Functional conditions and state of hot mix asphalt pavement and its structure of lithuanian motor roads/Automobiliu keliu asfaltbetonio dangos bei jos konstrukcijos funkcionavimo salygos ir reikiamos savybes ir bukle/Lietuvas automagistralu asfaltbetona segu un konstrukciju funkcionalais stavoklis/Leedu asfaltbetoonkatete funktsionaalne seisukord.
Petkevicius, Kazys ; Zilioniene, Daiva ; Vorobjovas, Viktoras 等
1. Introduction
The project of management and development of Lithuanian national
roads for 2002-2015 schedules fundamental improvement of motor road
infrastructure. In order to achieve this purpose, it is necessary to
ensure sufficiently good properties of hot mix asphalt pavement (HMA)
pavement and its structure: relevant roughness of HMA, low degree of HMA
and its structure disintegration, and relevant strength of pavement
structure and cohesion between the wheels of vehicles and pavement. It
is necessary to determine the permissible quality, maintenance and
strength indices for HMA pavement and its structure and ensure the
service life (SL) of HMA pavement and its structure provided for in the
Lithuania is yet far behind many developed countries in the density
and technical level of the network of motor roads. At the beginning of
2009, the length of national roads was 21 320 km. Only 13 586 km (63.7%)
of them had asphalt pavement. The length of the roads of category E
(European Corridors) was 1510 km and the length of the roads of category
I and higher categories was 564 km including 309 km of main roads.
Under the conditions of increasing number of vehicles (1.29 mln in
2000 and over 2.12 mln in 2008) and the portion of heavy-weight
multi-axial cargo vehicles, it is very important to evaluate the HMA
pavement and its structure functional conditions and to correctly
forecast the future state of HMA pavement and its structure and real SL
taking into account the real quality of HMA pavement and strength of its
structure. These data are necessary for scheduling the timely HMA
pavement and its structure repairs in order to ensure safe, convenient
and fast transportation of passengers and cargo, i.e. to ensure the
required pavement evenness.
The aim of the present paper is to discuss the functional
conditions and acceptable state of HMA pavement and its structure of
Lithuanian motor roads.
2. Substantiation of the analysed problem
The Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) and the University of
Waterloo examined the feasibility of using automated pavement distress
collection techniques in addition to data collected through manual
surveys. Base on these studies results Tighe et al. (2008) state that
these surveys should be supplemented with manual surveys, especially for
design purposes, because some of the pavement distresses were difficult
to identify with the automated methods.
The roughness of HMA pavement and strength of its structure are
closely related with the state of pavement which, using the formula is
described by the distress level D, expressed in % (Petkevicius 2000):
D = ([S.sub.e] [] [] [] [S.sub.od] +
[n.summation over (i=1)][l.sub.i][b.sub.i] x 100/S, (1)
where S--width of HMA pavement in the investigated road section,
[m.sup.2]; [S.sub.e]--area of pavement destructed by erosion, [m.sup.2];
[]--area of pavement damaged by crack net, [m.sup.2];
[]--area of pavement damaged by plastic (shear) defects,
[m.sup.2]; []--area of pavement damaged by surface defects,
[m.sup.2]; [S.sub.od]--area of pavement damaged by other defects,
[m.sup.2]; [l.sub.i]-length of solitary crack, m; [b.sub.i]--width of
road stretch which has lost strength (on both sides of crack i and
depending on the crack width), m.
The main results of the study Dahstedt (2003) have show that a
subjective roughness seems to be a linear function of roughness
according to International Roughness Index (IRI) within the studied
roughness range. For some road sections with a nontypical spectral composition of the road roughness, it was found that the correlation
between IRI and subjective roughness decreased considerably, and the
simulations of random errors added to the IRI values showed that within
the studied range and with the fairly large number of observations (45),
random measurement errors up to at least +/-0.2 IRI (mm/m) can be
considered insignificant.
Investigations by Sivilevicius and Petkevicius (2002) have shown
that the values of roughness (Y) of HMA pavement and D depend on the
strength coefficient [] of HMA pavement structure and on the SL
(T) of the HMA pavement and its structure. The higher are the values of
the defects of pavement the smaller are the values [] and
reability of HMA pavement ([P.sub.HMA]) and the lower is the reliability
of its HMA pavement structure (PP): defects in the roads of satisfactory
or fairly good condition account for 0-10% of the pavement area
([] [greater than or equal to] 1.0 and [P.sub.HMA] = 88-100%)
and in the bad roads for 20-30% and more ([] < 0.8 and
[P.sub.P] [less than or equal to] 70-80%) (Table 1).
When the [] is low, in short time pavement defects appear
which reduce the [P.sub.P]. When a section of HMA pavement structure has
an almost equal strength value, i.e deviations of parameter []
from the average value are insignificant, the probability of defects
reduces and the [P.sub.P] increases. The evenness of HMA pavement
structure can be evaluated by the standard deviation [[sigma].sub.E] of
its resilient module E or variation coefficient [v.sub.E].
The defects of HMA pavement structure usually are classified
according to their visible features (form, size, etc.) (Petkevicius
2000; Sivilevicius, Petkevicius 2002). Applying formula (1) it is
possible to more precisely and objectively determine the HMA pavement D
and using the classification given in Table 1 to evaluate its condition
according to D.
At a critical condition, the pavement should be repaired as soon as
possible. For safe and comfortable driving the HMA pavement should be
repaired when the D [greater than or equal to] 8% (Petkevicius 2002)
(Table 1) (when reability [P.sub.HMA] [less than or equal to] 92%).
In order to precisely evaluate the condition of pavement according
to D values measuring is necessary whereas an approx evaluation (levels)
only requires visual observation and examination of reference
In recent years, the rutting and the number of distress cracks in
the HMA pavement of Lithuanian roads has been considerably increasing
due to the growing number of heavy vehicles and insufficient strength of
HMA pavement structure unsuited to new loads. The reduced volume of
annual repairs enhanced the D and weakening of the HMA pavement
structure. The data of the Transport and Road Research Institute shows
that the strength index SNC every year has been reducing by 2% on the
average (Sivilevicius, Petkevicius 2002). The SNC index in the main
roads and national roads has been increasing only since 2003 as a result
of the measures taken for HMA pavement structure strengthening.
Investigations (Petkevicius, Petkeviciene 2005) have shown that
with the improving quality of repairs the IRI of HMA pavement
[Y.sub.IRI] (m/km) has been every year increasing since 1992: 0.041 m/km
in main roads, 0.054 m/ km in national roads and 0.054 m/km in regional
roads on the average.
Full-scale accelerated pavement testing (APT) leads to significant
advances in practice and economic savings for the evaluation of new
pavement configurations, stress level related factors, new materials,
and design improvements (Guo, Prozzi 2009). Park et al. (2008) test
results show that the predicted pavement fatigue lift based on
horizontal strains at the bottom of asphalt layer is different by tire
types and analysis methods while the predicted rutting life based on
vertical strains at the top of subgrade layer shows no significant
Recently, the SL of pavement has been reducing: according to the
Lithuanian standards of 1987, the designed SL for the roads of
categories I was [T.sub.s] = 14 years. The time span between pavement
repairs (Petkevicius 2000) and the real interim time span for Lithuanian
pavement established in 2002 was only [T.sub.s] = 9 years (Table 2).
Investigations (Petkevicius, Podagelis 2000; Sivilevicius,
Petkevicius 2002) have revealed that the D of HMA pavement in the
Lithuanian roads ranges from 0 to 61.27% and its reliability value
[P.sub.HMA] ranges from 38.63% to 100%. In most cases (75.7%), the
greatest part of D (40.0-56.5%) can be accounted for by fatigue of HMA.
The increasing number of heavy vehicles is expected to increase the
fatigue portion in the value of D even more (Butkevicius et al. 2007).
The correlation link (with standardized regression coefficients)
between the Y index and factors T, [D.sub.n], [D.sub.t], and [D.sub.e]
has been determined [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] 2006):
Y = 0.0508T + 0.0457[D.sub.n] +0.030[D.sub.t] + 0.00674[D.sub.e],
(2) (determ. coef. [R.sup.2] = 0.656),
where Y--roughness index, mm, measured with a 4 m long bar,
T--behaviour duration of the pavement, years, [D.sub.n], [D.sub.t], and
[D.sub.e]--distress level D, %, predetermined by HMA pavement fatigue,
cracks (produced by temperature variations) and erosion (cracking and
crumbling entailed by freezes and thaws), respectively.
The correlation link (2) shows that the roughness of pavement
mainly depends on the D due to HMA pavement fatigue [D.sub.n].
The D is related to the strength of HMA pavement structure
expressed in [] and [] in its turn is related with the
HMA pavement Y, cm/km (Petkevicius 2000):
[] =2.41[D.sup.-0.321] ([R.sup.2] = 0.884), (3)
Y = 174[]-526[] + 794 ([R.sup.2] = 0.980).
It has been determined (Sivilevicius, Petkevicius 2002) that there
exist functional links between the velocity of traffic flow v and
pavement roughness Y and also between the transport costs [I.sub.t] and
pavement roughness Y. The indexes of pavement roughness Y, strength HMA
pavement structure, D and interim time spans between repairs [T.sub.p]
and [T.sub.s] (minor and major) should be standardized.
The research results described in the present section should prove
the importance and relevance of investigation of functional conditions,
properties and state of HMA pavement and its structure of Lithuanian
3. Functional conditions of HMA pavement structure and its
HMA pavement and its structure function under objective local
conditions which depend on many factors: properties of components of HMA
pavement and its structure layers and soil properties of subgrade,
thickness and compression of these layers, climate factors (annual
number of clear and rainy days, time spans with snow cover, time spans
with positive or negative temperature, depth of frozen ground, and
passages from positive to negative temperatures and vice versa), traffic
loads, local conditions (groundwater horizon and irrigation conditions),
and properties of HMA pavement and its structure (roughness, D, etc.)
(Fig. 1) (Petkevicius 2008).
The values of all indices shown in Fig. 1 ([E.sub.1]-[E.sub.5]
[h.sub.1]-[h.sub.5] and [E.sub.sub]) except index [h.sub.sub] can be
taken from normative documentation according to HMA pavement structure
materials and knowing the type of soil in a locality. The index
[E.sub.D] can be derived from the known dependencies (index [E.sub.D]
[greater than or equal to] [][E.sub.r], where [E.sub.r] is the
required resilient module of HMA pavement structure determined by
evaluation of future (after 10-20 years) traffic volume [N.sub.D]). The
index [h.sub.sub] can be derived from the following interdependence:
[h.sub.sub] = h (E - [E.sub.D])/[E.sub.D] - [E.sub.sub]) (5)
where h is capacity of HMA pavement structure layers (in this case
h = [h.sub.1] + [h.sub.2] + ... + [h.sub.5]); E--average weighted
resilient module of HMA pavement structure layers (in this case:
E = [E.sub.1][h.sub.1] + [E.sub.2][h.sub.2] + ... +
[E.sub.5][h.sub.5]/[h.sub.1][h.sub.2] + ... [h.sub.5].
Index [h.sub.sub] shows the equivalent thickness of subgrade soil
when at soil resilient module [E.sub.sub] HMA pavement structure
designed resilient module will be [E.sub.D] (Fig. 1) (in this case:
[E.sub.D] = [E.sub.1][h.sub.1] + [E.sub.2][h.sub.2]
[E.sub.5][h.sub.5] [E.sub.sub][h.sub.sub]/[h.sub.1]/[h.sub.2] + ...
[h.sub.5] + [h.sub.sub]
The SL of HMA pavement before the repair usually is shorter than
that of the whole HMA pavement structure. Investigations (Petkevicius,
Petkeviciene 2005) have revealed that rutting of HMA pavement has been
significantly increasing. This is a serious problem of HMA quality
showing that shear stress-resistant HMA must be used in the roads with
heavy traffic.
HMA in the pavement disintegrates under the impact of the following
factors (Petkevicius 2008) (Fig. 1).
--Destructive impact of heavy-weight cargo vehicles causing fatigue
cracks in HMA pavement;
--Meteorological conditions:
a) Sudden weather cooling in winter. When cooling velocity reaches
the value [v.sub.t] = 6-10[degrees]C/h, there appear transverse cracks
in the pavement;
b) Frequent changes of meteorological conditions, i.e. temperature
passages from positive to negative or vice versa. In Lithuania, these
temperature passages occur 60-80 times per year and more (one
autumn-winter-spring season) (Petkevichyus 2008; Petkevicius,
Sivilevicius 2000). Under these conditions, the pavement begins to crack
and later crumbles away;
c) Solar radiation. Solar radiation heats the HMA pavement (on a
clear day when air temperature reaches t [greater than or equal to]
30[degrees]C, the HMA pavement heats up to 50-60[degrees]C) causing the
following consequences:
--reduction of resilient module of HMA pavement and reduction of
the strength of its structure;
--rapid ageing of the pavement. In 3 or 5 years cracks may appear
what considerably reduce the resilient module and HMA pavement structure
--reduction of HMA resistance to shear stress produced by
heavy-weight vehicles resulting in the appearance of ruts, waves,
displacements and potholes;
--The insufficient strength of HMA structure causes transverse
cracks and breaks in the HMA pavement;
--Due to insufficient strength, the whole HMA structure or its part
under the HMA pavement becomes very sensitive to:
a) destructive impact of vehicles (heavy-weighed ones in
b) climate factors:
--negative impact of temperature when in the poorly cohered layers
composed of low filtration capacity materials (when filtration
coefficient is lower than 3 m/day) HMA pavement someplace bulges out and
then cracks;
--negative impact of atmospheric water: rainfalls wet out the road
bed. The excessive water reduces the resilient module of the soil
(especially clay) under the road bed.
c) groundwater impact. Shallow groundwater reduces resilient module
of subgrade soil.
4. The condition of HMA pavement and its structure, rational
service life and other important indices
Investigation results (Petkevicius 2000; Petkevicius, Podagelis
2000; Petkevicius, Sivilevicius 2000) have revealed that the condition
of HMA pavement and the condition and SL of HMA pavement structure is
best modelled by HMA resistance to tension by bending [R.sub.b],
resilient modules of pavement and other structure layers (HMA
pavement--[E.sub.HMA], subgrade layers: coarse aggregate [E.sub.CA],
sand--[E.sub.S], etc.), HMA pavement structure strength coefficient
[], and fatigue resistance of HMA [N.sub.AC]. The values of
indices [R.sub.b], [E.sub.AC] and [N.sub.AC] can be derived using the
common formulae with respect to the chosen type and sort (composition
and structure) of HMA. By modelling HMA composition (composed of chosen
required materials and bitumen), it is possible to derive the values of
indices [R.sub.b], [E.sub.AC], [N.sub.AC] and [E.sub.CA] and forecast
the future quality of HMA pavement and its structure (after 1, 2 and n
years) (Petkevicius, Sivilevicius 2000).
For modelling the quality of HMA pavement it is relevant to
determine the physical and mechanical properties of HMA. In many
developed West European countries, it has been reported that HMA
functional in the pavement is modelled by the following indices:
stability S, flow F, volume of air voids [V.sub.a] according to Marshal,
[E.sub.AC], [N.sub.AC], etc. According to Petkevicius and Sivilevicius
(2000) investigations the HMA composition is a decisive factor for
pavement roughness Y, pavement quality (D), HMA pavement structure
strength (strength coefficient []), and absorptive power W. D is
highly dependent on W (the properties of HMA modelled by W and [V.sub.a]
are comparable):
D = 27.5 + 12.27[W.sup.2] + 30.1W ([R.sup.2] = 0.884), (6)
D = 539 + 13.48[B.sup.2] - 170.45 ([R.sup.2] = 0.980), (7)
Y = 1218 + 19.83[B.sup.2] - 246B ([R.sup.2] = 0.672), (8)
[] = -34.93-97.47 [(B/F).sup.2] + 119.56 ([B/F])
([R.sup.2] = 0.792), (9)
W = 26.7 + 48.2 ([F/CA])-0.064[F.sup.2] - 114.3(B/CA) +
8.36-([B/F]) - 9.6B - 1.12[B.sup.2] ([R.sup.2] = 0.810), (10)
where B, F and CA in 6-10 are relative portions (mass %) of
bitumen, grains finer than 0.071 mm and grains coarser than 5 mm in HMA
pavement respectively.
The expected SL [T.sub.s] of HMA pavement structure is ensured when
[E.sub.f] [less than or equal to] [E.sub.D], and [E.sub.D] [greater than
or equal to] [E.sub.r] ([] = [E.sub.D]/[E.sub.r][greater than or
equal to] 1.0). The [E.sub.f] of HMA pavement structure reduces in the
course of time: at first at a slower rate which is gradually increasing.
Sivilevicius and Petkevicius (2002) investigations have shown that the
reduced average HMA pavement structure [E.sub.f] entails a higher value
of its standard deviation [[sigma].sub.E]. The increasing traffic volume
N requires higher [E.sub.f] of HMA pavement structure. When in the
course of time the reducing min HMA pavement structure
[E.sub.f]([E.sup.(min).sub.f], usually ensured with probability P =
90-99%, equals the required increasing [E.sub.r] (provision
[E.sup.(min).sub.f] = [E.sub.r]) and continues to reduce further
([E.sup.(min).sub.f] [greater than or equal to][E.sub.r]), the rational
SL [T.sub.s] of HMA pavement structure comes to an end and the HMA
pavement structure requires a prompt major repair.
The real SL of HMA pavement will equal the expected one when at the
end of the time span its roughness index is not lower than the
permissible one (when the index of real roughness [Y.sub.f] is not
higher than the permissible index [Y.sub.p], i.e. [Y.sub.f] [less than
or equal to] [Y.sub.p]). The roughness of the HMA pavement functional
for T years is consistently deteriorating (the roughness index [Y.sub.f]
is increasing). The increasing N requires higher quality of roughness
(roughness index [Y.sub.p] should be lower). In length of time, the real
roughness index If increases from the starting [Y.sub.f] = [Y.sub.p] to
permissible [Y.sub.f] = [Y.sub.p] and continues to increase to [Y.sub.f]
> [Y.sub.p] when the rational SL of HMA pavement [T.sub.HMA].sup.r]
comes to an end and the pavement needs an immediate repair improving its
roughness (the smoothening effect [DELTA]Y). After repaired roughness,
i.e. implementation of the condition [Y.sub.f] < [Y.sub.p], the
pavement can be again used until [Y.sub.f] = [Y.sub.p], i.e. until the
following repair [T.sub.HMA].sup.(i)]. The pavement SL until the first
repair [T.sub.HMA].sup.(i)] depends on its starting roughness [Y.sub.0]
and on the time span for the pavement to deteriorate, i.e. on the N, on
the properties of the materials of the pavement and HMA pavement
structure layers, and on the thickness of HMA pavement structure layers
and degree of their compression ([]). Deterioration of pavement
roughness Y depends on the increasing value of D influenced by the
described factors. The pavement SL until the second repair
[T.sub.HMA].sup.(2)] and the subsequent repairs depends on the
smoothening effect [DELTA]Y and on the character of repairs (method of
smoothening, used materials, technologies, etc.) (Petkevicius,
Sivilevicius 2000).
The better is the roughness index [Y.sub.IRI] (the higher is
[DELTA]Y), the longer is the time span of pavement SL [T.sub.AC]
Investigation results (Petkevicius 2000; Sivilevicius, Petkevicius
2002) have shown that the D is an important index of the state of HMA
pavement and its structure. Using formulae (2) and (3), the limit
permissible values of D have been determined [D.sup.(p).sub.1] = 8% and
[D.sup.(p).sub.2] = 16% which are taken as criteria for calculating the
time span after which repairs of the HMA pavement ([T.sub.HMA]) and its
structure ([T.sub.s]) are necessary. The following formulae are
suggested for determining the values of indices [T.sub.HMA] and
[T.sub.s] (Petkevicius 2002):
[T.sub.HMA] = [D.sup.(p).sub.1/[DELTA][D.sup.(p).sub.1], [T.sub.s]
= [D.sup.(p).sub.2]/[DELTA][D.sup.(p)], (11)
where [DELTA][D.sup.(p).sub.1], [DELTA][D.sup.(p).sub.2] are the
absolute average increments of index D per year at respective time spans
from 0 to [D.sup.(p).sub.1] and from 0 to [D.sup.(p).sub.2]. The time
spans and values of [DELTA][D.sup.(p).sub.1] and
[DELTA][D.sup.(p).sub.2] can be determined using a graph of
interdependence between the D and SL [T.sub.f] (Fig. 2).
Taking into account the average annual values
[DELTA][D.sup.(p).sub.1] and [DELTA][D.sup.(p).sub.2] of HMA pavement D
and value [DELTA][Y.sub.IRI] = 0.09 m/km of annual deterioration of
pavement roughness index Y [DELTA][Y.sub.IRI] = 0.09 m/km we determined
the permissible values of the quality indices of HMA pavement and its
structure (Petkevicius 2000; Petkevicius, Sivilevicius 2000;
Sivilevicius, Petkevicius 2002) (Table 3). Also their HMA pavement and
its structure rational reliability values were determined--respectively
[P.sub.HMA] [greater than or equal to] 92% and [P.sub.p] [greater than
or equal to] 84%.
Also the rational starting HMA pavement structure strength
coefficient [] was determined for national roads of different
categories with HMA pavement: [] = 1.5-1.6 for highways;
[] = 1.4-1.5 for roads of category I; [] = 1.3-1.4 for
roads of category II; [] = 1.2-1.3 for roads of category III;
[] = 1.1-1.2 for roads of category IV; [] = 0.5-1.1 for
roads of category V (Butkevicius et al. 2007). It is recommended to
repair the HMA pavement and its structure when the values are:
[] = 0.95-1.00 for highways and roads of category I; []
= 0.90-0.95 for roads of categories II and III; [] = 0.85-0.90
for roads of category IV and [] = 0.80-0.85 for roads of
category V
5. Conclusions
A decisive influence on the functional conditions and SL of HMA
pavement of motor roads and its structure is produced by the following
factors: traffic loads (heavy-weight vehicles in particular), local
climate and weather conditions, local soils (their properties) and other
local conditions (shallow groundwater horizon, soil moisture regime and
pavement construction conditions--whether the road is built on an
embankment or in an excavation, etc.).
The functional conditions and SL of HMA pavement and its structure
also depend on the factors related with qualification and experience of
road constructors and technologists: chosen materials for building HMA
pavement structure (the following indices of chosen materials are of
major importance: values of resilient modules and thickening
coefficients, filtration coefficient of sand, etc.), capacities
(designed and real) of layers, roughness of HMA pavement (mostly
dependent on the technologist), etc.
Investigations revealed that the state and SL of HMA pavement and
its structure is best reflected by the pavement D and the state of HMA
pavement structure is also well reflected by its strength expressed in
the []. The article contains recommendations on the critical
values of pavement D indicating the necessity for operative and
preventive repairs of HMA pavement and major repair of HMA pavement
structure. Critical values of [] indicating the necessity of
immediate major repairs of HMA pavement structure (by building a new HMA
pavement) are recommended for roads of different categories.
Implementation of given recommendations on the regularity of
repairs of HMA pavement and its structure of Lithuanian national roads
would ensure the required conditions for safe, comfortable and fast
transportation of passengers and cargo and would contribute to saving
funds allocated to HMA pavement structure repairs.
doi: 10.3846/bjrbe.2010.06
Received 03 March 2008; accepted 7 January 2010
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Kazys Petkevicius (1), Daiva Zilioniene (2), Viktoras Vorobjovas
Dept of Roads, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio
al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mails:;;
Table 1. Condition of HMA
pavement according to D
Condition Level D, %
Perfect 10 < 1
Very good 9 1-3
Good 8 3-5
Sufficient 7 5-8
Satisfactory 6 8-12
Critical 5 12-16
Unsatisfactory 4 16-20
Bad 3 20-25
Very bad 2 25-30
Extremely bad 1 > 30
Table 2. Statistical characteristics of the interim time
spans [T.sub.s] between HMA pavement structure repairs
Statistical characteristics
of time spans [T.sub.s]
Arithmetic Standard
mean deviation
[[bar. [[chi
X].sub. square] Variation Number of
T.], .sub.T], coefficient examined
Road No. years years V, % sector, n
Vilnius- 9.09 2.83 31.2 47
Vilnius- 8.77 3.42 39.1 26
A1 and A2 8.97 3.04 33.8 73
Table 3. The values of HMA pavement and its structure
condition of the Lithuanian roads and the recommended
values of quality indices
Quality index and Temporary
measuring unit value
Pavement roughness
[Y.sub.IRI] m/km:
Before the pavement repair [less than or
equal to] 2.50
Before the HMA pavement [less than or
structure repair equal to] 2.75
Quality indices of the
upper pavement layer:
Thickness [h.sup.v], mm [greater than
or equal to] 40
Compression index [greater than
(coefficient) [K.sub.c] or equal to] 1.00
Service life T, years:
Before the pavement [greater than
repair [T.sub.HMA] or equal to] 5.5
Before the HMA pavement [greater than
structure repair [T.sub.s] or equal to] 8.0