Future insights, scenarios and expert method application in sustainable territorial planning/Ateities izvalgos, scenarijai ir ekspertinio metodo taikymas darniam teritoriju planavimui.
Burinskiene, Marija ; Rudzkiene, Vitalija
1. Introduction
Implementation of sustainable development policy is one of the most
complicated tasks and challenges faced by the global community, the
achievement of which is sensitive.
In 2003, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania approved the
National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Lithuania which
emphasises that one of the major tasks of decision-making at all levels
of governance is to ensure continuity of social development, integrity
of social, ecologic and economic fields, and efficiency of decisions.
Problems posed by the development become vivid with the economic
changes taking place in society. Transition from one type of the
economic relations to the other ones is a long-term and very complicated
process that includes all fields of life. It disrupts the old system and
alters a society at every level: from the economic policy pursued by the
state to the perception of oneself and society. These alterations and
the creation of a new system are accompanied by major social and
economic shocks.
In the course of the changing economic relations it is not easy to
maintain mutual balance and sustainability of processes (Ciegis et al.
2008; Viteikiene, Zavadskas 2007). As most of theories and practical
applications linked to sustainability are either new or still under
development, a relevant problem becomes not only assessment of
sustainable development of individual states but also assessment of
general development trends and problems characteristic of certain states
or groups of states. Theoretically, the sustainable development system
is not fully set up, thus often different theoretical aspects and
paradigms are used when speaking of sustainable development, and
different trends of development theories and individual methodologies
for future forecasting are applied (Jakimavicius, Burinskiene 2007).
Modelling the transition processes in a simplified form can be
based on some broad, partly overlapping categories of models:
mathematical equation-based, system dynamics, statistical, expert
systems (Kauko 2007), and/or evolutionary or hybrid. By applying these
models, the possibility of discontinuous transformation of quantity into
quality (that can arise during the initial transformation phases) should
be suggested (Feichtinger 1996; Lorenz 1993). The non-linear dynamic
phase is expected when the old system enters a period of crisis. Such a
dynamic period can also be observed after an economy has hit the bottom
and begun to grow again (Rosser 2000; Feichtinger 1996; Lorenz 1993).
Stability and changes occur through materialisation of two
fundamental trends: global differentiation trend and local integration
trend. In social terms, the change from linear, mechanistic models to
evolutionary models means at the same time the change from centrally
planned, hierarchical development models to decentralised and
economically diversified models based on the local recourse control, the
impact of public organisations, and the responsibility of community
members, open and publicly acceptable management methods. Sustainable
development is accompanied by a new planning theory paradigm, in which
planners are perceived as agents acting in a cultural and ethic
environment rather than as neutral and impartial observers.
The goal of sustainable development is to combine economic growth,
social progress and sparing use of natural resources, maintaining
ecological balance and ensuring favourable living conditions for current
and future generations. Development is fostered in a certain territory,
in its natural environment, thus it is important to find out reasonable
extent and form of development, so that life quality is maintained and
negative impact on environment is reduced (Burinskiene, Rudzkiene 2004,
2007; Kavaliauskas 2008).
Analysis of the sustainable development must be based on a
systematic approach, not only planned but also include the consumption
aspect, emphasising sustainable consumption and production.
Planning is a political process where plans are drafted, activity
directions foreseen, and decisions made by different level politicians.
Proceeding from theory to implementation, 5 strategically major fields
of activities are singled out: planning and infrastructure, human
resources, environmental goals, culture and tourism, business.
Sustainable development is a way to combine two different and
sometimes contradictory approaches:
"development-progress-growth" and
"stability-safety-environment". Brundtland Commission created
this dilemma and was the first to formulate the goal of the sustainable
2. Methodologies and ways for sustainable development insights
Planning their future, public authorities make decisions that will
have significant impact on future events and processes. The results of
the taken decisions have a long-term effect. The fact that the
present-day scientific and technological development allows assessment
of the outcome of decisions to be or not to be taken and getting ready
for such outcome is very important for the public, politicians, and
authorities. Obviously, before making a significant decision it is
necessary to assess the aspects of its impact on other processes.
Different classifications of future process analyses may be found
in literature. Traditionally, such type analyses may be classified into
3 (estimating, if-then planning, forecasting) or 4 classes, namely:
forecasting, investigative analysis, presumption and projecting.
Forecasting and projecting usually are applied to find out the future
situation, and an investigative analysis and presumption may be applied
for generating new ideas or opinions on situations with a high level of
uncertainty. Among different methodologies it can be achieved using
strategy of self-management tools (Paulauskas, S. and Paulauskas, A.
The easiest and most simple way to take a decision is to
extrapolate the existing trends. However, this method directly applied
for forecasting social and economic processes does not cover probably
the most important factor--society itself, its preferences, creeds and
attitudes--that exerts major influence both on the decisions taken and
on their implementation. Estimation of the efficiency of the developed
strategy responding to suddenly arising external changes and situations
is not possible without taking into consideration the position by
society. Without being aware of the public opinion it is not clear for
decision makers how to react to such contingent events. Ultimately, the
success of the implementation of sustainable development strategies to a
large extent depends on the public attitude towards the necessity of
this strategy. Successful implementation of the strategy might be
expected only when the public approves the sustainable development
policy and the strategy based on the sustainable development principles
(Fig. 1).
As revealed in Fig. 1, successful implementation of the strategy
might be expected only if the developed strategy is widely approved by
the public. To explain the success or failure of the sustainable
development policy, researchers usually focus on technological solution
of ecologic problems and the arising difficulties. However, failures are
not connected to an inability to choose and apply modern technologies or
wrong application of those technologies. The strategy is doomed to
failure if people at whom decisions are targeted or the staff
responsible for the introduction fail to understand the decisions and
disapprove them.
Future insights are one of the key measures that could help the
public realise its freedom conception through changing the future.
Future insights are a new field the emergence of which was to the
largest extent influenced by creative and innovative practicians who
came with excellent methods and algorithms to satisfy the needs of their
clients rather than by scientists/ theorists. Future insights are one of
the key measures that could help the public to realise its freedom
conception through changing the future. Planning their future, public
authorities make decisions that will have significant impact on future
events and processes. The results of the taken decisions have a
long-term effect. Obviously, before making a significant decision it is
necessary to assess the aspects of its impact on other processes. Future
insights and version plots are summarised in insight projects. Insight
projects, the same as other projects, present analysis goal, resources,
involved team and applied methods. An insight project may be a simple
project that covers one product or technology, or it may be a complex
project consisting of many parts, each devoted to one or more products
or technologies.
The key method for insight forecasting is the scenario method. A
scenario is a plot of potential multiple future versions: from a simple
consideration of potential events of unknown future to analytically
grounded future shapes linked by complex relations. One of the bestknown
futurologist, Peter Schwartz, in his book The Art of the Long View
(1991) stated that practically a scenario reminds of a range of stories
written or told according to accurately constructed plot. Stories may
express many complex perspectives of event development, while scenarios
give them special meaning. The methodology for scenario creation is
based on the following main principles:
* reflection on the future and estimation of potential changes;
* as the future is indefinite and only presumptions may be made
concerning it, the range of potential future versions is very wide.
Several methods for scenario creation may be singled out, and each
of them consists of several variations. For example, P. Bishop, A. Hines
ir T. Collins (2007) single out 8 groups of methods for scenario
creation. Scientists prefer methods that combine mathematical
forecasting methods and human presumptions (Chermack, Lynham 2004; Illes
2006). Where a forecast is based only on quantitative data, it is not
able to consider the indefiniteness of the future. On the other hand,
human opinion contains only a subjective estimation of the future.
Therefore, considering that both human presumption and mathematical
extrapolation have objective shortcomings, their complex application
helps foresee critical events and make more accurate estimation of
future trends.
The application of the scenario method is based on several ideas.
Mathematical forecasting may be successful only under stable conditions.
Due to various factors (economic, political solutions, global condition
changes), however, events rarely develop in an expected way. The
scenario method solves the task of forecasting by applying the
principles of decomposition when individual potential variants
(scenarios) of the development of events are singled out (Millett 2003;
Neumann, Overland 2004). The whole set of scenarios covers all possible
development variants. At the same time, each individual scenario has to
present an adequately accurate forecast of the future, and the total
number of scenarios should be manageable.
Two stages are singled out when applying the scenario method:
* development of a comprehensive, still manageable set of
* Comprehensive forecasting in the framework of each specific
scenario and a possibility to get answers to the questions important for
the analysis.
Each of these stages is only partially formalised. The major part
of considerations takes place on the qualitative level, as is usual in
social sciences and humanities. This results from the fact that high
level formalization and mathematization bring in definition in the
fields that in essence lack definition, or create a complex mathematical
apparatus. Under stable conditions events may be estimated by applying
statistical time line forecasting methods. However, estimation by
experts should be carried out, and conclusions of such estimation
sometimes are sufficient and additional models are not necessary.
Estimation by experts is understood as a summarised opinion of an expert
group drawn on the basis of knowledge, experience and intuition of
experts (Bardauskiene 2007). The goal of estimation by experts is
getting, encoding, structural processing and interpretation of knowledge
of an expert.
The procedure of estimation by experts allows to combine opinions
of individual experts and to formulate a joint solution. In a general
case the methodology of estimation by experts is grounded on the
following presumptions:
* an expert has accumulated a large amount of rationally processed
information (he has sufficient knowledge and experience and may count on
his intuition), thus an expert may serve as a source of quality
* the opinion of the group of experts hardly differs from the real
solution of the problem.
Different methods are applied to get estimations by experts. In
some cases an expert works individually, sometimes without even knowing
that he/she serves as an expert. This method helps to avoid an influence
of the opinion of known authorities (Bardauskiene 2007). In other cases
experts gather together and discuss a problem, assess the expressed
reasoning and reject the wrong one. In some cases the number of experts
is strictly fixed and calculated, it must satisfy the presumptions of
statistical compatibility methods. Sometimes the number of experts
increases in the course of examination.
It has been proved (Libby, Blashfield 1978) that in aggregate
modules of estimations by experts with equal weights small expert groups
are as good in the accuracy of their decisions and estimations as large
expert groups. But accuracy of estimations carried out by a group of 3
experts sometimes is higher than accuracy of estimations carried out by
1 or 2 experts. Further increase in the number of experts within the
group results in a higher accuracy, and the maximum number of experts
within a group is 5 to 9. When the accuracy produced by a group of 5 to
9 experts is not adequate, its is advisable to improve competence of
experts rather than to increase the number of experts within a group.
To satisfy the requirements imposed on the estimation by experts,
methods of measurement theories and mathematical statistics are applied
for conclusion of the received data analysis algorithms. Results of the
estimation by experts must be analysed with caution. Therefore, its is
advisable that qualitative analysis methods are used instead of applying
the quantitative ones.
Forecasting or planning situations or events, the experts usually
are given a task: to estimate a problematic and complicated situation
and to come up with several possible alternative situation estimations
and several versions of a forecast or a plan. When analysing the
possible versions, experts assess their importance, inter-relations,
and, when planning further actions they may also take account of
material and human resources, foresee the period and estimate the
financial expenditure.
3. Principles of the scenario construction
Although construction of scenarios is not strictly regulated, such
construction incorporates all qualitative and quantitative forecasting
methods. The basis for scenarios consists of mixtures of analysis,
scenarios usually use data and methods of different fields of science:
economics, law, ecology, engineering, etc., they are based on
legislation and regulations, discourses, historical analogies.
Validity of scenarios depends on logic and logical links. Several
typical parts are characteristic of a scenario:
1. Introduction that presents the beginning position, i.e. the
present situation, and tells the problems and the relevance of those
problems to the decision-maker.
2. The main part of a scenario that gives details of one of many
possible future ways of development of a problem. This part gives a
detailed view of the main drives, beginning and finishing conditions,
main events and episodes.
* Drives are everything that causes and stimulates events analysed
in the scenario. For example, it may be a decision of the government to
start or complete a certain programme, discovery of technological
innovations that open new possibilities, marketing goals or just
individual ambitions. Practically, 2 or 3 drives are enough.
* The existing conditions are presented and future conditions that
will exist at the end of the scenario are assessed. It is necessary to
have a good understanding of conditions at the end of the scenario. This
is especially important when the scenario is aimed at conclusions and
not at the course of a process.
* Main events encompass several categories: legal regulation and
norms, influence of the government and parliament, legal solutions,
international factors, private sector activities and decisions,
technological innovations, etc. Important social events, such as failed
harvest, epidemics, natural calamities, social anxieties, etc., are also
included. These events and dates related to them are the main factors
for forecasting finishing conditions. Each of these events should be
analysed as potential, even if the probability of its occurrence is not
high. One of the most complicated stages of scenario writing is giving
reasoning for possible future events by mentioning previous events and
* Episodes are like embellishment that adds vividness and
persuasiveness to the scenario. They help convey thoughts and ideas but
are of little importance to the development of the scenarios.
3. Comments. Comments draw attention to the main elements of the
scenario. They give other development versions that are possible in case
of different initial presumptions and conditions of development. They
may also describe critical events, pay attention to unexplored fields
and emphasise the importance and peculiarities of decision versions.
A methodological basis of scenario analysis is of major importance
to decision-making. An analysis of possible scenarios may give a better
view not only of potential future events but also of the potential
impact of decisions made on the public and environment. Besides, an
analysis of scenarios facilitates the estimation of the period for
achieving the expected results and the sequence of actions necessary for
that. Recently, literature offers a wide range of scenarios that
forecast potential trends of society and state development. One of the
best known scenarios are scenarios constructed by Gartner, Inc. in 2005,
covering government perspectives and methods in 2020 (Government in 2020
... 2005). Four scenarios (Status Quo Development, Free-Enterprise
Government, Coverining Phantoms, The Good "Big Brother") were
singled out applying the GBN scenario planning method, and those
scenarios give a different picture of the role and development of
governments, perspectives of regions and provision of public services.
Futher development trends until 2050 are provided into the
scenarios constructed applying Delfi method in the experimental project
TechCast (http://www.techcast.org/methodology. aspx). Although these
scenarios contribute to creative estimation of future alternatives, they
may be treated as one of the secondary data sources, as it is
recommended to forecast 1-3 steps ahead, while precision of long
reaching forecasts is insufficient.
Recently, the European Union has been constructing a number of
scenarios of future insights (Schwab et al. 2003; Four futures of Europe
2004; Lindgren, Bandhold 2003). Scenarios aim at estimating the economic
efficiency and competitiveness, and at the same time equity and
cohesion. Several alternatives of these scenarios might be singled out:
1. Supporting scenarios. Continuation of the processes that
currently take place serve as the grounds for this scenarios type. It is
based on the structural EU aid and pay regard to common EU regulation
norms. Frequent goal of these scenarios is narrowing regional gaps.
These scenarios traditionally support agricultural production as a
strategic provision to avoid socio-economic decline.
2. Green scenarios. These scenarios see agriculture not like a
producer but as a countryside conservator. The main drives are policy
and management of landscape and soil. They are aimed at avoidance of
polluting activities and abandoned areas, conservation of natural
resources, advocating environmental ideas.
3. Market scenarios. These scenarios are based on liberalisation of
agricultural market and trade in agricultural products. In this regard,
the main factors are free activities on the market, reduction of aid to
agriculture and of export subsidies. These scenarios are divided into 2
a) Gradual rearrangement of agricultural activities by instilling new methods and improving work efficiency. These measures should result
in varnishing small farms.
b) Cooperation. According to this scenario, small landowners should
cooperate, for example, they should share modern agricultural machines,
join efforts in market competition, etc. In this case progressive
farming may be introduced.
4. Lithuania's territorial development scenarios and solutions
In 1999, Finnish scientist Jari Kaivo-oja wrote that analysis of
the widely applied development scenarios (the Deep Ecology Scenario, the
Strong Sustainable Development Scenario, the Weak Sustainable
Development Scenario) the Boomsday Scenario, the Doomsday Scenario and
the World Bank "Policy Tunnel" Scenario, revealed that the
sustainable development is not a conflict-free concept as the criteria
of sustainability (environmental sustainability, economic efficiency and
social equality) under many scenarios might be not complied with, and
the named global strategies serving as the basis for the concept of
sustainable development might even be harmful for developing societies.
Sustainability planning based on the analytical positioning of the
existing situation is a useful approach towards the formation of the
sustainable development policy. This plan was applied when drafting the
general plans of municipal territorial planning of the Republic of
Lithuania, and at the stage of conceptual framework drafting the
following is being defined:
* territorial planning and spatial structure development
* territorial use functional priorities;
* territorial management, regulation, use and protection
The conceptual framework of the spatial development of the district
area is drafted for 20 years and it is to be approved at the Municipal
Council of a concerned district. For example, analysis and assessment of
the current state of the territory of Moletai region revealed that the
concept of special development of dwelling areas are conditioned by the
following main factors:
1. Adverse trends of development of population and
socio-demographic structure.
2. Changes in the system of population areas are necessary.
3. Tourism potential is not exploited.
According to the rules of municipal area general plan drafting, the
drafters of a general plan must propose at least two alternatives for
developing the planned municipality, i.e. Moletai district. The analysis
of secondary sources, the expert analysis and the examination of the
received data resulted in two territorial development scenarios.
Status quo alternative. Status quo (the existing situation to be
maintained in future, too) on the grounds of the existing urban
infrastructure that should be maintained; the existing network of
institutions of education, culture, health, social protection, social
care should also be maintained but the services being provided and the
quality of living environment and public spaces should be improved;
promotion of modernisation of agriculture and forestry within the
existing limits of land use and landholding system and efforts to keep
employment in agriculture (Bauza 2007). This alternative guarantees the
existing service relations and relations between adjacencies,
accessibility and continuity of the existing working places and social
infrastructure objects.
The implementation of the status quo alternative demands large
financial resources of the state and especially of the municipality and
plenty of administrating staff with managerial skills. This needs the
* to keep youth in the area by offering exclusive conditions for
studies and work;
* to secure quality of services of the public social and technical
infrastructure, and to maintain highly skilled staff who work on it;
* to maintain social and technical infrastructure objects, to renew
them despite the fact that their work will not be efficient due to a
dispersal over the area, low population density and too large density of
a small settlement network;
* to aim at the improvement of the housing quality by securing its
provision with engineering infrastructure in all settlements. Due to a
decrease in the number of settlements and large distances between users
the investment into the engineering infrastructure will not be
* maintaining all existing schools, health care institutions and
libraries, and improving their conditions, which due to negative
demographic trends would not be rational.
By choosing the status quo alternative essentially efforts would be
laid to improve the existing urban administrative structure quality and
that would demand vast financial resources. Such dispersion of municipal
objects and objects to be supported will determine retardation of
development of Moletai district if compared with other districts of
Lithuania with the urban structure concentrated to a higher extent as
the trends of the decrease of population in rural areas is 2,6 times
higher than the average of Lithuania.
The attractiveness of Moletai for investment will be conditioned
not only by the development of the existing socio-economic, urbanistic,
legal and administrative systems but also by other factors:
* supply of skilled staff;
* the level of development of socio-technical infrastructure;
* the level of professional mobility of labour;
* clear and specific principles of district development to attract
Socio-economic development of Moletai district will also depend on
the following external factors: ability and failure of Moletai district
and other neighbouring towns (especially Vilnius) and regions of
Lithuania to offer better living conditions and activity conditions.
The gap between the development levels of districts will also
depend on the efficiency of national regional policy implementation:
i.e. on whether reduction of regional disparities will be formal or real
measures (socially, economically and financially sound and targeted at
the improvement of the living standard) will be taken.
Therefore, status quo alternative faces the following threats:
1. Lack of labour, financial, managerial and other resources
available for the socio-economic development of Moletai district which
in the period foreseen for implementing general plan solutions, i.e. 10
years, could reduce the gap of the General development of the district
to such an extent that Moletai district could be able to take part in
competitive market. The results of the poll carried out in Moletai
district revealed that population have their own opinion of the
residential areas in the district that should be developed and
prioritised such areas.
2. Population migration. The studying youth would prevail among
those leaving, and usually young people do not want to come back.
Another category is highly qualified specialists who may get job in
other locations. In this process the population aging would accelerate
as the youth leaving for their studies or highly qualified specialists
would leave the district before moving to another place, and only old
and less active people would permanently remain in Moletai district.
3. The decreased number of highly qualified specialists (in the
fields of education, health care, culture, social care, etc.) would
result in poorer quality of services provided by them in an
over-developed network of institutions, and due to decreasing population
such activities loose their meaning, and it is especially characteristic
of the status quo alternative that provides for developing and improving
the living standard in all residential areas without prioritising them.
The name threats are not subject to direct management but municipal
activities should be directed towards mitigation of outcome of threats.
Therefore, the status quo alternative is not perspective with regard to
the management of socio-economic and environmental development and
territorial organisation.
An alternative of active development is a development which would
identify priorities for individual settlements and aim at connecting
adjacent settlements. This alternative could be called decentralised
Drafters of the general plan offer to accept the alternative of
active development; the essence of this concept is the following:
1. To create a hierarchical system of centres and other residential
2. To reduce the prevailing position of de facto centre, Moletai,
in the territory of the region, to strengthen local centres by
redistributing rationally important institutions in settlements.
3. To ensure even distribution of the standard of living in the
region territory, favourable conditions should be created for
investment; the system of services should be formed on the basis of
local centres; engineering infrastructure of local centres should be
4. Municipal council and administration of Moletai should initiate
qualitative and quantitative development of selected and approved local
centres, which would initiate and promote activities in these centres
and help attract private investment.
5. Adjacent settlements should be connected. Conditions should be
created for a single system of administration, institutional, social and
engineering provision, also for rational use of land (Fig. 2).
4.1. Generalisation of alternatives with socio-economic regard
Alternative I is maintenance of status quo. The alternative
provides for the maintenance of the socio-economic structure of Moletai
district aiming at improving the quality of socioeconomic environment
without making changes in the formed infrastructure network.
Alternative II, also known as decentralised concentration. This
alternative of district development provides for qualitative and
quantitative development of socio-economic infrastructure in the local
centres of the district, and promotes sustainable development of the
district (Fig. 3).
This alternative generates larger socio-economic benefit for the
whole district of Moletai in the long-term perspective.
Comparison of alternatives
Advantages of the implementation of Alternative I are the
following: investment of Moletai district is targeted at improving the
public infrastructure and public services aiming at the quality and safe
environment for living. Investment of the municipality of Moletai
district should be used for the renewal of equipment at health care
institutions, introduction of modern information technologies for a more
efficient servicing the patients. In this way, accessibility of such
services would be improved without making quantitative changes in the
network of these institutions. However, the status quo alternative does
not promote optimisation of social services in Moletai district which
are rather limited at present. The implementation of the status quo
alternative could entail the improvement of the education services. This
alternative creates conditions for improving the quality of tourism
services by making tourist objects more attractive, improving the public
infrastructure and information system of the sightseeing objects as well
as expanding the range of complex services.
The implementation of all these services would serve as the grounds
for the quality improvement of the existing structure and formation of
higher standard living environment. However, conditions would not be
created for the sustainable development of the district, which would
impede the development of the socio-economic potential of the region.
Negative demographic and different social trends of the district
condition the fact that quality improvement of the existing
infrastructure is not efficient in the long-term perspective. The
implementation of the status quo alternative would not contribute to the
achievement of the main goals of the general plan, as constant decrease
in population, emigration of the skilled labour, low population density
in the scattered settlements of the district and inefficient social
provision have a negative impact on the socio-economic development and
condition the need for changes in the socio-economic infrastructure, and
stimulate further uneven development of settlements of the district and
the town.
Comparison of the offered alternatives has shown that the second
alternative is better than the first one, as its implementation should
result in better accessibility of public services for region's
population, as social and institutional provision would be concentrated
not only in Moletai town but also in localities. Formation of a
hierarchical structure of local centres would reduce the impact of
Moletai town on the region. Occurrence of local centres should stimulate
their development and increase attractiveness of residential areas,
improve living conditions in remote settlements. Quality living
environment should stimulate more rapid socio-economic development of
the whole region. Concentration of service infrastructure in local
centres should narrow the gap between towns and rural areas.
The implementation of the decentralised concentration variant would
result in the fact that the increased significance of local centres of
category b, c, d in Moletai district would condition the improved
standard of living in these centres, and the socio-economic development
of the centres should stimulate investment in them (Fig. 3). It is
probable that the improving living standard and the development of the
public infrastructure would have a negative impact on the reduction of
population emigration in the long-term perspective.
Having chosen the alternative of decentralised concentration, the
municipality of Moletai district should foresee measures for solving
socio-economic problems that would ensure a proper development of local
6. Conclusions and recommendations
1. The easiest and simplest way to make a decision is to
extrapolate the existing trends. However, social, economic and ecologic
environments are complex and intertwined, and goals of decisions are not
unambiguous, and it is not easy to choose valid assessment criteria. The
following question remains always relevant: to what extent the developed
strategy and models will be effective when responding to sudden external
changes and situations?
2. Future insights are one of the key measures that could help the
public realise its freedom conception through changing the future.
Planning their future, public authorities make decisions that will have
significant impact on future events and processes. The results of the
taken decisions have a long-term effect.
3. The key method for insight forecasting is the scenario method. A
scenario is a plot of potential multiple future versions: from a simple
consideration of potential events of unknown future to analytically
grounded future shapes linked by complex relations.
4. Estimation by experts is understood as a summarised opinion of
an expert group drawn on the basis of knowledge, experience and
intuition of experts. The goal of estimation by experts is getting,
encoding, structural processing and interpretation of knowledge of an
expert. The procedure of the estimation by experts allows combining
opinions of individual experts and formation of a joint solution.
5. Forecasting or planning situations or events, the experts
usually are given a task: to estimate a problematic and complicated
situation and to come up with several possible alternative situation
estimations and several versions of a forecast or a plan. When analysing
the possible versions, experts assess their importance, inter-relations,
and, when planning further actions, they may also take account of
material and human resources, foresee the period and estimate the
financial expenditure.
6. In those cases where uncertainty degree is high, scenario
analysis becomes the main method for assessing future changes and making
rational decisions. All scenarios are analytical and clearly defined
constructions of the future that present a set of possible alternatives.
Every scenario is based on certain presumptions and conditions. They
help a decision-maker to assess the importance of these presumptions and
to decide which scenario is most suitable. The goal of scenario method
is to look at the functioning and internal links of a complex dynamic
7. When drafting the general plans of municipal territorial
planning of the Republic of Lithuania, and at the stage of concept
drafting the following is being defined:
* territorial planning and spatial structure development
* territorial use functional priorities;
* territorial management, regulation, use and protection
8. The drafters of a general plan must propose at least 2
alternatives for developing the planned municipality, i.e. Moletai
district. The analysis of secondary sources, the expert analysis and the
examination of the received results resulted in 2 territorial
development scenarios: a status quo alternative and an active
development alternative.
9. The implementation of the alternative of active development
(decentralised concentration management) would result in higher
significance of smaller categorised local centres in Moletai district,
which would precondition the improvement of the standard of living in
them. Socio-economic development of the centres should stimulate
investment in them. It is probable that the improving living standards and the development of the public infrastructure would have a negative
impact on the reduction of population emigration in the long-term
Received 3 October 2008; accepted 23 January 2009
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doi: 10.3846/1392-8619.2009.15.10-25
Marija BURINSKIENE. Professor, Dr, Head of Urban Engineering
Department and Director of Territorial Planning Research Institute of
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. She was project manager of more
than 40 national projects from 1983, participated in more than 30 intern conferences and was involved in eight Framework 5 and 6 program
projects. The main area of research is regularities and specificity of
urban and regional sustainable development, development of urban
transport system as well as creation of decision-support system for
implementing engineering solutions.
Vitalija RUDZKIENE. Professor of Informatics and Statistics
Department and Dean of Faculty of Economics and Finance Management at
Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania. Her research area
include application of multidimensional statistical methods for
social-economic processes analysis, statistical technologies in
management, data mining methods, modelling and simulation of sustainable
development, knowledge representation.
Marija Burinskiene (1), Vitalija Rudzkiene (2)
(1) Dept of Urban Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Sauletekio al. 11, Vilnius, Lithuania, e-mail:
(2) Dept of Informatics and Statistics, Mykolo Romerio University,
Ateities g. 20, Vilnius, Lithuania, e-mail: vital@mruni.lt