Milan Orli. Bruj milenija.
Mihailovich, Vasa D.
Milan Orli. Bruj milenija. Belgrade. Prosveta. 1998. 96 pages. ID
Milan Orli (b. 1962), the author of two collections of poetry, two
novels, and a volume of essays, is in some ways a typical representative
of a new generation in Serbian literature, one that is fully aware of
its roots yet determined to strike its own path into the new millennium.
It is no coincidence that Orli's latest book of poems, Bruj
milenija (Hum of the Millennium), carries a provocative title, for in it
the poet looks both ways: into the past but simultaneously, as if
possessing another pair of eyes, into the future. The result is a
fascinating mixture of traditional and modernist poetry. Serbian
literature has experienced similar manifestations in the past, but never
with such clarity and resoluteness.
Orli looks into the past by saying that neither he nor anybody
else, for that matter, can escape his or her roots. There are several
links to the past. The poet's roots are set in a modern urban
ambience, amid monuments to the immovable, already cemented segments of
life. That is why the word city is present in several poem titles. There
is a strange fascination with an urban necropolis, as if to underline
the mortality to which the cities' inhabitants are condemned. In
one of the early poems the persona sets the lamentational tone of
existence: "For me, it was too late: / irretrievably. Veritably, I
am air / only. I was silent: morning, without mercy: voice / of the
night, on the window: Cold / and purple. Nary a word, a verse, a sound.
That / melancholy, it does not know: then, I thought of dying."
The link to the past is seen also in the poet's awe toward
Milo} Crnjanski, a leading Serbian poet of this century. This reverence
is reflected not only in an emulation of the spirit of Crnjanski's
Sumatran poetry but also in an imitation of his strange, rather
illogical punctuation (as in the above citation, presented exactly as in
the original, which is set with all six lines flush right). Another link
is contained in the titles of the poems: e.g., "Hronika palanaekog
groblja" (Chronicle of a Small-Town Cemetery), "Igrali se
konji vrani" (Black Horses Danced), and "Oei earnie"
(Dark Eyes), all familiar to the reader of Serbian literature.
Alongside these ties to the past is a view toward the future,
manifested in a fervent desire and quest to find the self and a place
under the sun. This quest takes the form of an effort to establish the
poet's role in society while at the same time discovering his own
personality, thus making the fate of a poet of paramount importance.
Several poems to that effect are collected in the cycle "Zoon Poetikon," containing poems with Latin titles ("Poeta
Urbis," "Poeta Ductus," "Poeta Laureatis,"
"Poeta Vates," "Poeta Sacer," "Poeta
Major"). These poems harbor interesting thoughts about the craft
and meaning of poetry, and they also reveal Orli's remarkable
erudition. Moreover, his willingness to experiment (one poem is repeated
in toto, for example) and his abovementioned disregard, almost flouting,
of the established poetic norms make him an exciting voice of the
future. The fact that he is one of many poets who are not shying away
from postmodernist extravaganzas bodes well for the vivacity of
contemporary Serbian verse.
Vasa D. Mihailovich
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill