A method for improving the prediction of next page request of a web user.
Dinuca, Claudia Elena ; Ciobanu, Dumitru ; Istrate, Mihai 等
Abstract: In this article we presented a way to improve the
prediction of the next page request of a web user obtained with Page
Rank algorithm. The used idea is to apply Page Rank algorithm only on
the subset of logs that contain the current page. To exemplify this
method we use a set of web logs from the website of Nasa which is
available online. We obtain an increase of visitation probability with
12.7% from 19.8% to 32.5%
Key words: web logs, clickstream, page rank, prediction
A web site represents a set of interconnected web pages on the Web
and is developed and maintained by a person or organization. While web
sites constitute a medium for communication, publicity and commerce, Web
Mining studies discover and analyze useful information from the Web
(Nong, 2003).
Nowadays, there are many commercial and freeware software packages
that provide basic statistics about web sites, including number of page
views, hits, traffic patterns by day-of-week or hour-of-day, etc. These
tools help ensure the correct operation of web sites (e.g., they may
identify page not found errors) and can aid in identifying basic trends,
such as traffic growth over time, or patterns such as differences
between weekday and weekend traffic (Clark et al., 2006).
With growing pressure to make e-commerce sites more profitable,
however, additional analyses are usually requested.
In this paper we present a method to help improve predictions of
pages to be visited in order to create a recommendation system for web
site users. We applied the Page Rank algorithm on NASA log file in order
to get predictions for the next visited page. The method uses a table of
probabilities of visited pages that are updated from time to time
depending on the rate of visiting the website. This allows real-time
calculation of visiting probability of the following pages considering
the page where the user is at a specific time. The method can be used to
create a recommendation system for web sites and pages preload to speed
request response. The idea behind web caching is to maintain a highly
efficient but small set of retrieved results in a cache, such that the
system performance can be notably improved since later user requests can
be directly answered from the cache. The recommendation should use the
first three pages with the highest probability of visitation returned by
the program.
Log files are created by web servers and filled with information
about user requests on a particular Web site. They may contain
information about: domains, subdomains and host names; resources
requested by the user, time of request, protocol used, errors returned
by the server, the page size for successful requests.
Because a successful analysis is based on accurate information and
quality data, preprocessing plays an important role. Preparation of data
requires between 60 and 90% of the data analysis and contributes to the
success rate of 75-90% to the entire process of extracting knowledge
(Nong, 2003).
For each IP or DNS determine user sessions. The log files have
entries like these:[01/Jul/1995:00:00:01-0400] "GET
/history/apollo/HTTP/1.0" 200 6245
unicomp6.unicomp.net--[01/Jul/1995:00:00:06-0400] "GET
/shuttle/countdown/HTTP/1.0" 200 3985[01/Jul/1995:00:00:09-0400] "GET
/shuttle/missions/sts-73/mission-sts-73.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4085
burger.letters.com--[01/Jul/1995:00:00:11-0400] "GET
/shuttle/countdown/liftoff.html HTTP/1.0" 304 0[01/Jul/1995:00:00:11-0400] "GET
/shuttle/missions/sts-73/sts-73-patch-small.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 4179
burger.letters.com--[01/Jul/1995:00:00:12-0400] "GET
/images/NASA-logosmall.gif HTTP/1.0" 304 0.
As can be noticed above, each record in the file contains an IP,
date and time, protocol, page views, error code, number of bytes
transferred. The steps needed for data preprocessing were presented in
detail in (Dinuca, 2011). For sessions' identification in the first
case was considered that a user can not be stationed on a page more than
30 minutes. This value is used in several previous studies, as can be
seen in the work (Markov & Larose, 2007). The current study intends
to add an improvement in sessions' identification by determining an
average time of page visiting the sites for the visit duration
determined by analysis of web site visit duration, data which can be
found in the log files of the site. Thus, for each visited page, the
visit duration is calculated, which is determined by the difference
between two consecutive timestamps for the same user who is identified
by IP. For records of pages with the highest timestamp among those
visited by a user is assigned a predefined value of our choice to 20,000
seconds. We calculated the average visiting time for a page as the media
of time spent for different users on that page and used this mean to
better identify sessions. When calculating the average visiting time we
don't take into consideration the pages with the time less than 2
seconds and largest than 20,000 seconds. For our analysis we selected
only those log records that contained a web page, eliminating the
required load images and other files adjacent to it, this information
being considered not important for analysis. We kept only pages that
have status code of class 200, a successfully loaded page. We have
removed double pages from sessions and we just kept for review sessions
with more than 1 viewed pages.
We used to predict the next page visited the Page Rank algorithm.
We consider the current session a session in progress and current page
is the page that the user is at the time. To improve the results we
apply these methods only on sessions that contain the current page. From
the all sessions we use about 85% for the calculation of the probability
of visiting the page and on the rest sessions we check the accuracy of
For the first set of sessions we apply the Page Rank algorithm
which provides us the ranks for pages from the websites. For each page
we see on which pages can navigate and using the rank of pages we
calculate the probability of visiting them by dividing each rank to the
sum of ranks.
We implemented a program in Java using NetBeans IDE. It receives
the log file in text format, write data for each session into a table,
we code pages, we calculate the visiting time for each page, then
calculate the average of each page visit, identify sessions, and apply
Page Rank first on all chosen set of learning sessions and then only on
the set of learning sessions that contain the current page obtaining the
probabilities of visiting for first three more visited pages from where
it can navigate from current page.
For the NASA data set we obtained after preprocessing 5138 sessions
and we use 4486 for computing ranks and 652 for checking accuracy of the
method. For each page we saved into a table the pages where it can
navigate, pages with the highest probability of access obtained from the
ranks of pages. n Fig. 1. the table presents a part of the withhold
visitation probabilities. So, from page 1 it goes with PR1 probability
in page with CP_PR1 code, it goes with PR2 probability in page with
CP_PR2 code and in page with CP_PR3 code with PR3 probability, PR means
the probability obtained by applying Page Rank algorithm and CP stands
from Page Code.
Next, we use for each page in order to calculate ranks only
sessions containing that page. Some of the ranks obtained can be seen in
Fig. 2.
The 652 sessions that were used to verify results have in total
3501 pairs of pages. From all of these, as can be seen in Tab. 1., 292
are verified by the highest ranking page, 186 page second page rank and
215 at the third rank. The last two columns from the table represent the
sum of the first two columns and the sum of the first three columns.
From the pages used to check data we obtained the data which can be
seen in Tab. 2.
Using the probability that the next visited page is among the three
pages indicated from the program was 19.8% when we used all sessions and
32.5% when in the calculations we used only sessions containing the
current page.
The method presented can be used online for prediction,
recommendation and preload pages as the ranks are saved in tables and
can be easily accessed in real time. The update of these tables is only
required from time to time depending on the use of the site.
In the performed analysis the time was only used during the
identification of sessions. For improved results in future research will
take into account the order in which pages appear in the session and how
long the current user staied on the visited pages before the current
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Tab. 1. The number of correct predictions obtained when using
the entire dataset
pr1 pr2 pr3 pr 1+2 pr 1+2+3
292 186 215 478 693
Tab. 2. The number of correct predictions obtained by applying
rank page only on sessions that contain the current page
pr1 pr2 pr3 pr 1+2 pr 1+2+3
516 320 303 836 1139