Santinello, Giovanni and Gregorio Piaia, Editors. Storia delle storie generali della filosofia.
Pozzo, Riccardo
SANTINELLO, Giovanni and Gregorio PIAIA, Editors. Storia delle
storie generali della filosofia, vol. 4/II, L'eta hegeliana. Rome:
Antenore, 2004. 540 pp. Cloth, $48.00; Il secondo Ottocento, vol. 5.
Rome: Antenore, 2004. 673 pp. Cloth, $62.00--These two books, which have
appeared contemporaneously, complete the endeavor initiated by Giovanni
Santinello (who passed away in 2003) dedicated to the history of general
histories of philosophy from the Renaissance to Dilthey, that is, those
works that deal with the history of philosophy in a general way, without
taking account of any special perspective. Volume 1 was published in
1981 and translated into English by C. W. T. Blackwell with the title
Models of the History of Philosophy: From its Origins in the Renaissance
to the Historia philosophica (Dordrecht: Kluewer, 1993), and it is hoped
that a translation will eventually present the English-speaking public
with the full work. Volume 2 appeared in 1979 and dealt with the late
sixteenth century to Johann Jakob Brucker's Historia critica
philosophiae, which came out in first edition in 1748. The two parts of
the third volume covering the second half of the eighteenth century and
the aetas kantiana appeared in 1988, while the first part of the fourth
volume covering the first half of the eighteenth century appeared in
1995. Nine years later, in 2004, we see the completion of
Santinello's endeavor with the second part of the first half of the
nineteenth century and the second half of the nineteenth century.
In volume 4, L'eta hegeliana II, on the first half of the
nineteenth century outside of Germany and Great Britain, the team of
researchers raised by Santinello has provided a comprehensive
investigation of the French Joseph-Marie Degerando and Victor Cousin (by
Gregorio Piaia, pp. 5-200); of the Italians Baldassarre Poli, Vincenzo
Gioberti, Pasquale Galluppi, and Antonio Rosmini (by Luciano Malusa, pp.
203-386); of the Spaniards Tomas Lapena, Sebastian Quintana, Victor
Arnau y Lamea, Tomas Garcia Luna, and Jaime Balmes (by Antonio Jimenez
Garcia, pp. 389-434), of the Austrians Michael Klaus, Eduard Job,
Gottfried Immanuel Wenzel, and Johann Pleithner (by Franz Martin Wimmer,
pp. 435-52), of the Ungarian historians of philosophy between 1740 and
1840 (by Larry Steindler, pp. 453-75), and finally of the Russians
Aleksandr Ivanovie Galie and Gavriil the Archimandrite (by Marija
Torgova, pp. 477-516).
Volume 5, the conclusive one, Il secondo ottocento, dealing with
the second half of the nineteenth century in the whole of Europe, begins
with portraits of the Germans Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Sigwart, Johann
Eduard Erdmann, Friedrich Karl Albert Schwegler, Rudolf Haym, Eduard
Zeller, Kuno Fischer, Friedrich Ueberweg, Albert Stockl, Wilhelm
Windelband, Wilhelm Dilthey, and the Dane Harald Hoffding by Claudio
Cesa (pp. 3-10; 88-125), Francesca d'Alberto (pp. 328-63), Fabio
Grigenti (pp. 23-53; 216-46; 294-327), Mario Longo (pp. 10-23; 53-88;
125-216), Larry Steindler (pp. 270-94), and Giovanna Varani (pp.
247-70). Giuseppe Micheli (pp. 367-443) follows with a presentation of
the works on history of philosophy in Great Britain by Samuel Taylor
Coleridge, Sir William B. Hamilton, George Henry Lewes, and Benjamin
Jovett, while Gregorio Piaia (pp. 457-543) and Ubirajara Rancan de
Azevedo Marques (pp. 445-57; 543-63) present the French Emile Boutroux,
Charles Renouvier, and Luciano Malusa (pp. 565-624), the Italians
Bertrando Spaventa, Augusto Conti, Felice Tocco, Francesco Fiorentino,
and Carlo Cantoni. Finally, Marija Torgova (pp. 625-52) goes into the
historic-philosophical production of Russian universities, of Russian
theological schools, and of the Hegelian theist Sil'vestr
Sil'vestrovie Gogockij. All contributors are renowned specialists
on the authors upon whom they write. One has just to think of Cesa for
Hasan, Longo for Zeller, Grigenti for Ueberweg, d'Alberto for
Dilthey, Micheli for Hamilton, and Malusa for Rosmini. The numerous
sections regarding lesser-known authors provide a fundamental
enrichment. In fact, each presentation contains a biographical sketch, a
critical expose of all works pertaining to the history of philosophy,
and an accurate (and rather complete) bibliographical note. That history
of philosophy has come the long way it has from the Renaissance to
Dilthey, and from Dilthey to our time, is a terrific accomplishment
indeed; even more terrific, though, is the akribeia with which the team
led by Santinello has carried to completion a 3,600-page work less than
thirty years after its conception in 1975.--Riccardo Pozzo, University
of Verona.