Research of low energy house design and construction opportunities in Lithuania/Mazai energijos naudojancio namo projektavimo ir statybos Lietuvoje galimybiu tyrimas.
Venckus, Nerijus ; Bliudzius, Raimondas ; Endriukaityte, Audrone 等
1. Introduction
Considering the tendencies of energy production and price, it is
becoming urgent to reduce energy consumption in buildings. The European
Parliament's Industry Committee (ITRE) on 31 March 2009 stated
that, starting from 2019, all newly constructed buildings must produce
the same amount of energy they consume. The committee's
recommendation adopted by the European Parliament on 23 April 2009
(European Parliament 2009) oblige the Member States to provide
intermediate national targets to reduce energy consumption in buildings,
i.e. determine the minimum number of buildings with zero energy
consumption in 2015 and 2020.
To implement these intermediate objectives in European Union, a
concept of the low energy building was formed. The main idea is that the
low energy buildings should consume less energy to compare to buildings
built in accordance to the local countries requirements (Jovanovic et
al. 2009; Madlener and Alcott 2009). EU member states are developing
definitions of low energy buildings, but only in 7 of them these
definitions are officially published. Several countries are planning to
publish them in the coming year (The European Alliance of Companies for
Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2008). In most EU countries, a ratio
between the energy consumption is determined, comparing low energy
buildings and buildings built according to the normative requirements.
In other countries, the specific energy consumption values are defined.
They must be fulfilled to include energy-efficient buildings in the low
energy buildings group. The most comprehensive and widely used concept
of a low energy in Europe is offered by the German scientist W. Feist
(Passive House Institute 2009a), also called the passive house concept,
where the maximum permissible energy consumption for the heating of the
building are presented, and at the same time, the total primary energy
consumption is limited. The requirements for building elements thermal
properties and the air tightness of the building are also presented in
this concept.
Lithuania is also foreseeing the design and construction of low
energy buildings. So it becomes necessary to explore the possibilities
to use one of these existing design and construction concepts or develop
own approaches by using the experience of other countries and adaptation
to local Lithuanian climate conditions. The first step to achieve this
was completed--the first dwelling house corresponding to the passive
house approach was designed and built in Lithuania. The issues that
arose during the process and their solutions are presented in this
2. Substantial attitudes of the passive house concept
The essence of the passive building's concept is that the
building must be properly oriented, sealed and insulated (Passive House
Institute 2008) (Stecher and Klingenberg 2008) in a way that a
conventional heating system would not be required and the building could
be heated by air supplied into the building, the amount of which must
conform to the minimal hygiene requirements. In this heating system
supplied air is heated by air extracted from the heated space;
additional heat source, if needed, and type of energy depend on the
situation. As the temperature of air, supplied to the indoor area cannot
be greater than 50 [degrees]C, the building heat loss through thermal
envelopes must not exceed 10 W/[m.sup.2] (Passive House Institute 2009b)
(Bertrand and Rybka 2008). This is achieved by using a thicker
insulating layer (Ginevicius et al. 2008) (Zavadskas et al. 2008),
choosing windows with low heat transfer characteristics and designing
the structural assemblies so that the heat transfer coefficients of
thermal bridges do not exceed 0.01 W/[m.sup.2]K. In order to select an
energy-efficient heating system, the heat produced by appliances and
humans inside the building as well as heat gained through the windows in
the form of sun rays must be evaluated (Dombayci 2010). The amount of
the solar heat gains depends on the area of translucent envelopes in the
building and their cardinal orientation. The best results are achieved
when the building is designed so that the rooms which require more light
are aimed at the southern part and the corridors, bathrooms, storage or
similar areas are aimed at the northern half of the building. The shape
of the building must be as close to a cube as possible, in which case it
gives the smallest envelope to floor area ratio. The building must be
equipped with extra heating device, in order to ensure required
temperatures in the rooms during periods of very low external air
temperatures or in cases if the ventilation--heating system fails.
Usually low energy building is associated with the passive house
concept which was developed in Germany and has the following
--Extremely good thermal insulation of external building envelope.
The heat transfer coefficients of walls, roofs and floors should not
exceed 0.15 W/[m.sup.2]K; heat transfer coefficients of windows should
not exceed 0.8 W/[m.sup.2]K and the heat transfer coefficients of
thermal bridges should not exceed 0.01 W/[m.sup.2]K, whereas the total
annual energy requirement to heat the building must be not larger than
15 kWh/[m.sup.2].
--The external envelope of a building should be airtight. Measured
air exchange ratio in the building, where the external and internal air
pressure is 50 Pa must be no greater than 0.6 times per hour. The
natural air change in passive house should not exceed 0.04 times per
3. Planning and envelope structural solutions
Building site and positioning of the rooms:
Passive house was designed and built in the township of Gulbinai in
Vilnius city near the lake Gulbinas. The technical characteristics of
the building are: heated area (according to the PHPP methodology of
calculation)--194.4 [m.sup.2], house height--7.14 m, number of
storey's--2. The building was designed in a newly built area so
there was a possibility to orient it according to cardinal points (Fig.
The windows of the open area kitchen and living room on the first
floor (Fig. 2) and the windows of bedrooms on the second floor are
directed to the south - southwest. Staircases, lavatories and a workroom
are designed on the first floor. The window area of the southern facade
takes up 47.8% of the southern wall, the window area of the northern
wall area--5.2%. Calculated annual heat losses through the windows of
the building are 22.2 kWh/[m.sup.2] and annual solar heat gains--26.3
kWh/[m.sup.2]. If this building would be designed with the same total
amount of windows, but half of them would be oriented to the south and
half to the north, the annual heat loss through the windows would remain
the same but the annual solar heat gains would drop to 19.4
kWh/[m.sup.2], i.e. by 26.2%.
The windows with the heat transfer coefficient from 0.73 to 0.84
W/[m.sup.2]K (depending on the size of the windows) are installed in
order to fulfil the passive house concept recommendations. In
comparison, if windows conforming to the national regulations STR
2.01.05:2005 were installed, the heat transfer coefficient would be 1.6
W/[m.sup.2]K and annual heat loss through the windows would increase by
100.5% from 22.2 to 44.5 kWh/[m.sup.2]. The design value of windows
solar heat gain coefficient g is 0.57 and the annual solar heat gains
through the transparent glazing areas reach 26.3 kWh/[m.sup.2].
Protection from the overheating in the summer time is provided by mobile
shutters and a curtain on the southern side of the building.
Roof construction:
The passive house roof was designed with a one slope (Fig. 3). The
roof structure consists of the wooden I-beams and mineral wool
insulation. The roof slope oriented to the north, inclination 5%.
Between the I-beams 40 cm mineral wool layer is installed. The heat
transfer coefficient of this roof is 0.08 W/[m.sup.2]K (regular
value--0.16 W/[m.sup.2]K). The designed annual heat loss through the
roof is 4.85 kWh/[m.sup.2] and equal to 52.2% of heat loss through a
similar roof conforming to the national regulations.
Load-bearing walls are made of clay bricks. Mineral wool insulation
is used to insulate the walls. Wooden logs or thin-layer plaster are
used as external finish, depending on the type of the wall. Two types of
external walls constructions are designed: ventilated wall (Fig. 4) and
rendered facade (Fig. 5). The thickness of the mineral wool layer is 35
cm. The heat transfer coefficient of walls varies from 0.10 to 0.11
W/[m.sup.2]K (regular value--0.20 W/[m.sup.2]K). The design value of
annual heat loss through the walls is 18.33 kWh/[m.sup.2]. It is 54.5%
of the heat loss of through similar walls conforming to national
Floor on the ground is insulated with a 33 cm extruded polystyrene
foam layer. The heat transfer coefficient of the floor is 0.12
W/[m.sup.2]K (normative value--0.25 W/[m.sup.2]K). A design annual heat
loss through the floor is 4.1 kWh/[m.sup.2] and it comes to 48.7% of the
heat loss of the same structure conforming to national standards.
Thermal bridges:
Building elements and their connections should be built in a way
that the values of the heat transfer coefficients of the linear thermal
bridges do not exceed the guidelines by PHPP--0.01 W/[m.sup.2]K .
Building air tightness:
An air-tight inner layer of the wall must be assembled and
appropriate combination of insulation and wind protective layers must to
be installed to ensure the air tightness of the building. The inner
surface of the load-bearing walls, made of clay bricks was plastered to
ensure air tightness. Ventilated facade of the building (Fig. 4) is
constructed from mineral wool insulation wind protection slabs on top of
low density insulation layer in order to decrease the air permeability.
The building was inspected for air leakages before installation of
internal finishes. Identified leak sites have been sealed. Therefore the
final result of the measurement was better than the minimum
The measured building air changes at 50 Pa difference of external
and internal air pressure was 0.4 times per hour (PHPP recommendations
[less than or equal to] 0.6 times per hour). In real operating
conditions, the air exchange does not exceed 0.1 times per hour. If the
air tightness of the building meets the requirements of STR 2.05.01:2005
(1.5 times per hour at 50 Pa pressure difference) the annual building
heat losses due to infiltration can reach 40 kWh/[m.sup.2].
In order to reduce the consumption of energy required for the
heating--ventilation system, a heat recovery device with a heat recovery
efficiency of 82 % was selected. Air heating--ventilation system takes
outside air and supplies it through the garage to the heat exchanger
device. This device heats incoming external air by using the heat
extracted from outgoing inside air. Air of the required temperature is
supplied to the rooms, and removed from the kitchen and the bathrooms.
Reserve heating source:
The designed heating system provides the required indoor
temperature only when the outside air temperature is not below
12[degrees]C--15[degrees]C (Pupeikis et al. 2010). At low external air
temperatures, it is necessary to increase the temperature of supplied
air over the 50 [degrees]C limit or the air flow rate. The first case
disagrees with the hygienic requirements, in the second case the
required ventilation air quantity is exceeded, and the velocity of air
movement in the rooms is increased. Therefore, the required thermal
energy at the coldest period will be supplied by additional floor
heating, with the power of 8.9 W/[m.sup.2], which consists of one pipe
installed in the floor plate in the perimeter.
Building energy performance:
Energy demand and building energy consumption were calculated by
passive house planning package (PHPP) and according to national
regulations. The result is presented in Table 1.
4. Passive house benefits
The annual heat consumption of the building decreases from 72
kWh/[m.sup.2] to 15 kWh/[m.sup.2]. The inner surface temperature of
non-transparent envelopes during the coldest five day period does not
fall more than 2 [degrees]C below the internal air temperature,
therefore comfort conditions are always ensured (Jurelionis and
Isevicius 2008). Temperature difference of the glass inner surface and
internal air temperature during the coldest day is 4.1 [degrees]C, when
the windows with a heat transfer coefficient of 0.8 W/[m.sup.2]K are
Proper air tightness of the building ensures that the ventilation
heat loss decreases from 46 kWh/[m.sup.2] per year (STR 2.05.01:2005,
for a building that complies with the requirements of national
standards) to 7.6 kWh/[m.sup.2] per year (Fig. 6). In addition, up to
80% of the required heat is recovered in the heating--ventilation system
using the recuperative device. In an air tight building, air is supplied
to the rooms through filters; therefore it is clear of dust.
According to the national regulations, a heating season of 6 months
is required for a new house in Lithuania. The duration of the heating
season of the passive house is reduced to five months (Fig. 7). In
October and April, the heat losses are covered by the internal heat
gains and solar gains through the windows.
The air tightness of the building and a thick layer of thermal
insulation in the envelopes, triple glazing in the windows provide
protection from external noise.
5. Differences between the passive house concept and the
requirements of Lithuanian building standards
Passive house design program PHPP (Passive House Planning Package)
was used for energy consumption calculations for the passive house in
Lithuania, whereas design values and normative recommendations adapted
for this program.
The main differences were observed while calculating between the
PHPP methodology and methodology used in Lithuania, and the differences
between the thermal and technical parameters used for calculation in
these phases:
--different external climate data is used in calculations;
--different evaluation of internal heat gains during the
exploitation period;
--the method of determining the demand of necessary air supply to
ensure the internal microclimate parameters varies;
--different performance evaluation of the ventilation equipment.
For the building heat losses calculations, the average external air
temperature during the heating season in Lithuania is used. The PHPP
program uses average monthly temperatures to evaluate exact heat demand.
For the building heating load calculations according to STR
2.09.04:2008, outdoor air temperature is selected from the national
building regulations (RSN 156-94 "Climatology of Buildings")
depending on the thermal inertia of the building envelope. Potential
temperatures for the heating load calculation are: the average of the
coldest day, the average of the coldest day and the coldest five days,
the temperature of the coldest five days. The temperatures used in the
PHPP program for the heating load calculation are: the temperature of
the coldest days on a sunny day, the average temperature of a cloudy day
of average cold. In the PHPP program, solar radiation data in
Lithuania's climate zone from the 1981-2000 period is used, while
solar radiation statistics according to Lithuanian climatology RSN
156-94 were prepared using data from the 1955-1980, 1955 to 1991
The design values of internal heat gains have a significant impact
on the calculation of the balance of passive house heat losses and
internal gains. In the case of design model, and without knowing the
appliances used, the total number of inhabitants and other specific
exploitation conditions, PHPP recommends using an internal heat gain
that is not greater than 2.1 W/[m.sup.2], with regards to the influence
of inhabitants and household appliances. According to STR 2.09.04:2008,
the heat release of inhabitants in residential apartments of one or two
flats is 1.2 W/[m.sup.2], and the heat release of electrical lighting
and appliances is--1.6 W/[m.sup.2]. Due to such differences, a
difference up to 2.5 kWh/[m.sup.2] of energy consumption for heating per
year is achieved.
When calculating the heat losses due to ventilation, it was
determined, that the difference between the amount of air extracted
(Table 2) from the rooms according to STR 2.09.02:2005 (Annex 1) and
PHPP varies from 17 to 63%.
For the evaluation of the efficiency of the ventilation heat
recovery unit using the PHPP program, a further evaluation of the energy
consumption for the heat recovery process is needed. This reduces the
manufacturer declared efficiency up to 12% (Fahlen et al. 2006).
6. Passive House concept integration to Lithuanian climatic
After the passive house was designed, using Lithuanian climatic
data (Vilnius city), an evaluation of the building's heat demand
was made, using the climate data of various European cities. The
calculation results (Table 3) indicate that same house, built in
Austria, would use two times less energy for heating than it does in
Lithuania, built in Helsinki -60% more. The heat transfer coefficients
of the walls, roof and floor of the Lithuanian passive house are (0.10
to 0.12 W/[m.sup.2]K) 30%-50% lower than ones presented in the passive
house concept. According to PHPP, in a German house it is enough to
achieve a threshold value of (0.15 W/[m.sup.2]K). Such improvement of
the thermal properties of envelopes in Lithuania is related to the
technical capabilities of their installation and their cost.
While designing and building the passive house in Lithuania, all
solutions to achieve required insulation level were developed and
implemented. Building air tightness level even exceeds recommended
value, what means high quality designers and builders attitude. The cost
of the passive house price increased by 11% to compare to a same
building built on a normative level. At this moment, energy consumption
monitoring of the passive house is carried out, the purpose of which is
to check the building's energy performance and compare it to
Analysis of the results have also shown that in colder climate
countries such as Finland, Sweden and Norway, it would be difficult to
achieve the requirements provided in the passive house concept, or it
would require specific solutions, which would significantly increase the
cost of the building. Therefore, in these countries, the design and
construction of passive houses generally comply with the passive house
concept, but the requirements for energy consumptions are adjusted
according to the climate conditions. Such provisions would also be
appropriate in Lithuania.
7. Conclusions and recommendations
1. Technical analysis of the design and construction of the
building's envelopes shows that it is possible to reduce heat
losses through the envelopes by about 30% compared to a building
designed according to national standards.
2. Adopted air heating system with efficient heat exchange device
reduces the heating demand of the building for ventilation by six times.
To achieve this value, a high level of air tightness is required.
3. With the correct combination of insulation of the
building's envelope and heating ventilation system, the energy
consumption for heating is reduced approximately four times compared to
a building conforming to the national requirements. Therefore such a
building can be assigned to the category of very low energy houses.
4. In order to accelerate the construction of low energy houses, it
is necessary to improve the technical Lithuanian construction
regulations, to introduce more accurate calculation methods for heat
losses through envelopes, methods of evaluation of solar heat gains and
influence of heat release inside the buildings.
5. The definitions of low energy buildings and very low energy
buildings should be established in Lithuania, as well as limits of
energy consumption for heating of such buildings. Air tightness tests
and recommended values of primary energy consumption must be
6. The practice of low energy building design and construction
would enable a smooth transition to construction of net zero-energy
buildings in Lithuania
doi: 10.3846/tede.2010.33
Received 30 October 2009; accepted 5 August 2010
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Nerijus Venckus (1), Raimondas Bliudzius (2), Audrone Endriukaityte
(3), Josifas Parasonis (4)
(1) Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kaunas
University of Technology, Student? g. 48, LT-51367Kaunas, Lithuania,
(2) Institute of Architecture and Construction, Kaunas University
of Technology, Laboratory of Thermal Building Physics, Tunelio g. 60,
LT-44405 Kaunas, Lithuania, e-mail:
(3) Department of Architectural Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania,
(4) Department of Architectural Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania,
Nerijus VENCKUS. PhD student of Civil Engineering, Researcher at
the Laboratory of Thermal Building Physics of the Institute of
Architecture and Construction, KTU. Research interests: unsteady heat
transfer, thermal energy balance of buildings.
Raimondas BLIUDZIUS. Doctor, Head of the Laboratory of Thermal
Building Physics at the Institute of Architecture and Construction, KTU.
Research interests: thermal processes in building, thermal and hydro
properties of building materials and elements.
Audrone ENDRIUKAITYTE. Doctor, UAB "Paroc" marketing
director, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Architectural
Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU). Research
interests: building structures and thermal processes in buildings.
Josifas PARASONIS. Professor, Doctor Habil. Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University (VGTU), Sauletekio al. 11, Vilnius, Lithuania. PhD,
Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute (VISI, now VGTU, 1973). Doctor
Habil. (technical sciences, NIIZB, Moscow, 1992). Professor, VGTU
(1994). Head of Dept of Architectural Engineering. Author of over 170
publications (research results and study guides). Research interests:
reliability of structures and buildings; energy efficient and resource
saving buildings.
Table 1. Technical and economical characteristics of the building
According to
Passive national
Characteristic house regulations
U-value (heat transfer coefficients):
External walls 0.10-0.11 0.20
Roof 0.08 0.16
Floor 0.12 0.25
Windows 0.8 1.6
Transmition heat losses, kWh/[m.sup.2] 41.9 62.5
per year
Ventilation heat losses, kWh/[m.sup.2] 7.6 46.0
per year
Annual heat demand kWh/[m.sup.2] per 15 72
Primary energy demand, kWh/[m.sup.2] 107 166
per year
Heatin load during coldest period, 16 57
Table 2. Required extracted air flow ratio from the rooms
Name of the room Air flow ratio Air flow ratio
according to according to PHPP
Kitchen 72 [m.sup.3]/h 60 [m.sup.3]/h
Bathroom 54 [m.sup.3]/h 40 [m.sup.3]/h
Shower 54 [m.sup.3]/h 20 [m.sup.3]/h
WC 36 [m.sup.3]/h 20 [m.sup.3]/h
Table 3. Heating energy consumption depending on climate
State City Energy consumption for heating
per year, kWh/[m.sup.2]
Germany Hanover 11.2
Austria Salzburg 7.4
Switzerland Bern (Liebefeld) 8.4
Denmark Copenhagen 10.4
Ireland Dublin 3.9
Poland Warsaw 14.5
Finland Helsinki 24.3