Active vibrations damping of bending for printing roller.
Voicu, Mariana Claudia ; Lammen, Benno ; Schmidt, Reinhard 等
Abstract: The efficiency of printing or coating processes for paper
products can be improved by increasing velocity of the web and roller
width. These measures cause heating effects, deformation of the roller
and streak print defects due to undesirable oscillations. An approved
method like balancing of the rollers and maximizing the bending
stiffness have come to technical limits. This paper describes the
introduction of active vibration damping into a roller system by using
piezoelectric actuators in the bearings. A feedback control strategy
combined with a feed forward compensation of predictable disturbances
has shown promising results in simulation and experiments
Key words: piezoelectric actuator, vibration, printing roller
Roller systems in printing or coating machines tend to undesirable
oscillations that affect the quality and the efficiency of the process.
Approved methods like balancing of the rollers and maximizing the
bending stiffness have come to technical limits. This paper describes an
approach with piezoelectric actuators in the bearing of a roller. The
roller system simulates the printing device of a flexographic printing
machine. As shown in fig. 1, the ink is coated on the anilox roll (2) by
means of a doctor blade (1) which transfers it onto the plate cylinder
(3). Due to excitations caused by the canal impact or to the uneven
surface of the printing plate when passing the nip in positions (5) and
(6), oscillations can occur.
One method for further optimization is online monitoring and
optimal adjustment of roller systems. In (Voicu et al., 2011) new sensor
technologies for measuring the axial distribution of contact pressure
along the nip are discussed. Another approach is to reduce the
oscillation sensitivity especially of long rollers by applying active
components such as piezoelectric actuators in the bearings or magnetic
bearings in the center of the roller.
This paper describes an approach with piezoelectric actuators in
the bearings of a roller introducing active counter forces to compensate
undesired oscillations. The oscillations can be measured e.g. by means
of strain gauges. After all, a mechatronic system including actuators,
sensors and control strategies has to be designed, to reduce the
oscillations in a of the roller system.
Active components for vibration damping have been introduced
successfully also in grinding and milling machines (Ehmann et al., 2001;
Ehmaun et al., 2003).
A test bed simulating of a printing or coating machine was set up
as shown in fig. 2. The test bed was designed with eigenfrequencies
similar to an industrial plant. The roller in the middle (1) represents
the plate cylinder. Strain gauges are applied in (2). As shown in the
close-up view (taken without electrical drive and coupling)
piezoelectric actuators (3) were integrated in the bearings in direction
to the nip. The bearings (4) must be flexible to carry out small
displacements without bearing shake. The strain of the plate cylinder is
measured at two axial positions. The actuation the left and right
bearing are controlled by two independent control loops.
Piezoelectric actuators are able to generate huge forces at high
frequency with small displacements as required for this purpose.
Active bearing depicted in fig. 2 (without electrical drive and
coupling) has a piezoelectric actuator (3) integrated in the bearings in
the direction to the nip and preloaded using saucer spring packages (4)
to compensate the tensile forces. The roller "bearings must be
flexible to carry out small displacements without bearing shake. Fig. 3
shows the stress analysis of the flexible part of the active bearing.
The displacement of this part given by the piezoelectric actuator force
is influenced by the thin elastic beam which is bonded with the body
housing of the bearing.
For measuring nip forces and vibrations of a roller, different
technologies can be considered as discussed in (Voicu et al., 2011).
Sensors and signal lines must be applied without mechanical impact on
the system. Fig. 3 illustrates the over-all control structure. The
bending vibrations of the roller are measured by strain gauges (1) at
different axial positions on the roller (2). For transmitting these
signals, a slip ring is mounted on the roller. A sensor (3) for
measuring the rotational angle of the roller gives the absolute position
of the strain gauges and the roller velocity. The signals are the
feedback for the control unit (4) which activates the piezoelectric
actuators (5) via high voltage direct current amplifiers (not depicted
in fig. 3). In a first approach the forces of the actuators are applied
in a radial direction to compensate excitations in the nip.
The control strategy, that is currently used, consists of a
feed-forward control to compensate predictable periodic disturbances and
a subsequent feedback control. The idea of the feed forward control is
based on the assumption that most disturbances occur periodically with
each rotation of the roller and can be predicted. The additional
feedback control has to cope with the remaining control deviations.
The calculation of the feed forward control requires a run-in-phase
with the piezoelectric actuators. Passive profile rings are not yet
used. The pilot control signal is calculated with a Least-Square
Algorithm that minimizes the error by modifying coefficients of
superimposed harmonic functions. In the current implementation the
feedback control is designed as a simple PD-controller (Waller &
Schmidt 1989).
The test results in fig. 5 show the effect of the proposed control
strategy. Two avoid problems with the signal transmission from a
rotating system, the first measurements were done with non-rotating
rollers. The oscillation of the plate cylinder was stimulated by a
shaker fixed to the roller. Different periodic stimuli were evaluated.
The results in fig. 5 were taken with superimposed sinusoidal stimulation of 5 Hz and 15 Hz. The control is activated after a time of
1.18 s. It significantly reduces the oscillation of the roller. The
results show, that the control strategy is promising and that the
piezoelectric actuators are appropriate for active vibration damping.
To achieve high productivity and high quality demands in printing
and coating processes the velocity of the web and the roller width can
be increased. Long rollers tend to undesired oscillations at high web
velocities. In this paper active vibration damping by means of
piezoelectric actuators in the bearings of the rollers is proposed to
reduce the oscillation sensitivity. Piezoelectric actuators are able to
provide high forces at small displacements. The oscillations are
measured with strain-gauge sensors. The mechanics of the roller system,
the actuators and the sensors are combined with modern control
techniques to a mechatronic overall-system. The design of the system is
carried out based on a simulation model and on experiments with a test
The authors wish to thank EFRE with the Ministry for Science and
Culture of the land Lower Saxony for the granted sponsorship.
Ehmann, C.; Nordmann, R. (2003). Comparison of Control Strategies
for Active Vibration Control of Flexible Structures, Archives of Control
Sciences, Vol. 13, 2003, No. 3, pp. 303-312
Ehmann, Ch.; Schonhoff, U.; Nordmann R. (2001): Aktive
Schwingungstilgung bei Portalfrasmaschinen mit Hilfe integrierter
Piezoaktoren, VDI Tagung Schwingungen in Anlagen und Maschinen,
Voicu, M.C.; Lammen, B.; Schmidt, R.; Hillbrand, H.-H.; Maniu, I.
(2011): Messung der Anpressdrucke im Nip von Walzensystemen mit
neuentwickelten piezoelektrischen Sensoren, VDI-Fachtagung Mechatronik,
Dresden, pp. 19-24
Voicu, M.C.; Hillbrand, H.-H.; Schmidt, R.; Lammen, B.; (2011):
Design of an Active Vibration Control for a Roller System, 12th
International Workshop on Research or Education in Mechatronics, Kocaeli
Waller, H.; Schmidt, R (1989): Schwingungslehre fur Ingenieure,
Theorie, Simulation, Anwendungen, Wissenschaftsverlag, 1989