Possibilities for the use of chemicals materials alternative to chlorides for decreasing road slipperiness in winter/ Chloridams alternatyviu cheminiu medziagu naudojimo galimybes keliu slidumui ziema mazinti/ Hloridiem alternativu kimisko materialu izmantosanas iespejas cela slidamibas samazinasanai ziema/ Keemiliste materjalide kasutamine talvisel libedustorjel alternatiivina kloriididele.
Laurinavicius, Alfredas ; Mazeika, Romas ; Vaiskunaite, Rasa 等
1. Introduction
Traditionally, winter road maintenance (decrease of slipperiness)
requires the use of chemical materials on a base of chlorides. Sodium
chloride is effective only until approximately 21[degrees]C, calcium
chloride--until 49[degrees]C. However, calcium chloride is substantially
more expensive than sodium chloride. A large disadvantage of those two
materials is that chloride ions strongly increase the speed of corrosion
reactions of metals. Larger concentrations of chlorides aggravate
vegetation processes and, thus, cause damage to roadside plants. A molar
mass of the study material, i.e. calcium nitrate, is about 1.5 times
higher than that of calcium chloride. To achieve the same melting effect
of ice (snow) the needed amount is 1.5 times larger. A good thing is
that when using calcium nitrate fewer chlorides get into the environment
and the environment is less corrosive in regard to metals, however, here
another problem occurs. Nitrogen is the main biogenic element and the
increase in its concentration at roadsides and roadside water bodies in
a warm period of the year could initiate a more intensive increase in
the green biomass. On the other hand, the solely increased nitrogen
concentration will give no larger effect if there is no sufficient
amount of other biogenic elements--phosphorus and potassium. Unlike
chlorides, nitrate nitrogen would be assimilated by both various
microorganisms and vegetation in early spring.
2. Alternative materials for decreasing road slipperiness in winter
With the rapidly increasing demand for developing and improving
materials used in a cold period of the year to decrease ice melting
temperature, the specialists seek for the ways to as cheap and
environmental-friendly as possible produce synthetic products
alternative to the rock salt (NaCl) used already for so long in winter
road maintenance. This salt could be characterized by strong corrosive
properties as well as the increase of salt content in underground
waters. Sodium chloride is not recommended also because of its negative
effect on vegetative processes of plants. The study materials include:
--ethane-1.2-diol (ethylene glycol);
--1.2-propanediol (propylene glycol);
--2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol);
--sodium acetate;
--potassium acetate;
--sodium formate;
--chloride salts;
--calcium and magnesium nitrates;
--mixture of calcium magnesium acetates.
Ethane-1.2-diol (ethylene glycol). This is a colourless, highly
water-soluble material having a high biochemical oxygen demand.
Ethane-1.2-diol is a hazardous liquid for aquatic world and practically
for all mammals, with a characteristic sweet taste. This is a volatile
organic material which due to its volatility has a property to very
quickly volatilize from the surface, it is harmful if swallowed
(R-phrases: 22). Even small amount of ethylene glycol is hazardous to
human life. Depending on its concentration, ethane-1.2-diol lowers water
freezing temperature even up to -50[degrees]C. Due to its high
volatility this material is able to self-remove from the environment
(i.e. volatilize) very quickly but due to high pollution can be removed
with the use of inert absorbing materials (e. g. sand, silica gel,
wood-cement, universal binder).
1.2-propanediol (propylene glycol). By biochemical oxygen demand
this material has stronger properties than ethylene glycol and remains
in the environment for a longer time (up to 90% breaks down in 5 days).
1.2-propanediol is less toxic to flora and fauna than ethylene glycol.
This is an especially highly water-soluble compound, also well soluble
in most organic solvents. 1.2-propanediol is an odourless, colourless
liquid. It lowers water freezing temperature up to -29.5[degrees]C,
without doubt, depending on the amount of propylene glycol. This
material is attributed to the risk phrases R10-flammable and R23-toxic
by inhalation.
2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol, level B). This material, though
having good stability and good both chemical and physical properties
when using it in a cold period of the year, as a de-icing (i.e.
temperature reducing) measure, is highly volatile, in the result of what
if this compound gets in the form of vapour into various hot airplane
parts at the airport it causes a sudden danger for a
hardly-extinguishable fire. Due to this reason the use of 2-propanol in
the systems reducing water freezing temperature is strictly limited.
This material can cause drowsiness and dizziness (this is shown by
R-phases: Rl 1--highly flammable, R36--irritating to eyes,
Carbamide. This is odourless, colourless crystals of tetragonal
family. It is highly soluble in water, ethyl alcohol, liquid ammonia.
When heated in 150-160[degrees]C temperature the split away ammonia and
carbamide turn to prussic acid; the latter is partly polymerized and
forms a biuret. When heated in a higher than 30[degrees]C temperature a
water solution educes N[H.sub.3] and C[O.sub.2] during a carbamide
hydrolysis. This material has a large biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
value. Carbamide breaks down into nitrogen-containing compounds, mainly
into ammonia which is highly hazardous to aquatic flora and fauna, and
speeds up algae formation. Based on UN Orange Paper, international
transportation codes RID, ADR (EU agreement on transportation of
dangerous goods), IMDG (transportation of dangerous goods by water) and
international regulation on transportation of dangerous goods by rail
transport) carbamide has not been classified as a dangerous material.
The eutectic point of carbamide and water mixture is -13[degrees]C, when
increasing or decreasing concentration of carbamide in the mixture with
water the mixture freezing temperature raises. Carbamide is most
effective at the ambient temperature up to -7[degrees]C. Impact on
humans: when breathing for a long time larger than permissible carbamide
concentration dust this can cause a chronic inflammation of bronchi and
trachea mucous, a lesion of liver and kidney functions. The limit value
of long-term effect is equal to 10 mg/[m.sup.3].
Sodium acetate. This compound is sold as a granular solid material
the purity of which reaches 97%. First of all, sodium acetate is less
toxic to fish and mammals than carbamide and its biochemical oxygen
demand is lower than that of carbamide in the result of what it remains
in the environment for a shorter time and its possibilities to be used
for the decrease of ice melting temperature are lower. Sodium acetate
breaks down in the environment up to carbon dioxide and water making no
significant toxic impact on the environment. The eutectic point of
sodium acetate and water mixture is up to -22[degrees]C. This material
is attractive in its cheap prices (20 t cost only 500-800 US dollars),
therefore, it is produced in large industrial amounts. Sodium acetate is
delivered in granular form and its consumption amount for the same
operation as carbamide--to de-ice--is even 40% less than that of
Potassium acetate. The eutectic point of potassium acetate is
-29[degrees]C, however, the best efficiency is achieved up to
-9[degrees]C. A very important property is that potassium acetate can
act better than other salts as a conductor to electricity. It can be
used as a moist solution before the use of sodium formate. Potassium
acetate is used in lubricant up to 50%. It is not dangerous and low
toxic material for flora and fauna, though, due to its conductivity to
electricity it can cause large troubles in engineering. Potassium
acetate is not a corrosive material and its biochemical oxygen demand
indicator is close to that of sodium acetate and is lower than that of
carbamide or other measures. It is not dangerous for the environment
since it breaks down only up to carbon dioxide and water.
Sodium formate. This material in its properties is very similar to
potassium acetate and is composed of strong base and weak acid residual.
The eutectic point of sodium formate and ice mixture reaches
-13[degrees]C. It should be mentioned that the biochemical oxygen demand
indicator of sodium formate is very low and this is, without doubt,
favourable for the environment, however, its remaining effect for
de-icing is lower. It is not dangerous for flora and fauna mainly
because of the fact that its pH is about 7, and this is very important
for solving problems related to the properties of corrosive non-freezing
materials. Sodium formate is a hydroscopic material capable of absorbing
moisture from the environment. Its consumption is almost twice less than
that of carbamide. According to its composition and properties this
material has not been classified as dangerous. It irritates eyes,
airways and skin (the risk phases are R36/37/38).
Chloride salts. The very long ago used sodium chloride or rock salt
(NaCl) is widely used for road spreading operations, though, in
aerodromes it is completely prohibited due to its very strong corrosive
effect. Sodium chloride, like calcium chloride, is a corrosive material
strongly affecting and polluting underground waters and, thus, causing
their high salinity. These materials make a large effect on various
natural vegetative processes (Hill, McCreary 2008). Calcium chloride has
been acknowledged as being more advantaged than sodium chloride since
calcium chloride solutes in water and emits heat (an exothermic process
takes place), in the result of which the adjacent materials are heated
in a contact with soluting sodium chloride. Calcium chloride in a
solution, depending on the concentration, reduces the melting
temperature of a mixture with ice up to -52[degrees]C. Magnesium
chloride is also widely used in a cold period of the year in spreading
both the roads and the sidewalks. However, magnesium chloride has a
harmful property to damage insulators and this in electrical engineering
causes power-cut and a large danger of fire. Besides, like in case of
sodium and calcium chloride, magnesium chloride is corrosive to steel
and aluminium and this is dangerous in aviation. Anhydrous magnesium and
calcium chlorides have a property to absorb moisture, therefore, they
can be used to prevent fog on roads. The eutectic point of magnesium
chloride and ice mixture is -33[degrees]C, though, the best efficiency
of magnesium chloride is achieved up to -15[degrees]C. This compound is
more hazardous for various vegetative processes than calcium chloride.
But this is only for a comparison, since neither calcium chloride nor
magnesium chloride are terrible destroyers of nature. Besides, magnesium
chloride is more corrosive than calcium chloride. The salts containing
chloride anions should be avoided as chlorides are hazardous for various
species of aquatic world if their concentrations are close to 1000 mg/l
(Kunkel et al. 2010).
Calcium and magnesium nitrates. These materials are well known and
have been thoroughly studied when seeking for their use in a cold
period. However, they are still nitrates which affect both flora and
fauna and stimulate vegetative processes, therefore, a wide use of these
materials is still restrained. It is important to note that these
materials have a characteristic lower corrosiveness than chlorides.
Without doubt, nitrogen is one of the elements necessary for the animate
nature but calcium and magnesium are also microelements structurally
important for the vegetation. When using calcium nitrate as a measure to
decrease the ice melting temperature, the melting temperature of ice and
calcium nitrate mixture falls down even to -49[degrees]C when
concentration of calcium nitrate in initial solution amounts to about
50%. To achieve the mentioned temperature the amount of magnesium
nitrate in initial solution shall make about 40% (Hill, McCreary 2008).
Calcium and magnesium nitrates irritate eyes and skin (their risk phases
are R36/38). Based on EU requirements the amount of nitrates in
above-ground water shall not exceed 50 mg/l or 50 ppm (in parts per
million) (Baltrenas, Kazlauskiene 2009; Baltrenas et al. 2006; Kamaitis
2008; Laurinavicius et al. 2010; Sivilevicius 2011).
Mixture of calcium magnesium acetates. To decrease the consequences
of corrosion caused by chlorides when spreading roads with these
mixtures, already in the 1970's the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) of USA identified the mixture of calcium magnesium acetates as
the low-corrosion chemical, compared to chlorides, alternative to rock
salts and calcium chloride salts in a cold period of the year (Holleman,
Wiberg 2001). The mixture of calcium magnesium acetates makes no effect
on vegetative processes, however, the ions of magnesium and calcium make
an effect on the environment (i.e. they harden water). One of the most
important good properties of the mixture is that it is low corrosive to
concrete, aluminium and steel, and that was proved by a series of tests.
The mixture does not initiate algae formation processes and breaks up in
approximately 5 days at 20[degrees]C, in 10 days--at 10[degrees]C, in
100 days--at 2[degrees]C. Since calcium and magnesium are microelements
necessary for the vegetation they may slightly affect growing of plants.
The mixture of calcium magnesium acetates is not harmful for the
environment as it breaks up to final decomposition products--carbon
dioxide and water. The freezing temperature of the mixture of calcium
magnesium acetates and water is about -36[degrees]C whEn the
concentration of acetate mixture amounts to approx 32.5% in water
solution. In the mixture a molar ratio of calcium and magnesium is 3:7,
respectively. In practice, the acetates are delivered in granular form,
up to 91% of purity (Predyot et al. 2002).
Having studied de-iCing materials that can be used and are
effective for decrease of road slipperiness in winter, as well as other
alternative materials (Petkuviene, Paliulis 2009), calcium nitrate was
selected for further investigation. One of the main reasons for this
selection--this material is prodUced in Lithuania. Various possibilities
to lower the freezing temperature of solutions have been studied,
analyzed and assessed, a corrosive effect on metals in the environment
was determined, also the impact on the environment and human health
(Chollar et al. 1991; Locke, Kennelley 1998).
3. Ability of calcium nitrate to lower the freezing temperature of
Rock salt has been used for road spreading already since 1930 when
practical properties of rock salt were noticed to improve road condition
in a cold period of the year. During long decades the other materials
were also investigated those that are able to lower the freezing
temperature of solutions (Leonovich et al. 2007). The most widely used
materials for this purpose are given in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1 shows that potassium nitrate is not the most widely used
material for winter road maintenance. For this purpose the other
materials are most often used in a form of solutions, i. e. common salt,
calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, etc. However, if their eutectic
points are compared, calcium nitrate is attributed to the chemical
materials that are able to strongly (even up to -49[degrees]C) lower the
freezing temperature of water solutions (Table 2). Whereas, sodium
chloride, which is most often used for winter road maintenance, can
lower the freezing temperature of water solutions only up to
-9[degrees]C-(-22)[degrees]C. Due to these and the earlier discussed
reasons, calcium and magnesium nitrates are well known materials used
for winter road maintenance in a cold period of the year.
4. Corrosive impact of calcium nitrate on metals
Only since the 1990's the inhibitors (corrosion reducing
agents, mostly of organic origin) were started to be added to rock salt
and various acetateS: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium. To decrease
the consequences of corrosion caused by chlorides when spreading roads
with these mixtures, already in the 1970's the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) of USA identified the mixture of calcium magnesium
acetates as the low-corrosion chemical, compared to chlorides,
alternative to rock salts and calcium chloride salts in a cold period of
the year. Based on these arguments the same technologies were started to
be used also in the West European countries.
In the laboratory the tests were carried out to determine the speed
of corrosion of sodium chloride solutions with calcium chloride, calcium
nitrate and carbamide agents. Solutions of the following concentrations
were used:
--23% sodium chloride solution (where pH = 6.75);
--23% sodium chloride solution and 30% calcium chloride solution in
a ratio of (9:1) (where pH = 8.3);
--23% sodium chloride solution and 30% calcium nitrate solution in
a ratio of (9:1) (where pH = 4.3);
--23% sodium chloride solution and 30% carbamide solution in a
ratio of (9:1) (where pH = 8.5).
For the determination of corrosivity of solutions the steel plates
(12x7x100 mm) of type 09r2C were used. The speed of corrosion was
determined by weighing method. The selected exposure time in the study
solutions were 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 14 days. The exposure temperatuRe (22.0
[+ or -] 1.0)[degrees]C.
The test was performed in the following way. The weighted metal
plates were activated by immersing them into 30% hydrochloric acid
solution, after that they were washed with water and immersed into the
prepared appropriate solutions (volume of solution--400 c[m.sup.3]).
Having passed the selected exposure time in the study solution the
plates were taken out, washed with water, immersed into 10% hydrochloric
acid solution with urotropine, once again washed with water, placed into
a vessel with acetone, taken out, air-dried and weighted. The obtained
results of corrosivity of the study solutions are given in Table 3 and
Fig. 1.
The values of corrosion speed, given in Table 3, show that the
largest corrosive activity in all solutions are in the first 24 hours.
The largest speed is represented by sodium chloride solution (0.147404
mm/m) which is followed by sodium chloride solution with calcium nitrate
agent (0.142139 mm/m). Corrosive activity of sodium chloride solutions
with calcium chloride and carbamide agents is less and equals to
0.123421 and 0.123226 mm/m, respectively.
Having compared data on corrosivity of solutions, obtained after a
longer exposure time in the study solutions, it is obvious that
corrosivity of sodium chloride solution with calcium chloride agent is
higher compared to corrosivity of sodium chloride solution (Fig. 1).
The especially large difference was obtained having compared the
results of the speed of corrosion after 2 days of exposure time: the
speed of corrosion of sodium chloride is 0.06639 mm/m, and the speed of
corrosion of sodium chloride with calcium nitrate agent--0.086571 mm/m.
A lower corrosivity of sodium chloride solutions (after 4, 7 and 14 days
of exposure) was obtained in the solutions with calcium chloride and
carbamide agents. But the difference in the speed of corrosion in those
solutions makes only several thousandth of mm/m (Table 3, Fig. 1).
5. Migration of calcium ions in roadside soil
Calcium nitrate (Ca[(N[O.sub.3].sub.2]), chemical material used in
winter road maintenance (to decrease road slipperiness), is highly
water-soluble, thus, its ions ([Ca.sup.2+] and N[O.sub.3.sup.-]) are
easily transferred by roadside soil into surface water bodies and ground
waters. Mineral calcium ([Ca.sup.2+]), well soluble in soil water, is
transferred by infiltration and filtration flows (precipitation) of
atmospheric moisture through the surface of roadside soil and through
its layers (depending on soil origin) into surface water bodies and
ground waters. Calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]) in the ionic composition of
calcium nitrate salts are considered the element of geographical
landscape since their migration depends on the type and properties of
soil. In dry, glacial-formed dernopodzoled roadside soils, distinguished
for their good infiltration properties, that are composed of about 90%
of sand, 0.5-1 % of humus and the remaining part of light sandy loam,
calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]) are transported by the surface of soil and
washed out through its deeper layers into ground waters very effectively
(even up to 95%). Thus, the flow of water on the surface of soil is
increased, as well as surface destruction, and the soil erosion is
induced. The amount of calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]) in soil is even
more reduced due to the fallen acid needles of coniferous trees
(especially pines) growing in wooded roadsides and due to good
infiltration properties of soils of such roadsides (mostly sands).
Due to the fallen needles of coniferous trees the acid organic
compounds are formed which acidify soil and through its layers wash out
into ground waters up to 9095% of calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]).
Consequently, precipitation and water accumulated in roadsides easily
wash out calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]) from acid soils (where pH is less
than 7) into surface water bodies and ground waters.
Birches, black alders and oaks growing in fertile carbonaceous,
loamy and clayey roadside soils of large-leaved vegetation landscape,
where humus makes 3% and more, by their capillaries are able to feed on
calcium originated from calcium nitrate used to decrease road
slipperiness. Thus, every year the large-leaved vegetation of this
species brings back into roadside soil up to 5-6 t/ha of calcium which
together with other elements forms a floor of organic materials.
Biological mass of organic falls under the effect of atmospheric
phenomena and disintegration gives back to the soil many calcium cations
([Ca.sup.2+]) which chemically neutralizes organic acids. For example,
in the soils of such roadside landscapes the calcium ([Ca.sup.2+]) and
hydrogen ([H.sup.+]) cations are continuously interacting which extrude
from the absorbed biological mass the cations of magnesium
([Mg.sup.2+]), potassium ([K.sup.+]), ammonium ([NH.sup.4+]), sodium
([Na.sup.+]) in the following way (Fig. 2):
[Al.sup.3+] > [H.sup.+] > [Ca.sup.2+] > [Mg.sup.2+] >
[K.sup.+] = [NH.sup.4+] > [Na.sup.+].
Whereas, aluminium ([Al.sup.3+]) cations are more resistant to
wash-out than those of calcium ([Ca.sup.2+]). Most often the composition
of roadside soils of large-leaved vegetation landscape contains clays
(i.e. aqueous rock with the diameter of particles less than 2 um),
therefore, humus and colloidal particles contained in soil create
absorptive barriers of heavy metals.
Those colloidal particles of soil retain all elements contained in
water solutions. For example, 1 g of colloidal clay particles, depending
on their swelling degree, makes a 10-100 [m.sup.2] area surface and
forms a large sorption capacity of soil surface.
Clay minerals and humus, contained in roadside soils of
large-leaved vegetation landscape, always have a negative electric
charge and absorb from solutions the cations of heavy metals (and also
of calcium ([Ca.sup.2+])). Colloidal particles of clay, contained in
such roadside soils, create conditions for the accumulation of moisture
of low initial capacity. Moisture capacity of soil decreases due to the
swelling of colloidal clay particles. In this way a water runoff is
formed on the surface of roadside soil. Increase in the density of clay
particles adhesion in soil at a depth of up to 30 cm stabilizes
infiltration and surface run-off processes in it.
Consequently, in roadside soils of heavy mechanical composition
calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]) are transported into surface water bodies
more by its surface (up to 70-80%) but not through deep soil layers (up
to 30 cm) having the largest accumulation capacity (Lofgren 2006;
Marsalek et al. 2003; Ramakrishna, Viraraghavan 2005).
6. Migration of nitrate ions in roadside soil
With a dissolving calcium nitrate (Ca[(N[O.sub.3]).sub.2]) in the
environment of roadside soils due to atmospheric precipitation, not only
calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]) are formed, migrating by the soil surface
and through soil layers, but also the most harmful to the environment
form of nitrogen nitrate anions (N[O.sub.3.sup.-]). Due to a negative
charge nitrates are very mobile in soil. They are more poorly
assimilated by roadside plants, therefore, intensively migrate by soil,
depending on its origin, into adjacent surface water bodies and ground
waters. Nitrate anions (N[O.sub.3.sup.-]), having additionally appeared
in soil, acidify the vibes (from 7.5 to 5.5 pH) and change the
absorptive barriers of heavy metals. At that time hydrogen ([H.sup.+])
cations extrude from the absorbed biological mass the ([Ca.sup.2+]),
magnesium ([Mg.sup.2+]) and potassium ([K.sup.+]) cations (Fig. 3).
Excess of nitrates in soil can negatively affect environmental
quality. Large amounts of nitrates in soil (exceeding 130 mg/kg) can
influence their rather large concentrations in ground water (more than
50 mg/l). Max permissible concentration (MPC) of nitrates in ground
water shall not exceed the value of 50 mg/l. Based on requirements of EU
directives, environmental measures shall be taken when concentration of
nitrates in water is continuously increasing and reaches 75% of MPC
(i.e. 37 mg/l). It is also important that soluble nitrogen compounds,
having got from soil into water ecosystems, can disturb their balance by
causing their eutrophication, decrease in the amount of oxygen in water
and distinction of aquatic plants. Having got into human organism
nitrates turn into nitrites that are capable to cause cancer, to turn
haemoglobin into methemoglobin and to disorder oxygen delivery to
The self-wash of nitrates ([N.sub.O][3.sup.-]) occurs in case when
water, rotating through soil profile, together carries them out. The
largest wash-out occurs (up to 95%) when plants poorly accumulate or do
not accumulate nitrates at all and when there is a large amount of
precipitation (when the average amount of precipitation exceeds 820 mm
per year). In sandy derno-podzoled roadside soils the wash-out of
nitrates is larger (up to 80-90%) than in clayey roadside soils of heavy
mechanical composition (up to 40-50%). In contrast to calcium cations
([Ca.sup.2+]), anions of a negative charge nitrates ([N.sub.O][3.sup.-])
are not absorbed by negatively charged soil colloids which dominate in
most of loamy and clayey roadside soils of heavy mechanical composition.
Therefore, nitrate anions (NO3-) move together with soil water and are
easily washed out from soil.
The main transformation process of nitrates ([N.sub.O][3.sup.-]) is
denitrification into the other forms of inorganic nitrogen oxides
(NO--and [N.sub.2][O.sup.-]) and gaseous free atmospheric ([N.sub.2])
nitrogen (Fig. 4).
Denitrification processes are most effectively performed (up to
80-90 %) by bacteria when it is warm (in spring and summer) and when
soil is humid (i.e. when more than 60 % of soil pores are filled with
water). Denitrification processes in loamy and clayey roadside soils of
heavy mechanical composition are more intensive (up to 80-90%) than in
sandy derno-podzoled soils (up to 40-50%). In a warm period of the year
(especially in summer) it is possible to loose nitrates in roadside
soils due to denitrification (when soil is waterlogged with plenty of
organic materials and poor aeration) in 2-3 days.
Having used calcium nitrate to decrease road slipperiness and
during its dissolution a nitrogen mobilization takes place in roadside
soils, i.e. fixation of nitrates ([N.sub.O][3.sup.-]) through their
assimilation by microorganisms. During mobilization of nitrates,
nitrogen accessible for plants ([N.sub.O][3.sup.-]) once again transits
into organic form. The activity of microorganisms and the speed of
nitrogen mobilization processes increase with the growing ambient
temperature (up to 20-30[degrees]C). The activity of microorganisms is
restricted when soil humidity is both too low and too high, and the
largest activity is found in humid soils with a relatively good aeration
but not in too wet soils (i.e. when 60% of soil pores are filled with
water, 40%--with air and pH exceeds 7). Consequently, a nitrogen
mobilization process depends on the properties of roadside soils
(temperature, humidity, aeration, pH) and on nitrogen amounts necessary
for soil microorganisms and plants (Howard, Maier 2007; Chinathamby et
al. 2006).
7. Impact of calcium nitrate on human health
The active material of molar mass of calcium nitrate (lime
saltpetre) is nitrogenous fertilizer used for additional fertilizing of
plants. This material is well water-soluble, can make suspension in fat,
and is not hazardous under normal conditions. A mobile ion of nitrate
([N.sub.O][3.sup.-]) is the prevailing form of the nutrition of plants.
Nitrates are natural compounds which take part in nitrogen cycle and are
also approved as a food additive. They play an important role in
nutrition and in plant evolution stages. They take part in nitrification
and denitrification cycle. Nitrates are important compounds for
vegetables which they are apt to accumulate and this can affect biotic
and abiotic factors. Larger permissible concentrations of nitrates are
apt to be accumulated in leaves, smaller--in the seeds or tubers of
plants. Leafy plants, for example, lettuce and spinaches are usually
having larger nitrate concentrations. Nitrates get into human organism
from the outSide through the consumption of vegetables, and slightly
less amounts--through the consumption of other food products and water.
The Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) announced that the total amount
of consumed nitrates is usually much less than the permissible daily
dose (PDD) whIch is 3.7 mg/kg body weight per day, corresponding to 222
mg of nitrate per day for 60 kg weighing adult, however, it recommends
to reduce the impact of nitrates consumed with food and water. Since the
main source of consumed nitrates is vegetables, the max permissible
nitrate conceNtration in them varies from 2000 to 4500 mg
[N.sub.O][3.sup.-] kg, in cereal food products intended for babies and
small children and in baby food up to 200 mg [N.sub.O][3.sup.-] kg
(Karraker et al. 2008; Koryak et al. 2001; Sanzo, Hecnar 2006).
After getting into the environment nitrates can cause pollution of
ground water and soil, thus, it is necessary to restrict their
spreading. Neutralization possibilities--to water down, to pump into
hermetic containers. Ecotoxicity (toxicity to water, soil organisms and
other animals and plants) is low, the TLM (Threshold Limited Median) 96
is about 10-1000 ppm. Large amounts of fertilizers are toxic to plants
and soil microorganisms (burns off the roots of a plant, destroys soil
The material is non-volatile, no poisonous materials are
accumulated in the ambient air, therefore, there are no special
restrictions, no protective measures for airway are necessary, but the
building used for storage must have ventilation. When working for a long
time with calcium nitrate one shall wear suitable protective clothes,
footwear, suitable gloves and use eye protection measures, it is
required to wash hands after work, to follow elementary hygienic rules.
The material irritates skin. A short-term contact irritates eyes, a
long-term irritation can cause eye diseases and danger for eyesight. If
it gets on the skin it is recommended to take off polluted clothes, to
wash skin with plenty of water, if it gets into eyes--to rinse with
clean water and immediately call the doctor. If swallowed, a small
amount of solution causes intoxication effect. A large amount causes
digestive tract diseases, at the very outside (if swallowed by child) it
can result in "the blue disease" or cyanosis (blue spots
around lips) (Godwin et al. 2003; Forman et al. 2003).
8. Conclusions
Having assessed in various aspects the study materials (salts),
used for road maintenance in a cold period of the year, and taking a
special consideration of the impact of these materials (salts) on the
environment as well as their price, it could be stated that the most
acceptable alternative for Lithuania is the already used sodium and
calcium chloride salts.
Having assessed all the above mentioned materials according to
their chemical and physical properties and also according to their price
and availability from technological point of view in the production, at
present the following compounds could be distinguished: carbamide and
calcium magnesium nitrates. For the production of other compounds new
technological production equipment are necessary.
The properties of carbamide are rather good compared to other
compounds. Therefore, based on all given considerations the most
acceptable alternative between the materials (salts) used for decreasing
ice melting temperature is carbamide, the production technology of which
the company has been already implemented.
Though production of concentrated calcium and magnesium nitrate
solutions from quicklime and brucite has been known and not new there is
still a question about their efficiency and market possibilities. It is
necessary to make laboratory tests and to assess from the marketing
point of view the future perspectives of concentrated solutions intended
for road maintenance and de-icing.
The largest speed is represented by sodium chloride solution
(0.147404 mm/m) which is followed by sodium chloride solution with
calcium nitrate agent (0.142139 mm/m). Corrosive activity of sodium
chloride solutions with calcium chloride and carbamide agents is less
and equals to 0.123421 and 0.123226 mm/m, respectively.
The especially large difference was obtained having compared the
results of the speed of corrosion after 2 days of exposure time: the
speed of corrosion of sodium chloride is 0.06639 mm/m, and the speed of
corrosion of sodium chloride with calcium nitrate agent--0.086571 mm/m.
A lower corrosivity of sodium chloride solutions (after 4, 7 and 14 days
of exposure) was obtained in the solutions with calcium chloride and
carbamide agents where the difference in the speed of corrosion in those
solutions makes only several thousandth of mm/m.
In dry derno-podzoled roadside soils, distinguished for their good
infiltration properties, that are composed of about 90% of sand, 0.5-1%
of humus and the remaining part of light sandy loam, calcium cations
([Ca.sup.2+]) are transported by the surface of soil and washed out
through its deeper layers into ground waters very effectively (even up
to 95%). However, in roadside soils of heavy mechanical composition
calcium cations ([Ca.sup.2+]) are transported into surface water bodies
more by its surface (up to 70-80%) but not through deep soil layers (up
to 30 cm) having the largest accumulation capacity.
In sandy derno-podzoled roadside soils the wash-out of nitrates is
larger (up to 80-90%) than in clayey roadside soils of heavy mechanical
composition (up to 40-50%). In contrast to calcium cations
([Ca.sup.2+]), anions of a negative charge nitrates (N[O.sub.3.sup.-])
are not absorbed by negatively charged soil colloids which dominate in
most of loamy and clayey roadside soils of heavy mechanical composition.
Therefore, nitrate anions (N[O.sub.3.sup.-]) move together with soil
water and are easily washed out from soil.
The active material of molar mass of calcium nitrate (lime
saltpetre) is nitrogenous fertilizer used for additional fertilizing of
plants. However, if too large concentrations get into the environment,
nitrates can cause pollution of ground water and soil.
In future, having expanded the production of calcium and magnesium
nitrates, it will be possible to start producing certain mixtures, e.g.
carbamide with those nitrates or the mixture of carbamide, calcium,
magnesium nitrates and calcium chloride, and, thus, to reduce a direct
use of chlorides. Those mixtures in a cold period of the year should
have rather good properties and could become a serious alternative to
chlorides at present the most frequently used for de-icing of roads.
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2011.35
Received 2 December 2010; accepted 22 November 2011
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Alfredas Laurinavicius (1), Romas Mazeika (2), Rasa Vaiskunaite
(3), Gintautas Brimas (4), Sarunas Milasius (5)
(1) Dept of Roads, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
(2) Agrochemical Laboratory of the Lithuanian Research Centre for
Agriculture and Forestry, Savanoriu pr. 287, 50127 Kaunas, Lithuania
(3) Dept of Environmental Protection, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
(4) Vilnius University, Clinic of Gastroenterology, Nephrology and
Surgery, Santariskiu g. 2, 08661 Vilnius, Lithuania
(5) AB "Achema", Jonalaukis village, Rukla sub-district,
55550 Jonava district, Lithuania
E-mails: (1) Alfredas.Laurinavicius@vgtu.lt; (2)
mazeika@agrolab.lt; (3) Rasa.Vaiskunaite@vgtu.lt; (4)
Gintautas.Brimas@santa.lt; (5) s.milasius@achema.com
Table 1. The list of chemical materials most widely used for
winter maintenance
Chemical material The form of use Bulk
Solution, %
Common salt (NaCl) + 23
Calcium chloride (Ca[Cl.sub.2]) + ~32
Magnesium chloride (Mg[Cl.sub.2]) + 26-29
Calcium magnesium acetates * + 25
Sodium formate (CHOONa) + --
Potassium formate (CHOOK) + --
Sodium acetate (C[H.sub.3]COONa) + 60
Potassium acetate (C[H.sub.3]COOK) + 49
Carbamide + 30-35
Potassium chloride (KCl) + --
*--a mixture is obtained by treating dolomite with acetic acid
Table 2. Chemical materials able to lower the freezing temperature of
water solutions if eutectic points are compared
Chemical material Concent The lowest
-ration, % temperature,
Ethane-1.2-diol 66 -46
1.2-propanediol 50 -24
2-propanol -- --
Carbamide 30-35 (-13)-(-7)
Sodium acetate 63 -29
Potassium acetate -- 94
Sodium formate -- 13
Magnesium chloride 26 -46
Sodium chloride 23 (-22)*-(-9)
Calcium chloride 29 (-43)-(-32)
Calcium nitrate ~50 -49
Magnesium nitrate 40 -45
Mixture of calcium magnesium acetates 32.5 -36**
*--eutectic point of sodium chloride (NaCl);
**--eutectic point depending on a ratio of calcium and magnesium
acetates of the mixture
(given for the mixture where a molar ratio of Ca and Mg is 3:7,
Table 3. The obtained results of corrosivity of the study solutions
Composition Exposure time in a solution, days
of the study 1 2 3
solution Speed of corrosion, mm/m
NaCl 0.147404 0.066390 0.063758
NaCl+Ca[Cl.sub.2] 0.123421 0.062588 0.061743
NaCl+Ca[(N[O.sub.3]).sub.2] 0.142139 0.086571 0.064993
NaCl+carbamide 0.123226 0.072922 0.0571947
Composition Exposure time in a solution, days
of the study 4 7 14
solution Speed of corrosion, mm/m
NaCl 0.047380 0.031085 0.022033
NaCl+Ca[Cl.sub.2] 0.050889 0.030918 0.021113
NaCl+Ca[(N[O.sub.3]).sub.2] 0.055764 0.033508 0.023342
NaCl+carbamide 0.047672 0.029163 0.021183