Historical influences on modern cost accounting practices.
King, Darwin L. ; Premo, Kathleen M. ; Case, Carl J. 等
Modern business firms utilize a variety of cost accounting
practices in an effort to manage expenditures and maximize profits. The
origin of many of these can be traced to cost related principles taught
by military institutions. This paper will first review the development
of cost accounting prior to the Civil War. Cost accounting principles
and practices developed rapidly during the early 1800s. Prior to that
date, very little effort was made by business owners to classify and
manage various costs. The bookkeeping principles introduced by Pacioli
in 1494 were little changed until the turn of the nineteenth century.
The second portion of this paper contains the major theme of this
paper. It is the importance of the cost accounting practices used by the
U.S. Army during the Civil War. These practices were quite revolutionary
for the period and allowed the army to accurately classify and manage
expenditures. Instructors at West Point were some of the leaders in the
analysis and management of expenditures. They developed an accounting
system that identified and classified all costs related to "men and
materials." Since the cost of the war was so enormous, the United
States Government required adequate cost accounting from all military
units of all expenditures for payroll, materials and supplies, food
products, hired workers, and all other military costs. Without proper
cost identification, classification, and management, the Union Army
would not have succeeded in its war efforts. Seven cost related reports
are included in the appendix and reviewed in this paper.
The final portion of this paper reviews the importance of Civil War
era cost accounting practices on modern procedures. These early
practices have continued to be beneficial today in the effort to
identify, classify, and manage costs. The cost accounting contributions
of the military during the early to mid-eighteenth century have provided
a theoretical basis for the accounting systems of today. Modern business
firms continue to refine these principles in an effort to operate in a
more efficient manner.
Prior to 1800, there was minimal interest in the process of
identifying and managing costs. Accounting texts published in the United
States in the late 1700s utilized the concepts of double entry
bookkeeping that were originally published by Pacioli in his
"Summa" text of 1494 (Previts & Merino, 20). Later,
English textbooks by Oldcastle in 1543 and Peele in 1553 were, in
effect, restatements of the principles introduced by Pacioli more that
fifty years earlier.
English accounting texts of the late eighteenth century were
distributed in Colonial America and served to educate many notable
Americans including George Washington. Washington kept personal ledgers
that contained cash accounts with debits on the left pages and credits
on the right side pages (Cloyd, 88). In addition, Washington regularly
utilized a text called "Bookkeeping Methodiz'd" written
by Scotland's John Mair in 1736 in an effort to maintain control
over various farming cash receipts and expense accounts. Washington
operated a significant farming operation with revenues of about $400,000
from August 3, 1775 to September 1783 (Previts & Merino, 46).
According to John Palmer, Washington had significant cost
identification problems and often used a "balancing entry" to
balance a ledger for unaccounted funds (Palmer, 21). In an effort to
balance his ledger on December 31, 1769, he entered a balancing entry
for over 143,000 pounds to account for cash that was "lost, stolen,
or paid away without charging." This clearly shows that costs were
not managed properly during this period. Washington was unable to
explain this huge shortage in cash other than to say that it was lost,
stolen, or not recorded as an expense when the cash was paid.
Many authors believe that cost accounting, as we know it, did not
come into existence until after 1800 (Previts & Merino, 56). Michael
Chatfield feels that prior to 1885 neither accountants nor
industrialists were interested in the identification and classification
of organizational costs
(p.159). He feels that English and American cost accounting
practices in 1870 were little different from Italian recordkeeping used
some four hundred years earlier. There is modest information available
on cost methodology during this period. A major reason for this is that
cost identification and accumulation methods were considered industrial
secrets. For that reason, little was published in an effort to minimize
the likelihood that competitors would discover these practices.
Further, Fleischman and Parker believe that early cost techniques
contained significant deficiencies including the lack of manufacturing
costs that flowed through general ledger accounts, no integration of
manufacturing costs with financial reporting, and the general lack of
utilization of cost as a management control tool (p.24). It was not
until the development of "scientific management" or
"managerialism" that cost accounting principles as we know
them today were created. Hoskin and Macve believe that the pioneers of
managerialism were graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point
(1994, 5). Following the Civil War, these West Point educated officers
joined both private and public sector organizations as managers. These
men were perhaps some of the best educated men of the period, especially
in the areas of engineering and managerial accounting, and they
introduced these innovative principles in the firms they served.
In 1817, Colonel Sylvanus Thayer, often called the father of the
Military Academy, was appointed Superintendent of West Point
(http://www.usma.edu/history). Thayer instituted major changes in West
Point operations by significantly upgrading academic standards,
emphasizing military discipline, and stressing honorable and ethical
conduct. Graduates of this period were largely responsible for the
construction of a majority of the "nation's initial railway
lines, bridges, harbors, and roads" (Ibid). Thayer reorganized West
Point along "disciplinary" lines and required students to
learn new scientific, mathematical, and engineering disciplines. He
emphasized the line and staff organizational structure in his
instructional process. Thayer also emphasized constant examinations and
a numerical grading process.
Thayer's new "accountability" system included
numerous required reports in addition to the numerically graded set of
exams in an effort to raise the educational standards of the military
academy (Hoskin & Macve, 1988, 45-46). This West Point
"connection" was a breeding ground for knowledge and power
experts who would go on to further develop a generalized accountability
system--a system that ultimately impacted accounting practiced during
the Civil War. Men schooled at West Point discovered a power to increase
productivity and reduce costs and inserted that approach into a general
disciplinary framework. (Hoskin & Macve, 1988, 38).
Graduates of West Point were often stationed at other military
institutions such as the Springfield Armory. This entity was one of the
most studied prototypes of a large factory, and it was considered to
have one of the most sophisticated systems of accounting procedures and
controls (Chandler, 1977). According to Hoskin and Macve, this was the
result of accounting methods used by West Point trained managers after
1840 (1988, 1994). These managers were able to classify and manage costs
and accomplish significant productivity gains at the armory.
Springfield Armory collected extensive product cost data in order
to establish accurate target product prices. These price figures were
compared to private contractor bids on government production jobs in an
effort to reduce supplier overcharging (Fleischman & Tyson, 365).
The War Department had to justify to the Congress the need for the
armories, such as Springfield and Harpers Ferry. In order to accomplish
this, it needed to demonstrate that the cost of providing arms at
military armories was cheaper than obtaining them from private
contractors. Under Regulations of the War Department, arms issued to
soldiers had to be accounted for, and 'charged' to the
responsible individual, if they were lost or damaged without good
reason. A fixed price determined by unit cost of production figures was
required to establish this unit cost figure (Hoskin and Macve, 1988,
World Congress, 5). In the armory's copybook of Letters Sent in
1817, a 'List of prices of the component parts of the musket'
was scheduled in detail (Hoskin and Macve, 1988, World Congress, 6). In
addition, the armory also established unit labor costs for musket components in an effort to determine the total cost of a single musket.
In summary, many of the modern cost accounting practices originated
from military education provided at West Point. Colonel Sylvanus Thayer,
Supervisor from 1817 to 1833, was instrumental in the introduction of a
new managerialism which allowed the United States to become the leader
in the development of cost and management accounting principles (Hoskin
and Macve, 1988, 37-38). His new managerialism not only emphasized
discipline and ethical conduct but also increased the academic standards
of the academy. In particular, Thayer's education emphasized cost
identification, classification, and management. His efforts educated
numerous officers who would later be employed in both the public and
private sector and utilize these principles. The next portion of this
paper reviews several cost accounting practices employed by the Union
Army during the Civil War.
Cost accounting practices were utilized extensively by soldiers in
two positions within the army. The job descriptions of company
accounting clerks and regimental quartermasters included the
identification and classification of numerous costs related to the
"men and materials." These were the two major assets of the
Union Army and required extensive recordkeeping. For example, the
accounting for clothing costs alone was an enormous task. Each soldier,
depending on his rank, was allowed a specific amount of clothing each
year of his five- year enlistment. The cost accounting practices taught
at West Point were incorporated into three instructional texts that are
discussed in the following paragraphs.
Company accounting clerks and regimental quartermasters were
required to prepare numerous reports on men and materials. A company
included approximately one hundred men and a regiment normally included
ten companies or about one thousand men. Therefore, the amount of cost
identification, classification, and management was substantial. The
clerks and quartermasters utilized three important reference texts in an
effort to safeguard all assets and produce reports and statements that
were both accurate and reliable.
These texts, published between 1861 and 1865, were utilized as
instructional guides for proper accounting practice. The first book is
the "Revised Regulations of the Army of the United States 1861". This document provided complete information on procedure and
protocol, organizational structure, court-martials, and all reports
required in order to maintain proper documentation of both human and
physical resources (War Department, 1861). This text of nearly 600 pages
provided detailed instructions concerning the reports that were required
on a quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily basis. It served as the chief
instructional guide for required accounting practice and adequate
reporting. In particular, the revised Army Regulations of 1861 provided
accounting clerks and quartermasters with an effective and efficient
system of cost accounting by clearly summarizing a variety of cost
The second important military cost accounting text was titled
"The Company Clerk" (Kautz, 1865). In a circular issued to all
company officers on June 28, 1863, this text was recommended for all
officers in the volunteer service "to acquaint themselves with its
very valuable and necessary information" (Ibid). The preface of
this text states that "we have numerous textbooks that tell us what
to do, but few, if any, tell us how to do it." This was the primary
"how to" manual for the company accounting clerks. The book
showed clerks how and when to make all returns, reports, rolls, and
other papers, and what to do with them. In addition to cost accounting
practices, this document also instructed clerks on proper internal
control procedures.
The third instructional text of the period is "The
Quartermaster's Guide" which was published in 1865. This
included full instructions for preparing all reports and returns at the
quartermaster's level (Case, 1865). Since the Quartermaster's
department was responsible for all "men and materials," this
text also included all related General Orders from May 1, 1861 to April
10, 1865. In particular, part two of this document (pp. 114-188) showed
examples of all required forms (many were completed form examples).
These three instructional texts provided clerks and quartermasters with
the knowledge to accurately follow required cost accounting practices.
The following paragraphs discuss several cost accounting practices
employed during the Civil War.
The company accounting clerk position represented the most basic
level of cost recordkeeping for the army (Kautz, Preface). The company
accounting clerk was a position filled by a man who was either a
non-commissioned officer or soldier who was known to have good
penmanship and a capacity for keeping good reports and records. This
basically meant that privates (soldiers), corporals, or sergeants
(non-commissioned officers) were allowed to hold the position of company
clerk. The company clerk did not receive any extra pay for the job but
was excused from most other duties. His major duty was to produce
adequate records and reports for the approximately one hundred men in
the unit.
The clerk prepared, on a daily basis, a number of journal books.
The clerk was required to maintain current and accurate records in nine
separate books. The Morning Report Book, Sick Book, Rosters, Descriptive
Book, Clothing Book, Order Book, Account Book of Company Fund, Register
of Articles Issued to Soldiers, and Record Book of Target Practice were
all the responsibility of the company clerk (Kautz, 9). Some of these
books contained a wealth of qualitative data such as the physical
characteristics of each soldier and his length of enlistment. A majority
of the texts, however, involved the recording of cost data involving
either "men or materials." In addition, the clerks were given
four general cost accounting practices which had to be followed in order
to properly identify and accumulate costs.
The first general cost accounting principle stated that a clerk had
to get invoices for all property that he receives (Kautz, 11). Since
there were continuous transfers of materials and supplies among military
units, these invoices provided an audit trail that allowed for the
tracing of all costs. A second principle was the requirement that the
clerk get a receipt for all the property that he transfers to other
units. This again allows for the cost audit trail to be maintained.
Following a battle, units with extra ammunition and materials were
required to transfer items to units with depleted inventories. A third
cost principle was the requirement that clerks get
"certificates" for property lost or destroyed. These
"certificates" were normally signed by an officer of the
company who verified that certain property was lost or destroyed in a
battle. A soldier would not receive replacement property if a property
authorized certificate was not submitted to regimental officers.
A fourth cost principle instructed clerks to not mix various
property on the same form or report. This was to ensure that property
from the Ordnance department, Quartermaster's Department, and
Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage department was not combined on a
single report. Each of these departments maintained cost records on the
property that it provided. In order to properly trace costs from a
department like Ordnance, the only property recorded on one of its
reports was property that it inventoried and later allocated to units in
the field.
Clerks were required to do a significant amount of cost accounting.
One of the nine required books or journals was the Company Clothing
Book. This document was used to account for all clothing issued to
soldiers. For example, a corporal in a cavalry unit was allocated a
total of $55.38 in his first year of service (Kautz, 21). The clothing
book maintained a record page for every soldier as to the amount of
clothing withdrawn during the year. If this corporal withdrew less than
$55.38 of clothing the first year, he would receive the difference as
additional pay at year end. However, if the solder withdrew more that
this amount during the first year, the additional amount would be
deducted from his pay. In order to calculate this over or under
withdrawn clothing amount, the army provided the clerks with a standard
cost table that listed the soldier's price for each article of
clothing (Kautz, 18-19). One of the documents in the appendix of this
paper pertains to soldier's clothing.
Standard costs and budgets were utilized extensively by both clerks
and quartermasters. For example, when officers were transferred, the
army paid for baggage costs up to a specified limit with the officer
paying for any excess pounds. In the field, general officers were
allowed 125 pounds of baggage while a captain was limited to 80 pounds
(Regulations, 163). Travel costs were also calculated using a standard
cost of ten cents per mile for officers (Regulations, 165). In addition,
the number of miles allowed for reimbursement was based on the shortest
mail route as found in the General Post-Office book. This process
allowed the army to minimize travel costs which were paid using a very
objectively determined methodology.
Standard costs were also employed in the calculation of forage and
straw for each unit. For example, the forage ration per day for horses
was fourteen pounds of hay and twelve pounds of oats, corn, or barley (Regulations, 166). Mules were allowed the same amount of hay per day
but only nine pounds of grain. It appears that mules got more miles to
the pound of grain than horses. Straw was allocated on a similar basis
with twelve pounds of straw allowed for bedding for each man, servant,
and company woman (Ibid). Horses were allowed one hundred pounds per
month as bedding. Standard cost and quantity figures were very typical
in the army's cost accounting system.
Standard quantity cost information was also utilized by the clerks
and quartermasters when issuing stationery. Paper, for example, was
allocated in units called quires. A quire is 25 sheets or one-twentieth
of a ream (500 sheets). A commanding officer of a regiment with at least
five companies was budgeted a specific allowance of stationery each
quarter (Regulations, 167). These officers were allowed ten quires of
writing paper, one quire of envelope paper, 40 quill pens, six ounces of
sealing wax, and two pieces of office tape. In addition, each military
unit office was allowed one inkstand, one rubber stamp, and as many
lead-pencils as required up to a maximum of four per year. These very
conservative allocations of materials aided the army in controlling
costs. This is true today in many organizations where assets are viewed
as scarce resources.
Standards were also set for the quarters of officers and the amount
of wood allowed to heat the dwelling during the year. For example, a
Colonel was allowed two rooms plus a kitchen for his barracks (Case,
19). These officers were also allocated one cord of wood per month for
the period from May 1 to September 30. From October 1 to April 30, the
standard allowance was four cords per month. This again shows that the
army maintained an extensive system of asset management utilizing
standard quantities for many types of military materials.
A major cost accounting matter involved the payment of wages to
soldiers and officers. The Company Clerk text states that muster rolls
are the most important papers that company accounting clerks prepare
(Kautz, 39). These payroll reports were prepared on the last day of
February, April, June, August, October, and December. Since wages was
the most significant cost for the army, muster rolls received
significant attention from accounting clerks and company officers who
had to verify and approve them. The army's pay department produced
a standard pay schedule that included monthly wages for each rank. For
example, a major general earned a monthly wage of $220 compared to a
private who earned $13 each month (Regulations, 348).
The muster rolls also included deductions for a variety of items.
For example, higher officer ranks earned enough so that taxes were
required to be withheld. Also, extra clothing requested by the soldiers
over their standard allowance was withheld from the soldier's pay
at its standard cost (as printed in the regulations). Additional
withholdings were made for amounts owed to sutlers. Sutlers were
merchants who traveled with the military units or were camped near each
military post. Sutlers were not allowed to sell goods on credit terms to
soldiers in excess of one-third of their monthly wage (Regulations, 37).
These limitations added to the cost accounting work required of company
accounting clerks and regimental quartermasters.
Army regulations contain many more examples of early cost
accounting. For example, clerks and quartermasters completed a wide
variety of budget reports. The army required each unit to budget all of
its costs especially for extra-duty wages, civilians hired, supplies,
armaments, food items, and any other monthly expenditure. In addition,
regular inventory reports, as least on a monthly basis, were required in
order to accurately calculate the amount of various inventories on hand.
This included all horses, mules, cannons, other smaller munitions,
wagons, ambulances, and all forms of small equipment and tents.
The cost accounting system used during the Civil War by company
clerks and regimental quartermasters was amazingly efficient and
effective, given the early date in our country's development. The
next section of this paper reviews seven documents that are included in
the appendix of this paper. These cost accounting reports and statements
provide ample evidence that the army's accounting system was very
advanced as a result of practices taught at West Point and other
military institutions. These cost identification, classification, and
management principles allowed the army to safeguard its assets and
properly manage its expenditures. These practices continue to be
utilized today in modern cost accounting systems.
The appendix contains seven examples of cost records maintained by
the army during the Civil War. Each of these forms was prepared to allow
the army to properly classify and accumulate costs and maintain an
accurate audit trail. The audit trail allowed each cost related to men
or materials to be traced to the specific military unit incurring the
cost. This is similar today to tracing various costs to the department
that incurred them. The following paragraphs discuss the cost accounting
implications of each document in the appendix.
The first report in the appendix was issued from army headquarters
in Washington as General Order, No. 364 on November 12, 1863. This was
reproduced in all of the reference manuals in order to provide clerks
and quartermasters with information on the standard cost of each item of
clothing. For example, a forage cap had a standard cost of 58 cents and
one was allowed as part of the soldier's clothing allowance for
each year of service. Flannel drawers had a standard cost of 90 cents
and eleven were allowed in the five year clothing allowance (three the
first year and two each following year). This important cost document
allowed the army to maintain a record of the cost of all clothing
withdrawn by each soldier. When the total amount of clothing withdrawn
was compared to the clothing allowance for the year, any variance could
be calculated. If withdrawn exceeded allowance, the soldier had a
balance due to the army that was deducted from his pay (similar to taxes
withheld today). If allowance exceeded withdrawn, the soldier had a
receivable from the army for clothing not withdrawn which would be added
to his pay. This was a critically important cost document for the
calculation of clothing costs owed or due to each soldier.
The second document in the appendix is the yearly clothing
allowance for soldiers in various units of the army. It appeared on page
21 of "The Company Clerk" and provided instructions to clerks
regarding the amount of total clothing allowed per year (Kautz, 21). For
example, a private in the artillery or infantry was allowed $194.85 of
clothing over a five year enlistment period. This total allowance was
based on the standard cost of the items of clothing as shown in the
first document in the appendix and the standard quantity of annual
clothing allowance. The standard quantity schedule found in the army
regulations text clearly showed the number of hats, coats, trousers,
shirts, socks, and undergarments allowed each year of enlistment
(Regulations, 170). For example, thirteen pairs of trousers were allowed
during the five year enlistment period with three pair the first, third,
and fifth year and only two pair in the second and fourth years. Only
one "great-coat" (heavy, winter) was allowed in the first year
of the five year period. This explained the larger first year allowance
(see document 2) that provided a private in the artillery with $52.03 of
clothing in the first year but only $30.12 in the second year.
A review of this table reveals that yearly allowance average
approximately 40 dollars per year. However, the first year allowance was
the largest since the soldier received a complete set of clothing. As
mentioned earlier, if the soldier withdrew more clothing than the
allowance amount, the "excess" was charged to the man in the
form of reduced pay on the next muster roll. Conversely, at the end of
an enlistment year, any "under-withdrawn" clothing was added
to the soldier's pay at the next muster roll. Cost accounting for
clothing was a massive task for company clerks who had to record even
the smallest clothing withdrawal in the company clothing book. The
annual accounting for clothing resulted in either an "account
payable owed by the soldier for excess clothing withdrawn or an account
receivable owed to the soldier for any clothing under-withdrawn."
The third table in the appendix lists the amount of monthly wage
and number of horses and servants allowed (Regulations, 348-9). This
represents one-third of the payroll tables included in the regulations.
The four pages not included list all lower ranks down to and including
privates. The document in the appendix lists all top military ranks and
those with positions that pay significantly higher premiums. For
example, a paymaster earned $80 per month compared to a wage of only $13
for privates. Note that most of the ranks listed on document three in
the appendix were allowed a number of horses and at least one servant.
The paymaster was allowed four horses in wartime and two servants. The
forage (grain and hay) for the horses and pay for the servants required
additional cost calculations for the clerks and quartermasters.
The fourth document in the appendix is an actual Civil War report
that shows the importance of budgeting by the army. In an effort to
properly manage all allocated resources, the company clerks and
regimental quartermasters prepared monthly budgets for the majority of
their routine expenditures. This form was used to budget for fuel,
forage, straw, stationery, hire of mechanics, laborers, and teamsters,
pay of extra-duty men and wagon/forage masters, hire of clerks, guides,
and escorts, and mileage paid to officers. This report was a budget for
August 1862 for straw, hire of mechanics, blacksmiths, and carpenters,
hire of teamsters (worked with horses), and the pay of extra-duty men.
Note that the teamsters had not been paid for five months (since March).
In wartime, it was common for soldiers to not receive pay for several
months because the typical bimonthly muster roll could not be held due
to extended combat periods. Budgeting continues to be a critical cost
accounting process in firms today.
The fifth document relates to payment for special services performed by a soldier in addition to his normal duties. The army
referred to this as extra-duty pay. This form shows that Colonel Milton
S. Robinson was paid for court-martial service. With many soldiers
violating regulations and even deserting, the army was forced to hold
numerous court martials in order to discipline unruly solders. Colonel
Robinson was paid $1.25 per day in extra-duty pay for 20 days that he
served on the court-marital board. A colonel in the artillery or
infantry earned $95 per month, so this additional $25 in a twenty day
period was a significant pay increase. Notice that the army prepared a
special form for recording this type of extra-duty (Report No. 18-Court
Martial Service). Payroll accounting was significantly more difficult
when special duty pay was added to the normal monthly salary of each
The sixth document in the appendix is a monthly quartermaster report that reports the sources and uses of cash for one month. Captain
H.A. Hascall was the Assistant Quartermaster at Fort Wells in Port
Royal, South Carolina. The right side of this report lists the
quartermaster's beginning cash balance and all receipts of cash for
the month of December 1861. Four small cash receipts and a major twenty
thousand dollar check combined with a significant beginning balance of
cash provided a total of $40,169.41 of cash to be accounted for. The
left side of the report shows the uses of cash and the ending cash
balance on hand. Summarizing the purchases and expenditures made during
the month and the ending balance of cash on hand provides a figure for
total cash accounted for of the same $40,169.41. This process is similar
to preparing a bank reconciliation and ensuring that the balances per
bank and books are equal. This report also has similarities to a modern
cash flow statement that shows the organization's sources and uses
of cash. Note that cash was accounted for at the bottom of the
statement. Approximately $2,600 of the ending cash balance ($34,900) was
on hand in an iron safe in Hascall's office, while the other
roughly $32,300 was on deposit with the assistant treasurer in New York
City. Accounting for cash was a monumental task for the thousands of
various military units in the field during the Civil War.
The seventh and final report in the appendix is an excellent
example of a final statement prepared when a soldier exited the
military. The left side of the page shows the certificate prepared that
describes the soldier and the reason for his leaving the military. In
this case, Private Richard Hawkins from Rhode Island was discharged from
service in February, 1862 due to his battle wounds. He received his last
pay on December 31, 1861. With his discharge on February 11, 1862, he
was owed one month and eleven days of wage at the rate of $13 per month.
His final statement shows total pay of $17.76 plus wages for a 21 day
period ($9.10) to return to his home in Rhode Island. The army assumed
that he could travel the 420 miles to his home at the rate of 20 miles
per day in the calculation of this 21 day period.
In addition, he was paid fifty cents per day ($10.50) for
subsistence meals while on his journey home. The final addition to his
pay ($18.38) was for clothing allowed but not drawn. This gave him a
total wage credit of $55.74 from which was subtracted the value of
clothing withdrawn during the last year ($39.06). The clothing withdrawn
figure would have been found in the clothing book of his company. The
final accounting figure showed that the army owed Private Hawkins a net
total of $16.68. This process continues today when an employee leaves a
firm and the "final payroll" must be calculated. Any amounts
owed to the employee for wages and other benefits must be compared with
any advances given to the worker.
These seven documents provide the reader with a better
understanding of the amount of cost accounting that was conducted by the
army during the Civil War. Cost accounting practices such as budgeting
and the use of standard quantities and costs were typical in the
army's system of recordkeeping. Army officers, upon their discharge
from the army, took these essential practices with them as they entered
both private and public organizations as management personnel.
Many of the cost and managerial accounting principles included in
modern textbooks originated with West Point and Springfield Armory
educational training. As discussed earlier, military cost accounting
during the Civil War was significantly advanced when compared to the
typical American business of the period. Mowen & Hansen define
managerial accounting as the "providing of accounting information
for a company's internal users" (Mowen & Hansen, 4). The
army's accounting system allow it to record, classify, and
interpret cost information in an effort to make good decisions
concerning the purchase and distribution of all arms and supplies.
The "Company Clerk" was written in order to allow the
army to maintain a record of the men and property that was "correct
and perfect" (Kautz, 11). This training manual provided sufficient
details on "how" to correctly prepare each report. It was
written due to the "total neglect, in most of the regiments, to
render the prescribed returns" (Kautz, 3). Kautz believed that this
problem resulted from the lack of a book that described the detailed
preparation of the required reports rather than the carelessness or
neglect of duty on the part of the officers. This book summarized the
majority of cost identification and control principles taught at West
Other modern managerial accounting texts such as Crosson &
Needles, Weygandt, Kimmel & Kieso, and Jiambalvo include a
discussion of many of the cost accounting practices used by the army
during the Civil War period. All four textbooks contain significant
attention to the process of budgeting. Weygandt, Kimmel & Kieso in
its 2008 edition includes two full chapters on budgetary planning and
control. This process was at the heart of the army's accounting
system during the war. Clerks and quartermasters budgeted payroll of the
soldiers and hired men for their company or regiment. They also prepared
budget requests for arms, munitions, food products, and supplies of all
types. Differences between budgeted and actual costs were investigated
by regimental officers and auditors in Washington. The concepts of
favorable and unfavorable variances are also included in all current
managerial accounting texts. The importance of utilizing a comprehensive
budgeting system continues today.
All modern cost and managerial textbooks discuss the importance of
internal reports in an effort to aid decision making of the owners and
managers. Mowen & Hansen state that one of the three broad
objectives of cost or managerial accounting is to provide information
for internal decision making (Mowen & Hansen, 4). This was the
philosophy of the army during the Civil War period as it desperately
attempted to identify, manage, and allocate costs in an effort to
maximize the effectiveness of those recourses. Battles could not be won
by a company or regiment if they had any shortages of men or materials.
Therefore, Washington required a complete set of invoices, receipts, and
other source documents that provided an audit trail for the numerous
reports on both men and materials.
Crosson & Needles emphasize the Institute of Management
Accountants (IMA) definition of management or cost accounting that
includes the words "to assure appropriate use of and accountability
for its (the entity) resources" (Crosson & Needles, 4). All
four accounting texts listed above emphasize the importance of
maximizing the use of an organization's resources. The army's
extensive cost accounting system required reports from company clerks
and regimental quartermasters on a daily basis. These reports and
statements allowed the officers of each company and regiment to maintain
an internal control system. A major goal of this system was the
safeguarding of all the army's assets. Without adequate cost
reports, the army would have not been able to efficiently and
effectively utilize each of its assets.
In summary, modern cost and management accounting texts include
basic principles and practices that were introduced by graduates of West
Point and other military institutions. Officers in the army had learned
detailed cost identification, classification, and summary procedures in
order to efficiently manage all expenditures. Modern businesses continue
to be concerned with comprehensive budgeting and the use of standard
costs. In addition, the calculation of favorable and unfavorable
variances is critical to modern businesses in order to manage costs in
an effort to improve profits. When accounting clerks and quartermasters
prepared detailed budgets for the soldier's payroll and all types
of materials and supplies, they were introducing a fundamental cost
accounting practice. The same is true for the use of standard costs for
monthly wages, clothing, arms and ammunition, food, and all other
supplies. These practices allow modern business firms to manage costs
and safeguard assets. Without the introduction of these important cost
principles, American businesses would have operated much less
This paper reviewed the cost accounting practices of the U.S. Army
during the Civil War in an effort to emphasize its contribution to
modern cost management. A number of authors including Previts and Merino
and Hoskin and Macve concluded that cost accounting, as we know it, did
not come into existence until after 1800. Cost accounting principles in
use today can be traced back to graduates of the U.S. Military Academy
at West Point. These graduates of West Point often went on to other
military institutions such as the Springfield Armory. This new
"managerialism" provided a huge advancement in cost accounting
theory. It allowed the army to better control and manage all of its
daily expenditures. This comprehensive cost accounting system allowed
the army to accomplish two critical internal control goals. These
include the safeguarding of all assets and the ability to operate
efficiently and effectively. Without this knowledge, the war may have
lasted substantially later than 1865.
As the West Point trained officers were discharged from army
service following the war, many became employed in large business
enterprises across the country. Commonly engaged in management
positions, they continued to apply the same cost accounting principles
and practices they had learned at the academy. These basic cost
accounting practices provided for the development of modern cost
identification, classification, and control. Comprehensive budgeting
systems, the use of standard cost and quantity data, the calculation of
cost variances, and similar expenditure related principles continue to
be valuable to modern businesses. Business firms of the 21st century owe
much to the pioneers of "managerialism" who taught these
innovative cost management practices over 140 years ago.
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Darwin L. King, St. Bonaventure University
Kathleen M. Premo, St. Bonaventure University
Carl J. Case, St. Bonaventure University