A GIS and multi-criteria-based analysis and ranking of transportation zones of Vilnius city/Susisiekimo sistemos analize ir rangavimas Vilniaus miesto transporto rajonuose naudojant GIS.
Jakimavicius, Marius ; Burinskiene, Marija
1. Introduction
The motivation for this research arose from an effort to assess
transportation system performance in Vilnius city. The approach taken in
that research (Casello 2003) was to preselect a series of origin
destination pairs for which public transportation might compete well
with private automobile, and test the sensitivity of modal split, and
overall system performance, to changes in transit service provided and
the cost of auto travel. A review of the literature suggests that
transit is most competitive in high-density commercial areas and to a
lesser extent in residential ones (Pushkarev and Zupan 1982). To
preselect the origin and destination pairs, it was necessary to have a
quantitative definition of "high-density" areas.
The urban studies contain definitions of activity centres,
typically defined as areas with higher than adjacent concentrations of
employment at the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) level. This definition has
proven satisfactory in the analysis of polycentric areas'
employment patterns, residential location theory, and overall economic
The accessibility concept can be applied to many spatial problems:
e.g. service centre location, hospital-sitting, school closure and many
others. The analysis based on the concept of accessibility is therefore
ideally suited to be integrated within geographic information systems
(GIS). This paper expands the work in modelling accessibility fields
taken by Donnay and Ledent (Donnay and Ledent 1995) for the urban region
of Liege (Belgium) and Juliao (Juliao 1999) for Tagus Valley Region
(Portugal), as well as one-stage model for Slovene municipalities
(Drobne 2003; Black et al. 2002). In this paper, travel time (by car)
and territorial allocation to the Lithuanian administrative regions have
been modelled using the road network and GIS approach.
Accessibility matrix was implemented with origin-destination (OD)
matrix computation used in travel demand analysis in transportation
geography. In both cases, GIS is used in determination of user-defined
arbitrary analysis zone or area of interest (AOI), corresponding to TAZ
(Miller and Shaw 2001).
The research presented here proposes an extension to a commonly
used activity centre definition to improve that definition's
applicability to transportation research. This extension involves
identifying activity centres based on the trip-attracting strength of
disaggregate employment types within TAZs. This approach identifies
areas that are responsible for a disproportionate number of regional
trips. The proposed methodology has 2 positive characteristics. First,
the approach computes attraction strengths using standard socio-economic
data available at the municipality planning organization level. Second,
employment is still the fundamental unit of the activity centre
definition, and the pedagogical approach of identifying sub areas that
exceed certain thresholds remains unchanged.
The efficiency of urban transportation is getting more and more
important because of the increasing rate of mobility demand. To plan,
control and organize urban transportation in the most efficient way, we
also need to consider the aspects of land use (Tanczos and Torok 2007).
Accessibility from the centre of traffic analysis zone to the
central part of Vilnius was taken as the main factor for transport
system analysis in Vilnius city. Also, other factors have been included,
like population density in TAZ, number of working places in TAZ, street
network density in traffic zone, public transport density, average
number of daily trips in each analysis zone. By comparing the
georeferenced data like street network, the territorial allocation and
statistical data for each traffic analysis zone in Vilnius can argue
about the equity of investments distribution for each TAZ. Also the
created GIS application could be used for transport analysis zones
ranking by various aspects and problematic zones identification.
2. Case in Vilnius city
Growing Lithuanian economy and increasing quality of the living
conditions prompts population's mobility, the motorization level
and increasingly high transport flow on the countries streets and roads
(Burinskiene and Paliulis 2003).
Average percentage of Vilnius city automobiles quantity is
increasing per year about 3%. Number of personal cars in Vilnius city
rose from 265 automobiles for 1000 inhabitants in 1999 till 450 in 2005.
Sharp bounce of motorization level invokes a lot of transportation
problems. Many researchers analyze transportation system from the point
of system sustainability, which influences economical, social and
environmental implications (Black et al. 2002; Camagni et al. 2002;
Grigonis and Burinskiene 2002). Other scientists also indicate political
and institutional aspects (Ciegis and Gineitiene 2008).
Number of public transport passengers rose from 229.5 mln. in 1999
year till 277.1 till 2004 year. This indicator increases by about 3.7%
each year. The main Vilnius city transport system indicators are in
Table 1.
Vilnius city is divided into 51 traffic analysis zones. TAZ and
population density (inhabitants in hectare) in each zone are shown in
Fig. 1.
Analysis of modal split of Vilnius city transportation system
showed that trips by public transport decreases (Fig. 2) and trips by
private transport are increasing.
The most concentration of working places is in the central part of
Vilnius city (Fig. 3). Largest density of working places in the central
part of Vilnius involves parking and traffic flow problems.
3. Methodology
For this research, several changes to the Bogart and Ferry model
are implemented. First, three "levels" of activity centres are
defined (Bogart and Ferry 1999): major urban centres of large cities,
secondary urban centres of smaller cities, and suburban centres.
Decreasing employment and employment density thresholds are utilized in
each case. Establishing differing thresholds for inclusion ensures that
the method will identify those TAZ's with higher than adjacent
employment characteristics, the essence of an activity centre. The
second set of modifications involves formation of activity centre
clusters. Recall that in the Bogart and Ferry method, those zones which
by themselves do not meet the activity centre employment thresholds may
be clustered with adjacent zones and so meet the criteria to form larger
areas. Bogart and Ferry added zones until the whole cluster density fell
below the threshold. The authors have adopted this method, but only for
suburban activities centres, to avoid the case where a single ultra-high
density zone in an urban centre dominates that all adjacent zones would
be included to form a "superzone." Further, we require that
individual zones being added to meet a minimum employment density
threshold. This requirement avoids the case where an open space adjacent
to a high density employment centre is considered a part of a suburban
activity centre. Finally, we relax the adjacency requirement such that
any two zones are considered adjacent if they share a common border of
any length. The most significant change we propose is motivated by the
following observation. A hypothetical TAZ with a 100 mining jobs
attracts far fewer trips than a TAZ with sufficient retail development
to employ 100 persons. Furthermore, Targa has shown that different
employment types tend to respond to agglomerative location forces more
readily than others, with retail among the most responsive (Targa 1990).
Transportation models specifically for retail activity have been
developed by Hamed and Easa. Generally, retail activities produce more
trips, are more likely to agglomerate, and therefore are likely to have
stronger impact on regional transportation patterns (Hamed and Easa
1998). For transportation analysis, then the method to identify
transportation activity centres TACs should not be based solely on
employment density, but rather on the trip-attracting strength of the
disaggregate employment types present in a TAZ. To incorporate trip
attraction strength into the TAC definition, one could compute the
product of employment and trip attraction rate per job for each
disaggregate employment type. Those zones that exceeded a threshold
value of trips and trip density trips per unit of area would be then
considered part of a TAC. The decision statistic, however, would then no
longer be the well-established gross employment and employment density
thresholds frequently used in the literature. The approach advanced here
is to define a hypothetical "mean trip-attracting" MTA job.
Suppose that there is a TAZ with exactly one job in each of the 11
standard disaggregate employment types: agriculture, mining,
construction, manufacturing, transportation, whole sale, retail, fire,
service, government, and military employment. In this case, a total
number of daily trips would be attracted to this zone, and an average
number of trips per job could be computed. The relative strength of each
employment type can be calculated as the ratio of each employment
type's attraction rate to the mean attraction rate. This ratio can
be used to express each actual job in terms of equivalent MTA jobs. A
zone that exceeds the gross employment and employment density levels in
terms of MTA jobs would then be considered for inclusion in a TAC.
Trip attraction to TAZs in their metropolitan region equals:
TA = 1.4Ag + 1.2Mi + 3.0Re + 2.4Se, (1)
TA--number of trips attracted; Ag--number of agricultural jobs;
Mi--number of mining jobs; Re--number of retail jobs; Se--number of
service jobs.
If a TAZ had only 4 jobs, one of the above categories, the zone
would attract 8 trips, or 2 trips per job. Thus, an MTA job would
attract 2 trips. Retail, in contrast, attracts 3 trips per job; thus, a
retail job can be considered 3/2 or 1.5 MTA jobs. Similarly, an
agricultural job attracts only 1.4 trips per job, and therefore can be
considered 1.4/2 0.7 MTA jobs. The example is generalized as follows. If
[[alpha].sub.k] is defined as the trip attraction rate for employment
type k, then:
[[chi].sub.k] = [[alpha].sub.k] n/[n.summation over (k=1)]
[[alpha].sub.k] [for all]k, (2)
where [[chi].sub.k]--MTA factor for each employment type, k; and
n--total number of employment types. A TAZ would be considered as a TAC
[summation over (k)] [E.sub.k] [[chi].sub.k] [greater than or equal
to] [greater than or equal to] [xi], (3)
[summation over (k)] [E.sub.k] [[chi].sub.k]/A [greater than or
equal to] [phi], (4)
where [E.sub.k]--actual employment of type k; [xi]--gross
employment threshold (MTA jobs); A--area of the TAZ (hectares) and
[phi]--employment density threshold (MTA jobs per hectare). Thus, TAZs
that meet or exceed the employment and employment density thresholds
using MTA jobs are considered TACs. The creation of TAC clusters is done
by adding adjacent candidate zones (those with MTA employment density
greater than 3.0 MTA jobs per acre), such that the total cluster remains
above the threshold level. For our research, we utilized MTA employment
and MTA employment density thresholds equal to gross employment
thresholds typically used in the literature.
The following sections demonstrate the analysis of the Vilnius city
area using standard activity centre definitions and the TAC method
presented here.
The map of traffic analysis zones of Vilnius city (Fig. 4) presents
the areas where traffic analysis zones could be considered like
transport activity centres (these zones are presented in black colour).
This analysis showed that TAZ could not considered like TAC that in
the central part and old town of Vilnius, also in areas of Vilnius city
which are in a distant of central part of Vilnius city. The main reason
is that in the central part of Vilnius there is a big concentration of
working places and in areas around Vilnius city residential houses are
dominating, with less working places.
The second stage is to perform an estimated traffic analysis zones
ranking using various transportation indicators. For TAZ ranking 2
methods of decision support system were used--Topsis and SAW. GIS-based
application computes the ranks of transport analysis zones.
3.1. SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method in GIS application
For a fragment of input from Vilnius traffic analysis zones
socio-economic data for GIS application (Fig. 5).
Input data for calculation is the criteria and their values of
importance; criteria matrix is normalized according to these conditions
(Shevchenko et al. 2008):
If the criterion is maximized:
[X.sub.ij] = [X.sub.ij]/[X.sup.max.sub.j], (5)
If the criterion is minimized:
[X.sub.ij] = [X.sup.min.sub.ij]/[X.sub.ij]. (6)
A normalized matrix for each criterion of concrete municipality is
multiplied with its importance. Multiplied criteria are summed for each
row (for each TAZ). The biggest value means the best transport situation
in certain traffic analysis zone.
3.2. TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal
Solution) method in GIS application
Criteria matrix is normalized by formula
[X.sub.ij] = [X.sub.ij]/[square root of [n.summation over (i=1)]
[X.sup.2.sub.ij]]. (7)
It is multiplied by matrix of importance values (Ustinovichius et
al. 2007):
P*=[X]x[q], (8)
where: q--matrix of creations importance values.
Normalized matrix is used for calculating ideal positive
([f.sup.+.sub.j]) and negative ([f.sup.-.sub.j]) variants. Calculation
of variant's deviation to ideal positive variant is based on:
[L.sup.+.sub.i] = [n.summation over (j=1)] [([f.sub.ij] -
[f.sup.+.sub.j]).sup.2]. (9)
Calculation of variant's deviation to negative variant is
based on:
[L.sup.-.sub.i] = [n.summation over (j=1)] [([f.sub.ij] -
[f.sup.-.sub.j]).sup.2]. (10)
Calculation of proportional variant's deviation to ideal
variant [K.sub.BIT] is based on:
[K.sub.BIT] = [L.sup.-.sub.i]/[L.sup.+.sub.i] + [L.sup.-.sub.i].
The best variant of transport system situation in TAZ is the one
with the highest [K.sub.BIT] value. Indicators of Vilnius city transport
system analysis for each traffic analysis zone are in Table 2.
Importance for each indicator was estimated by a transport
specialists' questionnaire. The results of analysis (Fig. 6) showed
that the best transport situation is in Santariskes and Zemieji Paneriai
transport activities centres. There are no major disproportion of
working places and inhabitants in these zones, there is enough street
network density.
4. Conclusions
Research of traffic analysis zones in Vilnius city showed that not
all traffic analysis zones could be possible to consider like transport
activity centres. Such kind of problematic situation is in the central
part of Vilnius and in the TAZ, which are in a distant area of the
central part of Vilnius. The main reason is a large disproportion of
population and working places density in these areas.
The second stage of this research represents a GIS based
methodology for Vilnius city traffic analysis zones ranking. The created
GIS application with 2 calculation methods of decision-support system
Topsis and Saw performs TAZ ranking. The analysis of Vilnius city TAZ
showed that the best transport situation is in Santariskes and Zemieji
Paneriai transport activities centres.
The investigation of TAZ identified major car parking and traffic
problems in the following traffic zones: Centras I, Centras II,
Lazdynai, Karoliniskes, Antakalnis, Senamiestis, Snipiskes and
Naujamiestis. Public transport problems were also identified in these
Vilnius TAZ: Verkiai, Dvarcionys, Valakupiai, A. Paneriai and Tarande.
The created methodology is flexible and could be successfully
adopted for TAZ analysis and ranking in other cities. It is necessary to
have TAZ GIS and socio-economic statistical data.
Received 2 October 2008; accepted 23 January 2009
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Marius JAKIMAVICIUS. PhD student of Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Dept of Urban
Engineering, LT. Member of Association of Lithuanian Surveyors. Research
interests include GIS and GPS systems, GIS-based solutions for transport
analysis tasks, optimization of transport system according to urban
Marija BURINSKIENE. Professor, Dr, Head of Urban Engineering
Department and Director of Territorial Planning Research Institute of
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. She was project manager of more
than 40 national projects from 1983, participated in more than 30 intern conferences and was involved in 8 Framework 5 and 6 program projects.
The main area of research interest is regularities and specificity of
urban and regional sustainable development, development of urban
transport system as well as creation of decision-support system for
implementing engineering solutions.
Marius Jakimavicius (1), Marija Burinskiene (2)
Dept of Urban Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al.11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: (1)
mjakimavicius@hnit-baltic.lt; (2) marbur@ap.vgtu.lt
Table 1. Transport system indicators in Vilnius city, 1999, 2005
Indicator 1999 2005
Street network density (km/[km.sup.2]) 1.9 2.4
Public transport network density (km/[km.sup.2]) 0.55 0.62
Bicycle paths network density (km/[km.sup.2]) 0.10 0.16
Average traffic flow in peak hours (aut./h) 1275 1521
Percentage of trucks in average flow 3.4 2.4
Average speed in peak traffic flow (km/h) 37.5 29.3
Modal split
--pedestrian trips % 31.3 34.8
--trips by bicycles % 0.3 0.3
--trips by public transport % 45.4 34.2
--trips by car % 23.0 30.7
Maximum number of public transport passengers 5300 3600
in peak hours
Transit of trucks in peak hours % 21.3 13.2
Number of traffic accidents for 1000 inhabitants 1.07 1.77
Table 2. Transport system indicators for Vilnius TAZ analysis
Indicator description Function (%)
Street network density (km/[km.sup.2]) in maximize 19
each TAZ
Public transport network density maximize 15
(km/[km.sup.2]) in each TAZ
Length of streets for 1000 inhabitants in maximize 16
each TAZ
Disproportion for population and employees minimize 22
Density of parking places (parking places/ maximize 10
Accessibility from the central part from each maximize 9
transport activities centre to Vilnius city
central part
Average number of daily trips in each maximize 9
analysis zone