Research on normative parameters of asphalt mixtures used for the street pavements under the conditions of Lithuania/ Asfalto misiniu gatvi? dangoms normatyviniu parametru tyrimai Lietuvos salygomis/ Ielu asfalta maisijuma normativo parametru petijums Lietuvas apstaklos/ Leedu tingimustes linnatanaval kasutatavate asfaltsegude normatiivsete parameetrite uuring.
Tuminiene, Faustina ; Laurinavicius, Alfredas
Topicality of the problem
Over the last 20 years, the traffic volume on the roads and streets
of Lithuania has significantly increased, the share of heavy vehicles in
a traffic flow has grown, the axle loads of heavy vehicles have also
increased, therefore, road and street pavements often contain
deformations of plastic nature, i.e. ruts and corrugations. This
requires paying special attention to the selection of asphalt mixtures
and their separate components meeting traffic and climatic conditions,
the design of asphalt mixture compositions, as well as technological
process and quality control of the laying of asphalt pavements.
Results of the researches show that plastic deformations in road
and street pavements most frequently occur in the wearing course of
asphalt pavement during a summer period when pavement temperature
reaches 30-60 [degrees]C and pavement structure is affected by heavy
vehicle loads, braking forces, etc.
Analysis of the design composition of asphalt mixtures used for
laying the wearing and base courses of Vilnius city street pavements
showed that asphalt mixtures used for the wearing and base courses of
pavements are designed and produced with bitumen content which meets the
requirements of normative documents, however, close to the min limit.
This shows that when using min bitumen content the asphalt mixtures of
good properties are obtained, thus, there is a need to determine the
properties of asphalt mixtures and their dependency on bitumen binder
content in case the content is lower than that required by the normative
The article studies a topical problem of civil engineering science.
There is a necessity to reasonably determine if the requirements set by
the normative documents to the asphalt mixtures used for the wearing
courses, base courses and foundation layers of pavements are applicable
and if the limit values set for the properties of asphalt mixtures
correspond to the physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures
Research object. Asphalt mixtures used for laying wearing courses,
base courses and foundation layers of city streets designed according to
the normative documents.
The aim of research is by theoretical and experimental researches
to determine the reasonable limit values of normative documents for the
asphalt mixtures used for laying the wearing course, base course and
foundation layers of the city streets in Lithuania.
The following tasks were solved to achieve the aim of research:
1. To determine interaction between the structural elements of
asphalt mixtures.
2. To carry out the analysis of factors determining the quality of
asphalt and asphalt mixtures.
3. To study technical documents and normative requirements applied
for the asphalt mixtures in another countries.
4. To make laboratory investigations of asphalt mixtures used for
the wearing courses, base courses and foundation layers of city street
pavements and to determine physical and mechanical properties of asphalt
5. To carry out mathematical and statistical evaluation of the
results of experimental research.
6. To prepare recommendations for the limit values of normative
documents related to the asphalt mixtures and based on them to work out
the draft construction regulations for laying the wearing courses, base
courses and foundation layers of Vilnius city streets.
Methodology of research
The following research methods were used: mathematical analytical,
mathematical statistical, experimental-laboratory and comparative
For the analysis of research data statistical and optimisation
methods were used.
Scientific novelty
Scientific novelty and importance of research are represented by
the following important results:
1. Theoretical principles and assumptions were formulated for
selecting the bitumen content of asphalt mixtures in order to exceed the
min limit values for bitumen content.
2. Recommendations are given for asphalt mixtures used for laying
the wearing courses, base course and foundation layers of city street
Practical value
1. Based on the recommendations given and the technical documents
valid at that time for the asphalt mixtures the draft construction
regulations were worked out for laying wearing courses of asphalt
pavements of city streets (in 2004 and 2010).
2. Based on the recommendations given and the technical documents
valid at that time for the asphalt mixtures the draft construction
regulations were worked out for laying the base courses and foundation
layers of asphalt pavements of city streets.
1. Analysis of service conditions of flexible road and street
pavement structures in Lithuania and their condition
City streets, unlike rural roads, are intended for the traffic of
vehicles and pedestrians between the city regions and are joined with
the urban roads and city by-passes (Burinskiene et al. 2003). One of the
main indices showing the demand of city streets and their capacity is
traffic volume.
Till the year 2008, due to the increased traffic volume, the
grown-up share of heavy vehicles in a traffic flow and the increased
axle loads of heavy vehicles the deformations of plastic nature had
occurred on the roads and streets of Lithuania (Cygas et al. 2007;
Sliupas 2009).
One of the purposes of pavement is to get deformed as less as
possible under the continuous effect of loads and to protect the
underlying structural layers. However, under the effect of various
natural factors and vehicle loads it is impossible to fully prevent
pavement from deformations. The extent and type of deformations depend
on pavement structural resistance, the relationship of loads and
climatic conditions (PalSaitis 1998).
In recent years, the design of pavement structures using
mechanical-empirical models is getting more and more popular, where
knowing the properties of materials used for the structural pavement
layers and the thicknesses of layers it is possible to determine a
load-carrying capacity of the whole pavement structure. Or on the
contrary, knowing the load to be withstood by pavement structure it is
possible to select the proper thicknesses and materials for the layers.
After the restoration of independence of Lithuania, the first
Lithuanian document based on which road pavement structures were
designed was Road Design Standards and Rules PNT-K 95. In 2001, a new
document was approved, i.e. Regulation of Motor Roads STR 2.06.03:2001,
which was used when designing road pavement structures. Design
principles has not changed, the only revision was made to the limits of
determining road pavement structures of class V and VI based on the
index of heavy vehicles. Since 2007, road pavement structures are
designed according to the Design Rules for the Standardized Pavement
Structures of Roads KPT SDK 07. If the methods established by the
technical documents PNT-K 95, STR 2.06.03:2001 and KPT SDK 07 for the
determination of the class of pavement structure are compared, it is
obvious that no essential changes related to the methodologies were
made, only the assessment of heavy vehicles volume for the pavement
structure depending on the axle loads was changed. However, none of
those technical documents refers to material properties, i.e. no
calculation methods are used which, when knowing material properties
influencing the elastic moduli and thicknesses of material, helps to
determine the load-carrying capacity of pavement structure.
Flexible road pavement structure is described as a multi-layer
elastic system the material of each layer of which is characterized by
physical properties. Physical properties of materials determine the
elastic modulus and Poisson coefficient of the structural layers of
flexible pavement. A wheel load of vehicle causes distribution of
tensile stresses within the road pavement structure (Laurinavicius et
al. 2005; Ziliute et al. 2010).
The largest destructive impact on city streets, i.e. occurrence of
cracks and deformations, is made by the traffic volume of heavy vehicles
and their generated loads (Laurinavicius et al. 2005).
Road pavement structures are affected not only by the traffic
volume of heavy vehicles and loads. Not a less impact on the occurrence
of deformations is caused by climatic factors.
Asphalt properties depend on temperature. With the increasing
asphalt temperature the viscosity of bitumen binder decreases and this
worsens connections between mineral materials resulting in the reduction
of asphalt strength. The change in asphalt strength due to temperature
variations is large and this worsens the service conditions of asphalt
pavements. With the changing asphalt strength the deformation properties
of asphalt pavement also change. Under high ambient temperature asphalt
pavement shall be resistant to the occurrence of plastic deformations,
under low temperature--shall remain elastic (Cygas et al. 2006).
The asphalt pavement of roads and streets is affected by vehicle
traffic and climatic factors. Due to those two factors various
deformations are formed in insufficiently strong flexible pavement. In
flexible and weak asphalt pavement due to vehicle traffic the fatigue
cracks occur. Deformations of plastic nature and temperature cracks are
caused by climatic factors. Other deformations are formed under the
effect of vehicle traffic and climatic factors together.
With the increased traffic volume on the roads and streets of
Lithuania, the increased number of heavy vehicles and their axle loads
the deformations of plastic nature, i.e. ruts and corrugations, often
occur in pavements of roads and streets. Those deformations
significantly worsen traffic conditions, aggravates pavement maintenance
works (Cygas et al. 2000; Oscarsson 2011).
Having studied the network of roads of national significance of
Lithuania and of Vilnius City streets, the development of car ownership
and the climatic factors influencing roads and streets, also having
analysed the models of the formation of flexible pavement deformations
there is a necessity to determine and assess the conformity of the
properties of asphalt mixtures, used for asphalt pavements of streets,
to the technical documents. Also, to define if the current requirements
of technical documents to the properties of asphalt mixtures shall be
corrected or they conform to the existing situation related to the more
and more frequently occurring plastic deformations in street pavements.
2. Asphalt concrete mixtures for road pavement structures and
theoretical background for their quality improvement
Asphalt pavement shall withstand long-term static and short-term
frequently repeated dynamic loads when vehicles stand or move in a
different period of the year. Therefore, the most characteristic
properties of asphalt pavement are elasticity, ductility and plasticity.
Asphalt structure is described by the grading of aggregate (mixture
of mineral materials), the properties of mineral materials, the
structure and properties of binding material and also by the
interrelation of binder and mineral materials (Lu et al. 2011).
The main condition in order to ensure max asphalt strength is a
dense structure of aggregate (mixture of mineral materials) which is
reached by properly selecting the grading and the optimum binder content
for the specific mineral composition of the mixture under existing
mixing and compaction conditions (Al-Rousan et al. 2007; Corte et al.
2001; Lee et al. 2007; Sivilevicius et al. 2011).
Crushed stone particles in asphalt mixture ensure proper bonding, a
strong carcass of asphalt mixture and determine the strength of asphalt
mixture. The amount of crushed stone in asphalt mixture has an important
influence on mixture properties. When the amount of crushed stone in
asphalt is small the material gains binding properties. With the
increasing amount of crushed stone the connections are formed between
structural elements, a carcass is formed, friction between the particles
increases. This increases asphalt plasticity as well as the service life
of asphalt pavement (Arasan et al. 2011; Monismith 2004; Singh et al.
Asphalt binder used in mixtures influences asphalt resistance to
rutting, however, less than aggregate properties. Asphalt mixture
produced from softer bitumen will be less resistant to rutting under
high temperature compared to the mixture with a more viscous bitumen
binder. Ruts of asphalt pavement usually occur during the first service
year when the viscosity of asphalt binder is comparably low. Meanwhile,
the rutting of road pavement is less expected when bitumen is older or
oxidized (Hafeez 2009).
Asphalt mixtures and their component parts are described by the
national technical documents.
Each country when preparing technical documents for asphalt
mixtures indicating the requirements to the physical and mechanical
properties of asphalt mixtures are based on the own experience and the
experience of other countries in the field of using asphalt mixtures in
laying asphalt pavements.
Having analysed the technical documents on asphalt mixtures used in
Lithuania and European countries it was determined that the main
property of asphalt mixture is bitumen content the limit value of which
in various countries is different, however, another property which
depends of the bitumen binder content is the amount of air voids in
asphalt specimen.
Analysis of bitumen binder content in the asphalt mixtures produced
for laying the wearing and base pavement courses of Vilnius city streets
showed that the asphalt mixtures are designed and produced using the
average bitumen content lower than the permissible limit value.
Certainly, this is caused by economic indicators when the cost of
asphalt mixture is strongly affected by the cost of bitumen binder.
Though, in a design stage of asphalt mixtures the analysis is made of
the change in the physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixture
depending on the bitumen binder content. And the design of asphalt
mixture is approved after it was proved that the asphalt mixture of the
indicated composition meets the requirements of technical documents. At
this point, several questions arise: would the physical and mechanical
properties of asphalt mixtures meet the requirements of technical
documents when the lower than the permissible bitumen binder content is
used and shall the indicated limits of bitumen binder content be
corrected, thus, allowing to use the lower bitumen binder content?
3. Experimental research of asphalt mixtures used for laying
wearing courses, base courses and foundation layers of pavements
Analysis of design composition and bitumen binder content of
asphalt mixtures used for laying the wearing and base courses of
pavements showed that the bitumen binder content that was used met the
requirements of the technical documents Regulations on Road Construction
Works and their Acceptance. Asphalt Pavements DAT.AD-96 and Construction
Recommendations. Asphalt Concrete and Gravel Pavements of Roads R 35-01,
respectively. However, the content determined is close to the min
permissible limit. Therefore, it was necessary to determine the physical
and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures used for laying the
wearing course, base course and foundation layers of pavements when
using the lower bitumen binder content that the permissible content set
by the technical documents. Also, to assess the conformity of the
determined values of properties to the requirements of technical
For the research object the asphalt mixtures were selected most
frequently used for constructing Vilnius City streets in 1999-2004.
Asphalt pavement, depending on the class of road pavement structure,
consists of the wearing course, base course and foundation layers,
therefore, the following asphalt mixtures were chosen with the
consideration of asphalt mixtures investigated by the Laboratory of Road
Research of the Dept of Roads of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- asphalt mixtures used for the asphalt wearing course - 0/16 S-V
(AC 16 VS), 0/11 V (AC 11 VN), 0/16 V (AC 16 VN), 0/16 S-M (SMA 16 S);
- asphalt mixture used for the asphalt binder course - 0/16 S-A (AC
16 AS);
- asphalt mixture used for the asphalt base course
- 0/22 CS (AC 22 PS).
For the production of asphalt mixtures used for laying the pavement
wearing course the design compositions of asphalt mixtures most
frequently used for the wearing courses of Vilnius City street pavements
were selected, and the granite mineral materials, and as a bitumen
binder the road bitumens of different manufacturers were selected the
most frequently used at that time:
- bitumen No. 1--bitumen manufactured from oil extracted in Russia
and representing the type 70/100 (the former B 70/100);
- bitumen No. 2--bitumen manufactured from oil extracted in
Venezuela and representing the type 70/100 (the former B 70/100).
In 2001-2004, in Vilnius City the most frequently used asphalt
concrete for laying asphalt binder course of pavements was asphalt
mixture of type 0/16 S-A (AC 16 AS). Therefore, this type of asphalt was
selected for experimental researches. As a binding material the road
bitumens of type 50/70 (the former B 50/70) and 70/100 (the former B
70/100) were selected. As a mineral material the mixtures of crushed
granite and crushed gravel were chosen.
In 2001-2004, in Vilnius City the most frequently used asphalt
concrete for laying asphalt base course was asphalt mixture of type 0/22
CS (AC 22 PS). Therefore, this type of asphalt mixture was selected for
experimental researches. As a binding material the road bitumen of type
50/70 (the former B 50/70) was selected, and as a mineral material the
mixtures of crushed granite and crushed gravel were chosen.
For the experimental research in the Laboratory of Road Research of
the Dept of Roads of VGTU, based on the given design compositions, 18
asphalt mixtures were produced and the following properties were
- apparent (bulk) density of asphalt specimens;
- max density of asphalt mixture;
- amount of air voids (the former "residual porosity");
- stability by Marshall;
- fluidity (the former "plasticity") by Marshall.
4. Improvement of the normative parameters of asphalt mixtures and
establishment of new limit values
Based on the research and theoretical analysis, in 2001
recommendations and normative requirements for asphalt mixes of wearing
courses were prepared (Table 1). The requirements were recommended for
the Vilnius City Municipality Administration when installing pavement
wearing course during 2001 season.
Based on the prepared recommendations, in 2004 by the order of the
Vilnius City Municipality Administration the VGTU Department of Roads
prepared the draft construction regulations on the Construction Works of
Asphalt Concrete Pavements on the Streets of Cities and Settlements ST
8871063.10:2004 which give requirements to asphalt mixtures used for the
wearing courses of street pavements (Cygas, Laurinavicius 2000).
Requirements of the above mentioned draft construction regulations were
harmonized with the renewed and changed technical document for asphalt
pavements and mixtures when in 2001 the technical document Regulations
on Road Construction Works and their Acceptance. Asphalt Pavements.
DAT.AD-96 was replaced by the Construction Recommendations R 35-01.
Asphalt Concrete and Gravel Pavements of Roads.
In 2010, by the order of the Vilnius City Municipality
Administration and based on the analysis of works, carried out in
1999-2005, and on the given recommendations the VGTU Dept of Roads
prepared the draft construction regulations on Laying the Wearing
Courses of Asphalt Pavements on City Streets ST 9306149.03:2010 (Cygas
et al. 2006) In these draft regulations the marking of the types of
asphalt mixtures was corrected having taking into consideration the
renewed normative document Technical Specifications for the Highway
Asphalt Mixtures. TRA ASFALTAS 08.
In 2006-2007, when preparing recommendations to the draft
regulations on paving asphalt binder and base courses of the street
pavements in cities and settlements by the order of the Vilnius City
Municipality Administration there was a coincidence that namely at that
time Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and
Communications was preparing a new technical document for asphalt
mixtures Technical Specifications for the Highway Asphalt Mixtures. TRA
ASFALTAS 08. Therefore, just after the approval of a new technical
document in 2009 the VGTU Dept of Roads worked out the draft
construction regulations on the Construction Works of Binder and Base
Courses of Asphalt Pavements of the City Streets ST 193061491.04:2009.
Based on the analysis of results obtained by experimental researches it
was suggested to supplement the main requirements to asphalt mixtures
used for the binder and base courses of street pavements.
Examples of the use of research results. Following the requirements
given, the asphalt pavement structures were constructed: in 2001, in
Ateities and LukSio streets of Vilnius; in 2003, in Konstitucijos avenue
and Ukmerges street ascension; in 2006, in Gelezinio vilko street (on
the section from Mokyklos street to Moletu road) and in the Southern
by-pass of the Vilnius City Old Town.
At least 5 years after reconstruction or new construction of
streets their pavement structures have successfully withstood the
long-term trials (no plastic deformations have occurred, Figs 1, 2).
The practical examples (Figs 1, 2) show that after implementation
of the projects following recommendations prepared on a basis of
experimental researches the pavement wearing courses were successfully
laid in several Vilnius City streets where after 1-11 years of their
service no plastic deformations were formed. This shows a successful
planning of experimental researches and a successful analysis of data
obtained, as well as their reasonable adaptation to local traffic,
loading and climatic conditions.
5. General conclusions
1. With the increased traffic volume and axle loads of heavy
vehicles on the roads and streets of Lithuania a special attention must
be paid to the selection of asphalt mixtures meeting traffic and
climatic conditions, also to the technological process and quality
control when laying asphalt pavements.
2. It was determined that the principles of asphalt mixture design
in various countries are different, however, the main indices for which
the limit values are set are the bitumen binder content and the amount
of air voids in asphalt mixture.
3. Analysis of design composition of asphalt mixtures used in
Lithuania and analysis of the composition of asphalt specimens taken
from the roads of Lithuania showed that asphalt mixtures are designed
and produced with the limitary bitumen binder content which is close to
the min limit value.
4. It was determined by experimental researches of asphalt mixtures
used for laying the pavement wearing course that:
a) physical (the amount of air voids) and mechanical (stability and
fluidity by Marshall, the ratio between stability and fluidity)
properties of asphalt mixture of type 0/16 S-V (AC 16 VS) meet the
requirements of DAT.AD-96 when the content of bitumen binder is 0.6 %
lower than the min limit value (5.2%) set in the normative documents;
b) physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixture of type
0/11 V (AC 11 VN) meet the requirements of DAT.AD-96 when the content of
bitumen binder is 0.9% lower than the min limit value (6.2%) set in the
normative documents;
c) physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixture of type
0/16 S-M (SMA 16 S) do not meet the requirements of DAT.AD-96 when the
content of bitumen binder is lower than the min limit value (5.6%) set
in the normative documents;
d) physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixture of type
0/16 V (AC 16 VN) meet the requirements of DAT.AD-96 when the content of
bitumen binder is 0.5% lower than the min limit value (5.2%) set in the
normative documents.
5. Results of experimental researches of asphalt mixtures used for
laying the asphalt binder course showed that physical and mechanical
properties of asphalt mixture of type 0/16 S-A (AC 16 AS) meet the
requirements of R 35-01 when the content of bitumen binder is 0. 6%
lower than the min limit value (4.0%) set in the normative documents.
6. Results of experimental researches of asphalt mixtures used for
laying the asphalt base course showed that physical and mechanical
properties of asphalt mixture of type 0/22 CS (AC 22 PS) meet the
requirements of SR 34-01 when the content of bitumen binder is 0.2%
lower than the min limit value (3.6%) set in the normative documents:
1. It is recommended to reduce the min permissible limits of
bitumen content for asphalt mixtures of type 0/11 V (AC 11 VN) by 0.5%,
for asphalt mixtures of type 0/16 S-V (AC 16 VS) - by 0.4% and for
asphalt mixtures of type 0/16 V (AC 16 VN) - by 0.2%.
2. When laying roads and city streets with the calculated rate of
heavy vehicles also fast-speed streets, public traffic lanes and stops,
and junctions with the streets of category A and B, it is recommended to
use stone mastic asphalt mixtures where a mixture of mineral material is
made of 100% crushed material, and bitumen binder is a polymer-modified
3. It is recommended to reduce the min permissible limit value of
bitumen content in asphalt mixtures of type 0/16 S-A (AC 16 AS) by 0.4%.
4. It is recommended to reduce the min permissible limit value of
bitumen content in asphalt mixtures of type 0/22 CS (AC 22 PS) by 0.2%.
5. The given recommendations prepared on a basis of the analysis of
results of experimental researches allow a reasonable selection of
asphalt mixtures used for laying the pavement wearing courses, asphalt
binder courses and asphalt base courses of pavements which meet the
traffic conditions, the loads generated by heavy vehicles and climatic
conditions. A successful use of recommendations is proved by the newly
constructed several streets in Vilnius City where after 3 years of
service no plastic deformations occurred on the surface of asphalt
pavement wearing courses.
Caption: Fig. 1. A view of pavement structure in Ateities street of
Vilnius City in autumn 2012 (11 years after the street pavement
structure was laid)
Caption: Fig. 2. A view of pavement structure in Gelezinio vilko
street of Vilnius City in autumn 2012 (6 years after the street pavement
structure was laid)
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2013.18
Received 14 January 2013; accepted 1 February 2013
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Faustina Tuminiene (1) ([mail]), Alfredas Laurinavicius (2)
Dept of Road, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio
al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mails: (1);
Table 1. Main requirements for asphalt mixtures used for pavement
asphalt wearing course
Main requirement for > 3200 1800-3000
asphalt mixtures (2))
1 2 3
1. Type of asphalt mixture:
0/8 S-M; 0/16 S-V;
1.1. In carriageway 0/11 S-M; 0/8 S-M;
0/16 S-M 0/11 S-M;
0/16 S-M
0/8 S-M; 0/8 S-M;
1.2. In bus stops, 0/11 S-M; 0/11 S-M;
intersections (3)) 0/16 S-M 0/16 S-M
2. Composition:
2.1. Mineral materials
2.2. Type of binder:
B 70/100; B 70/100;
2.2.1. In carriageway PMB; PMB;
B 50/70 B 50/70
2.2.2. In bus stops B 50/70; B 50/70;
and intersections PMB PMB;
B 70/100
2.3. Amount of binder (over 100% of mineral materials mass)
6.5-7.5 (0/16 S-V)
(0/8 S-M) 6.5-7.5
2.3.1. In carriageway 6.5-7.5 (0/8 S-M)
(0/11 S-M) 6.5-7.5
5.6-7.1 (0/11 S-M)
(0/16 S-M) 5.6-7.1
(0/16 S-M)
6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5
(0/8 S-M) (0/8 S-M)
2.3.2. In bus stops 6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5
and intersections (0/11 S-M) (0/11 S-M)
5.6-7.1 5.6-7.1
(0/16 S-M) (0/16 S-M)
2.4. Porosity of Marshall specimen
2.5. Relative stiffness by Marshall, KN/mm: (4))
2.5.1. In carriageway [greater than [greater than
or equal] 1.75 or equal to] 1.75
2.5.2. In bus stops [greater than [greater than
and intersections or equal to] 2.0 or equal to] 2.0
2.6. Stability by Marshall, KN:
2.6.1. In carriageway -- [greater than or
equal to] 8.0 (5))
2.6.2. In bus stops -- -and
2.7. Plasticity by
Marshall, mm:
2.7.1. In carriageway -- [greater than or
equal to] 4.0 (5))
2.7.2. In bus stops -- -and
3. Additional requirements for mineral materials (crushed stone
and sand):
3.1. Amount of crushed 100 > 90(100)
Rate of heavy vehicles, VB (1))
Main requirement for 900-1800 300-900
asphalt mixtures (2)) Pavement structure class
1 4 5
1. Type of asphalt mixture:
1.1. In carriageway 0/16 S-V; 0/11 S-V
0/11 S-V
1.2. In bus stops, 0/8 S-M 0/8 S-M;
intersections (3)) 0/11 S-M 0/11 S-M
2. Composition:
2.1. Mineral materials According to DAT.AD-96
2.2. Type of binder:
B 70/100 B 70/100
2.2.1. In carriageway
2.2.2. In bus stops B 50/70; B 70/100;
and intersections PMB; B B 50/70
2.3. Amount of binder (over 100% of mineral materials mass)
2.3.1. In carriageway (0/16 S-V) 5.9-7.2
5.9-7.2 (0/11 S-V)
(0/11 S-V)
6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5
2.3.2. In bus stops (0/8 S-M) (0/8 S-M)
and intersections 6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5
(0/11 S-M) (0/11 S-M)
2.4. Porosity of MarshallAccording to DAT.AD-96
2.5. Relative stiffness by Marshall, KN/mm: (4))
2.5.1. In carriageway -- -
2.5.2. In bus stops [greater than or [greater than or
and intersections equal to] 1.75 equal to] 1.75
2.6. Stability by Marshall, KN:
2.6.1. In carriageway [greater than [greater than
or equal to] 8.0 or equal to] 8.0
2.6.2. In bus stops -- and
2.7. Plasticity by
Marshall, mm:
2.7.1. In carriageway [greater than or [greater than or
equal to] 4.0 equal to] 4.0
2.7.2. In bus stops -- -and
3. Additional requirements for mineral materials (crushed stone
and sand):
3.1. Amount of crushed >80(100) > 80(100)
Main requirement for 60-300 10-60
asphalt mixtures (2))
1 6 7
1. Type of asphalt mixture:
1.1. In carriageway 0/11-V; 0/16-V[??]v;
0/8-V 0/11-V;
0/11 S-V; 0/11 S-V;
1.2. In bus stops, 0/16-V; 0/16-V;
intersections (3)) 0/11-V; 0/11-V;
0/8-V 0/8-V
2. Composition:
2.1. Mineral materials
2.2. Type of binder:
B 70/100; B 70/100;
2.2.1. In carriageway B 100/150 B 100/150
2.2.2. In bus stops B 70/100; B 70/100;
and intersections B 50/70 B 50/70
2.3. Amount of binder (over 100% of mineral materials mass)
[greater than or
equal to] 5.2
(0/16 [V.sub.n])
5.7-7.5 [greater than or
equal to] 5.2
2.3.1. In carriageway (0/11 V) (0/16 [V.sub.[??]v])
6.4-7.7 5.7-7.5
(0/8 V) (0/11 V)
(0/8 V)
5.9-7.2 5.9-7.2
(0/11 S-V) (0/11 S-V)
5.0-7.0 5.0-7.0
2.3.2. In bus stops (0/16 V) (0/16 V)
and intersections 5.7-7.5 5.7-7.5
(0/11 V) (0/11 V)
6.4-7.7 6.4-7.7
(0/8 V) (0/8 V)
2.4. Porosity of Marshall specimen
2.5. Relative stiffness by Marshall, KN/mm: (4))
2.5.1. In carriageway -- -
2.5.2. In bus stops -- -and
2.6. Stability by Marshall, KN:
2.6.1. In carriageway [greater than [greater than
or equal to] 6.0 or equal to] 6.0
2.6.2. In bus stops [greater than [greater than
and intersections or equal to] 8.0 or equal to] 8.0
2.7. Plasticity by
Marshall, mm:
2.7.1. In carriageway [greater than [greater than
or equal to] 5.0 or equal to] 5.0
2.7.2. In bus stops [greater than or [greater than or
and intersections equal to] 4.0 equal to] 4.0
3. Additional requirements for mineral materials (crushed stone
and sand):
3.1. Amount of crushed > 80 > 70
Main requirement for < 10
asphalt mixtures (2))
1. Type of asphalt mixture:
1.1. In carriageway 0/16-V[??]v;
1.2. In bus stops, 0/11-V;
intersections (3)) 0/8-V
2. Composition:
2.1. Mineral materials
2.2. Type of binder:
B 70/100;
2.2.1. In carriageway B 100/150
2.2.2. In bus stops B 70/100;
and intersections B 50/70
2.3. Amount of binder (over 100% of mineral materials mass)
[greater than or
equal to] 5.2
(0/16 [V.sub.n])
[greater than or
equal to] 5.2
2.3.1. In carriageway (0/16 [V.sub.[??]v])
(0/11 V)
(0/8 V)
(0/16 V)
2.3.2. In bus stops 5.7-7.5
and intersections (0/11 V)
(0/8 V)
2.4. Porosity of Marshall specimen
2.5. Relative stiffness by Marshall, KN/mm: (4))
2.5.1. In carriageway -
2.5.2. In bus stops -and
2.6. Stability by Marshall, KN:
2.6.1. In carriageway [greater than
or equal to] 6.0
2.6.2. In bus stops [greater than
and intersections or equal to] 8.0
2.7. Plasticity by
Marshall, mm:
2.7.1. In carriageway [greater than
or equal to] 5.0
2.7.2. In bus stops [greater than or
and intersections equal to] 4.0
3. Additional requirements for mineral materials (crushed stone
and sand):
3.1. Amount of crushed > 70
stone particles, %
(1)) if, in exceptional cases, it is impossible to calculate the
rate of heavy vehicles, the pavement structure class is accepted
according to Table 7.5 of PNT-K 95. If the street is used by
trolleybuses or buses, the accepted pavement structure class is
not less than III;
(2)) requirements not presented in the Table are accepted according
to DAT.AD-96;
(3)) old asphalt pavement layers shall be milled if, when constructing
asphalt pavement wearing courses on bus and trolleybus stops and
intersections, clear deformation occur on pavement surface (rutting,
corrugation, cracking etc.). A new pavement wearing course is laid on
the previously laid new asphalt pavement binder course of 0/22 S-A or
0/16 S-A mark asphalt pavement mixture. In case of special
conditions, cement-stabilized base course is constructed. If there
are no clear deformations (or they are scare) on pavement surface,
only old asphalt pavement wearing course is milled, the strength of
street pavement is assessed and a new asphalt pavement wearing
course is constructed. When bus and trolleybus stops are on the
carriageway, the bitumen B 50/70 or polymer-modified bitumen is used
to produce asphalt pavement mixture for the wearing course;
(4)) relative stiffness by Marshall is regulated for crushed stone
and mastic asphalt pavement mixtures and is calculated by dividing
Marshall stability and plasticity;
(5)) regulated only for asphalt pavement mixes of type 0/16 S-V;
(6)) values presented in brackets are valid only for crushed stone
and mastic asphalt pavement mixtures.