Fernandez Retamar, Roberto
Bridging Enigma: Cubans on Cuba
Edited by Ambrosio Fornet
This special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly (vol. 96, no. 1,
Winter 1997) presents Cuban reality as seen by sixteen of the
country's scholars with different points of view.
Cuba Defendida
Roberto Fernandez Retamar
Some of Cuba's problems are seen here from a revolutionary
perspective. The book's two principal essays, "Cuba
Defended" and "The Enormity of Cuba" appear, translated
into English, in the abovementioned issue of SAQ and in boundary 2 (vol.
23, no. 3, Fall 1996).
The Last Soldiers of the Cold War: The Story of the Cuban Five
Fernando Morais
Originally published in Portuguese in 2011, this augmented
English edition is forthcoming in June from Verso Books. Treated as a
novel by the author, it's the best account of this littleknown
episode of the Cold War.
The editorials on Cuba that appeared in the New York Times
between October and midDecember 2014, as well as the speeches given by
Presidents Raul Castro and Barack Obama on December 17, 2014, both
widely published, should also be read.
Visit the WLT website to read an exceprt of Morais's Last
Soldiers, where you'll also find links to the speeches by Raul
Castro and Barack Obama.
Cuban poet, essayist, and literary critic Roberto Fernandez
Retamar is the president of the Casa de las Americas and was the 2002
Puterbaugh Fellow (see WLT, Summer/Autumn 2002).