Investigation of human factors while solving multiple criteria optimization problems in computer network/Zmogiskojo faktoriaus tyrimas sprendziant daugiakriterinius optimizavimo uzdavinius kompiuteriu tinkle.
Petkus, Tomas ; Filatovas, Ernestas ; Kurasova, Olga 等
1. Introduction
The intensive current development of new technologies requires
solving complex problems of computer-aided design and control. Here a
search for an optimal solution acquires the essential significance.
Methods based on decision making to get optimal solution are often used.
Decision making can be classified as (I) multiple attribute decision
making for the sorting or the ranking of alternatives according to several attributes (Turskis 2008; Zavadskas et al. 2006); (II) multiple
criteria decision making, for driving a vector optimization based design
process to a solution. In this paper we use the second case for
investigating a multiple criteria optimization problem. Comprehensive
surveys of the multiple criteria optimization methods are presented in
(Andersson 2000; Collette and Siarry 2003; Ehrgott 2005; Figueira et al.
2005; Miettinen 1999). However, new ways for solving multiple criteria
optimization problems are being developed (Cai and Wang 2006; Eichfelder
2008; Kim and de Weck 2006). The investigations are carried out in two
directions: development of new optimization methods as well as software
that would embrace various realizations of the methods developed.
Computer networks are widespread and permit us to solve complex
optimization problems by using ordinary personal computers. Furthermore,
the networks enable us to solve considerably more complex problems by
using the aggregate power of many computers (Ciegis 2005). The usage
samples of grid computing for solving complex multiple criteria problems
are given in (Nebro et al. 2007). A general overview of parallel
approaches for multiple criteria optimization is presented in (Talbi et
al. 2008). Evolutionary algorithms and their parallel versions are often
applied for solving multiple criteria optimization problems (Coello et
al. 2006; De Toro Negro et al. 2004; Talbi et al. 2008; Van Veldhuizen
et al. 2003).
In this paper the methods are analyzed for interactive solving of a
complex multiple criteria optimization problem by using a computer
network. Two interactive strategies were investigated when the
experiments were carried out by one decision maker (DM) (Petkus and
Filatovas 2008). The new aim of investigation is to detect the effect of
influence of human factors on the solution of multiple criteria
optimization problems. Some decision makers took part in this
2. Statement of the optimization problem
In everyday life we often deal with problems of multiple criteria.
In the general case, the ideal solution with respect to one criterion
can be absolutely unacceptable with respect to another. Thus, it is
necessary to seek an optimal solution that could satisfy all the
Let us analyze a multiple criteria optimization problem:
where [bar.A] is a bounded domain in the n-dimensional Euclidean
space [R.sub.n], [mu] is the number of criteria comprising problem (1),
and the functions [f.sub.j](X): [R.sup.n] [right arrow] [R.sup.1] are
Let some functions [f.sub.j](X), j= [bar.1,m, (m [less than or
equal to] [mu] among [f.sub.j](X), j=[bar.1,[mu]], have the following
[f.sub.j](X) = [f.sub.j]([[delta].sub.j](X)), i.e., the functions
[f.sub.j](*) are dependent on other functions [[delta].sub.j](X);
It follows from the last property that the dependence of
[f.sub.j](*) on [[delta].sub.j](X) has a zone of constant values as
[[delta].sub.j](X) [member of] [[[delta].sup.i.sub.min],
One of the possible ways of solving the system of problems (1) is
to form a single criterion problem by summing up all the criteria that
are multiplied by the positive weight coefficients [[lambda].sub.j], j =
Then the solving process of problem (2) is reiterated by selecting
different combinations of the coefficient values [[lambda].sub.j], j =
[bar.1,[mu]]. Many solutions are obtained and they are the points of
Pareto. The most acceptable ones are selected by DM.
In this paper, a multiple criteria problem of selecting the optimal
nutritive value is investigated. This problem was presented and
researched in (Dzemyda and Petkus 1998, 2001; Petkus and Filatovas
2008). The aim of the research presented in this paper is to investigate
human factors when solving multiple criteria optimization problems in
computer network.
The objective of the problem is to minimize farmers'
expenditure on nutrition by the optimal selection of feed ingredients in
cattle-breeding. The cost price must be minimized in order to meet the
necessary requirements of the nutritive value. The fact that animal
diets consist of different ingredients is taken into consideration, on
the one hand, and each ingredient varies in different nutritive
characteristics, on the other hand. The feed cost price is calculated by
the formula:
where [x.sub.i] is a constituent part of the i-th ingredient in
feed; [k.sub.i] is the price of the i-th ingredient for a weight unit; n
is the number of ingredients. The recommended permissible maximal and
minimal violation of the requirements [[PSI].sub.j],([x.sub.1], ...,
[x.sub.n]), j = [bar.1,m] is calculated by the following formula (m is
the number of nutritive characteristics in feed):
where [R.sup.j.sub.min] ([R.sup.j.sub.max]) is the recommended
permissible minimal (maximal) amount of the j-th nutritive
characteristics in feed; [A.sup.ij] is a nonlinear function that
expresses the value of the j-th nutritive characteristics of the i-th
Criteria (3), (4) are contradictory,--with an increase in violation
of the permissible amount of nutritive characteristics the price of feed
is falling. The following objective function (5) that should be
minimized to select the optimal nutritive value is:
where [c.sub.v] is the required v-th ratio of nutritive
characteristics; the values of the coefficients s and [s.sub.v], v =
[bar.1,w] have been fixed relatively large.
In comparison with problem (2), the coefficients [r.sub.j] of
problem (5) correspond to the coefficients [[lambda].sub.j] of problem
(2); the coefficient of the criterion [phi]([x.sub.1],..., [x.sub.n]) is
equal to 1, i.e., [[lambda].sub.m+1] = 1; [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII.] corresponds to [R.sup.j.sub.min], and
[[delta].sup.j.sub.max] corresponds to [R.sup.j.sub.max].
Selection of different values of the coefficients [r.sub.j] as well
as the initial values of the argument X = ([x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.n]) 1
results in different solutions.
3. Interactive usage of computer network
3.1. The idea of interactive multiple criteria optimization
The multiple criteria optimization problem (5) needs many
iterations and much computation time. So, in order to accelerate the
solving process, we can use the power of many computers. There are two
possible ways to use computer network solving this optimization problem:
1. Parallelization of the optimization algorithm (e.g. variable
metric) that is used to solve the problem (5) when the values of the
weight coefficients [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]] are fixed.
2. Interactive decision making on the basis of several solutions of
problem (5) obtained by using local optimization by different computers
with various values of the coefficients [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]].
Computers are used more effectively by the second way of solving
the problem: time expenditures for sending-receiving data between
computers are less.
So, the multiple criteria optimization problem (5) is solved by
interactive decision making on the basis of several solutions of problem
(5), obtained by using local optimization (variable metrics algorithm)
with various values of the coefficients [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]]. The
preference of DM is taken into account as well. The solving process of
problem (5) is reiterated by selecting different combinations of
coefficient values [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]] that are called tasks and
many solutions are obtained, called as intermediate solutions. The most
acceptable solutions are selected by DM (Dzemyda and Petkus 1998, 2001).
3.2. Decision support system
The DM's participation is essential in solving a multiple
criteria optimization problem interactively (Huang et al. 2005;
Miettinen and Makela 2006; Klamroth and Miettinen 2008). His/her working
skills along with formal and informal information obtained on the solved
problem affect the calculation process. Thus, the decision support
system was designed with user's interface that facilitates his/her
work and permits to review the results and to plan the process of
calculation (Fig. 1). When solving a multiple criteria problem, the
graphical representation plays an important role for decision making
(Blasco et al. 2008; Ginevicius and Podvezko 2008; Zavadskas et al.
Fig. 1 presents a graphic interface of a decision support system
for solving a concrete problem (it is designed according to the
specificity of the problem). The problem of optimal selection of the
nutritive value has been presented and researched in (Dzemyda and Petkus
1998, 2001; Petkus and Filatovas 2008). The objective of the problem is
to minimize farmers' expenditure on nutrition by the optimal
selection of feed ingredients in cattle-breeding. The cost price must be
minimized in order to meet the necessary requirements of the nutritive
value. It is taken into consideration that animal diets consist of
different ingredients, on the one hand, and each ingredient differs in
different nutritive characteristics, on the other hand. Here, the cost
price is one of the major criteria. The rest of the 14 criteria are
squared levels of permissible minimal and maximal norm violations.
In Fig. 1, the blocks show the results of a single problem. The
left dotted vertical line denotes the permissible minimal level, and the
right one - the permissible maximal level of the norm of feed
ingredients. Fourteen horizontal bars present deviations from the norm
of values of the corresponding nutritive characteristics. A horizontal
light grey bar shows the permissible level of the feed ingredient; a
dark grey horizontal bar shows a violation of the requirement. On the
right side of the block, weight coefficients of the criteria are
The top of the window presents the solutions (3 blocks) that have
been obtained and memorized up to the moment. The blocks display only
three memorized solutions, nevertheless, it is possible to review and
use for further editing any other memorized solution with the help of
toolbar buttons or the cursor keys. There has been provided a
possibility to delete any of the memorized solutions that is improper
and therefore needless of editing, as far as the DM is concerned.
The bottom of the window displays the last obtained or edited
solution. A small grey block is designed for changing the weight
coefficients [r.sub.j]. The number of the tasks formed but unsolved is
shown on the bottom right side of the window. If problem (5) is solved
using a computer network, the number of computers that do not solve any
tasks at the moment (free computers) are shown, too. The number of
solutions obtained and not reviewed by the DM is displayed on the left
side of the window. In the case, where the recent solution satisfies the
DM more or less, it may be memorized and, in the case of necessity,
compared to others after some time. The value of one criterion of the
problem has been displayed above. This criterion (the cost price) and
the diagram that represents the violations of the requirements allow the
DM to predict acceptability of the solution.
An example of the solving process of problem (5) is described in
the sequence. The aim of the problem is to achieve the solution with
minimal violations of the recommended permissible minimal and maximal
amounts of the nutritive characteristics in feed at a lower price.
DM starts solving the problem with the initial data (combinations
of coefficient values [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]], selected by the DM).
It is in fact impossible to select a proper combination of coefficient
values to achieve a preferable solution for DM. The solving process is
continued by reiterating different combinations of coefficient values
[r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]]. When the DM finds a preferable solution
he/she stops the solving process. Many intermediate solutions are
obtained by the DM but only the sequence of the improved solutions is
shown in Fig. 2. The cost price [bar.K] and the sum [bar.S] of
violations of the requirements are shown below each block. Deviations
from the norm of values of the corresponding nutritive characteristics
(horizontal bars) are displayed, too. Light grey bars show the
permissible level of the feed ingredient and dark grey bars show
violations of the requirements. The aim is to select such combination of
coefficient values [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]] for the most part of the
bars not to be longer than a gap between the central and the left (or
the right) vertical dotted lines, i.e., the permissible minimal and
maximal level of the norm of feed ingredients not to be exceeded. Longer
bars are light grey and shorter bars are dark grey.
3.3. The idea of interactive multiple criteria optimization using a
computer network
The multiple criteria optimization problem (5) needs many
iterations and much computation time, so, in order to accelerate the
solving process, we can use the power of many computers. In this paper,
the multiple criteria optimization problem (5) is solved by some
interactive strategies using a computer network.
Solving the optimization problem with different values of the
weight coefficients [r.sub.j] in parallel. Different computers solve the
same optimization problem (5), only the values of coefficients [r.sub.j]
differ (tasks). The process is organized by designating the computers as
the master and the slaves. The slaves ([P.sub.1], [P.sub.2], [P.sub.3],
...) solve the tasks and send intermediate solutions to the master. The
master controls the process of computer network members (slaves).
Visual comparison of the obtained intermediate solutions and
allocation of new tasks for the computer network. The DM communicates
with the master and selects a new combination of weight coefficients
[r.sub.j] for a single criterion optimization problem (5) that will be
allocated by the master to one of the slaves.
A generalized scheme of the algorithm for solving the optimization
problem is presented in Fig. 3. Many computers-slaves enable a DM to
form many tasks and send them to the computer network. A special memory
(list of tasks) is realized to memorize the newly formed tasks, if all
the computers-slaves are busy. The DM starts the solving process, forms
a task and sends it to the computer network. If there are free
computers, the task is solved by one of the computers-slaves. Otherwise,
the task is added to the list of the unsolved tasks. The first unsolved
task from the list will be solved as soon as one of the computers-slaves
becomes free. When the computer-slave has solved the task, it sends the
intermediate solution to computer-master and the DM analyzes the
solution of the task. When the DM gets a preferable solution, he/she
stops the solving process, otherwise, the DM forms a new task by
changing a combination of coefficient values [r.sub.j] j, =
[bar.1,[mu]]. The formation of the tasks, the analysis of the obtained
solution and the decision making are performed in the computer-master
(see Fig. 3, the bigger gray block). Each computer-slave [P.sub.m], (m =
[bar.1,n]) solves the local optimization problem with different values
of the coefficients [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]] (see Fig. 3, the smaller
gray block). Fig. 2. Intermediate solutions
The solution time of a multiple criteria optimization problem
depends on the DM's attitude. The DM decides when to stop the
solving process according to his opinion. A convenient tool of
visualization for interactive decision making has been developed earlier
and described in subsection 3.2.
The multiple criteria optimization problem (5) has been solved by
using a computer network with the software package MPI (Message Passing
Interface ... 2009). The package permits separate computers to design a
single parallel computer. In our case, the cluster is composed of 26
computers (Pentium 4, 3.2 GHz) connected to the local network under
Windows XP (1 Gbps). The optimization problem (5) has been solved with
different values of the weights of criteria, using a variable metrics
algorithm from the optimization software package MINIMUM (Dzemyda 1985).
A special graphic interface, applying Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, has
been designed for solving the multiple criteria optimization problem in
accordance with the selected calculation strategies (Dzemyda and Petkus
2001; Petkus and Filatovas 2008) (Fig. 1). The data were interchanged by
the MPICH2 v.1.0.8 package (MPICH2: High-performance ... 2009) which
allows us to run the programs realized by Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
3.4. Parallel strategies of interactive optimization
Several strategies of interactive multiple criteria optimization,
applying a computer network, have been developed and investigated in
(Dzemyda and Petkus 1998; Petkus and Filatovas 2008). The main ideas of
these strategies are described below.
Basic strategy. Tasks for the computer network (different
combinations of coefficient values [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]]) are
formed only by the DM (Dzemyda and Petkus 1998). First strategy. Tasks
for the computer network are formed only by the computer-master. The
computer-master generates all the tasks for the computer network:
starting tasks, and further tasks that depend on the solutions obtained.
The DM does not form any tasks for the computer network. He/she only
decides when and which solution is acceptable (Petkus and Filatovas
Second strategy. Tasks for the computer network are formed by both
the DM and the computer-master. The computer-master generates initial
tasks. The DM forms new tasks, taking into account the obtained
solutions and his experience. The computer-master generates new tasks in
case the DM was late to do that. The weight coefficients are generated
with regard to the last DM's decisions on selecting the starting
point of a task (Petkus and Filatovas 2008).
In the case where the multiple criteria optimization problem is
solved by the first or second strategies, the computer-master can form
tasks much faster than the DM can do. So, if the network consists of
many computers, they will not be idle. We can apply more computers in
the first and second strategy than in the basic strategy. In (Petkus and
Filatovas 2008) it has been shown that the first and second strategies
are superior to the basic strategy when the problem was solved using six
computers and more.
As shown in (Petkus and Filatovas 2008), the second strategy is
better as compared with the first one. Human attendance is necessary to
select the coefficient values [r.sub.j] j, = [bar.1,[mu]], when solving
the multiple criteria optimization problem. Therefore, the basic and
second strategies are used in this investigation. The aim of this
research is to define how a DM learns to solve the problem when a
computer assists him to form the tasks and when only the DM forms the
3.5. Calculation of a combined criterion
In this research, the experiments are done while solving a multiple
criteria optimization problem of the class described in Section 2. This
is a problem of diet formation for animals. The aim is to select the
optimal nutritive value. In solving this multiple criteria problem
interactively, the cost price is one of the major criteria, and the
other 14 criteria are nutritive characteristics. These 14 criteria are
the squared levels of permissible minimal and maximal norm violations.
The human factor was investigated in this paper: the time necessary
for a human's (DM) training to solve this multiple criteria
optimization problem and the dependence of human factors on the strategy
of parallel solution and the number of computers in a computer network.
In solving the multiple criteria optimization problem (5), a DM selects
the most preferable solution; but in order to estimate the human factor
we need the numerical estimation which can help us to assess the
DM's training. To this end, the so-called combined criterion was
proposed. The quality of solutions, obtained in solving this multiple
criteria problem (5), is estimated according to the combined criterion.
The values of the combined criterion were calculated by the formula
[V.sub.i] = [square root of ([K.sup.2.sub.i] + [S.sup.2.sub.i])], where
i is the time moment, [K.sub.i] is the normalized cost price, [S.sub.i]
is the normalized sum of violations of the requirements. The values of
[S.sub.i] and [K.sub.i] were arranged in the interval [0, 1].
It is obvious that the found minimal value of this combined
criterion is not definitely the best solution of the multiple criteria
problem, and it is not the best way of estimating solutions. We use this
combined criterion only to estimate how a human is learning to solve the
problem analyzed.
4. Experimental investigation
In this paper, the human influence on the problem solution has been
investigated experimentally. The experimental investigation has been
pursued on the basis of the basic and second strategies designed for
multiple criteria optimization problems to be solved interactively by
applying a computer network. Selection of the optimal nutritive value
problem has also been investigated. Five cases have been analyzed:
-- Basic strategy applying one computer (denote it as basic (with 1
-- Basic strategy applying six computers (denote it as basic (with
6 comp.));
-- Second strategy applying six computers (denote it as second
(with 6 comp.));
-- Second strategy applying 12 computers (denote it as second (with
12 comp.));
-- Second strategy applying 24 computers (denote it as second (with
24 comp.)).
Fifty decision makers took part in this investigation, i.e. solved
the multiple criteria optimization problem (2) (10 DMs in each of the
five cases). Each DM has iterated the experiment for ten times. An
experiment iterated once is called a trial. Each iterated experiment has
been recorded: the values of a combined criterion that includes
requirement violations and the cost price have been fixed every minute
since the zero time moment. The duration of a trial was at least 30
minutes. Therefore, each DM has attended the experiment no less than
five hours. Great time expenditure was necessary to carry out all the
For each time moment t (t is an integer from 1 to 30), the achieved
minimal value of the combined criterion Vi is calculated (min [V.sub.i]
= 1, t). The average values of the combined criterion, obtained by all
the 10 DMs in all the 10 trials, have been calculated and presented in
Fig. 4. The best results (the minimal values of the combined criterion)
are obtained when the multiple criteria problem is solved by the second
strategy with 24 computers, and worse results are obtained when the
problem is solved by the basic strategy with one computer. Since the
averaged results are presented here, we can state that the second
strategy is superior to the basic one, indeed. Moreover, it is not
reasonable to increase the number of computers much more in the second
strategy because the difference between the results, obtained using 12
or 24 computers, is insignificant.
The next stage of the research is to analyze the dependence of the
results obtained on the DM's experience gained during the
experiment. The results, obtained during each trial, are compared. The
human factors are investigated. We study how a DM solves the problem for
the first time (trial No. 1), for the second time (trial No. 2), etc.,
whether he learns how to solve a multiple criteria problem and obtains
better results.
The average values of the combined criterion of each trial are
presented in Fig. 5. When a DM is solving the problem for the first time
(Fig. 5, trial No. 1), he lacks experience and he is not able to apply
more computers-slaves properly. In solving the problem for the second
time (Fig. 5, trial No. 2), better results are obtained. When the
problem is solved by the second strategy with 12 and 24 computers, the
results are inconsiderably better, as compared with the case where six
computers are applied. We conclude that it was not enough time for the
DMs to learn and apply a lot of computers effectively in the second
trial. In next trials (Fig. 5, Trials No. 3-10), the results obtained
with six computers slightly differ, as compared with that obtained in
the second trial. The DM has learned to solve the problem with this
number of computers during the first trial.
While analyzing the curves, presented in Fig. 5, we notice that if
the problem is solved with 12 and 24 computers, the results are similar
up to the fifth trial. Later on, better results are obtained with 24
computers and they are improving up to the last trial. We conclude that
the DMs learn faster when less computers are applied in solving a
multiple criteria optimization problem and the training lasts longer
with many computers. However, many computers allow obtaining better
results. Moreover, it is not worth applying more than 24
computers-slaves because it will be too difficult for the investigator
to solve this problem interactively. He will not have enough time to
properly estimate an intermediate solution obtained from the computer
network. The DM will also be late to form new tasks.
In Table 1, we present the results of the data analysis where the
values of the combined criterion are achieved at the end of the trials.
The duration of one experiment was 30 minutes; therefore we analyze the
best results obtained up till this moment. At the end of each trial, the
best obtained values of the combined criterion are fixed, and then the
average values are calculated for each strategy with the selected number
of computers (Table 1). Three smallest values of the combined criterion
are written in bold style for each analyzed case. When the problem is
solved by the basic strategy with only one computer, the best results
are obtained during the last trials. We suppose that the reason is the
small number of intermediate solutions; therefore, more trials are
necessary for the DM to learn to solve the problem.
When the DM is solving the problem by the basic strategy with six
computers, he learns faster (Table 1, trials No. 5-7) as he obtains and
estimates much more intermediate solutions. When a computer assists the
DM to form the tasks (second strategy, six computers), much better
results are obtained. The DM learns faster, if he is solving the problem
by the second strategy with 12 computers. The reason is that the DM has
a chance to analyze many intermediate solutions. However, if the DM
solves the problem with 24 computers, the training is slower and the
results up to the fifth trial are similar to that obtained applying 12
computers. Starting with the sixth trial the results "exceed"
other cases. We conclude that if more computers are applied, a DM learns
to make a preferable decision slower; however, better results are
5. Conclusions
In this paper, solution of a multiple criteria optimization problem
in an interactive way, applying a computer network, has been
investigated. Two strategies of interactive multiple criteria
optimization have been analyzed. The experiments have been carried out
with various numbers of computers. The human influence is an important
factor in solving the problems of the analyzed class in an interactive
way. It is necessary to estimate the dependence of the obtained
optimization results on the experience of decision maker's gained
during the experiment.
The investigation has shown that:
-- Ordinary personal computers, connected into a network, are
enough to solve a complex multiple criteria optimization problem. The
system developed for solving this optimization problem does not require
great additional economic expenditure.
-- In solving a multiple criteria optimization problem in an
interactive way, when a computer helps a DM to form new tasks, better
results are obtained faster.
-- DM's experience makes it possible to apply many computers
effectively and to obtain optimal solutions faster.
-- Human attendance allows solving multiple criteria optimization
problems that require especially complex decision making.
With a view to determine a more precise dependence of the obtained
optimization results on a DM's experience, the number of DMs should
be increased. Then it will be possible to draw more reliable
conclusions. However, in that case, great time expenditure is necessary.
doi: 10.3846/1392-8619.2009.15.464-479
Received 27 February 2009; accepted 20 August 2009
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Tomas Petkus (1), Ernestas Filatovas (2), Olga Kurasova (3)
(1,3) Vilnius Pedagogical University, Studentu g. 39, LT-08106
Vilnius, Lithuania (2,3) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Akademijos g. 4, LT-08663 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: (1); (2); (3)
Tomas PETKUS. Doctor, Associate Professor, head of Information
Technologies Department, Vilnius Pedagogical University. Co-author of 15
scientific publications. Research interests include multicriteria
optimization, parallel computing, learning technologies.
Ernestas FILATOVAS. PhD student at the Department of System
Analysis, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. Research interests
include multicriteria optimization, multiple criteria decision support,
parallel computing, learning technologies.
Olga KURASOVA. Doctor, senior researcher, Institute of Mathematics
and Informatics, Associate Professor, Information Technologies
Department, Vilnius Pedagogical University. Co-author of 30 scientific
publications. Research interests include data mining methods, neural
networks, multicriteria optimization, parallel computing.
Table 1. Average values of the combined criterion obtained up till the
end of each trial
Cases Number of trial
1 2 3 4 5
basic (with 1 comp.) 0.1547 0.1441 0.1436 0.1246 0.1144
basic (with 6 comp.) 0.0920 0.0923 0.0935 0.0988 0.0822
second (with 6 comp.) 0.0943 0.0801 0.0857 0.0939 0.0872
second (with 12 comp.) 0.0770 0.0758 0.0793 0.0832 0.0776
second (with 24 comp.) 0.0778 0.0742 0.0747 0.0740 0.0742
Average values 0.0991 0.0933 0.0954 0.0949 0.0871
Cases Number of trial
6 7 8 9 10
basic (with 1 comp.) 0.1779 0.1209 0.1045 0.1289 0.0987
basic (with 6 comp.) 0.0842 0.0762 0.0974 0.0915 0.0880
second (with 6 comp.) 0.0790 0.0876 0.1022 0.0940 0.0912
second (with 12 comp.) 0.0835 0.0806 0.0853 0.0828 0.0835
second (with 24 comp.) 0.0736 0.0732 0.0752 0.0717 0.0730
Average values 0.0996 0.0877 0.0929 0.0938 0.0869