Determination of stiffness of the connections of composite steel and concrete bridge deck by the limit permissible deflections/Tiltu kompozitiniu plieno ir betono perdangu jungdiu standumo nustatymas pagal ribinius leidziamuosius ilinkius/Stinguma ......
Marciukaitis, Gediminas ; Valivonis, Juozas ; Jonaitis, Bronius 等
1. Introduction
The composite steel and concrete structures are used for
constructing various buildings. One of the more old types of buildings
where such structures were used are bridges of various designation since
the technology of construction process is not complicated, i.e. on steel
beams in a rather simple way the shuttering is installed and the bearing
concrete slab is concreted (Fig. 1).
Even today such composite structures are often calculated by
identifying the resistance of beams and slabs separately, i. e. taking
no account of their joint action. This is the way of calculation in case
when there are no reliable methods to ensure the joint action of the
elements (beam and slab) of composite steel and concrete structure (Fig.
1). The joint action of composite structures as well as their
cost-efficiency depends on the stiffness of the connection between the
steel beam and the concrete slab. Under the effect of external load, on
the plane of their contact the shear deformations occur (Fig. 1b). If
the shear deformations of connections are unrestricted the concrete slab
may slip in respect of the beam's surface (Lam, El-Lobody 2005).
Due to that the total resistance of the composite steel-concrete
structure decreases, deflections increase (Ellobody, Young 2006;
Jurkiewiez et al. 2011; Oehlers et al. 1997; Tsalkatidis, Avdelas 2010)
and vice versa, the more restricted shear the more increased resistance
and decreased deflections (Fig. 2). This variation is characterized by
the stiffness of connections between the concrete and the steel beam
which in accordance with EC 4 is defined by the degree of shear
connection ?. Stiffness and the strength shear of the connection depend
on multiple factors. Investigations show (Faggiano et al. 2009; Gurksnys
et al. 2005; Jurkiewiez et al. 2011; Jurkiewiez, Braymand 2007; Motak,
Machacek 2004; Smith, Couchman 2010) that it is not always possible and
necessary to reach the absolute shear connection or to avoid the slip
between the layers. The same resistance is achieved by increasing the
cross-sections of the layers and decreasing the connection stiffness.
But in order to achieve it the slip between the layers must be
restricted as it has a high influence on the deflection of structures.
The graphs in Fig. 2 as well as the authors' calculations show that
due to stiff connection the resistance can increase up to 3 times, and
the deflection can decrease up to 9 times compared to the case where
there is a sliding connection between the layers. On the other hand, it
is necessary to keep a balance between the resistance of horizontal and
vertical cross-sections. With the decreasing connection stiffness the
slip is increasing, as well as the total deflection of the structure
which has certain restrictions. In accordance with Euronorms EC 1994-1
Eurocode 4 "Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures. Part
1-1: General Rules and Rules for Bridges" and EC 1994-2 Eurocode 4
"Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures. Part 2:
Composite Bridges", the resistance of steel-concrete connection
depends on the factors influencing the slip. These factors are: the form
of connector, its stiffness degree, concrete strength, length of beam,
level of stresses on the contact plane of slab and beam. All these
factors must ensure that the deformations of structures do not exceed
the permissible limits. Most of these factors are restricted by one
coefficient [eta], which is calculated by different empirical formulas.
Accurate evaluation of all factors by determining the slip of
layers in respect of each other and its effect on the structural
behaviour under the acting load is a complicated task (Bullo, Di Marco
2004; Gurksnys et al. 2005; Sliseris, Rocens 2010). Commonly, it is
suggested to use empirical formulas or experimental data like it was
suggested in the design standards.
Therefore, the scientists seek for various analytical methods to
determine the slip between the layers or the total stiffness of the
steel-concrete connection (Bullo, Di Marco 2004; Hosain et al. 1992;
Jurkiewiez, Hottier 2005; Loh et al. 2004; Mar?iukaitis et al. 2006;
Nie, Cai 2003; Oehlers, Sved 1995; Oehlers, Conghlan 1986; Ranzi et al.
2003; Salari et al. 1998; Wang 1998) that would help to identify the
abovementioned factors. However, in many cases those factors are
identified by empirical coefficients recommended also by the official
normative documents. Therefore, the aim of this article is to suggest
methodology for the calculation of connection between the layers and to
identify the validity limits of this calculation methodology following
the requirements for the limit states of structures.
2. Calculation model of the stiffness of connection between the
concrete slab and the steel beam
Behaviour of the flexural composite steel-concrete element is
determined by two cross-sections: horizontal cross-section, i.e. the
steel-concrete connection zone, and vertical cross-section. In the
connection zone of the layers the shear efforts are acting, and in
perpendicular section--bending moments.
Fig. 3 shows that under the active shear efforts and bending
moments one layer (concrete slab) slips in respect of the steel beam on
their contact plane.
Based on the theory of built-up bars (Rzanitsyn 1986), the actual
slip of two layers in respect of each other at their contact surface is
u = [] - [u.sub.c] (1)
where []--the slip of lower layer (the steel beam);
[u.sub.c]--the slip of upper layer (the slab) in the connection zone of
both layers.
Dependence between the slip and the relative deformations using (1)
[du/dx] = [[epsilon].sub.slip] = [[epsilon]] =
[[epsilon].sub.c] (2)
where [[epsilon].sub.slip]--deformations of the slip;
[[epsilon]] and [[epsilon].sub.c]--concrete and steel
deformations in the contact surface of layers.
Since the efforts are generated by bending moment, according to
their distribution (Fig. 3a) the relative deformations of the slip of
[[epsilon]] = [T/[E.sub.s][A.sub.s]] -
[[M.sub.s]/[E.sub.s][I.sub.s]] [c.sub.1]; (3)
[[epsilon].sub.c] = [T/[E.sub.c][A.sub.c]] -
[[M.sub.c]/[E.sub.c][I.sub.c]] [c.sub.2]; (4)
where T--shear force generating tangent stresses on the connection
plane of layers; [M.sub.s] and [M.sub.c]--successive bending moments of
the steel beam and concrete slab; [E.sub.s] and [E.sub.c]--modulus of
elasticity of steel and concrete; [A.sub.s], [A.sub.c], [I.sub.s],
[I.sub.c]--total area of the cross sections and moments of inertia of
the steel beam and the calculated concrete slab; [c.sub.1] and
[c.sub.2]--distances from the centres of gravity of the beam and the
slab up to their connection plane.
Having entered the values of relative deformations of the slip from
the expressions (3) and (4) into the Eq (2) and having made appropriate
calculations it was obtained that:
du/dx = [[epsilon].sub.slip] = T ([1/[E.sub.s][A.sub.s]] +
[1/[E.sub.c][A.sub.c]])-[[M.sub.sum]c/[E.sub.s][A.sub.s] +
[E.sub.c][I.sub.c]] + [T[c.sup.2]/[E.sub.s][A.sub.s] +
[E.sub.c][I.sub.c]. (5)
where [M.sub.sum] = [M.sub.s] + [M.sub.c] total bending moment
without respect to the connection between the layers; c--distance
between the centre of gravity of the layers.
Analysis of the Eq (5) shows that the slip is generated by the
shear and the difference of deformations on the contact plane generated
by bending moments.
Using the theory of built-up bars for the calculation of
deflections of two-layer structures, the total stiffness of the
steel-concrete connection is required. Stiffness of the connection of
layers has a larger influence on the deflections than on the resistance.
Investigations showed that when using the theory of built-up bars,
deflections of the composite structure are best described by the
following equations:
[omega] = [5p[l.sup.4]/384[E.sub.ff][I.sub.eff]] +
[p[[lambda].sup.4]D]([1/ch(0.5[lambda]l] +
[[[lambda].sup.2][l.sup.2]/8]-1), (6)
where p--uniformly distributed load; l--span length.
[I/D] = 1/[[E.sub.c][I.sub.c] + [E.sub.s][I.sub.s]] -
1/[E.sub.eff][I.sub.eff]. (7)
Stiffness coefficient of the connection of the layers
[lambda] = [square root of [alpha][gamma]] (8)
[E.sub.eff][I.sub.eff] = [E.sub.c][I.sub.c] + [E.sub.s][I.sub.s] +
[[E.sub.c][A.sub.c][E.sub.s][A.sub.s][c.sup.2]/[E.sub.c][A.sub.c] +
[E.sub.s][A.sub.s]]; (9)
[gamma] = 1/[E.sub.c][A.sub.c] + 1/[E.sub.s][A.sub.s] +
[c.sup.2]/[[E.sub.c][I.sub.c] + [E.sub.s][I.sub.s]], (10)
where [alpha]--characteristics of the effective shear stiffness on
the contact plane of the layers.
In the design of bridge floors, deflections are limited by certain
standards. For example, the limit deflection for road bridges is
1/400/800. As the Eq (6) shows, in order to ensure deflection it is
necessary to know what stiffness of the connection between the concrete
slab and the steel beam must be.
3. Model for the determination of stiffness required to ensure the
permissible deflection of the connection of steel-concrete beams
For the model development the statically determinate structure of
the length l is studied, the limit deflection of which is
[[omega].sub.lim]. The Eq (6) is transformed into
[[omega].sub.lim] = M([[l.sup.2]/8[E.sub.eff][I.sub.eff]] + [1
ch(0.5[lambda]l)-1/D [[lambda].sup.2] ch(0.5[lambda]l)]). (11)
In this equation the unknown is [lambda], which in the calculations
is assumed together with l. Having denoted z =0.5[lambda]l it is
[[omega].sub.lim] = [Ml.sup.2] (1/8[E.sub.eff][I.sub.eff] + 1
chz-1/4D [z.sup.2]chz). (12)
From (12) the members with the unknown z is expressed as:
chz-1/[z.sup.2]chz = D(4[[omega].sub.lim]/[Ml.sup.2] -
1/2[E.sub.eff][I.sub.eff]). (13)
Having assumed appropriate denotations the Eq (11) is written in
the following identical form:
f(z) [equivalent to] chz-1/[z.sup.2]chz = q, (14)
q = D(4[[omega].sub.lim]/[Ml.sup.2] - 1/2[E.sub.eff][I.sub.eff]).
Analysis shows (Fig. 4) that the left side f(z) of the Eq (14) in
the interval (0;[infinity]) decreases from 0.5 to 0, since:
besides, thz < z, since (thz-z)' = -[th.sup.2]z, therefore
approximate solution (18-20) of the equation chz-1/[z.sup.2]chz = q
-2 [([z.sup.4]/4!+[z.sup.6]/6!+...)/[z.sup.3]chz] < 0. (18)
It is easily notice that the function f(z) is an even function,
thus, the Eq (14) has only one solution if 0 [less than or equal to] q
[less than or equal to] 0.5, and has no solutions if q < 0 or q <
0.5. Fig. 4 gives the graphs for q = f(z) and the inverse z =
In the range z[approximately equal to]0 (q[approximately equal
to]0.5), based on Eq (16) f(z) = q [approximately equal to]
where c = const [approximately equal to] 1, therefore z[approximately
equal to]c[square root of [1/q]-2] and using the method of least squares
was obtained the approximate solution of the equation to be solved:
z = 1.0889 [square root of [1/q]-2], when 0 [less than or equal to]
q [less than or equal to] 0.074. (19)
The absolute error of this solution in the above mentioned range
does not exceed 0.005.
On the other hand, the analysis of graphs in Fig. 4 shows that by
increasing the specific stiffness of the concrete slab and the steel
beam of different layers it is possible to install the shear connection
of less stiffness. And vice versa, in case of layers having lower
stiffness, the connection stiffness has to be higher.
In a similar way in the range z [approximately equal to] [infinity]
(q [approximately equal to] 0), based on the condition of (17), it is
obtained that f{z) = q [approximately equal to] 1/[z.sup.2], therefore z
[approximately equal to] [square root of 1/q] and seeking for the
approximate solution in the form of z [approximately equal to] [square
root of 1/q] + [c.sub.0] + [c.sub.1]q + [c.sub.2][q.sup.2] with the same
absolute error of 0.005, it is obtained that
z = 1/[square root of q] - 20[q.sup.2]. when 0.074 [less than or
equal to] q [less than or equal to] 0.305; (20)
z = 1/[square root of q] - 2.03q + 0.041, when 0.305 < q [less
than or equal to] 0.5. (21)
The absolute error of the constructed approximate solution (19-21)
of the Eq (15) in the whole variation range 0 [less than or equal to] q
[less than or equal to] 0.5 of the parameter q (Eq(15)) does not exceed
0.005. A detail distribution of errors is shown in Fig. 5.
Finally, taking into consideration that z = 0.5[lambda]1, the
following expression of the approximate solution [lambda] [member of]
(0,[infinity]) of the Eq (11) is obtained:
The absolute error of this solution does not exceed the quantity
[[epsilon].sub.l] = 0.005/0.5l = 1/100l.
4. Determination and experimental check of the shear stiffness
The main cause of shear is shear stresses in a contact zone. The
shear deformations caused by shear stresses
[[epsilon].sub.[tau]] = [[epsilon].sub.slip] = [tau]/[G.sub.w],
where [tau]--shear stresses; [G.sub.w]--the shear modulus which
depends on a number of parameters and on which the total stiffness
According to the suggested model (22), having calculated the
required general connection stiffness coefficient [lambda], from the Eq
(8) the characteristic of the shear stiffness of connection is
[alpha] = [[lambda].sup.2]/[gamma]. (24)
Analysis of Figs 4 and 5 shows that the total layers connection
stiffness depends on the known parameters or those assumed in a design
stage: acting load, the floor aperture of the structure, limit
deflection, geometric characteristics of the cross-sections of different
layers, modulus of elasticity of concrete and steel. There again, based
on the theory of built-up bars, quantity describing the connection
stiffness of the composite steel-concrete structures is:
[alpha] = b[G.sub.w]/c. (25)
Therefore, the effective shear modulus of this connection
[G.sub.w] = [alpha]c/b = [[lambda].sup.2]c/[gamma]b,
where b--width of layers connection.
Calculation methods for the composite steel-concrete structures
indicate that in any case when calculating such structures it is
essential to determine the shear stiffness of this connection.
Therefore, when designing composite steel-concrete bridge floors in
order to more accurately calculate the structure's deflection it is
essential to determine stiffness of the partial shear connection of
steel and concrete. When calculating deflections of the composite
steel-concrete floors for the determination of stiffness of the partial
shear connection between the layers, the shear stiffness of this
connection must be known. Analysis showed that knowing the permissible
deflection of the flexural composite steel-concrete structure and using
calculation methodology suggested in this article one calculate the
minimum permissible equivalent effective shear modulus of the connection
between the layers [G.sub.w,eff,lim] which directly represents stiffness
of the steel-concrete connection. Since there is as yet no methodology
allowing to theoretically and reliably calculate the equivalent
effective shear modulus ([G.sub.w,eff]), describing the share stiffness
of the projected steel-concrete connection, it is determined
experimentally. This done by testing the fragments of the projected
steel-concrete connection. Based on the results of experimental
investigations the equivalent effective shear modulus of the
steel-concrete connection [G.sub.w,eff] is determined. The experimental
equivalent effective shear modulus ([G.sub.w,eff,exp]) is compared to
the limit permissible equivalent effective shear modulus
([G.sub.w,eff,lim]) calculated by using methodology suggested by the
authors. If the obtained experimental shear stiffness of the
steel-concrete connection is higher than the limit permissible stiffness
the connection is used for designing the projected floor.
In order to check the relation between the connection stiffness and
deflection of the composite steel-concrete floors, calculated using
methodology suggested by the authors of this article, the models of the
composite steel-concrete beams were manufactured and tested. The
cross-sections of the experimental composite beams is shown in Fig. 6.
The specimens were made of 100 mm high structural steel section of I
cross-section. The concrete layer was 50 mm in thickness and 200 mm in
width. The cube strength of the concrete layer [f.sub.c,cube] = 23.1
MPa. The concrete layer in the middle of its cross-section was provided
with reinforcing fabrics made of S240 class reinforcing steel 06 mm in
diameter. Modulus of elasticity of the concrete [] = 24.9 x
[10.sup.3] MPa. The concrete layer and the structural steel section were
joined by the shear connectors.
Six 2.0 m long composite beams were manufactured and tested (Fig.
6). The beams were grouped in three groups: SA, SB, SC. The type of the
shear connectors between the concrete and the structural steel section
varied in the individual groups. In the beams SA the shear connectors
were made of a zigzag shape steel bar and situated at the middle of the
top flange of the structural steel section along its full length. One
side of the bar was welded to the structural steel section. The bar was
08 mm in diameter. The beams SB were provided with the vertical stud
shear connector in diameter of 010 mm the end of which was welded to the
structural steel section and spacing of connectors was 100 mm. The beams
SC were provided with the vertical stud shear connector in diameter of
06 mm and with spacing of 200 mm. The stud shear connectors were
manufactured of reinforcing steel of S240 class.
Manufactured specimens differ in the type and intensity of the
shear connectors seeking to examine stiffness of the shear connection
between the concrete and the structural steel section.
The beams were tested by two concentrated forces (Fig. 7). The load
was increased in steps. Deflection of the beams was measured at the
mid-span, also the slip of shear deformation was measured in the
connection of the concrete layer and the steel section. The shear
deformations were measured using electronic gauges of shear. Forces,
deflections and shear deformations of the beam were recorded by the
electronic gauges ALMEMO.
During the tests deflection and shear deformations of the beam was
recorded at each load step. The graphs of deflections of the composite
beams are shown in Fig. 8. Experimental investigations showed that
deflections of the composite steel and concrete beams depend on the
shear stiffness of the connection between the layers of concrete and
steel. Stiffness of the connection is determined by the stiffness of the
shear connectors provided between the layers.
Experimental investigation indicated that in behavior of the tested
composite beams three stages in development of deflections is
distinguished. The first stage is the stage of elastic behavior of the
composite beam. Experimental investigations (Fig. 8) pointed out that
the first stage reaches M ~ 0.60[M.sub.R]. The concrete layer in this
stage acts jointly with the structural steel section. The slip in the
contact between the concrete and the structural steel members was small
and it is ignored.
It has no influence on the flexural stiffness of the composite
steel and concrete beams. In this stage of behavior the growth of
deflection was proportional with the load. It shows that composite beams
are with full stiffness shear connection. The second stage of composite
steel and concrete beam is stage of its elastic plastic behavior. It
occurs when the bending moment exceeds 0.60[M.sub.R] and continues up to
M [approximately equal to] 0.85[M.sub.R]. During this stage of behavior
the slip in the shear connection between the concrete and the steel of
composite beams is demonstrated in Fig. 9. Experimental investigations
showed that when the acting load exceeds 0.6[M.sub.R] the shear
deformations occur at the connection of the steel section and the
concrete slab. It shows that the composite beams are with partial shear
connection. Nevertheless, in this stage the shear connection of the
composite beams is not destroyed, but in the concrete layer small cracks
appear. The flexural stiffness of the composite beams decreases,
deflections increase out of proportion (Fig. 8).
Comparison of Figs 8 and 9 shows that deflection of the flexural
composite steel-concrete structures is influenced by the stiffness of
steel and concrete connection.
The third stage begins when M [approximately equal to]
(0.85-0.9)[M.sub.R]. It is the stage of failure of the composite steel
and concrete beams (Fig. 8). At this stage of behavior of the composite
beams the concrete layer and the structural steel section separate from
each other. The concrete and the steel layers behave separately.
Deflection of the beams increases continuously. Failure of the element
commences. In the beams of SA group longitudinal crack in the reinforced
concrete slab opened.
Analysis of results of experimental investigations showed that the
beams of SA and SB groups were of the highest stiffness (their
deflection was the smallest), while the shear stiffness of these beams
was the highest. The shear connectors in the beams of SA group were made
of a steel bar bent in the shape of a zigzag; the beams of SB group were
provided with sufficiently closely spaced the stud shear connectors in
diameter of 010mm. The lowest stiffness was of the beams which were
provided with the shear connectors of the lowest stiffness (SC). This is
noticed when analyzing the graphs of Fig. 9.
The experimental equivalent shear modulus ([G.sub.w,eff,exp]),
describing stiffness of the connection between the layers, was
determined from the results of experimental investigations based on
shear deformations of the connection and shear stresses acting at the
connection. Experimental relationships between the shear deformations
and the shear stresses of the experimental composite steel and concrete
specimens are given in Figs 10-12.
The service load of the composite steel and concrete structures
makes about 60% of the maximum load. This indicates that during the
operation of structures at the connection of layers of the composite
steel-concrete structures the shear deformations occur which influences
the deflection of structures. Taking this into consideration and using
the dependencies of shear deformations of the experimental composite
steel and concrete beams presented in Figs 10-12 the experimental
equivalent effective shear modulus of the steel and concrete connection
[G.sub.w,eff,exp] was calculated. The equivalent effective shear modulus
[G.sub.w,eff,exp] was determined under the acting load which made 0.6
and 0.7 of the maximum experimental load. Calculation results are given
in Table 1.
In order to check suitability of methodology for the calculation of
the equivalent effective shear modulus [G.sub.w,eff], suggested in this
article, calculations of the experiment steel-concrete beams were
carried out. Calculations were performed based on experimental
deflections of steel-concrete beams under the certain load. Geometrical
characteristics of the beams and mechanical characteristics of the
materials were identified during the calculations.
The equivalent effective shear modulus Gw,eff was calculated under
the effect of external load equal to 0.6 and 0.7 from the maximum
experimental load on beams.
Calculation results are given in Table 1.
Comparison of the calculated equivalent effective shear modulus
[G.sub.w,eff,cal] and the experimental equivalent effective shear
modulus [G.sub.w,eff,exp] represented a rather good correspondence of
results. The results of comparison given in Table 1 show that the
calculated and the experimental equivalent effective shear modulus
differs from 0 to 14%.
5. Conclusions and recommendations
The shear stiffness of the connection of steel and concrete layers
in the composite steel and concrete bridge floors determines the total
stiffness of the floor. Stiffness of the connection between the
composite floor layers is suggested to be determined by the equivalent
effective share modulus [G.sub.w,eff]. The suggested theoretical model
for the calculation of equivalent effective shear modulus Gweff allows
to rather accurately determine the shear stiffness of the steel-concrete
connection. When using this model in a bridge design stage, taking into
consideration the permissible deflection, it allows select the rational
cross-section of the composite steel-concrete floor. Investigations show
that the increase in the shear stiffness of the connection of layers
enables to significantly reduce dimensions of the cross-section of the
The implemented experimental and theoretical investigations as well
as their comparison allows to state about the possibility of the
suggested model to be applied for the design of the composite
steel-concrete structures.
The suggested calculation methodology can be used to rather
accurately determine the equivalent shear modulus of the steel-concrete
connection showing the shear stiffness of this connection.
The suggested model for the determination of the equivalent
effective shear modulus [G.sub.,w,eff] assesses all the essential
parameters and enables to calculate the slip between the layers. On the
other hand, the model enables to guarantee the required stiffness value
by changing various parameters and to select the desirable
cost-effective alternative in order to increase stiffness of the
connectors or of different layers.
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Received 5 January 2011; accepted 21 December 2011
Gediminas Marciukaitis (1), Juozas Valivonis (2) ([mail]), Bronius
Jonaitis (3), Jonas kleiza (4), Remigijus Salna (5)
Dept of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius,
E-mails: (1); (2);
(3)'; (4); (5)
Table 1. The experimental and the theoretical
equivalent effective shear modulus of the steel
and concrete connection
M/[M.sub.R] = 0.6
Beam No. M, w, [G.sub.w,eff,call],
kNm m MN/[m.sup.2]
SA1 14.58 0.00535 587.9
SA2 15.23 0.00482 1080.0
SB1 14.49 0.00524 672.6
SB2 14.02 0.00526 501.8
SC1 11.66 0.00519 216.7
SC2 11.43 0.00483 276.0
M/[M.sub.R] = 0.6
Beam No. [G.sub.w,eff,call], [G.sub.w,exp]/
MN/[m.sup.2] [G.sub.w,call]
SA1 603.8 0.974
SA2 1080.0 1.00
SB1 621.0 1.08
SB2 542.0 0.924
SC1 201.0 1.07
SC2 270.0 1.02
M/[M.sub.R] = 0.7
Beam No. M, w, [G.sub.w,eff,call],
kNm m MN/[m.sup.2]
SA1 17.01 0.00656 521.2
SA2 17.77 0.00590 965.0
SB1 16.90 0.00657 504.0
SB2 16.36 0.00632 483.0
SC1 13.61 0.00627 150.0
SC2 13.33 0.00591 198.0
M/[M.sub.R] = 0.7
Beam No. [G.sub.w,eff,call], [G.sub.w,exp]/
MN/[m.sup.2] [G.sub.w,call]
SA1 486.5 1.07
SA2 911.0 1.06
SB1 440.0 1.14
SB2 517.0 0.93
SC1 153.0 0.98
SC2 196.0 1.01