Traffic restriction policies in Lithuanian cities based on Vilnius case study/Eismo ribojimo politika Lietuvos miestuose remiantis Vilniaus miesto pavyzdziu/Satiksmes ierobezojumu politika Lietuvas pilsetas balstoties uz Vilnas piemera/Liikluspiirangute poliitika Leedu linnades tuginedes Vilniuse uuringule.
Grigonis, Vytautas ; Paliulis, Grazvydas Mykolas
1. Introduction
The growth of traffic flows in larger Lithuanian cities has become
a difficult dilemma (Viteikiene, Zavadskas 2007). Social and economic
sustainability in these cities is closely related to the character of
their communication system, and today requires decisions on which means
of communication should be given priority and which model (American or
European) should the traffic organization solutions be based on.
The aim of this article is to complete an analysis of traffic
restriction and the organization possibilities in the Lithuanian cities
as well as to provide strategic proposals on how to improve the existing
traffic situation. With this aim in mind the article describes several
worldwide traffic restrictions and organization measures, traffic flow
surveys and includes an analysis of the survey results. Finally, the
article presents proposals related to traffic organization and a
substantiation of these proposals.
2. Current situation
The annual growth of traffic flows in Vilnius Old Town has
increased problems of the environment, traffic safety, economic and
social issues (Flay et al. 2007; Juskevicius, Burinskiene 2007; Orru et
al. 2008). The Old Town has been included into the UNESCO World Heritage
List and it is a sensitive zone of the city from the transportation
point of view, because it is located in a hollow, the prevailing streets
are narrow and poorly aerated and the traffic is very intensive.
Vehicle-generated noise in the city centre causes a negative impact on
the working capacity of the centre residents and their health and rest
at night due to the frequently exceeded permissible noise levels in the
Old Town streets.
The most problematic core of Old Town covers 92 ha of the central
part of Vilnius city. Based on expert and statistical forecasts, it has
been shown that car ownership in Vilnius in 2020 will make-up approx 600
cars per 1000 inhabitants (Grigonis 2005). Due to the specific
transportation system and such a large number of cars in the city, the
transport infrastructure will be inevitably become over-saturated and
traffic conditions in the Old Town will become more problematic and more
difficult each year.
The transport system research carried out by us, the comprehensive
statistics and the monitoring analysis enable us to define the basic
problems related to transport and traffic in the central parts of Kaunas
and Klaipeda, namely: the central street network is not properly
designed for the current peak hour transport flows; unreliable transport
system and insufficient traffic safety; lack of spaces for parking (in
particular short-term parking) in the centre, as most vehicles are
parked for 5-8 h; vehicles parked close to intersections, on the
sidewalks and on the streets (carelessly and in restricted areas) impede normal and safe traffic of transport, pedestrians and tourists;
transport generated noise and pollution have negative impact on
residential and historical environment; and the public transport is not
able to compete with cars.
The traffic restriction means to be implemented in the old town of
Vilnius could be successfully applied in Kaunas and Klaipeda. An
integrated car parking system should be developed as an important
infrastructure element of those towns that ensures a sustainable
development of the central parts of towns. It is also necessary to
protect and foster cultural and historical environment of the old towns
of Kaunas and Klaipeda by giving priority to pedestrians and tourists.
The main means for traffic restriction in the central parts of
Kaunas and Klaipeda are the following: reduction of transit transport
flows; introduction of priority pedestrian streets; reduction of the
number of parking spaces on the streets and squares of the old town
(differentiated parking price); differentiation of the existing street
network; formation of the network of roundabouts and distribution
streets of the centre and the old town; restriction of parking on the
streets with the carriageway narrower than 5.0 m; modernization of the
urban public transport by making corrections in the route network and
granting priority traffic conditions; reserve parking spaces for the
transport of the disabled (4% of the total spaces); making available the
necessary number of parking spaces at newly built or reconstructed objects in accordance with the requirements.
The proposed transport mode of the central part of Kaunas is the
area of calm traffic. The implementation of the bypass of the old town
and the central part in the south would result in lower traffic on
Birstono-Gimnazijos and Gertrudos-Saukliu streets to 1000 vph (vehicles
per hour). It is foreseen that these streets will be serviced by the
priority public transport traffic. It is planned that other streets will
be available only to the transport of local residents.
The main traffic restriction means in the old town of Kaunas:
traffic regulations in individual zones; installation of parking
facilities outside the old town; and construction of the pedestrian
bridge near the Kaunas Castle.
In the perspective, the growth of the car ownership level in Kaunas
and Klaipeda will be slower compared with the present growth, as it
approaches the limit of relative saturation. Taking into consideration
the rate of the socioeconomic development of Lithuania and the
forecasted 10 years, the car ownership level will not exceed 600
veh./1000 population.
Therefore the growth of transport flows in the central parts of
Kaunas and Klaipeda will depend on the factors, the main of which are
the following: the existing and perspective capacity of individual
streets; natural transport flow growth resulting from the expansion of
the car ownership level, comfort and attractiveness of car use; changes
in the objects of work, residence and service; increasing density of
building development; variable traffic organization and traffic
regulation means, contributing to the increased network capacity.
Research carried out in the central part and the old town of
Klaipeda reveals that the average number of vehicles parked
simultaneously is about 4700. On weekdays the number of parked vehicles
fluctuates by [+ or -] 7%. The number of vehicles parked in the central
part of the town amounts to 3700, in the old town it amounts to 1000
vehicles, or respectively 79% and 21%. The passenger cars account for
more than 94%. The main parking areas include carriageways and
yards--for more than 85% of parking spaces.
In the centre of Klaipeda more than 60% of parking spaces are
occupied for 11 h, while in the old town for 9 h. It is forecasted that
the rate of the growth of the need for parking places in the central
parts of Kaunas and Klapeda will be higher than the average annual
growth rate of the street flows and lower than the average annual growth
rate of the car ownership. With the annual car ownership growth level of
5%, the need for parking spaces will grow by 2-2.5% per year.
The parking system in the centre and the old town of Klaipeda would
consist of the following elements: requirements and norms of parking
infrastructure; parking facilities operated by private or other entities
(paid parking, parking in yards, parking in individual buildings);
public parking facilities operated by municipal entities, the parking
regime that could consists of 3 zones, namely: the Red Old Town Zone
with the limited vehicle traffic and parking; the Brown Centre Zone, in
which parking would be partly limited; and the Green Centre Zone, in
which parking would be essentially free-of-charge, with the exception of
local special events.
The linear structure of Klaipeda street network that contributes to
larger transport flow concentration and that average density of the
street network fail to create favourable conditions for the citizens to
free use of their vehicles and to avoid transport problems in the town
centre. A low density of citizens of Klaipeda also aggravates transport
communication and generates an extra need for transport. Transport
infrastructure in the central part of Klaipeda is not capable of
managing vehicle flows in peak hours. Therefore, in the central part and
the old town, the public transport should be given priority, and in
future it could be the only means for passenger transport. Everyday, the
feasibility of parking areas in the town central part becomes an
increasing problem solution of which could lie in the improvement of
vehicle traffic organisation by improving technical parameters of the
street network and by reducing their vehicle-generated load.
The street network of the old town of Kaunas is irregular, the
street width is 6 to 12.0 m, and this results in the concentration of
large transport flows (Saukli? street 3350 vph, sv. Gertrudos
street--3200 vph, Birstono street 2990 vph, Gimnazijos street--2710
vph), which cause extensive pollution as the old town is located in the
bottom of two rivers and its building development is of perimeter shape.
The corridor of Saukliu-sv. Gertrudos-Gimnazijos streets is
over-saturated all day long and it drastically divides the old town into
2 parts and exerts a negative impact on it. The load on the network of
streets is heaviest in the central part that concentrates work,
commercial and public objects, and street routes are most favourable for
getting to the functionally polarised areas. Everyday, the central part
of Kaunas is visited by 90-100 thousand people who come by the public
transport, cars or on foot. Everyday 8000-8500 vehicles are parked in
the central part of the town, including 2500 vehicles in paid parking
In the short run, the centre and the old town of Kaunas should be
subject to traffic regulation.
3. Worldwide experiences
The official transport policy of the European Union (EU) and the
results of the public debates on the transport policy are expressed in 3
ways, namely: the Green Paper, the White Paper, and the EU legislation.
The European Union formulates and implements the transport strategy
aiming at the promotion of a more sustainable mobility in towns. To that
end, the following has been foreseen:
* to promote people's interest in the energy efficient
vehicles and new progressive low-emission technologies;
* to promote use of the public and engineless vehicles;
* to make special plans of parking facilities and to restrict
entrance to the centre of the town;
* to develop information systems of traffic management;
* to integrate cargo and passenger transport modes;
* to develop the new transport pricing system (e.g. subsidies to
the public transport from the charges collected for entrance to and
parking in the central part of the town);
* to integrate planning of land use and transport with a view of
reducing the need for travelling and expanding the share of travelling
by the public transport;
* to encourage the people who are not keen travellers to use the
public transport;
* to promote and support cycling;
* to promote telework.
A person who is driving his/her car in peak hours often pay only
part of the costs, i.e. account is not taken of the external transport
costs of such driving. The external transport costs consist of the
* traffic jams,
* harm to infrastructure,
* noise,
* traffic accidents,
* exhaust emissions.
Various ways and means have been studied and implemented all over
the world so as to change the transport needs of inhabitants, to modal distribution between transport modes and to reduce environmental
pollution. The two main groups of strategies used for these purposes can
be mainly distinguished: land use strategy and transport strategy. The
character of using these strategies is divided into technological,
social, political and economic (administrative) subgroups.
Land use and transport strategies cover the planning of transport
infrastructure and transport services, control, pricing and the
rendering of information. The aim of a land use strategy is related to
the reduction of the travel need (e.g. the concept of a sustainable and
compact city). However, the implementation of transport strategies is
mainly aimed at harmonizing the communication system as much as possible
(e.g. charging money sums in order to reduce traffic flows, increasing
the efficiency and occupation of vehicles).
Implementation of a land use strategy helps reducing travel length
and time, contributing to changes in human behaviour and addings to an
efficient use of the transport infrastructure. When implementing the
transport strategy a modal distribution, human behaviour in selecting
the travel mode and the living place is changed, the transport
infrastructure is used more efficiently. From a long-term point of view
the above-mentioned different strategies and their realization measures
interact; therefore, they must be well coordinated (Bertolini et al.
2005; Shepherd et al. 2006).
The general objective of the PRIMA project financed by European
Commission in 2000 was to analyze the reasons behind the
acceptance/non-acceptance or urban road pricing schemes and to find
measures to increase its acceptability. The results from a survey
conducted in 8 cities, including Oslo, Stockholm, Rotterdam, Lyon,
Barcelona, Berne and Zurich, resulted in the following where the
participants were asked how congestion should be managed. Fig. 1 shows
the results of the survey. Restrictions in city centres are not very
favourable option, however 55% of inhabitants agree with such strategy.
Inhabitants were also asked their opinion about the potential for
using road pricing as a means of traffic congestion (Fig. 2).
On 17 Feb, 2003 a new pricing system was introduced in London under
the responsibility of Transport for London. Although before the
introduction of the project the opinion was negative, after the projects
had been implemented the surveys revealed that the major part of
citizens approves such a step.
Experience of such cities as London, Stockholm, Oslo, Singapore,
Riga and Tallinn shows that the most efficient way of traffic flow
management is road pricing. Stricter traffic restrictions with the help
of prohibiting signs is not as attractive as road pricing, because for a
certain time the traffic is limited to all the users, and the number of
violators increases making these strategies non-beneficial to the
businesses located in the Old Town. On the other hand, Vilnius Old Town
is large and it would be unwise to leave the central part of the city
without transport communication (Hensher, Puckett 2007; Paliulis,
Valeika 2005; Rye et al. 2005).
4. Traffic survey in Vilnius Old Town
Complex traffic surveys in Vilnius Old Town of City were carried
out on Thursday 29 Sept, 2005 and Saturday 22 Oct, 2005. The students
from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, in the Dept of Urban
Engineering completed surveys of traffic flows on 7 main entrance
streets to the Old Town. A major part of the day's traffic and
pedestrian flows were surveyed as well as the occupancy of parking
places in Vokieciu Street (a central street in the Old Town). With the
help of the police, the students questioned drivers on 5 main entrance
streets to the Old Town (Fig. 3).
For the purpose of transport planning (Kapski et al. 2008) the
Vilnius is divided into a finite set of transportation regions (Fig. 3),
which during the student's surveys was included and used for
determininig the transit flows of the Old Town (transit flow--vehicles
and their drivers that passed through the Old Town with a destination
related to another transportation region of the city).
The questioning was carried out on 29 Sept, 6 Oct and 13 Oct in
2005 between 8:00 and 13:00. In the course of a questioning n = 889
questionnaires (Table 1) were collected and then processed by a database
of streets and transportation regions. Since no data was available
before the survey to exactly define the extent of questioning, survey
errors were determined by the following formula for defining the sample
n = N x [1.96.sup.2] x p x q/[[epsilon].sup.2] x(N -
1)+[1.96.sup.2] x px q (1)
Accuracy of the survey was estimated by applying the following
[epsilon] = [square root of (N x [1.96.sup.2] x p x q - n x
[1.96.sup.2] x p x q/n(N -1), (2)
where N - population size, the value 1.96 corresponds to 95% of
probability level of the standardized normal distribution; p -
anticipated probability of the event's outcome, i. e. a probability
that the considered feature will occur in the considered population
(usually a probability of the worst variant is taken--the feature
characteristic to half, i. e. 50% of the population and the selected p =
0.5); q--probability that the considered feature will not occur in the
considered population (q = 1 - p = 0.5); [epsilon] - desired accuracy,
usually set as 0.05.
Having estimated for a given number of questionnaires the accuracy
with 95% probability it can be stated that the features of the
questioning results have [epsilon] = [+ or -]3.2 (%) reliability. The
reliability is better than the mean reliability set at the beginning of
the survey.
5. Results of the traffic surveys in Vilnius Old Town
Most cars entering Vilnius Old Town were driven by males (73%) and
almost 63% of the respondents attributed to the group of younger people,
thus suggesting that the major part of respondents are working people.
The average car occupation determined during the survey was found to be
1.35 persons.
One of the tasks of the survey in Vilnius Old Town was to determine
transit flows and their indicators. The research of transport flows
indicates 3 peaks during the day (Fig. 4). Evening peak is the most
apparent and related to attractiveness of Vilnius Old Town.
On the basis of transportation regions it was determined that about
19% of the respondents declared Vilnius Old Town as their departure and
arrival point. This means that the car is used by a large number of
drivers as a communication means for shorter trips to the Old Town. Such
a hypothesis is confirmed by the average travel time from the departure
time indicated by the drivers. Approx 44% of the drivers entering the
Old Town indicated that their travel duration was up to 15 min long.
Transit traffic in Vilnius Old Town makes up 39% of the total
number of passing vehicles (Fig. 5). Transit vehicles are those crossing
the Old Town without making a stop and where the drivers have no travel
purposes within this area.
Most drivers (60%) passing through the Old Town in the day-time
have job-related purposes and only a few of remaining pass through the
Old Town with daily affairs or to do shopping (6% and 1%, respectively).
A relatively large number of drivers (20%) indicated other travel
purposes that could be related to daily or cultural travels (to take a
walk, attend meetings, sport events, and/or visit medical institutions,
etc. Fig. 6).
Similar results were obtained after having made an analysis of the
travel purposes of those who come to the Old Town. Approx 59% of travels
were related to these people's job, 10% went to educational
institutions and 18% had other purposes. Also, only a few people went
into the Old Town for daily affairs or to do some shopping, i.e. 6% and
1%, respectively.
Since job-related travels prevail, 68% of respondents indicated
that this is their usual travel which is repeated 4.92 times per week on
average. The remaining travels are made non-periodically.
To find out the drivers' attitude towards road pricing the
following question was given: Is it necessary to introduce a money
charge for entrance into Vilnius Old Town in order to reduce the transit
traffic? Approx 66% of respondents were against charging a money sum and
34% expressed their approval. All respondents without exception that
returned home to the Old Town (residents of the Old Town, N = 13)
expressed their willingness to charge a road price for entrance into the
Old Town.
Traffic organization in the core of Vilnius Old Town is specific:
some streets have speed and traffic restrictions or the traffic of heavy
vehicles is prohibited. Pedestrian streets are only formal, since they
are used by traffic, and parking of vehicles is allowed. Due to the fast
development of the city core, the traffic flows have been continuously
increasing and in the last 20 years the annual increase of the traffic
flows has reached 5.5%. Table 2 presents the dynamics of traffic on the
main entrances to the Old Town per an average hour in 1988-2005.
If the present general tendencies of 7% annual growth of car
ownership in Vilnius will remain, then in the year 2020 Vilnius will
have more than 600 cars per 1000 inhabitants (Grigonis 2005) (Fig. 7).
The main statistical estimates of the model are the following: the mean
absolute error is 13.38; the mean square error is 268.42; the mean error
is 5.45697 x [10.sup.-12].
The surveys and recalculations showed that Vilnius Old Town is
entered by more than 63 000 cars daily at the main entrances. Transit
traffic makes-up more than 25 000 vpd (vehicles per day) and this has a
negative impact on the tourist and recreational attractiveness of the
Old Town.
6. Alternatives for reducing traffic volume
With the annual increase in the car ownership and traffic flows by
7% and 5.5%, respectively, it is necessary to seek for an acceptable
solution to decrease traffic flows in Vilnius Old Town.
A complete prohibition of traffic (with the help of prohibitive signs) would be unacceptable with respect to the business people and the
residents of Vilnius. Therefore, the more widely analyzed alternatives
that can solve traffic problems are the introduction of Old Town
by-passes, loop or charged entrances (the charge does not apply to
emergency services, special transport, disabled people, or public
transport). Encouragement of the use of public transport and
non-motorized vehicles as well as walking could be analyzed as
additional measures of the already-mentioned alternatives.
6.1. Alternative of the Old Town by-passes
The alternative of by-passes was analyzed by using the VIDAS
(Vilnius Integrated Development Assessment System) database that was
developed on the basis of EMME/2 Traffic Flow Modelling Software. When
modelling traffic flows the following elements were defined:
hypothetical alternation of land use (based on the Master Plan),
transport system development and the growth of the car ownership levels
(Grigonis, Paliulis 2007). The scenarios were developed by logically
arranging the order of probable events and were based on an analysis of
the existing situation and the mentioned surveys before the forecast was
made. When developing the scenarios, 2 main and separate infrastructure
elements were distinguished as having an influence on the traffic flows
of the Old Town, i.e. the southern by-pass of the Old Town and the
southern by-pass of the city.
The modelling results showed that the southern bypass of the Old
Town and the southern by-pass of the city will have an influence on the
traffic flows in the territory of the Old Town. Shortly after
implementation of the bypasses the traffic flows would be reduced by
approx 400 cars/h, while in 2015 as many as 554 vph would by-pass the
Old Town as compared to the "Do nothing" scenario. However,
the general tendency of the growth of traffic flows would remain at 6.1%
per year and this would allow planners to state that development of
by-pass infrastructure would only slightly contribute to a sustainable
development of Vilnius Old Town. On the other hand, the realization of
the by-passes provides the possibility to divert a major part of traffic
flows from the narrow streets of the Old Town (at present it is
necessary to cross the Old Town as there are no alternatives) and to
designate narrow streets for pedestrians, bicyclists and public
6.2. Alternative of the loop entrance
The idea of a loop-type entrance to Vilnius Old Town was suggested
10 years ago with the aim of reducing transport problems and increasing
tourist attractiveness to Vilnius Old Town. One of the analyzed
alternatives is shown in Fig. 8.
The main point of the loop entrance is to locate the loop entrances
to the Old Town in a way so that the driver would previously decide
where he/she is going and additional driving in the Old Town would be
especially unattractive (a more simple decision would be walking). Also,
unfavourable conditions are created for the transit traffic, because
there is no possibility to make a straight crossing of the whole
territory of the Old Town. This alternative in a short-term perspective
has certain advantages as no charges will be introduced to the residents
of the Old Town, and the traffic loading in the core of the Old Town
will be reduced. To find out the likely influence of this traffic
organization scheme a modelling of traffic flows was carried out for the
years 2005 and 2015.
Changes that would occur after implementing this traffic
organization scheme in 2005 are described in Scenario 2403 (the current
land use and the current level of car ownership) (Table 3). Forecasting
the future situation in 2015, Scenario 2404 has been developed (if the
growth of the car ownership level in 2025 reaches 550 veh./1000
population, places of work and residence change under the comprehensive
plan the loop entrance traffic organization system would be introduced).
Comparison of Scenario 2403 and 2404 reveals that by 2015 the average
annual increase of transport flows in the old town would amount to 5.9%.
Compared to the existing situation, the flows on the streets of the town
would decrease by 10.9% and such relative trend would prevail until
6.3. Alternative of the charged entrance
The charged entrance to the Old Town undoubtedly will influence the
selection of travel route and will divert the traffic flows to
roundabout streets (Jamshid 2006). However, in order to evaluate this
alternative, it is necessary to refer to certain assumptions or to
examples from other cities.
In this case, the modeling of traffic flows is not beneficial and
it requires a wide range of additional surveys to assess the individual
behaviour of the user of transport infrastructure.
The survey showed that the transit traffic in Vilnius Old Town
makes up 39% of all entering traffic. A number of people will have one
or another reaction to the charged entrance: they will reject the
travel, change to public transport, or choose the "park and
go" alternative by leaving the car and walking on foot, or share
the car with their colleagues etc.
The academic staff of the Dept of Urban Engineering VGTU carried
out an expert evaluation of the influences of a charged entrance/road
price on the subsystem of private transport (Table 4).
According to the medium scenario, the total flow of vehicles would
decrease by about 14.8%. In the long-term perspective, when all the
by-passes of Vilnius City are constructed, the effect of charged
entrance/road pricing on the transport system of the Old Town will be
even larger and could reach 16-20%.
The use of the system of video cameras is very flexible from the
point of view of collecting charges (the residents could pay by the
Internet, telephone, or at specific places) and the coordinately
controlled system for the management of traffic flows, planned to be
installed in the near future, would supplement charged entrance
alternative. The latter system optimizes time-delays at the crossings
and gives drivers additional (real-time) information about alternative
routes in Vilnius.
7. Discussion of the results
Volumes of traffic flows in Vilnius Old Town are related not only
to the concentrated variety of businesses but also to the developed
structure of the city. From the long-term point of view it is necessary
to reduce the number of enterprises and establishments within this
territory that has been generating attraction of inhabitants in large
Three main alternatives have been modelled and analyzed: "Old
Town by-passes", "Loop" and "Charged" entrance
to the Old Town. In case of the modelled "Do nothing"
alternative a vehicle flow entering the Old Town consists of 2820
vehicles in rush hours (Table 5). The forecasted average annual growth
is 5.8% (for 10 years).
The "Old Town by-passes" alternative shows that after
construction of the southern by-pass of the Old Town and the southern
by-pass of the city--the flow of vehicles entering the Old Town during
the a rush hour would decrease by 400 (14%) vehicles as compared to the
"Do nothing" alternative. Meanwhile, the annual growth of
traffic flows would be significantly faster--6.1% (10 years).
The "Loop entrance" alternative has the advantage of
restricting traffic flows by including the reduced attractiveness of
driving in the Old Town streets. The flows into the Old Town, when
compared to the "Do nothing" alternative, in peak hours would
decrease by 308 vehicles (10.9%) and the annual growth would reach 5.9%.
In case of the medium alternative, the "Charged entrance"
would reduce the entering traffic flow by 14.8%. A tendency for the
annual growth of the traffic flows would remain within the limits of
All the analyzed alternatives would undoubtedly influence the
decrease of traffic flows. However, it must be taken into consideration
that the alternative of the bypasses is already being implemented and
work has already started. When thinking about the more distant future,
it would be important to decide which alternative has to be chosen: the
"Loop entrance" or the "Charged entrance".
Modelling, expert evaluation and analysis results show that the latter
alternative is more advantaged.
8. Conclusions and recommendations
1. The extent of transport flows in the old towns of the towns of
Lithuania is linked not only to the concentrated variety of activities
and the rising level of car ownership but also the existing town
structure. In the long term, it would be necessary to reduce transport
flows. The centres and the old towns of Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda
should be subject to traffic regulation.
2. The worldwide practice of introducing road pricing in cities
showed that before it was introduced it was necessary to clearly define
the goals to be reached, e.g. to reduce congestions and environmental
pollution, to protect the Old Town and to enhance the town's
attractiveness to tourism; also it is necessary to declare that the
collected funds will be used only for developing the public transport
and public infrastructure.
3. During the questioning of drivers in Vilnius Old Town it was
determined that the transit traffic in the Old Town makes up about 39%
of all traffic. This shows that more than 25 000 vehicles per working
day cause a negative impact on the tourist and recreational
attractiveness of the Old Town.
4. Traffic prohibition (with the help of prohibitive signs) is
unacceptable with respect to the business people and residents of
Vilnius. Therefore, the more widely analyzed alternatives are the
charged entrance/road pricing (charge is not applied to emergency
services, special transport, disabled people, public transport,
ecologically cleaner vehicles and residents of the Old Town) and the
loop entrance to the Old Town.
5. All analyzed alternatives influence the decrease of traffic
flows in the Vilnius Old Town. Modelling, expert evaluation and analysis
results show that the "Charged entrance" alternative is more
advantaged than the "Loop entrance" alternative. The former
alternative is also attractive in providing the possibility in 10 years
time to collect funds for financing the public transport infrastructure.
6. One of the most simple traffic restriction mechanisms from
technological and monetary point of view is the recognition and
registration of vehicle number plates which is used in London. There is
no need to install additional recognition devices in the vehicle and a
minimum number of employees would be enough to maintain this system.
7. The "Charged entrance" alternative is a new means to
restrict traffic flows and to harmonize the development plans of the
city. Charging should be applied in rush hours on working days (between
7 a.m. and 6 p.m.). Vehicles could be recorded at 7 main entrances to
Vilnius Old Town.
DOI: 10.3846/1822-427X.2009.4.36-44
Feasibility study was financed by the Municipal enterprise
"Communication services", contract No. 1457-MA.
Received 15 September 2008; accepted 27 February 2009
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Vytautas Grigonis (1), Grazvydas Mykolas Paliulis (2)
Dept of Urban Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mails: (1); (2)
Table 1. Traffic flow on main entrances to Old Town and
number of respondents
Traffic flow
between 8.00 Number of
Name of intersection and 13.00 h respondents
Pylimo-Islandijos 3347 218
Pylimo-Traku 2653 111
Pylimo-Arkliu 1863 207
Maironio-Rusu 4042 198
Sventaragio-S. Guceviciaus 3063 155
Total 14 968 889
Table 2. Dynamics of traffic in Vilnius Old Town per average
hour (1988-2005)
Name of the entrance 1988 1995 1997 1999 2000 2002
Islandijos 228 300 566 688 463 744
Traku 546 360 674 724 804 456
Arkliu 166 107 84 136 104 120
Subaciaus 293 140 206 228 143 400
Latako 123 300 227 290 435 624
S. Guceviciaus 53 50 361 240 450 282
Universiteto -- -- -- 78 100 110
Total of the entrances 1409 1157 2118 2382 2499 2736
Name of the entrance 2003 2005
Islandijos 565 653
Traku 630 788
Arkliu 210 109
Subaciaus 210 375
Latako 515 462
S. Guceviciaus 354 267
Universiteto 120 140
Total of the entrances 2604 2794
Note: In 1995 entrance into the Old Town was charged and thus
the traffic flows decreased at that time. Later, the charging was
Table 3. Transport flows on the main entrance to the old town
of Vilnius after the introduction of the loop entrance scheme
(2005 and 2015)
Modelled Modelled Modelled Modelled
Name of the for 2005 for 2015 for 2005 for 2015
entrance (Sc. 24) (Sc. 240) (Sc. 2403) (Sc. 2404)
Islandijos 639 700 609 737
Traku 613 983 333 627
Arkliu 134 223 61 28
Subaciaus 413 725 475 842
Latako 404 865 298 651
S. Guceviciaus 385 524 661 925
Universiteto 232 440 75 183
Total 2820 4460 2512 3993
Table 4. Evaluation of the influence of charged entrance or road
Influence on
Influence on remaining
transit flows traffic flows
% Vehicles % Vehicles Total
Pessimistic scenario 20 4952 5 1936 6888
Medium scenario 27 6685 7 2711 9395
Optimistic scenario 35 8665 10 3872 12538
Table 5. Summary of modelling and expert evaluation results
Reduced number of Forecasted annual
vehicles (%) in rush growth of traffic flows
hours as compared to % (for 10 years)
Alternative "do nothing" scenario
Do nothing 2820 vehicles 5.8
Old Town by-passes 14 6.1
Loop entrance 10.9 5.9
Charged entrance 14.8 4-5
Fig. 5. Transit traffic in Vilnius Old Town
Transit 39%
Old Town 61%
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Fig. 6. Travel purpose of people crossing or entering
Vilnius Old Town
Type of trip
home-work 524
home-school 80
home-daily affairs 51
home-medical institution 11
home-shop 12
home-other 175
return 35
Note: Table made from bar graph.