An empirical evaluation of bankruptcy prediction models for small firms: an over-the-counter (OTC) market experience.
He, Yihong ; Kamath, Ravindra ; Meier, Heidi Hylton 等
The focus of this paper is on the bankruptcy prediction of small
firms. Specifically, two successful bankruptcy prediction models,
Ohlson's model (1980) and Shumway's model (2001), are
re-estimated with the data of a sample of firms traded on the
over-the-counter (OTC) market in a recent period in the 1990s. While
Ohlson's model relies strictly on accounting ratios, Shumway's
model combines market measures with the accounting ratios. Both models
are then validated by a classification test and a more rigorous
prediction test to predict the bankruptcy probability of the holdout samples. The results indicate that both the classification accuracy and
the prediction accuracy are impressive with these two models for
predicting bankruptcy up to three years before their actual demise,
while Shumway's model performs marginally better than Ohlson's
Business failures are considered both unfortunate and costly at
least by the owners, creditors, employees, suppliers and customers of
the failed firms. Even the ardent admirers of the market
mechanisms' ability to increase efficiency through its
"survival of the fittest" principle find the social and
economic consequences of business failures rather unpleasant in the
short run. Accordingly, for over thirty years, academic researchers and
practitioners in the fields of accounting, economics and finance have
shown a strong and determined interest in developing and testing
business failure prediction models.
The literature on bankruptcy prediction models is rich and it
demonstrates numerous strides made over the years since the pioneering
research by Beaver (1966) and Altman (1968). For the most part however,
prior research has concentrated on firm samples made up of the largest
of the corporations traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and/or
the American Stock Exchange (AMSE). (1) Yet in reality, the small firms
are more vulnerable to business failure than their larger counterparts.
(2) According to the Small Business Administration (SBA, 1999), over 99
percent of business closures are small firms. Moreover, small businesses
are the backbone of the U.S. economy. They produce 39 percent of the GNP and make 47 percent of all sales within the U.S. (SBA, 1999). Small
firms also account for about half of the private sector employment and
create two of every three new jobs. The crucial importance of small
firms in the American business frontier provides partial impetus for
this study. The relative paucity of studies focusing on small business
failure provides additional motivation for the present study.
The objective of the empirical investigation in this study is to
examine the effectiveness of two highly successful bankruptcy prediction
models, namely, Ohlson's model (1980) and Shumway's model
(2001) in predicting bankruptcy of small firms. Specifically, this study
applies the two models for predicting bankruptcy of a sample of
over-the-counter (OTC) traded firms during a period of the 1990s. While
Ohlson's model relies strictly on accounting data, Shumway's
model combines market information with the accounting data.
The distinguishing features of this study, which are summarized
next, make strong attempts to overcome some of the glaring voids in the
literature. First, this study addresses the issue of business failures
specifically to the OTC traded small firms. Only firms with assets less
than $130 million are considered in this investigation. About 75 percent
of the sample firms had assets of less than $50 million one year prior
to bankruptcy. Second, this paper analyzes the data from a large sample
of 316 OTC firms, consisting of 158 bankrupt firms during the 1990s and
158 matched nonbankrupt firms by size, industry and the timing of the
financial reports during the same period. Third, by using all the data,
the financial as well as the market data, from the most recent decade,
the problem of pooling the data from 2 or 3 decades in the previous
studies is mitigated. Fourth, the estimated models are externally
validated by a prediction test up to 3 years prior to bankruptcy with
the help of a holdout sample. Specifically, the bankruptcy prediction
models estimated by using the data of 246 matched firms over the
1990-1996 period are utilized to predict failure for a group of 70
matched firms during 1997 and 1998.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. A brief review of
the literature is the subject of the second section. The methodology and
the data adopted in this study are explained in the third section. The
empirical results are presented and analyzed in the fourth section. A
summary of the paper makes up the final section.
Since the seminal work of Beaver (1966) and Altman (1968),
financial ratio analysis has become the favorite approach to
investigating the bankruptcy problem (Altman, 1993). Numerous studies
have been published through the development of various statistical
techniques into ratio analysis to predict bankruptcy over the past
thirty years. Table 1 presents the summary of the major studies using
financial ratios in discriminating between bankrupt and nonbankrupt
Empirical research for predicting bankruptcy started with
univariate analysis (e.g., Beaver, 1966). Under this method, each
individual ratio is examined at a time and the ratios which provide the
most accurate prediction are recognized. Multivariate discriminant analysis (MDA) later replaced univariate analysis to develop bankruptcy
prediction models (e.g., Altman, 1968; Deakin, 1972; Edmister, 1972;
Blum, 1974) because the MDA method can measure a firm's risk of
bankruptcy by analyzing several ratios simultaneously. A composite
number, such as Z score, from the MDA is used to classify a firm as
bankrupt or nonbankrupt. More recent prediction models have been
developed using logit analysis, which is in response to the limits of
the MDA method (e.g., Ohlson, 1980; Zavgren, 1985; Platt & Platt,
1990) to improve the predictive reliability and accuracy. The most
distinctive advantage of the logit analysis over the MDA method,
according to Eisenbeis (1977), is that the coefficient of an individual
variable in a logit model is interpretable and the significance of a
variable can be tested statistically. Thus, each financial ratio in a
logit model is examined so that the predictive accuracy of the model can
be improved.
Ohlson (1980) is among the first to use logit analysis to develop a
bankruptcy prediction model to assess the probability of corporate
failure. The variables include financial ratios which measure liquidity,
profitability, leverage and solvency. The sample was made up of 105
publicly traded industrial firms that went bankruptcy during the period
of 1970 to 1976. The model found that leverage ratio and profitability
ratio were consistently significant in discriminating between bankrupt
and nonbankrupt firms up to three years prior to bankruptcy. Ohlson also
concluded that smaller firms were more prone to bankruptcy. Due to lack
of new data beyond 1976, Ohlson examined the validity of his model only
by classifying the same sample which was used to estimate the model. The
classification test showed that Ohlson's model was able to identify
about 88 percent of 105 bankrupt firms accurately one year before
Table 1 reflects how the research has evolved in conjunction with
stock market behavior and further effort to pursue a successful
bankruptcy prediction model can be beyond financial ratio analysis. This
is because a model relying solely on financial ratios might not capture
some firm-specific attributes in time. These idiosyncratic characteristics for bankrupt firms include "unmeasured quality of
assets, the creative ability of management, random event, and the courts
of law" (Zavgren, 1985). Recently, researchers began to investigate
the relationship between market behavior and bankruptcy (e.g., Aharony
et al., 1980; Clark & Weinstein, 1983; Katz et al., 1985; Queen
& Roll, 1987; Simons & Cross, 1991). Given a semi-strong
efficient market, if a firm is experiencing deteriorating solvency, the
capital market will assimilate such unfavorable information immediately
and promptly impound on the stock price to reflect the increasing
insolvency risk well before eventual bankruptcy. A number of studies
confirmed that certain market measures had information content related
to bankruptcy and had reported strong support for the efficient market
paradigm. For example, Aharony et al. (1980) and Clark & Weinstein
(1983) found evidence in an event study that a significant negative
return for bankrupt firms started about three years before bankruptcy.
Finally, the most recent work of Shumway (2001) shed new light on
developing a more dynamic bankruptcy prediction model by combining both
financial ratios and market-driven measures. Shumway's sample
consisted of 239 bankrupt firms which were traded on the NYSE and the
AMSE over the 1962-1992 period. The results indicated that both
financial ratios and market measures possessed strong discriminating
ability and had lower correlations with each other. When applied to a
holdout sample, Shumway's model provided impressive prediction
accuracy and outperformed other benchmark models (Altman's model
(1968) and Zmijewski's model (1984)), which were based solely on
financial ratios. The results support the assertion that financial
ratios and market-driven measures should not be regarded as competing
predictors. On the contrary, combining both in a multivariate context
can help improve prediction ability.
Further efforts are still needed to overcome certain limitations in
the past studies in order to improve the usefulness of bankruptcy
prediction models. One criticism concerns sample selection bias. As can
be seen from Table 1, all research except Edmister's study (1972)
collected the bankrupt firms and data primarily from Moody's
Industrial Manual, in earlier studies, or the Compustat, in recent work.
Since these data sources mainly provide information for the largest
firms, any sampling frame drawn from the above sources is weighted
heavily toward large firms. Another criticism has to do with the pooling
problem. Since only a few large firms declare bankruptcy each year,
researchers usually pooled observations over different years to obtain
an adequate sample size to permit statistical testing. The majority of
studies shown on Table 1 covered a sample period over 10 years, and some
(e.g., Altman, 1968; Queen & Roll, 1987; Shumway, 2001) stretched
over 20 years. Considering the dramatic change of business environment
over the last decades, such pooling data results in nonstationary
statistical inferences of the predictive variables (i.e., means,
variances and covariances) for the sample firms during the test periods.
Consequently, pooling data from different periods would have confounded
empirical results significantly.
Last, due to the limited sample size of large firms, validation of
the developed models encounters difficulty. Table 1 shows that different
procedures of validating the predictive reliability of the models have
been used. Many studies adopted a classification test (e.g., Beaver,
1968; Edmister, 1972; Aharony et al., 1980; Ohlson, 1980; Queen &
Roll, 1987), in which the model is evaluated merely according to the
accuracy to classify the same sample from which the model was estimated.
Some studies used a more powerful cross-validation test (e.g., Beaver,
1966; Altman, 1968; Deakin, 1972; Blum, 1972; Zmijewski, 1984), which
splits the sample into two subsamples. One subsample is used to estimate
the model, and then the other subsample in the same time period is used
to evaluate the predictive accuracy of the model. The most rigorous
validation is the prediction test, which is on the ex ante basis, but
performed by few studies due to small sample sizes. Under this test, the
model is estimated by one sample in an earlier period and then is used
to predict another holdout sample in a later period. Only three studies
(i.e., Zavgren, 1985; Platt & Platt, 1990; Shumway, 2001) performed
the prediction test. Platt & Platt (1990) and Shumway (2001)
reported the prediction results for only one year before bankruptcy.
Zavgren (1985) reported the results up to five years prior to
bankruptcy, though not with much success. In general, the value of a
bankruptcy prediction model in decision-making would be much greater if
such a model displays superior ability to predict bankruptcy several
years prior to actual declaration of bankruptcy.
The objective of this study is to determine whether models that
have been used successfully to predict bankruptcy for very large firms
can be used effectively to predict bankruptcy for small firms, as well.
In this section, we first describe the models used in this research,
then discuss the variables in those models, and the data used in our
Models and Variables
To evaluate the effectiveness of bankruptcy prediction models, we
have chosen to utilize two successful models: Ohlson's model (1980)
and Shumway's model (2001).
Ohlson constructed a logit model in which the dependent variable
was a score to determine the probability of bankruptcy. This model was
estimated based on a set of independent variables which were financial
statement ratios and is defined as follows:
Z = 1/ [1 + exp - (a + [b.sub.1] TLTA + [b.sub.2] WCTA + [b.sub.3]
CLCA + [b.sub.4] OENEG + [b.sub.5] NITA + [b.sub.6] FUTL + [b.sub.7]
INTWO + [b.sub.8] CHIN)]
Z = the probability of bankruptcy for a firm
TLTA = Total liabilities/total assets
WCTA = Working capital/total assets
CLCA = Current liabilities/current assets
OENEG = 1, if total liabilities exceeds total assets; zero
NITA = Net income/total assets
FUTL = Fund provided by operations/total liabilities
INTWO = 1, if net income was negative for the last two years; zero
CHIN = ([NI.sub.t] [NI.sub.t-1]) / ([NI.sub.t] + [NI.sub.t-1]),
Where [NI.sub.t] is net income for the most recent period. The
denominator acts as a level indicator. The variable is thus intended to
measure changes in net income
Examining these financial ratios more closely, the expected
relationship of the ratios with the probability of bankruptcy can be
noted. Two of the ratios, TLTA and CLCA, are indicators of increasing
liabilities and the signs of the coefficients are predicted to be
positive. Whereas, WCTA, NITA, and FUTL, which measure the relationship
of working capital, net income and funds provided by operations,
respectively, are all expected to decrease as the firm approaches
bankruptcy. Therefore, the coefficients for these variables are expected
to have negative signs. The variables OENEG and INTWO are indicator
variables which are expected to be positively related to the increasing
probability of bankruptcy.
Ohlson (1980) applied logit analysis to develop a prediction model
using a group of bankrupt firms that were traded on the NYSE and AMSE
during the 1970s. Logit analysis weights the independent variables and
creates an overall score which can be interpreted as the probability of
a firm's bankruptcy. The coefficients measure the effect on the
probability of bankruptcy in terms of a unit change in the corresponding
variables (Jones, 1987).
It can be argued that Shumway (2001) improved on the basic
bankruptcy models by combining market ratios along with the traditional
financial ratios. This model is defined as follows:
Z = 1/ [1 + exp - (a + [b.sub.1] NITA + [b.sub.2] TLTA + [b.sub.3]
ERR + [b.sub.4] SDR)]
Z = the probability of bankruptcy for a firm
NITA = Net income/total assets
TLTA = Total liabilities/total assets
ERR = Excess rate of return (i.e., a firm's rate of return
minus the market's rate of return)
SDR = Standard deviation of residual returns (Residual return = a
firm's realized rate of return - its expected rate of return)
The two accounting ratios measures the return on assets and
financial leverage which proxy for the firm's profitability and
financial leverage risk, respectively. It is expected that a firm will
experience deteriorating profits and increased reliance on borrowed
funds as it approaches bankruptcy. Therefore, we predict a negative
coefficient for the variable NITA and a positive coefficient for the
variable TLTA. The two market variables in the model include the excess
rate of return (ERR) which is an indication of the firm's rate of
return and the standard deviation of residual returns (SDR) which
reflects the market risk of publicly traded firms. It is expected that
as a firm approaches bankruptcy, it is riskier than a healthy firm and
the risk-averse market will react by downgrading the firm's stock
price and thus, we expect that the coefficient for the variable ERR will
be negative. Meanwhile, as a firm approaches bankruptcy, it is also
expected to be more unstable than other firms and its returns will
produce a larger standard deviation. Therefore, the coefficient of the
variable SDR is expected to be positive.
Both models originally included a variable to control for firm
size. In this study an elaborate pair-matching procedure has been used
to control for the size effect and therefore, a variable is not used in
the model. This will be discussed further in the following sections.
Sample and Data
The bankrupt sample firms consist of a group of industrial OTC
companies that went bankrupt during the period from 1990 to 1998. The
list of bankrupt OTC firms and bankruptcy filing dates is initially
searched from Moody's OTC Industrial Manual and Moody's OTC
Unlisted Manual. Additional bankrupt OTC firms and petition dates are
supplemented from the National Stock Summary. Firms falling within the
SIC code from 6000 to 6999 (financial firms) are not included. The
original sample contained 553 bankrupt OTC industrial firms.
The financial data in Ohlson's and Shumway's models are
retrieved from the Compustat Research File, Moody's OTC Industrial
Manual and Moody's OTC unlisted Manual. A firm is excluded from the
sample whenever required data are missing for the computation of ratios
in a given year. The market data in Shumway's model are obtained
from Compustat and OTC Daily Stock Prices Record by Standard & Poor.
For some firms which were delisted before filing bankruptcy, the latest
available trading data are used. The market index for OTC firms is
surrogated by the Industrial Index of OTC Market Indicator (before 1993)
and the Industrial Index of Nasdaq Market Indicator (after 1993). The
Market Index is collected from OTC Daily Stock Prices Record by Standard
& Poor and Nasdaq Daily Stock Prices Record by Standard & Poor,
respectively. Of the initial 553 bankrupt industrial firms, many firms
are deleted due to incomplete financial and market data, resulting in
222 bankrupt OTC firms with complete financial and market data during
the period 1990-1998.
To avoid using adjusted financial statements to exaggerate the
predictive accuracy of models, financial data from the last year's
financial statements for a bankrupt firm is considered only if the firm
filed the petition six months after the last fiscal year end. For
example, if a firm with a fiscal year end on December 31 filed
bankruptcy in April 1993, the data of one year before bankruptcy should
be retrieved from the financial statements ended on December 31 1991.
Likewise, for a firm that filed bankruptcy in September 1993, financial
data for the December 1992 year end will be used as one year before.
Thus, one year before bankruptcy in this study is defined as a
firm's most recent fiscal year end at least six months prior to the
date of its bankruptcy filing. The second year and third year before
bankruptcy are defined accordingly. Similarly, data for market variables
are also lagged at least six months before the bankruptcy filing.
Although such a lag might lower the predictive power of the models, it
adds practical value of prediction for decision makers because
predicting bankruptcy within a few months prior to bankruptcy provides
little protection to prevent losses.
Matching of Nonbankrupt Firms
Firms are paired by industry according to the SIC code with the
same first two-digit number. Each nonbankrupt firm is matched as closely
to a bankrupt one in size on the basis of the book value of total assets
one year prior to bankruptcy. Size is further controlled by limiting a
sample firm to one with total assets less than $130 million one year
prior to bankruptcy in order to keep the study focused on relatively
small firms. It was also made sure that the fiscal year of a selected
nonbankrupt firm falls within three months of the fiscal year of a
bankrupt firm to have matched firms report financial statements in the
same period. Sources of sample selection and the requirements of data
collection for nonbankrupt firms are the same as those for bankrupt
firms. To be considered nonbankrupt, a firm must not have filed
bankruptcy before the matched period, or have filed for bankruptcy in
the following three years after the matching data.
The final paired sample consisted of 158 bankrupt firms and 158
nonbankrupt firms with complete financial and market data from 1990 to
1998. Compared with previous studies summarized earlier, only Begly et
al. (1996) collected a slightly larger sample with 165 bankrupt firms
which covered a period of 1980 to 1989. Shumway's study (2001) had
an impressive 300 bankrupt firms, but those samples extended over a
thirty-year period. Table 2 Panel A provides descriptive statistics of
bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms matched in total assets at one year
before bankruptcy.
About 75 percent of 316 matched firms have assets less than $50
million at one year preceding bankruptcy. There are only nine paired
firms with assets over $100 million but below $130 million, accounting
for less than 6 percent of the total sample. The selected sample
represents a group of small-sized firms in the capital market. The
results of the t-test further show no significant size difference in
terms of total assets between bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms when
matched one year before bankruptcy. The sample is drawn from a variety
of industries in the period of 1990 to 1998. The distributions of the
sample across industries and years are presented in Panel B and C of
Table 2.
Division of the Matched Sample
To examine the classification and prediction ability of a
bankruptcy prediction model, the whole matched sample of 316 firms is
split into two subsamples. One subsample consists of 246 matched firms
from 1990 to 1996, and another consists of 70 matched firms from 1997 to
1998. The 246 matched firms in the earlier period are used to
re-estimate Ohlson' model and Shumway's model, respectively.
The classification test of the model is conducted on the subsample of
these 246 firms. The second subsample of 70 matched firms in the
subsequent period is used as a holdout sample to evaluate external
prediction validity of the model on an ex ante basis. Both Ohlson's
and Shumway's models are evaluated and compared in terms of
classification and prediction accuracy at one, two and three years prior
to bankruptcy.
Re-estimation of the Models
Unlike most of the previous studies that performed an empirical
comparison of the models, we first re-estimate Ohlson's and
Shumway's original models with the updated coefficients by using
our new data on small firms. Two hundred-forty-six matched OTC firms
from 1990 to 1996 are used to re-estimate the models, and Table 3 and 4
present the results for each model in each of the three years prior to
The statistical test for the significance of Ohlson's model
indicates that all three models are significant at the 0.01 level and
exhibit strong discriminating ability to account for the probability of
bankruptcy. Further analysis of individual predictive variables in
Ohlson's model, however, raises several concerns. First, the signs
of the coefficients of several predictors, WCTA, FUTL, CLCA and INTWO,
change over the study period. The inconsistency of relationship between
these variables and probability of bankruptcy makes the interpretation
of results difficult. Of the eight predictive variables in Ohlson's
model, only NITA, TLTA, CHIN and OENEG exhibited consistent
relationships with the probability of bankruptcy in all three periods.
Second, most variables are not statistically significant, which are
underlined in Table 3. NITA and TLTA are the only two variables
statistically significant at the 0.01 level for all three years. The
lack of significance of the explanatory abilities for the other six
variables in Ohlson's model suggests that multicollinearity may
exist among variables. The backward stepwise procedure is conducted to
test if certain variables can be eliminated without significantly losing
the proportion of variance explained by the model at the 0.10 level. The
results, which are not presented in the study, indicate that TLTA and
NITA are the only two variables remaining in the models for all three
years, while other variables can be eliminated from the models without
significant loss of variance explanation.
The re-estimated Shumway's model in Table 4 shows statistical
significance in distinguishing bankrupt firms from nonbankrupt firms at
less than a 0.01 level in each of the three years. Unlike Ohlson's
model, the signs of coefficients for each variable in Shumway's
model exhibit the expected relationships with the probability of
bankruptcy in a consistent fashion during the test period. The
chi-square statistics also indicate that each variable in Shumway's
model has a statistically significant effect on predicting bankruptcy at
the 0.01 level in each of the three years.
Furthermore, to interpret the marginal effect of the coefficients
of the predictive variables on the probability of bankruptcy in the
logit model, elasticity is computed by the following equation:
Elasticity = B (1 - P) X
Elasticity = percent change in probability/percent change in
predictive variables
B = the coefficient of the variable
P = the mean of the probability estimated in the sample
X = the mean of the predictive variable in the sample
Table 5 presents the results of the elasticity for Shumway's
model to measure the marginal effect of each variable on the probability
of bankruptcy. An elasticity value of greater than 1 is known as
elastic, which means that the predictive variable has a larger impact on
the probability of bankruptcy. An elasticity value of less than 1 is
called inelastic and indicates less impact of the predictive variable on
the probability of bankruptcy. Table 5 shows that TLTA has the most
impact on the probability of bankruptcy, given that its elasticity value
is greater than 1 for each of three years. This finding is not
surprising because bankruptcy is largely caused by failing to meet
creditors' obligation in time, and TLTA measures the level of debt
risk. The variable SDR has the second most influence, followed by the
variable NITA and ERR, respectively.
Classification Test
The 246 matched firms, which are used to re-estimate the models,
are classified by each model. Since both Ohlson's model and
Shumway's model are estimated for each of the three years before
bankruptcy, consequently, the one-year prior model is used to classify
the 246 matched firms with one-year prior data, while the two-year prior
model is used to classify the 246 firms with two-year prior data and so
on. Table 6 and 7 present the results of accuracy for the classification
test for each model for one, two and three years before bankruptcy, in
terms of number of firms and classification accuracy rate.
The overall accuracy of classification supports a strong internal
validity of both Ohlson's model and Shumway's model. Of 246
firms, Ohlson's model is able to classify 90%, 81% and 78%
correctly for one, two and three years prior to bankruptcy,
respectively. Shumway's model, on the other hand, achieves 92% of
overall classification accuracy one year before bankruptcy, and 83% and
80% in two years and three years before bankruptcy, respectively. The
results also indicate that as the lead-time from bankruptcy increases,
the classification accuracy of the model is decreased. The lower Type I
error rates indicate that Shumway's model is able to classify more
accurately than Ohlson's model in the classification test for each
of three years, although the differences of classification accuracy
between the two models are not significant.
Prediction Test
A bankruptcy prediction model becomes more rigorous and practical
when the model is successful in classifying a group of holdout firms,
which are not used to develop the model, in a subsequent period. Such a
validation procedure is the prediction test because it is conducted on
the ex ante basis. To do so, the re-estimated Ohlson's model and
Shumway's model are applied to a group of 70 matched firms in the
subsequent period of 1997 and 1998 when the bankruptcies were filed. In
addition, only the models estimated with one-year prior data are used to
classify those 70 firms one, two and three years before bankruptcy. Such
a consideration is critical in a practical sense since the timing for a
firm to file bankruptcy petition is likely unknown in advance. Thus, it
is impossible for decision makers to select an appropriate model
estimated from different periods before bankruptcy. Instead, applying a
model which captures the most discriminatory ability with the best
accuracy in the classification test is more intuitive and practical in
performing a prediction test. The results of the prediction test for
Ohlson's and Shumway's model are exhibited in Table 8 and 9.
Ohlson's model classifies 83% of total 70 holdout samples
correctly one year prior to bankruptcy, while the overall prediction
accuracy are 76% for both year two and year three prior. When compared
to its own results from the classification test in Table 7,
Ohlson's model loses the largest margin of accuracy in the
prediction test by 7% one year before, and 5% and 2%, respectively, two
and three years before bankruptcy. Shumway's model, however,
achieves very impressive prediction accuracy one year prior to
bankruptcy. Of the total 70 holdout sample firms, Shumway's model
is able to classify 67 firms correctly, and to predict 96% of the firms
accurately one year preceding bankruptcy. The predictive ability of the
model drops as the lead-time before bankruptcy is lengthened. The
overall rates of prediction accuracy are 77% at two years before, and
74% at three years before bankruptcy, in comparison to 83% and 80% under
classification test in the corresponding periods, respectively. The
results of the prediction test display relative stability in the
discriminatory ability of Ohlson's model and Shumway's model,
and both models maintain strong external validity when applied to a
holdout sample in the subsequent period.
The primary objective of this paper was to estimate and ascertain
the ability of two successful models from the bankruptcy prediction
literature to predict bankruptcy of small firms. To fulfill this task,
this paper utilized the accounting information based model by Ohlson
(1980) and the accounting and market information based model by Shumway
(2001). The sample was made up of 316 OTC traded small firms from the
1990s. This sample had 158 bankrupt firms and 158 matching but
nonbankrupt firms. The matching of the firms was based on the size,
industry, as well as, the timing of their financial reports. While the
asset size in this investigation was limited to $130 million, about 75
percent of the firms had assets of $50 million or less one year prior to
Considering the well documented vulnerability of small firms to
business failure and yet, ignored for the most part in the bankruptcy
prediction literature, this paper has made some important inroads. With
the proliferation of OTC traded firms in the 1990s and the accompanying
five fold increase in the market values of these firms, the OTC firm
sample used in this paper is timely as well. This paper has also
contributed in terms of having all the data from the 1990-1998 period.
This relatively short period of study has thus avoided the use of data
pooled from distinctly different time periods. Moreover, this study has
used a holdout sample of 70 OTC traded firms consisting of 35 matching
pairs of bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms. The models estimated from the
1990-1996 information of 246 firms are used to predict bankruptcy
experience of the holdout sample in later years.
The results indicate that for the sample at hand, Shumway's
model (2001) marginally outperforms Ohlson's model (1980) in terms
of predicting business failure of small firms. The overall accuracy of
classification with Shumway's model was 92 percent, 83 percent, and
80 percent with 1, 2 and 3 years prior to bankruptcy, respectively. The
comparable figures with Ohlson's model were 90, 81 and 78 percent.
With respect to the holdout sample, Shumway's model achieved
overall prediction accuracy levels of 96, 77 and 74 percent with 1, 2
and 3 years prior to bankruptcy, respectively. The comparable figures
with Ohlson's model were 83, 76, and 76 percent. It is believed
that this empirical investigation has extended the contributions of
Shumway (2001), Ohlson (1980) and others, and particularly the efforts
of Edmister (1972) in terms of bankruptcy prediction of small firms.
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bankruptcy and financial distress: information value added by
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Journal of Accounting Literature, 6, 131-164
Katz, S., S. Lilien & B. Nelson (1985). Stock market behavior
around bankruptcy model distress and recovery predictions. Financial
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McGurr, P. T. & S. A. DeVaney (1998). Predicting business
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Journal of Business Research, 43, 169-176.
Mossman, C. E., G. G. Bell, L. M. Swartz & H. Turtle (1998). An
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Ohlson, J. A. (1980) Financial ratios and the probabilistic
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Platt, H. D. & M. B. Platt (1990). Development of a class of
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Queen, M. & R. Roll (1987). Firm mortality: using market
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Shumway, T. (2001). Forecasting bankruptcy more accurately: a
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Simons, K. & S. Cross (1991). Do capital markets predict
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Zavgren, C. V. (1985). Assessing the vulnerability of failure of
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Yihong He, Monmouth University
Ravindra Kamath, Cleveland State University
Heidi Hylton Meier, Cleveland State University
(1.) A study by Edmister (1972) is a notable exception, which
solely focused on small firms.
(2.) Some empirical studies concurred that a firm with smaller size
was more likely to fail. For example, in the studies of Ohlson (1980)
and Shumway (2001), when size was added as a predictor in logit
analysis, the smaller firms were found to have a higher probability of
failure than the larger firms.
Table 1. Summary of Selected Bankruptcy Prediction Studies
No. Author (Year) Primary Sample Sample Size
(Note 1) & Data Sources of Failed
(Note 2) Firms
Financial-Ratio Based
1 Beaver (1966) MI 79
2 Altman (1968) MI 33
3 Deakin (1972) MI 32
4 Edmister (1972) SBA 21
5 Blum (1974) MI 115
6 Ohlson (1980) WSJ & COMP 105
7 Zmijewski (1984) WSJ & COMP 81
8 Zavgren (1985) COMP 45
9 Platt & Platt (1990) COMP 57
10 Gilbert (1990) COMP 76
11 Begley et al. (1996) COMP 165
12 McGurr & DeVaney (1998) COMP 56
Market-Measure Based
13 Beaver (1968) MI 79
14 Aharony et al. (1980) COMP & CRSP 45
15 Clark & Weinstein (1983) CRSP 36
16 Katz et al. (1985) COMP & CRSP 101
17 Queen & Roll (1987) CRSP Unknown
18 Zavgren et al. (1988) CRSP 45
19 Simon & Cross (1991) CRSP 22
20 Mossman et al. (1998) COMP & CRSP 72
21 Shumway (2001) WSJ, COMP & 300
No. Author (Year) Sample Independent
(Note 1) Period Variables Type
Financial-Ratio Based
1 Beaver (1966) 1954-1964 Financial Ratios
2 Altman (1968) 1946-1965 Financial Ratios
3 Deakin (1972) 1964-1970 Financial Ratios
4 Edmister (1972) 1954-1969 Financial Ratios
5 Blum (1974) 1954-1968 Financial Ratios
6 Ohlson (1980) 1970-1976 Financial Ratios
7 Zmijewski (1984) 1972-1978 Financial Ratio
8 Zavgren (1985) 1972-1978 Financial Ratios
9 Platt & Platt (1990) 1972-1986 Financial Ratios
10 Gilbert (1990) 1974-1983 Financial Ratios
11 Begley et al. (1996) 1980-1989 Financial Ratios
12 McGurr & DeVaney (1998) 1983-1993 Financial Ratios
Market-Measure Based
13 Beaver (1968) 1954-1964 Market Data
14 Aharony et al. (1980) 1970-1978 Market Data
15 Clark & Weinstein (1983) 1962-1979 Market Data
16 Katz et al. (1985) 1968-1976 Market Data
17 Queen & Roll (1987) 1962-1985 Market Data
18 Zavgren et al. (1988) 1972-1978 Market Data
19 Simon & Cross (1991) 1981-1987 Market Data
20 Mossman et al. (1998) 1980-1991 Market & Financial
21 Shumway (2001) 1962-1992 Market & Financial
No. Author (Year) Statistical Method Validation Type
Financial-Ratio Based
1 Beaver (1966) Univariate Cross Validation
2 Altman (1968) Discriminant Classification
& Cross validation
3 Deakin (1972) Discriminant Classification
& Cross validation
4 Edmister (1972) Discriminant Classification
5 Blum (1974) Discriminant Cross validation
6 Ohlson (1980) Logit Classification
7 Zmijewski (1984) Probit Classification
& Cross validation
8 Zavgren (1985) Logit Classification
& Prediction
9 Platt & Platt (1990) Logit Classification &
10 Gilbert (1990) Logit Classification
& Cross validation
11 Begley et al. (1996) Discriminant & Logit Classification
12 McGurr & DeVaney (1998) Discriminant & Logit Classification
Market-Measure Based
13 Beaver (1968) Univariate Classification
14 Aharony et al. (1980) Univariate Classification
15 Clark & Weinstein (1983) Univariate No
16 Katz et al. (1985) Univariate No
17 Queen & Roll (1987) Univariate & Logit No
18 Zavgren et al. (1988) Univariate No
19 Simon & Cross (1991) Univariate No
20 Mossman et al. (1998) Logit Classification
21 Shumway (2001) Multi-Period Logit Prediction
No. Author (Year) Years of Validation
Financial-Ratio Based
1 Beaver (1966) Five years before
2 Altman (1968) Five years before
& One year before
3 Deakin (1972) Five years before
& Five years before
4 Edmister (1972) One year before
5 Blum (1974) Five years before
6 Ohlson (1980) One year before
7 Zmijewski (1984) One year before
8 Zavgren (1985) Five years before
& Five years before
9 Platt & Platt (1990) One year before
&One year before
10 Gilbert (1990) One year before
& One year before
11 Begley et al. (1996) One year before
12 McGurr & DeVaney (1998) One year before
Market-Measure Based
13 Beaver (1968) Five Years Before
14 Aharony et al. (1980) Four Years Before
15 Clark & Weinstein (1983) No
16 Katz et al. (1985) No
17 Queen & Roll (1987) No
18 Zavgren et al. (1988) No
19 Simon & Cross (1991) No
20 Mossman et al. (1998) Two Years Before
21 Shumway (2001) One Year Before
Notes of Table 1:
(1.) The studies of Begley et al. (1996) and Mossman et al. (1998)
applied previous models to new data in a later period. McGurr &
DeVaney (1998) compared prediction performance of several previous
bankruptcy models which were applied to the retailing industry. The
studies of Clark & Weinstein (1983), Katz et al. (1985), Zavgren et
al. (1988), and Simon & Cross (1991) are not considered as the
development of bankruptcy prediction models because these works
only examined the relationship between stock market behavior and
bankruptcy by an event study. Market measures were not used to
predict bankruptcy.
(2.) MI-Moody Industrial Manual; SBA-Small Business Administration;
WSJ-Wall Street Journal; COMP-Compustat Files; CRSP-Center for
Research into Securities Prices Database.
Table 2
Panel A - Descriptive Statistics of Assets
for the Matched Sample ($000)
N Min Max Mean Std. p-value
Bankrupt firms 158 1278 126926 34230.76 31907.40
Nonbankrupt firms 158 2463 127295 33320.16 29771.99
t-test of size
difference 0.793
Pane B - Distribution of Matched OTC Firms by Industry
SIC Code (Note) Frequency Percent
1000-1999 18 5.7
2000-2999 42 13.3
3000-3999 134 42.4
4000-4999 16 5.1
5000-5999 54 17.1
7000-7999 26 8.2
8000-8999 20 6.3
9000-9999 6 1.9
Total 316 100
Note: Financial service firms with SIC code of 6000-6999
are excluded from this study.
Panel C - Distribution of Matched OTC Firms by Year of Bankruptcy
Year Frequency Percentage
1990 44 13.9
1991 48 15.2
1992 40 12.7
1993 38 12.0
1994 28 8.7
1995 22 7.1
1996 26 8.2
1997 34 10.8
1998 36 11.4
Total 316 100.0
Table 3. Re-estimation of Ohlson's Model and Variable
Coefficients (N=246; Period: 1990-1996)
Standard Chi-square
Coefficient Error Statistics p-value
1 Year prior to bankruptcy
Constant -4.45 1.14 15.35 .000
NITA -7.62 3.15 5.84 .016
TLTA 7.19 1.63 19.45 .000
WCTA -1.17 1.31 0.80 .371
CLCA -0.22 0.17 1.64 .200
FUTL 0.18 0.41 0.21 .648
CHIN 0.07 0.43 0.02 .880
OENEG 3.42 21.26 0.03 .872
INTWO 2.11 0.71 8.93 .003
Model 222.95 .000
2 Years prior to bankruptcy
Constant -1.99 1.10 3.28 .070
NITA -7.98 2.28 12.26 .000
TLTA 4.85 1.07 20.41 .000
WCTA -1.75 1.49 1.38 .240
CLCA -0.39 0.63 0.39 .531
FUTL -0.08 0.18 0.21 .651
CHIN 0.44 0.31 2.12 .145
OENEG 3.94 19.59 0.04 .841
INTWO -0.13 0.59 0.05 .827
Model 141.59 .000
Standard Chi-square
Coefficient Error Statistics p-value
3 Years prior to bankruptcy
Constant -3.16 1.01 9.89 .002
NITA -9.92 2.53 15.4 .000
TLTA 4.42 1.07 17.23 .000
WCTA 1.18 1.25 0.89 .345
CLCA 0.73 0.45 2.68 .101
FUTL -0.02 0.15 0.01 .906
CHIN 0.12 0.29 0.17 .682
OENEG 4.50 18.11 0.06 .804
INTWO -0.28 0.54 0.28 .598
Model 124.97 0
Table 4. Re-estimation of Shumway's Model and Variable
Coefficients (N=246; Period: 1990-1996)
Coefficient Standard Statistics p-value
1 Year prior to bankruptcy
Constant -5.67 0.96 35.05 .000
NITA -7.47 2.35 10.09 .001
TLTA 5.05 1.30 15.06 .000
ERR -2.28 0.58 15.37 .000
SDR 12.42 3.17 15.39 .000
Model 237.02 .000
2 Years prior to bankruptcy
Constant -3.87 0.63 38.29 .000
NITA -5.74 1.42 16.4 .000
TLTA 5.17 0.95 29.74 .000
ERR -1.21 0.36 11.14 .001
SDR 5.76 1.92 8.96 .003
Model 152.25 .000
Standard Chi-square
Coefficient Error Statistics p-value
3 Years prior to bankruptcy
Constant -3.06 0.58 28.21 .000
NITA -7.29 1.68 18.82 .001
TLTA 4.02 0.81 24.73 .000
ERR -0.97 0.34 7.98 .005
SDR 5.83 2.21 6.99 .008
Model 125.84 .000
Table 5. Elasticity of Predictive Variables from
the Shumway Model (N=246; Period: 1990-1996)
Mean of
Coefficient Mean Probability Elasticity
1 year prior to bankruptcy
NITA -7.47 -0.17 0.5 0.63
TLTA 5.05 0.63 0.5 1.51
ERR -2.28 -0.08 0.5 0.10
SDR 12.42 0.19 0.5 1.18
Coefficient Mean Mean of Elasticity
2 years prior to bankruptcy
NITA -5.74 -0.16 0.5 0.45
TLTA 5.17 0.57 0.5 1.47
ERR -1.21 0.02 0.5 -0.01
SDR 5.76 0.18 0.5 0.51
3 years prior to bankruptcy
NITA -7.29 -0.06 0.5 0.22
TLTA 4.02 0.51 0.5 1.03
ERR -0.97 0.34 0.5 -0.04
SDR 5.83 2.21 0.5 0.52
Table 6. Results of Classification (N=246; Period: 1990-1996)
1. Ohlson's Model
Actual Status Total No. Classified Status
(Note) of Samples.
Year 1 B 123 108 15
NB 123 9 114
Year 2 B 123 98 25
NB 123 22 101
Year 3 B 123 94 29
NB 123 25 98
2. Shumway's Model
Actual Status Total No. Classified Status
of Samples.
Year 1 B 123 113 10
NB 123 10 113
Year 2 B 123 102 21
NB 123 21 102
Year 3 B 123 98 25
NB 123 24 99
1) B-bankrupt firms; NB-nonbankrupt firms
2) Cutoff value = 0.5
Table 7. Classification Rates of Errors and Overall Accuracy
(N=246; Period: 1990-1996)
1. Ohlson's Model
(Note) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Type I error 12% 20% 24%
Type II error 7% 18% 20%
Total error 10% 19% 22%
Overall accuracy of classification 90% 81% 78%
2. Shumway's Model
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Type I error 8% 17% 20%
Type II error 8% 17% 20%
Total error 8% 17% 20%
Overall accuracy of classification 92% 83% 80%
Note: 1) Type I error = misclassification of bankrupt firms
2) Type II error= misclassification of nonbankrupt firms.
3) Cutoff value = 0.5
Table 8. Results of Prediction (N=70; Period: 1997-1998)
1. Ohlson's Model
Actual Status Total No. of Classified Status
(Note) the Sample
Year 1 B 35 29 6
NB 35 6 29
Year 2 B 35 25 10
NB 35 7 28
Year 3 B 35 24 11
NB 35 6 29
2. Shumway's Model
Actual Status Total No. of Classified Status
(Note) the Sample
Year 1 B 35 34 1
NB 35 2 33
Year 2 B 35 22 13
NB 35 3 32
Year 3 B 35 24 11
NB 35 7 28
1) B-bankrupt firms; NB-nonbankrupt firms
2) Cutoff value = 0.5
Table 9. Prediction Rates of Errors and Overall Accuracy
(N=70; Period: 1997-1998)
1. Ohlson's Model
(Note) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Type I error 17% 19% 31%
Type II error 17% 20% 17%
Total error 17% 24% 24%
Overall accuracy of prediction 83% 76% 76%
2. Shumway's Model
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Type I error 3% 37% 31%
Type II error 6% 9% 20%
Total error 4% 23% 26%
Overall accuracy of prediction 96% 77% 74%
Note: 1) Type I error = misclassification of bankrupt firms
2) Type II error= misclassification of nonbankrupt firms.
3) Cutoff value = 0.5