Feasibility of the liberal electricity market under conditions of a small and imperfect market. The case of Lithuania/Liberalios elektros energijos rinkos tinkamumas mazos netobulos rinkos salygomis. Lietuvos atvejis.
Burinskiene, Marija ; Rudzkis, Paulius
1. Introduction
Before the nineties, almost all over the world electricity, natural
gas and water were generated and supplied by state monopolies (Wenzler
et al. 2005, 30-31). USA and Germany, with the private monopolies
prevailing, could be mentioned as an exception (Stilinis 2006: 106).
Since the nineties the free market ideas contributed to the changing
attitude towards the ownership form, management and use of utilities
companies not subject to state regulation. Since then Europe and USA
launched such reforms as privatisation, liberalisation and abolition of
state regulation (Crew and Kleindorfer 1999; Scott 2003; Veeneman and
Mayer 2002). The opinion has been prevailing that liberalisation and
privatisation determine price reduction, higher service quality and
better use of resources (Wenzler et al. 2005: 30-34). The main advantage
of the liberal electricity market is a possibility for consumer to
choose both an electricity supplier and a price for the purchased
electricity. Thus, trade in electricity faces competition which results
in a more efficient management of the electricity sector (Stilinis 2006:
Although for a long time the electricity industry has been
perceived as a vertically integrated structure within which generation,
transfer and distribution is performed by state regulated monopoly, at
the end of the 20th century most governments started adopting guidelines
on the electricity market liberalisation: at first that was seen in USA,
later also in the EU Member States, and at the end of 2000 the liberal
electricity market functioned in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway and
some States of the USA. The EU draft directive produced in 2001 provided
that all EU Member States should have the liberal market fully
implemented by 2005 (Littlechild 2002).
The liberal electricity market has been rapidly spreading globally
and in many cases it came up to expectations. The mechanisms of the
liberal market functioning have been dealt with in numerous references
analysing the influence of regulation and of deregulation on the
behaviour of companies. In most cases there is a general understanding
that institutional changes have caused changes in industry margins,
attracted new market actors and encouraged changes in companies'
behaviour (Bonardi 2004; Delmas and Tokat 2005; Fuentelsaz et al. 2002;
Haveman 1993; Haveman et al. 2001; Meyer et al. 1990; Miller and Chen
1994; Smith and Grimm 1987). The above research publications stick to
the opinion that the deregulated electricity market is more efficient,
therefore authors are inclined to analysing further strategies of
company development, impacts on different sectors of economy, green
energy development potential, etc., rather than the concept of the
deregulated market itself. However, some authors are sceptical about the
deregulated market and say that its advantages may be smaller than its
disadvantages. For example Banks (2002: 170-175) takes California,
Alberta and Brazil--where the deregulated market did not prove to be
efficient--as an example noting that deregulation of the electricity
market was inefficient, and he is sceptical about the UK example which
by other authors is often offered to be a model case of the liberal
electricity market. Emerson (2002) noted that in the case of California
the underlying problem was speculation in electricity by suppliers and
brokers. Besides, in most cases large electricity markets with numerous
different suppliers were analysed, while the functioning of the
deregulated market in the case of small countries was hardly addressed.
Tishler and Woo (2006) have doubts whether the deregulated market fits
for Israel and state that in that case the advantages of the regulated
market outweigh those of the deregulated market.
Although in other economic sectors the deregulated market usually
proves to be efficient and the competition between the companies
conditions the optimisation of activities and a drop in prices and costs
(e.g. natural gas, telecommunications, etc.), the electricity sector is
substantially different and the deregulation problems are generated by
the nature of the product itself. The peculiarity of electricity lies in
the fact that electricity cannot be warehoused and that it is completely
homogeneous (Emerson 2002). Besides, its production is limited by the
fuel (gas, oil products, coal) and generation capacities. Fuel accounts
for about 80% of the electricity price, and the price of fuel is set in
the competitive global market (Tishler and Woo 2007: 322-323).
Deregulated market makes its actors to compete and increase their
efficiency, which could be achieved through reduction of management,
maintenance and repairs costs (Grundey 2008b). However, reduction of the
above costs even by half would result only in 10% lower price of
electricity generation, and it is questionable whether a reduction to
such extent is ever possible. It is considered that, due to high fixed
costs, the "perfect" competition involving numerous market
actors sometimes might not be financially stable which could condition
survival in the market of only several large actors, and this would
result in rocketed prices (the Californian case). The deregulated market
also enables larger market actors to foreclosure smaller ones or those
who use less efficient technologies, and this poses risk that in future
electricity prices will go up with exorbitant short-term prices.
Besides, in the case of the deregulated market it is rather difficult to
forecast electricity prices, as they depend not only on the global fuel
prices but also on the strategy chosen by produces. On the other hand,
the main advantage of the deregulated market--the enhanced efficiency of
companies--is at the same time the main disadvantage. The main issue of
the regulated market is the principle of regulation itself: a profit
rate is usually fixed, thus, companies are not motivated to upgrade
their technologies or to apply more efficient technologies what is one
of the main principles of sustainability (Grundey 2008b). Besides, it is
not easy to assess the validity of company management expenses, i.e. the
necessary staff numbers, prices of purchased goods and services, etc.
The efficiency of electricity companies also depends on the integrated
effect of macrolevel variable factors, such as national economic,
political and cultural development level, legal acts regulating
activities (Sliogeriene et al. 2009: 496) The deregulated market solves
these problems and a complicated and expensive regulation mechanism
becomes unnecessary. However, in the short-term, this could limit the
occurrence of the new generators as in the deregulated market it is
difficult to access the potential profitability of the new generator, as
it will depend also on other factors of market participants and profit
is not guaranteed.
Hence, the deregulated market has a number of disadvantages and the
advantages of the deregulated market should be assessed in each
individual case. It is obvious that, where there exists a large power
surplus and a sufficiently high number of generators, the advantages of
the deregulated market outweigh its disadvantages. At the same time,
authors fail to agree on a more specific number of generators and
usually say that it should be high enough as it may differ with each
individual market (Burinskiene and Rudzkiene 2009; Ciegis et al. 2009a,
b). With a low surplus of generation capacity there appears space for
manipulations: rising demand may result in skyrocketing electricity
prices. With a low number of generators or several dominating generators
there opens a possibility to adapt strategies: to act together rather
than competing and to raise the price and, at the same time, the profit.
For these reasons the deregulation in many cases should prove to be
efficient in large electricity markets but it may cause a number of
problems in small markets.
2. Principles behind electricity price formation
In the energy industry different models are possible, namely:
long-term contracts, economic restrictions, price restrictions, auction,
etc. However, liberal electricity markets usually apply the pool-based
model (Isa et al. 2008: 524). Applying this model producers may offer
different amounts of electricity at different prices (Ilic et al. 1998:
5-16). For consumers this results in lower prices as the main priority
is given to the producer who offers the lowest price. Yet, as known in
physics, in the case of electricity there should always be a balance:
consumption should always level to production. So, electricity
production depends on consumption and there should always be a balance:
g(t) = c(t), (1)
c(t)--electricity consumed at moment t, while g(t) is the generated
electricity defined as the sum of the capacity generated by all
g(t) = [summation over (i)][g.sub.i] (t), (2)
where [g.sub.i](t) is electricity generated by generator i at
moment t. As not all generators operate at a particular moment, some of
them are considered to be the hot reserve and some are considered to be
the cold reserve. For the sake of simplicity, the hot reserve may be
attributed to the operating generators as their characteristics are
essentially the same. Hence, the function of generation could be defined
as the function of two sums:
g(t) = [g.sup.1](t) + [g.sup.2](t) = [g.sup.1](t) + 0, (3)
where [g.sup.1](t) is the capacity generated by generators
operating at moment t, while [g.sup.2](t) is generators that do not
operate at moment t and are attributed to the cold reserve. Let's
then define the maximum generation capacity
max g = [summation over (i)] max [g.sub.i], (4)
where is the maximum generation capacity and it is understood as
the sum of the installed estimated capacity of all generators. Besides,
the following condition is valid:
max g > c(t), where t = 1..N. (5)
Consequently, the maximum estimated capacity at any moment have to
exceed consumption, as otherwise the system would become unstable.
As electricity generators are not able to start immediately
operating the maximum capacity may differ at different moments,
therefore it is a function that alters in time and depends on the
electricity capacity demand. Thus, at a particular moment the maximum
capacity may be defined as the sum of two functions:
max g(t) = max [g.sup.1](t) + max [g.sup.2](t) [less than or equal
to] max g. (6)
Hence, at moment t the maximum capacity consists of the maximum
capacity of operating generators and supplementary capacity that could
be generated by reserve generators. At a particular moment the maximum
capacity depends on historic data, i.e. on the number of previously
operating generators and the stage of the reserve generators.
Thereby, in general case the maximum capacity within the system
depends on the number of generators operating and on the extent to which
the reserve might be used. It could be stated then that the maximum
capacity depends on historic data, i.e. on the stage of a particular
generator and on the period of time needed by the generator to reach its
maximum capacity. Knowing the specifics of generators and the state of
the system we could forecast what maximum capacity could be reached
within a moment or several moments forward.
Further the calculation of the electricity price in the pool-based
model is reviewed. The principle of the model is the following: the
electricity offered at the lowest price is purchased until the full
demand is satisfied. Thus, the electricity price could be defined as
p(t) = [n.summation over (i(] [g.sub.i][p.sub.i] / [n.summation
over (i(] [g.sub.i], (8)
where [p.sub.i] [less than or equal to] [p.sub.i+1] and price p at
moment t is calculated as the weighted average of the amount of the
lowest price electricity. Besides, the purchased amount of electricity
is equal to the consumed amount of electricity. Accordingly, the total
amount of energy generated by generators [g.sub.1]..[g.sub.n-1] and the
whole amount or part of electricity generated by generator [g.sub.n] is
purchased. For the sake of simplicity, it could be presumed that the
total amount of electricity generated by this generator is purchased.
The intention of each producer is to maximise its profit, i.e. to sell
the maximum amount of energy for the maximum price. Under ideal
competition the electricity price [p.sub.i] should be equal to the
marginal costs of generator I, however in the case of small and
non-ideal market the situation is substantially different. In the small
market the efficiency of generators and the marginal costs of each
generator are known and they mainly depend on the price of the consumed
fuel. This means that an electricity producer has only to forecast
electricity consumption. As in the short term the electricity demand has
low elasticity, consumption hardly depends on the price, therefore
forecasting the demand is rather simple and the actual consumption
should be dramatically different from the forecasted one. In such case
producer could set the optimal price and the following condition should
be valid:
[p.sub.i] = [p.sub.n] [??], [delta][[delta].sub.i] > 0, (9)
i = 1...n - 1, n--the number of generators, [p.sub.n] would be the
price of generator n, i.e. the last producer whose electricity is
purchased, which should be at least as high as its marginal costs.
Hence, where producers have the main information, the electricity price
should depend on the marginal costs of the producer with the lowest
efficiency whose energy is still purchased, while value [delta] would
define the risk faced by producers. The higher is [delta], the lower
risk is faced by producers. Naturally, in a real case producers may
sometimes set a lower price that their marginal costs, however this
could happen only in short periods as such production is loss-making.
With a large number of generators and similar efficiency this price
should not dramatically differ from their marginal costs but with
different efficiency of generators the major influence on price should
be exerted by the generator of lowest capacity.
Another factor that exerts influence on the electricity price is
max g (t). If the market sees a permanent production surplus this
variable should not have impact on the price but energy consumption is
dynamic and its alterations are rather steep with regard to both moment
consumption and longer-term consumption. Therefore in the short term
consumption may approach to the maximum system capacities of the moment
and this could create conditions for large electricity consumers to gain
advantage from its market position. That is to say, the following
condition could occur:
max g(t)-[g.sub.i] < c(t), [g.sub.i] [member of] maxg(t), (10)
where [g.sub.i] is the capacity of a particular operating generator
that also conditions the maximum generation capacity at moment t. So, in
this situation at least one generator without capacity of which the
condition that c(t) = g(t) would be violated occurs. Hence, this
producer, knowing of the existing situation, might set any price for the
electricity offered by it. Such situation might occur in case of
unfavourable external factors, for example, in case of breakdown of a
large generator, or in case of some agreement between generators, etc.
Moreover, this condition may significantly increase the price only if
information on its materialisation is available. Thus:
p(t) = f (c(t),max g(t), L([g.sub.i])), (11)
L([g.sub.i])--defines the marginal costs of the generator. So, the
electricity price depends on consumption, maximum generation power and
marginal costs of a generator. Naturally, there are other undefined
variables, such as producers strategy, risk tolerance, fuel price
fluctuations, load of generators, etc. The present article, however,
deals only with the above-mentioned variables.
3. Case of Lithuania
Before 2010 the electricity price in Lithuania was regulated and
only a minimal amount used to be purchased in an auction. This system
was reasonable as the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) that operated
at that time was able to satisfy the market needs of all Lithuania and
it was the cheapest electricity source. This system was fully reasonable
as otherwise the remaining electricity producers would be made to go
bankrupt. Changes in the structure of electricity supply, have promoted
the government to review its current energy policy related to
development of national and regional electricity market (Milciuviene and
Tikniute 2009: 83; Grundey 2008a). In 2010, when INPP was
decommissioned, an electricity exchange started operating in Lithuania
and a substantial amount of electricity (about 40%) is purchased on the
exchange. By 2015 almost all electricity will be purchased on the
exchange (Streimikiene 2008; Ciegis et al. 2008, 2009a, b).
Table 1 represents the marginal costs and installed capacity of
different Lithuania's electricity producers. After INPP was
decommissioned in 2010, Lithuanian power plant (Lietuvos elektrine (LE))
has become the largest electricity generator. Its installed capacity
accounts for about 63% of the total electricity generation capacity of
Lithuania. LE contains 8 blocks: 4 large ones with 300 MW each, and 4
smaller ones with 150 MW each. LE was built more than fifty years ago,
so its efficiency is rather low which also determines very high marginal
costs. Among the remaining generators of Lithuania, the major share
falls to the thermofication power plants--about 26% of the total
capacity, and the remaining power plants account only for about 11% of
the generation capacity. The generation efficiency of the thermofication
power plants is rather high but this is true only under thermal load,
thus the major part of their capacity may be used only during the season
of heating, i.e. about 6 months.
The marginal costs of electricity generators are close to the price
of the used fuel which is a variable value. Hence, to compare the
efficiency of generators the price of the used fuel should be fixed. In
Lithuania the largest generators use gas as their main fuel, they also
may use fuel oil but the marginal costs hardly differ in both cases (in
case of fuel oil they are slightly higher). Among those generators the
most efficient ones are thermofication power plants but they are
efficient only under thermal load. The marginal costs of the
thermofication power plants are about 40% lower than those of LE 300 MW
blocks, about 47% lower than those of 150 MW blocks but only 14% lower
than those of the combined cycle 400 MW block which is planned to put
into operation in 2012. Nevertheless, without thermal load the
efficiency of the thermofication power plants is the lowest one and in
the warm season larger power plants may play only the role of the
reserve, while the small power plants may be used for the electricity
In the cold season competition is essentially possible among all
electricity producers, while in the cold period only the small power
plants could compete with LE.
In 2009 in the warm period the average capacity need in Lithuania
reached about 1200 MW Without considering the possibility of electricity
import the small power plants in Lithuania could satisfy only 35% (420
MW) of the average consumption, and the remaining share would fall to
LE. So, condition (10) would be valid, and LE would be able to
manipulate within the market as without this electricity producer
condition (1) would be violated. Hence, in the case of the deregulated
market LE could choose the price, and electricity would still be
purchased from it. It is obvious that such system could not normally
operate. However, LE is a state managed enterprise thus, differently
from electricity producers managed by the private capital, it would not
be able to manipulate in the market, and it could be presumed that its
price would be close to its marginal costs, i.e. about 5.7 ct/KWh (the
gas price is presumed to be EUR 200/1000 [m.sup.3]). In this case
condition (9) would be valid for the small electricity producers, and
the electricity price would be 5.7 ct/KWh, so it is obvious that this
price would be higher compared to the regulated market.
In 2009 in the warm period the average capacity need in Lithuania
reached about 1400 MW. Hence, besides electricity import and besides LE,
the remaining power plants of Lithuania could satisfy up to 75% (1050
MW) capacity needed, and the situation would be similar to that in the
cold period, so condition (9) would be valid and according to formula
(8) the electricity price would be about 5.7 ct/KWh. Therefore, low
competition and market imperfection would not result in the price
changes even if cheaper generation sources occur. A completely different
situation would be in the case of the deregulated market: the
electricity price would be reduced due to reduced marginal costs.
Such situation in the market of Lithuania would occur if Lithuania
would not import or would import only a small share of electricity.
Therefore it would be necessary to assess any technical possibilities of
electricity import. The technical possibilities of electricity import
from neighbour countries are represented in Table 2.
If the available electricity connections is used to the maximum
capacity, more than 2000 MW capacity could be imported, which means that
there would be technical possibilities to satisfy the total needs of
Lithuania for electricity by only using the imported electricity. So the
electricity import should also be included into the model. Subjects from
Russia, Latvia and Estonia are also involved in the Lithuanian
electricity market, and LE is an intermediate for electricity trade from
Belarus. That is why these countries should be included as supplementary
electricity producers and their strategies and electricity prices should
be assessed. As the market also involves a Russian representative,
assessment of capacities and marginal costs of such extent player could
be difficult. That could be an object of a broader analysis. So
let's presume that the import possibility is limited to 1000 MW,
i.e. up to 50% of technical potential of connections would be used. In
this case the situation changes and it is necessary to asses not only
the average need for capacity but also changes in consumption in the
course of the day. Figure 1 demonstrates minimum, maximum and average
consumption of electricity in Lithuania in the cold period of 2010.
Assessment of the data between 1 January and 20 April 2010 reveals
rather marked fluctuation. The maximum daily need fluctuated from 1000
MW in April to almost 1700 MW in February, and the average standard
deviation of daily fluctuation was about 200 MW. The average daily
consumption also saw considerable fluctuation: from about 650 to 1450 MW
The highest energy consumption was recorded in January-March, which was
conditioned by rather low weather temperature. In April lower
consumption was observed. I.e. rising weather temperature resulted in
lower energy consumption.
As in January-March weather temperature was rather low, it could be
presumed that the thermofication power plants had sufficient load to be
able to operate to almost their full capacity, and it could be presumed
that in April, when the weather became warmer and the heating season
ended, only the small thermofication power plans were operating.
But the situation would substantially change if it is presumed that
the amount of the imported energy is up to 1000 MW, and the remaining
part should be generated in the power plants of Lithuania. In
January-March the average need for the deficient capacity would
fluctuate in maximum cases from 200 MW to 600 MW, and all thermofication
power plants would compete for that capacity. In this case, under
condition (9), the price should be close to the marginal costs of the
thermofication power plant, i.e. 3.34 ct/KWh, if the price of the
imported electricity would be oriented towards the prices set by the
thermofication power plants. Otherwise, if the price for the imported
electricity would be higher, in such case producers should orient
towards the price of the imported electricity. In April, the maximum
need for the deficient capacity would be up to 200 MW and the small
producers would compete for it, so the price would be oriented towards
the price of the imported electricity.
Considering the import, the electricity price would depend on the
price of the imported electricity which would be set by the strategies
and mutual competition of the main 4 players involved in the market
(Latvia, Estonia, Russia and Belarus). In this case their potential and
the impact of each of them on the price setting should be assessed.
However, then the electricity market of Lithuania should be understood
as a part of some large market that involves only several large
producers. So the market might become vulnerable and condition (10)
could become valid when one of the players is able of market
manipulations. Still, to verify this condition the potential of the
above players should be carefully analysed.
4. Conclusions
In the case of Lithuania, besides the import, the deregulated
market would be inefficient and the electricity price would be oriented
towards the price of the most expensive and largest producer, namely LE.
Hence, with such market structure only a small share of electricity
could be traded in the free market. However, considering the import
potential, the market of Lithuania should be understood as a part of
some large market in which the electricity price is influenced by 4
large producers (Latvia, Estonia, Russia and Belarus), and the price
depends on their playing strategies and potential. In such case, to
assess whether the deregulated market would be efficient, it is
necessary to carry out a more detailed analysis of these players, still
the market would nevertheless be vulnerable as the price would be set by
importers and they can not be directly influenced by government or
public institutions. Also, domestic producers would have to compete with
producers from not EU countries (Russia and Belarus) with different
environmental requirements and fuel prices. It can harm competitiveness,
investment incentives and economic efficiency. So it would be safer and
not necessarily more expensive to have long term contracts to ensure
electricity supply.
doi: 10.3846/tede.2010.34
Received 17 December 2009; accepted 5 August 2010
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Marija Burinskiene (1), Paulius Rudzkis (2)
(1) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al.11, 10223
Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: marija.burinskiene@vgtu.lt
(2) Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities g. 20, 08303 Vilnius,
Lithuania E-mail: paulius.rudzkis@gmail.com
Marija BURINSKIENE. Professor, Dr, Head of Urban Engineering
Department and Director of Territorial Planning Research Institute of
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. She was project manager of more
than 45 national projects from 1983, participated in more than 35 intern
conferences and was involved in eight Framework 5 and 6 program
projects. The main area of research is regularities and specificity of
urban and regional sustainable development, development of urban
transport system as well as creation of decision-support system for
implementing engineering solutions.
Paulius RUDZKIS. Lecturer, Department of Economics, Faculty of
Economics and Finance Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.
Bachelor degree in mathematics, Vytautas Magnus University (2005).
Master degree in Economics, Mykolas Romeris University (2007). Research
interests: energy economics and policy, macroeconomic modeling
techniques, agent-based modeling in energy markets, energy price
regulation methods.
Table 1. The installed capacity and marginal costs of Lithuania's
electricity producers
Lithuania capacity,
Lithuanian power plant (Lietuvos 1200
elektrine (LE)), 300 MW blocks
LE 150 MW blocks 600
Large thermofication power plants 630
Small thermofication power plants 105
Other power plants 315
Total 2850
Marginal costs with the gas price
of EUR 200 / 1000 [m.sup.3]
with thermal without thermal
load, ct/KWh load, ct/KWh
Lithuanian power plant (Lietuvos 5.628 5.628
elektrine (LE)), 300 MW blocks
LE 150 MW blocks 6.29 6.286
Large thermofication power plants 3.34 8.80
Small thermofication power plants 3.51 9.24
Other power plants -- --
Table 2. Maximum potential capacity flows with neighbourhood countries
Connection Capacity, MW
Latvia-Lithuania 1170
Belarus-Lithuania 970