Black printer neutrals distribution using K And CMY components.
Agic, Darko ; Mandic, Lidija ; Strgar Kurecic, Maja 等
Abstract: In this paper possible CMY and K combinations of
coverages as reproduction curves for selected profile are discussed, in
the means of achieving related neutral optical output. Graphic arts reproduction basic subtractive primaries are extended with carbon black,
meaning black printer. Its feature is to enhance reproducted picture
quality, as well as to evaluate technical procedures. Modulation of
lightness in neutrals as well as saturated colors, combining primaries
and black lead to various facilities of possible tone reproduction
curves, in addition to printing reproduction features.
Key words: black printer, achromatic reproduction, colorimetry
For graphic reproduction purposes, as a result of the separation
process of the coloured original, separations of subtractive primaries
are achieved as separations films, printing plates, or direct imaged to
the digital output system. When reproduced, each separation applies one
of the primaries, creating coloured image within the reproduction. Mixed
all three subtractive primaries, the result should be theoretically
black (or achromatic), that respond satisfies in color photography due
to relative high saturation of primaries, but in practical printing
experience besides subtractive primaries, black (ink), mostly as carbon
black, is added as a fourth printing form. When deploying, adjusting or
balancing the reproduction process, it is common to trace and monitor
the neutral scale and gray balance, as primary or initial characteristic
important for the process.
The purpose of additional supported black ink and its application
into the multicolor printing process encloses various features According
to separation principles, separated color is imaged to the separation
system in the same way as black, and other are imaged as white (Blair,
1983.). It means that areas on the printing form imaged "as
black" will be dye transfering for the selected primary color. In
graphic reproduction process the forth color, black, as the fourth
separation (printing form) is appended to primary color separations,
forming autotypic color process. Graphic arts reproduction basically
applies two shapes of reproduction black ink curves (Yule, 2000.):
skeleton black (KS) and full black tonal range (KF), as shown in fig l.
The usage depends on various factors, such as technical properties of
the reproduction process, reproduction of tones and colors mostly in
highlights and midtones, and as possible dedicated demands in achromatic
(black and white) reproduction.
When discussing of black and white, in printing systems white
corresponds to the niveau (of whiteness) of the substrate, and black is
expressed as possible or maximum coverage of black ink (K), or
corresponding CMY+K inks coverage combination. The situation of gray
scale is considered as the area from light of low reflecting part
(black), to reflectance of all wavenlenghts (whiteness of substrate).
When interpreting perceived experience of tones and colors, in technical
measuring means, this can be described as (colorimetric attributes)
lightnes, corresponding values in RGB or HSB systems, as densitomeric
[D.sub.r], [D.sub.g], [D.sub.b] values, and possible coverages of cyan,
magenta, yellow and black inks ([[??].sub.C], [[??].sub.M],
[[??].sub.Y], [[??].sub.K]). When applying color management to
reproduction illuminant characteristics, profiles and input-output
device properties have to be taken in consideration.
Black or specifically carbon black as printing inks pigment
expresses an absorption mainly equable through the whole visible
spectrum. Such a characteristic of black ink enables rather simple
generating gray scale or lightness by color modulation with black
halftoning/printing elements ([[??].sub.K] coverage). In such
containment hue shifts are rather minimalized, and the picture
reproduction is conditionally stable. Such considerations are also
rooting to achromatic reproduction methods, often linked to to TAC
(total area coverage) calculations, specified by ISO 12647 regulations.
According to subtractive principles equal combination of primaries
should generate neutrals (on achromatic scale). Unfortunatelly, equal C,
M, Y coverages of real dyes in actual reproduction process can not be
directly used. The combination has to support some further reproduction
process parameters such as gray balance, white point and illuminant
facilities. The term END (equivalent neutral density) describes the
situation of generating neutral scale with C, M Y coverages (or
expressed as related densities) for the proposed reproduction system and
conditions, fig. 2, while the CMY ratio is defined as grey balance
(Hunt, 1995).
The common way while determining or inspecting the reproduction
process is to define some points (as densities, coverages or colorimetry
values). Usually there are are at least three controls describing
minimum or low values (toe of the curve) point A, mid tone point M, and
shadow (shoulder of the curve) denoted as B. (Kodak, 1975) In observed
case additional test points are designated in the A-M domain where black
for skelet and full range black printer differ. The basic reproduction
path (workflow) will be designated as follow:
* Imaging grey scale: Kodak grey scale reflection density guide, 24
step defined, (Kodak Q 16 target), whose density range is similar to
output profile device range. Profile: adjusted euroscale coated: for
first step CMY combination.
* Second step: full black scale, starting point set at 0% a at
starting density. Adjusting parameters by means of Adobe CS3 support.
For skelet black adjusted profile eurostandard coated, staring point (0%
a) approximate at starting density 0.4 of original, adjusting parameters
by means of Adobe CS3 support. Obtaining separations and final
reproduction for CMY and CMY+K
* Step three: controlling shadow and midtone neutral density (END
and grey balance) for CMY combination
* Applying dedicated tools (wedges) to determine deviations in
gained values (density, coverage, colorimetric measurements) and to
adjust tone reproduction curves (TRC)
* Step four: repeated reproduction with corrected values
* checkout obtained reproduction
Output device: Epson stylus 3800, Mediaware digital photo gloss
supstrate. Measaurements: Xrite i-one support The main obstacle is
supposed to arise in the part where CMY coverage interfears with K
coverage, where cumulative CMY and CMY+K combination should obtain the
same appearance. As the beginning of the reproduction curve (light part)
is more perceptible than midtones and shadows, and black printer
combination affects in that domain, this work elaborates that part of
According to first results some steps had to be repeated. High
values were slightly corrected to achieve balance, and that was directly
done in shadows. In midtones and highlights some separate additional
corrections were performed by the use of dedicated test charts, in this
case adjusting neutrals.
According to some additional tests it can be seen that TAC in
shadows is about 300% that satisfies ISO recomendation, and allows
further achromatic procedures. The primary colors ratio is nearly I(C) :
0.8 (M,Y), that also provides grey balance.
Correction in midtones range was carried out for the reason that
some device drivers hold the ratio (where correction would interfear
basic settings, also some drivers, regardless to settings, try to
perform achromatic reduction), so the correction was performed by
correcting the reproduction curves. The most interesting part,
highlights to midtones was separately adjusted with Gray Finder 2.0. As
presented in table 1, the part of reproduction is separated to the only
primaries combination (scelet, KS) and full range (KF) tones.
Reproductions appear with slightly lower lightness values, separately
density measured values average 0.05-0.08 lower, that can be additionaly
corrected. Chromaticy coordinates render rather low values that indicate
high achromacity although some authors for near to white region suggest
whitness calculation, (Popson, 1997.) and metamery verification
(Baumann, 2002).
For the observedconfiguration two profiles were achieved, both for
the same reproduction conditions type, but different reproduction curves
for the black, whereas supporting nearly the same printing effect. In
defined environment that subsystem can facilitate applying different
reproduction parameters, but gaining similar reproduction result.
Baumann, E. (2002): Color Aspects in Photo Quality Inkjet Printing,
CGIV Conference, pp 448-452, Poitiers, France.
Blair, R. (1983): The Lithographers Manual, GATF, ISBN: 088362169X
Hunt, R.G.W., (1995): The Reproduction of Color, Fountain Press,
ISBN: 085242356X, Tolworth
Kodak (1975): Die Maskierung mit Silbermasken nach ABM Methode,
Broschure T-5, 3-7
Popson, J. (1997): Application of Brightness, Whitness Measurement
to Color Removal, 1996 Recycling Symposium Proceedings, pp. 13-18, TAPPI Press, Atlanta
Yule, J.A.C (2000): Principles of Color Reproduction, GATF Press,
ISBN: 088362222X, Sweinckley
Tab. 1. Colorimetric values of original and reproduced images
for the densitometric range 0.6
Dn Lab scanned CMY CMY+KS CMY+KF
orig original Lab coverage coverage coverage
0.02 97 0 0 97 -1 -1 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 2
0.05 93 -1 -1 92 -1 -2 11 4 4 10 6 3 9 5 3 2
0.10 91 -2 -2 90 -1 -2 19 15 10 18 5 5 16 13 11 3
0.15 86 -2 -1 85 0 -2 27 19 16 28 20 15 24 17 15 4
0.20 82 -2 1 81 -1 -4 35 26 20 34 24 21 31 22 17 8
0.30 75 -2 1 73 -1 -3 43 34 30 41 28 25 6 36 23 19 12
0.40 69 -2 1 65 -2 3 54 44 40 44 36 32 12 39 29 24 18
0.50 60 -2 1 58 -3 3 58 49 47 51 41 39 18 43 32 27 18
0.60 55 -3 4 53 -4 4 67 59 57 57 49 41 26 50 42 35 27