Optimal portfolio search using efficient surface and three-dimensional utility function/Optimalaus portfelio parinkimas panaudojant efektyviuosius pavirsius ir trimate naudingumo funkcija.
Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas ; Stasytyte, Viktorija
1. Introduction
The paper presents a framework to solve a new problem--an
argumentation on how to commensurate the utility of amount of investment
possibilities, its reliability and risk for investor (subject). Along
with that, the methods of sustainable investment return assurance
continue to be developed. The novelty of the paper is expressed by its
originality, which is stated by the fact that the paper addresses the
problem not previously solved in such a manner and proposes the methods
for its solving, developed by the authors.
The concept of risk developed by the authors and already presented
in the abstract, from slightly to drastically differs from variability
of process or event, which sometimes is used for quantitative risk
measuring. Other concepts mentioned among the keywords will be explained
in the text if they are used in a slightly different sense than
1.1. Development sustainability--a direction for the future
The broad concept of sustainable development gained prominence
after the publication of the so-called Brundtland Report 'Our
Common Future' (WCED 1987). Sustainable development was defined
there as: development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable development has become an important part of
international and national approaches to integrating economic,
environmental, social and ethical considerations so that a good quality
of life can be enjoyed by current and future generations for as long as
possible (Moffatt, Hanley 2001).
Although sustainable development is difficult to define using
mathematical terms, many researchers recognize that it is a function of
two major components, ecological and human. Therefore, sustainable
decision-making should have two simultaneous goals:
--achievement of human development to secure high standards of
--protection and improvement of the environment now and for the
generations to come (Andriantiatsaholiniaina et al. 2004).
Research has produced numerous indicators of sustainable
development so that it is possible to gain some insight into whether or
not an area, region or nation is on a trajectory of sustainable
development (Moffatt, Hanley 2001).
The concepts of sustainable evolution or development, which have
become the categories of analysis and management of countries, regions
and other multiaspect and complex systems (Wallner 1999; Ciegis et al.
2009; Hall et al. 2010; Todorov, Marinova 2010), probably inherited
their constructive philosophy and methodology about these systems'
present and future necessity of harmonic interaction from the research
of populations' (microorganisms, flora, fauna, etc.) sustainable
development possibilities. However, such a conversion has certain
inadmissible losses. One of the main attributes describing the
sustainable development of populations--guarantee, that the current
state or embraced trend of development will remain unchanged during a
long period of time with high enough probability--is not cherished. The
essence of this concept of persistence or survival is visualized by the
provision that probability (guarantee) P of the changing state (for
example, the probability that the quantity [xi]; of a certain population
during a long enough period of time t [member of] (0,T), will not drop
lower than a certain value [K.sub.g], critical for the population)
should remain at a certain level g (Rutkauskas, Stasytyte 2010):
P{[[xi].sub.t[member of](0,T)] [greater than or equal to]
[K.sub.g]} = g. (1)
There is no doubt that analysis and management of the country and
region sustainable development, related with research on such
multidimensional processes when separate aspects are linked with each
other by the complex interdependencies, is a complicated problem, hardly
conforming to operational management decisions. However, in many cases a
provision about preservation of quantitatively measured guaranty for
certain economic, demographic and financial proportions can become a
fundamental framework of the entire sustainable development nurturance.
The point already mentioned is very important in the projection of
decisions for the large investment subjects, such as investment banks,
mutual and pension funds, etc. An attempt of quantitative evaluation of
the possible reliability or guarantee of activity results should
mobilize the makers of such strategies to reveal the problems, solutions
for which strongly influence company success, and which still do not
have decisions giving satisfactory results.
One of the authors' areas of intensive research is the search
for sustainable return in exchange markets (Rutkauskas et al. 2006,
2008; Rutkauskas, Stasytyte 2006).
1.2. Investment--a constructive dialog with the future
It is necessary for selected methods in future possibilities
discussion, as well as for core concepts clearly to associate with
analysed objects, processes and decisions made. In order to illustrate
investment results possibilities description and estimation of the best
possibility a one-step portfolio investment is selected, and on its
basis the decision making and implementation will be discussed. In the
given case the portfolio P is composed of 3 assets, which are described
by certain probability distributions of their possibilities if a unit
capital is invested:
[D.sub.1]([a.sub.1], [[sigma].sub.1]), [D.sub.2] ([a.sub.2],
[[sigma].sub.2]), [D.sub.3], ([a.sub.3], [[sigma].sub.3]).
[a.sub.1] = 1.1; [a.sub.2] = 1.4; [a.sub.3] = 1.7.
[[sigma].sub.1] = 0.11; [[sigma].sub.2] = 0.15; [[sigma].sub.3] =
Thus P = p ([N.sub.1], [N.sub.2], [N.sub.3]) is a random variable
with probability distribution of its possibilities and survival function
(Fig. 1). Here function p is assumed to be simply the sum of the assets
p = [A.sub.1] + [A.sub.2] + [A.sub.3], and probability distributions
[D.sub.i] are represented by Normal probability distributions [N.sub.i].
In Fig. 1 the process is presented as a discrete case. Thus, the
sum of positive probabilities of the values (possibilities) described by
the density function compose 1.
Further in the text as possibilities of effect (or effectiveness)
determining rule of portfolio or asset a survival function will be used,
each point of which denotes a numerical value of effect possibility and
reliability or guarantee P{[xi] [greater than or equal to] x} = g of
this value.
1.3. Past versus future
Often speaking about determination and uncertainty past is accepted
as a bastion of determination and that things happened in the past can
be estimated (measured, accepted) unambiguously, while future cannot be
treated unambiguously and forces us to learn the particular language for
analysing certain events in the future.
Difference between past and future becoming possibilities simply is
accepted as a dogma. We never think that if the time would stop the
events for several moments or transfer them forward, then, first of all,
no one of existing persons or animals would live. There would have been
another people, instead of which now we are here, and in the former case
the world would be completely different. Accepting the reality in such a
perception, deliberating what would be now if time would have shortened
for a while of would have lengthened is no less complex than attempting
to answer what will be in the future. There is no doubt that
concentrating attention on stochasticity of the real processes in the
past we could more reliably answer the question of "what...
if" for the past. And this could serve for developing of
"what....if" analysis methods for the future. Even
theoretically more argumented and detailed analysis of past
possibilities realization should be the strong methodological argument
and source of information for analysing "what... if" in the
future. Thus, consideration of "what... if" could become not
only increasingly interesting story for science fiction novel, but also
the reasoning of future possibilities evaluation. Further the main
concepts and thought logics will be discussed, related with future
analysis considering possibilities of a person to influence the future
realization of events with the help of his today's decisions. Of
course, the mankind is not omnipotent while choosing the future, but
there exist such situations when the set of future events fully depends
on today's individual steps. Investment will be selected as an
exceptional personal activity, because here today's actions are
projected in order to convert our decisions and intentions into attained
objectives, implementing our expectations.
In order to associate the core concepts of the selected language
style with the analysed actions, processes and decisions made, in the
paper, as it was mentioned before, one portfolio investment management
step is selected, in the beginning of which we invest a unit of capital,
and possible result at the end of this step is described by investment
effect possibilities' probability distribution. As it was already
mentioned, in the analysed case portfolio is composed of three assets,
for which the perspective of unit capital investment one step period is
described respectively by certain probability distributions of
2. Adequate portfolio as natural result of modern investment
portfolio development, intended for integrated profitability, risk and
reliability application regarding investor's utility function
Function of fundamental modern (Markowitz) portfolio and its
further amplifications (Fabozzi, Markowitz 2002; Reilly, Brown 2003) is
an intention to commensurate investment profitability and risk
objectively and to give an opportunity to select a portfolio taking into
consideration investor's indifference curve. Efficiency line of
portfolio values is fundamental mean of such choice and optimization
(Sharpe 1964). However, evaluation of the aimed profitability's
reliability and along with general commensuration of profitability,
risk, and reliability levels, the essence of which discloses
analytically through designing an effective surface in
three-dimensional--profitability, risk, reliability--space is of premium
and natural importance for today's investor. Effective surface,
which is formed as an intersection of survival functions of portfolio
possibilities values and iso-guaranties, not only contributes for such a
commensuration, but also becomes a set of constraints searching for the
possibility of the highest profitability for an investor, in other words
a criteria invoking his utility function, that depends on profitability,
risk, and reliability. Here the word risk is distinguished in order to
stress the principal difference between the riskness of investment
possibilities' and investor's risk, which depends also on
individual features of an investor.
In order to reveal in details the contents and mechanism of
portfolio investment decisions' reliability concept, we will
briefly take a look over adequate for investment decisions reliability
assessment portfolio anatomy.
Fig. 2 presents adequate portfolio for investment decisions
reliability assessment, formed for a case of statistically independent
assets. "Mean--standard deviation" portfolio (modern, or
Markowitz portfolio (Markowitz 1952)) is shown in Fig. 2 section a.
Next, a bunch of the possible values of all possible
"quintiles--standard deviation" portfolios (Fig. 2, section b)
is formed. More precisely speaking, not all the quintiles were used for
this bunch here, but all percentiles. Thus, the bunch consists of 100
layers of possibilities' set, each representing different
reliability level. On the basis of the set of formed portfolio values
and on the analogy of the efficiency line of modern portfolio, a set of
all efficiency lines is composed, which is the framework for efficient
surface formation. The efficient surface is presented in Fig. 2, section
c for the three selected assets, the possibilities of which here are
defined by the Normal probability distributions:
[N.sub.1]([a.sub.1] = 0.12, [[sigma].sub.1] = 0.03),
[N.sub.2]([a.sub.2] = 0.07, [[sigma].sub.2] = 0.02), [N.sub.3]([a.sub.3]
= 0.06, [[sigma].sub.3] = 0.02).
There is no doubt that investor is interested not only in
quantitative indicators of investment profitability possibilities, but
also in the guarantee of each possibility--i.e. the probability that
investment profitability (return) will not drop below the certain level.
In case of modern stock portfolio, the guarantees of investment
profitability possibilities are usually not discussed, although in case
when portfolio return possibilities' probability distribution is a
Normal one, there is a direct possibility to evaluate these guarantees,
if mean value and standard deviation are known (Rutkauskas 2000).
Moreover, if the probability distribution of return possibilities is not
Normal and possesses a substantial enough amount of skewness, then
guarantee as a third indicator for possible value description gains even
bigger importance as only in such a manner the expected value of return
can be fully perceived and thoroughly quantitatively described. Raising
every efficiency line from the Fig. 2 section b by the level of its
guarantee or reliability, the three-dimensional view (profitability,
riskness, reliability) of the investment portfolio is formed (Fig. 2
section c). The precise description of the process of adequate portolio
formation and its geometrical view development can be found in
(Rutkauskas 2000, 2006; Rutkauskas, Stasytyte 2010). In Fig. 2 section d
we have the three-dimensional view of utility function, but it will be
discussed in details in next chapter.
3. The problems of efficiency, reliability and risk commensuration
in selection of investor's utility function
Selection of multicriteria functions and assessment of
possibilities of practical application are highly important problems
which receive much attention of mathematics, mechanics and other
representatives of "quantitative" science. None the less
attention should be given to these problems in social sciences, where
great part of factors is described only qualitatively, and its direct
application in multicriteria analysis provoke a lot of questions
(Steuer, Na 2003; Bivainis, Drejeris 2009; Ginevicius, Podvezko 2008;
Ginevicius, Zubrecovas 2009; Turskis et al. 2009; Zavadskas et al.
This paper intensively analyses a problem of factors commensuration
problem--detection of possibilities which determine how much the change
of one factor amount (unit) varies in terms of other factor certain
amount (number of units), when it is attempted to retain the same weight
of multicriteria function. Utility function and izoguarantees are
examples of exceptional importance in this paper.
3.1. Let us begin from efficiency and reliability commensuration
The common utility function, depending on the two parameters--p
(the size of possibility) and g (reliability (guarantee) of
possibility)--looks as follows:
U = u(p, g) =exp{p} x g. (2)
Even though in risk management literature the mentioned problem of
profitability, reliability and risk commensuration constantly receives a
high attention, but in job situation analysing even such classical
problem as selection of the best solution with regard to profitability
and reliability together in a situation represented in Fig. 1, A.
Riabacke (2006) makes a conclusion that "risk and probability
estimation made by managers are often based on inadequate information
and intention, that not formal analysis is carried out, that no computer
based decision tools are used in the decision making process, and
therefore most decisions are based on intuition and gut feeling".
Thus even in situation presented in Fig. 3, which is so simple and
natural that it seems to be dictated by the high intelligence, there are
some doubts regarding which X value is most suitable for an investor.
Moreover, it is not advised to make any recommendations for a particular
investor without a clear explanation of future impact of every decision
made when uncertainty is present. Probably utility function as a
decision making instrument (Fig. 2 section e) should incorporate
evaluation of possibilities of individual loss, or risk.
It is worth repeating that full understanding of risk should be
interpreted as subject's (investor's) probability distribution
of loss possibilities. Along with that it is clear that investor's
risk always depends on investment riskness. Utility function, or simply
indifference curve of an investor whose loss in case of failure is big
demands a non-diminishing guarantee even for a highly profitable and
promising investment.
3.2. Evaluation of possibilities reliability--the core problem in
investment decisions management
Evaluation of solutions reliability or guarantee is the urgent
decision management (decisions selection and implementation) problem,
that differentiates and at the same time associates logics and methods
of solutions, gained under the terms of determinated relation, and
solutions, gained under the terms of uncertainty and risk. Reliability
of solutions, under the terms of determinated relation, associates with
the accuracy of relation measurement and the propriety of decision
methods, while evaluation of reliability, under the terms of uncertainty
and risk, assumes to be entirely distinctive problem. In the paper we
will use the portfolio, adequate to the evaluation of investment
possibilities reliability, or simply adequate portfolio, which appears
to be not only an innovative approach to investment decisions
management, but also an effective mean to analyze possibilities and
project sustainable development of sophisticated systems (Rutkauskas,
Stasytyte 2010). Analyzing stochastic (probabilistic) values or
processes we will measure reliability of possibility as reliability or
survival function S(x) = 1 - F(x), here F(x) = P{[xi] < x} is
accumulated distribution function of investment possibilities.
It is important to notice that in literature for decisions
reasoning often profitability and risk concepts are proposed to use, and
even more precisely--the interaction of processes described by these
concepts. However, according our proposed logics, risk is intended for
reflection of not only investor's possible losses due to investment
possibilities riskness, but also investor's ability (or inability)
to manage the consequences of this riskness.
3.3. The concept of iso-guarantee
In order to approach the evaluation of investment utility for
investor according effectiveness of possibility, possibilities'
riskness and reliability of every possibility, a concept of
iso-guarantee is used and applied, which was proposed by the authors
(Rutkauskas 2003). Here and further in the paper investment portfolio
and every asset effectiveness will be perceived as portfolio
Q-level isoguarantee of investment portfolio is an efficiency line
of "q-level quintile risk" portfolio possibilities, which is
raised to q level on z axis (applicate axis) and connecting possibility
set values of the same guarantee under changing risk conditions.
In probability theory and mathematical statistics terminology,
iso-guarantee should indicate a line, connecting q-level quintiles
[[xi].sup.s.sub.q] : (P {[[xi].sup.s] [greater than or equal to]
[[xi].sup.s.sub.q]} = q) in a set of portfolio profitability
possibilities when portfolio riskness (s - standard deviation) changes
In general (Markowitz) case, efficiency line of modern portfolio is
not iso-guarantee. If portfolio profitability possibilities mean value
equals median for each risk level, then efficiency line becomes the
iso-guarantee of 0,5 level.
According efficient frontier generation logics, if all the possible
quintiles (here--percentiles) become profitability resultant, then
structural formation of the set of iso-guarantees is presented in Figs 4
and 5. Here, as it was assumed earlier, our assets selected in 2.1
subchapter are independent random values N(0.12; 0.03), N(0.07; 0.02),
N(0.06; 0.02).
After plotting all efficiency lines of selected step between
neighbouring quintiles, a set of efficiency lines will be formed (Fig.
5), constructing the base for efficient surface formation. If all
iso-guarantees from "risk-profitability" plane could be lifted
into "risk-profitability-reliability (guarantee)" space
according to their reliability level, the surface of all possibilities
of investment portfolio would be depicted as in Fig. 6. This surface in
the paper, according the analogy of modern portfolio efficiency line
title, is named the efficient surface.
Fig. 6 presents an adequate portfolio efficiency zone (surface).
Efficient surface is a network of intersecting survival functions and
While analysing investment portfolio efficiency lines in
two-dimensional plane, we determine possible values of optimal
portfolio, and, in turn, propose the selection of optimal portfolio,
when its utility is measured according utility function depending on
profitability and riskness in "risk-profitability plane". This
line further will be called sub-utility 2 function, which is in fact
indifference curve (Fig. 7).
On the efficient surface, i.e. in three-dimensional space, the role
of efficiency lines is assigned to iso-guarantees. Here it is possible
to analyse the selection of utility possibilities measured in three
parameters: profitability, reliability of profitability and risk with
the help of three-dimensional utility function.
3.4. Sub-utility 2: commensuration of profitability and risk
In paragraph 3.1 we have already discussed the so-called
sub-utility 1 function, which allows selecting optimal profitability and
reliability ratio for particular investor, and the efficiency line
itself becomes a source of information estimating how much reliability
(guarantee) one should dispose in order to achieve profitability
increase of one unit. However, classical portfolio management conception
states that every investor selects the portfolio that satisfies the
investor's desired risk level and provides the maximum
profitability under accepted risk level (Hirt, Block 1993; Lumby 1994).
Such selection is made with the help of indifference curve, which will
be named as sub-utility 2 here. Thus sub-utility 2 function helps the
investor selecting optimal portfolio with regard to
profitability--riskness ratio. Sub-utility 2 function is viewed as the
family of indifference curves, approaching the efficient frontier as the
utility level decreases (Rutkauskas 2006). Graphically it is shown in
Fig. 7.
It is worth noticing that Fig. 7 presents only the family of
indifference curves of an investor accepting moderate risk level.
Now, returning to Fig. 6, we can recall that if adequate portfolio
possibilities' set is an intersection network of survival functions
and iso-guarantees, then in space utility function is an intersection
network of sub-utility 1 and sub-utility 2 functions.
3.5. Multifactor stochastic optimization applying efficient
The mean-variance methodology (Markowitz 1952) for portfolio
selection problem has been central to research activity and has served
as a basis for the development of modern financial theory. However, the
expected return of a portfolio can be used only as an approximation,
because returns are random. Markowitz model had been extended including
additional parameters (for example, skewness) into portfolio selection
problem (Lai 1991; Konno et al. 1993; Prakash et al. 2003; Konno,
Yamamoto 2005; Steuer et al. 2005; Joro, Na 2006). Portfolio selection
problem can be then viewed as a multiobjective mathematical problem.
Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) has been widely applied in
finance (Zouponidis, Doumpos 2002; Costa, Soares 2004; Zavadskas,
Turskis 2010). Steuer and Na (2003) presented a categorized bibliography
on the application of multiple criteria decision making. Classifying
papers according the area of application of MCDM, they found out that
29% of the analysed scientific researches dealt with portfolio selection
Along with that, the perception of various objectives, and mainly
portfolio return, as stochastic values in portfolio selection problems
became obvious (Steuer et al. 2005; Huang 2007; Buckley et al. 2008;
Ehrgott et al. 2009). Stochastic programming (SP) and particularly
multi-objective stochastic programming models can be used to deal with
such difficulties. Among the applications of multi-objective stochastic
programming in portfolio selection the development of a mean-variance
approach having several scenarios with known probabilities, a
formulation of stochastic goal programming based on utility function and
"mean-variance" model, a multi-objective stochastic linear
programming formulation of portfolio selection problem under
uncertainty, a proposition of a Compromise Chance Constrained
Programming model for portfolio selection are worth mentioning (Ben
Adbelaziz et al. 2007). All these models assume that the objectives are
random and normally distributed. However, the huge amount of research
has been dedicated to the development of arguments that one of the main
objectives in portfolio selection--portfolio return--is not normally
distributed (Elton, Gruber 1974; Eberlein, Keller 1995; Constantinuou et
al. 2006; Yang 2006; Ben Abdelaziz, Masri 2010).
In such a case multi-objective stochastic programming problems and
models became even more difficult to apply. However, such problems can
be possibly solved to the desired degree of precision under certain
limitations with the help of imitative technologies. Such technologies
allow to design a certain computational framework (Rutkauskas 2006) and
visualize the decision search with the help of efficient surface
Fig. 6 shows geometrical view of efficient surface, the structure
of which is revealed here in details. As it was already mentioned,
efficient surface is formed by raising efficiency lines of
"risk-quintiles" sets of portfolios into the level a (0 [less
than or equal to] a [less than or equal to] 1) of a certain quintile on
applicate axis Z above the risk-profitability plane (X, Y). In every
risk point r (on intercepted ordinate Y) the plane which is
perpendicular to Y axis, the intersection point to the made surface
results in a survival function of a certain random value. The value N is
a function of the selected assets [N.sub.1]([a.sub.1], [s.sub.1]),
[N.sub.2]([a.sub.2], [s.sub.2]),..., [N.sub.k]([a.sub.k], [s.sub.k]) and
certain portfolio structure ([w.sub.1], [w.sub.2], [w.sub.k]):
N = [w.sub.1][N.sub.1] + [w.sub.2][N.sub.2] +... +
[w.sub.k][N.sub.k]. (3)
In our analysed situation three Normal random values N (m1 = 0.12,
s1 = 0.03), N ([m.sub.2] = 0.07, [s.sub.2] = 0.02), [N.sub.3] ([m.sub.3]
= 0.06, [s.sub.3] = 0.02) are chosen as portfolio assets.
Decision search with the help of efficient surface and dimensional
utility function allows us to make one more step aside from the
multicriteria methods and multi-objective mathematical problems, which
are so much popular in investment science nowadays. The selection of
particular portfolio structure in the certain intersection point of two
surfaces does not limit itself to the traditional optimization problem:
to find the best solution according several criteria, selecting one
criterion for maximization (minimization) and others treating as
constraints. The proposed geometrical decision-making method allows
commensurating all the three criteria and solve the tasks of slightly
different nature--for example, to answer the question: how much risk one
should incur in order to get profitability higher by one unit, the
general utility of the decision being the same? Such problems are called
multifactor problems.
3.6. Practical application of utility function and the random
The configurations of possibilities' set (efficiency zone) and
utility (objective) function and their inter-position, as well as
analytical expression of our applied utility function points out that
the magnitude of the possibility, as well as the increase of reliability
of possibility both positively influence the growth of utility. However,
the analytical expression of the utility function being used provides
that the increase of risk negatively influences the growth of utility.
Unfortunately, analytical possibilities of comparing different and
distinct enough possible portfolio values according their profitability,
riskness and reliability, if they were generated from probability
distributions of different forms of assets, remain limited enough.
However, there is no doubt that as the network of izoguarantees and
survival functions becomes more solid, the continuous surface of the set
of possibilities (efficiency zone) is being formed, and along with that
the network of utility values, which is composed on the basis of
functions subutility 1 and subutility 2 and which generates continuous
spatial utility function, is getting more solid as well.
Thus universal analytical possibilities of commensurating
profitability, reliability and risk on the surface of adequate portfolio
possibilities' appear with regard to the surface of utility values.
Also, these two surfaces are convex surfaces with regard to each other.
Considering the continuity and convexity of these two surfaces, in order
to find a solution of the desired precision or simply their intersection
point, one can use their discrete adequate values. This simplifies
finding the solution.
The more delicate problem is the treatment of uncertainty
inherency. It is important to admit that for several centuries in
scientific field it is being discussed whether it is the truth that
uncertainty appears because of inability to precisely measure and
unanimously evaluate the possibility being analysed with the help of
analytical computations, or that in the framework of present and future
cognition there will be plenty of such situations when under uniform
conditions the obtained results will be different. In other words, we
observe the phenomena of stochasticity, which influences the realization
of the events or processes being analysed (Knight 1921; Kahneman,
Tversky 1979; Tversky, Kahneman 1992; Nakamura 1999; Bo, Sterken 2007;
Anderson et al. 2009; Gayer 2010).
The paper admits the second assumption stating that selection of
equal investment proportions into the same assets can provide different
set of investment possibilities, even if they are described with the
same probability distribution.
But discussing the decision-making for perspective it is worth
recalling that our constructed surface of possibilities is obtained with
the help of determinate characteristics of assets as stochastic values:
quintiles, survival functions, etc. Thus the obtained surface of
possibilities is merely theoretical, even though very informative scheme
of the real situation.
The essence of the mentioned situation is in that every of the
selected assets gains values out of its set of possibilities with the
participation of the phenomena of stochasticity, and that process
recalls the formation of portfolio as a set of possibilities of the
stochastic value:
P: [w.sup.i.sub.1],[D.sub.1]([a.sub.1],[s.sub.1]) +
[w.sup.i.sub.2][D.sub.2]([a.sub.2],[s.sub.2]) +
[w.sup.i.sub.3][D.sub.3]([a.sub.3],[s.sub.3]), (4)
where [w.sup.i.sub.j], i = [bar.1,n], j = 1,2,3 are proportions of
the invested capital [3.summation over (j=1)] [w.sup.i.sub.j] = 1
distribution to every i. Thus the forms of probability distributions of
assets in turn construct the shape of probability distribution of
portfolio possibilities' set. The knowledge of probability theory
allows us evaluating it or even recognizing it as one of standard
probability distributions.
However, efficient surface can be seen as stochastic process, or
simply a family of stochastic values, in which the risk value r is a
critical parameter, depicted on ordinate axis Y, and possibilities of
the respective random values (efficient portfolios) are described by the
survival function of the random variable corresponding to the mentioned
risk value.
As deciles, percentiles or more small parts of a percent can be
selected as quintiles, selecting infinitely small step between
neighboring structures ([w.sub.1.sup.i], [w.sub.2.sup.i],...,
[W.sub.k.sup.1]) and ([w.sub.1.sup.j], [w.sub.2.sup.j],
[w.sub.k.sup.j]), the surface network can seem converging to continuous
surface. On this surface the interaction of the core parameters,
describing the possibilities of uncertainty occurrence can be
analysed--i.e. performing differential valuations of different type,
including the search of parameters' mutual equivalency to various
functions, depending on the following three parameters:
p--profitability, g--reliability (guarantee) and r--risk.
One of important and interesting solutions of the problems is
visualization of process and quantitative relations between
profitability, reliability and risk, which leads to the development of
cardinal method of stochastic optimization. Efficient surface is
composed of possibilities available for investor from portfolio
investment into selected assets, the investment possibilities being
described by profitability, reliability and risk indicators. These are
the indicators which fully describe the utility of a possibility for an
investor. Thus, investor's utility function can become an objective
function in stochastic possibilities' set.
3.7. Through sub-utility 1 and sub-utility 2 towards the selection
of utility function
We have already exploited the concept of utility function through
the so-called sub-utility 1 and sub-utility 2 cases. Let's further
explore how the combination of these functions into integrated network
could result in a three-dimensional utility function, described by
portfolio possibility's profitability, reliability of this
profitability and risk, which is faced by the investor if the mentioned
possibility occurs.
Also, the development of this network is a logically comprehensive
procedure. It must necessarily be a solid network, allowing to compare
all possibilities of the set of adequate portfolio values with regard to
three attributes of a possibility: profitability, reliability and risk.
To implement this objective one should select the logics and technique
of utility function.
Fig. 1 presents a schematic view of two-parametrical utility
function in "profitability-reliability" plane, where it is
named as sub-utility1, while in "quintiles-risk" plane (Fig.
5) it is named as sub-utility 2. However, distinct application of
separate two-dimensional utility functions is not fully informative,
because cannot directly dispose the information about the interaction of
possibilities' profitability, reliability and risk in
possibilities' utility formation. For this reason (Fig. 6)
three-parametrical utility function is composed in
"profitability-risk-reliability" space (right side), which is
approaching the set of adequate portfolio values and thus indicates the
best portfolio value, and, in turn, the portfolio itself.
Graphical view of such utility function is composed using the
following analytical function:
U = exp(p/r) x g, (5)
where U is the utility level of possibility, p denotes
profitability, r is the risk and g--the guarantee.
Such specification of utility function and decision-making
procedure is analytically meaningful, because it allows to solve a
complex stochastic programming task with the help of imitative
technologies and graphical decision-making methods.
Fig. 8 exhibits the mutual position of possibilities' set,
being analysed in Fig. 2, efficiency zone and utility function under
certain (according selected utility function) utility level. Fig. 8a
discloses that this is the position of intersection of two almost
continuous and convex with regard to each other surfaces. After dividing
both three-dimensional surfaces into separate sections according certain
risk level, one can watch the process of optimal decision formation. In
Fig. 8b survival function and utility function does not intersect yet.
Fig. 8c shows the moment of decision fixing. And in Fig. 8d both
surfaces again move away from each other again.
Indeed, when utility degree of utility function is decreasing, one
of the sections of efficient surface, perpendicular to the abscissa axis
OX and, passing through certain survival function, is first to touch the
utility function itself, along with that touching one of iso-guarantees,
while the respective sections of the higher or lower risk levels do not
reach their survival functions.
The resulting tangency point denotes the possibility having the
highest utility, which at the moment possesses the following
characteristics: p = 0.086227; g = 0.44 and r = 0.01439. The structure
of optimal portfolio is: [w.sub.1] = 0.265; [w.sub.2] = 0.34; [w.sub.3]
= 0.395.
4. About the shape of assets possibilities probability
distributions and influence of statistical dependencies of these
possibilities on decision-making
Conceptually, there is no doubt that solution should depend on
every assets' possibilities probability distributions' shape,
as well as on statistical interdependence degree of these possibilities.
In fact, we use the so-called principle of all-round optimization.
All-round optimization, or, simply, financial optimization, means a
certain optimization scenario, when the whole of the separate objectives
in presented as a composition of these objectives. Also, this
composition is being expressed as mathematical or logical function of
criteria (indicators) of these objectives, while factors themselves,
their relations and constraints, as well as separate aspects are
evaluated with the help of value equivalents of these factors and
In essence, solving such a problem is a means of reaching the
primary economic objective --research on the usage of possessed primary
resources, which are measured in value expression creating the highest
value-providing supply for the user.
Fig. 9 exhibits the same mean values and standard deviations having
efficient surfaces of assets as in Figs 2 and 8, but having the shape of
Lognormal probability distributions (Fig. 9, section a). Thus retaining
the same utility function the best possibility appears to be as follows:
(p = 0.078809, g = 0.66, r = 0.015118). The presented possibility is
guaranteed by the portfolio ([w.sub.1] = 0.055, [w.sub.2] = 0.755,
[w.sub.3] = 0.19). Thus it is obvious that not only externally visible
attributes, but also the result of the decision changes substantially if
the shapes of assets' possibilities probability distributions are
The potential of the system proposed by the authors allow to
analyse practically every probability distribution of possibilities,
including those presented empirically.
Fig. 10 exhibits the case when probability distributions of
assets' possibilities have Lognormal distribution shapes and also
are statistically dependent according the following matrix:
Comparing Figs 10 and 9, as well as comparing Fig. 9 with Figs 2
and 8 one can see that the variations in external attributes must inform
about optimal solution change. Indeed, in such a case the obtained
solution is a possibility with (p = 0.0978, g = 0.4, r = 0.025268), the
utility level of which and portfolio generating this possibility is
([w.sub.1] = 0.455, [w.sub.2] = 0.105, [w.sub.3] = 0.44). Thus,
comparing the numerical results and graphical representation of the set
of portfolios, one can see the correlation impact on decisions'
Thus, Fig. 10 clearly exhibits the impact of correlation of
assets' probability distributions on the final result--the point
where optimal portfolio is found.
In case of complex probability distributions of investments
assets' profitability possibilities, their interrelations, and
complex form of utility function, formation of optimal portfolio is
complicated and has no universal methods for decision making. Thus, in
order to have an operative mean of such decision, that is necessary for
the application of adequate portfolio for decision making while
investing in exchange and capital markets, one should apply imitative
technologies, which are almost the only mean of information supply for
the quick decision management process.
5. Conclusions
1. Profitability, riskness and reliability are three main
attributes that ought to be used integrally when investment decision is
under preparation.
2. Probability distribution of profitability possibilities, and
precisely--the survival function developed on its basis,--allows
evaluating the interaction of profitability and reliability levels.
Risk, in turn, reveals the dependence between the riskness of the
analysed objects (processes) and possibilities of subjects to cope with
consequences of this riskness.
3. The possibilities' set, interconnected into the unique
network, forms a convex surface, which in its intersection point with
utility function provides an unambiguous investment portfolio structure,
which, in turn, generates a random variable having attained
profitability, its guarantee and risk.
4. Adequate investment portfolio, on the basis of which the
efficient surface is being formed, seems to be theoretically sound and
practically effective instrument for investment decision making in
global capital and exchange markets.
5. Graphical visualization of decision search or utility
maximization explicitly unfolds the convexity of efficient surface and
multiplicative utility function with regard to each other.
6. The geometry of the efficient surface reacts very sensitively to
the contents of the assets composing the investment portfolio, the forms
of possibilities' probability distributions and to the degree of
interdependence between the assets.
7. Applying proper forecasting system of stock prices and exchange
rates changes, the adequate portfolio becomes an effective instrument of
investment decision management in capital and exchange markets.
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Aleksandras Vytautas Rutkauskas (1), Viktorija Stasytyte (2)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mails: (1) ar@vgtu.lt; (2) viktorija.stasytyte@vgtu.lt
(corresponding author)
Received 14 December 2010; accepted 25 March 2011
Aleksandras Vytautas RUTKAUSKAS. Doctor Habil, Professor, the Head
of the Faculty of Business Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University. Research interests: capital and exchange markets,
sustainable investment strategies development, regional development.
Viktorija STASYTYTE. PhD student at the Department of Finance
Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Research interests:
capital markets, stock prices forecasting, investment portfolio