent in their evolution, but they have the property of
being superconsistent (converge to their true value more rapidly,
variables under these circumstances being asymptotically better than
I(0) variables) (Harris 1995).
Testing long-run price homogeneity
We first estimated a cointegration equation on nominal M2, having
as determinants only the traditional influences with the goal of testing
price homogeneity, a hypothesis usually assumed. The traditional
parsimonious equation of money demand encompassing only income and
opportunity cost validates the long-run price homogeneity hypothesis, as
the LR test shows (see Table 1).
Therefore, the extended M2 equation can be estimated in real terms.
Estimating the households' money demand by the means of
cointegrated VAR
The additional variables added to the previous model are
unemployment and consumer confidence indicator, while in the short run
equation a measure of uncertainty is included. Uncertainty was
determined by averaging the standardised conditional volatility (5)
[Varstd.sub.i] = [Var.sub.i] - [[bar.Var].sub.i]/Stdev{[Var.sub.i])) of
GDP, exchange rate and Robor3M rate, as we considered them to be the
most relevant for extracting individuals' uncertainty (estimation
results are presented in Appendix 2).
The cointegrating VAR framework is very sensitive to specification
errors. As most tests rely on normality, lack of autocorrelation, the
system specification needs to be improved by correcting and accounting
for intervention dummies, blip dummies, shift dummies. A thorough
inspection of the data series in levels and first difference offers some
necessary pieces of information for improving the VAR framework
specification. As starting with September 2008 most variables registered
a shift in their evolution, a shift dummy for the investigation interval
is necessary. Whether this episode is transitory and the future
evolution of the series will indicate this feature, which we consider to
happen, it does not matter for the time span under analysis as the shift
is visible and persistent. Moreover, some of the investigated series
behave as I(2) variables when considering the whole sample 2000-2010,
due to the recent developments, but as this evolution is not necessarily
a quadratic trend, but more of a temporary correction we considered it
was better to assume them I(1)--as they are when investigated for the
interval up to 2008 Q2 (see appendix 1)--and control with the help of a
shift dummy the change in their evolution. Moreover, the existence of a
structural break in the data series distorts the results of the ADF
test, being preferable to account by the means of an external factor for
these changes. Explaining what provoked these developments can be more
productive than considering a quadratic trend (Juselius 2006).
The first step in the cointegrating VAR methodology, is the
estimation of an unrestricted VAR
[y.sub.t] = [p.summation over (i=1)][[PI].sub.i][y.sub.t-i] +
[[psi].sub.0][x.sub.t] + [PHI][D.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t]. (i)
Errors are assumed to be NI(0,[OMEGA]), [[PI].sub.i] and [PHI]
matrices of coefficients and D is a vector of determinist variables
(including constants and deterministic trends), and [x.sub.t] is a
vector of exogenous variables. Under this framework, the best lag length
is determined, so as to ensure Gaussian errors. Even though it is
usually better to choose a less parsimonious specification (as
cointegration rank tests are robust under over-parametrisation), when it
comes to the selected number of lags, given the short sample, a high
number of variables and therefore the computational problems we chose
the lag length indicated by the Schwartz and LR criteria (see Table 2).
Another argument in supporting this decision is the fact that if the
remaining autocorrelation is due to omitted factors, a higher rank would
only lead to over-parametrisation and distorted economical
interpretation of results.
The second step in the analysis is reformulating the UVAR into a
[DELTA][y.sub.t] = [[PI].sub.1][y.sub.t-1] + [l-1.summation over
(i=1)][[GAMMA].sub.i][DELTA][y.sub.t-i] + [[psi].sub.0][x.sub.t] +
[PHI][D.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t] (2)
and testing the rank of [[PI].sub.1], where [[PI].sub.1] =
[alpha][beta], [alpha] and [beta] being pxr matrices.
As errors need to be stationary, [[PI].sub.1] [y.sub.t-1] should
also be a stationary combination.
Rank determination is done through a likelihood based procedure
which is able to identify the large enough eigenvalues [[lambda].sub.i]
which correspond to stationary [beta]' [y.sub.t-1]. The number of
cointegration equations is therefore determined by the use of trace test
and maximum eigenvalue test. The LR test also called the trace test or
the Johansen (1991) test, calculated as
LR([H.sub.r]/[H.sub.p]) = -T ln[(l - [[lambda].sub.r+1])... (1 -
[[lambda].sub.p])] = -T [p.summation over (i=r+1)] (1 -
[[lambda].sub.i]), (3)
where [H.sub.p]: rank = p (full rank)
[H.sub.r:] rank = r < p is very sensitive in small samples,
having a low power, therefore the results need to be validated from the
point of view of economic interpretation and validity. The asymptotic
distribution of the test depends on the cointegrating VAR specification
regarding the inclusion of constant and trend.
The other statistical measure, the maximum eigenvalue completes the
trace statistic, by testing the hypothesis of r cointegrating relations
against the alternative of r + (6).
[[lambda].sub.max] = -T log(1 - [[lambda].sub.r+1]). (4)
Restricting the VECM is done in accordance with economic theory,
these hypotheses being tested by the likelihood ratio statistics. As the
restrictions in the VECM framework can be put both on [alpha] and [beta]
and their validity tested, we analysed whether unit elasticity with
respect to wage can be assumed.
At this leg length (1), a specification with trend both in the
cointegration equation and in the VAR is suggested. This is not
surprising the series' evolution after the default of Lehman
Brothers. For controlling of the period starting with 2008Q3 reason the
shift dummy dumm08 is included as exogenous in the cointegrated VAR
specification. At the same time, the inclusion of a deterministic trend
in both the cointegrating and short-run adjustment systems is justified
by the M2, wage and unemployment series. When analysed up to 2008, the
series behaves as under the trend inclusion assumption in the ADF test.
Therefore, a deterministic trend is present in the data. For economic
interpretability, we restricted the cointegrating rank to 1.
Estimation offers somewhat economically sound results (see Table
3). The estimated cointegration equation allows the possibility of
restricting the coefficient of real wage to 1; therefore, the unit
elasticity of household money holdings to wage can be considered further
Unemployment evolution seems to be a determinant of money holdings,
which can only be interpreted in terms of increasing precautionary
demand for money. Surprisingly, consumer confidence does not seem to be
very relevant for households' behaviour, very small coefficient and
a sign change after imposing the restriction on wages.
The interest rate differential was validated as an opportunity
cost, but a different thing happened with quarterly inflation measured
through the consumption deflator. It seems that periods of high
inflation do not have the effect of dragging individuals out of the
money holdings. This coefficient could perhaps be also attached to the
period of high inflation and increase in monetary aggregates or it might
be explained partly also by the differences in computation between the
consumption deflator and inflation.
The obtained cointegration equation even though acceptably adequate
from the perspective of residual tests (normally skewed, no signs of
autocorrelation nor of heteroskedasticity), can be improved by adding
another cointegrating equation, the one for consumption.
Therefore, we repeated the whole procedure previously described and
restricted for a rank of 2 (trace and eigenvalue tests suggested a
number of 3 cointegating equations).
Re-estimating the cointegrated var system leads to the results
presented in Table 4 (restrictions imposed and no signs of rejection):
The equation for consuwmption has the ability of making the
households money demand behaviour clearer. The unemployment measure,
previously positively correlated to money demand has the opposite impact
on consumption, being a hint to the formerly stated precautionary
reason. Furthermore, including consumption leads to a better fit of
short term movements (measured by the increase in adjusted R-square, a
lower standard error and better AIC and SIC information criteria
The short-term evolution draws its importance from money
holders' behaviour that are considered to establish certain targets
and thresholds regarding the quantity of money they hold and who will
react for adjusting their holdings when one of the self imposed limits
is hit (Smith 1986).
The impulse response analysis (Fig. 1) shows that a shock in
unemployment will in the long run also have a downward impact on money
demand. The effect is opposite for consumption. The biggest downward
impact on consumption happens in the first quarters after the shock has
taken place. On the other hand, a shock in consumer confidence has the
maximum positive impact at 2-3 quarters after the shock happened.
The measure of uncertainty which we have computed following
Atta-Mensah (2004) did not prove relevant for the short term movements.
Still, the coefficients are in accordance with expectations, positive
impact on M2 money holdings on account of increasing precautionary
demand in times of uncertainty and a negative impact for consumption.
Given the narrow portfolio options, a small impact from uncertainty on
money demand is acceptable--especially as we analysed the behaviour of
M2 money holding which comprise both transaction and precautionary money
demand. Therefore, the change in structure is not visible; an increase
in precautionary money demand being accompanied by a decrease in
transaction holdings; therefore, there is a shift inside the M2 which
the analysis cannot reveal. But, to a certain extent, this is revealed
by the consumption equation.
There are still some specification problems (residual tests
presented in the appendix 3). The multiple normality hypothesis is
rejected due to kurtosis values. Anyway, VAR specifications are more
sensitive to deviations from normality due to skewness rather than to
kurtosis (Juselius 2006). Neither signs of residual correlation are
left, nor of heteroskedasticity.
Results of the VECM estimation are enforced by estimating the
system of short run influences by seemingly unrelated regression (7)
(see appendix 4). Moreover, results of the SUR estimation provide
similar coefficient values, under better model specification. Results
point to a relatively low speed of adjustment -0.10 in the VECM
framework and -0.12 in the SUR estimation; therefore, an adjustment
happens in about 8 to 10 quarters. A low speed of adjustment is
nevertheless typical for studies regarding money demand (Seitz,
Landesberger 2010).
4. Conclusions
Even though facing the problem of a small sample and of significant
structural break, the estimated cointegrated VAR offers some insight
into the mechanism of household money demand. Besides the traditional
factors, (income and opportunity cost) we introduced unemployment as
decision important variable and measures of risk and uncertainty which
did not prove to be as significant as expected. Because M2 also includes
the precautionary component of money holding, we considered the
introduction of a consumption function which helped in making the
mechanism even clearer appropriate.
Therefore, the whole mechanism could be synthesized as follows:
households' money holdings are (i) directly influenced by the level
of income (a unit coefficient being validated); (ii) inversely by the
opportunity cost measured by the interest rate differential but not
registering a similar response to variations in the consumption
deflator, (iii) has a positive response to unemployment--which gradually
turns negative--due to the precautionary component (fact enforced by the
negative reaction of households' consumption to unemployment
evolution suggesting the repositioning from transactions holdings to
precautionary); (iv) uncertainty has no influence on the short run, but
consumer confidence in the long-run equation has the ability of
positively influencing money holdings.
The estimated cointegrated VAR is acceptably adequate except for
the errors' kurtosis, but after restricting and re-estimating the
short run component this problem is no longer present in the SUR
estimation. Moreover, the short-run adjustment is slowly producing.
doi: 10.3846/20294913.2011.587506
Appendix 1. ADF Unit root test
Variable Exogenous t- Prob
LM2DEFL Constant, Linear Trend 0.52 1.00
D(LM2DEFL) Constant, Linear Trend -5.30 0.00
LWAGEDEFL Constant, Linear Trend -0.58 0.97
D(LWAGEDEFL) Constant, Linear Trend -5.75 0.00
DDEFL Constant -2.69 0.09
D(DDEFL) Constant -8.73 0.00
I Constant -1.77 0.39
D(I) Constant -7.22 0.00
UNEMPLOYMENT Constant, Linear Trend -2.98 0.16
D(UNEMPLOYMENT) Constant, Linear Trend -6.74 0.00
CONS_CONF Constant -1.45 0.54
D(CONS_CONF) Constant -4.45 0.00
Appendix 2. GARCH estimation of uncertainty components
Dependent Variable: ROBOR3M
Method: ML-ARCH
Date: 01)22)11 Time: 20:52
Sample (adjusted): 2000Q3 2010Q3
Included observations: 41 after adjustments
Convergence achieved after 38 iterations
MA Backcast: 200002
Presample variance: backcast (parameter = 0.7)
GARCH = C(4) + C(5rRESID(-1)^2 + C(B)*GARCH(-1)
Variable Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob
AR(1) 1.108711 0.012411 89.33066 0.0000
AR(2) -0.136726 0.013465 -7.024359 0.0000
MA(1) 0.552007 0.114910 4.803806 0.0000
Variance Equation
C 12.47880 4.855348 2.570115 0.0102
RESID(-1)^2 -0.121537 0.123151 -0.986895 0.3237
GARCH(-1) -0871016 0.095433 -9.126435 0.0000
R-squared 0.968740 Mean dependent var 18.69122
Adjusted R-squared 0.964274 S.D. dependent var 13.30652
S.E. of regression 2.515108 Akaike info criterion 4.858618
Sum squared resid 221.4019 Schwarz criterior 5.109385
Log likelihood -93.60167 Hannan-Quinn criter. 4.949933
Durbin-Watson stal 2.219551
Inverted AR Roots 97 .14
Inverted MA Roots -.55
Dependent Variable: RON_EURO
Method: ML-ARCH
Date: 01/22/11 Time: 20:57
Sample (adjusted): 20DCQ3 2010Q3
Included observations: 41 after adjustments
Failure to improve Likelihood after 75 iterations
MA Backcast: 2C00Q2
Presample variance: backcast (parameter = C.7)
GARCH = C(5) + C(6)+RESID(-1)^2 + C(7)*GARCH(-1) + C(8)*GARCH(-2)
Variable Coefficient Std. z- Prob
Error Statistic
C 4.288198 3.225843 18.98750 3.0000
AR(1) 1.044210 3.154584 3.754956 3.0000
AR(2) -0.121760 3.129136 -0.942884 3.3457
MA(1) 0.273654 3.096569 2.830831 3.0046
Variance Equation
C 0.029790 3.008498 3.505482 3.0005
RESID(-1)^2 0.293561 3.138166 2.124697 3.0336
GARCHC-1) -0.573473 3.056396 -10.07937 3.0000
GARCH(-2) -0.794663 3.129439 -6.139278 3.0000
R-squared 0.950022 Mean dependent var 3.525443
Adjusted 0.939420 S.D. dependent var 0.578731
S.E. of 0.142443 Akaike info criterior -1.259576
Sum squared 0.669569 Schwarz criterion -0.925220
Log likelihood 33.82130 Hannan-Quinn criter -1.137822
F-statistic 89.61238 Durbin-Watson stat 2.188370
Prob 0.000000
Inverted .91 .13
AR Roots
Inverted -.27
MA Roots
Dependent Variable: LOG(GDP)
Method: ML-ARCH
Date: 01)22111 Time: 2C:46
Sample (adjusted): 2000Q4 2010Q3
Included observations: 40 after adjustments
Convergence achieved after 33 iterations
MABackcast: 2000Q.3
Presample variance: backcast (parameter = 0.7)
GARCH = C(6) + C(7)RESID(-1)^2 + C(8)+GARCH(-1)
Dependent Variable: LOG(GDP)
Method: ML-ARCH
Date:01>22i11 Time: 20:46
Sample (adjusted): 200004 2010Q3
Included observations: 40 after adjustments
Convergence achieved after 33 Iterations
MABackcast: 2000Q3
Presample variance: backcast (parameter = 0.7)
GARCH - C(6) + C(7) * RESID(-1) ^2 + C(S) * GARCH(-1)
Variable Coefficient Std Error z- Prob.
C 10.33794 0.045117 229.1338 O.OOOO
AR(1) 0.850295 0.105893 3.029778 O.OOOO
AR(2) 3.334255 0.216614 1.773912 0.0761
AR(3) -0.279792 0.116119 -2.409533 0.0160
MA(1) 3.952859 24.67317
Variance Equation
C 0.000142 4.47E-05 3.168942 0.0015
RESID(-1>^-2 0.400307 0.202284 1.978935 0.0478
GARCH(-1) -0.714095 0.205735 -3.470941 0.0005
R-squared 3.994834 Mean dependent var 10.19163
Adjusted R-squared 3.993704 S.D. dependent var 0.146255
S.E. of regression 3.011605 Akaike Info criterior -6.183587
Sum squared resld 3.004310 Schwarz criterion -5.845811
Log likelihood 131.6717 Hannan-Quinn criter -6.061458
F-statistlc 880.3570 Durbin-Watson stat 2.043904
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Inverted AR Roots .94 50 -.59
Inverted MA Roots - 95
Appendix 3. Residuals tests
Component Statistic Chi-sq df Prob.
1 0.058438 0.019955 1 0.8877
2 -0.003843 3.61E-05 1 0.9926
3 -0.321833 0.604195 1 0.4370
4 -0.280511 0.459004 1 0.4981
5 0.503331 1.477330 1 0.2241
6 0.114352 0.076279 1 0.7824
7 -0.049295 0.014175 1 0.9052
Joint 2.651525 7 0.9153
Component Kurtosis Chi-sq df Prob
1 1.029359 5.663328 1 0.0173
2 0.803028 7.038915 1 O.OOBO
3 1.267000 4.379794 1 0.0364
4 1.481195 3.364039 1 0.0656
5 3.267515 0.104364 1 0.7467
6 1.092453 5.306487 1 0.0212
7 1.245397 4.489670 1 0.0341
30.34660 7 0.0001
Component Jarque- df Prob
1 5.583283 2 0.0583
2 7.039001 2 0.0296
3 4.983989 2 0.0827
4 3.323043 2 0.1479
5 1.582195 2 0.4533
6 5.382766 2 0.0678
7 4.503845 1 0.1052
32.99812 14 0.0029
VEC Residual Serial Correlation LM Test
Lags LM-Stat Prob
1 55.03908 0.2568
2 57.33946 0.1934
3 45.95098 0.5975
4 49.55999 0.4508
5 56.53094 0.2143
6 44.93818 0.6385
Probs from chi-square with 49 df.
VEC Residual Heteroskedasticity Test:
No. Cross Terms
Joint test:
Chi-sq df Prob
655.8883 644 0.3640
Appendix 4. Comparison
Table 1. VECM Estimation
CointEq1 -0.103076 0.000000 0.017821
(0.06332) (0.00000) (0.09621)
[-1.62778] [NA] [0.18523]
CointEq2 0.000000 -0.064970 O.267O20
(0.00000) (0.06318) (0.10125)
[NA] [-1.02826] [2.63715]
D(LM2DEFL(-1)) -0.125614 0.098325 -0.135983
(0.24274) (0.22577) (0.21358)
[-0.51749] [0.43551] [-0.63668]
D(LC0NS(-1)) -0.664394 -0.061170 -0.626886
(0.29616) (0.27545) (0.26058)
[-2.24542] [-0.22207] [-2.40571]
D(LWASEDEFL(-1) -0.223605 -0.412432 -0.106909
(0.24657) (0.22933) (0.21695)
[-0.90686] [-1.79841] [-0.49277]
D(I(-1)) -0.004071 -0.000292 -0.002353
(0.00151) (0.00141) (0.00133)
[-2.69233] [-0.20728] [-1.76862]
D(UNEMPLOYMENTS (-1)) -0.000921 -0.003543 0.000515
(0.00260) (0.00242) (0.00229)
[-0.35356] [-1.46317] ; 0.22484]
D(DDEFL(-1)) -0.509366 -0.415252 -0.307959
(0.19190) (0.17848) (0.16885)
[-2.65433] [-2.32656] [-1.82387]
D(C0NS_C0NF(-1)) 0.001908 0.001143 0.00140C
(0.00062) (0.00058) (0.00055)
[3.07676] [1.98182] [2.56645]
C 3.003563 0.002672 0.017117
(0.01227) (0.01141) (0.01080)
[0.23044] [0.23415] ; 1.58557]
@TREND(00Q1) 0.003365 0.001550 0.001496
(0.00069) (0.00064) (0.00061)
[4.85734] [2.40622] [2.45344]
DUMM08 -0.112136 -0.082189 -0.074419
(0.02088) (0.01942) (0.01837)
[-5.37020] (-4.23188] [-4.05045]
UNCERTANTY -0.003607 0.004051 -0.005562
(0.00507) (0.00472) (0.00446)
[-0.71085] [0.85838] [-1.24568]
R-squared 0.777811 0.791333 0.843541
Adj. R-squared 0.656617 0.677514 0.758200
Sum sq. resids 0.004296 0.003717 0.003326
S.E. equation 0.013974 0.O12997 0.012296
F-statistic 3.417891 6.952585 9.884359
Log likelihood 107.9309 110.4676 112.4097
Akaike AIC -5.424622 -5.569576 -5.680554
Schwa rz SC -4.846922 -4.991875 -5.102853
Mean dependent 0.037871 0.O15822 0.017737
S.D. dependent 0.023848 0.O22888 0.025005
Determinant resid covariance (dot adj 2.8E-14
Determinant resid covariance 1.08E-15
Log likelihood 254.9186
Akaike information criterion -8.566321
Schwa rz criterior -3.900277
CointEq1 -61.57049 0.022020 0.375480
(11.7232; (10.5696) (0.09563)
[-5.25201] [0.00208] [3.92655]
CointEq2 -72.21280 0.886855 0.048392
(121694) (10.9372) (0.10508)
[-5.93395] [0.08109; [0.46054]
D(LM2DEFL(-1)) -14.61858 1 9.07274 -0.201523
(26.2246) (23.7853) (0.26002)
[-0.55744] [0.80187; [-0.77502]
D(LC0NS(-1)) 101.1497 1 8.38704 0.513076
(31.9956) (29.0196) (0.31724)
[3.16136] [0.63361] [1.61730]
D(LWASEDEFL(-1) 3.002039 -6.578214 0.897377
(26.6386) (24.1608) (0.26413)
[0.30039] [-0.27227; [3.39753]
D(I(-1)) -0.009148 0.1 3653E 0.000310
(0.16336) (0.14816) (0.00162)
[-0.05600] [0.92154] [0.19137]
D(UNEMPLOYMENTS (-1)) -0.596637 -0.201970 0.004504
(0.28129) (0.25513) (0.00279)
[-2.12107] [-0.79165] [1.61497]
D(DDEFL(-1)) -57.64663 6.730301 0.419241
(20.7322) (18.8038) (0.20556)
[-2.78053] [0.35792] [2.03947]
D(C0NS_C0NF(-1)) -0.010047 -0.055386 -0.001076
(0.06700) (0.06077) (0.00066)
[-0.14996] -0.91148] [-1.61991]
C -5.960194 0.063742 -0.012045
(1.32552) (1.20223) (0.01314;
[-4.49648; [0.05302; [-0.91 645]
@TREND(00Q1) 0.228697 -O.O68630 -0.000761
(0.07484) (0.06788) (0.00074;
[3.05561] [-1.01100] [-1.02542]
DUMM08 -2.987085 2.732458 0.046210
(2.25593) (2.04609) (0.02237)
[-1.32410; [1.33545; [2.06590]
UNCERTANTY 0.690240 0.111794 0.009454
(0.54821) (0.49722) (0.00544]
[1.25908] [0.22484] [1.73936]
R-squared 0.655372 0.144658 3.862412
Adj. R-squared 0.467392 -0.321891 3.787363
Sum sq. resids 50.1456E 41.25092 3.004930
S.E. equation 1.509751 1 369322 3.014969
F-statistic 3.486407 0.31006E 11.49143
Log likelihood -55.95557 -52.53854 105.5235
Akaike AIC 3.940318 3.745060 -5.287058
Schwa rz SC 4.518019 4.322760 -4.709357
Mean dependent 0.149571 -0.008571 -0.001693
S.D. dependent 2.06872E 1.190989 3.032463
Determinant resid covariance (dot adj.)
Determinant resid covariance
Log likelihood
Akaike information criterion
Schwa rz criterior
Error D(CONS_C...
CointEq1 27.77164
CointEq2 [-9.20731]
D(LM2DEFL(-1)) 32.13107
D(LC0NS(-1)) 16.48161
D(LWASEDEFL(-1) -30.3836E
D(I(-1)) -0.869247
D(UNEMPLOYMENTS (-1)) -0.681324
D(DDEFL(-1)) -4.399033
D(C0NS_C0NF(-1)) -0.053253
C -4.202535
@TREND(00Q1) 0.079822
DUMM08 -7.758463
UNCERTANTY -0.368151
R-squared 0.477793
Adj. R-squared 0.192954
Sum sq. resids 686.1254
S.E. equation 5.584577
F-statistic 1.677410
Log likelihood -101.7378
Akaike AIC 6.556446
Schwa rz SC 7.134147
Mean dependent -1.180000
S.D.dependent 6.216430
Determinant resid covariance (dot adj.)
Determinant resid covariance
Log likelihood
Akaike information criterion
Schwarz criterior
Table 2. SUR Estimation
System: ECM
Estimation Method: Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Date: 02107/11 Time: 23:36
Sample: 2001Q4 201 0Q3
Included observations: 36
Total system (balanced) observations 72
Linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix
Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob
C(1) -0.125341 0.043533 -2.879231 0.0055
C(4) -0.624267 0.157446 -3.964970 0.0002
C(5) -0.333510 0.143432 -2.325210 0.0235
C(6) -0.003570 0.001001 -3.564900 0.0007
C(8) -0.529071 0.125895 -4.202478 0.0001
C(9) 0.001923 0.000388 4.957960 0.0000
C(11) 0.003320 0.000274 12.11959 0.0000
C(12) -0.109624 0.012486 -8.779920 0.0000
C(15) -0.139366 0.039806 -3.501128 0.0009
C(21) -0.164317 0.066441 -2.473124 0.0163
C(22) 0.000938 0.000355 2.642886 0.0105
C(24) 0.001320 0.000110 11.97677 0.0000
C(25) -0.068197 0.006574 -10.37390 0.0000
Determinant residual 1.61 E-08
Equation: D(LM2DEFL)= C(1)*( LM2DEFL(-1) -1 *LWAGEDEFL(-1) +
0.00796646679368*l(-1)- 0.01 59963560363*UNEMPLOYMENT(-1) -
3.5371 7390802*DDEFL(-1) - 0.00337694953936 * CONS_CONF(-1) -
0.263811686179 *@TREND(D0Q1) - 0.60693561 0289) + C(4)
* D(LCONS(-1)) + C(5)*D(LWAGEDEFL(-1)) + C(6)*D(K-1)) + C(8)
* D(DDEFL(-1)) + C(9)*D(CONS_CONF(-1)) + C(11 )*@TREND(00Q1) +
C(12) * DUMM08
Observations: 38
R-squared 0.792023
Adjusted R-squared 0.740029
S.E. of regression 0.012932
Durbin-Watson stat 2.343617
Mean dependent var 0.036282
S.D. dependent var 0.025364
Sum squared resid 0.004683
Equation: D(LCONS)= C(15) * (LCONS(-1) - 0.568627985797
* LWAGEDEFL(-1) + 0.00300197162086 * UNEMPLOYMENT (-1) +
1.16289832827 * DDEFL(-1) + 0.00157610382946 * CONS_CONF(-1) -
0.0035720980905*@TREND(OOQ1)- 1.31484284684) + C(21)
* D(DDEFL(-1)) + C(22)*D(CONS_CONF(-1)) + C(24)*@TREND(00Q1)
+ C(25)*DUMM08
Observations: 36
R-squared 0.748195
Adjusted R-squared 0.715704
S.E. of regression 0.012239
Durbin-Watson stat 2.401081
Mean dependent var 0.015114
S.D. dependent var 0.022954
Sum squared resid 0.004644
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Gheorghe Ruxanda (1), Andreea Muraru (2)
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, 15-17 Calea Dorobanti,
sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
E-mails: (1) (corresponding author); (2)
Received 7 January 2011; accepted 4 May 2011
(1) VAR--Vectors Auto Regressive
(2) SUR--Seemingly Unrelated Regression
(3) Money Demand and Uncertainty, ECB Monthly Bulletin, October
2005, 57-73 and Sectoral money holding: determinants and recent
developments, ECB Monthly Bulletin August 2006, 59-72.
(4) As sectoral data are available only starting from December
2004, the data was estimated backwards by taking into account
households' holdings of currency (from the national financial
accounts) and keeping all other holdings proportional with the share
they had in December 2004.
(5) Atta-Mensah (2004) used in building the uncertainty measure of
the conditional volatility of a stock market index, long-term interest
rate, 90-day commercial paper rate, exchange rate between Canada and US
and real GDP.
(6) As mentioned in Harris (1995) it is not uncommon that the two
statistics offer different results, especially in the case of small
samples. Anyway, between the two the trace statistics is more robust to
residuals' lack of normality.
(7) SUR allows estimating the equations of the system by accounting
for the residuals' correlation (coming from different common
influences and perceived shocks).
Gheorghe RUXANDA. PhD in Economic Cybernetics, is Full Professor
and PhD Adviser within the Department of Economic Cybernetics, The
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. He graduated from the Faculty of
Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic
Studies, Bucharest (1975) where he also earned his Doctor's Degree
(1994). Had numerous research visits in Columbia University --School of
Business, New York, USA (1999), Southern Methodist University (SMU),
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Dallas, Texas, USA (1999),
Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France (2000), Reading University,
England (2002), North Carolina University, Chapel Hill, USA (2002). He
is full professor of Multidimensional Data Analysis (Doctoral School),
Multidimensional Data Analysis (Master Studies), Modeling and Neural
Calculation (Master Studies). Fields of Scientific Competence:
evaluation, measurement, quantification, analysis and prediction in the
economic field; econometrics and statistical-mathematical modeling in
the economic-financial field; multidimensional statistics and
multidimensional data analysis; pattern recognition and neural networks;
risk analysis and uncertainty in economics; development of software
instruments for economic-mathematical modeling. Scientific research
activity: over 35 years of scientific research in both theory and
practice of quantitative economy and in coordinating research projects;
48 scientific papers presented at national and international scientific
sessions and symposia; 64 scientific research projects with national and
international financing; 69 scientific papers published in prestigious
national and international journals in the field of economic
cybernetics, econometrics, multidimensional data analysis,
microeconomics, scientific informatics, out of which seven papers being
published in ISI--Thompson Reuters journals; 15 manuals and university
courses in the field of econometrics, multidimensional data analysis,
microeconomics, scientific informatics; 31 studies of national public
interest developed within the scientific research projects.
Andreea MURARU is PhD candidate in Economic Cybernetics at the
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, has an MA degree in Finance
(2007), graduated the Faculty of Economics, Babes-Bolyai University in
Cluj-Napoca, majoring Statistics (2005) and was ERASMUS-SOCRATES Student
of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki. Fields of Scientific Interest:
econometrics and macroeconometrics, macroeconomic modeling,
multidimensional time series analysis with a focus on cointegrated VAR.
Scientific research activity: involvement in one research project with
national financing; participant in national and international
conferences and symposia; seven published papers out of which two
articles being published in ISI--Thompson Reuters journals.
Table 1. Testing price homogeneity
Cointegration Restrictions:
B(1,1) = 1, B(1,3) = -1
Convergence achieved after 7 iterations.
Restrictions identify all cointegrating vectors
LR test for binding restrictions (rank = 1):
Chi-square (1) 0.014310
Probability 0.904782
Cointegrating Eq: CointEq1
LM2NSA(-1) 1.00
LWAGEDEFL(-1) -0.84
LOG(DEFLSA(-1)) -1.00
@TREND(00Q1) -0.024
C -3.28
Table 2. Lag length determination
VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria
Exogenous variables: C DUMM08 UNCERTANTY
Sample: 2000Q1 2010Q3
Included observations: 34
0 -92.91 NA 2.75 e-05
1 97.17 279.55 * 3.43 e-09
2 137.98 45.60 3.54 e-09
3 199.86 47.31 1.81 e-09 *
0 6.52 7.33 6.80
1 -2.53 -0.11 * -1.71
2 -2.82 1.21 -1.44
3 -4.34 * 1.31 -2.41 *
* indicates lag order selected by the
LR: sequential modified LR test
statistic (each test at 5% level)
FPE: Final prediction error
AIC: Akaike information criterion
SC: Schwarz information criterion
HQ: Hannan-Quinn information criterion
Table 3. Household money demand
Vector Error Correction Estimates Cointegration Restrictions:
Sample (adjusted): 2001Q4 2010Q2 B(1,1) = 1, B(1,2) = -1
Included observations: 35 Convergence achieved after
after adjustments 168 iterations.
Standard errors in ( ) & Restrictions identify all
t-statistics in [ ] cointegrating Vectors
LR test for binding
restrictions (rank = 1):
Chi-square(1) 2.69
Probability 0.10
Cointegrating Eq: CointEq1 Cointegrating Eq: CointEq1
LM2DEFL(-1) 1.00 LM2DEFL(-1) 1.00
LWAGEDEFL(-1) -1.28 LWAGEDEFL(-1) -1.00
(0.12) I(-1) 0.009
[-10.35] [ 5.85]
I(-1) 0.012
(0.002) UNEMPLOYMENT(-1) -0.02
[5.62] (0.004)
UNEMPLOYMENT (-1) -0.019 [-4.56]
[-4.34] DDEFL(-1) -1.48
DDEFL(-1) -1.85 (0.38)
(0.38) [-3.94]
[-4.82] CONS_CONF(-1) -0.002
CONS_CONF(-1) 0.0007 (0.0008)
(0.001) [-2.71]
[ 0.67]
@TREND(00Q1) -0.025 @TREND(00Q1) -0.029
(0.003) (0.001)
[-8.99] [-19.95]
C 3.73 C -0.52
Table 4. Household money demand and consumption
Vector Error Correction Estimates
Sample (adjusted): 2001Q4 2010Q2
Included observations: 35 after adjustments
Standard errors in ( ) & t-statistics in [ ]
Cointegration Restrictions:
B(1,1) = 1, B(1,2) = 0, B(1,3) = -1, B(2,1) =
0,B(2,2) = 1, B(2,4) = 0
A(1,2) = 0, A(2,1) = 0
Convergence achieved after 227 iterations.
Restrictions identify all cointegrating vectors
LR test for binding restrictions (rank = 2):
Chi-square(4) 2.064692
Probability 0.723861
Cointegrating Eq: CointEq1 CointEq2
LM2DEFL(-1) 1.00 0.00
LCONS(-1) 0.00 1.00
LWAGEDEFL(-1) -1.00 -0.57
I (-1) 0.0079 0.00
UNEMPLOYMENT (-1) -0.016 0.003
(0.006) (0.005)
[-2.74] [ 0.57]
DDEFL(-1) -3.54 1.16
(0.50) (0.44)
[-7.09] [ 2.65]
CONS_CONF(-1) -0.003 0.0016
(0.001) (0.001)
@TREND(00Q1) [-2.97] [1.44]
C -0.026 -0.004
-0.61 -1.31