Policy instruments for managing EU road safety targets: Road Safety Impact Assessment/ES keliu eismo saugumo tikslu valdymo politikos priemones: poveikio keliu eismo saugumui vertinimas/Politikas instrumenti ES Celu satiksmes drosibas merku sasniegsanai: Celu satiksmes drosibas novertejums/Euroopa Liidu liiklusohutuse eesmarkide ohjamise poliitilised vahendid: liiklusohutuse moju hindamine.
Laurinavicius, Alfredas ; Grigonis, Vytautas ; Uspalyte-Vitkuniene, Rasa 等
1. Introduction
BALTRIS is a project within the European Union's Baltic Sea
Region Programme 2007-2013 that promotes regional development through
transnational cooperation. BALTRIS is led by Lithuanian Road
Administration and the project partners are Lithuanian Road
Administration, Estonian Road Administration, Swedish Transport
Administration, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Tallinn
University of Technology, Lund University and Riga Technical University.
The specific objective of BALTRIS is to develop tools and build
capacity/competence for a better safety management of road
infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region. The project focuses on the
exchange of experiences, knowledge and joint development of road
infrastructure safety management procedures, i.e.:
--road safety impact assessment (RSIA);
--road safety inspections and road safety audits (RSA);
--evaluation of high accident concentration sections.
Some European Union (EU) members already possess the well
functioning road infrastructure safety management systems, in particular
RSIA. Directive 2008/96/EC Road Infrastructure Safety Management aims to
develop procedures in order to increase safety of road infrastructures
in all EU countries and stimulates the exchange of knowledge and best
practices between the Member States. RSIA is carried out for all
infrastructure projects which are part of the trans-European road
network. By the regulations of European Parliament the Member States may
also apply the procedures, as a set of good practices, to national road
transport infrastructure, not included in the trans-European road
network which was constructed using Community funding in whole or in
RSIA is a strategic comparative analysis of the impact of a new
road project or a substantial modification to the existing network on
the safety performance of the road network. The purpose of RSIA is to
demonstrate, on a strategic level, the implications for road safety of
different designing/planning alternatives of an infrastructure project.
Road safety should play an important role when routes are being selected
and safety awareness should be included in the decision making during
the designing/planning stage. RSIA shall indicate the road safety
considerations which contribute to the choice of the proposed solution.
It shall further provide all relevant information necessary for a
cost-benefit analysis of the different options assessed. Thus, this
article aims to present BALTRIS project, accumulated experience and
framework of RSIA procedure.
2. Overview of the EU policy and best practices
The need to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities on the
roads has been recognized by the United Nations and its Member States.
The first global ministerial conference on road safety organised by the
UN resulted in the Moscow Declaration which will lead to a range of
activities within the area of global road safety. The Moscow Declaration
was presented and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in
March 2010. The declaration designates the period 2011-2020 as the
"Decade of Action for Road Safety", with the aim of reducing
global road deaths by 2020 (according to the Program Friends of the
Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020). Road traffic safety is a
major concern for the 27 Member States of the European Union. The
European Commission has recognized that "Road safety is a major
societal issue" and concluded that "In 2009, more than 35 000
people died on the roads of the European Union, i.e. the equivalent of a
medium town, and no fewer than 1 500 000 persons were injured. The cost
for society is huge, representing approx 130 billion EUR in 2009".
The Commission adopted a Road Safety Program which aims to cut road
deaths in Europe by 2020. The western part of Europe, especially the
Nordic countries, have developed some tradition in a science-based road
safety work which is indicated by a positive development placing them
among the countries with the lowest accident levels (e.g. Sweden and
Denmark). Other parts of Europe and the world need to develop such kind
of systematic work to improve their road safety situation. The demand
for road traffic safety specialists in developing countries is even more
urging as road "unsafety" has taken a devastating proportion
in those countries.
Sweden. Regulations of the Swedish Transport Administration already
require RSIA to be carried out in all feasibility studies on state road
investment projects to be assessed according to the Swedish Road Act.
The regulations also require cost-benefit analysis with monetary
comparisons of road user, safety and environment effects with investment
and maintenance costs and estimates of safety effects in terms of the
saved fatalities and the severely injured as well as travel times and
environmental effects. The RSIA is an integrated part the initial
feasibility study which is a part of the general planning process. The
feasibility study includes discussions about deficiencies, problems and
needs. Environmental issues, road safety, accessibility, transport
quality, regional development, and gender equality among other areas,
are covered in the feasibility study. This also the case for the next
step, the preliminary road design step, where the requirements are
consistent with the requirements in the first stage.
Belgium. RSIA procedure of the Traffic Safety Directive shall be
implemented in short terms for all the projects requiring a building
license for TEN-roads, however the country apply the procedures as a set
of good practices for the regional roads. RSIA in Belgium considers
different planning possibilities in traffic safety for a road project.
The road safety element is one of the assessment elements of the
Cyprus. The information of the RSIA report is presently contained
within Techno-Economical Study of each project in Cyprus. The standard
stages for "initial planning" are the inclusion of a proposed
project in the State Budget and the preparation of a Techno-economical
Study and a Traffic Modelling/Impact Assessment Study. Hence, RSIA is
implemented at the same time as the other assessments (Data collected by
questioning participants during the seminar "Safety Management of
Road Infrastructure Implementation of Directive 2008/96/EC").
France. There is no specific procedure laid down for the moment for
the RSIA report in France. Road safety like other criteria, such as
environmental issues, cost of fatalities, cost of accident are
calculated and used in the socioeconomic cost-benefit analysis. Hence,
in the process of assessment the traffic and accident data is used.
Portugal. A Road Safety Impact Assessment Manual has been
elaborated to be applied for the national road projects in Portugal.
RSIA means a strategic comparative analysis of the impact of a new road
or a substantial modification to the existing network on the safety
performance of the road network. The standard stages for "initial
planning", at which RSIA is implemented in the process, are Base
Program and Preliminary Study.
Iceland. RSIA procedure is mandatory for TERN-roads in Iceland. For
other national roads RSIA should be performed if the cost of the road
project exceeds a certain amount. In addition, RSIA should be performed
if the project in question is very important from the view of traffic
safety. The project manager (design manager) decides which remarks of
the RSIA-team will be taken into account in further design of the
project and present to the RSIA team. If the members of the RSIA-team
decide that some of the remarks that will not be taken into account are
extremely important they can send information on the matter to the
general director of the project (Data collected by questioning
participants during the seminar "Safety Management of Road
Infrastructure--Implementation of Directive 2008/96/EC").
Ireland. The information for the RSIA report is presently contained
within the Scheme Constraints Study. The traffic and road safety
information will be extracted separately to form the RSIA. It will also
act as a source of information for the independent stage of RSA.
Therefore, the RSIA will be part of the larger Constraints Study for the
scheme which will include documents on archaeology, environment,
economic issues and all other factors and will be evaluated on
cost-benefit basis (Information given by the National Roads Authority of
3. General requirements and recommendations concerning RSIA
RSIA procedures are intended to be applied at the initial
design/planning stage with the major aim to prepare definite plan or
design of the road network scheme. Procedures should cover two major
--to evaluate the impact of planned/alternative network schemes on
road safety at the strategic level in the existing network of certain
geographical area (entire affected for traffic in finite network);
--to evaluate road safety impact of the existing road network on
alternative/planned road network schemes.
Ideally, the RSIA could be prepared in parallel to a strategic
feasibility study. Usually, such feasibility studies cover traffic
forecast, traffic pattern and engineering solutions (route selection,
major technical details). The results of Road Safety Impact Assessment
should improve the quality of such feasibility study and
decision-making: provide all relevant road safety information necessary
for a cost-benefit analysis of the different alternatives assessed.
If such strategic studies are not the subject, extra efforts will
be needed for the RSIA. Deeper and advanced analysis of alternatives
might reveal road safety synergies or anti-synergies, however such
analysis requires very high skills and expensive tools, i.e. transport
modelling, statistical analysis or multi-criteria analysis. Requirements
concerning such methodologies may be regulated at national level. For
instance, a very detailed RSIA can be performed under favorable
circumstances, when such transport models are already running for
national/certain territories, or when detailed local studies describe
the local road safety conditions and its relations to various safety
The initial steps of RSIA procedures (Fig. 1) start from the short
description of plans, topicality of the object including its role in the
trans-European network and analysis of local documentation if such
exists (comprehensive, special, detail plans).
"Do nothing" scenario is an outline for most plausible
series of events in the absence of different design/planning
alternatives of an infrastructure project. Road safety objectives could
be formulated on the basis of cost-benefit analysis indicators (i.e.
cost-benefit ratio, Internal Rate of Return) if there are national
methodologies or guidelines. In such way, the projects with highest
economic indicators would have highest priority (such study covers just
a part of feasibility study and indicators).
The RSIA should include at least 2 scenarios (including "do
nothing"). Scenarios could originate in the design/ planning team
(at least one "do project") or in RSIA team. Prognosis of
changes in road safety elements could be forecasted by using various
methodologies (expert-based, analytical, multi-criteria analysis).
Data analysis covers cost-benefit analysis for different scenarios,
data evaluation and interpretation.
Final part covers data summarization and interpretation of
cost-benefit analysis (different scenarios). RSIA team has a right to
propose a new scenario after RSIA process (if the results are not
meeting the raised objectives) and evaluate this new scenario among the
provided scenarios. Similarly, it is possible to construct a new
scenario involving strengths of the already evaluated scenarios and to
evaluate this new scenario among the provided scenarios.
4. Primary analysis
All in all, the designer/planner is responsible for data provision,
i.e. all initial and essential data needed for the RSIA should be
supplied by the designer/planner to the auditor. Additional data should
be collected by using all feasible local sources, i.e. GIS-based
systems, local statistical data, etc. RSIA auditors should characterize
the following aspects:
--geographical area;
--description of client and possessor;
--What is the preliminary schedule of the initial design/planning
stages? (description of the RSIA project time-plan and integration into
local design/ planning stages);
--What are the constructional plans concerning the infrastructure
project? (reconstruction of existing road infrastructure, construction
of a new road infrastructure);
--prepare maps with initial technical specifications of
infrastructure project such as category/type/function, length, width,
rough investments.
RSIA auditors should describe the following topicality aspects:
--Does the infrastructure object belong to trans-European network?
("trans-European road network" means the road network
identified in Decision 661/2010/EU of the European Parliament);
--Member States may also apply the provisions of Directive
2008/96/EC, as a set of good practices, to national road transport
infrastructure, not included in the trans-European road network that was
constructed using Community funding in whole or in part. In such case
the auditors should describe the national reasons and legal base of
--What is the relevance of the object? (more detailed description
of corridor, spatial connectivity, modal interactions).
Although the RSIA must be included in the initial planning/design
stages, the existing long-term planning documentation and plans could be
very beneficial. Analysis of local documentation, if such exists
(comprehensive, special, detail plans), would be helpful to describe the
transport and land-use interaction and collect more detailed information
concerning the infrastructure project, to validate the project's
compliance with local transport policy.
5. Description of "do nothing" scenario
In most cases we assume that road safety could be improved.
Therefore, a problem formulation could be in the form of question: What
would road safety be in the existing ambient infrastructure after
certain period of time in the absence of major infrastructure projects?
A problem formulation can be in the form of hypothesis: the road safety
will be improved in a certain geographical area after implementation of
the infrastructure project.
A new road infrastructure could generate negative impact on local
road safety: generate additional traffic flows and risk factors. In such
case RSIA study will not cover all cost-benefit aspects and the problem
could be formulated as follows: how road safety can be maximized if
major infrastructure projects are implemented?
Later on, the existing affected network/territory must be defined
and geographical data should be collected and visualized. The boundaries
of the RSIA object (affected network/territory) could be defined on the
basis of traffic or road safety risk factors (regulated by the National
Road Authority):
--certain rate of influence of the infrastructure project on
--certain rate of influence of infrastructure on risk factors.
For instance, RSIA procedure should be implemented in such cases:
--new construction of infrastructure projects;
--reconstruction of the infrastructure dealing with:
--increase of capacity;
--new entrances or exits;
--reorganization of traffic scheme;
--substantial road safety improvements (reconstruction of
intersections, crossings, installation of road safety improvement
packages such as safety barriers, lighting etc.).
The RSIA will take place at an early design/planning stage to allow
the results of the assessment to influence the further design or
planning process, as in the case of environmental impact assessment.
Land use plans and the pattern of land use in an area can affect the
number of accidents by influencing traffic volume, the modal split of
traffic, how traffic is distributed between various roads and the
accident rate for each road or each mode of transport. Moreover, they
will be carried out for all transport policy measures having influence
on road safety, including e.g. infrastructure investments,
standardization, pricing etc.
The RSIA means a strategic comparative analysis of the safety
performance of the road network and, therefore collection of additional
data may vary for "new construction of infrastructure" and
"reconstruction of existing infrastructure" cases:
--"new construction of infrastructure projects" data
collection should concentrate on study area including existing ambient
infrastructure, i.e. no historical data are available concerning new
infrastructure project;
--"substantial modification/reconstruction of existing
infrastructure"--data collection should concentrate on study area
including all existing infrastructure, i.e. historical data concerning
road safety situation on reconstructed object are available.
Analysis of national or local territorial planning, national
strategies and plans, and legal documentation concerning road
design/planning in the selected area should be done at the first step.
Data on road importance in trans-European road network, category of road
and analysis of spatial and functional partitioning should be collected.
More detailed description of the "do nothing" scenario in
terms of topicality should be accomplished: linkage to TEN or national
transport corridors, analysis of national road network development
programme, description of project objectives (traffic accident rate
reduction, reduction in travel time, etc.). Describing the needs of the
project, the following aspects should be elaborated:
--analysis of road function and features;
--traffic patterns, volume and categorization;
--road users (including vulnerable users);
--seasonal and climatic conditions;
--seismic activity (where it is applicable);
--other information influencing road safety assessment.
Data on land use and future land use developments is very essential
for the forecast of future spatial interactions in the territory. A
spatial interaction is a realized movement of people, freight or
information between origin and destination. Data on land use should
include at least the most important socio-economic variables pertaining
to the area under investigation, such as population, employment, income
level, commercial activity, etc. Such data is used to estimate or
calibrate the amount of travel generated and attracted (origin and
destination), however further forecast could be based on various methods
(expert-based forecasting, simple calculations or traffic modelling).
Auditors should pay attention to intermodal or multimodal
interaction in the territory if such exists or is foreseen. Many
economic and transport activities as generally located at hubs,
including distribution, warehousing, finance and retailing. Intermodal
and multimodal interactions could cause the need of special
infrastructure and generate additional transport needs and flows. With
economic development, the addition of new activities and transport
infrastructures, spatial interactions have a tendency to change very
rapidly as flows adapt to a new spatial structure.
6. Development and evaluation of scenarios
The RSIA should include at least 2 scenarios (Fig. 2).
Scenario "do project" in most of the cases will originate
in the design/planning team, but RSIA team has a right to propose a new
scenario after evaluation if the results do not meet the raised
objectives and evaluate this new scenario among the provided scenarios.
Similarly, it is possible to construct a new scenario involving
strengths of the already evaluated scenarios and to evaluate this new
scenario among the provided scenarios. All the scenarios must be
calculated with the same method.
There are a number of methods how to evaluate performance of
transport infrastructure: cost/efficiency, costbenefit, life-cycle,
least cost planning, multi-criteria analysis and combined adaptations of
such methodologies. Cost benefit analysis for life-cycle of
infrastructure project is one of the most common analysis and normally
based on local adaptations. Three separate measures are usually obtained
from a cost benefit analysis to aid decision making:
Net Present Value (NPV): It is obtained by subtracting the
discounted costs and negative effects from the discounted benefits. A
negative NPV suggests that the project should be rejected because the
society would be worse off.
Benefit-cost ratio: It is derived by dividing the discounted costs
by the discounted benefits. A value greater than 1 would indicate a
useful project.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR): The average rate of return on
investment costs over the life of the project.
In such way, projects with highest economic indicators would have
highest priority (RSIA study most likely will cover just a part of
feasibility study and its indicators).
Studies dealing with strategic aspects should deal with long term
periods such as 15-30 years horizon. However, amendment to the horizon
could be based on local methodologies.
The effects of road safety elements which are hard to express in
monetary terms could be evaluated on the basis of selected indicators.
Primary traffic indicators could be:
--passenger kilometers;
--vehicle kilometers;
--ton kilometers.
These indicators could be selected considering available
information. Later on, they should be calculated as relative indicators:
--effect of road safety element/passenger kilometer;
--effect of road safety element/vehicle kilometer;
--effect of road safety element/ton kilometer.
The effect of road safety could be measured by decrease in the
number of fatalities, accidents, risk factors or even monetary
expressions of these and other benefits.
Most of the European countries have already prepared or are
preparing methodologies concerning accident forecasting.
Basic methodologies used to predict future developments are (Elvik
2009; Stipdonk et al. 2010):
1. Expert opinion is based on expert's experience concerning
influence of infrastructure project on road safety;
2. Analytical methodology is based on simple mathematical
calculations of road accidents (per road type and traffic volume) on
existing roads and use of such data to predict future situations on
designed/planned infrastructure;
3. Statistical modelling is based on statistical road accident
analysis and development of accident prediction models considering road
type, traffic volume, speed limit and etc. Use of the Bayesian method is
recommended as the best practice;
4. Multi-criteria decision making is based on indepth analysis of
road safety criteria/elements and their interaction.
Assessment by experts is a simple procedure and will definitely
guaranty the outcome, however validity and reliability are questionable.
By the Wegman or European Transport Safety Council the national
analytical methodology could consist of the following major steps
(Wegman et al. 1994):
Statistical modelling gives mathematical formula describing the
relation between the safety level of existing roads and variables that
explains this level. Ripcor-Iserest projects deliverable "Accident
Prediction Models and Road Safety Impact Assessment: Recommendations for
Using These Tools" describes a modern accident forecast model as
(Eenink et al. 2008):
The estimated expected number of accidents, E(X), is a function of
traffic volume, Q, and a set of risk factors, [x.sub.i] (i = 1, 2, 3,
..., n). The effect of traffic volume on accidents is modelled in terms
of an elasticity that is a power, [beta], to which traffic volume is
raised. For intersections volumes for the major and minor road are
included. The effects of various risk factors that influence the
probability of accidents, given exposure, is generally modelled as an
exponential function, that is as e (the base of natural logarithms)
raised to a sum of the product of coefficients, [[gamma].sub.i], and
values of the variables, [x.sub.j] denoting risk factors.
Practical tools have been developed to standardise and simplify
accident evaluations. One example of them is TARVA--a tool for
evaluating reliably the existing safety situation as well as expected
effects of various safety measures. It uses local road and traffic
information together with international best practice information about
the results of road safety studies. An accident model TARVA has
originally been developed for Finnish roads (database and language), but
even the English version with Lithuanian road data base and accident
models has been produced (TARVAL). Because of simple evaluation
algorithms, the programme can easily be converted to any other country
that has some basic database about roads, traffic and accidents
(Ratkeviciute 2010). The safety effects of infrastructure improvements
can be evaluated easily and using the same data and definitions for all
the roads in the database. The minimum input is: i) what is the measure
and ii) where it is implemented. In Finland, there are almost 100
predetermined measures in the programme and own measures can be defined
by the user if needed. Also the implementation costs can be entered but
the average costs for measures (per km or per measure) are used, if
these values are not entered.
The estimation of safety effects of road improvements in TARVA is a
four-phase process (Peltola 2000):
1) For each homogeneous road segment the most reliable estimate of
the accident number is combined from the number of accidents in the
past, vehicle mileage and the average accident rate in corresponding
conditions. Accident information is combined in a formula which takes
into consideration the model's goodness of fit and the random
variation in the number of accidents. The weight of the accident model
compared to the weight of the accident history is the bigger the more
there is random variation in the accident count.
2) To make prediction of the number of accidents without road
improvements the most reliable estimate of the number of accidents is
corrected by the growth coefficient of the traffic. Also the effects of
fundamental changes in land use on the forecasted accident number can be
taken into consideration by the coefficient.
3) The effects of measures on injury accidents are then described
in terms of impact coefficients. The impacts coefficients have been
obtained from the research results of all the relevant countries taking
into consideration the differences in traffic regulation and road user
4) Road improvement measures can affect also the severity of the
accidents remaining on the road after the improvement. These effects can
also be taken into consideration in TARVA by using severity change
Using evaluated injury accident reduction percentage and knowledge
about the average severity (deaths/100 injury accidents) and its change,
TARVA gives an estimate of yearly-avoided accidents. TARVA uses
different models for junctions and road sections. For road sections, the
accident prediction model is based on the number of accidents per
vehicle mileage and for junctions on the number of accidents per
incoming vehicles. Model calculates three separate types of accidents
(those involving motor vehicles only, involving pedestrians and
bicyclists and involving animals). These are used because road
improvements can have very different effects on those accident types.
Using the estimates of yearly avoided injury accidents and
fatalities due to road improvements, one can easily calculate savings in
accident costs. When knowing also the costs of the measures, it is easy
to calculate what kind of measures is the most effective regarding
safety and where those measures pay off most effectively.
There are also other more evaluation tools/models of such kind,
like the ones for analysing the accidents in more details--an example of
this is ONHA-tool (Lithuanian and Finnish accident databases in the
Lithuanian, Finnish and English languages). Another kind of tool would
help in evaluating the safety effects of different kinds of road safety
measures when preparing national road safety plans--again an example of
this if instance TEPA--used in Finland and ONHA. All these tools are
useful for national evaluations, but extra benefit can be achieved from
the possibility to carry out international comparison.
Multiple-criteria decision making or multiple-criteria decision
analysis refers to making decisions in the presence of multiple
criteria. Application of multiple-criteria decision making methods in
planning is not a new thing. As an example, under the European Union
Road Safety Action Programme 1997-2001 a multi-criteria analysis of the
various safety actions was followed by a cost-effectiveness analysis
leading to the definition and ranking of short- and medium-term road
safety priorities in the European Union.
Nowadays, a multi-criteria decision making framework for road
safety research aims at incorporating advanced statistical methods (such
as optimization algorithms) into a new multi-criteria decision making
framework in order to enable road safety decision makers to make better
informed choices. Given the complexity of the road safety phenomenon and
the increasing attention paid to an extended set of road safety
indicators (in which not only the number of fatalities are included, but
also risk factors, policy efforts and descriptive characteristics),
evaluation based on multiple indicators is required. Consequently, to
measure the multi-dimensional concept of road safety which cannot be
captured by a single indicator, the exploration of a composite road
safety index is attractive and desirable. Compared to other fields such
as environment, economy, and society, the development of a composite
index for road safety is relatively new and promising (Elvik 2011; Qiong
et al. 2010; Wang 2011).
RSIA study requires transportation forecasting. Transportation
forecasting is the process of estimating the number of vehicles or
people that will use a specific transportation facility in the future.
For forecasting some countries use a fixed time traffic growth rate
expressed in units or percents per year. As it was mentioned, RSIA could
be prepared in parallel to a strategic feasibility study. Usually, such
feasibility studies cover route choice and traffic patterns, volume,
categorization, aspects. In the case of the absence of such feasibility
studies, transport modelling software (i.e. Emme/2, Cube, PTV VISION
etc.) can be used for transport forecasting and data analysis. Thus,
RSIA study should answer such questions for each "do project"
--Does a new infrastructure project make influence on route choice
and traffic patterns?
--How much does a new infrastructure project make influence on
route choice and traffic patterns?
--What would the distribution of traffic volumes in the whole
network be after implementation of infrastructure project?
--What would the influence of new infrastructure project on the
structure of traffic be (vehicle categories)?
--The "do nothing" scenario after a certain period of
time should be also described by expected traffic volumes and vehicle
RSIA study could evaluate smaller details if there is information
on road safety elements. Changes in the traffic volumes and
infrastructure require more detailed analysis of such aspects:
--possible effects on the existing network elements (e.g. exits,
intersections, level crossings);
--road users, including vulnerable users (e.g. pedestrians,
cyclists, motorcyclists);
--seasonal and climatic conditions;
--presence of a sufficient number of safe parking areas;
--seismic activity (where it is applicable);
--other information influencing road safety.
The RSIA should give clear recommendations what effects of local
conditions should be covered/tackled in further planning and design
7. Data analysis
In spite of some of the discussions on the cost-benefit analysis
(Elvik 2001; Elvik 2010; Veisten 2010) it is determined by the
regulations of European Commission and Directorate General Regional
Policy that data analysis should be conducted according to the valid
local methodologies or guides to cost-benefit analysis. Major steps of
the cost-benefit analysis are:
--description of each scenario;
--define cost and benefit elements for further analysis;
--define measurement units and monetize such units;
--define discount rate;
--calculation of yearly benefits and costs (i.e. 15-30 years);
--calculate net present value, benefit-cost ratio, internal rate of
--define elements which are hardly expressed in terms of money;
--perform sensitivity analysis;
--prepare results (graphs, tables, matrices, summary).
Interpretation is an art that one learns through practice and
experience. It should be stressed that much prudence is needed in the
interpretation of the analysis results. It is advisable, before
embarking upon final conclusions, to consult the auditing team members
who will not hesitate to point out omissions and errors in logical
argumentation. Eventually, the team leader must give reasonable
explanations of proposals and present proposals to all parties concerned
(client and designer/planner). The results of the study should meet the
raised objectives and consider all relevant factors affecting the
problem to avoid false generalization.
8. Formulation of conclusions and recommendations, coordination of
the recommendations
This part covers summarization and generalization of the
cost-benefit analysis data and other elements of the RSIA (including all
different scenarios). RSIA team has a right to propose a new scenario
after RSIA process (if the results do not meet the raised objectives)
and evaluate such new scenario among the provided scenarios. Similarly,
it is possible to construct a new scenario involving strengths of the
already evaluated scenarios and to evaluate this new scenario among the
provided initial scenarios.
The proposals of the auditing team should be presented (provide
report and/or prepare oral presentation) to the designer/planner and
client in order to find the final consensus concerning infrastructure
project. Designer/planner and client have a right to submit comments in
written or oral form. The report of auditors could be updated and
adjusted after the meeting with other parties. However, the client makes
final decision whether recommendations are to be adopted or not. The
written response to the audit report from the client is a part of the
RSIA project documentation.
9. Recommendations concerning the use of RSIA procedures
1. The RSIA is a tool that could increase transparency and
awareness of decision making during initial design or planning process.
It is a useful tool to develop and compare policy options, though it
requires high quality databases, preferably based on latest technologies
such as GIS.
2. RSIA procedures is an integral part of the design or planning
process of the infrastructure project at the stage of initial designing
or planning in the EU Member States. Some EU members already possess the
well functioning road infrastructure safety management systems. These
countries are permitted to continue using their existing methods, in so
far as they are consistent with the aims of Directive 2008/96/EC.
3. The prepared RSIA procedures are recommendatory and should be
adapted to local conditions and peculiarities.
4. The structure of RSIA report should consist of such key
sections: Primary Analysis, Description of "Do nothing"
Scenario, Development of "Do project" Scenarios, Data
Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendations. Hence, various methods can be
used during preparation of these sections, therefore the prepared
recommendations provide short overview of methodologies that are useful
for the countries starting up with the RSIA.
5. National road accident forecast models are a part of RSIA
methodology and such models should be developed for different road
types. Simple road accident models estimate dependency between the
number of accidents and traffic volume. More sophisticated models
evaluate safety effects of various road infrastructure improvements;
however such models require significant need for data, know-how and
financial recourses.
6. Development of national road accident forecast models is a
responsibility of national entities (i.e. road authorities). It is
evident that cooperation between national authorities and research
organizations is a prerequisite for the development of sophisticated
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2012.09
BALTRIS is a project within the European Union's Baltic Sea
Region Programme 2007-2013, a programme that promotes regional
development through transnational cooperation. The aim of the programme
is to make the Baltic Sea region an attractive place to invest, work and
live in. The BALTRIS project is expected to lead to improved safety of
road infrastructure as well as possibilities to choose cost-effective
engineering solutions. Safer road infrastructure will result in improved
overall road safety.
Received 10 January 2012; accepted 30 January 2012
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Alfredas Laurinavicius (1), Vytautas Grigonis (2), Rasa
Uspalyte-Vitkuniene (3) ([mail]), Kornelija Ratkeviciute (4), Laura
Cygaite (5), Egidijus Skrodenis (6), Dago Antov (7), Janis Smirnovs (8),
Birute Bobrovaite-Jurkone (9)
(1,2,3,4,5) Dept of Roads, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
(6) Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport
and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania, J. Basanaviciaus g.
36/2, 03109 Vilnius, Lithuania
(7) Dept of Transportation, Tallinn University of Technology,
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086, Tallinn, Estonia
(8) Dept of Road and Bridge, Riga Technical University, Azenes 16,
1048 Riga, Latvia
(9) Ernst & Young Baltic UAB, Subaciaus g. 7, 01127 Vilnius,
E-mails: (1) alfredas.laurinavicius@vgtu.lt; (2)
vytautas.grigonis@vgtu.lt; (3) rasa.uspalyte@vgtu.lt; (4)
kornelija.ratkeviciute@vgtu.lt; (5) laura.cygaite@vgtu.lt; (6)
egidijus.skrodenis@lra.lt; (7) dago.antov@ttu.ee; (8)
janis.smirnovs@inzenierbuve.lv; (9) birute.bobrovaite-jurkone@lt.ey.com
Table 1. Major steps of analytical methodology
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Basic data analysis Research of certain Research of certain
at national level geographical/study geographical/study
area in reference area in future year
Categorizing a road Roads per road type; Road network per
network; road type and
estimations of
traffic volumes;
Road safety Traffic volumes per Estimations of road
indicators per type road type *; safety indicators;
of road*;
Relationship between Accidents per road Estimation of road
road safety type *; Road safety safety effects.
indicators and indicator per road
primary traffic type; Comparison of
indicators; national and
Distribution of road regional road safety
safety indicators; indicators.
Development of road
safety indicators.