Influences of selected macroeconomic variables on U.S. stock market returns and their predictability over varying time horizons.
Guru-Gharan, Kishor Kumar ; Rahman, Matiur ; Parayitam, Satyanarayana 等
Numerous studies have been documented during last two decades in
the empirical literature of financial economics that investigated the
predictability of stock returns by lagged regressors. The regressors
include financial, macroeconomic and demographic variables. The
empirical knowledge regarding the predictability of stock returns has
been subjected to continual updating over time mainly driven by new
econometric methods. But little consensus regarding the set of
appropriate regressors has emerged [e.g., Mankiw and Shapiro (1986),
Nelson and Kim (1993), Goetzman and Jorion (1993), Cavanagh, Elliot
& Stock, (1995), Stambaugh (1999), Lanne(2002), Lewellen (2003),
Campbell and Yogo (2003), Janson and Moreira (2004), and Polk et al.
(2004) ]. The recent studies that examined the effects of demographic
changes on stock market return include, e.g., Donaldson and Maddaloni
(2002), Campbell et al. (2001), Goyal (2004), and Ang and Maddaloni
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) rooted in the pioneering work of
Gibson (1889) made academicians believe for many years that stock prices
follow random walk. According to the EMH, the best prediction of the
next period's stock price is today's price plus a drift term
implying that stock returns are not predictable. Attempts to verify the
validity of this assertion sparked enormous interest in studying stock
market returns predictability. There is growing evidence that stock
market returns are predictable to some degree. The literature documents
predictability of stock index returns from lagged returns, lagged
financial and macroeconomic variables, and calender or event dummies.
However, stock return predictability does not necessarily mean that
markets are not reasonably efficient since time-varying expected returns
due to changing business conditions and risks can be partly predictable
even when the EMH holds. Evidence of stock index returns predictability
implies that markets can be beaten by using the above variables.
According to Cutler, Poterba, and Summers (1990), "The Efficient
Market Hypothesis was probably the right place for serious research on
asset valuation to begin, but it may be the wrong place for it to
Sudden increases or decreases in wealth result in large stock price
movements. Traditional financial theory suggests that such movements are
caused by macroeconomic fundamentals. But empirical attempts to link
large stock movements to macroeconomic news have been only marginally
successful. Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) consider the weak link a
"rather embarrassing gap".
The familiar Gordon (1962) growth model is extensively applied to
determine expected stock price that used future dividend stream discount
rate and dividend growth rate as explanatory variables. These variables,
in turn, are influenced by macroeconomic performance and policy-induced
changes in market environment. In general, expected changes in economic
environment influence future cash flows and the rate of discount that
determine the present value of a firm. Intuitively, macroeconomic
variables or state -of-the economy variables are presumed to influence
stock returns. At the same time, there is no consensus on the
appropriate set of macroeconomic variables that would largely and more
precisely explain and predict stock market returns. The theory is silent
in this regard leaving the selection of appropriate macroeconomic
variables to researchers' judgment and experimentations.
Numerous prior empirical studies investigated the causal linkages
between stock market returns and a host of macroeconomic variables that
included GDP growth, industrial production rate, short-term interest
rate, inflation rate, interest rate spread, changes in monetary
aggregates, among others. Stock market returns are usually directly tied
with the business cycle, while financial variables (e.g., dividend
growth, discount rate, and cash flows) produce perverse effects on stock
In addition to the stock market and macroeconomy linkage empirics,
there is a growing amount of empirical literature on time series return
predictability which can be divided into three categories: i) return
predictability using historical prices or returns investigates whether
today's return is related to historical returns at various
frequencies; ii) return predictability using lagged financial and
macroeconomic variables, and iii) return predictability using calendar
dummies for seasonality.
The studies in category (i) include [e.g., Fama and French (1988),
Petorba and Summers (1988), Lo and MacKinlay (1997), Lo, Mamaysky and
Wang (2000)]. The studies in category (ii) include [e.g., Fama and
French (1988), Breen, Glosten and Jagannathan (1989), Harvey (1991),
Solnik (1993), Pesaran and Timmermann (1995, 2000)]. The studies in
category (iii) include [e.g., Keim (1989), Hawanini and Keim (1995),
French (1980), Keim and Stambaugh (1984), Chang, Pinegar and
Ravichandran (1998), Ariel (1990)].
Notwithstanding the large number of empirical studies on stock
returns, it appears that the studies that focus on the explanatory power
of macroeconomic variables with regard to U.S. stock market returns and
their predictability on varying time horizons are scant. This paper
seeks to fill in this void by investigating the above using monthly data
from January 1970 to December 2003 within the VAR (Vector
Autoregressive) framework.
Fama (1981) and Kaul (1987) found a puzzling result that real
activity explains larger fractions of return variation for longer return
horizons. Fama (1990) explains this by arguing that regressions of
shorter-horizon returns on production growth rates understate explanatory power because information about the production of a given
period spreads over preceding periods. But the number of observations in
Fama (1990) varies from 420 in monthly regressions to only 140 in
quarterly and 137 in annual. This is equivalent to using two sets of
data. In the present study, we examine such impact using the same set of
data and number of observations (except for a very small change due to
end point adjustments). Similarly, Gesky and Roll (1983), Barro (1990),
and Shah (1989) find that larger fractions (often exceeding 50 %) of
annual stock-return variables can be traced to forecasts of variables
such as real GNP, industrial production, and investment. Apart from
these studies, the other studies cited below explore various other
aspects of the relationship between stock returns and macroeconomic
variables. Chen et al. (1986) examined equity returns relative to a set
of macroeconomic variables and found that the set of macroeconomic
variables which can significantly explain sock returns includes growth
in industrial production, changes in the risk premium, twists in the
yield curve, measures of unanticipated inflation and changes in expected
inflation during periods of volatile inflation. More recent examples of
studies involving a number of macroeconomic variables include Chen
(1991), Peseran and Timmermann (1995), and Flanery and Protopapadakis
The empirical literature in which aggregate output is related to
stock returns includes Cutler, et al. (1989), Balvers, et al. (1990),
Marathe and Shanky(1994). Examples of studies relating inflation to
stock returns are Bodis (1976), Jaff and Mandelker (1976), Nelson
(1976), Fama and Schwert (1977), Geske and Roll (1983), DeFine (1991),
Boudoukh and Richardson (1993), Bealduzzi (1995), Grahman (1996), Siklos
and Kwok (1991), and Adams , et al. (2004). Studies relating money
supply to stock returns include Hamburger and Kochin (1972), Pesando
(1974), Ragalski and Vinso (1977). Examples of studies relating stock
returns to interest rate /term spread variables include Campbell (1987),
Fama and French (1989), Hodrick (1992), Jensen and Johnson (1995) and
Ang and Bekaert (2001). Examples of studies done outside US are Darrat
and Mukherjee (1987), Darrat (1990), Poon and Taylor (1991), Mukherjee
and Naka (1995), Brown and Otsuki (1990), Gjerde and Saettem (1999),
Naka, et al. (1999), Pethe and Karnik (2000), Mayasami and Koh (2000),
and Panda and Kamaiah (2001). Examples of studies involving many
countries are Gultekin (1983), Solnick (1984), Mandelker and Tandon
(1985), Mookerjee (1989), Wasserfallen (1989), Jeng , et al. (1990),
Ferson andHarvey (1993), Lin (1993), Kaneko and Lee (1995), Ely and
Robinson (1997), Conover, et al. (1990), and Durham (2001).
In contrast, there have been numerous studies showing reverse
causality running from stock returns towards macroeconomic variables.
Nevertheless, as remarked by Chen, et al., (1986)," ... Stock
prices are usually considered as responding to external forces (even
though they may have a feedback on the other variables)". The
present study too assumes unidirectional causality from macroeconomics variables towards stock returns because most theoretical models
involving macroeconomic variables rarely include stock prices (or stock
returns) in their argument as a significant determinant. Therefore, this
literature survey excludes the studies investigating the reverse
causality. It should be noted, however, that some of the studies
mentioned above treat all variables as endogenous in their application
of estimating techniques such as VAR models.
Some studies also find that the predictive ability of certain
macroeconomic variables with respect to stock returns is quite uneven
over time, e.g., Durham (2001). On the other hand, there is no dearth of
studies, which fail to support the ability of macro variables to predict
stock returns. Chen , et al. (1998) concludes, " The macroeconomic
factors generally make a poor showing. Put more bluntly, in most cases,
they are as useful as a randomly generated series of numbers in picking
up return covariation. We are at loss to explain this poor
performance." Flannery and Protopapadakis (2002) argue that tests
based on monthly data may have lower power because the impact of
macroeconomic variables on monthly stock returns may be obscured by
other events occurring during the month. Therefore, they apply high
frequency data (daily returns) to minimize such impacts of other omitted
variables. Moreover, they evaluate the impact on stock price volatility
instead of realized returns with respect to real variables.
Stock market is assumed endogenous relative to other markets in
line with Chen, et al. (1986). The S & P 500 Index is selected as a
proxy for the aggregate stock market and percentage changes are used to
represent stock market returns. Four macroeconomic variables are
selected as likely explanatory variables following the simple and
intuitive financial theory as suggested by Chen, et al. (1986). As a
proxy for overall economic activity, Total Industrial Production (IP)
Index (seasonally adjusted) with base year 1997 instead of GNP or GDP is
selected because of availability of monthly data. As argued by Chen, et
al. (1986), "Insofar as the risk premium measure does not capture
industrial production uncertainty; innovations in the rate of productive
activity should have an influence on stock returns through their impact
on cash flows." Many empirical studies, cited above, have found
positive relation between contemporaneous stock returns and industrial
activity, while some other studies have found positive contribution of
lagged changes in industrial production.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and percentage change therein is
used to measure inflation. The rate of inflation is a likely determinant
of stock returns due to the systematic effect of unanticipated
price-level changes as well as impact on asset valuation caused by
relative price change associated with inflation as argued by Chen, et
al. (1986). Actual inflation can be expected to be positively related to
unanticipated inflation and thus have negative impact on asset prices
and returns. On the other hand, inflation may have positive impact on
cash flows to dampen some or all of this negative impact. Some authors
argue, however, that such impact on revenues and cost will not be large
, because of pre-existing contracts (for example, DeFina; 1991).
Similarly, money supply growth may have important direct effects through
portfolio changes and indirect effects through their effect on real
economic activity as well as on rate of inflation. While the positive
correlation of money supply growth with inflation might suggest negative
influence on stock returns, the stimulus provided to overall economic
activity might lead to positive impact. The net effect is thus an
empirical question.
Finally, rate of interest is supposed to influence stock prices
mainly through its impact on the expected rate of discount for future
cash flows. Strong positive correlation of interest rate with the
discount rate suggests that surges in interest rate will have negative
effect on stock returns. Federal Funds Rate (FF) has been selected in
this paper to proxy short term interest rate. However, selection of
these four macroeconomic variables is not exhaustive by any means.
The theoretical model in general functional form is as follows:
where, Y = rate of return on S& P 500, X = percentage change in
U.S. industrial production index, Z = inflation rate (percentage change
in consumer price index), V = federal funds rate and L = Percentage
change in U.S. broad money supply. The expected sign on the top of each
explanatory variable is already mentioned in the preceding section.
Causality is investigated using Granger's procedure. Causality in
the Granger sense implied that for a variable x to cause another
variable Y, X must precede Y. The Granger-causality equation can thus be
formulated in levels as follows:
Akaike's information criterion (AIC) is used to obtain the
appropriate lag length for all variables. This paper follows the method
outlined by Hsio (1981). The Granger causality test uses an F-test to
determine whether lagged information on variable X gives statistically
significant information about a variable Y in the presence of lagged
values of Y. If the F-test fails to provide such evidence, it is then
concluded that the variable X does not cause the variable Y. The null
hypothesis that X does not causes Y is rejected when the test statistic
F is greater than the critical value at the most commonly used 5 percent
level of significance.
Contemporaneous values of regressors have not been used considering
the reporting delays or lags in the release of information and the lags
in the incorporation of information about them into prices. In addition
to the consideration of lags in information and the lags in the
incorporation of information about them into prices, the lagged value of
the endogenous variable indicates autoregressive process. An additional
benefit of using only lagged values of explanatory variables is that it
enables us to make unconditional or ex post forecasts for stock returns
(Pindyck and Rubindeld, 1990). Three versions of the basic regression
model have been used. First, all monthly rates of change are measured
relative to the value in the previous month. Second, quarterly rates of
change are measured relative to the value in the preceding quarter.
Third, annual rates of change are measured relative to the value in the
same month of the preceding year. Thus, the three versions differ only
in the methods of calculations of rates of change but use the same set
of monthly data for 35 years spanning from January 1970 through December
2004. [The relevant data are available from]
To examine the time series property of each variable, the
well-known augmented DickeyFuller (ADF) test for unit root
(nonstationaity) against its alternative of stationarity around a fixed
time trend is applied. The ADF statistics are generated by estimating
the following equation:
where, T is a time trend.
The ADF test is implemented to avoid the so-called" spurious regression" problem (Granger and Newbold, 1974, Dickey and Fuller,
1979 and 1981).
To forecast out-of-sample for the next 12 months of 2004, the
estimates of equation (2) with data for January 1970 through December
2003 are used. The forecasting accuracy is tested by Theil's
inequality coefficient and the decomposition into bias, variance and
covariance proportions (Maddala, 1977). The plots of actual and
predicted values of stock returns are also graphically presented to
display out-of-sample prediction accuracy. All estimations are done by
To study the nature of the distributions of each variable for
monthly, quarterly and annual data, the numeric of mean, median,
standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis are reported in Appendix -I
panels A, B, and C, respectively. A cursory inspection of the results
shows that the respective means and medians are within close proximity.
The standard deviation of S& P 500 returns is consistently much
higher than that of any other variable and the data distribution of this
variable is uniformly skewed to the left. The distributions of X are
also skewed to the left excepting monthly data. The distribution of V
(federal funds rate) is skewed to the left only for monthly data.
Distributions of Z (inflation rate) and L (growth in board money supply)
are consistently skewed to the right for monthly, quarterly and annual
data. In most cases, there is evidence of excess kurtosis.
Next, the simple correlation coefficients are reported in
Appendix-II using monthly, quarterly and annual data ordered in panels
A, B and C, respectively to determine the presence and the extent of
multicollinearity between explanatory variables. The general conclusion
emerges that the pair-wise correlation coefficients are mild to moderate
(above 0.5) posing no serious multicollinearity problems to generate
inefficient parametric estimates. Moreover, the presence of mild to
moderate multicollinearity is not necessarily bad since another
important objective of this paper is out-of-sample forecasting.
To ascertain the time series property of each variable, the ADF
unit root test results are reported in Table1.
Table 1 depicts stationarity of each variable for monthly and
quarterly data uniformly at 5 percent and higher levels of significance.
The same also applies to annual data for each variable with the
exception of the growth in U.S. broad money supply. However, this
variable has not been retained in the final analysis because of its low
statistical significance.
Equation (1) is estimated with lagged -values of all four
explanatory variables with monthly, quarterly and annual data. The
comparative results are reported in Table 2.
Table 2 shows dramatic improvements in the explanatory power and
the overall statistical significance of the model in terms of
[[bar.R].sup.2]'s and the F-statistics as the frequency of data
switches from monthly to quarterly and then from quarterly to annual.
The appropriate lag length is 1 (one) as determined by the AIC
criterion. Other higher order lagged values do not have statistically
significant coefficients. As a result, they have not been reported here.
The coefficients of V(-1) and L (-1) are statistically highly
insignificant, although they have the expected negative sign. The
redundancy test also shows that these two variables have no discernible influences on stock returns and they do not contribute to the
explanatory power of the model in terms of [[bar.R].sup.2] and its
overall statistical significance in terns of F-statistic. The
F-statistic for redundancy test is 0.5823 with p-value of 0.5591 and the
log-likelihood ratio is 1.1803 with p-value of 0.5543. Consequently, the
model has been re-estimated only with annual data with exclusions of the
lagged redundant variables (V and L). The estimates are presented in
Table 3.
As observed in Table 3, virtually there are no changes in the
numerics of [[bar.R].sup.2] and DW statistic, but the F-statistic
improves significantly from 436.5051 to 728.6307. All the coefficients
have the expected sign excepting industrial production rate. Again, the
appropriate lag length is determined by the AIC criterion.
The sign of the coefficient of Y (-1) in Table 3 shows positive
autoregressive process and its value is significantly below unity
showing dynamic stability. The estimated equation shows negative impact
of inflation as expected and found in several empirical studies cited
earlier. The associated t-statistic, however, shows significance only at
12.83% level. This may be the result of conflicting negative influence
of inflation and positive influence through its impact on cash flows.
This is also the result of structural changes in the economy. On the
other hand, although highly significant, the sign of the coefficient of
lagged growth rate in industrial production is negative, contrary to
apriori expectation and findings of several empirical studies cited
earlier. The examination of structural change helps in explaining this
unexpected result.
The possible structural changes during the post-oil-shock period of
1980's, the stock-market-boom (or Clinton-era) period after 1992
and the period following the tragedy of September 11 of 2001 have been
examined. The calculated Chow test statistic for structural breaks at
January 1980, January 1992 and October 2001 are calculated as 0.2393,
4.1104 and 0.8434 with corresponding p-values of 0.9160, 0.0028 and
0.4983, respectively. Thus, only the period after 1992 seems to exhibit
significant structural break. Following this lead, a slope dummy has
been introduced with value 0 before 1992 and 1 thereafter. The resulting
equation seems to fit the data well with the slope dummies for annual
data as in Table 4.
Table 4 shows that the slope of lagged industrial growth is
negative before 1992 and positive after 1992. In other words, the growth
in industrial production before 1992 unleashed negative influences on S
&P 500, while after 1992 industrial production growth appears to
boost stock market returns. The negative impact of inflation seems to
have increased further after 1992. Moreover; all coefficients are now
more significant as compared to the associated t-values in Table 3.
The model is re-estimated further with slope dummies using
12-month, 18-month and 24-month moving averages. The comparative results
are reported in Table 5.
Table 5 unveils gradual significant improvements in
[[bar.R].sup.2]'s and F -statistics. As observed, the 2 R estimates
with 24-month moving averages produce the best overall results, although
some of the associated t-values decline as compared to those relating to 12-month and 18-month averages.
Since the model with slope dummy variables appears to be highly
successful, it is used in the forecasting exercise. To implement the
out-of-sample forecasting, the entire sample period is divided into
January 1970 to December 2003 and January 2004 to December 2004.
The sub-sample for the period of January 1970 to December 2003 is
used for estimation of the regression equation with slope dummy
variables. The estimated equation is used to forecast stock market
returns for out-of-sample period of January 2004 to December 2004. Since
the estimated coefficients are very close to those in Table (4), they
are no more reported here. The calculated test statistics for
out-of-sample error are as follows:
Root Mean Squared Error = 4.8728;
Mean Absolute Error =4.0790;
Mean Absolute Percent Error = 26.8455;
Theil's Inequality Coefficient = 0.1188;
Bias Proportion = 0.0225;
Variance Proportion = 0.0325; and
Covariance Proportion = 0.9449.
These statistics show that the out- of -sample forecasting power of
the model is quite high. In particular, Covariance Proportion is quite
high while Bias and Variance proportions are low and the Theil's
Inequality Coefficient is small. Appendixes III and IV show the graphs
of actual and predicted stock returns that closely correlate with each
This study arrives at an interesting conclusion that the time
horizon for calculating stock market returns makes a very large impact
on the explanatory power of macroeconomic variables using the same set
of monthly data. When stock market returns are calculated over a month,
the model fails to capture even 1 percent of variance. In contrast, the
model captures more than 84 percent of variance when stock market
returns are calculated over the year using the same set of monthly data.
As such, there is no need to search for higher frequency data only to
improve the explanatory power of the model. The more important step is
to calculate stock market returns in line with investors' general
attitude which seems to be much longer than a month.
Out of the four macroeconomic variables with presumptive linkages
to stock market returns, the rate of growth in industrial production and
the rate of inflation seem to be highly significant, while the rate of
change in broad money supply and the change in federal funds rate seem
to contribute insignificantly. The investigation of structural change
shows that the stock-market-boom period after 1992 exhibits significant
shift in the slope of the explanatory variables while the post-oil-shock
period after 1980 and the period after September 11, 2001tregedy show
little change.
Appendix-I: Descriptive Statistics
Panel A: Monthly Data
(January 1970-December 2004)
Descriptors Y X Z
Mean 0.732257 0.220566 0.387357
Median 0.907647 0.267195 0.317797
Std. Dev. 4.463956 0.722525 0.314443
Skewness -0.369232 0.769313 0.929301
Kurtosis 4.826096 6.609577 4.477363
Panel B: Quarterly Data
Descriptors Y X Z
Mean 2.177878 0.668009 1.170113
Median 2.209438 0.852499 0.945068
Std. Dev. 7.744188 1.636548 0.826333
Skewness -0.420173 -1.247963 1.103310
Kurtosis 4.113378 7.444116 4.090962
Panel C: Annual Data
Descriptors Y X Z
Mean 9.279876 2.797704 4.806700
Median 10.57650 3.260724 3.667071
Std. Dev. 16.45477 4.514919 3.099999
Skewness -0.244591 -0.654629 1.332394
Kurtosis 2.752072 3.599568 3.944062
Panel A: Monthly Data
(January 1970-December 2004)
Descriptors V L
Mean -0.016277 0.571366
Median 0.010000 0.571366
Std. Dev. 0.647478 0.379067
Skewness -1.969196 0.654680
Kurtosis 34.245610 5.790072
Panel B: Quarterly Data
Descriptors V L
Mean 0.161825 1.734501
Median -0.181159 1.696773
Std. Dev. 15.63967 0.980526
Skewness 0.478690 0.421388
Kurtosis 5.364808 3.883736
Panel C: Annual Data
Descriptors V L
Mean -0.171520 7.187903
Median -0.255000 7.324172
Std. Dev. 2.539753 3.317056
Skewness 0.257376 0.012370
Kurtosis 4.614925 2.463416
Appendix-II: Correlation Matrices
Panel A: Monthly Data
Descriptors Y X Z
Y 1.000000 -0.055669 -0.163406
X -0.055669 1.000000 -0.082640
Z -0.163406 -0.082640 1.000000
V -0.167707 0.338491 0.072045
L 0.026964 -0.005502 0.053184
Panel B: Quarterly Data
Descriptors Y X Z
Y 1.000000 -0.051101 -0.220252
X -0.051101 1.000000 -0.144781
Z -0.220252 -0.144781 1.000000
V -0.193841 0.432143 0.204371
L 0.077390 -0.002386 0.065618
Panel C: Annual Data
Descriptors Y X Z
Y 1.000000 0.142713 -0.271819
X 0.142713 1.000000 -0.287419
Z -0.271891 -0.287419 1.000000
V -0.125554 0.537450 0.323948
L 0.046661 0.029809 0.199346
Panel A: Monthly Data
Descriptors V L
Y -0.167707 0.026964
X 0.338491 -0.005502
Z 0.072045 0.053184
V 1.000000 -0.114016
L -0.114016 1.000000
Panel B: Quarterly Data
Descriptors V L
Y -0.193841 0.077390
X 0.432143 -0.002386
Z 0.204371 0.065618
V 1.000000 -0.165035
L -0.165035 1.000000
Panel C: Annual Data
Descriptors V L
Y -0.125554 0.046661
X 0.537450 0.029809
Z 0.323948 0.199346
V 1.000000 -0.164699
L -0.164699 1.000000
Appendix III: Forecasting With Annual Data
Appendix IV: Forecasting With 12 Month Moving Average
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Kishor Kumar Guru-Gharan, McNeese State University
Matiur Rahman, McNeese State University
Satyanarayana Parayitam, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Table 1: ADF Statistic for Unit Root
Variables ADF-Statistic (1) ADF-Statistic (2) ADF-Statistic (3)
(Monthly data) (Quarterly data) (Yearly data)
Y -20.20626 -4.920376 -3.859466
X -9.497868 -5.273363 -3.417938
Z -3.712944 -3.437696 -3.134817
V -13.60964 -4.288197 -3.794280
L -10.63056 -3.560017 -1.510097
Where, (1) for ADF critical values of monthly data are -3.445814,
-2.868252 and -2.570410 at 1,5 and 10 percent levels of
significance, respectively; (2) for ADF critical values of
quarterly data are -3.446122, -2.868387 and -2.570483 at
1,5 and 10 percent levels of significance, respectively and 3
for ADF critical values of annual data are -3.446692,
-2.868638 and -2.570617 at 1,5, and 10 percent levels of
significance, respectively.
Table 2: Regression Results * (All variables included)
Variables Coefficients Coefficient
(Monthly data) (Quarterly data)
Intercept 1.2294 1.4197
(2.5402) (1.9752)
Y(-1) -0.0155 0.6486
(-0.3085) (17.1507)
X(-1) 0.0049 -0.1339
(0.0153) (-0.6732)
Z(-1) -1.0621 -0.1984
(-1.4920) (-0.5354)
V(-1) -0.5867 -0.0413
(-1.5999) (-1.9068)
L(-1) -0.1663 -0.1769
(-0.2860) (-0.6000)
[[bar.R].sup.2]=0.0012 [[bar.R].sup.2]=0.4520
DW=2.0085 DW=1.6756
F=1.1029 F=69.4655
AIC=5.8429 AIC=6.3454
Variables Coefficients
(Yearly data)
Intercept 2.0801
Y(-1) 0.9164
X(-1) -0.1761
Z(-1) -0.0608
V(-1) -0.2175
L(-1) -0.0795
* The associated t-value is reported in parenthesis underneath
each coefficient.
Table 3. Regression Results (Yearly Data) (Excluding V and L)
Variables Coefficients t-statistic
Intercept 2.3160 3.0412
Y(-1) 0.9178 44.8254
X(-1) -0.2659 -3.5473
Z(-1) -0.1712 -1.5239
[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.8432, DW = 1.9963, F = 728.6307, AIC = 6.5986
Table 4: Regression Results with Slope Dummies
Variables Coefficients t-statistic
Intercept 4.2235 4.0814
Y(-1) 0.8769 38.8035
X(-1) -0.4052 -4.9554
Z(-1) -0.3444 -2.6120
D.X (-1) 0.7767 3.8325
D.Z (-1) -1.3112 -3.3751
[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.8484, DW = 1.9873, F = 455.36, AIC = 6.5697
Table 5: Regression Results With Moving Averages of Monthly Returns
Variables Coefficients Coefficient
(12-Month (18-Month
moving average) moving average)
Intercept 0.3045 0.1825
-3.7382 -2.8114
Y(-1) 0.8840 0.9204
-39.0786 -44.8463
X(-1) -0.3766 -0.2573
(-4.9581) (-3.9196)
Z(-1) -0.3018 -0.1584
(-2.3252) (-1.5816)
D.X(-1) -0.8476 0.5750
-4.3549 -3.6399
D.Z(-1) -1.3997 -0.8315
(-3.7395) (-2.9141)
[[bar.R].sup.2]=0.8574 [[bar.R].sup.2]=0.8964
DW=2.0070 DW=2.0875
F=460.3684 F= 652.0145
AIC=1.4256 AIC=0.7400
Variables Coefficients
moving average)
Intercept 0.1222
Y(-1) 0.9394
X(-1) -0.1991
Z(-1) -0.0873
D.X(-1) 0.4430
D.Z(-1) -0.5589