Azzouni, Jody. Tracking Reason: Proof, Consequence, and Truth.
Cain, James
AZZOUNI, Jody. Tracking Reason: Proof, Consequence, and Truth.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. vi + 248 pp. Cloth,
$49.95--Azzouni's aim is to articulate philosophically adequate
accounts of truth, proof, and logical consequence without falling into
(what he perceives to be) the pitfalls of the following: Platonism, the
truthmaker assumption (if a sentence, statement or belief is true then
it is, at least in part, made true by how the world is), treating
existential affirmations as entailing ontological commitments, and
holding that normative rules or principles of reason are introspectively
accessible. The reader is often referred to Azzouni's earlier work
for more detailed explanations of why these are supposed to be pitfalls.
The book divides into three parts: I. Truth, II. Mathematical Proof, and
III. Semantics and the Notion of Consequence.
According to Azzouni, the truth predicate renders natural languages
inconsistent. This is shown by the reasoning behind the liar paradox.
(Fortunately common practices keep the inconsistency at bay.)
Azzouni's approach to truth is to focus upon what he takes to be
the essential functional role played by the truth predicate and to show
how to regiment language so that it contains a device playing that role
(presumably without introducing inconsistency). Azzouni accepts
"the Quinean dicta that the functional role of the truth predicate
is semantic ascent and descent--when coupled with an appropriate
quantifier" (p. 109); this allows one to make "blind
truth-endorsements" [that is, "uses of the truth predicate
where the sentences endorsed or denied don't themselves
appear" (p. 14)], and ineliminable blind truth-endorsement "is
the raison d'etre for the presence of the truth idiom in the
vernacular" (pp. 15-16). Azzouni argues that affirmation of a set
of T-biconditionals of the form "S" is true iff S will not
(contrary to what many think) license a full range of blind
truth-endorsements--it will not enable one to endorse statements whose
expression transcends one's own linguistic resources.
Azzouni develops a regimentation in terms of anaphorically
unrestricted quantifiers. To give a rough idea of this notion, which is
formalized in Chapter Three, think of a crude attempt to symbolize
"Something Jones says is true" in first order logic as
"[there exists]x(Sx & x)," where "Sx" symbolizes
"Jones says x." This would treat "x" as playing the
role of an ordinary variable and the role of a wff. Though this violates
the syntax of normal first order languages, Azzouni argues we can
develop intelligible languages in which variables play such a dual role.
Imagine someone saying, "For any blah-blah-blah, if Jones says
blah-blah-blah then blah-blah-blah." Though this is not standard
English, it seems to be intelligible, and we can think of it as saying
that everything Jones says is true, or, alternatively, as making a blind
truth endorsement of everything Jones says.
Part II deals with mathematical proof. How can mathematical proofs
lead to results that, historically speaking, are so resilient?
Euclid's proof that there is no greatest prime is as convincing
today as it was in ancient times. Since Azzouni rejects mathematical
Platonism his answer cannot appeal to the idea that proofs provide
enduring insights into mathematical reality. On the other hand Azzouni
does not think sociological explanation in terms of group conformity
(which may nicely account for synchronic uniformity of opinion within a
social group) can account for mathematical agreement across cultures and
over long stretches of history. Azzouni's solution is that
mathematical proofs are what he calls "derivation indicators."
A derivation in a given system is mechanically checkable by algorithms,
and "... the algorithmic systems that codify which rules may be
applied to produce derivations in a given system" are at least
implicitly recognized by mathematicians (p. 143). This (implicit or
explicit) grasp of algorithms accounts for mathematical agreement.
Strangely, as Azzouni recognizes, over the course of history
mathematicians generally have not consciously realized that derivations
could be formulated from their proofs. Typically mathematicians feel
that they are dealing with mathematical objects (and imagining that they
are doing so may be psychologically crucial to their mathematical
productivity), but this should not be taken to show that they are
actually describing mathematical reality. Azzouni compares
mathematicians to novelists who think about their characters as if they
actually exist, when of course they do not.
Part III concerns the notion of consequence. After critically
discussing accounts of consequence that have descended from
Tarski's work, Azzouni tries to show how insights gained from the
Loweinheim-Skolem theorem and Henkin-style constructions of models can
be used in support of a Tarskian approach that avoids the pitfalls
enumerated at the beginning of this review. And just as psychological
aspects of mathematical reasoning (with its apparent reference to
mathematical objects) can be misleading, so too psychological aspects of
drawing consequences (with its apparent appeal to what is or is not
imaginable) can be misleading.--James Cain, Oklahoma State University.