Modeling of bilevel games and incentives for sustainable critical infrastructure system/Losimu teorijos taikymas modeliuojant butinaja darnaus vystymosi infrastruktura.
Miao, Xin ; Yu, Bo ; Xi, Bao 等
1. Introduction
Critical infrastructures are physical and cyber-based systems that
are essential to the key operations of the economy and government. The
importance of critical infrastructures to a region is similar to the
foundation the human skeleton plays in the overall structuring,
functioning and health of the body. The incapacity or destruction of
critical infrastructures would have a cascading effect (O'Reilly
and Chu 2008) on the defence, economic security and health of local or
national administrations and populations. Types of critical
infrastructure include (Bosher et al. 2007):
--Information and communications networks;
--Government services;
--Banking and finance;
--Water supply;
--Electrical power, oil and gas production and storage;
--Transport networks;
--Emergency services;
--Public health services.
Considering large amount investment and public interests involved
in critical infrastructure projects (Sarka et al. 2008), proper
development and management of critical infrastructures can make
significant contribution to the mission of sustainable development
(Burinskiene 2009; Burinskiene and Rudzkiene 2009). The idea of
sustainable development has emerged since the 1970s. Sustainable
development is generally defined following the report (1987) of the
Brundtland Commission as "development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs". There are many components to this notion because
of the extended coverage of sustainable development; there are also many
controversies about its meaning because of the short history of this
school of thought. By analogy, it may be proper to define sustainable
critical infrastructures as "satisfying current critical
infrastructure service needs without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet these needs". This concept focuses on present
and future generations, as well as the long-term impacts of present
Sustainable development of critical infrastructures is extremely
important for maintaining future quality of life. The concept of
sustainability for critical infrastructures can be seen as a guide for
policy making process (Banister 2008; Jakaitis et al. 2009). The goal of
sustainable development policy is to ensure that environmental, social,
and economic considerations are taken into policy making (Kavaliauskas
2008; Kaklauskas et al. 2009). Sustainability is about how
environmental, economic, and social systems interact to their mutual
advantage at various levels (Loo and Chow 2006; Zavadskas et al. 2007).
Identifying policies that will result in sustainable critical
infrastructure system is a major challenge for policy makers as it
involves a high level of uncertainty regarding the future effect of a
given policy package on the critical infrastructure system. Planners and
policy makers face the same problem of finding an appropriate approach
to obtain a sustainable critical infrastructure system (Stead and
Banister 2003; Shiftan et al. 2003).
Different participants related to critical infrastructure
management try to maximize their own utilities and this process often
leads to conflicts due to lack of cooperation, that is, noncooperative
games exist in the management process of critical infrastructures.
Noncooperative games may evolve to an equilibrium state after long-term
numerous games and society and individuals have to pay enormous cost to
this process. Game analysis helps us to understand the hidden interests
and contradictions behind game problems so as to contribute to basic
theory for policy making on sustainable critical infrastructure system.
Three basic factors for game are player, strategy and payoff. There
are three typical players in games of critical infrastructure
management, that is, the central government, the local government and
the operating department. Local governments, as the connection between
the other two types of players, try to satisfy not only the guidelines
of the central government but also the interest appeals of operating
departments. Game strategies are the choices between legality or
illegality, cooperation or confrontation, etc. Payoffs are the
consequences of their own strategic behaviors.
Game theory is about how players obtain proper strategies from
complicated interactions (Bell and Cover 1998). "Rational
player" is the basic premise of game theory and players would like
to pursue their own utility maximization through strategic behaviors
under some constraints.
The formation of game is due to the allocation of resources. From
the perspective of economics, when a kind of resource is needed and the
total amount of the resource is limited or scarce, competition and
cooperation will emerge in the process of pursuing the resource
(Fruchter 1999). The origin of games in critical infrastructure
management can also be attributed to resource constraints.
Game strategies are interdependent. Utility of each player depends
not only on personal strategic choices but also on strategic choices of
other players in the game. Sometimes, a player would choose a bad
strategy because the other players have chosen a worse strategy (Zhu
2004). In order to maximize their own utility, players may choose some
strategy that is actually not the best one and reach a temporary
equilibrium with their opponents. If there is no change in the
circumstance, no one will take the initiative to change present
strategies and this may result in social inefficiency.
2. Modeling of bilevel games
2.1. Basic functions
Players follow the basic principles of utility theory and try to
maximize their utilities and minimize risks.
The central government tries to maximize the social and
environmental benefit and enhance public satisfaction. The utility
function of the central government can be expressed as u ([x.sub.1]) = u
(a, b, c). Where, [x.sub.1] denotes game strategy of the central
government; a denotes social benefit; b denotes environmental benefit; c
denotes public satisfaction.
Local governments need to carry out instructions of the central
government, but they have their own interest appeals. The utility
function of the local government can be expressed as u ([x.sub.2]) = u
(d, e, f). Where, [x.sub.2] denotes game strategy of the local
government; d denotes satisfaction degree of the central government; e
denotes benefit of the local government; f denotes satisfaction degree
of the operating department.
Operating departments seek to minimize their social burden and
maximize their enjoyment of welfare policies. The utility function of
the operating department can be expressed as u ([x.sub.3]) = u (g, h).
Where, [x.sub.3] denotes game strategy; g denotes the effect of
corresponding social burden; h denotes the benefit of corresponding
welfare policies.
2.2. Modeling of upper games
Upper games take place between the central government and local
governments. Let [x.sub.1] and [x.sub.2] denote the game strategy of the
above two types of players, respectively. Let f ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2])
denote the game function and u(x) denote the utility of game strategy,
u([x.sub.1]) = max [f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]), (1)
u([x.sub.2]) = max [f.sub.2] ([x.sub.2], [x.sub.2]). (2)
Game strategy of the local government conforms to
u([x.sub.2]) = {[x.sub.2] : [f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1],[x.sub.2])} =
max[f.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1])). (3)
Where, [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1]) is the optimal strategy set of the
local government when the game strategy of the central government has
been known.
Meanwhile, the central government will consider the information
from the local government in the game, so [x.sub.1] = [x.sub.1]
([x.sub.2]) and [x.sub.1] includes the information from [x.sub.2].
Therefore, the game strategy of the central government conforms to:
u([x.sub.1]) = {[x.sub.1] : [f.sub.2] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2]),
[x.sub.2])} = max [f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2]), [x.sub.2]). (4)
The optimal utility of the local government in the upper game can
be expressed as:
u ([x.sub.2]) = {[x.sub.2] : [f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2]),
[x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1]))} = max [f.sub.2] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2]),[x.sub.2]
([x.sub.1])). (5)
The optimal utility of the central government in the upper game can
be expressed as:
u ([x.sub.1]) = {[x.sub.1] : [f.sub.2] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2]),
[x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1]))} = max [f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2]),
[x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1])). (6)
In the upper games, the central government and the local government
will select game strategies according to their utility change. When the
expected utility is greater than the current utility, the central
government will support a certain policy or management innovation.
Similarly, the local government also compares expected utility with its
current utility to determine its choice. If the both sides of the game
expect the future utility is less than the current utility, they will
keep the current state unchanged or take suboptimal strategy, that is,
the Nash Equilibrium.
2.3. Modeling of lower games
The lower games are the games between the local government and the
operating departments. Let [x.sub.3] denote the game strategy of the
operating department, f([x.sub.2], [x.sub.3]) denote the game function
and u(x) denote the game utility, then:
u([x.sub.2]) = max [f.sub.2] ([x.sub.2], [x.sub.3]), (7)
u([x.sub.3]) = max [f.sub.3] ([x.sub.2], [x.sub.3]). (8)
The expected utility of the operating department can be expressed
u([x.sub.3]) = u(g, h). (9)
But the expected utility of the operating department is constrained
by the local policy and the ability of local government, as can be
expressed as (Jin 2003):
u([x.sub.3]) [less than or equal to] A. (10)
Where, A is the maximum of welfare that the operating department
can obtain from the local government.
The local government has the impulse and scope to maximize its own
interests by utilizing policies. Considering this, the local government
may choose operating departments as its leaguer in the game with the
central government (Putnum 1998). Therefore, the lower game model can be
revised as follows:
u([x.sub.2]) = {[x.sub.2] : [f.sub.3] ([x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1],
[x.sub.3]), [x.sub.3])} = max [f.sub.2] ([x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1],
[x.sub.3]), [x.sub.3]) (11)
3. Modeling of bilevel game evolution
3.1. Modeling of upper game evolution
The local government tries to maximize its own utility and this
action will feedback and become the information of the central
government for next round of game. So the upper game and the lower game
can obtain linkage through the local government. Therefore, the upper
game model can be reformulated as:
u([x.sub.1]) = {[x.sub.1] : [f.sub.2] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2],
[x.sub.3]), [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.3]))} = max [f.sub.1]
([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2], [x.sub.3]), [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.3])),
u([x.sub.2]) = {[x.sub.2] : [f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2],
[x.sub.3]), [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.3]))} = max [f.sub.2]
([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2], [x.sub.3]), [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.3])).
Then, we can obtain:
[f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]) = [f.sub.1] ([x.sub.1] ([x.sub.2],
[x.sub.3]), [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.3])). (14)
The above is a continuous function. If there is a strategy n that
[f.sub.1] ([x.sup.n.sub.1],[x.sup.n.sub.2]) > [f.sub.1]
([x.sup.n.sub.1],[x.sub.2]) = [f.sub.1] ([x.sup.n.sub.1]
([x.sub.2],[x.sub.3]), [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.3])), (15)
[f.sub.2] ([x.sup.n.sub.1],[x.sup.n.sub.2]) > [f.sub.2]
([x.sup.n.sub.1],[x.sub.2]) = [f.sub.2] ([x.sup.n.sub.1]
([x.sub.2],[x.sub.3]), [x.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.3])) (16)
u([x.sup.n.sub.1] [greater than or equal to] u(a, b, c), (17)
u([x.sup.n.sub.2] [greater than or equal to] u(d, e, f), (18)
u([x.sup.n.sub.3] [greater than or equal to] u(g, h), (19)
Then, the n is an evolutionarily stable strategy (Maynard 1982). If
all the players select n as their strategy in this time, then the system
will reach an evolutionarily stable equilibrium.
3.2. Modeling of lower game evolution
If the local government and the operating department focus on
enhancing their own utility, then they have two strategic choices:
"hawk strategy" or "dove strategy" (Maynard 1982).
Hawk strategy (H) is strong antagonistic strategy and dove strategy (D)
is compromise strategy. So the Nash Equilibrium that similar to the
"prisoners' dilemma" is formed in simple game
(Feichtinger 1982), as is shown in table 1.
From table 1, we can see that if the local government and the
operating department adopt hawk strategy, then each side will only
obtain (I - L)/2. Where, I denotes the income and L denotes the absolute
value of the loss. If hawk strategy is taken by one side and dove
strategy is taken by the other side, the hawk side gets the whole I and
the dove side gets nothing. If the above two sides take dove strategy,
each will gets I/2, respectively. Let the ratio of the players that
adopt the hawk strategy as p and the ratio of the players that adopt the
dove strategy as 1-p, then, the expected utility of the hawk is:
[u.sub.H] = p(I - L)/2 + (1 - p) I. (20)
The expected utility of the dove is:
[u.sub.D] = (1 - p) I/2. (21)
When I > L, regardless of the value of p, [u.sub.H] >
[u.sub.D] and the hawk strategy is the dominant strategy, and the
operating department and the local government will adopt antagonistic
strategy. That is to say, there is a unique Nash Equilibrium
"H--H" in the above game, but it is not a Pareto optimal
equilibrium, similar to Prisoners' Dilemma. The hawk strategy is
strong dominant strategy, and in this situation, no matter what the dove
chooses, the hawk strategy is the best choice. The rules of
Prisoners' Dilemma contradict rational cooperation, so rational
players will not achieve cooperation successfully under the restriction
of Prisoners' Dilemma..
If the game is a repeated process with mixed strategy and when I
< L, the other cases will emerge. As is shown in Figure 1, if p <
[p.sup.*], we can see that [u.sub.H] > [u.sub.D], and those who adopt
the hawk strategy will obtain higher benefit, so the number of players
who adopt the hawk strategy will increase in later games as a result of
learning and imitation; conversely, if p > [p.sup.*], we can see that
[u.sub.H] > [u.sub.D], and those who adopt the dove strategy will
obtain higher benefit, so the number of players who adopt the dove
strategy will increase as a result of learning and imitation (Zhang
1996). That is to say, [p.sup.*] is the stable point. So no matter what
strategy to be taken originally, the ratio of the hawk to the total will
converge at the point [p.sup.*] and this state is an evolutionarily
stable equilibrium (Putnum 1998).
4. Modeling of bilevel incentive compatibility
4.1. Modeling of upper incentive compatibility
It will certainly lead to incentive when a principal assigns tasks
to an agent, and critical infrastructure management cannot be an
exception. It is difficult for the central government to supervise
critical infrastructure independently because of insufficient time,
information, or various other constraints under complex environment, so
the central government needs the intervention of local governments.
In the game, the contract schedule (Hart and Holmstrom 1987)
between the central government and the local government is shown as
Figure 2. Where, A is the agent (the local government) and P is the
principal (the central government).
If the information is symmetric between the central government and
the local governments, the theoretical optimal accident number of local
critical infrastructures can be obtained when the marginal utility of
the central government equals to the marginal cost of the local
government. However, in fact, the information is unsymmetric between the
central government and the local governments.
In theory, as long as the low efficient local government is ensured
to have social value, the contract can be fulfilled. But high efficient
local government is preferred for the whole society and incentive
compatibility (Hurwicz 1972) mechanism need to be introduced to ensure
the local government to complete the task well. The central government
and the local government should sign a contract to reward the good and
punish the bad.
Considering different interest appeals of the central government
and the local government, favorite policy should be designed as per
incentive compatibility principle to coordinate the interests of the
central and the local governments so as to enhance the sustainability of
critical infrastructure system.
The central government appoints the local government to supervise
local critical infrastructures, but the real supervision cost of the
local government can not be observed by the central government. The real
cost of the local government includes two parts, that is, direct cost
and indirect cost. Direct cost is the working cost that the local
government supervises the operation of local critical infrastructures;
indirect cost is the punishment cost levied upon the local government
for inadequate supervision of local critical infrastructures. Let e
denote the endeavor of the local government, e = {[e.sub.l], [e.sub.h]}.
Let D (e) denote the direct cost of the local government and I (e)
denote the indirect cost of the local government. The local government
may be high efficiency ([e.sub.h]) or low efficiency ([e.sub.l]), and
the corresponding probabilities are denoted as [p.sub.h] and [p.sub.l],
respectively. Let f(n) denote the total benefit of the central
government that comes from the operation of critical infrastructures,
and T(n) denote the transfer payment from the central government to the
local government, where n is the accident number of critical
With the introduction of incentive compatibility contract, the
expected utility function of the central government and the local
government can be expressed respectively as:
u = F(n) = f(n) - T(n), (22)
v = T(n) - I(e) - D(e). (23)
In general, I(e) will be relatively higher and D(e) will be
relatively lower if the local government is not hard-working.
Conversely, I(e) will be relatively lower and D(e) will be relatively
The central government and the local government are risk aversion,
the optimal risk-sharing requires each party shoulder certain risk (Xiao
and Wang 2007). The incentive compatibility can be expressed as:
max F(n) [p.sub.H]. (24)
Constraints of the above formula are:
(IR) T(n)[p.sub.H] - I ([e.sub.h]) - D([e.sub.h]) [greater than or
equal to] [v.sub.0], (25)
(IC) T(n)[p.sub.H] - I ([e.sub.h]) - D ([e.sub.h]) [greater than or
equal to] T(n)[p.sub.l] - I([e.sub.l]) - D([e.sub.l]). (26)
Where, [v.sub.0] is the reservation utility of the local
Let [gamma] denote the Lagrange multiplier of the constraint
formula (25) and [zeta] denote the Lagrange multiplier of constraint
formula (26). Then, according to the first-order condition of the above
optimal problem, we can obtain:
F'(n)/T'(n) = [gamma] + [zeta] (1 - Pl/Ph). (27)
Since information between the central government and the local
government is asymmetrical, the local government has its own private
information about its own ability and efforts (Holmstrom 1979).
Evaluation on local governments as for supervision of local critical
infrastructures can only be obtained through a variable n, where n is
the accident number of local critical infrastructures. n may have N
different values and [n.sub.1] < [n.sub.2] < ... < [n.sub.N].
In general, the central government does not allow local governments
to negotiate about the contract in view of the status of the central
government (the local governments can only choose to truly accept or
falsely accept). Under the condition of incomplete information, the
central government can choose an accident occurrence number [n.sup.*] as
the reference for measuring the work of the local government.
The central government expects local governments to work with high
efficiency [e.sub.h], but the actual average effort intensity of local
governments can only be [e.sub.*]. The corresponding accident number is
[n.sub.*], and [n.sub.*] = [N.summation over (i=1)] [n.sub.i] [P.sub.e].
Therefore, the corresponding optimization for the central government can
be simplified as:
Let [gamma] denote the Lagrange multiplier of the constraint
formula and calculate the first-order optimal condition, then obtain:
F'([n.sup.*])/T'([n.sup.*]) = [gamma]. (29)
Use the Bayesian law to analyze the information asymmetry between
the central government and the local governments. Assume [theta] = p
([e.sub.h]) as the priori probability of the central government when it
regards the local governments have chosen [e.sub.h]. [theta] =
p([e.sub.h]|[n.sub.0]) is the posterior probability of the central
government when it regards the local governments have chosen [e.sub.h]
through observation of accident number [n.sub.0] of local critical
infrastructures. According to the Bayesian law, we can obtain:
[theta]' = [p.sub.h][theta]/[p.sub.h][theta] + [p.sub.l] (1 -
[theta]). (30)
[p.sub.l]/[p.sub.h] = [theta](1 - [theta]')/[theta]'(1 -
[theta]). (31)
Then, according to formula (27) and (31), we can obtain formula
F'(n)/T'(n) = [gamma] + [??] ([theta]' -
[theta]/[theta]'(1 - [theta])). (32)
Because T(n) is the decreasing function of n, when [n.sub.0] <
[n.sup.*], T([n.sub.0]) > T([n.sup.*]) and F'(n)/T'(n) is
an increasing function of T(n). Therefore, when [n.sub.0] <
[n.sup.*], obtain the following formula:
F'([n.sub.0])/T'([n.sub.0]) >
F([n.sup.*])/T([n.sup.*]). (33)
According formula (29), (32) and (33), we can obtain
[gamma] + [??] ([theta]' - [theta]/[theta]'(1 - [theta]))
> [gamma]. (34)
[gamma], [??], [theta] and [theta]' are all greater than zero,
and therefore, [theta]' > [theta]. This demonstrates when the
accident number [n.sub.0] < [n.sup.*], the central government has
reason to believe the local government is efficient, and conversely, the
central government has reason to believe the local government is
inefficient if the accident number [n.sub.0] < [n.sup.*].
The most important result of principal--agent model is that it can
predict what kind of observation variable should be written in incentive
contract. We can see from the above that the accident number of local
critical infrastructures is an important measure for the evaluation on
local government. The local government will be punished when the central
government is aware of the case that the accident number of local
critical infrastructures is higher than the referenced number. This
means the local government officials are inefficient and they will be
deposed and some will even be accused for criminal responsibility, that
is, T(n) - I([e.sub.l]) - D([e.sub.l]) [right arrow] -[infinity]. In the
face of this kind of contract, the only choice for the local government
officials is to work efficiently. It should be noted that the
establishment of punishment mechanisms is to promote local governments
to cooperate with the central government. The central government needs
to establish the incentive fund and performance appraisal for officials
in local governments.
4.2. Modeling of lower incentive compatibility
The utility of the operating department can be expressed as:
w = f(x) - k(e). (35)
The utility of the local government can be expressed as:
v = g(x) - f(x). (36)
Where, x denotes the workload of the operating department and k(e)
denotes the working cost of the operating department under different
effort level e. f(x) denotes the benefit of the operating department for
accomplishing the workload x, which is demanded by the local government.
g(x) denotes the benefit of the local government that come from the
fulfillment of the workload x by the operating department.
If the incentive mechanism is introduced between the operating
department and the local government, a new item should be added into the
utility function. The new utility of the operating department can be
expressed as:
w = f(x) + [pi](y,z) - k(e). (37)
The new utility of the local government can be expressed as:
v = g(x) - f(x) - [pi](y,z). (38)
Where, [pi](y,z) is the incentive utility item; y is the benefit
awarded to the operating department from the local government and z is
the deducted benefit when the operating department violates rules and
regulations; [pi] is the increasing function of y and the decreasing
function of z ; [pi](y,z) may be greater or less than 0. The utility
function of the local government and the operating department can be
respectively simplified as:
v = [phi](x, y, z ), (39)
w = [phi](x, y, z) - k(e). (40)
Under different effort levels (e = l,h), the joint distribution
density function of y and z as can be denoted respectively as
[[pi].sub.l](y,z) and [[pi].sub.h](y,z). To maximize the utility of not
only the local government but also the operating department, the local
government has to choose a proper [pi](y,z). Let k([e.sub.l]) and
k([e.sub.h]) respectively denote the working cost of the operating
department under low effort level and high effort level; let [u.sub.0]
denote the reservation utility of the operating department. Then,
optimization for the local government can be expressed as (Spence and
Zeckhauser 1971; Ross 1973; Mirrlees 1974, 1976; Holmstrom 1979):
Constraints of the above formula are shown as follows:
According to the Lagrange law, let [eta] and [lambda] denote the
Lagrange multiplier of participation constraint (42) and incentive
compatibility constraint (43), respectively, so the optimal first-order
condition is:
[phi]'(x,y,z)/[phi]'(x,y,z) = [eta] + [lambda][1 -
[[pi].sub.l](y,z)/[[pi].sub.h](y,z)]. (44)
Theoretical optimal incentive mechanism exists between the local
government and the operating department, as is shown in the formula
(44). Therefore, the above incentive mechanism should be explored and
introduced to reduce the critical infrastructure accidents and to ensure
the sustainability of critical infrastructure system.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we use ideas from game theory and incentive
compatibility theory to study the interaction of rational players in
critical infrastructure management, and put forward bilevel game model
and bilevel incentive compatibility model to analyze the game and
incentive mechanism and to improve the sustainability of the system. The
models are theoretically important to improve bureaucracy's
efficiency and provide a theoretical basis for the research of incentive
mechanism in critical infrastructure management. The collaboration and
coordination among different levels of players will reduce the
uncertainty in the process of policy implementation and enhance the
sustainability of critical infrastructure system.
doi: 10.3846/tede.2010.23
This work is supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
funded project (No. 20090450125), Heilongjiang Provincial Government
funded postdoctoral project, Development Programme for Outstanding Young
Teachers in Harbin Institute of Technology (No. HITQNJS.2009.038),
Humanities and Social Science Fund of Chinese Ministry of Education (No.
09YJC630049), and 2010 Humanities and Social Science Guidance Programme
of Education Department of Heilongjiang Province (No. 11554097). The
authors appreciate the anonymous reviewers and the relevant editorial
board members for their constructive comments and suggestions.
Received 20 May 2009; accepted 5 August 2010
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Xin MIAO. Assistant Prof. Dr at the Dept. of Public Management in
the School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, the author of
more than 20 research papers. Research interests: infrastructure
management, emergency management, transport and logistics management.
Bo YU. Prof. Dr at the School of Management, Harbin Institute of
Technology. He is the Head of the School of Management, Harbin Institute
of Technology; Co-director of China Energy Systems Engineering
Committee. Research interests: regional sustainable development and
technology economics. He published more than 100 research papers.
Bao XI. Prof. Dr at the Dept. of Public Management in the School of
Management, Harbin Institute of Technology. He is the Co-director,
National Center of Technology, Policy and Management at Harbin Institute
of Technology; Deputy Head of the Dept. of Public Management and
Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Public Management. Research
interests: infrastructure management, risk management and emergency
management. He published more than 100 research papers.
Yan-hong TANG. PhD student at the Dept. of Public Management in the
School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology. Research
interests: risk management, public policy analysis and social network
Xin Miao (1), Bo Yu (2), Bao Xi (3), Yan-hong Tang (4)
School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001,
Harbin, China E-mails: (1); (2); (3); (4)
Table 1. Hawk-dove game and Nash Equilibrium
H (1 - L)/2, (1 - L)/2 I , 0
D 0, I I /2, I /2