Bio-inspired smart sensors for a hexapod robot.
Maibohm, Christian ; Bilberg, Arne
Abstract: EMICAB (Embodied Motion Intelligence for Cognitive,
Autonomous Robots) is an EU founded project where a consortium of 4
Universities is working together to integrate smart body mechanics and
sensors with intelligent planning and motor behavior in order to make a
holistic approach to artificial cognitive systems. This contribution
provides information and the first experimental results about smart
material sensors done at the Mads Clausen Institute at the University of
Southern Denmark, where the aim is to make a distributed smart sensor
network with a redundancy of sensors mimicking that found on limbs of
for instance stick insects.
Key words: Smart sensor material, distributed sensor network,
bio-mechatronics, DEAP
Inspired by the agility, versatility and adaptability of walking
insects, autonomous legged robots based on biological principles have
seen a considerable interest in the last years (Deleomyn & Nelson
2000). One of the key interest points in successful biological systems
is their ability to move across rough terrain outperforming even the
most agile robot. This lacking in performance of the robot can partly be
contributed to a main focus on generating a predefined stable gait for
the robot with a minimal influence from sensory feedback. On the other
hand biological systems usually rely heavily on a redundancy of sensors
which provides the insect with sensory feedback for adaptive locomotion.
The aim of the EMICAB project is bridging this gab by taking a holistic
approach to implementing bio-inspired artificial cognitive systems onto
a legged hexapod robot seen in Fig 1. The Mads Clausen Institute part of
the EMICAB project is the design and implementation of a sensory network
where a redundancy of smart material sensors will mimic functions of
sensor organs found on insect legs. This combined with planning and
motor behavior will generate an intelligent platform for agile movements
where the hexapod robot interacts with and learns from the surroundings
through sensory feedback.
Before describing the technical aspects of the project a brief
review of sensor types mimicked in the project will be given. On an
insect limb two main categories of sense organs can be found;
mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors, where only the former type are
thought to have influence on agile locomotion (Delcomyn, F. et al.
1996). Mechanoreceptors can again be divided into overlapping
subcategories; proprioceptors (position and motion of body parts in
respect to each other), tactile receptors (contact with and to another
object) and stress receptors (stress in the exoskeleton and also contact
to another object). The final version of the developed sensors and
sensor network in the project should perform the tasks of the above
mentioned sensor receptors types.
The material chosen for all three sensor types are a subcategory of
so-called EAP (Electro Activated polymer) materials namely DEAP
(Dielectric-EAP). Since the beginning of the 1990s EAP materials have
seen a growing interest as active material in both actuators and sensors
(Bar-Cohen, Y. 2004; Kombluh, R. et al. 2004). We have chosen DEAP as
the sensor material because of its large strain capabilities,
environmental tolerance and low cost. The specific DEAP material used
for sensors in this project is produced by the Danish company PolyPower
A/S ***.
3.1 General functionality of DEAP
Basically a dielectric elastomer device functions as a plate
capacitor where an incompressible and highly deformable material is
sandwiched between two electrodes as seen on the left in Fig 2. If an
electric field in the order of kilo volts is placed across the
electrodes the so-called Maxwell stress causes the electrodes to move
closer squeezing the material between them thereby causing actuation
(Samatham, R et al. 2010). If used as a sensor an outside pressure, P
seen on the left in Fig 2, deforms the DEAP device by moving the plates
closer together inducing a capacitance change which is correlated to
magnitude of P. In the general case the deformation will be uniform in
the plane perpendicular to the force and therefore non-directional. If
instead both the plates and the dielectric material between them are
structured in order to make, an anisotropic compliant to the force a
platform for smart sensor are created. The DEAP material used in the
project is corrugated in one direction making the sheet nearly
unidirectional compliant which means that the thickness strain [s.sub.t]
is approximately equal to the negative of the compliant strain
[s.sub.comp] (Sommer-Larsen, P. & Benslimane, M. 2008):
[S.sub.comp] [approximately equal to] P/Y (1)
Here Y is the Young's modulus ([approximately equal to] 1MPa)
and P the pressure. The capacity change of the deformed device is given
C = [C.sub.0] [(1 + [s.sub.t]).sup.1.8] (2)
Here C is the measured capacitance and [C.sub.0] is the start
capacitance ([approximately equal to] 40 pF/[cm.sup.2] unstressed). The
outside influence is of course not only limited to pressure deformation
but also strain deformations can be measured by the DEAP material.
The idea in the EMICAB project is that the sensors should only
mimic the function of receptors found on the insect limb and not be a
direct replica. A schematic view of our sensor idea and placement are
seen on the right in Fig 2. Either strips or, to increase the active
area of the sensor rolled-up strips of DEAP material are placed on
moving joints on the limb, mimicking functions of the chordotonal organ
and muscle, strand and stretch receptors (1 on the right in Fig 2). This
will give the hexapod sensory feedback about position, speed and
acceleration of the different segments of the limb in respect to each
other. Arrays of DEAP pressure and strain sensors correctly placed for
maximum efficiency mimicking functions of sensory hair and the
campaniform sensillum organ will act as tactile sensors giving feedback
of contact with objects (2 on the right in Fig 1). A pressure sensor
working as the contact surface will give feedback about actual ground
contact and weight distribution of the hexapod (3 on the right in Fig
1). All sensory input will be transferred to and processed by a
decentralized pattern generator for each limb. The individual limb
patterns are then coupled together to produce a quick and strongly
sensory influenced coordinated locomotion for the hexapod robot. This
setup with a redundancy of sensors on the robot insures a constant flow
of sensory input even at the failure of one or more sensors.
One of the biggest challenges in working with the DEAP material is
securing a good and flexible contact to the 100 nm thick corrugated
silver electrodes of the DEAP material. The electrical contact should
stick to the silver electrode without destroying it, be flexible enough
to follow the strain of the polymer material without breaking and stay
conductive. The first basic test was done with conductive sticky tape
which proved feasible and successful but not as a solution for the final
sensors because of its tendency to destroy the silver electrodes.
Instead we used a mixture of silicone and carbon nanotubes creating a
conductive polymer. This material nearly has the same stretching
capabilities as the DEAP material while keeping conductive and adhesive
to the silver contacts at the same time. Different mixing ratios of
silicone and carbon nanotubes is tested for conductivity, adhesiveness
and mechanical properties in order to find the best suited one.
The next project steps are:
* Sensor design to optimize performance, robustness and location on
the hexapod robot.
* Development of the electronic for each sensor and sensor array
together with the decentralized processing of sensory data on each limb.
The Mads Clausen Institute part of the EMICAB project is the
development of smart sensors, mimicking functions of receptors found on
insect limbs for a distributed sensory network. The sensors will provide
the hexapod robot with additional information besides the basic pattern
generators making it possible for the robot to alter its movement
behavior. The individual smart sensor will be made from DEAP material
and will be specifically designed to meet requirements for sensor
placement, robustness and function. Sensory input from each sensor will
be processed decentralized by a sensory network found on each limb and
coupled together in a central pattern generator to produce a stable gait
for the robot.
The authors would like to thank the FP7-ICT-2009-6 EMICAB program,
Link: Danfoss PolyPower A/S, Denmark.
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*** (2011) PolyPower A/S, Homepage,
Accessed on: 2011-06-15