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  • 标题:Regional development in Lithuania considering multiple objectives by the MOORA method/Lietuvos regionines pletros daugiaaspektis vertinimas MOORA metodu.
  • 作者:Brauers, Willem Karel M. ; Ginevicius, Romualdas ; Podvezko, Valentinas
  • 期刊名称:Technological and Economic Development of Economy
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-8619
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 期号:December
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • 摘要:The economic relations between the regions of a country are usually regulated by structural and automatic transfer payments from the richer to the poorer regions, consequently a mono-objective relationship. This automatic system is not a guaranty for success. Moreover a system of transfer payments is not sufficient to measure the well being of a regional population. In the well-being economy, each individual would have to feel good concerning material wealth, health, education, all kind of security and concerning the environment. With other words, multiple objectives have to be fulfilled. However, Multi-Objectivity poses many problems such as:
  • 关键词:Decision support systems;Regional development;Transfer payments

Regional development in Lithuania considering multiple objectives by the MOORA method/Lietuvos regionines pletros daugiaaspektis vertinimas MOORA metodu.

Brauers, Willem Karel M. ; Ginevicius, Romualdas ; Podvezko, Valentinas 等

1. Introduction

The economic relations between the regions of a country are usually regulated by structural and automatic transfer payments from the richer to the poorer regions, consequently a mono-objective relationship. This automatic system is not a guaranty for success. Moreover a system of transfer payments is not sufficient to measure the well being of a regional population. In the well-being economy, each individual would have to feel good concerning material wealth, health, education, all kind of security and concerning the environment. With other words, multiple objectives have to be fulfilled. However, Multi-Objectivity poses many problems such as:

--the method to be followed;

--the normalization of the units of the different objectives;

--the importance of an objective compared to the other objectives;

--the final ranking of the objectives.

2. The Method to be followed

For the researcher in multi-objective decision support systems the choice between many methods is not very easy. Indeed numerous theories were developed since the forerunners: Condorcet [the Condorcet Paradox, against binary comparisons, 1785, LVIII], Gossen (Law of decreasing marginal utility 1853), Minkowski (Reference Point 1896, 1911) and Pareto (Pareto Optimum and Indifference Curves analysis 1906, 1927) and pioneers like Kendall (ordinal scales, since 1948), Roy et al. (ELECTRE, since 1966), Miller and Starr (Multiplicative Form for multiple objectives 1969), Hwang and Yoon (TOPSIS 1981) and Saaty (AHP, since 1987-1988).

We intend to assist the researcher with some guidelines for an effective choice. In order to distinguish the different multi-objective methods from each other we use the qualitative definition of robustness.

In 1969 the statistician Huber considered robustness as purely cardinal as a compromise between a normal distribution and its light deviations (1). Casella and Berger call a robust alternative the median absolute deviation for a sample [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.n] (2002: 509). Moreover, from the beginning Bayesian analysis could be characterized as cardinal, nevertheless with a high grade of arbitrariness. This arbitrariness could be softened by considerations on robustness (2).

By 1953, which is quite recent for statistics (3), robust became a statistical term as "strong, healthy, sufficiently tough to withstand life's adversities" (Stigler 1973: 872). Indeed, we observe a move to a more vague and qualitative definition of robustness, namely to the meaning of common language (4): from a cardinal towards a qualitative scale: the most robust one, more robust than ..., as robust as ..., robust, weak robust, less robust than ..., not robust etc.

3. Conditions of Robustness in Multi-Objective Methods

The most robust multi-objective method has to satisfy the following conditions:

1. the method of multiple objectives in which all stakeholders are involved is more robust than this one in which only one decision maker or different decision makers defending only their limited number of objectives are involved. All stakeholders mean everybody interested in a certain issue (Brauers 2007: 454-455). Sooner or later, the method of multiple objectives has to take full account of the consumer-stakeholder (consumer sovereignty), either through private or through public consumption. Consequently, the method taking into consideration consumer sovereignty is more robust than this one which does not respect consumer sovereignty. Consumer sovereignty is measured by community indifference loci. Solutions have to deliver points inside the convex zone of the highest possible community indifference locus;

2. the method of multiple objectives in which all non-correlated objectives are considered is more robust than this one with a limited number of objectives;

3. the method of multiple objectives in which all interrelations between objectives and alternatives are taken into consideration at the same time is more robust than this one in which the interrelations are examined two by two (for the proof of this statement, see: Brauers 2004: 118-122);

4. the method of multiple objectives which is non-subjective is more robust than this one which uses subjective estimations for the choice and importance of the objectives and for normalization.

4.1. For the choice of the objectives

A complete set of representative and robust objectives is found after Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique Sessions. The Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique representing all the stakeholders consists of a sequence of steps, each of which has been designed to achieve a specific purpose, here to determine the objectives (Appendix A furnishes more details).

4.2. For giving importance to an objective

Weights and scores mix importance of objectives with normalization. On the contrary Delphi determines importance of objectives separately from normalization. In addition, as all stakeholders concerned are involved, the Delphi method is non-subjective.

The Delphi Method is a method for obtaining and processing judgmental data. It consists of a sequenced program of interrogation (in session or by mail) interspersed with feedback of persons interested in the issue, while everything is conducted through a steering group (Appendix B furnishes more details).

4.3. For Normalization

The method of multiple objectives which does not need external normalization is more robust than this one which needs a subjective external normalization (Brauers 2007: 445-460). Consequently, the method of multiple objectives which uses non-subjective dimensionless measures without normalization is more robust than this one which uses subjective weights (weights were already introduced by Churchman et al. in 1954 and 1957) or subjective non-additive scores like in the traditional reference point theory (Brauers 2004: 158-159);

5. the method of multiple objectives based on cardinal numbers is more robust than this one based on ordinal numbers: "an ordinal number is one that indicates order or position in a series, like first, second, etc." (Kendall et al. 1990: 1). Robustness of cardinal numbers is based first on the saying of Arrow (1974): "Obviously, a cardinal utility implies an ordinal preference but not vice versa" and second on the fact that the four essential operations of arithmetic: adding, subtracting, multiplication and division are only reserved for cardinal numbers;

6. the method of multiple objectives which uses the last recent available data as a base is more robust than this one based on earlier data;

7. once the previous six conditions fulfilled the use of two different methods of multiobjective optimization is more robust than the use of a single method; the use of three methods is more robust than the use of two, etc.

The multi-objective optimization by ratio analysis method (MOORA) satisfies the first six conditions. In addition, MOORA satisfies partially the seventh condition by using two different methods of multi-objective optimization. MOORA is the most robust method as no other method satisfies the seven conditions better until now.

4. The MOORA Method

The method starts with a matrix of responses of all alternative solutions on all objectives:

[[x.sub.ij]], (1)

with: [x.sub.ij] as the response of alternative j on objective or attribute i, i = 1, 2, ..., n as the objective or the attributes, j = 1, 2, ..., m as the alternatives.

In order to define objectives better we have to focus on the notion of attribute. Keeney and Raiffa (1993: 32) present the example of the objective "reduce sulfur dioxide emissions" to be measured by the attribute "tons of sulfur dioxide emitted per year". An objective and a correspondent attribute always go together. Consequently, when the text mentions "objective" the correspondent attribute is meant as well.

The MOORA method consists of two parts: the ratio system and the reference point approach.

4.1. The Ratio System as a Part of MOORA

We go for a ratio system in which each response of an alternative on an objective is compared to a denominator, which is representative for all alternatives concerning that objective (5):

[x.sup.*.sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij]/[square root of [m.summation over (j=i)] [x.sup.2.sub.ij]] (2)

with: [x.sub.ij]--response of alternative j on objective i, j = 1, 2, ..., m; m the number of alternatives, i = 1, 2, ..., n; n the number of objectives, [x.sup.*.sub.ij]--a dimensionless number representing the normalized response of alternative j on objective i.

Dimensionless Numbers, having no specific unit of measurement, are obtained for instance by multiplication or division. The normalized responses of the alternatives on the objectives belong to the interval [0; 1]. However, sometimes the interval could be [-1; 1]. Indeed, for instance in the case of productivity growth some sectors, regions or countries may show a decrease instead of an increase in productivity i.e. a negative dimensionless number (6).

For optimization, these responses are added in case of maximization and subtracted in case of minimization:

[y.sup.*.sub.j] [g.summation over (i=1)] [x.sup.*.sub.ij] - [n.summation over (i=g+1)] [x.sup.*.sub.ij], (3)

with: i = 1, 2, ..., g as the objectives to be maximized; i = g + 1, g + 2, ..., n as the objectives to be minimized; [y.sup.*.sub.j]--the normalized assessment of alternative j with respect to all objectives; [y.sup.*.sub.j] can be positive or negative depending of the totals of its maxima and minima.

An ordinal ranking of the [y.sup.*.sub.j] shows the final preference. Indeed, cardinal scales can be compared in an ordinal ranking after Arrow (1974): "Obviously, a cardinal utility implies an ordinal preference but not vice versa".

4.2. The Reference Point Approach as a part of MOORA

Reference Point Theory will go out from the ratios found in formula (2), whereby, a Maximal Objective Reference Point is also deduced. The Maximal Objective Reference Point approach is called realistic and non-subjective as the co-ordinates ([r.sub.i]), which are selected for the reference point, are realized in one of the candidate alternatives. In the example, A (10;100), B (100;20) and C (50;50), the maximal objective reference point [R.sub.m] results in: (100;100). The Maximal Objective Vector is self-evident, if the alternatives are well defined, as for projects in Project Analysis and Project Planning.

Given the dimensionless number representing the normalized response of alternative j on objective i, namely [x.sup.*.sub.ij] of formula (2) and in this way arriving to:

([r.sub.i] - [x.sup.*.sub.ij], (4)

with: i = 1, 2, ..., n as the attributes, j = 1, 2, ..., m as the alternatives, [r.sub.i] = the ith co-ordinate of the reference point, [x.sup.*.sub.ij] = the normalized attribute i of alternative j, then this matrix is subject to the Min-Max Metric of Tchebycheff (Karlin and Studden 1966) (7):


[absolute value of [r.sup.i] - [x.sup.*.sub.ij]] means the absolute value if [x.sub.ij] is larger than [r.sub.i] for instance by minimization.

Concerning the use of the maximal objective reference point approach as a part of MOORA some reserves can be made in connection with consumer sovereignty. Consumer sovereignty is measured with the community indifference locus map of the consumers (Brauers 2008b: 92-94). Given its definition the maximal objective reference point can be pushed in the non-allowed non-convex zone of the highest community indifference locus and will try to pull the highest ranked alternatives in the non-allowed non-convex zone too (Brauers, Zavadskas 2006: 460-461). Therefore an aspiration objective vector can be preferred, which moderates the aspirations by choosing smaller co-ordinates than in the maximal objective vector and consequently can be situated in the convex zone of the highest community indifference locus. Indeed stakeholders may be more moderate in their expectations. The co-ordinates [q.sub.i] of an aspiration objective vector are formed as:

[q.sup.i] [less than or equal to] [r.sub.i],

([r.sub.i] - [q.sub.i]) being a subjective element we don't like to introduce subjectivity in that way again. Instead, a test shows that the min-max metric of Tchebycheff delivers points inside the convex zone of the highest community indifference locus (Brauers 2008b: 98-103).

4.3. The Importance given to an Objective

The normalized responses of the alternatives on the objectives belong to the interval [0; 1] (see formula 2). Nevertheless, it may turn out to be necessary to stress that some objectives are more important than other ones. In order to give more importance to an objective its normalized responses on an alternative could be multiplied with a Significance Coefficient:

[[??].sup.*.sub.j] = [summation over (i=1)] [s.sub.i][x.sup.*.sub.j] - [summation over (i=g+1)] [s.sub.i][x.sup.*.sub.ij], (6)

with: i = 1, 2, ..., g as the objectives to be maximized, i = g + 1, g + 2, ..., n as the objectives to be minimized, [s.sub.i] = the significance coefficient of objective i, [[??].sup.*.sub.j] = the normalized assessment of alternative j with respect to all objectives with significance coefficients.

The Attribution of Sub-Objectives represents another solution. Take the example of the purchase of fighter planes (Brauers 2002). For economics, the objectives concerning the fighter planes are threefold: price, employment and balance of payments, but there is also military effectiveness. In order to give more importance to military defense, effectiveness is broken down in, for instance, the maximum speed, the power of the engines and the maximum range of the plane. Anyway, the Attribution Method is more refined than that a significance coefficient method could be as the attribution method succeeds in characterizing an objective better. For instance, for employment two sub-objectives replace a significance coefficient of two and in this way characterize the direct and indirect side of employment.

Of course at that moment the problem is raised of the subjective choice of objectives in general, or could we call it robustness of choice? The Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique will gather all stakeholders interested in the issue to determine the objectives in a non-subjective and anonymous way (see: Appendix A) and Delphi Technique will indicate their relative importance (for Delphi see Appendix B).

5. The Data on the Lithuanian Counties

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University creates a tradition in studying multiple criteria, sustainable development or social indicators in relation to the Lithuanian cities and counties. Let us illustrate this statement with some examples. In 2007, Zavadskas. Viteikiene and Saparauskas studied 22 indices defining the aspects of sustainability in the different residential districts of the city of Vilnius. In the same publication Zagorskas et al. evaluated the compactness of the Kaunas city districts. In the International Journal of Environment and Pollution Juskeviciius and Burinskiene studied quality factors of the residential environment in urban planning in the municipality regions of Lithuania. In the same publication Zavadskas et al. recommended how to improve the situation for sustainability in Vilnius with special emphasis on pollution (2007).

Another group of researchers at VGTU emphasized rather the evaluation of the sustainable development of the Lithuanian counties like Ginevicius et al. in Ekonomika (2004) and Ginevicius and Podvezko in Environmental research, Engineering and Management in the same year. Brauers and Ginevicius studied robustness in regional development studies of Lithuania (2009). Already at that moment the subjectivity was stressed for instance in the choice of the raw data connected with the choice of the objectives, criteria or indicators.

Not only the method to handle the different objectives expressed in different units had to be non-subjective but also the choice of the objectives, starting with the data underlying the objectives. What is meant with non-subjective?

In physical sciences, a natural law dictates non-subjectivity without deviations. In human sciences, for instance in economics, an economic law will state the attitude of men in general with very exceptionally individual deviations. Outside these human laws in the human sciences unanimity or at least a certain form of convergence in opinion between all stakeholders, which means everybody concerned in a certain issue, will lead to non-subjectivity (8). Consequently, the choice of the data concerning the Lithuanian counties, leading to the objectives, would mean bringing together the representatives of the national government, of the counties, of the inhabitants, of the workers and entrepreneurs and of the specialists from the academic world. Instead of this considerable undertaking the authors themselves made a broad choice of data in the different fields of interests. For instance, for migrations of population the emigration is taken as negative and the immigration as positive. Further are considered:

--the unemployment rate;

--for income and expenditure: the municipal budget and the monthly earnings;

--for housing and other floor space: useful floor space and completed dwellings;

--for education: number of pre-schools and of schools;

--for production and commerce: animal production, investments, construction and retail trade;

--for justice: criminal offenses.

The number of physicians is considered for health care. On the national level mostly the number of hospital beds is counted, which has no sense on the regional level as many patients prefer treatment in large towns sometimes outside the own district.

For pollution the following average emissions in kg per [km.sup.2] are taken into account: solid emissions, S[O.sub.2], N[O.sub.x], CO, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and some others.

We don't mention the greenhouse gas emission (C[O.sub.2]) as Lithuania has still a reserve for 2020 of 15% above the 2005 figure (9). Consequently, we suppose that also the Lithuanian districts have no problem with the greenhouse effect (10).

Table 1 shows all the data.

6. The Geographical-Automatical-Structural System of Transfer Payments

A note on terminology is needed to clarify the issue. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in a certain year is the value added created on the national territory, being a territorial concept. On the contrary, Gross National Product (GNP) is related to the civilians and the permanent residents of a nation. Interpolated for a region, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) signifies the value added created on a regional territory during a given year and the Gross Regional Product (GRP) means the value added created by the permanent residents of a region during that year. The Gross Regional Product is composed of the Regional Private Income (also called Primary Incomes of the Households) plus the cash flows of the regional companies before taxes but after distribution of dividends and the indirect taxation on both groups. As the last group is mostly not estimated the Gross Regional Product is assumed to be equal to the Regional Private Income. Finally, the Disposable Income per head equals the Private Income per head after paying taxes and receiving or giving transfer payments.

Transfer Payments do not create Value Added but are a transfer of value without counterpart like gifts or aid. Transfer payments are quite common in daily life such as in all kind of insurances, but transfer payments which are considered here are geographical. First of all geographical transfer payments can be automatic through fiscal or para-fiscal channels such as social security. They can also be seasonal, cyclical or structural. Off season on the sea side in Klaipeda can ask for additional but temporal transfer payments. Regions with a cyclical economy could need additional transfer payments in recession times. Structural transfer payments between regions are maintained under all circumstances and form an essential and enduring financial instrument for a state or a region, however becoming an element of stagnation for that region or nation. This kind of transfer payments is very much contested in Western Europe: "do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs". In Belgium it caused even an Income Paradox at least until 1996: by the transfer payments the richer Flemish inhabitants came worst off compared to the other Belgians as shown in Table 2.

For Lithuania the average gross monthly earnings for 2008 as mentioned in table 1, sub 5 approaches more or less the notion of Regional Income. Table 3 classifies the regions by this notion.

However, the computation of the Regional Income is not sufficient. The RI per capita could be biased. Furthermore, regional income is a typical exponent of the Economics of Welfare of Pigou (1920). The well-being economy goes further. In the wellbeing economy each individual would have to feel good concerning material wealth, health, education, all kind of security and concerning the environment. Therefore, multiple objectives have to be fulfilled. Multiple objectives, realized simultaneously, will measure well being. The 16 data of Table 1 become attributes and when optimized, either as maxima or minima, objectives. At that moment, the MOORA method will be operational.

7. Application of the MOORA Method on the data of the Lithuanian Counties

7.1. The part of the Ratio System in MOORA

In order to apply the MOORA program the statistical data of Table 1 are rearranged in subTable 4a as objectives and alternative districts under the form of the matrix:

[[x.sub.ij]]. (1)

Next, in sub Tables 4b and 4c formula (2) starts from this matrix:

[x.sup.*.sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij]/[square root of [m.summation over (j=1)] [x.sup.2.sub.ij]] (2)

where by: [x.sub.ij] = response of alternative j on objective i, j = 1, 2, ..., m; m the number of alternatives, i = 1, 2, ..., n; n the number of objectives.

In addition, after formula (3) the objectives are then added in case of maximization and subtracted in case of minimization (sub Table 4c):

[y.sup.*.sub.j] = [g.summation over (i=1)] [x.sup.*.sub.ij] - [n.summation over (i=g+1)] [x.sup.*.sub.ij]. (3)

The last column of sub Table 4c gives the final ranking for the ratio system in MOORA.

7.2. The part of the Reference Point Theory in MOORA

Reference Point Theory starting from the dimensionless numbers of Table 4c is non-subjective, also by using the Maximal Objective Reference Point, as expressed in formula (5):


with: [r.sub.i] as the normalized Maximal Objective Reference Point, i = 1, ..., n as the objectives, [x.sup.*.sub.ij] as the dimensionless numbers of Table 4c.

The last column of sub Table 4e gives the final rank for the Reference Point Theory in MOORA.

7.3. The Ranking of the Lithuanian Districts after their Well Being

Comparing sub Tables 4c and 4e the ranking is quite similar for the head and tail of the last column. However, the remark could be made that only the data for one year are observed. Therefore, having the figures for 2002 (Ginevicius, Podvezko 2004) and for 2005 (Brauers, Ginevicius 2009) a comparison is made with these years. In that manner the 2002 pre-European Union year is compared to the European Union years, 2005 and 2008.

In Table 5 the income approach represents the measurement of the average increase of material wealth of the inhabitants of a district but not of their well-being. The well being is rather effectively measured by MOORA using the multiple objectives concerning these inhabitants. MOORA shows some differences between the ratio system and the reference point versions. Nevertheless, a general tendency is present, even compared with a pre-European Union year. Three well-being districts, Vilnius, Klaipeda and Kaunas, are in sharp contrast with Telsiai, Taurage and Siauliai, regions with a rather poor well being.

A reversed ranking will start with the most vulnerable regions concerning their General Well-Being, the District of Telsiai on the first place.

1) Telsiai

Telsiai is the last classified county concerning general well-being. A slight deterioration seems even to be present since the pre-European Union period. Nevertheless, Telsiai has one of the highest average gross monthly earnings per capita of the country, probably biased by the well known high salaries of the petroleum industry. Indeed, the oil refinery of "Mazeikiu nafta", the only oil refinery of the Baltic States, is located in the town of Mazeikiai (Telsiai). On the other side the pollution in the district is the highest in the country but mainly concentrated around the town of Mazeikiai and it concerns mainly gaseous and liquid air pollutant emissions. In 2005 the refinery started with the introduction of an environment management system (web "Mazeikrq nafta" 2008), but the situation remains stationary, as shown in next Table 6.

Strange enough the unemployment rate of 6.6% is the second worst in the country. It is also the case with floor space per capita, whereas investment in fixed assets, own construction work and completed dwellings are also rather low rated. Health care is the third worst.

2) Taurage

Taurage is the second worst concerning general well-being. A deterioration seems to be present since the pre-European Union period.

Anyway Taurage has the lowest income per capita of all the Lithuanian counties over the period 2003-2008 (11). The second highest emigration quota of the country is then an understandable outcome. Taurage is also the worst in investment, in construction and in the completion of dwellings and the second worst in health care.

Taurage has to attract more investments with more construction also for private housing. The retail trade has to be developed, for instance around an important highway, when trade with Russia could develop.

3) Siauliai

Siauliai is the third worst concerning general well-being. It is also the worst in emigration, probably a result of being the third worst in income over the period 2003-2008.

4) Alytus

Alytus is the sixth in ranking for income but is the third worst in emigration and in investment.

5) Panevezys

Panevezys ranks only the seventh what income is concerned, is bad in completed dwellings (2nd worst) and is the third worst in construction.

6) Utena

General Well-Being classifies Utena more or less in the middle of the ranking of the 10 counties. It is the fifth in ranking for income but the worst of all counties for health care and the third worst for completed dwellings, a slight amelioration compared to 2005 when it was the second worst after Siauliai.

The existence of the atomic plant of Ignalina of the type of Chernobyl presents a weak point for the Utena County. This nuclear power plant was built by the Sovjets between 1978 and 1983. At a certain moment the reactors now stopped produced 80% of Lithuania's electricity. Presenting a potential danger the European Union ordered the closing down of the plant. First it was planned for 2005 but it is believed that the process will take another 25-30 years. Huge amounts are allocated to the closure project. Nevertheless since 2005 pollution emission is the lowest from of all Lithuanian Counties. Concerning Income and General Well Being Utena is situated in the middle of the classification of all Lithuanian Counties.

One day may be a later closed atomic plant, if safely protected, can attract disaster tourists and industrial archeologists, industrial archeology being the last modern branch of modern history. For the other visitors one could think of a permanent exhibition on all sources of energy for which Chernobyl was a bad example. A special place could be given on an exhibition on renewables for energy a point so much accentuated by the European Union.

7) Marijampole

Marijampole is the second worst in income over the period 2003-2008 and the second worst in investment and in construction.

8) Kaunas

Kaunas is the third best ranked in General Well-Being. It is also the third ranked in income due to its industrial activity, which nevertheless explains its third worst position in pollution emissions.

9) Klaipeda

Klaipeda is the second best ranked in General Well-Being. Although Klaipeda has the second highest income of all districts it ranks the worst in the unemployment level, the worst in floor space and the second worst in criminal acts. Being the second worst in pollution, mainly gaseous and liquid pollutant emissions, it could be influenced by the neighborhood of the oil refinery of "Mazeikiu nafta" in Telsiai.

10) Vilnius

Vilnius, the capital of the country, ranks first in General Well-Being. It also ranks first in the income level, is a source of immigration but ranks first in criminal acts. Strange enough it is classified third worst in unemployment.

8. Project Management for the Lithuanian Counties

8.1. The Labor Drain

The labor drain to the county of Vilnius represents a serious problem. In 2002 an immigration surplus still existed in the counties of Alytus, Kaunas, Marijampole, Utena and Vilnius. In 2005 and 2008 only the county of Vilnius remained with an immigration surplus. The capital of a country or another main city as the only attraction pole is a general world phenomenon, but has to be corrected. However some fluctuations per county took place in that period, as shown in next Table 7.

Thirty eight thousand persons emigrated abroad in 2005 and thirty five thousand in 2008. All these important migration flows ask for investment projects in industry, construction and commerce, which was already clear from the analysis per county.

8.2. Projects for Industrialization and Construction

As was already suggested above structural transfer payments of an automatic nature in order to solve the weaknesses of the counties have to be avoided as much as possible. Instead some suggestions for Project Management and Investments can be made.

1. The spin-offs of applied research of universities supported by the government in research parks outside campus namely in the less developed counties could lead to new products and applications. In this way a kind of Lithuanian Silicon Valley could be created.

2. The European Commission foresees a 23% part of renewables in the final energy demand of Lithuania by 2020. These renewables could come from non-fossil energy sources: wind, solar, geothermal, wave, tidal, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases. The European Commission remarks: "are related to the promotion of local employment and opportunities for small and medium sized enterprises, regional and rural development, stimulating economic growth and increasing global European industry leadership" (12). Anyway it would mean an opportunity for industrialization of the Lithuanian counties.

3. The average useful floor space per capita is certainly satisfactory in all counties, but may be that the quality of the habitation can be ameliorated. Renovation and new construction is perhaps necessary.

8.3. Projects for Commerce and Tourism

Development of tourism all over the Lithuanian territory would be very good.

1. Following the Swedish and Finnish example fishing in the many lakes and fitness centers around the lakes will certainly attract foreign tourists.

2. The rocket base near Plateliai (Telsiai) can be an attraction pole for all European and Turkish tourists as they were threatened by the rockets one day.

9. Conclusion

The remark that significance of robustness depends on the context is specified in different ways. First, robustness can be defined as cardinal or qualitative.

Concerning the most robust method of multi-objective optimization the following conditions are to be satisfied:

1. The method of multiple objectives in which all stakeholders are involved is more robust than one in which only one decision maker or different decision makers defending only a limited number of objectives are involved. All stakeholders mean everybody interested in a certain issue. All production will finally end in consumption. Consequently, the method of multiple objectives which takes into consideration consumer sovereignty is more robust than this one which does not respect consumer sovereignty. Consumer sovereignty is measured with community indifference loci. Solutions have to deliver points inside the convex zone of the highest community indifference locus;

2. The method of multiple objectives in which all non-correlated objectives are considered is more robust than this one in which only a limited number of objectives is considered;

3. The method of multiple objectives in which all interrelations between objectives and alternatives are taken into consideration at the same time is more robust than this one in which the interrelations are only examined two by two;

4. The method of multiple objectives which does not need separate normalization is more robust than this one which needs a subjective outside normalization. Consequently, a method of multiple objectives which uses non-subjective dimensionless measures with inside normalization is more robust than this one which for normalization uses subjective weights or subjective non-additive scores like in the traditional Reference Point Theory;

5. The method of multiple objectives based on cardinal numbers is more robust than this one based on ordinal numbers: an ordinal number is one that indicates order or position in a series, like first, second, etc. The robustness of cardinality is based on the saying of Arrow: "Obviously, a cardinal utility implies an ordinal preference but not vice versa" and also on the fact that the four fundamental operations of arithmetic: adding, subtracting, multiplication and division are only reserved for cardinal numbers;

6. The method of multiple objectives which uses the last recent available data as a base in the response matrix is more robust than this one based on earlier data;

7. Once the previous six conditions are fulfilled the use of two different methods of multiobjective optimization is more robust than the use of a single method; the use of three methods is more robust than the use of two, etc.

The Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis Method (MOORA) satisfies the first six conditions. In addition, MOORA satisfies partially the seventh condition by using two different methods of Multi-Objective Optimization. MOORA is the most robust method as no other method satisfies the seven conditions better. For all these reasons we selected MOORA.

In a country economic development can differ from region to region. A policy of smoothing out the differences in economic development may not result in a killing disadvantage for the richer regions. On the contrary, any project of industrialization or commercialization has to be a win-win-operation for all regions.

Next question is how to measure any redistribution. The computation of the Regional Income, being an exponent of the welfare economy of Pigou, is not sufficient for the measurement of the well being of the regional population. A well-being economy goes further than a welfare economy. In the wellbeing economy each individual would have to feel good concerning material wealth, health, education, all kind of security and concerning the environment. With other words, multiple objectives have to be fulfilled. However, these different multiple objectives are expressed in different units, which means that a problem of normalization is posed. For this purpose the attribution of weights, scores or exponents can be used, which means introduction of subjectivity. Therefore, an internal mechanical procedure is operated in order to escape from that subjective problem, namely Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Dimensionless numbers obtained in this manner will also form the basis for Reference Point Theory, the second part of MOORA.

Given all the objectives MOORA measures finally the well being differences between the ten districts of Lithuania. Three well being districts are in sharp contrast with some districts with a rather poor well being. In addition, the labor drain to the district of Vilnius from all the other districts represents a serious problem.

An automatic redistribution of income has to be condemned, whereas rather commercialization and industrialization of the regions has to occur.

Does the regional application of Lithuania satisfy the seven conditions of robustness?

1. First condition of robustness

The choice of the objectives and their respective importance has to be made by all the stakeholders involved in the issue. As this procedure is rather cost and time consuming the authors have taken the responsibility to choose objectives for all the counties. Consequently, this condition also respects consumer sovereignty.

2. Second condition of robustness

All objectives were taken into consideration as much as possible. The choice of the objectives for all counties is representative for the fields of migration of the population, unemployment rate, income and expenditure, housing and other floor space problems, education, production, commerce, justice and health care problems. For pollution the following average emissions in kg and per [km.sup.2] are taken into account: solid emissions, S[O.sub.2], N[O.sub.x], CO, and volatile organic compounds. The greenhouse effect (C[O.sub.2]) is not included as Lithuania may still exceed its actual emission level. On the contrary, the production of renewable energy will form an opportunity for further industrialization of Lithuania. Significance coefficients are too subjective to characterize the importance of an objective. Instead, sub-objectives, heightened to objectives, were introduced in order to give importance to a certain objective.

3. Third condition of robustness

All interrelations between objectives and alternatives were involved at the same time under the form of a matrix of responses considered as a whole and as a starting point for the application of MOORA.

4. Fourth condition of robustness

The use of dimensionless measures is a more robust method than subjective methods of normalization. In the application MOORA's dimensionless ratios satisfied this condition.

5. Fifth condition of robustness

The method of multiple objectives based on cardinal numbers is more robust than this one based on ordinal numbers. The application was entirely based on cardinal numbers.

6. Sixth condition of robustness

The last available data were used up until now.

7. Seventh condition of robustness

All the previous six conditions are fulfilled and also the seventh condition as two different methods of Multi-Objective Optimization were used. No other Multi-Objective Optimization Method exists which uses more than two Multi-Objective Optimization Methods and fulfill the previous six conditions.

In this way the regional research on Lithuania satisfies all conditions on robustness. Is it possible to draw some conclusion for policy making? Structural transfer payments of an automatic nature in order to solve the weaknesses of the counties have to be avoided as much as possible. Instead some suggestions for Project Management can be made.

Further industrialization and commercialization will diminish the labor drain to the Capital Vilnius and to abroad and would take away many weak points in the well being of the inhabitants of the counties.

doi: 10.3846/tede.2010.38

Appendix A

The Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique as a source for objectives

A.1. The original Nominal Group Technique of Van de Ven and Delbecq (1971)

A group of especially knowledgeable individuals (experts), representing all stakeholders, is formed, which comes together in a closed meeting. A steering panel or a panel leader leads the group.

The nominal group technique consists of a sequence of steps, each of which has been designed to achieve a specific purpose.

1. The steering group or the panel leader carefully phrases as a question the problem to be researched. Much of the success of the technique hinges around a well-phrased question. Otherwise the exercise can easily yield a collection of truisms and obvious statements. A successful question is quite specific and refers to real problems. The question has to have a singular meaning and a quantitative form as much as possible.

2. The steering group or the panel leader explains the technique to the audience. This group of participants is asked to generate and write down ideas about the problem under examination. These ideas too have to have a singular meaning and a quantitative form as much as possible. Participants do not discuss their ideas with each other at this stage. This stage lasts between five and twenty minutes.

3. Each person in round-robin fashion produces one idea from his own list and eventually gives further details. Other rounds are organized until all ideas are recorded.

4. The steering group or the panel leader will discuss with the participants the overlapping of the ideas and the final wording of the ideas.

5. The nominal voting consists of the selection of priorities, rating by each participant separately, while the outcome is the totality of the individual votes. A usual procedure consists of the choice by each participant of the n best ideas from his point of view, with the best idea receiving n points and the lowest one point. All the points of the group are added up. A ranking is the democratic result for the whole group.

A.2. The Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique of Brauers (1987)

6. Out of experience, one may say that there is still much wishful thinking, even between experts. Therefore the group was also questioned about the probability of occurrence of the event. In this way they became more critical even about their own ideas. The probability of the group is found as the median of the individual probabilities.

7. Finally, the group rating (R) is multiplied with the group probability (P) in order to obtain the effectiveness rate of the event (E):

R x P = E. (7)

Once again, the effectiveness rates of the group are ordered by ranking. Experience proves that the introduction of probabilities decreases significantly the total number of points.

A.3. An Application: Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique on the business outlook of the facilities sector of Lithuania over the period (2003-2012) (Brauers, Lepkova 2003)

The Facilities sector in Lithuania provides the following services:

--Acquisition, leasing and renting of existing buildings;

--Management of buildings, which is a multifunctional service. This means that all supervision, maintenance and repairing is included in the sector.

The Facilities Sector is only a very small sector in Lithuania, composed of a small number of small firms, which even perform other tasks outside facilities management, such as waste management. The largest firm in the sector counts only 179 employees.

A group of especially knowledgeable people was composed of delegates from the facilities sector, from the ministerial departments concerned and from the academic world (15 participants). Were all stakeholders interested in the issue represented? As neither representative consumer organization nor a representative trade union was present at that time it was assumed that the ministerial departments and the academic world were representative for these groups.

First a Brainstorming Session toke place. Jantsch gave the following basic rules for brainstorming sessions (1967: 136):

1. State the problem in basic terms, with only one focal point;

2. Do not find fault with, or stop to explore, any idea;

3. Reach for any kind of idea, even if its relevance may seem remote at the time;

4. Provide the support and encouragement which are so necessary to liberate participants from inhibiting attitudes".

In any case, an efficient reporting system is necessary to record the ideas presented (stenography or recording).

For the nominal group technique each participant has chosen the most important five events from his point of view, with the most important event receiving five points and the less important event one point Table A1 shows the results.

The introduction of probabilities of realization, introducing a sense of reality and presenting a guaranty against wishful thinking, produces quite some changes in the ranking.

The total 225 is a control figure for the group result. Indeed, each participant could distribute maximum: 5+4+3+2+1 = 15 points. With 15 participants, the total has to be not more than 225. It could be less, as each participant is not obliged to allot 15 points. The total of the given points, here namely 225, means that each participant used his rights completely. The reality check, however, diminishes the figure to 145.21.
Table A1. Important Events influencing the Business Outlook of
the Facilities Sector of Lithuania over the period 2003-2012

                                       Given                Median
            Events 2003-2012          Points R   Rank   Probabilities P

1    Member of European Union (a)        37       1          0.75

2    Large increase in foreign           20       2          0.75

3    More competition between            16       3          0.88
     facilities management

4    Large increase in GDP               16       3          0.75

5    New materials and technologies      12       6          0.75

6    Stability in international          14       5          0.50

7    Higher quality in building          8        11         0.75

8    Application of new information      9        9          0.63
     technologies to facilities

9    More relations with foreign         9        9          0.63
     companies having more
     experience in facilities

10   Better legislation in               11       7          0.50
     supervision sector

11   Optimal quality-price relation      7        13         0.75
     for services

12   Better public estimation for        8        11         0.63
     facilities management 13 till

22   Increase of individual              1        22         0.25
     property of housing

     Total Points                       225

            Events 2003-2012          E = RxP   rank

1    Member of European Union (a)      27.75      1

2    Large increase in foreign          15        2

3    More competition between          14.08     33
     facilities management

4    Large increase in GDP              12        4

5    New materials and technologies      9        5

6    Stability in international          7        6

7    Higher quality in building          6        7

8    Application of new information    5.67       8
     technologies to facilities

9    More relations with foreign       5.67       8
     companies having more
     experience in facilities

10   Better legislation in              5.5      10
     supervision sector

11   Optimal quality-price relation    5.25      11
     for services

12   Better public estimation for      5.04      12
     facilities management 13 till

22   Increase of individual            0.25      22
     property of housing

     Total Points                     145.21

(a) In 2003 Lithuania was not yet member of the European Union.

Appendix B

The Delphi Technique to determine the importance of an objective

Delphi, so named after the Greek oracle, was first thought of as a tool for better forecasting. In this sense, it seems that the first experiments took place around 1948 (Quade, Boucher 1968: 334). Today Delphi is no longer limited to forecasting alone. Dalkey and Helmer at RAND Corporation first used Delphi in its present form around 1953 (Dalkey, Helmer 1963).

The Delphi Method is a method for obtaining and processing judgmental data. It consists of a sequenced program of interrogation (in session or by mail) interspersed with feedback of persons interested in the issue, while everything is conducted through a steering group.

The essential features of Delphi are the following:

1. the rather vague notion "persons interested in the issue" is interpreted by Quade as follows: "In practice, the group would consist of experts or especially knowledgeable individuals, possibly including responsible decision makers" (Quade 1970: 9-10);

2. the steering group treats anonymously the sources of each input;

3. inputs must as much as possible possess a single meaning and a quantitative form. Te inputs with these characteristics are elicited with feedback in a series of rounds;

4. opinions about the inputs are evaluated with statistical indexes such as median and quartiles;

5. there is also a feedback of the statistical indexes with a request for re-estimation after consideration of reasons for extreme positions. The practice of Delphi reveals that after several rounds convergence is shown between the various opinions (one of the main advantages of the Delphi method);

6. there are two developments of Delphi: one is based on a meeting, the other on the sending of questionnaires. The organization of a meeting produces quicker results; the meeting, however, has to be organized in such a way that communication between the panel members is impossible. In order to increase even further the speed of the outcome of a meeting, an on-line computer could be installed. Everybody involved in the Delphi teamwork would have a desk terminal linked to a computer and would be able to look at a television screen giving the results calculated by the computer.

Convergence in opinion between all stakeholders to give more importance to an objective results from a Delphi exercise, which could provide the given objective with a Significance Coefficient. For instance, giving a significance coefficient to pollution abatement, the stakeholders are asked to give the following importance to pollution abatement:

0, 1, 2 or 3

Suppose that after several rounds convergence is reached on 3 (for an example concerning voting by a jury, see Brauers 2008a).


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Willem Karel M. Brauers [1], Romualdas Ginevicius [2], Valentinas Podvezko [3]

[1,2,3] Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

E-mails: [1] willem.brauers@ua.ac.be; [2] romualdas.ginevicius@vgtu.lt; [3] valentinas.podvezko@vgtu.lt

Received 16 April 2010; accepted 20 October 2010

(1) At a later time, namely in 1981, Huber wrote a more complete book on Robust Statistics. In 1994 at the occasion of Huber's birthday his colleagues edited a book on Robust Statistics (editor: Rieder 1996).

(2) A good overview of this problem of robustness and Bayesian Analysis is brought by Ruggeri 2008.

(3) As well known, statistics already existed in Roman times with the census of population.

(4) Webster's new Universal Unabridged Dictionary: robust: strong; stronger, strongest.

(5) Brauers and Zavadskas, 2006, prove that the most robust choice for this denominator is the square root of the sum of squares of each alternative per objective.

(6) Instead of a normal increase in productivity growth a decrease remains possible. At that moment the interval becomes [-1, 1]. Take the example of productivity, which has to increase (positive). Consequently, we look for a maximization of productivity e.g. in European and American countries. What if the opposite does occur? For instance, take the original transition from the USSR to Russia. Contrary to the other European countries productivity decreased. It means that in formula (2) the numerator for Russia was negative with the whole ratio becoming negative. Consequently, the interval changes to: [-1, +1] instead of [0, 1].

(7) Brauers 2008b proves that the Min-Max metric is the most robust choice between all the possible metrics of reference point theory.

(8) This convergence of opinion has to be brought not by face to face methods but rather by nominal methods such as the Ameliorated Nominal Group Technique or by the Delphi Method (See Appendices A and B).

(9) Lithuania greenhouse gas emission limited by 2020 compared to 2005: 18,429,024 tons of CO2 equivalent or 15% above the 2005 emission; cf. other Baltic States: Latvia 17%, Estonia 11% (Commission of the European Communities, decision to reduce emissions, SEC 2008).

(10) A huge literature exists on pollution and climate change. A number of the Journal of Economic Perspectives (Spring 2009, Symposium on Climate Change) presents a large uptodate literature on pollution and climate change. In addition we have to mention the International Journal of Environment and Pollution, especially volume 30 with as guest editors Zavadskas and Burinskiene.

(11) Economic and Social Development in Lithuania 2003, Statistics Lithuania. Vilnius, 2004. Counties of Lithuania 2004. Statistics Lithuania, Vilnius, 2005. Counties of Lithuania 2005. Statistics Lithuania, Vilnius, 2006. Counties of Lithuania 2006. Statistics Lithuania, Vilnius, 2007. Counties of Lithuania 2007. Statistics Lithuania, Vilnius, 2008.

(12) Commission of the European Communities, COM 2008, version 15.4.

Willem K. M. BRAUERS was graduated as: Ph.D in economics (Un. of Leuven), Master of Arts (in economics) of Columbia Un. (New York), Master in Management and Financial Sciences, in Political and Diplomatic Sciences and Bachelor in Philosophy (Un. of Leuven). He is professor at the Faculty of Applied Economics and at the Institute for Development Policy and Management of the University of Antwerp. Previously, he was professor at the University of Leuven, the Belgian War College, the School of Military Administrators, and the Antwerp Business School. He was a research fellow in several American institutions like Rand Corporation, the Pentagon, the Institute for the Future, the Futures Group and extraordinary advisor to the Center for Economic Studies of the University of Leuven. He was consultant in the public sector, such as the Belgian Department of National Defense, the Department of Industry in Thailand, the project for the construction of a new port in Algeria (the port of Arzew) and in the private sector such as the international seaport of Antwerp and in electrical works. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of SORCA Ltd. Brussels, Management Consultants for Developing Countries, linked to the world-wide group of ARCADIS and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MARESCO Ltd. Antwerp, Marketing Consultants. At the moment he is General Manager of CONSULTING, Systems Engineering Consultants. Brauers is member of many international scientific organizations. His specialization covers: Optimizing Techniques with Several Objectives, Forecasting Techniques and Public Sector Economics such as for National Defense and for Regional Sub-optimization and Input-Output Techniques. His scientific publications consist of twelve books and hundreds of articles and reports.

Romualdas GINEVICIUS. Professor, Dr Habil, Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University construction engineer and economist. The author of more than 350 research papers and over 20 scientific books; editor-in-chief of the 'Journal of Business Economics and Management' (located in ISI database 'Web of Science') and the journal 'Business: Theory and Practice. Research interests: organization theory, complex quantitative evaluation of social processes and phenomena.

Valentinas PODVEZKO. Professor, Doctor, Department of Mathematical Statistics. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. MSc Dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics (now Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics) Lomonosov Moscow University (1966), Doctor (1984) (Scientific Institute for System Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow), procedure of Habilitation, professor (2006). Author of over 150 publications. Research interests: decision-making theory, expert systems, sampling models in economics and technology.
Table 1. The statistical data on economic-social
development of Lithuanian Counties for 2008

                                     Units     Alytus   Kaunas

1. Population migration (net        1000 p.    -5.345   -2.550
migration) per 1000 inhabitants

2. Municipal budget's revenue        1000      2.221    2.175
(average amount per capita)           LTL

3. Municipal budget's                 LTL      189.39   185.18
expenditure (average amount,
social security)

4. Unemployment rate                   %        4.1      5.9

5. Average gross monthly              LTL       1874     2062

6. Average useful floor space      [m.sup.2]    27.1     24.0
per capita

7. Number of pre--school            number      109       94
establishments (places per 100

8. Number of schools                number      3.11     2.52
(per 1000 of students)

9. Animal products recalculated     100 kg      674      683
in terms of milk (100 kg per 100
ha of agricultural land)

10. Indicators of activity of         LTL       4954     5857
retail trade enterprises (per

11. Investment in tangible fixed      LTL       4560     6265
assets (per capita)

12. Own-account construction          LTL      2687.2   3036.0
work carried out within the
country (per capita)

13. Dwellings completed (per       [m.sup.2]   0.243    0.354

14. Registered criminal offences    number      112      164
(misdemeanors per 100000

15. Physicians per 10000            number      24.3     51.3

16. Average pollutant emissions       kg       244.1    1374.9
per [km.sup.2]

                                   Klaipeda    Marijampole   Panevezys

1. Population migration (net        -0.812       -0.369       -4.996
migration) per 1000 inhabitants

2. Municipal budget's revenue        2.111        2.116        2.109
(average amount per capita)

3. Municipal budget's               180.36       193.31       190.04
expenditure (average amount,
social security)

4. Unemployment rate                  7.2          2.8          5.6

5. Average gross monthly             2114         1738         1835

6. Average useful floor space        22.7         23.6         26.9
per capita

7. Number of pre--school              96           97           108
establishments (places per 100

8. Number of schools                 2.82         3.45         3.21
(per 1000 of students)

9. Animal products recalculated       788          832          658
in terms of milk (100 kg per 100
ha of agricultural land)

10. Indicators of activity of        6982         4408         5129
retail trade enterprises (per

11. Investment in tangible fixed     7761         3527         5308
assets (per capita)

12. Own-account construction        4434.8       2074.7       2354.2
work carried out within the
country (per capita)

13. Dwellings completed (per         0.335        0.142        0.077

14. Registered criminal offences      173          130          130
(misdemeanors per 100000

15. Physicians per 10000             33.1         20.7         28.1

16. Average pollutant emissions     1552.5        380.6        346.1
per [km.sup.2]

                                   Siauliai     Taurage     Telsiai

1. Population migration (net        -7.379      -6.894      -4.941
migration) per 1000 inhabitants

2. Municipal budget's revenue        2.190       2.294       2.142
(average amount per capita)

3. Municipal budget's               230.21      254.38      198.20
expenditure (average amount,
social security)

4. Unemployment rate                  5.5         5.7         6.6

5. Average gross monthly             1821        1637        2004

6. Average useful floor space        24.1        24.0        23.1
per capita

7. Number of pre--school              92          96          86
establishments (places per 100

8. Number of schools                 3.33        3.53        3.37
(per 1000 of students)

9. Animal products recalculated       661         891         722
in terms of milk (100 kg per 100
ha of agricultural land)

10. Indicators of activity of        5065        4207        4492
retail trade enterprises (per

11. Investment in tangible fixed     4752        2887        9115
assets (per capita)

12. Own-account construction        2846.5      1878.0      2477.2
work carried out within the
country (per capita)

13. Dwellings completed (per         0.123       0.057       0.097

14. Registered criminal offences      144         169         98
(misdemeanors per 100000

15. Physicians per 10000             23.2        13.3        17.6

16. Average pollutant emissions      681.1       278.3      7204.7
per [km.sup.2]

                                     Utena      Vilnius

1. Population migration (net        -4.941       3.003
migration) per 1000 inhabitants

2. Municipal budget's revenue        2.889       1.956
(average amount per capita)

3. Municipal budget's               206.22      203.48
expenditure (average amount,
social security)

4. Unemployment rate                  5.4         6.3

5. Average gross monthly             1946        2450

6. Average useful floor space        30.1        25.4
per capita

7. Number of pre--school              99          98
establishments (places per 100

8. Number of schools                 3.74        2.99
(per 1000 of students)

9. Animal products recalculated       621         603
in terms of milk (100 kg per 100
ha of agricultural land)

10. Indicators of activity of        4743        9859
retail trade enterprises (per

11. Investment in tangible fixed     4824        10729
assets (per capita)

12. Own-account construction        2848.6      5337.6
work carried out within the
country (per capita)

13. Dwellings completed (per         0.090       0.739

14. Registered criminal offences      122         287
(misdemeanors per 100000

15. Physicians per 10000             13.0        48.4

16. Average pollutant emissions      189.6       664.8
per [km.sup.2]

Source: Department of Statistics to the Government
of the Republic of Lithuania (Statistics Lithuania).

Table 2. Income Paradox in Belgium (1996)

in BEF *          GRP per head   Disposable Income per head

Flanders            869, 976              676, 743
Wallonia            752, 452              692, 883
Brussels            839, 913              698, 809
Belgium (total)     828, 693              684, 076

* 1 [euro] equaled 40.3399 BEF

Calculations in: W K. Brauers: het Bruto Regionale Product van
Vlaanderen. Wallonie en Brussel (the GRP of Flanders, Wallonia
and Brussels) Working Paper 99-2, RUCA, Faculty Applied
Economics, University of Antwerp, 8-18.

Table 3. Classification of the Lithuanian Counties by the average
gross monthly earnings per capita for 2008 (in Litas)

1      Vilnius     2450
2     Klaipeda     2114
3      Kaunas      2062
4      Telsiai     2004
5       Utena      1946
6      Alytus      1874
7     Panevezys    1835
8     Siauliai     1821
9    Marijampole   1738
10     Taurage     1637

Table 4. MOORA applied on 16 objectives for the 10 Lithuanian
Counties for 2008

4a. Matrix of Responses of Counties on Objectives: ([x.sub.ij])

                   1              2              3              4

               migration       revenue      expenditure     unemploym.

                  MAX            MAX            MAX            MIN

Alytus           -5.345         2.221          189.39          4.1
Kaunas           -2.55          2.175          185.18          5.9
Klaipeda         -0.812         2.111          180.36          7.2
Marijampole      -0.369         2.116          193.31          2.8
Panevezys        -4.996         2.109          190.04          5.6
Siauliai         -7.379          2.19          230.21          5.5
Taurage          -6.894         2.294          254.38          5.7
Telsiai          -4.941         2.142          198.2           6.6
Utena            -4.941         2.889          206.22          5.4
Vilnius          3.003          1.956          203.48          6.3

                   5              6              7              8

                earnings     floor-space    pre-schools      schools

                  MAX            MAX            MAX            MAX

Alytus            1874           27.1           109            3.11
Kaunas            2062            24             94            2.52
Klaipeda          2114           22.7            96            2.82
Marijampole       1738           23.6            97            3.45
Panevezys         1835           26.9           108            3.21
Siauliai          1821           24.1            92            3.33
Taurage           1637            24             96            3.53
Telsiai           2004           23.1            86            3.37
Utena             1946           30.1            99            3.74
Vilnius           2450           25.4            98            2.99

                   9              10             11             12

                products     retail trade    Investment    construction

                  MAX            MAX            MAX            MAX

Alytus            674            4954           4560          2687.2
Kaunas            683            5857           6265           3036
Klaipeda          788            6982           7761          4434.8
Marijampole       832            4408           3527          2074.7
Panevezys         658            5129           5308          2354.2
Siauliai          661            5065           4752          2846.5
Taurage           891            4207           2887           1878
Telsiai           722            4492           9115          2477.2
Utena             621            4743           4824          2848.6
Vilnius           603            9859          10729          5337.6

                   13             14             15             16

                               criminal                       total
               dwellings         acts        Physicians     pollution

                  MAX            MIN            MAX            MIN

Alytus           0.243           112            24.3          244.1
Kaunas           0.354           164            51.3          1374.9
Klaipeda         0.335           173            33.1          1552.5
Marijampole      0.142           130            20.7          380.6
Panevezys        0.077           130            28.1          346.1
Siauliai         0.123           144            23.2          681.1
Taurage          0.057           169            13.3          278.3
Telsiai          0.097            98            17.6          7204.7
Utena             0.09           122             13           189.6
Vilnius          0.739           287            48.4          664.8

Sub-Tables 4b and 4c: the part of the MOORA Ratio
System for the 10 Lithuanian Counties (2008)

4b. Sum of squares and their square roots

                   1              2              3              4

Alytus           28.569         4.9328         35869          16.81
Kaunas           6.5025         4.7306         34292          34.81
Klapeda          0.6593         4.4563         32530          51.84
Marijampole      0.1362         4.4775         37369           7.84
Panevezys        24.96          4.4479         36115          31.36
Siauliai         54.45          4.7961         52997          30.25
Taurage          47.527         5.2624         64709          32.49
Telsiai          24.413         4.5882         39283          43.56
Utena            24.413         8.3463         42527          29.16
Vilnius          9.018          3.8259         41404          39.69
[SIGMA]          220.65         49.86          417094          318
root             14.854         7.0615         645.83         17.827

                   5              6              7              8

Alytus          3511876         4.448          36115          31.36
Kaunas          4251844          576            8836          9.6721
Klapeda         4468996         515.3           9216          6.3504
Marijampole     3020644          557            9409          7.9524
Panevezys       3367225         723.6          11664          11.903
Siauliai        3316041         580.8           8464          10.304
Taurage         2679769          576            9216          11.089
Telsiai         4016016         533.6           7396          12.461
Utena           3786916          906            9801          11.357
Vilnius         6002500         645.2           9604          13.988
[SIGMA]         38421827         5618          119721          126
root            6198.534        74.95          346.01         11.244

                   9              10             11             12

Alytus           454276        24542116       20793600      7221043.8
Kaunas           466489        34304449       39250225       9217296
Klapeda          620944        48748324       60233121       19667451
Marijampole      692224        19430464       12439729      4304380.1
Panevezys        432964        26306641       28174864      5542257.6
Siauliai         436921        25654225       22581504      8102562.3
Taurage          793881        17698849       8334769        3526884
Telsiai          521284        20178064       83083225      6136519.8
Utena            385641        22496049       23270976       8114522
Vilnius          363609        97199881      115111441       28489974
[SIGMA]         5168233        33655906       41327345       10032289
root            2273.375      18345.546      20329.128      10016.132

                   13             14             15             16

Alytus          0.05905         12544          590.49        59584.81
Kaunas          0.12532         26896         2631.69        1890350
Klapeda         0.11223         29929         1095.61        2410256
Marijampole     0.02016         16900          428.49        144856.4
Panevezys       0.00593         16900          789.61        119785.2
Siauliai        0.01513         20736          538.24        463897.2
Taurage         0.00325         28561          176.89        77450.89
Telsiai         0.00941          9604          309.76        5190770
Utena            0.0081         14884           169          35948.16
Vilnius         0.54612         82369         2342.56         441959
[SIGMA]         0.90469         259323        9072.34        5755179
root            0.95115        509.238        95.2488        7586.29

4c. Objectives divided by their square roots and MOORA

                   1              2              3              4

Alytus           -0.36          0.3145         0.2933          0.23
Kaunas           -0.172         0.308          0.2867         0.331
Klapeda          -0.055         0.2989         0.2793         0.4039
Marijampole      -0.025         0.2997         0.2993         0.1571
Panevezys        -0.336         0.2987         0.2943         0.3141
Siauliai         -0.497         0.3101         0.3565         0.3085
Taurage          -0.464         0.3249         0.3939         0.3197
Telsiai          -0.333         0.3033         0.3069         0.3702
Utena            -0.333         0.4091         0.3193         0.3029
Vilnius          0.2022         0.277          0.3151         0.3534

                   5              6              7              8

Alytus          0.30233         0.362          0.315          0.277
Kaunas          0.332659         0.32          0.2717         0.2241
Klapeda         0.341048        0.303          0.2775         0.2508
Marijampole     0.280389        0.315          0.2803         0.3068
Panevezys       0.296038        0.359          0.3121         0.2855
Siauliai        0.293779        0.322          0.2659         0.2961
Taurage         0.264095         0.32          0.2775         0.3139
Telsiai         0.323302        0.308          0.2485         0.2997
Utena           0.313945        0.402          0.2861         0.3326
Vilnius         0.395255        0.339          0.2832         0.2659

                   9              10             11             12

Alytus           0.296          0.270          0.224          0.268
Kaunas          0.300434      0.3192601      0.3081785       0.303111
Klapeda         0.346621      0.3805828      0.3817675      0.4427658
Marijampole     0.365976      0.2402763      0.1734949      0.2071359
Panevezys       0.289438      0.2795774      0.2611032      0.2350408
Siauliai        0.290757      0.2760888      0.2337533      0.2841916
Taurage         0.391928       0.22932        0.142013      0.1874975
Telsiai         0.31759       0.2448551      0.4483714       0.247321
Utena           0.273162      0.2585369       0.237295      0.2844012
Vilnius         0.265244      0.5374056      0.5277649      0.5329004

                   13             14             15

Alytus           0.255          0.220         0.25512
Kaunas          0.37218        0.32205        0.53859
Klapeda          0.3522        0.33972        0.34751
Marijampole     0.14929        0.25528        0.21733
Panevezys       0.08095        0.25528        0.29502
Siauliai        0.12932        0.28278        0.24357
Taurage         0.05993        0.33187        0.13963
Telsiai         0.10198        0.19244        0.18478
Utena           0.09462        0.23957        0.13648
Vilnius         0.77695        0.56359         0.5081

                   16            sum            rank

Alytus          0.032176        2.3228           7
Kaunas          0.181235        2.8792           3
Klapeda         0.204645        2.9999           2
Marijampole     0.050169        2.6475           4
Panevezys       0.045622        2.3352           6
Siauliai        0.08978         2.1238           8
Taurage         0.036685        1.8924           9
Telsiai          0.9497         1.4900           10
Utena           0.024992        2.4471           5
Vilnius         0.087632        4.2213           1

Sub-Tables 4d and 4e: the part of the MOORA Reference
Point Theory for the 10 Lithuanian Counties (2008)

4d. Reference Point Theory with Ratios: co-ordinates of
the reference point equal to the maximal objective values

                   1              2              3              4

[r.sub.i]        0.2022         0.4091         0.3939         0.1571

                   5              6              7              8

[r.sub.i]       0.395255        0.402          0.315          0.333

                   9              10             11             12

[r.sub.i]       0.391928       0.537406       0.527765        0.5329

                   13             14             15             16

[r.sub.i]       0.77695         0.1924        0.53859        0.024992

4e. Reference Point Theory: Deviations from the reference point

                   1              2              3              4

Alytus           0.562          0.095          0.1006         0.0729
Kaunas           0.3738         0.1011         0.1071         0.1739
Klaipeda         0.2568         0.1102         0.1146         0.2468
Marijampole      0.227          0.1095         0.0946         0.000
Panevezys        0.5385         0.1105         0.0996         0.1571
Siauliai         0.6989         0.099          0.037          0.1515
Taurage          0.6663         0.0843           0            0.1627
Telsiai          0.5348         0.1058         0.087          0.213
Utena            0.5348           0            0.0746         0.1458
Vilnius            0            0.1321         0.0788         0.1963

                   5              6              7              8

Alytus          0.092925         0.04            0            0.0560
Kaunas          0.062595        0.081          0.0434         0.1085
Klaipeda        0.054206        0.099          0.0376         0.0818
Marijampole     0.114866        0.087          0.0347         0.026
Panevezys       0.099217        0.043          0.0029         0.047
Siauliai        0.101476         0.08          0.0491         0.036
Taurage         0.13116         0.081          0.0376         0.019
Telsiai         0.071952        0.093          0.0665         0.033
Utena           0.08131           0            0.0289         0.0329
Vilnius            0            0.063          0.0318           0

                   9              10             11             12

Alytus           0.0955         0.2674         0.3035         0.2646
Kaunas           0.0915         0.2181         0.2196         0.2298
Klaipeda         0.0453         0.1568         0.1460         0.0901
Marijampole     0.025953      0.2971293       0.35427       0.3257645
Panevezys       0.102491      0.2578282      0.2666617      0.2978595
Siauliai        0.101171      0.2613168      0.2940116      0.2487088
Taurage            0          0.3080857      0.3857519      0.3454028
Telsiai         0.074339      0.2925506      0.0793935      0.2855793
Utena           0.118766      0.2788688      0.2904699      0.2484991
Vilnius         0.126684          0              0              0

                   13             14             15

Alytus           0.5215         0.0275        0.28347
Kaunas           0.4048         0.1296           0
Klaipeda         0.4247         0.1473        0.19108
Marijampole     0.62766         0.063         0.32126
Panevezys        0.696          0.0628         0.2436
Siauliai        0.64764         0.0903        0.29502
Taurage         0.71702         0.1394        0.39896
Telsiai         0.67497         0.000         0.35381
Utena           0.68233         0.0471         0.4021
Vilnius            0            0.3711        0.03045

                   16                           rank
                                 max            min

Alytus          0.007184       0.561994          4
Kaunas          0.156242       0.404772          2
Klaipeda        0.179653       0.42475           3
Marijampole     0.025177       0.62766           5
Panevezys       0.020629       0.69600           7
Siauliai        0.064788       0.69892           8
Taurage         0.011692       0.71702           9
Telsiai         0.924708       0.92471           10
Utena              0           0.68233           6
Vilnius         0.062639       0.37114           1

Table 5. Ranking of the Lithuanian Counties
after their general Well-Being

                                MOORA          MOORA          MOORA
                             Ratio System    Reference        Ratio
Regions       Income 2008        2008        Point 2008    System 2005

Vilnius            1              1              1              1
Klaipeda           2              2              3              2
Kaunas             3              3              2              3
Marijampole        9              4              5              4
Utena              5              5              6              5
Panevezys          7              6              7              6
Alytus             6              7              4              7
Siauliai           8              8              8              8
Taurage            10             9              9              9
Telsiai            4              10             10             10

                 MOORA          MOORA          MOORA
               Reference        Ratio        Reference
Regions        Point 2005    System 2002     Point 2002

Vilnius            1              1              1
Klaipeda           2              4              6
Kaunas             3              2              2
Marijampole        8              3              3
Utena              6              5              5
Panevezys          5              7              8
Alytus             4              6              4
Siauliai           7              10             10
Taurage            9              8              7
Telsiai            10             9              9

Table 6. Average Pollutant Emission in kilograms
per [km.sup.2] in the County of Telsiai

year   pollution

2002     7716
2005     7803
2008     7205

Table 7. Migration flows per Lithuanian County

               2005     2008

Alytus        -5277    -5345
Kaunas        -3636    -2550
Klaipeda      -1435     -812
Marijampole   -3791     -369
Panevezys     -4627    -4996
Siauliai      -5748    -7379
Taurage       -5986    -6894
Telsiai       -5522    -4941
Utena         -4663    -4941
Vilnius        2238     3003