Factors determining the inhomogeneity of reclaimed asphalt pavement and estimation of its components content variation parameters/Regeneruojamos asfalto dangos nevienalytiskuma lemiantys veiksniai ir jos komponentu kiekio sklaidos parametru vertinimas ...
Mucinis, Darjusas ; Sivilevicius, Henrikas ; Oginskas, Rolandas 等
Nofrezeta asfalta seguma nehomogenitati ietekmejosie faktori un ta
komponentu daudzuma variacijas parametri
Uuendatud asfaltbetoonisegu homogeensust mojutavad tegurid ja segu
koostiskomponentide variatsiooniparameetrite prognoosimine
1. Introduction
The use of RAP in road construction in the countries with a
developed economy each year acquires an increasingly wider extent. The
reclaimed (recyclable) asphalt pavement (RAP), as defined in the
document Recommended Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in the Superpave
Mix Design Method: Guidelines of 2001, is an asphalt paving material
milled or scraped off an existing bituminous pavement, consisting of
aggregate and asphalt binder. RAP is used both in hot and cold
recycling. A considerable content of RAP is being added in the
production of HMA, too.
The reclaimed (recycled) asphalt concrete (RAC) refers to a hot mix
recycled (HMR) mixture produced from the combinations of RAP, new
aggregate, asphalt cement binder and possibly either rejuvenators or HMR
agents (Shoenberger, Demoss 2005).
Due to the variability of RAP material, experience has generally
shown that mixture quality can be more easily controlled by using less
than 25% RAP (Asphalt Institute 1994).
As can be seen from the data presented in EAPA (the European
Asphalt Pavement Association) information publication Asphalt in Figures
2006, the quantity in tons of the available reclaimed asphalt as well as
its percentage used in hot and cold recycling and also in producting new
hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures varies from country to country. However,
the statistics for Lithuania is not available at EAPA, as no such
information is collected and systematized.
The survey-based data on the use of milled asphalt concrete (AC) by
the Lithuanian road constructing companies were first announced at the
International Conference on Environmental Engineering (Mucinis et al.
2008). These Figs show that milled or scraped off asphalt granules are
being used in HMA only by these companies (accounting for about 50%)
which operate asphalt mixing plants (AMP) equipped with additional
mechanisms for receiving, transporting and dosing RAP. The total volume
of RAP milled in Lithuania during the last few years amounts to about
112 thou tons, approx 80% whereof is being added to HMA in the
proportion of up to 20%, as required in the aforementioned The
Specification of Technical Requirements for Automobile Road Asphalt
Mixtures "TRA ASFALTAS 08", and about 20% is being used in the
production of cold mix asphalt mixtures.
The available scientific evidence proves RAP (RAC) to be generally
suitable for reuse in road construction despite the fact that in the
course of road operation the properties of pavement asphalt undergo
major changes brought about by the ageing of bitumen.
Bituminous mixtures obtained from hot recycling of flexible
pavements demonstrate similar characteristics to new hot mixtures, as
long as the recycled materials are correctly characterized and the mix
design is properly done (Pereira et al. 2004). The first documented case
of hot in-place recycling was completed in the 1930s. The interest in
asphalt recycling increased in the 1970s because of the petroleum crisis
ant the development of a large scale milling machine in 1975 (Carter,
Stroup-Gardiner 2007).
Widyatmoko (2008) demonstrates that the asphalt mixtures containing
RAP performed at least similar to, or better than the conventional
asphalt materials. However, the actual effect of RAP on the mixture
properties and field performance of these mixtures is unknown (Daniel,
Lachance 2005; McDaniel, Anderson 2001).
In Daniel and Lachance (2005) have presented and discussed the
tension and compression dynamic modulus and the compression creep
compliance master curves for a control mixture and mixtures containing
15%, 25%, and 40% of the processed RAP. The addition of 15% RAP
increased the stiffness of the mixture and decreased the compliance, as
would be expected. This indicates that the mixture containing RAP will
be more resistant to permanent deformation and less resistant to fatigue
and thermal cracking in the field. Mixtures containing 25% and 40% RAP
did not follow the expected trends.
In general, the recycled mix has a greater resistance to rutting
than the virgin mix. From field studies, rutting performance of the
recycled mix has been found better than that of the virgin mix (Aravind,
Das 2007b).
Aravind and Das (2007b) maintain that the cost of construction with
a recycled mix could be more economical compared to a virgin mix. The
percentage of saving in the present example varied between 12.1% and
54.6% for different mixes.
Central plant HMR is one of the popular techniques adapted for RAP
materials. In central plant HMR, RAP intended for recycling is combined
with a required quantity of virgin asphalt binder and new aggregates in
a hot mix plant, located away from the construction site (Aravind, Das
2007b). HMA recycling refers to the process in which RAP is combined
with new or virgin materials to produce HMA mixtures (McDaniel, Anderson
RAP must be thoroughly heated to the proper temperature for mixing
and compaction. It is important to determine the content of moisture in
RAP. When determining batch weights for RAP at the plant, the content of
moisture in RAP must be accounted for, just as it is for virgin
aggregates (McDaniel, Anderson 2001). Baroux (1980) has presented a
formula for estimating the temperature of new mineral substances
transferring heat to RAP which depends on the temperature of recycled
asphalt mixture (RAM), the content of moisture in RAP, their temperature
and content in RAM.
The percentage of RAP incorporated in superpave mixtures is
dependent not only on the properties of RAP binder, RAP aggregate (e. g.
critical temperature, the blend charts of the aged binder and
rejuvenator added, RAP gradation etc.), but also on the requirements for
superpave mixtures (e.g. volumetric properties, mechanical and
performance properties, etc.). Changes in the fractions (e.g. from mesh
No. 4 to No. 8 in the study) of RAP incorporated can effectively effect
the possible percentage of RAPs (Shen et al. 2007).
Because RAP is removed from an old roadway, in addition to the
original pavement materials, it may also include patches, chip seals and
other maintenance treatments. Base, intermediate and surface courses
from the old roadway all get mixed together in the RAP. RAP from several
projects is sometimes mixed in a single stockpile, although this mixing
is not encouraged (McDaniel, Anderson 2001).
Over the service life of asphalt pavement (AP), the old binder in
it gets aged and the aggregate degrades. Further reclamation process may
also contribute to the inhomogeneity of the recycled pavement material.
The milled material is ready for use, fairly clean and relatively
uniform. Consequently, asphalt recycling is a more demanding and
qualified task, requiring extra knowledge and experience compared to
producing overlays of virgin asphalt (Karlsson, Isacsson 2006).
The variability is to a great extent a question of careful handling
of RAP materials. One way to limit the variability of reclaimed material
is to consider unwanted impurities of the old road (e.g. road markings,
coal tar and soil) and sources of homogeneities such as crack seals and
patches. Another way of reducing the variability is to thoroughly mix
the reclaimed materials. If the variability is sufficiently low, it
should be possible to more accurately modify deficiencies in, for
example, aggregate gradation, binder content and stiffness, provided
that the proportion of virgin material added is high enough (Karlsson,
Isacsson 2006).
There is, however, very little information concerning the
characteristics of reclaimed bitumen and how to treat it best for reuse
as a binder. Due to the fact that aged AP during the process of hot
milling is exposed to high temperatures, such properties of bitumen as
penetration and softening point undergo a change. It should be noted
that the average percentage decrease in penetration is 17%, comparised
with the average decrease in penetration during hot mixing which is 35%.
Changes in penetration range from 0 to 32%, and in softening point from
0 to 11% (Stock 1985).
The AP mixture used in Kampur city, India, included virgin bitumen
80/100 with penetration 87.5 dmm and the softening point at
49.5[degrees]C. The examination of two RAP samples taken from the
operated pavement revealed a decrease in bitumen penetration down to 26
and 18.5 dmm respectively, whereas the softening point showed an
increase up to 69.5 and 78.5[degrees]C respectively (Aravind, Das
Widyatmoko (2008) analysed four RAP samples taken from the APs,
which had been in use for 9, 7, 6.5 and 3 years respectively. The
estimated values of penetration and softening point varied from 7 to 16
dmm and from 70 to 87.2 [degrees]C respectively, indicating severely
age-hardened bituminous binder. The results also show large variations
in temperature susceptibility, as indicated by penetration index (PI)
values ranging from +0.5 to +1.7. Fresh, unaged bitumen for road
pavements would generally have a PI in the range from -1.5 to +0.7,
typically close to 0. It is also known that the temperature
susceptibility of bitumen reduces as bitumen hardens (such as due to
The physical and chemical properties of aged RAP binder may be
recovered using the rejuvenating or the softening agents. The
interaction of these agents with the binder is a complicated dynamic
process (Doh et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2006; Shu et al. 2008;
Stroup-Gardiner, Wagner 1999).
Huang et al. (2005) carried out a laboratory study in which the
blending process of RAP with virgin HMA mixture was analyzed through
controlled experiments. One type of screened RAP was blended with virgin
(new) coarse aggregate at different percentages. A blended mixture
containing 20% of screened RAP was subjected to staged extraction and
recovery. The result from this experiment indicated that only a small
portion of aged bitumen in RAP actually participated in the remixing
process; other portions formed a stiff coating around RAP aggregates,
and RAP functionally acted as "composite black rock".
Inclusion of RAP in HMA mixtures had the positive effect on forming a
favourable layered system to enhance the pavement performance.
According TRA ASFALTAS 08, the inhomogeneity of RAP represents one
of the major factors for its limited use in the production of recycled
HMA. The effect of RAP inhomogeneity on the variability of recycled HMA
gradation may be estimated by applying the technique of stochastic
modelling (Sivilevicius, Vislavicius 2008) or the method of linear
programming (Aravind, Das 2007a).
The objective of the present study is to overview the available
scientific sources on the subject and, based on the findings of this
overview, to systematize the factors contributing to the inhomogeneity
of RAP and its increase and investigate experimentally the actual
homogeneity of RAP milled in Lithuania by the way of estimating the
statistic characteristics of RAP gradation, bitumen content and moisture
content which determine the max content of RAP allowed for inclusion
into HMA being recycled.
2. Factors determining the homogeneity of RAP
The homogeneity of AP to be reclaimed depends on different factors
that may be grouped by three stages of pavement life-cycle, as shown in
Table 1.
The initial inhomogeneity of a newly laid AP manifests itself as
the lack of uniformity in the distribution of bitumen content and its
gradation across the entire area of pavement. This type of inhomogeneity
occurs due to systemic and random errors during the technological
process of HMA production in the AMP (Petkevicius, Sivilevicius 2008). A
further decrease in the homogeneity of produced HMA occurs upon keeping
the HMA in a storage silo, loading it onto the truck and then to the
acceptance hopper of the asphalt paver and also upon placing and
compacting it with the asphalt paver (Karalevicius, Sivilevicius 2005).
Generally, the AP is strengthened by adding a course of geogride
(Laurinavicius, Oginskas 2006; Vaitkus et al. 2007), which upon being
milled along the entire length or at certain areas of the pavement
passes through the RAP, hence affecting its homogeneity.
In the course of operation, the AP is exposed to the effects of
climate and weather and the axial load of transport means and this leads
to the decrease in the value of strength coefficient, based on which the
required type of repair works is determined (Butkevicius et al. 2007).
This variable impact contributes to the wear of AP and the occurrence of
damages on the pavement surface course such as cracks, pot-holes, ruts,
waves and crumbling) (Haryanto, Takahashi 2007). The elimination of
these defects requires the use of additional bituminous materials (Fig.
As a rule, these bitumen materials are either applied in the form
of a solid layer of fixed thickness or inserted locally to fill the
random cracks and pot-holes or regularly running ruts. The consumption
of these materials per unit of AP area varies and depends on the order,
in which these damages are distributed, and their dimensions such as
depth, width or length. However, the properties of materials applied for
eliminating pavement damages in the course of time undergo changes, too.
Therefore, upon the expiry of AP operation period, the componential
composition of the reclaimable layer appears to be substantially
different from that of a virgin AP showing an increase in variation,
which happens basically due to uneven process and different degree of
its degradation.
The same areas of the AP surface coarse being milled could have
been already subjected to hot in-place recycling during the previous
repair works using repaving, remixing, remix plus or remix compact
technologies, sometimes referred to as "surface recycling"
(Karlsson, Isacsson 2006; Sivilevicius 1998). The properties of RAP that
had been previously subjected to hot in-place recycling changed,
compared to a virgin HMA pavement, and this happened not only due to the
addition of bituminous materials or the use of additional HMA mixture of
different composition and properties, but also due to the ageing of
bitumen occurring during the process of HMA heating with infrared
When the course (or courses) of RAP is being milled or scraped off
and subsequently crumbled, RAP, depending on the depth of the course
([h.sub.m]), is penetrated by a different amount of repair materials and
asphalt from the surface and/or bin courses of pavement. Upon the
removal of aged AP, a certain portion of grains gets fragmented and
crumbles. While crumbling off the loading transporter of the milling
machine, RAP becomes partially homogenised. This is also when the
segregational inhomogeneity of RAP occurs.
The average content of bitumen (%) in milled RAP granules
([[bar.B].sub.[R.bar]AP]) is generally higher than in virgin HMA
pavement ([[bar.B].sub.HMA]), i.e. [[bar.B].sub.RAP] >
[[bar.B].sub.HMA]. The increase of bitumen content in RAP by an average
value [[bar.B].sub.MRM] is explained by a higher average content per
mass unit of road pavement of bitumen materials consumed during the
maintenance and repair works (viscous road bitumen, polymer modified
bitumen, emulsified asphalt or polymer modified emulsion):
[[bar.B].sub.RAP] = [[bar.B].sub.HMA] + [[bar.B].sub.MRM]. (1)
The content (percentage of mass) of binder over 100% aggregate in
the AC of pavement wearing course shall range from 5.2% for AC 0/16 S-V
and 0/16-V to 8.0% aggregate for AC 0/5-V by Construction
Recommendations R 35-01. For coating the road with a single layer of
crushed stone processed by 1.2-1.5% bitumen, the total amount of bitumen
required increases in average by 7.4% and makes up 8.6-8.9%. If it is
required to cover the road with a double layer, this extra amount makes
up in average 7.7% meaning that the total amount of bitumen required
increases to 8.9-9.2%. For single treatment of pavement with crushed
stone not subjected to processing by bitumen, the total content of
bitumen required averages to 9.4%, and in case of double treatment it
makes up on average 9.5%. For single treatment of road surface with
cationic or polymer modified emulsified asphalt susceptible to fast
decomposition, the extra demand for emulsified asphalt in average ranges
from 8.6% to 14.5% and, in case of a double treatment, it makes up
The variation of RAP gradation compared to a virgin HMA pavement
depends on the content of materials consumed for eliminating pot-holes,
treating the surface and producing slime and on the size of their
fractions. If the quantity of any single or several adjacent narrow
fractions in repair materials is high, the section of RAP gradation
broken-line appears to be steeper (the difference between the percentage
mass passing the adjacent sieves increases).
RAP removed from different roads and streets is delivered to the
territorial storage facility of the AMP and stored there in a single
stockpile formed without any sorting. RAP of different origin and
composition collected in a single stockpile can hardly get homogenised,
therefore its inhomogeneity is determined by an aggregate effect of all
factors presented in Table 1.
The homogeneity (inhomogeneity) of RAP is estimated based on the
variation parameters of each selected quality indicator: variance
[[sigma].sup.2] or standard deviation a. The total variance of
ready-for-use RAP i component content or its property indicator
the following additive model:
for the variance of i component in the new AP; [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] refers to the variance of i component
increased due to the use of additional repair materials, changing the
componential structure of asphalt, and due to the ageing of bitumen at
the end of AP operation period; [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] means the variance of i component increased due
to the fact that RAP removed from pavements of different roads and
streets is stored unsorted in a single stockpile and also due to its
The actual homogeneity of ready-for-use RAP added in producing HMA
mixture depends on all factors grouped and presented in Table 1, the
actual parameters whereof are of a stochastic nature and may
substantially vary. Therefore, the actual values for the content of RAP
components as well as for the variances of their properties
determined based on the experimental data rather than using theoretical
3. Research into the homogeneity of RAP used in Lithuania
3.1. Research methodology
For determining the actual homogeneity of RAP and its variation due
to segregation and mixing processes, occurring when RAP is being loaded
on the truck, transported, releases from the truck bodywork and
collected using a wheeled loader into a stockpile, RAP was sampled from
the following three sources:
--RAP-1 taken from the road, to be more specific, from the road
section containing RAP granules spilled while RAP was crumbling from the
transporter loader of the milling machine to the bodywork (sample size n
= 9);
--RAP-2 obtained from four stockpiles of milled RAP started being
formed on the territory of different asphalt mixing plants (sample size
n = 21);
- RAP-3 sampled at random from the top of RAP stockpile formed at
the open storage facility of an AMP (sample size n = 43).
The sample units were sized in such a way as to enable the
determination of RAP gradation, the content and properties of aged
soluble bitumen and also the formation of Marshall samples with
different content of RAP subsequently tested to determine the dependence
of recycled HMA mixture properties on the content of RAP.
Next, each sample unit was reduced to the mass required to enable
the extraction of bitumen (0.5-1.0 kg). The aged soluble bitumen
separated in Infratest 20-1100 model automatic binder extraction machine
using trichloroethylene solvent was further tested to determine its
standard properties such as penetration, softening point, breaking
point, penetration index, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity and
density, which will be discussed in the follow papers. The aggregate was
screened through a set of standard laboratory sieves. Sample units from
RAP-1 and RAP-2 sample sets were taken and tested in 2007-2008, i.e. at
the time when the Construction Recommendations R 35-01 prescribing the
use of 0.09 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.71 mm. 2 mm. 5 mm, 8 mm, 11.2 mm, 16 mm and
22.4 mm laboratory sieves were in force. In 2009, these Recommendations
were replaced by the TRA ASFALTAS 08 currently in force in Lithuania,
therefore, the sample units from RAP-3 sample set were screened after
the extraction of bitumen using 0.063 mm, 0.125 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm, 1
mm, 2 mm, 5.6 mm, 8 mm, 11.2 mm, 16 mm and 22.4 mm standard laboratory
sieves. This set of sieves was also used for screening 15 samples with
non-extracted granules from RAP-3 sample set; hence screened samples
enabled us to determine the gradation of granules. For each of the 43
RAP-3 sample units, prior to the extraction of granules, the content of
moisture was determined.
The next step included the estimation of statistical
characteristics for the sample units of the 3 sample sets (RAP-1, RAP-2,
RAP-3) through the use of SPSS software data processing package. The
characteristics of data variation (variance and standard deviation) were
used for determining the homogeneity of RAP by bitumen content,
gradation, size of granules and moisture content. However, the SPSS
program does not perform the check for the presence of outliers, i.e.
sampling observations which differ in value from the rest to the extent,
making it reasonable to assume that they belong to another population or
that a measuring error has occurred. After the exclusion of outliers (if
any had been identified), the adjusted statistical characteristics were
estimated, too.
3.2. The size of RAP granules and the content of water and bitumen
in them
The size of RAP granules used in the production of HMA mixture
shall be such as to enable their melting at high temperature transferred
by overheated mineral substances or by gases circulating in the
additional drying drum designed for drying and heating these mineral
substances. To this end, it was important to reduce the max size of RAP
granules which depends on the properties of AP being milled, ambient
temperature, technical parameters of the milling machine, wear degree of
rotating drum cutters and the technology of milling (the depth of
milling and the travel speed of the milling machine). As required under
R 35-01, the max size of milled RAP granules must not exceed the size of
max diameter grains in HMA to be recycled by more than 1.4 times.
The gradation of granules determined for 15 samples of RAP-3 set
before the extraction of bitumen (Fig. 2) shows that the milling machine
is able to crush the old AP into granules smaller than 22.4 or 31.5 mm
in size. The share of granules smaller than 2 mm in average makes up
about 25% (max 33%, min 13%). After the extraction of RAP-3 granules,
the share of granules smaller than 2 mm in size was in average 51.5%.
The max standard deviation [s.sub.p] = 10.9% was observed with respect
to the content of granules sifted through an 8 mm sieve with the average
percentage mass passing the sieve [bar.p] = 62%. In RAP granules
remained unfragmented upon milling, a certain content of mineral filler
and fine aggregate was found. Being exposed to a high temperature in the
AMP, smaller size RAP granules due to melting of binder disintegrate faster hence facilitating the replacement of aged bitumen.
In frequent cases, milled RAP granules may contain precipitation
water, filtered upon their transportation or storage, which must be
evaporated under the impact of high temperature during the technological
process of recycling. The higher the content of moisture in RAP
granules, the more heat power is required for dewatering granules.
The findings of research presented in Table 2 show that 43 sample
units taken from the top of RAP-3 open stockpile contained in average
3.4% of moisture. The content of moisture found in RAP granules varied
from min 0.7% to max 6.5% (range 5.8%). The standard deviation of
moisture content in RAP granules [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] shows that its distribution within a stockpile is
not uniform. The variation of moisture content in stockpiled RAP depends
on the intensity and duration of precipitation, water evaporation and
infiltration to the deeper layers of the stockpile and on the humidity
of delivered and stockpiled RAP.
Baroux (1980) presented the following empirical formula for
estimating the required temperature for the mixture of mineral
substances crumbling from the drying drum of the AMP or the fractions of
dosed and sieved hot aggregate, transferring heat to cold and humid RAP
[T.sub.h.a] = [T.sub.HMA] - [M.sub.RAP] x [T.sub.RAP]/1 -
[M.sub.RAP] + [W.sub.RAP] 4[M.sub.RAP]/1 - [M.sub.RAP](637 -
[T.sub.RAP), (3)
where [T.sub.h.a]--temperature of hot aggregate, [degrees]C;
[T.sub.HMA]--required temperature of recycled HMA mixture, [degrees]C;
[M.sub.RAP]--ratio of RAP granules mass in recycled HMA mixture, in
decimal fractions; [T.sub.RAP]--temperature of RAP granules, [degrees]C;
[W.sub.RAP]--content of moisture in RAP granules, in units.
For instance, if the content of RAP granules ([M.sub.RAP] = 0.2)
with the temperature [T.sub.RAP] = 18[degrees]C and the min 0.7% content
of moisture ([W.sub.RAP] = 0.007) makes up 20%, the [T.sub.h.a] due to
the need of dewatering must be increased by 4.3[degrees]C; when the
content of moisture in such granules is max, i.e. 6.5% ([W.sub.RAP] =
0.065), [T.sub.h.a] must be increased by 40.2[degrees]C (the range
35.9[degrees]C). When RAP granules have the average 3.4% content of
moisture, [T.sub.h.a] shall be increased by 21.0[degrees]C.
RAP must be homogenous. The standard deviation of bitumen content
in 5 sample units (n = 5) shall not exceed 0.6% for [less than or equal
to] 10% RAP and 0.5% for 11-30% RAP, as required under R 35-01. As seen
from the test findings in Table 2, sufficient homogeneity by standard
deviation of bitumen content was observed only in RAP-3 (s = 0.35%). One
sample unit from RAP-2 set appeared to contain as much as 22.31% of
bitumen which was subsequently assigned to outliers and excluded;
therefore, the adjusted statistical characteristics were estimated using
the sample of n = 20 size. RAP-1 and RAP-2 do not satisfy the applicable
standards in terms of homogeneity (s = 0.67% and s = 0.84%
respectively). Therefore the content of such RAP to be added while
producing recycled HMA mixture shall be less than 10%.
The empirical coefficients of distribution, skewness (A) and
kurtosis (E) for moisture and bitumen content in RAP samples (Table 2)
are lower (except for RAP-2 when n = 21) than the values of their
standard deviation [s.sub.A] and [s.sub.E], which depend on the sample
size. The distribution may be assumed as being within the normal range
when [absolute value of A] < 3[s.sub.A] and [absolute value of E]
< 5[s.sub.E]. When n = 9, 3[s.sub.A] = 2.15 and 5[s.sub.E] = 7.00,
when n = 20, 3[s.sub.A] = 1.54 and 5[s.sub.E] = 4.96, when n = 43,
3[s.sub.A] = 1.08 and 5[s.sub.E] = 3.54. Hence it may be reasonably
concluded that the content of moisture and bitumen in RAP follows the
pattern of a normal distribution.
3.3. Gradation of milled RAP and its granules
The gradation of RAP or a virgin HMA mixture is determined from the
curve drawn for the total mass percentage passing all sieves. The
variation of gradation is expressed in terms of standard deviations in
percentage mass passing the sieves ([s.sub.p]), the values whereof
depend on the homogeneity and the arithmetic average of mass percentage
passing the sieves ([bar.p]).
Theoretically, the highest standard deviation [s.sub.p] is observed
with respect to the content of those grains or particles, making up 50%
of the mineral substance mass. Normally, however, the max value of
[s.sub.p] (curve [s.sub.p] = f ([bar.p]) peak) is shifted rightwards and
shows correspondence to [bar.p] of about 60 or 70% (Sivilevicius 2003).
The correlation [s.sub.p] = f ([bar.p]) obtained, based on the research
of gradation in individual samples, makes it possible to measure the
homogeneity of RAP taking no account of the mesh size (the size of
laboratory sieves) and compare it with the homogeneity of other RAP. The
homogeneity of RAP or other HMA mixture is generally determined based on
the max value of [s.sub.p] derived from the regression equation. Knowing
that the [s.sub.p] of percentage mass passing the sieves [s.sub.p] = 0%,
when the average percentage passing [bar.p] = 0% and [bar.p] = 100%, it
was possible to apply the following regression model:
[s.sub.p] = [square root of a x [[bar.p].sup.b] x [(100 -
[bar.p]).sup.c]]), (4)
where a, b, c--the respective unknown parameters of the model
determining the shape of the curve and its asymmetry (the shift of peak
The experimental statistical data for RAP-1, RAP-2, RAP-3 gradation
were used for obtaining RAP homogeneity regression equation [s.sub.p] =
f([bar.p]) and their determination coefficients [R.sup.2]:
--RAP-1 sampled directly from the pavement of road being milled (n
= 9)
[s.sub.p] = [square root of 2.28 x [10.sup.-5] x
[[bar.p].sup.2.385] [(100 - [bar.p]).sup.1.219]], [R.sup.2] = 0.990; (5)
--RAP-2 sampled from open stockpiles started to be formed in 4
different facilities of an AMP (n = 21)
[s.sub.p] = [square root of 2.32 x [10.sup.-5] x
[[bar.p].sup.2.558] [(100 - [bar.p]).sup.1.165]], [R.sup.2] = 0.954; (6)
--RAP-3 sampled from a stockpile of material prepared for recycling
kept at the open storage facility of an AMP (n = 43)
[s.sub.p] = [square root of 2.81 x [10.sup.-5] x
[[bar.p].sup.2.587] [(100 - [bar.p]).sup.1.041]], [R.sup.2] = 0.993; (7)
--[RAP.sub.g]-3 sampled from non-extracted granules (n = 15)
selected at random from RAP-3 stockpile samples n = 43
[s.sub.p] = [square root of 5.72 x [10.sup.-5] x
[[bar.p].sup.2.183] [(100 - [bar.p]).sup.1.508]], [R.sup.2] = 0.975. (8)
The fact that the values of determination coefficients [R.sup.2]
approx to 1 shows that [s.sub.p] by more than 95% is determined by the
variation in the [bar.p] Therefore, regression Eqs (5)-(8) may be
reasonably deemed reliable. Hence, the ordinates of curves estimated
based on these Eq (Figs 3, 4) showing the correlation between the
gradation characteristics of each RAP sample may be used for measuring
the homogeneity of RAP sampled from different sources.
RAP-1 ([s.sub.p,max] = 6.1%, [bar.p] [approximately equal to] 65%
when) appeared to have the highest degree of homogeneity (Fig. 3), the
average homogeneity was observed with respect to RAP-3 ([s.sub.p,max] =
7.6%, [bar.p] [approximately equal to] 70% when) and RAP-2 was found as
showing the lowest degree of homogeneity ([s.sub.p,max] = 8.0%, when
[bar.p] [approximately equal to] 70%). The inhomogeneity ([s.sub.p,max]
= 10.6%, when [bar.p] [approximately equal to] 65%) of non-extracted
granules [RAP.sub.g]-3 (Fig. 4) depends on the technology of milling
rather than on the variation of components content in the aged asphalt,
therefore, it has no major influence on the performance of recycled HMA
The check for the presence of any statistically significant
difference in [s.sub.p] of normally distributed sieved grains or
particles of RAP samples, taken from different sources, was performed by
applying the Bartlett's criterion. The zero hypothesis on the
uniformity of variances was verified checking it against the estimated
where l--the number of RAP samples analyzed (in this particular
case, l = 3); [k.sub.i] = [n.sub.1] - 1 - the number of freedom degrees;
[n.sub.i]- the size of i-sample; [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]--the max-value of RAP i-sample shift variance
derived from regression Eqs (5)-(7); [[bar.s].sup.2.sub.p]--the average
of max variances estimated for all RAP sample sets
The random variante B, when the zero hypothesis is satisfied, is
distributed approx as [chi square] with l - 1 degree of freedom,
provided that all [k.sub.i] > 2. When B > [[chi square].sub.kr],
the zero hypothesis is excluded (variances [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] differ), and when B > [[chi square].sub.kr],
assumed as being uniform.
The statistic B = 0.50 derived from the max values of [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] in the percentage mass of RAP-1,
RAP-2 and RAP-3 aggregate passing the sieves (6.1%, 8.0%, 7.6%
respectively) using Eq (9) appears to be considerably lower than [[chi
square].sub.kr] (0.05; 3 - 1) = 5.99. Therefore, given the assumed level
of significance [alpha] = 0.05, the 3 sets of RAP samples may be
reasonably considered as being of uniform homogeneity irrespective of the source of sampling. The average [[bar.s].sub.p] = 7.56% of max
sets shows the average homogeneity by aggregate gradation of RAP used in
Lithuania; and therefore it may be applied for prediction in designing
the composition of recycled HMA mixture.
4. Most allowed content of RAP in recycled HMA
Under the existing Lithuanian standards LST EN 13108 (part 1-part
7), adopted in line with the European requirements, the inclusion of
reclaimed asphalt (RA) in HMA mixtures being produced is allowed. TRA
ASFALTAS 08 drafted in compliance with the abovementioned standards
requires that the max allowed content of RAP [K.sub.i] should be
calculated according to Eqs (11) and (12) taking into account the
homogeneity of RAP. Such a homogeneity is determined by the range of
indicators for individual properties ([a.sub.i]). [K.sub.i] shall be
computed by the general permisible deviations [N.sub.adm,i] depending on
the property of RAP and the type of recycled HMA mixture (Table 3):
[K.sub.i] = 0.50[N.sub.adm,i]/[a.sub.i] x 100 (11)
[K.sub.i] = 0.33[N.sub.adm,i]/[a.sub.i] x 100 (12)
where [a.sub.i]--the range between the max [x.sub.i,max] and the
min [x.sub.i,min] values of RAP i-property indicator estimated for the
sample (min sample size n = 5):
[a.sub.i] = [x.sub.imax] - [x.sub.imin]. (13)
With respect to all properties of base and wearing-base course
mixtures, Eq (11) shall apply. It shall be also applied for the
softening point of bin course and surface course mixtures. With respect
to all other properties, Eq (12) shall apply.
The experimentally determined most content of RAP (mass %) allowed
for proportion in recycled HMA mixtures corresponding to the actual
homogeneity by the content of individual components of RAP milled in
Lithuania is in Table 4.
The value [K.sub.i], estimated for each property of RAP, varies in
different samples. The lowest most content of tested RAP, allowed for
proportion in recycled HMA, was determined for RAP homogeneous by the
content of bitumen (RAP-2), for RAP homogenous by the content of fine
aggregate (RAP-3), it was somewhat higher; and for RAP homogeneous by
the content of filler (RAP-2), it appeared to be the highest. For
increasing the most content of RAP, allowed for proportion into HMA, RAP
must be homogenised.
5. Conclusions
The analysis of studies performed abroad has suggested that the
courses of AP being exposed to the effects of climate and weather
factors and the load generated by transport means at some point of their
service life ceases satisfying the applicable requirements and therefore
need to be strengthened, reconstructed or reclaimed. The unsuitability
of RAP for reuse is basically determined by the irreversible changes in
the properties of bitumen due to its ageing.
The inhomogeneity of RAP depends on the factors of the three stages
of road pavement life-cycle, i.e. on the technologies applied for AP
construction, repair, maintenance and destruction. Bituminous materials
consumed for repairing damages on the wearing course of the road
pavement accumulate there and distribute according to the stochastic
frequency and size of damages. Having passed through milled RAP, these
materials, acting as softening or rejuvenating agents, increase the
content of bitumen in RAP and change its properties. The uneven
distribution of damages and materials used for their repair "passes
down" to RAP, hence affecting its homogeneity. Very limited
practical possibilities for homogenising milled RAP and the processes of
their segregation during loading, transportation and stockpiling in the
majority of cases fail to increase the homogeneity of RAP used in the
production of recycled HMA.
According to the max size of granules ([d.sub.RAP,max] = 32 mm),
ready-for-use RAP proves to be suitable for inclusion into the HMA being
recycled. The content of moisture in RAP-3 kept in an open stockpile
varied from 0.7% to 6.5% (range 5.8%) and averaged to 3.4%. The standard
deviation for RAP moisture content (0.93%) shows the uneven distribution
of water content within the stockpile, which means that for its
evaporation there will be required an extra amount of varying heat
transferred by the overheated mineral aggregates.
The variability of bitumen content in RAP from all samples sets
determined, based on the values of standard deviations, shows that due
to uneven distribution of bituminous repair materials on the road
pavement it is always larger (s = 0.67% RAP-1, s = 0.84% RAP-2 without
outliers, s = 0.35% RAP-3) than the variability of bitumen content in a
new AP. Some samples of RAP, which may show an unusually high content of
bitumen, statistically shall be classified as outliers.
If RAP aggregate had been screened through a set of sieves with
different size meshes, as required under the national standards of
individual countries, for the percentage mass passing the sieves there
would have been obtained different standard deviations, yet the
correlative dependence of gradation variation parameters ([s.sub.p]
value) on the parameters of position ([bar.p]) would have been the same.
This close correlative dependence of [s.sub.p] on [bar.p] is evidenced
by the coefficients of determination [R.sup.2], as their value, ranging
from 0.954 to 0.993, approx to 1. Therefore, the model for estimating
the homogeneity of RAP by the [s.sub.p,max] of mass percentage passing
the sieves, the value whereof is derived from the regression equation,
proves to be universal. Based on this model, the homogeneity of RAP of
different granule size, grade and type and RAP sifted through different
sets of laboratory, sieves can be compared.
The homogeneity of all three RAP sample sets determined by of
comparing the max variances in the gradation of mass percentage passing
the sieves at the significance level [alpha] = 0.05 against the
Bartlett's criterion ([s.sub.p,max] = 6.1% RAP-1, [s.sub.p,max] =
7.6% RAP-3, [s.sub.p,max] = 8.0% RAP-2) shows that the source of RAP
sampling has very little impact on the final results.
The most content of RAP allowed for inclusion in recycled HMA
mixtures may vary depending on the type of its homogeneity. The lowest
most content allowed for proportion is determined for RAP homogeneous by
the content of bitumen (e.g., only 10.2-18.6% of such RAP may be
proportion into the mixtures of surface and bin courses). For RAP
homogeneous by the content of coarse aggregate and by fine aggregate,
the content allowed for inclusion in HMA of the same type may vary from
14.2 to 35.7% and from 16.0 to 35.2% respectively. The max allowable
content ranging from 20.4 to 34.1% is determined for RAP homogeneous by
the content of filler.
DOI: 10.3846/1822-427X.2009.4.69-79
Received 8 September 2008; accepted 02 June 2009
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Darjusas Mucinis (1), Henrikas Sivilevicius (2), Rolandas Oginskas
(1,3) Dept of Roads, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mails: (1) kk@ap.vgtu.lt,
(2) Dept of Transport Technological Equipment, Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University, Plytines g. 27, 10105 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail:
Table 1. Factors determining the inhomogeneity of milled RAP granules
stages Factors
AP Inhomogeneity of produced HMA mixture due to
construction variability of gradation of unused mineral substances,
systemic and random errors occurring while dosing
bitumen and these mineral substances and insufficient
blending of all components upon mixing.
Inhomogeneity of HMA mixture used for constructing
road pavement due to variation of its properties upon
storage, handling, transportation and construction.
Inhomogeneity of HMA mixture used for constructing
road pavement due to variation of its properties upon
Insertion of geogride or geotextile between asphalt
surface and bin courses, which upon being milled will
pass through the granules of RAP.
AP maintenance Change of bitumen properties with ageing due to the
and repair impact of oxidation, solar radiation, temperature,
traffic load, fuel, oil or antifreeze spills and
Change of AP gradation due to decomposition and wear
of grains on pavement surface layer.
Local use of additional materials for filling cracks
(bitumen, paste, emulsified asphalt) and pot-holes
(coating, hot and cold mix asphalt mixture) on the AP
damaged by deformations.
Solid use of additional materials for surface coating
(slimes, single- or double-layer surface lining, thin
layer of asphalt) and filling ruttings on the AP
damaged by deformations.
Temporary filling of pot-holes generally formed on the
road pavement in winter season, in particular on
street roads, with non-bituminous materials (concrete
tiles, debris of ceramic or clay tiles), which upon
being milled or crumbled pass through the grains of
Uneven distribution on the surface area of horizontal
road marking materials which pass through RAP.
Cold milling Removal of pavement wearing course due to unevenness
of AP or and improper cant of pavement surface, enabling the
crumbling of materials from deeper asphalt courses and road base to
debris pass through the granules of RAP, hence causing
variation in their percentage mass.
Uneven crumbling of grains, when asphalt mixture
crumbles via gaskets particles and not through the
matrix bitumen, depending on the technology of
milling, debris crumbling and sifting and on the
properties and temperature of AP layer.
Uneven homogenising of RAP kept temporarily stockpiled
at the road due to technologies used for handling,
transporting and storing RAP milled from different
segments of AP.
Technology for transporting, unloading and
homogenising, at open or covered storage facility of
AC plant, of RAP stockpiled at the road directly from
the milling machine transporter or using a loader and
conditions of its storage determining its
segregational homogeneity.
Table 2. Statistical indicators for moisture content in milled RAP
granules and for content of old soluble bitumen binding RAP grains
Content of soluble bitumen,
% over 100% aggregate
Moisture content RAP-3, stored in RAP-1, taken
in milled an open upon milling
granules stockpile from the road
Statistical (RAP-3), % (n = 43) (n = 9)
indicators (n = 43)
Min 0.70 3.66 4.39
Max 6.50 5.43 6.58
Range 5.80 1.77 2.22
Mean 3.40 4.85 5.78
Variation 0.87 0.12 0.45
Std. deviation 0.93 0.35 0.67
Skewness 0.09 -0.85 -1.05
Kurtosis 3.51 1.92 1.91
Content of soluble bitumen,
% over 100% aggregate
stored in open stockpiles started
being formed at 4 different
n = 20
Statistical (n = 21) without outliers
Min 4.99 4.99
Max 22.31 8.27
Range 17.32 3.28
Mean 6.98 6.22
Variation 13.01 0.71
Std. deviation 3.61 0.84
Skewness 4.20 0.64
Kurtosis 18.55 0.11
Table 3. General permissible deviations [N.sub.adm,i] for the
gradation of particle of RAP granules (constant coefficients)
For mixtures
of surface, bin
and wearing-base of road base
RAP component courses course
Bitumen 1.0 1.2
Filler (< 0.063 mm) 6.0 10.0
Fine aggregate (0.063-2 mm) 16.0 16.0
Coarse aggregate (> 2 mm) 16.0 18.0
Table 4. The most content of RAP (percentage mass) allowed for
proportion in recycled HMA mixtures corresponding to RAP
homogeneity by its componential structure and the type of asphalt
Experimentally determined value, mass %
component Sample [x.sub.i,max] [x.sub.i,min] range [a.sub.i]
Bitumen RAP-1 6.58 4.39 2.19
RAP-2 8.22 4.99 3.23
RAP-3 5.43 3.66 1.77
Filler RAP-1 17.1 10.8 6.3
(< 0.063 mm) RAP-2 17.5 7.8 9.7
RAP-3 14.2 8.4 5.8
Fine RAP-1 45.1 30.1 15.0
aggregate RAP-2 44.9 25.0 19.9
(0.063-2 mm) RAP-3 52.1 19.1 33.0
Coarse RAP-1 56.5 41.7 14.8
aggregate RAP-2 63.6 40.6 23.0
(> 2 mm) RAP-3 70.9 33.7 37.2
Estimated % of RAP mass [K.sub.i] in recycled
HMA mixtures used in
road base wearing-base bin and surface
courses; courses; courses; Eq
Eq (11), Eq (11), (12),
RAP [N.sub.adm,i] [N.sub.adm,i] [N.sub.adm,i]
component Sample column 2 column1 column 1
Bitumen RAP-1 27.4 22.8 15.1
RAP-2 18.6 15.5 10.2
RAP-3 33.9 28.2 18.6
Filler RAP-1 79.4 47.6 31.4
(< 0.063 mm) RAP-2 51.5 30.9 20.4
RAP-3 86.2 51.7 34.1
Fine RAP-1 53.3 53.3 35.2
aggregate RAP-2 40.2 40.2 26.5
(0.063-2 mm) RAP-3 24.2 24.2 16.0
Coarse RAP-1 60.8 54.0 35.7
aggregate RAP-2 39.1 34.8 23.0
(> 2 mm) RAP-3 24.2 21.5 14.2