Povratak u Nais.
Mihailovich, Vasa D.
Sasa Hadzi Tancic (b. 1948) is a prominent Serbian writer of the
"middle" postwar generation, with ten collections of short
stories, two novels, and two books of poetry to his credit (see WLT 69:2, p. 398). He is also the author of two volumes of literary essays,
in which he analyzes the works of other writers and sets forth his own
literary credo. The book under review, Povratak u Nais (Return to
Naissus), reflects his literary predilections and his willingness to
experiment. Several longer and shorter stories run the gamut from
straightforward realism to poetic prose; in most of them, however, the
author manifests an inclination toward modernistic expression.
The two longer selections, the title story and "The Vision of an
Angel in the Church of St. Panteleimon Near Nis During the Meeting of
the Serbian Ruler Nemanja and the German Emperor Barbarossa,"
depict the distant past of the author's native region, Nis, where
he has resided most of his life. After it was built in the third century
by the Celts, Nis became an important strategic town and was fought over
by many powers. It was the birthplace of the Roman emperor Constantine
the Great, who, despite his worldly preoccupations, paid considerable
attention to his beloved city. Without going into extensive detail,
Hadzi Tancic conjures the atmosphere of Constantine's city in the
fourth century, the emperor's devoted love for Nis, and his often
brutal struggles to defend it when danger threatened. The author
successfully expresses his own allegiance to the city, despite the
pronounced ethnic and cultural differences between Constantine's
era and today. Another historical event, the twelfth-century encounter
between Nemanja and Barbarossa while the latter was passing through Nis
on his way to the Crusades in the Middle East, again enables the author
to reconstruct the past. This time he skillfully blends political,
cultural, and religious differences by way of a monk's opposition
to Nemanja's attempts to curry' favor from the mighty emperor
at the expense of the Byzantine Empire, the cradle of Christian
orthodoxy. The author's lyrical prose greatly enlivens the
presentation of real characters and events.
The poetic flavor is retained even more successfully in the short
pieces, some of which could be labeled extended poems in prose. Again
the author skillfully blends prosaic and poetic elements, helping
himself liberally by coining new words and expressions. Although he
moves to the present in these selections, he cannot resist frequent
references to the distant past, as during his visit to a museum in Nis
and while observing the headless statue of the goddess Diana. The
following story-ending excerpt is a good example of Hadzi Tancic's
style: "For days, months, years (most likely I will thus meet my
death), looking at Diana's sculpture and trying to imagine her real
face, I always thought of a singular face that encompasses the past and
future and that will in some way include the faces of all the people yet
to come. Sunk in such reverie, I forget myself as a person searching for
the face of the marble statue. I see and feel myself as an eternal
seeker of the universal face of mankind." In this merging of the
universal and the here-and-now lies the greatest merit of the
author's storytelling.
It is unfortunate that there are so many typographical errors in the
book. While reflecting the unstable conditions in the Serbian part of
Bosnia, where the book was published, they nevertheless mar the artistic
enjoyment of Povratak u Nais.
Vasa D. Mihailovich University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill