The UK investor and international diversification.
Hanna, Michael E. ; McCormack, Joseph P. ; Perdue, Grady 等
This study describes the development of the optimum investment
portfolio for a United Kingdom-based investor who seeks to utilize the
major stock market index from each of the Group of Seven (G-7)
industrialized countries to diversify a domestic equity index portfolio.
Results of the analysis based on data from the 1990s, indicate that
substantial international diversification is essential if the UK
investor's objective is to obtain an optimal portfolio.
In modern portfolio theory international investing is widely
accepted as an efficient means to diversify a portfolio. A great body of
academic literature has focused on the risk reduction enjoyed by an
investor who is able to reduce risk with little or no negative impact on
return. Today many modern investment strategies include international
investments to take advantage of the imperfect correlation between the
financial markets of an investor's home market and those of other
countries. The objective is to have gains in a foreign market to offset
losses in the domestic market. To what extent should United Kingdom (UK)
investors in the new millennium engage in international investing? This
question takes on new importance in light of the growing trend towards
the use of defined contribution retirement plans in the UK. Individuals
who have never considered themselves as investors and who have
previously relied on the state or company-administered pension schemes
(as they are called in the UK), now face asset allocation decisions and
the risk and return implications inherent with those decisions. Given
this new situation, it is appropriate to realize that the extent a
modern UK investor should engage in international investing will be
related to the degree of risk reduction or return augmentation possible
when that investor adds an international asset class to the
portfolio's original domestic only asset allocation.
Numerous academic studies have explored the virtues of
international investing as an element of an asset allocation strategy.
Solnik, 1974, discusses the "primary motivation in holding a
portfolio of stocks is to reduce risk," and he shows that
international diversification can lower the systematic risk in a
portfolio. Based on historical data a long-run allocation of 20 to 30
percent in foreign equity appears correct for an investor based in the
United States, according to Clark and Tullis, 1999. Black and Litterman,
1991, conclude that international investing reduces the level of risk
below that of a purely domestic portfolio. Michaud, Bergstrom, Frashure,
and Wolahan, 1996, arrive at the finding that "international
diversification increases return per unit of risk ..."
While many studies have historically argued for international
diversification, some contrary views have occasionally emerged. Speidell
and Sappenfield, (1992, and Most, 1999, express concern that as
economies and global events tie together a shrinking world, the benefits
of international diversification between major markets may be fading
away. Of particular importance to UK investors, Beckers, 1999, shows
that "European stocks are starting to behave more similarly."
Aiello and Chieffe, 1999, find that international index funds fail to
deliver a high level of diversification because the market indexes for
the major world economies are becoming increasingly correlated.
Sinquefield, 1996, questions if it is even still correct to use the
Europe Australia Far East index (EAFE) and other major indexes to
diversify an S&P 500 portfolio. Sinquefield, 1996, and Eaker, Grant
and Woodard, 2000, contend that actively managed emerging market
portfolios may provide greater potential for diversification than
investment in developed markets.
Erb, Harvey and Viskanta, 1994, find that correlation coefficients
appear to increase between equity markets during recessions (just when
investors would want low correlation coefficients). Shawnky, Kuenzel and
Mikhail, 1997, report that correlation coefficients between markets
appear to increase during periods of increased market volatility. Higher
correlation would imply a reduction in diversification potential and
thus higher portfolio risk. Although Solnik, Boucrelle, and Le Fur,
1996, find that long-term correlation between markets have not risen
significantly, they do find that the financial markets exhibit
"correlation increases in periods of high market volatility."
Michaud, Bergstrom, Frashure, and Wolahan, 1996, like the previous
authors, find that the major market indexes have not experienced
increased correlation coefficients.
Melton, 1996, shows that pension funds in other countries routinely
have greater international allocations than U.S. pension funds do. But
Gorman, 1998, shows that U.S. pension plans are moving in the direction
of including international investments in their asset allocations. Thus,
the proponents of international investing for its diversification
benefits have swayed many pension fund managers in other countries and
appear to be swaying U.S. pension fund managers. Yet questions still
remain: "How should international investment be handled?" and
"How much international diversification is appropriate?"
The particular market indexes under study in this research are the
Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) index of London, the Standard
& Poor's 500 index (S&P 500), the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) 300 Composite index, the Paris CAC 40, the Frankfurt DAX, the
Milan MlBtel, and the Tokyo Nikkei 225. Data for the study are the 121
months of monthly equity market data from January 1990, through January
2000. The monthly observations for the FTSE and the six foreign indexes
are obtained from the first joint trading day of each month, as reported
in The Wall Street Journal. Data on exchange rates are also collected
from the Journal for the same trading day as the market index
observations, and are used to convert market return data to United
Kingdom pound equivalent returns.
Geometric mean returns and standard deviations are computed from
the monthly return data for each of the seven indexes, after the data
have been adjusted for exchange rates fluctuations. These computed
values provide a basic risk-return comparison of the seven markets.
Correlation coefficients are also calculated to ascertain the
relationship between each foreign market index and the FTSE. The
pound-adjusted variables are then utilized in the analysis to determine
the efficient frontier.
The study reported here analyzes the risk and return implications
for a hypothetical United Kingdom investor choosing to diversify a
domestic equity index portfolio by incorporating international equity
index components. The study utilizes the major equity market indexes of
the UK and the other G-7 countries to construct an efficient frontier of
portfolios. Those other six nations were Canada, the United States,
France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. Data to describe each of the seven
markets is based on monthly returns on the indexes and on monthly
exchange rates during the 1990s. The data is used to determine the
efficient frontier of portfolios for an UK-based investor who sought to
combine the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) index with an
investment in one or more of the market indexes from the other G-7
industrialized nations.
Ascertaining the minimum standard deviation portfolio for each of a
variety of selected returns develops the efficient frontier. For each
new portfolio constructed in this process, the portfolio return,
standard deviation, and coefficient of variation are reported. The
minimum volatility portfolio contained a relatively small UK component,
and this may not be attractive to some UK investors. The minimum
weighting of the UK component of the portfolio was initially set to zero
and gradually increased and new efficient portfolios are developed.
While the data used in this study were monthly data, the results
have been converted to an annualized basis for readability.
Presented in Table 1 are the geometric mean return and standard
deviation of returns for each of the seven markets. The London FTSE
produced the third best performance during this time period, and had the
third best coefficient of variation. Of the European markets only
Frankfurt had both a better return and a lower level of volatility.
However, as is observable from the table the United States (US) index
clearly dominates the other indexes during the period of the 1990s. The
US market produced the highest geometric mean rate of return, and is
also the least volatile (i.e., had the smallest standard deviation of
returns) across this ten-year (121-month) period. The data show the
Frankfurt DAX had the closest comparable pound-adjusted rate of return,
but the DAX has a standard deviation of returns that is about twenty
percent larger than that of the S&P 500. The standard deviation of
returns for the Toronto 300 was the second smallest in this period, but
the pound-adjusted rate of return in the Canadian market index was only
slightly above one-third of that experienced by the S&P 500. The
S&P 500 index also had the lowest coefficient of variation for this
period of study, indicating it produced the lowest amount of risk
relative to return.
Adjusted to UK pounds, the implication of investing 1,000 [pounds
sterling] in each of these markets is illustrated in Figure 1. As is
clear from this figure, an investor investing in either the S&P 500
or Frankfurt DAX would have more than tripled these invested funds
across this ten-year (121-month) period. Investing in the London index
would have produced nearly identical results with investing in the Paris
index as the funds in each more than doubled during this period. At the
lower extreme, almost a third of the funds invested in the Tokyo index
would have been lost.
Table 2 provides information on the correlation between returns in
each of the seven markets. All correlation coefficients are positive,
indicating a clearly positive relationship between the returns over this
period in the seven financial markets. Correlation to the United Kingdom
market is strongest with the US and Paris indexes and weakest with the
Milan and Tokyo indexes. Given this information and all other factors
being equal, one would expect the low correlation with the Tokyo and
Milan markets to indicate great potential for diversification through
these markets for the UK investor. However, results reported below show
virtually nothing is gained for the UK investor by including the Italian
market in his portfolio.
Given the data from these seven equity markets, efficient frontier
portfolios were developed utilizing several different minimum weightings
for the UK market component of the portfolio. Efficient frontier
portfolios were determined by including all seven indexes in the
hypothetical portfolio. Minimization of the standard deviation of the
portfolio to ascertain the frontier was performed subject to the
following constraints. The portfolio must earn a given rate of return
(with several rates of return used to develop the frontier). Also the
weighting of the indexes must sum to one and no index could be allowed
to have negative weighting.
Table 3 presents the returns, standard deviations, and coefficients
of variation for several possible portfolio combinations of the FTSE and
other market indexes, where there is no minimum or maximum weighting
preset for the FTSE. Figure 2 is a graphical representation of this
table. The selected returns are six percent, eight percent, 10.07
percent, 11.26 percent, and 12 percent. The 10.07 percent return is
chosen as one of the points to be determined on the frontier because
that was the mean return for the UK market over the time period of this
study (as reported in Table 1). The portfolio with the 11.26 percent
return is the minimum volatility portfolio for the UK investor. These
five portfolios are the minimum volatility portfolios for each rate of
return listed in the table.
The UK market across this decade had a return of 10.07 percent and
a standard deviation of returns of 21.75 percent (as reported in Table
1). The frontier portfolio with the 10.07 percent return reported in
Table 3 has a standard deviation of 14.87 percent, indicating nearly a
1/3 reduction in volatility as the UK component is reduced from 100
percent down to only 16.7 percent of the respective portfolio. In fact
the weight of the UK component varies in each frontier portfolio from a
maximum of 16.70 percent to only 14.80 percent, with the weight of each
of the other indexes also being varied as required to obtain the minimum
volatility portfolio for that rate of return. That the UK component of
the portfolio never exceeds 16.48 percent of any frontier portfolio is
an important point clearly demonstrating the significant gains from
international diversification for the UK investor.
Clark and Tullis (1999) have suggested that a 20 to 30 percent
allocation to international equities would be appropriate for a
previously domestic equity only portfolio. However, their point of view
was from that of an American investor. The results reported here
demonstrate that an UK investor needs to have a much larger portion of
his equity portfolio allocated toward international investments.
Figure 2 is a graphic representation of the return and volatility
data presented in Table 3. The further importance of international
diversification becomes more evident when this figure is studied. It
becomes obvious that portfolios with returns below 11.26 percent (i.e.,
that of the minimum volatility portfolio) are not on the efficient
frontier, but rather are on the inefficient portion of the frontier. Of
the portfolios reported in Table 3, only the two portfolios with returns
of 11.26 and 12 percent are efficient. Both the 100 percent UK portfolio
and the diversified portfolio producing 10.07 percent are actually
inefficient portfolios (as are the portfolios with eight and six percent
rates of return). To be invested in an efficient portfolio, Table 3
makes it clear that the UK investor could have no more than 16.67
percent of his portfolio assets invested in the UK market.
The frontier portfolio that returns 10.07 percent should be
examined in contrast to the performance of the UK market. The UK
investor could have earned that level of return by investing 100 percent
of his assets in the UK market or by investing in the frontier portfolio
that had only a 16.70 percent weighting for the UK component. The
obvious difference between the two portfolios is the standard deviation
of returns for each portfolio. The standard deviation for the UK-only
portfolio is 21.75 percent, while the internationally diversified
portfolio has a standard deviation of 14.87 percent. The internationally
diversified portfolio that is located on the frontier offers the UK
investor nearly a 1/3 reduction in volatility with no sacrifice in
However, UK investors may feel the need to maintain some certain
minimum amount of investing in the home market. What would be the
implications of such a course of action? Table 4 reports the results of
fixing the minimum weighting of the UK component of the investor's
portfolio at 20 percent. In this table only the portfolios with expected
returns of 11.3 and 12 percent are on the efficient frontier. The other
three portfolios are on the inefficient portion of the frontier. Tables
5, 6, and 7 report the results of setting the minimum weight of the UK
portion of the portfolio at 40, 60 and 80 percent, respectively. Results
here are consistent with the results presented in Table 4. It should
also be noted that when the UK weighting is set at a minimum of 60
percent, it is not even possible to reach the efficient portion of the
frontier and the 12 percent return. With the UK weighting set at a
minimum of 80 percent, it is not possible to generate portfolios
producing either the six or 12 percent expected returns.
Modern portfolio theory suggests that an UK investor's
domestic portfolio should benefit by investing in other markets that are
not perfectly correlated with the UK market. In this study we see that
diversification reduces risk significantly as the UK investor makes the
necessary allocation to foreign markets. While during the decade of the
1990s, US investors were not significantly rewarded for international
diversification it held great potential of UK investors. They would have
experienced significant reductions in risk coupled with no reductions in
return. Data across this time period using the market indexes for the
United Kingdom and its G-7 partners clearly supports the usefulness of
international diversification. If the goal of the investor's
investment strategy is risk minimization and offsetting domestic market
losses, then the investor facing an asset allocation decision must
consider the historical market patterns discussed here. The cases which
are examined in this study show international diversification (based on
major market indexes) over these ten years (121 months) would have been
a potent tool for UK investors as has been suggested in much of the
academic research. The risk reduction benefits of diversification were
evident. Given this recent historical experience, the UK investor must
recognize that there is sufficient reason (in terms of risk reduction)
to pursue international diversification.
The results of this study might be sample specific. The complete
data set of the decade from 1990 through 2000 is used in describing the
relationship between the United Kingdom and the remaining G-7 markets.
However, it may be difficult to extrapolate the findings of this
research to any other markets, specific stocks in these markets, or to
other time periods. Nevertheless, investors typically obtain reasonable
expectations of the potential benefits of international diversification
by studying historical relationships and the results in this study
should provide information that allows investors to make a more informed
investment decision.
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Michael E. Hanna, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Joseph P. McCormack, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Grady Perdue, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Table 1: Rates of Return, Standard Deviations, and Coefficients
of Variation All Values Stated as Percentages
Market Annual Standard Coefficient
Geometric Deviation of Variation
Mean Return of Returns
London 10.55 21.75 2.062
Toronto 5.08 19.06 3.752
S&P 500 14.79 16.04 1.085
Paris 9.85 20.51 2.082
Frankfurt 12.36 19.20 1.553
Milan 5.72 30.46 5.325
Tokyo -3.63 28.92 -7.967
TABLE 2: Correlation coefficients for returns between indexes
London Toronto S&P 500 Paris
London 1
Toronto 0.4541 1
S&P 500 0.4808 0.7832 1
Paris 0.4781 0.5528 0.6556 1
Frank. 0.3986 0.5559 0.6035 0.7550
Milan 0.3630 0.4260 0.3923 0.4193
Tokyo 0.2859 0.3278 0.3658 0.3735
Frank. Milan Tokyo
S&P 500
Frank. 1
Milan 0.4409 1
Tokyo 0.2593 0.2738 1
Table 3: Frontier Portfolios with no constraints on weightings
All values stated as percentages
Weight of each index
Portfolios in frontier portfolios
Annual Annual Coefficient S&P 500 Toronto London
Return Standard of
Deviation Variation
6.00 15.79 2.632 7.23 34.13 14.8
8.00 15.21 1.901 24.84 21.67 15.58
10.07 14.87 1.477 41.96 9.04 16.7
11.26 * 14.82 1.316 52.15 1.28 16.67
12.00 14.85 1.238 57.57 0 16.48
Weight of each index in frontier portfolios
Annual Paris Frankfurt Milan Tokyo
6.00 8.31 14.48 1.17 19.89
8.00 3.56 17.85 0.99 15.52
10.07 0 21.24 0.44 10.62
11.26 * 0 21.95 0 7.74
12.00 0 21.49 0 4.46
* Minimum standard deviation portfolio
Table 4
Frontier Portfolios with UK weighting set at a minimum of 20 percent
All values stated as percentages
Weight of each index
Portfolios in frontier portfolios
Annual Coefficient S&P 500 Toronto London
Annual Standard of
Return Deviation Variation
6.00 15.82 2.637 4.42 33.60 20
8.00 15.23 1.904 22.16 21.52 20
10.07 14.89 1.479 40.45 8.43 20
11.30 * 14.83 1.312 50.91 0 20
12.00 14.87 1.239 55.71 0 20
Weight of each index in frontier portfolios
Annual Paris Frankfurt Milan Tokyo
6.00 7.39 14.38 0.72 19.49
8.00 2.44 18.26 0.53 15.09
10.07 0 20.62 0 10.50
11.30 * 0 21.40 0 7.69
12.00 0 20.47 0 3.82
* Minimum standard deviation portfolio
Table 5
Frontier Portfolios with UK weighting set at a minimum
of 40 percent All values stated as percentages
Weight of each index
Portfolios in frontier portfolios
Annual Annual Coefficient S&P 500 Toronto London
Return Standard of
Deviation Variation
6.00 16.48 2.747 0 30.65 40.00
8.00 15.86 1.983 12.61 18.78 40.00
10.07 15.52 1.541 30.57 5.02 40.00
11.06 * 15.47 1.399 38.54 0 40.00
12.00 15.54 1.295 44.73 0 40.00
Weight of each index in frontier portfolios
Annual Paris Frankfurt Milan Tokyo
6.00 0 9.94 0 19.41
8.00 0 15.22 0 13.39
10.07 0 15.94 0 8.47
11.06 * 0 16.08 0 5.38
12.00 0 15.11 0 0.15
* Minimum standard deviation portfolio
Table 6
Frontier Portfolios with UK weighting set at a minimum of 60 percent
All values stated as percentages
Weight of each index in
Portfolios frontier portfolios
Annual Annual Coefficient S&P 500 Toronto
Return Standard of
Deviation Variation
6.00 18.12 3.02 0 16.54
8.00 17.33 2.166 3.01 15.4
10.07 17.01 1.689 20.52 1.73
10.82 * 16.97 1.568 25.79 0
Weight of each index in frontier portfolios
London Paris Frankfurt Milan Tokyo
60.00 0 0 0 23.46
60.00 0 10.20 0 11.40
60.00 0 11.38 0 6.37
60.00 0 11.00 0 3.03
* Minimum standard deviation portfolio
([dagger]) With the UK weighting set at a minimum of 60 percent, it is
impossible to generate a portfolio with a 12 percent
rate of return
Table 7
Frontier Portfolios with UK weighting set at a minimum of 80 percent
All values stated as percentages
Weight of each index in
Portfolios frontier portfolios
Annual Annual Coefficient S&P 500 Toronto
Return Standard of
Deviation Variation
8.00 19.48 2.435 0 7.85
10.07 19.14 1.901 10.03 0
10.58 * 19.12 1.807 13.22 0
Weight of each index in frontier portfolios
London Paris Frankfurt Milan Tokyo
80 0 0 0 12.15
80 0 6.44 0 3.53
80 0 6.07 0 0.71
* Minimum standard deviation portfolio
([dagger]) With the UK weighting set at a minimum of 80 percent, it
is impossible to generate a portfolio with a 12 percent
rate of return
Figure 1
Value of 1,000 [pounds sterling] invested for ten years
London 2727
S&P 500 3974
Toronto 1642
Paris 2559
Frankfurt 3207
Milan 1745
Nikkei 691
Note: Table made from bar graph.