Investigation of occupant fatalities and injuries during the impact of vehicle and road safety barrier/Keleiviu mirties atveju ir suzeidimu tyrimas transporto priemonei susidurus su kelio saugos atitvarais/Pasazieru bojaejas un ievainojumu izpete transportlidzekla negadijumos ar cela barjeram/Soitjate surma ja vigastuste uuring soiduki kokkuporkel tee ohutuspiirdega.
Kersys, Arturas ; Pakalnis, Algis ; Lukosevicius, Vaidas 等
1. Introduction
With Lithuania's entering the European traffic system and
getting involved into an international market of traffic services the
amount of road vehicles, their flows and speeds are increasing right
along with the crash probability. Presently theoretical, numerical
solutions and dynamic investigations of overground transport's
passive safety means and structures absorbing energy are examined rather
widely (Cristoforou et al. 2010; Ren, Vesenjak 2005; Sustersic et al.
2007). It has to be noticed that experimental or numerical tests of
impact of car-car or simplified bearing vehicle structures on obstacles
are performed generally. But according to statistics in Lithuania
(Prentkovskis et al. 2009; Sliupas 2009) ~ of road accidents occur when
the vehicle runs off the road or crashes into the road facility
structure. Due to the intensively improving passive safety means the
tragic accidents are decreasing, though experimental tests or numerical
modeling problems of such structures remain insufficiently examined. In
case of vehicle impact on road facility objects, the problems of
influence of the appearing inertia forces on vehicle occupants remain
very important (Cansiz, Atahan 2006; Huang 2002).
Modern passive road safety structures ensure rather effective
absorption of excessive vehicle energy, prevent vehicle runs-off,
correct vehicle movement trajectory and do not allow it to move away
from the road. Both in Lithuania and European Union (EU) rigid,
half-rigid or deformed road structures used during vehicle crash develop
different reaction forces (Bayton et al. 2009; Bogdevicius, Prentkovskis
2001). Rigid reinforced concrete or parapet structures, reinforced
concrete sides, used especially for this purpose, deform very slightly,
therefore, energy is almost not absorbed, dangerous inertia forces are
developed and the occupants are not safe against serious injuries.
Deformed metal structures are by no means more effective and economical
(Fig. 1). The largest advantage of those structures is that it is
possible to change deformation more flexibly suppose when mounting
additional elements or doubling structures, to change amount of
uprights--adapt high-accident road sections to the existing road
conditions (Prentkovskis et al. 2010). Besides, it is much easier to
repair metal structures or replace them with other facility solutions.
However, all the systems installed on the Lithuanian roads have to meet
the requirements of the European Standard EN 1317-1:1998 Road Restraint
Systems--Part 1: Terminology and General Criteria for Test Methods,
based on which investigations of experimental structures have to be
implemented. Mostly, experimental investigations of complex structures
are rather expensive, though more reliable than the numerical ones.
Thus, in order to investigate the process of such a complicated
phenomenon as vehicle crash on road facility object more accurately, it
is worth performing significantly faster and cheaper numerical
The aim of this work was to create numerical models, enabling to
quickly and rather reliably evaluate behavior of safety barrier during
the impact with vehicle.
Though such simulation is a task of large scope and time-consuming,
it gives a possibility to solve and evaluate much more
problems--mechanical characteristics of the repaired barriers, behavior
during a crash, natural weather and road conditions, influence of road
geometry or soil, reliability of bolted joints, etc.
2. European Standard EN 1317 and injury criterions
The United States procedures are prescribed in NCHRP Report 350
(Ross et al. 1993), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
procedures are presented in the European Standard EN 1317-2:1998 Road
Restraint Systems--Part 2: Performance Classes, Impact Test Acceptance
Criteria and Test Methods for Safety Barriers. This standard provides a
common basis for the data collection of vehicle impact test and the
collation of the relevant European studies and researches with a view to
improving future specifications and reviewing measurement of impact
severity. According to the standard, safety barriers shall restrain and
change vehicle's trajectory, without complete breakage of the
principal longitudinal elements of the system. Elements of the safety
barrier shall not penetrate the passenger compartment of the vehicle.
Standard EN 1317 establishes three main criteria:
--safety barrier restraint level--standard prescribes for restraint
levels for different vehicles (Table 1);
--impact influence criterion, i.e. acceleration severity index
(ASI), theoretical head impact velocity (THIV) and post impact head
deceleration (PHD);
--working barrier width (max barrier displacement in horizontal
direction). Eight deformation classes of protective barriers are
CEN test procedures prescribe that ASI criterion shall be
calculated as (Nasution et al. 2009)
where [a.sub.x], [a.sub.y], [a.sub.z]--the 50 m/[s.sup.2] average
component vehicle accelerations. The threshold accelerations are 12 g, 9
g, and 10 g for the longitudinal (x), lateral (y), and vertical (z)
directions, respectively.
Since it uses only vehicle accelerations, the ASI inherently
assumes that the occupant is continuously contacting the vehicle, what
is typically achieved with the use of seat belt.
The max ASI value over the duration of the vehicle acceleration
pulse provides a single measure of collision severity that is assumed to
be proportional to occupant risk. To provide an assessment of occupant
risk potential, the ASI value for a given collision acceleration pulse
is compared to established threshold values. ASI criterion is
dimensionless value and scalar function of time, which is always
positive. Although a max ASI value of 1.0 is recommended, a max ASI
value of 1.4 is acceptable (European Standard EN 1317-2:1998 Road
Restraint Systems--Part 2: Performance Classes, Impact Test Acceptance
Criteria and Test Methods for Safety Barriers).
The theoretical head impact velocity (THIV) concept has been
developed for assessing occupant impact severity for vehicles involved
in collisions with road vehicle restraint systems. The occupant is
considered to be a freely moving object (head) that, as the vehicle
changes its speed during contact with the vehicle restraint system,
continues moving until it strikes surface within the interior of the
vehicle (Fig. 2). The magnitude of the velocity of the theoretical head
impact is considered to be a measure of the vehicle to vehicle restraint
system impact severity.
The head is presumed to remain in contact with the surface during
the remainder of the impact period. In so doing it experiences the same
levels of acceleration as the vehicle during the remaining contact
period (post-impact head deceleration PHD). The PHD is calculated as the
peak value using a 10ms moving average of the resultant vehicle
acceleration after the THIV impact.
Head injury criterion (HIC), parameter specifying possible injury
of an occupant of vehicle, is expressed as function of acceleration and
impact pulse. The HIC criterion was defined by USA National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration and is widely used in numerical
experiments and computed for acceleration of 36 ms.
Later, the max time for HIC calculations was reduced from 36 ms to
15 ms. The HIC value is calculated from the resultant acceleration time
history of the head center of gravity filtered through a class 1000
filter. The HIC value is then calculated from
where a--the acceleration expressed, g; [t.sub.1], [t.sub.2]--any
two points in time. It is now usual for an upper limit on the range
[t.sub.2]--[t.sub.1] of 15 ms to be applied.
3. Description of finite element model
Vehicle models for numerical experiments, performed according to EN
1317, are presented in USA National Highway and Transport Safety
Authority library (Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)/National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), National Crash Analysis
Center) Models developed for the program LS-DYNA are contained here
(Sennah et al. 2003; Vasenjak et al. 2009). For TB11 and other numerical
experiments the General Motors GeoMetro finite elements model (FEM)
(Fig. 3) was chosen. The model was slightly changed. For the main front
and side parts, contacting during impact with the safety barrier, types
of elements were changed from the Belytschko-Tsay to the S/R
co-rotational Hughes-Liu element to ensure numerical stability during
the analysis. Thus, the remote elements are not designed in the model of
barrier structure and tire contact with uprights during crash, tire
finite element grid was compressed and material models were changed from
elastic-plastic (type 24) to elastic (type 1). For Geo Metro shell
structures full integrated shell element of 16 types with 8 hourglass
formulations was selected.
Rails and posts are made of S235 JRG2 steel, with yield strength of
235 MPa. The material properties of the safety barrier use the piecewise
linear plastic. Posts have a sigma shaped section and an overall height
of 1900 mm. Rails are connected to posts using nodal rigid body spot
welds. Linear springs are attached to the ends of the rails to simulate
continuance of the guardrail system. Back stretches in the model are
assessed by springs, which rigidity in three directions is calculated
approx with simplified model. Accelerometers, by help of which
acceleration values in three directions of coordinates and ASI and THIV
criteria are evaluated, both in real vehicle tests and in numerical
experiments are mounted in the center of gravity of a car. The FEM of
the road restraint system consists of ten w-beam rail sections with
sigma profile posts at standard length of 4000 mm of the total length of
40 m (Opiela et al. 2007).
Right simulation of the interaction of soil and uprights is very
important and critical factor for calculation results. Interaction
between soil and structure was evaluated twice in this work.
In the first case the method for restricting slipping movements 200
mm below the road pavement was used (Fig. 4). In this case the upright
may freely bend below pavement, and this is very similar to the real
upright deformation during crash. In the second case soil is simulated
with the simplest soil material model, solid elements and the Lagrangian
mesh selected. In this case the elements are contorted badly, therefore
simulation is rather approximate. More accurate evaluation is achieved
with the use of Eulerian mesh, but this is much more complicated and
needs additional numerical investigations. Friction coefficient between
the car and the road pavement is assumed to be equal to 0.6 in all
calculation cases, coefficient between the barrier uprights and the soil
is selected equal to 0.4. Friction between the safety barrier and the
car was not taken into account. For HIC criterion estimation
anthropomorphic Hybrid III 50th rigid model, representing the 75 kg 50th
percentile male developed by Livermore Software Technology Corporations
(LSTC) was selected. LSTC produce a range of freely available dummy
models that are suitable for basic loading analysis.
4. FEM simulation of the impact of vehicle and safety barrier
Deformation of metal safety barrier and vehicle trajectory after
numerical experiments by TB11 test is presented in Fig. 5. It was
determined, that in initial impact stages a vehicle hardly deforms, in
contrast to the safety barrier. But later vehicle deceleration
increases, deformation of the barrier decelerates and vehicle
deformations increase. In this crash stage a vehicle changes its
movement direction. Movement trajectory at the beginning is parallel to
a barrier axis, after a while the vehicle turns on its vertical axis and
under the action of inertia forces returns back to the road.
In this task stage, besides particularities of soil simulation,
influence of boundary conditions and stiffness of back stretch was also
examined. By numerical experiments it was found out that the length of
working stretch of numerical model has great influence on the stiffness
of barrier and also on the most important criterion describing occupant
The shorter the examined stretch in the model, the more rigid the
model, the higher influence of length on the criterion. Difference of
ASI parameter between 24 m and 40 m length stretches, with all other
boundary conditions identical, makes up about 40%. In this stage of the
work stiffness of back stretches was estimated for the road 40 m in
length. For calculations, when the joints of back stretches fixed
rigidly, slipping movements fixed and joints unfixed, were selected. The
obtained results show that difference between the results obtained under
different boundary conditions of back stretches is insignificant ASI
criterion differs by ~0.01, except the case without fixing of back
joints. ASI criterion differs about 2% for models with fixed back joints
and unrestraint ones. It should be noticed, that in case of unrestraint
back stretches, vehicle's trajectory is very different also - the
car overturns and does not return back to the road. Two more cases were
examined for further estimations. Simulation of back stretches taking
into account just longitudinal elements described in publication
(Tabiei, Wu 2000) was considered:
K = EA/L, (3)
where E--steel elasticity modulus, Pa; A--barrier cross-section
area, [m.sup.2]; L--length of back stretch, m.
The downward back stretch was simulated in great details. After
stiffness simplified calculations for the latter model in three
directions and comparison to numerical experiments performed earlier,
springs' stiffness in three directions was selected. Interaction of
soil-upright was simulated also in several ways. The model, when
joints' slipping movements are restricted at 200 mm below pavement,
seemed to be rather rigid in comparison to the other two models--3D
solid elements and Lagrangian mesh describing soil-upright interaction.
Two variants were selected here--connecting upright and soil joints and
taking into account 0.4 of friction between upright-soil. However, it
was defined that the latter models are rather inaccurate due to FE grid
contortion and for further research a more rigid and more accurate soil
simulation principle was selected.
5. Investigations of injury criteria
In this stage of investigation the injury criteria were examined.
Estimation was performed with the use of LS-DYNA program postprocessor.
Numerical simulation variants TB11 and those not meeting the EN 1317
criteria were chosen for the investigation: increased vehicle speed,
impact angle to safety barrier, elastic deformation of the fragmentation
not taken into account and taken into account in material mathematical
model, as well, changed yield strength of barrier structure. This allows
a more accurate evaluation of numerical model used and finding out how
accurate the matching of calculations of FE of various mathematical
models and experimental investigations, described in publications, is.
Dependences of ASI criterion of some calculation variants on time, after
filtering directional acceleration results by SAE 60 filter, are given
in Fig. 6, and calculation results are shown in Table 2.
As Fig. 6 (curve a) shows, after numerical experiments by TB11
regulated test done, a curve of ASI criterion has a jump--in this impact
stage, a wheel strikes the upright bearing a barrier. The performed
investigations show that when simulating structures without a rigid
insert between a barrier and upright, exact FEM of tire and simulation
of interaction of impact of upright and tire may influence the results
With the increasing vehicle speed up to 130 km/h (Fig. 6 (curve b))
the influence of upright and wheel impact is insignificant, but the
value of ASI criterion increases greatly. Intermediate results are
obtained tilting a vehicle at 40 angle to barrier axis (Fig. 6 (curve
On the basis of recommendations of the above mentioned standard,
for a impact severity level, determining occupant security level, the
value of ASI criterion for metal barrier structures should not exceed 1,
THIV [less than or equal to] 33 km/h and PHD [less than or equal to]
20g. For THIV and PHD the following data is chosen: longitudinal
distance from head to vehicle 800 mm, transversal distance from head to
vehicle 300 mm and distance from center of gravity of vehicle to the
head 600 mm. Results of numerical simulation presented in Table 2,
reflect general tendencies and forecast very well. While changing
simulation parameters, which do not meet those prescribed in EN 1317,
the values of injury criteria in some cases exceed the permitted ones.
It is especially noticeable in case of ASI criterion, which is commonly
considered as the main parameter representing possibilities of the
safety of road barrier.
THIV and PHD criteria are depending strongly not only on the
inertial vehicle's and stiffness--force barrier possibilities but
also on the geometric parameters of vehicle and its occupants.
Transversal distance from head to vehicle equal to 300 mm which is
measured between a dummy head and windscreen sometimes does not exceed
100 mm, and longitudinal distance from head to vehicle depends greatly
on position of occupant seat along vehicle axis. Due to such uncertainty
the latter two criteria are considered more theoretical values.
When the vehicle speed and impact angle is increased, injury
criteria exceed the prescribed limits both with and without the
evaluation of elastic deformations of the fragmentation of structure.
Decreasing tendencies of the criteria are fixed by changing the
mechanical characteristics of material structure--by increasing or
decreasing yield strength. Analysis of results demonstrates that
analogical results are obtained for vehicle departure speed. As this
value does not represent the vehicle occupant injury, it demonstrates
very well the restraining possibilities of safety barrier.
In order to evaluate the occupant head injury a simplified model
(Fig. 7) was selected with the help of which the regularity of variation
of ASI and HIC criteria was estimated rather approximately. For
simulation of seats, safety belts and dummy elements of rigid type were
The regulated experimental tests of vehicles and barriers are not
yet performed by using special dummies designed namely for such tests.
FEMs of the Hybrid III dummy initially were designed and calibrated
for frontal vehicle impact on the obstacles. The use of Hybrid III dummy
for simulation of cross crash of the vehicle and the safety barrier has
not been sufficiently examined also.
For the vehicle cross crash against the road facility object and
for the more accurate calculations of values of dummy injury criteria
the additional investigations are necessary. ASI criterion, developed in
1960 in US, is calculated in the center of gravity of vehicle, therefore
the controversial problems and uncertainties arise in various cases. At
present this parameter is not used to evaluate occupant security in US,
though procedures of the European Committee for Standardization CEN
specify ASI as the most important possible criterion enabling to
evaluate injury.
HIC calculation results, obtained in this work, confirm the
forecast. Initial investigations demonstrate merely the relation of HIC
and ASI criteria and the nature of their variation. The main parameters
correlate rather well at low values, i.e. when ASI parameter increases
linearly the HIC parameter also increases, but later the variation
becomes exponential (Shojaati 2003).
Latter investigations were performed with the use of rigid Hybrid
III dummy and very simplified rigid numerical model of the seat. In
order to revise solutions it is necessary to evaluate additional
parameters of interaction between the dummy and the seat. For this
purpose, it is necessary to develop a more detailed model of safety belt
with pretension, slip rings, retractor elements, revised mechanical
characteristics of belt material, design rigidity and friction
characteristics of the dummy and the seat, to develop a more detailed
FEM of the seat, to describe more accurately the dummy and vehicle
interaction, to simulate side-door windows.
5. Conclusions
Vehicle impact on road facility object was analyzed in this work.
Program package LS-DYNA was used for the calculations. A rather detailed
numerical model of metal road safety barrier was developed and the
injury criteria under different crash conditions were also determined.
The main advantage of solutions to similar numerical problems is a
possibility of description or examination of crashworthiness simulation
in great details, and this is rather complicated by the conventional
analytical methods.
The developed numerical models of safety barriers enable
preliminary evaluation of the structure's rigidity during the
vehicle crash into the obstacle. FEMs reflect experimental researches,
described in various publications, rather well. Numerical models
demonstrate strong dependence of the results obtained on the mechanical
characteristics of material. In order to analyze vehicle crash into the
obstacle and general structure behavior by the developed FEMs more
specifically, it is recommended to perform more detailed numerical
investigations of soil simulation, to define experimentally mechanical
characteristics of safety barriers and to analyze characteristics used
in mathematical models.
The currently used standards and regulations, describing
experimental vehicle impacts on road obstacles, analyze vehicle
dynamics, however, they do not analyze in detail requirements to
occupant security. The occupant injury criteria were estimated in
accordance with the current standards as well as the regulated vehicle
impact tests using Hybrid III 50th dummies.
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2011.01
Received 25 February 2010; accepted 22 November 2010
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Arturas Kersys (1), Algis Pakalnis (2), Vaidas Lukosevicius (3)
(1,3) Dept of Transport Engineering, Kaunas University of
Technology, Kestucio g. 27, 44312 Kaunas, Lithuania
(2) State Enterprise "Transport and Road Research
Institute", I. Kanto g. 25, P. O. Box 2082, 44009 Kaunas, Lithuania
E-mails: (1); (2); (3)
Table 1. Different types of tests according to EN 1317
Test Vehicle type Vehicle Impact Impact
mass, t angle, velocity,
[degrees] km/h
TB 11 Car 0.9 20 100
TB 31 Car 1.5 20 80
TB 32 Car 1.5 20 110
TB 42 Truck 10 15 70
TB 51 Bus 13 20 70
TB 61 Heavy goods vehicle 16 20 80
Table 2.Test types below the Standard EN 1317
Simulation description ASI THIV, PHD, g Departure
km/h speed,
20[degrees], 115 km/h 1.24 27.9 20 92.4
20[degrees], 115 km/h 1.18 27.9 19.6 91.4
w/o fail. strain
20[degrees], 130 km/h 1.27 28.5 18.9 93.8
20[degrees], 130 km/h 1.33 28.9 22.8 79.4
w/o fail. strain
30[degrees], 100 km/h 1.21 28.9 22.9 79.2
40[degrees], 100 km/h 1.32 43.4 9.10 63.4
[[sigma].sub.yield] + 20% 0.90 27.4 17.2 52.6
[[sigma].sub.yield] - 20% 0.87 25.7 16.2 77.4