Development and modeling of robotic manufacturing cell for experimental purposes.
Ivan, Andrei--Mario ; Nicolescu, Adrian Florin ; Dobrescu, Tiberiu Gabriel 等
Abstract: The article presents the research performed by the
authors in the field of robotic machining with self-driven tools,
focusing on low power deburring operations performed by six degrees of
freedom articulated arm robots. The works include layout development,
modeling and simulation of a flexible manufacturing cell for machining
operations. The research presented in this article is focused on two
main goals: first, to show and evaluate the influence of trajectory
target points coordinates (determined by the workpiece installation
position) on machining parameters and force/torque values in each
robot's joint; and second, to elaborate the mathematical model of
the robot arm in order to use it in future research as an intermediate
stage of comparison between the theoretical model used in virtual
environment simulations and the real robotic arm structure and behaviour
in experimental operations.
Key words: robotic manufacturing cell machining, kinematic model
dynamic model, workpiece positioning
Continuing previously presented papers, the present work highlights
third level approach performed by authors in the field of specific
research for robotic machining. First level approach has been related to
performing a documentation study to identify state of the art in robotic
systems architectures, specific end-effectors and robotic machining
processes for complex part manufacturing. Second level approach has been
related to virtual prototyping and simulation of optimized flexible
manufacturing cells specially dedicated for robotic machining using
self-driven tools, including specific devices for supplementary part
orientation. Present work is directly related to a dedicated approach on
specific modeling techniques related to robotic manufacturing systems
using self-driven tools. The scope of the research was to develop the
concept, layout and modeling of a robotic manufacturing cell for
experimental applications in the field of self-driven tool machining,
focusing on deburring low power operations (machining power up to 800
W). Because the analysis is centered on the robot's mechanical
structure, the workpiece mounting table stiffness and other
characteristics have not been taken into consideration. Further, the
analysis was simplified by assuming that the tool remains in vertical
position throughout the machining process.
The developed manufacturing cell presented in this paper
corresponds to the first robotic machining cell layout principle (as
classified in Nicolescu & Ivan, 2009), being dedicated for low-power
machining operations.
The structure of the manufacturing cell includes a Kawasaki F S 10E
6-axis articulated arm industrial robot with 10 kg payload, equipped
with an ATI RC 340E radially compliant deburring end-effector featuring
40000 rpm spindle and 340 W machining power connected through an
automatic ATI QC 04lET tool changer. A Kistler 9257B dynamometer is
mounted between the workpiece and the table, with the purpose of
measuring the machining forces and torques (Nicolescu, 2005). The
experimental part used was a 6082 aluminium alloy plate with 200x160 mm
dimensions. The overall layout of the robotic machining cell is
illustrated in Fig. 1. The purpose of the experimental setup is to
determine the maximum values of the machining parameters with respect to
processed material characteristics. The structural layout of the
manufacturing cell was elaborated, optimized and validated through
modeling and simulation in the virtual environment offered by the ABB
RobotStudio software. The main goal of the simulation was to determine
the required height of the robot pedestal and the optimum position of
the workpiece with respect to robot's base coordinate system, as
well as to validate the cell's workspace distribution and robot arm
kinematic model.
In order to validate and optimize the structural distribution of
the general system components, a virtual model based on the real
manufacturing cell layout principle was created. Subsequently, the
virtual model was configured for use with the ABB RobotStudio
programming and simulation software package, as shown in Fig. 2.
The modeling, optimization and validation process is based on the
following concepts:
* The robot's base coordinate system (noted
[X.sub.0][Y.sub.0][Z.sub.0]) was considered to be the reference
coordinate system of the application. The paws position is thus
expressed with respect to this coordinate system and is described by
considering the geometrical centre of the part as the origin of the
workpiece coordinate system.
* The main issue with robotic machining (using articulated arm
robots) is the relatively low stiffness of the serial structure of the
robot arms, which determines error-generating events during the process,
such as chatter and joints elastic displacement (Pan & Zhang, 2007).
Considering these aspects, it is desirable to keep the machining forces
and torques as low as possible, knowing that the torques acting on the
robot's joints also depend on the position of the tool-part contact
point with respect to the robot's base.
* The machining is made by programming the TCP to follow a certain
path, interpolated from a set of target points specified by the
programmer (Mitsi et al., 2004). By estimating the machining force and
torque values in each of the target points, the results can be used for
comparison between the different configurations and workpiece positions
in order to determine the workpiece position which generates the global
lowest forces and torques in each joint taking into account all
trajectory target points.
* An important factor in programming articulated arm robots is the
occurrence of singularity situations. This factor depends mainly on path
starting robotic arm configuration, but is also influenced by the paws
position with respect to the robot. While near singularity
configurations robot's mobility is greatly reduced (small
velocities in the operational space will generate very large velocities
in joint space), Yoshikawa's manipulability model was used to
determine if the robot arm is close to a singularity situation, defined
where [??] is the joint variables vector and J the Jacobian matrix
(Yoshikawa, 1985). The expressed manipulability is positive and equal to
zero at a singular configuration, so that it is desired to have high
values for w([??]), which indicates high mobility of the robot's
Following the general principles exposed above, the simulation and
cell workspace analysis were performed, together with Denavit-Hartenberg
parameters identification, kinematic modeling of the system and Jacobian
matrix formulation, followed by speed and trajectory control
calculations. Further, the dynamic model of the robot arm was derived
using the Lagrange-Euler method (Spong, 2006). These mathematical models
were computed using Mathcad software (as shown in Fig. 3) and the
results were used for joint torques evaluation for trajectory target
The optimal point for the machining process (the point which offers
the best compromise between machining forces / torques values, robot arm
mobility and singularity situations occurrence) was determined to be at
a distance of 660 mm from the robot's base joint (measured in the
direction of the [Y.sub.0] axis). The mathematical analysis showed that,
above the mentioned value, the machining torques increase so that, above
1000 mm distance from the robot's base joint, regenerative chatter
and significant profile errors occur. Also, below the optimal value, the
manipulability of the robotic arm decreases to the point that the
trajectory could not be followed without intermediate reconfigurations
of the robotic arm.
The cell presented in this paper was modeled going through all
specific development phases, from component distribution, workspace
validation and system integration, to application programming and
simulation, using for each step specific computer aided methods for
modeling and calculations. The works performed revolved around two major
* To determine the robot workspace domain which offers the best
compromise between machining forces/torques values in each joint of the
robot's mechanical structure, robot arm mobility and singularity
situations occurrence, and to evaluate the influence of the target
points coordinates (directly determined by the workpiece mounting
position and orientation, expressed relatively to robot's base
flame) on machining process parameters.
* To completely model the mechanical structure of the robotic
system (kinematics, speed and trajectory control, dynamic behavior) in
order to offer terms of comparison between the theoretical model used in
virtual environment simulations and the real robotic arm structure and
behavior in experimental operations.
Future research will be focused on performing experimental
machining operations on various types of materials in order to determine
the maximum values for the machining parameters with respect to material
hardness. Another goal will be to find and model the relation between
robotic arm stiffness and generated surface errors, also considering the
forces at the tool-workpiece contact area. Also, a comparative analysis
between virtual modeling and simulation outputs and the results obtained
from experimental operations will be performed in order to improve
offline programming approaches for industrial robots and provide methods
for offline program optimization.
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manufacturing, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
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Nicolescu, A. (2005). Industrial Robots, EDP Publishing House, ISBN
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Nicolescu, A. & Ivan, A. (2009). Actual development status in
robotic machining--a survey, Proceedings of the 18th International
Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, May 25-27, Brasov,
Romania, ISBN 978-606-521-315-9, Printech, 2009
Pan, Z. & Zhang, H. (2007). Analysis and suppression of chatter
in robotic machining process, International Conference on Control,
Automation and Systems, Oct. 17-20, Seoul, Korea
Yoshikawa, T. (1985). Manipulability of robotic mechanisms,
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pp. 3-9, ISSN 02783649
Spong, M.; Hutchinson, S. & Vidyasagar, M. (2006). Robot
Modeling and Control, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN
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