Cointegration and causality between stock index and macroeconomic variables in an emerging market.
Brahmasrene, Tantatape ; Jiranyakul, Komain
This study examined the relationship between stock market index and
selected macroeconomic variables during the post-financial
liberalization (pre-financial crisis) and postfinancial crisis in
Thailand. In the empirical analysis, unit root, cointegration and
Granger causality tests were performed. The post-financial
liberalization results showed that the stock market index, the
industrial production index, money supply, exchange rate, and world oil
prices contained a unit root and were integrated of order one. Johansen
cointegration test was then employed. The results showed at least one
cointegrating or long-run relation between the stock market index and a
set of macroeconomic variables. Money supply had a positive impact on
the stock market index while the industrial production index, the
exchange rate and oil prices had a negative impact. During the
post-financial crisis, all variables were integrated at different
orders. Cointegration existed between the stock market index and
macroeconomic variables. In addition, the Granger causality test
indicated money supply was the only variable positively affecting the
stock market returns.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand has been considered an emerging
stock market since its inauguration in April 1975. The market
capitalization of Thailand Stock Exchange is small while bond trading
and other financial innovations have emerged in just the last few years.
Like other emerging stock markets in Asia, liberalization in the Thai
financial markets, both money and capital markets, reduced the
regulation for foreign investors who were interested in investing in
Thailand. The financial liberalization in 1992 included lifting capital
control measures and allowing banks to lend and borrow more freely in
both in- and off-shore transactions. In addition, the Thai government
urged capital inflows in both portfolio and foreign direct investment.
As a result, the volume of stock trading increased substantially in
recent years. Equity instruments are a crucial source of funds for
business firms. A continuous increase in private investment via issuing
new stocks can be a conduit of GDP expansion and, thus, a high
employment rate.
Under the fixed exchange rate regime prior to the financial crisis
in 1997, Thailand saw large capital inflows, especially in terms of
portfolio investment. This nearly offset the huge current account
deficits. Additionally, large capital inflows caused domestic financial
institutions to lend a large number of loans to both firms and
individual borrowers. The ratio between loans and deposits in the
banking system was as high as 1.35 in mid-1990 compared to 0.75 in early
1990. Many analysts believed this was due to the overheating of the Thai
economy. In late 1996, private investment accounted for more than 40
percent of the national income. Such phenomena showed that domestic
borrowers relied more on foreign capital inflows than domestic savings.
During this period, the domestic interest rate rose and caused a wide
gap between domestic and foreign interest rates. This interest rate
differential induced large capital inflows mostly in portfolio
investment. The financial crisis in 1997 had a devastating impact on the
Thai economy. A significant effect related to exchange rate risk under
the floating exchange rate regime began in July 1997. Other than real
economic activity (e.g., real GDP or the industrial production index)
that could affect an investment decision in common stocks, the risk
generated from exchange rate fluctuations may also distort the portfolio
investment decision. The main objective of this study was to investigate
the effects of macroeconomic variables on stock market index/returns in
Thailand during the post-financial liberalization prior to the financial
crisis (January 1992-June 1997) and after the financial crisis (July
1997-December 2003). The stock market return represents the change in
stock market index.
The literature review consists of two sections. The first reviews
the literature on factors affecting stock market returns with emphasis
on money supply and inflation. The second focuses on the long-run
relationship or cointegration between stock market returns and
macroeconomic variables.
Factors Affecting the Stock Market
Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) employed a multivariate arbitrage
pricing theory (APT) to analyze the relationship between the market
returns and macroeconomic factors, including measures of industrial
production, the money supply, inflation, and interest rate and exchange
rate variables. They confirmed a strong relationship between the market
returns and these variables. Hamao (1988) found that inflationary
expectations cause a change in the risk premium and in the term
structure of interest rate. In turn, these variables have a significant
impact upon stock returns in the Japanese market. Fung and Lie (1990)
concluded that the response of the stock market index to changes in
domestic production and money supply was weak in Korea. In other words,
investors did not perceive a change in economic conditions could affect
stock prices. Dhakal, Kandil, and Sharma (1993) adopted a vector
autoregression (VAR) model to test the impact of a change in the money
supply on a change in the stock market index under a money market
equilibrium condition. They discovered a significant relationship
between these two variables in the United States. A study by Abdullah
and Haywarth (1993) also found that a change in the market index was
influenced by the rate of inflation and by the change in the money
supply. On the relationship between inflation and stock returns, Fama
(1981) indicated that most economic factors, except inflation, exhibited
a positive correlation with the stock market index. The negative
correlation between inflation and real equity returns was partially
explained by the proxy hypothesis. In brief, inflation and real equity
returns react in an opposite manner to news about future real output
growth. Aarstol (2000) confirmed that this negative relationship
persisted even when output growth was controlled. Rapach (2001) examined
the effects of money supply, aggregate spending, and aggregate supply
shocks on real U.S. stock prices in a structural VAR model. One of the
main findings was that real stock returns were negatively correlated
with inflation.
Long-run relationships between the stock market index and various
macroeconomic variables are commonly observed. Mookerjee and Naka (1995)
showed that short-run relationships among these variables existed in the
Japanese stock market. However, this might not be the case for a small
open economy. Mookerjee and Yu (1997) further found that not all
macroeconomic variables were cointegrated with stock prices in
Singapore. Cheung and Ng (1998) obtained evidence of cointegration
between stock market indices and various macroeconomic variables,
including oil prices. Cointegration between stock market returns and
several macroeconomic variables also existed in South Korea (Kwon &
Shin, 1999). However, the stock market indices were found not to be
leading indicators of macroeconomic variables, such as the production
index, money supply, exchange rate, and the trade balance. In the case
of Malaysia, Ibrahim (1999) indicated that stock prices had a long-run
relationship with consumer prices, credit aggregates, and official
reserves. In 2003, Ibrahim found cointegration between returns and the
money supply in the Malaysian equity market to be a major influence on
equity prices. Groenewold (2004) analyzed the relationship between share
prices and real output using structural VAR models without considering
other macroeconomic variables. One of the major results showed that a
macroeconomic boom caused an overvaluation in stock prices.
An early theory of arbitrage pricing uses a functional form to test
the relationship between stock index and macroeconomic variables. All
individual stocks are affected by common factors. The multifactor model,
as in the arbitrage pricing theory (APT), stipulates various factors
that can influence the returns of all assets in the stock market. Market
index can be affected by macroeconomic variables, such as changes in
interest rate, money supply, economic growth, and inflation. By and
large, the APT model has a drawback as it assumes the constant term to
be a risk-free rate of return. The functional form of multiple
regression that is widely used in empirical studies is:
(1) SE[T.sub.t]=[[beta].sub.0]+[[beta].sub.1]I[P.sub.t]+[[beta].sub.2] [M.sub.2]+[[beta].sub.3][P.sub.t]+[[beta].sub.4]
* SE[T.sub.t] denotes the market index of overall market value of
listed stocks in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This is the sum of
market value (share outstanding multiplied by market price) of all
stocks being traded. A change in the index represents capital
gains/losses. Rate of return ()SET) is measured as the sum of capital
gains/losses for each period. Dividends are not available for inclusion
in this study.
* I[P.sub.t] is the logarithm of the total industrial production
index, a proxy for real economic activity.
* M[2.sub.t] is the logarithm of changes in the broad definition of
money supply.
* [P.sub.t] is the logarithm of the inflation rate.
* E[X.sub.t] is the logarithm of the nominal exchange rate measured
in terms of Thai baht per U.S. dollar.
* I[N.sub.t] is the logarithm of the long-term interest rate.
* O[P.sub.t] is the logarithm of oil price measured in U.S. dollar
per barrel.
* [e.sub.t] is a disturbance term.
The ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate can be applied to
Equation (1) if all variables are stationary. If variables are not
stationary, the typical OLS regression will yield spurious results or
will not be meaningful (Gujarati 2003).
Some systematic factors in the economy may play a major role in
affecting the stock market index. In particular, a different period of
time can capture different responses of stock prices to varying levels
of macroeconomic activity. When Thailand experienced financial crisis,
the policy makers shifted from a fixed foreign exchange rate regime
prior to the crisis to a flexible rate regime after the crisis.
Policymakers became more prudent in exercising monetary policy tools.
The cointegration test indicates the presence or absence of long-run
equilibrium relationships among variables. Cointegration among variables
may or may not exist due to changes in their orders of integration when
the regime shifts. Therefore, this research distinguishes the effects of
macroeconomic variables on market returns in two periods: the
post-financial liberalization before financial crisis (January 1992-June
1997) and the post-financial crisis (July 1997-December 2003). Results
are expected to be different due to these different circumstances.
The Bank of Thailand Economic Bulletin provides monthly data on the
industrial production index, the consumer price index (price level),
money supply, interest rates, and nominal exchange rates from January
1992 to December 2003. The price level series are adjusted to the base
period of 1998. Data used for the stock market index are obtained from
Stock Exchange of Thailand index. The Energy Information Administration
is the source for oil prices.
The relationship between the stock market index and crucial
macroeconomic variables in equation (1) can be applied if all variables
are stationary in level or trend. If they are not stationary in level,
but stationary in first differences, they may or may not be
cointegrated. If they are cointegrated, the error correction mechanism
(ECM) can be used to determine the short- run deviation from the
long-run equilibrium. If they are not cointegrated, the Granger
causality can be employed to navigate direction of causation.
In practice, the most widely used method of estimation is based on
the condition that many economic variables are known to be integrated of
order one or I(1), with or without cointegration. The Phillips &
Perron (PP) unit root test (Phillips & Perron, 1988) for time series
is performed to determine the order of integration of each variable.
Furthermore, Johansen cointegration tests (Johansen, 1991 & 1995)
are conducted to determine whether the stock market index and a set of
macroeconomic factors are cointegrated. If cointegration exists, there
is a long-run relationship among the variables in question. If
cointegration does not exist, Granger bivariate causality tests are
employed to determine the direction of causation between stock market
returns (stationary first differences of stock market index, DSET) and
each of the relevant macroeconomic variables.
The Johansen's cointegration test employs the maximum
likelihood procedure to determine the existence of cointegrating
vectors. In nonstationary time series, a vector autoregressive (VAR)
form is indicated in equation (2).
(2) [DELTA][Z.sub.t][product][Z.sub.t] + [k.summation over (i=1)]
[[GAMMA].sub.i][[DELTA][Z.sub.t-i] + [e.sub.t]
* [Z.sub.t] is a vector of nonstationary variables.
* [[GAMMA].sub.i] is the matrix of short-run parameters.
* [product] = [alpha][[beta].sup.1], is the information on the
coefficient matrix between the levels of the series.
The relevant elements of the " matrix are adjusted
coefficients and the $ matrix contains the cointegrating vectors.
According to Johansen and Juselius (1990), there are two likelihood
ratio test statistics to test for the number of cointegrating vectors,
i.e. the maximum eigenvalue statistic and the trace statistic. The two
test statistics are compared with the critical values. If the maximum
eigenvalue statistic and the trace statistic are greater than the
critical values, cointigrating relation(s) will be present. The Johansen
procedure bases on the error correction mechanism (ECM) representation
of the vector autoregressive model.
The equation below is used to test the causation from each of the
macroeconomic factors ([X.sub.t]) to stock market returns.
(3) [DELTA]SE[T.sub.t] = [[alpha.sub.t][DELTA]SE[T.sub.t-i] +
[k.summation over (j=1)][[beta.sub.j][X.sub.t-j] + [e.sub.t]
The equation used to test the causation from stock market return to
a change in each macroeconomic variable is
(4) [X.sub.t] = [[alpha.sub.0] + [k.summation over
(i=1)][[alpha.sub.i][X.sub.t-I] + [k.summation over
(j=1)][[beta.sub.j]SE[T.sub.t-j] + [u.sub.t]
Equation (3) postulates that stock market returns ([DELTA]SET) are
related to the previous [DELTA]SET and to an independent macroeconomic
variable ([x.sub.t]), and equation (4) postulates a similar behavior for
[x.sub.t]. According to the Granger causality test, if the set of
estimated coefficients on the lagged x in (3) is statistically
significant and the set of estimated coefficients on the lagged
[DELTA]SET in (4) is statistically insignificant, then the
unidirectional causality from x to [DELTA]SET exists. In contrast, if
the set of estimated coefficients on the lagged x in (3) is not
statistically different from zero and the set of estimated coefficients
on the lagged [DELTA]SET in (4) is statistically different from zero,
then unidirectional causality from [DELTA]SET to x exists. If the set of
[DELTA]SET and x coefficients are insignificant in both regressions,
independence occurs. Bi-directional causality is present when both sets
of [DELTA]SET and x coefficients are significant in both regressions.
The power of the test is valid if the [b.sub.j] coefficients are
significantly different from zero.
The Post-Financial Liberalization (Pre-Financial Crisis)
The results of the unit root test during the period of the
post-financial liberalization (January 1992-June 1997) are reported in
Table 1. The PP tests show the industrial production index is trend
stationary, that is, I(0). Without trend, the industrial production
index is nonstationary at level, but its first difference is stationary,
I(1). The logarithm of each of the remaining variables contains a unit
root at level. However, tests of first differences indicate stationarity
or the absence of unit roots. Therefore, all variables are integrated of
order one, I(1) during the pre-financial crisis. Money supply is chosen
as a representative financial variable because the correlations among
financial variables are high: 0.99 between money supply and consumer
price index, 0.63 between money supply and interest rate, and 0.65
between consumer price index and interest rate.
The Johansen cointregation test is employed as shown in Table 2.
Cointegration among the stock market index, the industrial production
index, money supply, nominal exchange rate and oil price is performed
using up to four lags length. This optimal lag length is determined by
generally accepted techniques. The maximum Eigenvalue and Trace
statistics show an acceptance of one and two cointegrating relation,
respectively, at the 5 percent level among all five series. There exists
at least one cointegrating relation among these series. The long-run
relationship between the stock market index and four macroeconomic
variables is:
(5) SE[T.sub.t] = -1.078 I[P.sub.t] + 0.975M[2.sub.t] -
8.447E[X.sub.t] - 1.496O[P.sub.t] (0.655) (0.358) (2.212) (0.169)
The number in parenthesis is standard error. The error correction
mechanism (ECM) is employed when cointegration exists. Equation (6)
below shows the short-run deviation from the long-run equilibrium:
ECT in equation (6) is the error correction term. Lagged first
differences coefficients at 10 percent significant level are customarily
omitted. The number in parentheses is t-statistic.
The Post-Financial Crisis
The results of the unit root tests for the post-financial crisis
(July 1997-December 2003) are reported in Table 3. The PP tests show
that the variables are integrated at different orders. The stock market
index, industrial production, nominal interest rate, and oil prices are
integrated of order one, I(1). This means their first differences are
stationary. Money supply, consumer price index, and nominal exchange
rate are integrated of order zero, I(0), or are stationary series.
The Post-Financial Liberalization (Pre-Financial Crisis) During the
pre-financial crisis, there was a long-run relationship between the
stock market index (SET) and the following macroeconomic factors:
industrial production index (IP), money supply (M2), nominal exchange
rate (EX), and oil prices (OP) from Table 2 & Equation 5. Money
supply positively influenced stock market index while the industrial
production index, nominal exchange rate and international oil prices
negatively influenced the stock market index. According to the data from
Bank of Thailand, the ratio of M2 to GDP increased from approximately
0.80 before the crisis to 1.20 by the end of 1999. The ratio has changed
slightly since that date. The fiscal position revealed a budgetary
surplus until the crisis prompted expansionary monetary and fiscal
policies to stimulate the economy. The nominal interest rate was
somewhat manipulated to a low level in order to stimulate private
investment spending.
Contrary to the existing theory, the industrial production index
negatively affected the stock market index. Throughout the crisis,
capacity utilization and the industrial production index declined as
firms were reluctant to expand their levels of production. In spite of a
decline in the industrial production index, the stock market index
continued to rise because speculative motive in financial and real
estate sectors dominated the buy and hold strategy. It should be noted
here that financial and real estate sectors are the major component of
the stock market index. Furthermore, the nominal exchange rate adversely
affected the stock market index as the inflow in portfolio investment
plunged when Thai baht depreciated against the US dollar. Higher
international oil prices due to foreseeable higher costs of production
sent a negative signal to the stock market.
The dynamics of equation (6) indicates short-run impact of changes
in industrial production and oil prices on stock market returns (also
known as capital gain or loss). Stock market returns are not affected by
changes in money supply and nominal exchange rate. The variables that
play an important role are industrial production (or real activities)
and oil prices. The error correction term (ECT) is significant at the 1
percent level. Its value indicates that about 0.56 of the discrepancy
between the actual and the long-run or equilibrium, value of SET is
corrected or eliminated each month. Case in point, the stock market
index is related to some macroeconomic variables: industrial production
index, money supply, nominal exchange rate, and international oil prices
in the long run. There exists cointegration among these variables. The
economic bubbles or pre-crisis relationships will not reappear if banks
prevent it by restricting loans only to those firms that have
fundamental strength. However, it must be said that what routinely
occurs in a well-developed stock market may not appear in an emerging
stock market.
The Post-Financial Crisis
The Johansen cointegration test in Table 4 shows no cointegration
among four nonstationary variables. Thus, the Granger causality test is
implemented. This test requires a stationary pair-wise series. Table 5
exhibits results from bivariate causality tests.
The post-financial crisis shows no cointegration between stock
market index (SET) and crucial macroeconomic variables (Table 4). At the
height of the crisis, the Bank of Thailand decided to no longer
"peg" the nation's exchange rate. The exchange rate
fluctuated erratically until 1998, when the fluctuations subsided. This
structural break changed the behavior of investors and business firms.
Due to the instability induced by the financial crisis, the variables
become integrated at different orders post-crisis. As a result, it
caused a change in the relationship between stock market returns and
macroeconomic variables.
Unidirectional causality exists between stock market returns (DSET)
and the following macroeconomic factors: money supply (M2), change in
nominal interest rate and nominal exchange rate (Table 5). As indicated
in Table 5, the money supply causes stock market returns to change in
the same direction. In other words, money supply is a precursor of stock
market returns. The money supply became the only variable to affect
stock market return in the post-crisis period. This is due in part to
its primary role in economic stimulus, while followed by expansionary
fiscal policy. Additionally, information about economic conditions is
not effectively transmitted among investors in the stock market.
Furthermore, stock market return is a leading indicator of movements in
nominal interest and nominal exchange rates under the managed float
regime (post-financial crisis) with the highly significant causation
from stock market return to nominal exchange rate and nominal interest
Also noteworthy is the evidence showing that there are no
relationships between stock market returns and the following
macroeconomic factors: industrial production index, and oil prices. In
order to prevent adverse supply shocks, the government controls the
price of gasoline used in real activity. Thus, world oil prices did not
have a significant impact. The erratic behavior of the stock market was
considered to be a temporary or transitory phenomenon as the economy
gradually heals itself and adjusts toward long-run stability.
This paper makes two main important contributions to the literature
concerning the long-run relationship between the stock market and
macroeconomic variables. First, no existing research has studied this
relationship in Thailand using a unit root test and cointegration test
in the period that contains a structural break. The post-financial
liberalization (and pre-financial crisis) and post-financial crisis
periods are examined to control for the structural break that may result
from changes in policy regime. Second, in the absence of cointegration
after the financial crisis, the results from causality testing yield
different notions from the existing literature. In summary,
relationships exist among stock market return, money supply, nominal
interest and exchange rate in the post- financial crisis. The industrial
production index is not an indicator of stock market expansion at all
after the financial crisis. Oil price shocks do not have an impact on
the stock market, as generally believed. The estimated results should be
stable and statistically acceptable since well-known and acceptable
econometric methods were employed in the analysis.
This study finds that the stock index is cointegrated with some
macroeconomic variables in the pre-financial crisis, but not in the
post-financial crisis. During the post-financial liberalization prior to
the financial crisis in Thailand, the industrial production index
adversely affected stock market index (equation 5). This is
contradictory to the belief that there is a positive linkage between
real activities and stock market. The structural break has caused a
change in the relationship between the stock market index and crucial
macroeconomic variables. At the height of the financial crisis, the
money supply played an important role. This suggests an expansionary
monetary policy may be able to stimulate the stock market. An increase
in money supply will increase stock market returns. However, the
evidence obtained here suggests that this policy will be effective only
in the short run. Additionally, understanding the stock market reaction
to various macroeconomic variables over time, especially during an
economic crisis, should provide valuable insight to both practitioners
and researchers. For example, stock market returns may be employed as a
leading indicator of change in nominal interest and exchange rates. The
practical implication of this research is that in the recovery from an
economic crisis, especially if it has significant financial
implications, investors should spend more time and effort acquiring the
knowledge associated with monetary policy and its effects on the
This study examines the relationship between the stock market and
several macroeconomic variables in Thailand. The Phillips & Perron
(PP) test is used to test for unit roots in the variables in question.
Cointegration tests between the stock market index and a set of the
macroeconomic variables are performed for two periods, the
post-financial liberalization and post-financial crisis periods. The
existing literature indicates that real economic activity has a strong
and positive effect on the stock market index. Money supply has a
positive influence on stock market returns while inflation has a
negative impact. Furthermore, oil price shocks and nominal exchange rate
movements have been found to adversely affect stock market returns.
Contrary to these findings, this study has found cointegration between
stock market index and crucial macroeconomic variables during the
pre-financial crisis only. During the post-fiancial crisis, causality
between stock market return and macroeconomic variables is observed (to
some extent) only for the money supply, change in nominal interest rate
and exchange rate variables. In order to generalize the results obtained
above, several suggestions for future research may be offered. The
empirical model may be estimated with additional and/or alternative
economic and financial factors. Studies encompassing various regions
should be conducted when more data are available. Such research will
contribute toward improving our understanding of the emerging financial
markets responses to the frequently occurring phenomena of economic
crisis induced by globalization.
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Tantatape Brahmasrene, Purdue University North Central Komain
Jiranyakul, National Institute of Development Administration
Table 1: Unit Root Tests
(January 1992-June 1997)
PP Test
Variables Without Trend With Trend
Stock Market Index:
SET -0.525(3) [0.88] -0.403(2) [0.99]
[DELTA] SET -7.394(3) *** [0.00] -8.106(1) *** [0.00]
Industrial Production:
IP -1.631(3) [0.46] -4.765(3) *** [0.00]
[DELTA] IP -11.076 *** [0.00]
Money Supply(M2):
M2 -0.160(1) [0.94] -2.577(2) [0.29]
[DELTA] M2 -7.398(2) *** [0.00] -7.337(2) *** [0.00]
Consumer Price Index:
P -0.301(2) [0.98] -2.338(1) [0.41]
[DELTA] P -6.665(3) *** [0.00] -6.627(3) *** [0.00]
Interest Rate:
IN -1.436(4) [0.56] -2.510(4) [0.32]
[DELTA] IN -4.835(0) *** [0.00] -4.809(0) *** [0.00]
Exchange Rate:
EX -1.420(2) [0.57] -1.078(0) [0.92]
[DELTA] EX -5.711(3) *** [0.00] -5.696(4) *** [0.00]
Oil Price:
OP -1.976(2) [0.30] -2.081(3) [0.55]
[DELTA] OP -4.877(3) *** [0.00] -4.896(2) *** [0.00]
PP Test
Variables Without Trend Order of Integration
Stock Market Index: I(1)
SET -0.525(3) [0.88]
[DELTA] SET -7.394(3) *** [0.00]
Industrial Production: I(1) or I(0) with trend
IP -1.631(3) [0.46] stationarity
[DELTA] IP -11.076 *** [0.00]
Money Supply(M2): I(1)
M2 -0.160(1) [0.94]
[DELTA] M2 -7.398(2) *** [0.00]
Consumer Price Index: I(1)
P -0.301(2) [0.98]
[DELTA] P -6.665(3) *** [0.00]
Interest Rate: I(1)
IN -1.436(4) [0.56]
[DELTA] IN -4.835(0) *** [0.00]
Exchange Rate: I(1)
EX -1.420(2) [0.57]
[DELTA] EX -5.711(3) *** [0.00]
Oil Price: I(1)
OP -1.976(2) [0.30]
[DELTA] OP -4.877(3) *** [0.00]
Note The number in parentheses is the optimal bandwidth determined by
Newey-West using Bartlett Kernel. The number in brackets is
one-sided p-values of accepting the null hypothesis of a unit root
(MacKinon, 1996).
*** significant at 1 percent level
Table 2: Johansen Cointegration Test results
(January 1992-June 1997)
Cointegration Maximum Eigenvalue
rank (r) Statistics Trace Statistics
r=0 34.27 (33.46) ** 85.73 (68.52) **
r[less than or equal to]1 23.25 (27.07) 51.46 (47.21) **
r[less than or equal to]2 18.95 (20.97) 28.22 (29.08)
r[less than or equal to]3 9.17 (14.07) 9.27 (15.41)
r[less than or equal to]4 0.10 (3.76) 0.10 (3.76)
Note The number in parenthesis is the critical value at 5 percent level.
** significant at 5 percent level.
Table 3: PP Test for Unit Root
(July 1997-January 2003)
PP Test Statistics
Variables Without Trend With Trend
Stock Market Index:
SET -1.730(2) [0.41] -1.585(0) [0.79]
[DELTA] SET -9.359(0) *** [0.00] -9.640(2) *** [0.00]
Industrial Production:
IP -0.474(3) [0.89] -4.506(4) *** [0.00]
[DELTA] IP -15.126 *** [0.00]
Money Supply(M2):
M2 -3.079(4) ** [0.03] -4.265(4) *** [0.01]
Consumer Price Index:
P -4.390(5) *** [0.00] -5.490(4) *** [0.00]
Interest Rate:
IN -0.422(5) [0.90] -1.951(5) [0.62]
[DELTA]IN -5.882(4) *** [0.00] -5.866(4) *** [0.00]
Exchange Rate:
EX -5.116(1) *** [0.00] -4.671(2) *** [0.00]
Oil Price:
OP -1.146 (1) [0.69] -2.013(2) *** [0.58]
[DELTA]OP -6.142 (5) *** [0.00]
Variables Order of Integration
Stock Market Index: I(1)
Industrial Production: I(1) or I(0) with trend
IP stationarity
Money Supply(M2): I(0)
Consumer Price Index: I(0)
Interest Rate: I(1)
Exchange Rate: I(0)
Oil Price: I(1) or I(0) with trend
OP stationarity
Note The number in parentheses is the optimal bandwidth determined by
Newey-West using Bartlett kernel. The number in brackets is one-sided
p-values of accepting the null hypothesis of a unit root (MacKinnon,
*** significant at 1 percent level and
Table 4: Johansen Cointegration Test
(July 1997-December 2003)
Maximum Eigenvalue
Cointegration rank (r) Statistics Trace Statistics
r=0 18.90 (27.07) 41.44 (47.21)
r[less than or equal to]1 11.59 (20.97) 22.54 (29.68)
r[less than or equal to]2 7.64 (14.07) 10.95 (15.41)
r[less than or equal to]3 3.30 (3.76) 3.30 (3.76)
Note The number in parenthesis is critical values at the 5 percent
Table 5: Granger Causality F-Statistics
(July 1997-December 2003)
F-statistic Optimal Lag
[DELTA]IP [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 0.72 (0.40)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] 1.46 (0.23) 1
M2 [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 4.18 (0.04) **
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] M2 0.21 (0.65) 1
P [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 2.38 (0.13)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] P 0.51 (0.48) 1
[DELTA]IN [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 2.56 (0.11)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] 6.88 (0.01) *** 1
EX [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 0.97 (0.38)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] EX 7.89 (0.00) *** 2
[DELTA]OP [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 0.55 (0.46)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] 0.01 (0.93) 1
F-statistic AIC
[DELTA]IP [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 0.72 (0.40)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] 1.46 (0.23) -4.54
M2 [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 4.18 (0.04) **
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] M2 0.21 (0.65) -7.96
P [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 2.38 (0.13)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] P 0.51 (0.48) -9.49
[DELTA]IN [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 2.56 (0.11)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] 6.88 (0.01) *** -5.72
EX [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 0.97 (0.38)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] EX 7.89 (0.00) *** -5.09
[DELTA]OP [right arrow] [DELTA]SET 0.55 (0.46)
[DELTA]SET [right arrow] 0.01 (0.93) -3.37
Note Numbers in the parentheses are probabilities of accepting the
null hypotheses of no causality.
*** significant at 1 percent level,
** significant at 5 percent level, and
* significant at 10 percent level.