Effect of slab curling on backcalculated material properties of jointed concrete pavements/ Betoniniu ploksciu persimetimo poveikis betoniniu dangu medziagu savybems/ Platnes verpes efekta ietekme uz ar atgriezenisko aprekinu notektajam saliekama cementbetona segu materialu ipasibam/Vuukidega betoonkatte plaadi kaardumise moju materjalide tagasiarvutatud omadustele.
Yoo, Tae-Seok ; Lim, Jin-Sun ; Jeong, Jin-Hoon 等
1. Introduction
The temperature of concrete pavement continuously changes because
of variation in the ambient temperature. A concrete slab curls because
of variation in the amount of expansion or contraction between the top
and bottom of the slab due to an uneven vertical temperature
distribution. Downward curling shown in Fig. 1a indicates a downward
displacement of the slab corner caused by expansion of the slab top due
to a higher concrete temperature than at the bottom. Conversely, upward
curling shown in Fig. 1b is an upward displacement of the slab corner
due to lower concrete temperature at the slab top. The daily cycles of
upward and downward curling are repeated over the lifetime of concrete
pavement, because the ambient temperature continuously passes through a
daily cycle.
The deflection of a concrete slab under a Falling Weight
Deflectometer (FWD) loading has been used in backcalculation of the
elastic modulus of pavement layers. The backcalculated elastic modulus
has been used as a key criterion in assessing the in situ structural
capacity of pavement. Additionally, the joint's load transfer
efficiency (LTE) is useful in the assessment of the structural capacity
of the joint. Optimal maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for
concrete pavements also make use of FWD test results. Accordingly, there
have been efforts to enhance the accuracy of the measured responses and
backcalculated elastic moduli of concrete pavement layers (Karadelis
2008; Li, White 2000; Lin et al. 1998). However, variation in the
backcalculated elastic modulus caused by change in configuration of the
concrete pavement due to slab curling has not been successfully
addressed because the effect of slab curling is not taken into
consideration in any existing backcalculation algorithms.
The FWD deflections of concrete pavement sections at the KEC (Korea
Expressway Corporation) test road were measured over a 48 h period in
order to investigate the effect of curling on the backcalculated
structural capacity of the pavement which is often represented by the
elastic modulus of the slab. A basic concept to adjust the cyclic
variation in the backcalculated elastic modulus due to slab curling was
studied using the relationship between the backcalculated elastic
modulus and the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the
concrete slab. Additional data was also collected at the joints in order
to verify the effect of slab curling on the backcalculated structural
capacity of the concrete pavements.
2. Field test program
The KEC test road includes 2 lanes of 22 jointed plain concrete
pavement (JPCP) sections having variables of slab thickness (250, 300
and 350 mm), subbase materials (lean concrete, aggregates and asphalt),
and subbase thickness (120, 150 and 180 mm) (Jeong 2008). Among the 22
JPCP sections, a 300 m length consisting of 3 continuous sections
(sections 4-0, 5-0 and 6-0) paved on the same day were selected as
sample sections for this study. The JPCP sections were paved on October
4th, 2002, approximately between 8 am and 5 pm. The slab thickness of
the sections is 300 mm but the sections consist of different subbase
(lean concrete) layer thicknesses. The thicknesses of the subbase layers
are 120, 150 and 180 mm, respectively. However, the actual thicknesses
of the subbase layers of the sections obtained by measuring the lengths
of the subbase cores are 117, 168 and 183 mm. The mixture proportions of
the concrete slab and lean concrete subbase are shown in Table 1. The
equivalent linear temperature difference (Mohamed, Hansen 1997) between
the top and bottom of the slab was calculated using the temperature data
collected at different depths of the slab. The sections showed different
built-in temperature differences at the final setting of the concrete
slab measured by ASTM C 403: 2002 Annual Book of ASTM Standards:
Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by
Penetration Resistance. The built-in temperature difference of section
4-0 paved in the morning was +10.7[degrees]C while that of section 6-0
paved in the afternoon was recorded as -8.0[degrees]C. The sections
placed at different times of the day showed different long-term joint
behaviours, because of the different built-in temperature (Jeong et al.
2006). Geographically, sections 4-0 and 5-0 are located in fill areas
and section 6-0 is located at the boundary of fill and cut sections. The
bearing capacities of the subgrade of the sections measured by a plate
bearing test using a 300 mm diameter plate are 199, 178 and 221 kPa/mm,
A continuous section of 5 slabs in the travelling lane was randomly
selected to measure deflections at slab centres and joints using the
FWD, and to calculate foundation moduli, the elastic layer moduli, and
LTE of the joints using the measured deflections and deflection basins.
A total of 12 FWD tests were performed over a 48 h period between
October 4th and October 5th, 2004, exactly 2 years after construction of
the pavement. During the test, ambient temperature data was collected
from a weather station installed at the test road. The temperature of
the slab surface was also measured using a temperature sensor on the
FWD. In addition, temperature profiles of the slab were obtained using
temperature sensors installed during construction at different slab
depths. All the temperature related data showed daily cycles, as shown
in Fig. 2. Three tests were performed between 4 am to 8 am and the other
3 test times were between 12 pm and 6 pm in the course of a day. The
continuously varying ambient temperatures influenced slab behaviour and
curling, consequently affecting the measured deflections; FWD tests were
performed using 4 levels of loading, as presented in Table 2, by
changing the height of the dropped weight. The loading was applied a
total of 8 times for each position by applying 4 levels of the loading
two times each. However, the data produced by the load level of 40 kN
(load Level 1) was not used in the analysis, because the measured
deflections and calculated foundation moduli, elastic moduli, and LTE
based on the loading showed peculiar trends in comparison to those
analyzed with the other levels of loading. Thus, the deflections
produced by the loadings from Level 2 to Level 4 were used in the study.
3. Curling effect on backcalculated elastic modulus of slab
The elastic moduli of the concrete slabs were backcalculated by
analyzing the deflection data collected from the FWD tests. The AREA
method and the method of equivalent thickness (MET) were used to analyze
the data. The backcalculated elastic moduli showed daily variations with
24 hour-cycles, because of slab curling. The elastic moduli were
calibrated on the basis of the temperature difference between the top
and bottom of the slab, which causes the slab curling.
3.1. Deflection of slab centre due to FWD loading
As previously noted, FWD deflections at the centre of slab were
measured. The variation in mean deflections of the 5 slabs with time is
shown in Fig. 3. The deflections produced by the different magnitudes of
loading (Level 2 to Level 4) were converted to deflections corresponding
to the standard loading (Level 1, 40 kN) assuming a linear relationship
between the slab deflection and the applied loading. The deflections of
the slab centres showed daily cycles and the values ranged extensively
between 70 and 120 mm. The variation in the deflection formed daily
cycles; this is a result of the slab curling due to the continuously
varying slab temperature. Larger deflections of the slab centres were
observed in the afternoon, when downward slab curling existed, due to
the existence of a positive temperature difference between the top and
bottom of the slab. On the contrary, smaller deflections were measured
in the morning, when upward slab curling developed, because of a
negative temperature difference. It was estimated that the upward slab
curling enhanced contact between the slab bottom and subbase at the slab
centre. Accelerated changes in the deflections were observed between the
period of the min and max peaks while slower changes were monitored
between the period of the max and min peaks, as shown in Fig. 3. The
trend of the variation in the centre slab deflections corresponded
closely to the trend of the measured temperature.
The slabs in section 4-0 placed in the morning were expected to
experience larger upward curling than slabs in the other sections,
because of their substantially higher built-in temperature difference
(Jeong et al. 2006). However, the slabs in section 5-0, placed near
midday, showed the largest mean daily deflections, rather than those in
section 4-0. The larger mean daily deflections of the slabs in section
5-0 were mainly caused by the larger max deflection peaks arising in the
section 5-0 slabs than those of other sections measured. The slabs in
section 5-0 showed the smallest min peaks (measured in the morning) as
well. The slabs in section 6-0, placed in the afternoon, had the
smallest built-in temperature difference and presented the smallest mean
daily deflections, as expected. It is also noted that these slabs showed
the smallest max peak in the afternoon and the largest min peak in the
morning. Overall, however, because of the limited data available for the
study, it was difficult to discern the effect of the built-in
temperature on the deflection of the slab centre.
3.2. Elastic modulus backcalculated by AREA method
The concrete elastic moduli of the slabs were backcalculated from
the FWD deflection data. The AREA method (AASHTO: 1998 AASHTO Guide for
Design of Pavement Structures) and the method of equivalent thickness
(MET) were used in the backcalculation of the elastic moduli of the
pavement layers. The deflections measured using 7 sensors were used in
the calculation of the deflection basin area, which has the unit of
length, as shown in Eq (1) (Ioannides 1990):
AREA = [DELTA]/2[d.sub.0][ [d.sub.0] + 2([d.sub.1] + [d.sub.2] +
... + [d.sub.n-1]) + [d.sub.n]], (1)
where AREA--deflection basin area, inch; [d.sub.i]--deflection
measured by ith sensor, mil; n--number of sensors--1; [DELTA]--spacing
of sensors is 12 inch according to AASHTO: 1998 AASHTO Guide for Design
of Pavement Structures.
The deflection basin area was originally used in the development of
algorithms and nomographs to backcalculate resilient moduli of asphalt
pavement layers (Hoffman, Thompson 1982). The deflection basin area
concept has also been used in the backcalculation of the foundation
modulus and elastic modulus of concrete pavements since the late 1980s
(Talvik, Aavik 2009). The relationship between the deflection basin area
and radius of relative stiffness was studied in order to convert the
measured deflection basin to the radius of relative stiffness of the
concrete slab, as given by Eq (2) (AASHTO: 1998 AASHTO Guide for Design
of Pavement Structures) (Hall, Mohseni 1991):
where [l.sub.k]--the radius of relative stiffness with the unit of
The radius of relative stiffness and max deflection measured at the
position of the loading plate were used in the calculation of the
foundation modulus derived from expressions suggested by Westergaard et
al. (1939) as follows:
where k--foundation modulus, pci; P--FWD load, lb; a--radius of
loading plate, inch; [gamma]--Euler's constant (= 0.57721566490).
The foundation moduli backcalculated by following the procedure
outlined from Eq (1) to Eq (3) are composite values representing the
subgrade, subbase and base layers, and the values also vary in daily
cycles, as shown in Fig. 4. The slabs in section 5-0, which manifest the
largest daily variations in the slab center deflection, also showed the
largest daily variations in the backcalculated foundation modulus, while
the slabs in section 6-0 showed the smallest daily variations among the
3 sections. The foundation moduli of the slabs in section 5-0 showed the
largest max peaks in the morning, when upward curling prevailed, and the
smallest min peaks in the afternoon, when downward curling was most
prevalent. On the other hand, the slabs in section 6-0 showed the
smallest max peaks and the largest min peaks. This implies that the
value of the backcalculated foundation moduli is significantly
influenced by slab curling. Again, because of the slab curling, the
value of the foundation moduli of the 3 sections ranged cyclically
between 32 and 70 kPa/mm.
The elastic modulus of the concrete slab was calculated using the
radius of relative stiffness and the foundation modulus as follows:
E = 12(1 - [v.sup.2])[kl.sup.4.sub.k]/[h.sup.3], (4)
where E--elastic modulus of concrete slab, psi; v--Poisson's
ratio of concrete; h--slab thickness, inch.
The elastic moduli of the concrete slabs backcalculated by the AREA
method ranged between 25 and 38 GPa, making daily cycles as shown in
Fig. 5. The elastic moduli at the zero temperature gradient stayed
largely fell in the middle region within the range. The slab curling
also led to substantial variation in the backcalculated elastic modulus,
yielding a similar trend to that of the backcalculated foundation
modulus. The backcalculated elastic modulus showed max peaks in the
morning, when upward curling developed, and min peaks in the afternoon,
when downward curling occurred. However, in contrast with the foundation
modulus, the slabs in section 6-0 showed the largest max peaks among the
3 sections. The section 5-0 slabs showed the smallest min peaks.
However, it was difficult to determine which section showed the smallest
max peaks and the largest min peaks, because the cyclic trend of the
backcalculated elastic moduli of the slabs in section 4-0 was not clear,
as shown in the Fig. 5.
3.3. Elastic modulus backcalculated by MET
The elastic moduli of the pavement layers were back-calculated by
the method of equivalent thickness (MET). The MET transforms the
pavement layers with different thicknesses, elastic moduli and
Poisson's ratios to a layer with uniform material properties. The
resulting equivalent thickness of the layer is calculated using the
thicknesses and material properties of the pavement layers as follows
(Siaudinis 2006; Ullidtz 1987):
[h.sub.e] = [h.sub.1] [[square root of [[E.sub.1] (1 -
[v.sup.2.sub.2])]/[[E.sub.2] (1 - [v.sup.2.sub.1])]], (5)
where [h.sub.e]--equivalent thickness, inch; [h.sub.i]--thickness
of layer i, inch; [E.sub.i]--elastic modulus of layer i, psi;
[v.sub.i]--Poisson's ratio of layer i.
In the case of Eq (5) 2 layers are transformed to a single layer
with an elastic modulus of [E.sub.2] and a Poisson's ratio of
[v.sub.2]. The optimal elastic moduli of the pavement layers were
obtained by iteratively comparing the deflection basins calculated by a
commercial program which used the MET algorithm to those measured by 7
geophones of the FWD. The basic assumption of the program, which uses
multilayer elastic analysis, is that the pavement layers are bonded to
each other. This is not applicable to curled concrete slabs, which are
unbounded from the subbase layer. As a result, the elastic moduli of the
concrete slabs backcalculated by the MET were lower than those
backcalculated by the AREA method, as shown in Fig. 6.
The elastic moduli backcalculated by the MET cycled between 13 and
28 GPa. The elastic moduli at the zero temperature gradient also largely
remained in the middle area within the range. The elastic moduli showed
max peaks in the morning and min peaks in the afternoon, in agreement
with those backcalculated by the AREA method. This indicates that the
slab curling also influenced the elastic modulus backcalculated by the
MET. The slabs in section 4-0 placed in the morning showed relatively
larger elastic moduli and the slabs in section 5-0 showed relatively
lower elastic moduli for both the concrete slab and the lean concrete
subbase. In contrast with the results of the AREA method, the cyclic
trend of the elastic moduli of the slabs in section 4-0 backcalculated
by the MET was very clear.
Even though the values were much lower, the trend of the
backcalculated elastic moduli of the lean concrete subbase was similar
to that of the concrete slabs, as shown in Fig. 7a. The backcalculated
elastic moduli of the subgrade shown in Fig. 7b also showed roughly the
same trend as the foundation moduli backcalculated by the AREA method
(Fig. 4).
3.4. Adjustment of backcalculated elastic modulus using temperature
The elastic moduli of 150 mm diameter cylindrical cores of the
concrete slabs were measured following ASTM C 469: 2002 Annual Book of
ASTM Standards: Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity
and Poissons Ratio of Concrete in Compression. Strain gauges were
installed on the sides of the cores to measure the vertical deformations
of the cores when compressive loadings are applied on the axes of the
cores. The measured elastic modulus of the cores was 31.1 GPa and it
stayed within the range of the elastic moduli backcalculated by the AREA
method. However, the measured value was higher than the highest elastic
modulus backcalculated by the MET. The differences between the measured
and backcalculated elastic moduli showed a linear relationship with the
temperature differences between the top and bottom of the concrete slab,
as shown in Fig. 8. The improved correlation between the elastic modulus
difference based on the MET and temperature difference shown in the
figure was primarily because of the clearer trend of the elastic moduls
backcalculated by the MET relative to that backcalculated by the AREA
method. The backcalculated elastic moduli were adjusted using the linear
relationship following Eqs (6) and (7):
[increment of E] = a[DELTA]T + b, (6)
E = [E.sub.bc] + [increment of E], (7)
where [increment of E]--difference between measured and
backcalculated elastic modulus, GPa; [increment of T]--temperature
different between top and bottom of concrete slab, [degrees]C; a,
b--adjustment coefficients; E--adjusted elastic modulus, GPa;
[E.sub.bc]--backcalculated elastic modulus, GPa.
The variations in the elastic moduli of the concrete slabs
backcalculated by both the AREA method and MET were successfully
corrected by application of the adjustment procedure. The corrected
elastic moduli are compared to the backcalculated elastic moduli prior
to the adjustment, as shown in Fig. 9.
The elastic moduli backcalculated by the MET showed better
convergence to the measured elastic modulus than those backcalculated by
the AREA method, because of the higher correlation of the former with
the temperature difference. The extensively ranged elastic modulus
approached the measured value by following the adjustment procedure. The
effective built-in temperature difference composed of hourly temperature
difference, built-in temperature difference, and irreversible shrinkage
and creep may need to be used in Eq (6) in order to precisely adjust the
backcalculated elastic modulus (Jeong, Zollinger 2005; Rao, Roesler
4. Curling effect on LTE of joints
The joint deflections of the concrete pavement sections were also
measured under FWD loading. The joint loading positions were in the
outer wheel path of the slabs. The trend of the joint deflections is
opposite to that of the slab centres, because the vertical movements of
the joints due to the curling were opposite to the movements of the slab
centres. As shown in Fig. 10, the upward joint movement developed in the
morning caused an increase in the joint deflection while the relative
downward movement of the slab centre at the time caused a decrease in
the deflection of the slab centre. On the contrary, joint deflection
decreased in the afternoon, because of the downward curling. The
decreased joint deflection in the afternoon suggested that the bottom of
the transverse edge of the slab had more contact and consequently had to
be supported by the subbase because of the downward slab curling. The
joint deflections in sections 5-0 and 6-0 were slightly larger than
those of section 4-0. The differences in the joint deflections increased
in the morning due to the upward slab curling.
The LTE of the joints were calculated using the deflections of the
loaded and unloaded adjacent transverse edges of the slabs as follows:
LTE = [[delta].sub.u]/[[delta].sub.l] 100, (8)
where LTE--load transfer efficiency, %; [[delta].sub.u]--deflection
of transverse slab edge where load is not applied;
[[delta].sub.l]--deflection of transverse slab edge where load is
The joints showed a max peak of LTE in the morning, as shown in
Fig. 11, because dowel locking due to the upward slab curling increased
the friction between the dowels and concrete slabs at the joints (Davids
et al. 2003; Jeong 2008; Shoukry et al. 2004; William et al. 2001). The
upward slab curling continuously increased during the slab's
lifetime because of a greater amount of drying shrinkage at top of the
concrete slab than at the bottom. The dowel locking caused by the
long-term upward slab curling due to differential drying shrinkage
further increased the LTE, particularly in the morning due to the
negative temperature difference between the top and bottom of the slab.
More specifically, the dowel locking restrained the free movement of
both the loaded and unloaded transverse edges of the slab and, as a
result, the LTE increased. The LTE of the slabs in sections 5-0 and 6-0
were larger than those of section 4-0.
5. Conclusions
The effect of the slab curling on the backcalculated structural
capacity of the jointed concrete pavements was investigated using the
deflection basins measured by a series of FWD tests. The measured
deflections of the slabs showed almost the same trend as the ambient
temperature and the temperature difference between the top and bottom of
the concrete slab, which resulted in daily cycles. Larger deflections of
the slab centres were measured in the afternoon, when the downward
curling of the slab developed, due to the positive temperature
difference while smaller deflections were recorded in the morning. The
foundation moduli backculated by the deflection basins of the slabs were
also significantly affected by the temperature difference. The
foundation moduli increased in the morning and then decreased in the
afternoon because of the slab curling. The elastic moduli of the
pavement layers were backcalculated using the AREA method and MET. The
backcalculated elastic modulus was also significantly influenced by the
slab curling, showing a similar trend to the deflection and foundation
modulus of the concrete slab. A basic adjustment concept for the
backcalculated elastic modulus using the temperature difference between
top and bottom of the slab was suggested. The variations in the joint
deflection and LTE verified the effect of the slab curling on the
backcalculated structural capacity. Dowel locking due to the upward
curling of the slab affected the LTE. Additional effort is needed in
order to verify the effects of the built-in temperature and moisture
warping on the backcalculated structural capacity of concrete pavements.
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2012.29
The research in this paper was sponsored by the Expressway &
Transportation Research Institute (ETRI) of the Korea Expressway
Corporation (KEC) and a research project of "Development of
Construction and Maintenance Technology for Low-Carbon Green Airport
Pavements" funded by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime
Affairs (MLTM) and the Korea Institute of Construction &
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Received 13 September 2010; accepted 21 June 2011
Tae-Seok Yoo (1), Jin-Sun Lim (2), Jin-Hoon Jeong (3) [mail]
(1) Expressway and Transportation Research Institute, Korea
Expressway Corporation, 50-5, Sancheok-ri, Dongtan-myeon, Hwaseong-si,
Gyeonggi-do 445-812, Korea (2,3) Dept of Civil Engineering, Inha
University 253, Yonghyeon-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon 402-751, Korea E-mails:
(1) taeseok@ex.co.kr; (2) coreplay@hanmail.net; (3) jhj@inha.ac.kr
Table 1. Mixture proportion in 1 m3 of concrete
G, kg
W, C, S, G1 G2
Layer W/C S/a kg kg kg (32 mm) (19 mm)
Concrete 0.423 0.377 144 340 682 660 532
Lean 0.759 0.331 120 158 720 735 715
AE, Slump, Air,
Layer g mm %
Concrete 510 25 4.5
Lean -- -- --
Table 2. Applied FWD loading
Level of loading Magnitude of load, kN
1 35-40
2 53-58
3 74-77
4 111-116