Drilling of biocomposite polymeric products.
Murar, Diana Anca ; Opran, Constantin ; Bivolaru, Catalina Florentina 等
Abstract: Drilling of biocomposite polymeric products is a key
operation when it comes to assembly. When drilling into such materials,
many problems may appear, such as high axial forces, very high
temperatures at the contact zone between the tool and the material,
delaminating of the material, tool wear etc. The result of research on
the variation of cutting force when drilling are being presented in this
paper; during the experiments, two types of biocomposite polymeric
products reinforced with wood fibre were used.
Key words: biocomposites, cutting, drilling, machining
Biocomposite polymeric products are used extensively because of
their higher strength to weight ratios and, when compared to metals,
offer new opportunities for design. However, being non-homogenous,
anisotropic and reinforced with very soft fibers, these materials are
difficult to machine.
Biocomposite polymeric materials possess peculiar characteristics
that govern behavior during machining. Drilling is the most frequently
employed operation of secondary machining for fiber-reinforced materials
owing to the need for structure joining.
Biocomposite polymeric products present a real scientific and
technical interest, which justifies the development of research in this
field, as well as the increase in the production of such materials.
Biocomposite polymeric products have become indispensable for the
development of some top fields like: aerospace, constructions,
For this research, we used two types of biocomposites polymer and
namely one polymeric biocomposites reinforced with oak particles and
second bicomposites polymeric reinforced with particles of pine wood.
The devices used for the research on the methods of determining the
machining indicators:
Drilling machine used: First MCV 300
--Power of work: 1.2 KW;
--Gamma of rotations: 1-10000 mm/min;
--Maximum speed: 8000 rpm/10000 rpm.
Specifications drilling tools:
The specialty literature present curved drills as tools used when
drilling biocomposite polymeric materials. From the catalogs of
companies that produce drills, the following have been chosen for
laboratory experiments:
--drills: [PHI]10, made by SANDVIK, (figure 1).
Material properties are the following:
Materials of which the biocomposite polymeric material is made of:
--reinforcement element: particles of oak wood, particles of pine
--matrix: polyester resin AROPOL S 599.
Stand for the study of cutting forces during the drilling process
for materials made by biocomposites polymeric (Figure 2) is made by: CNC processing center FIRST MCV 300 (1), cell mass Kistler (2), computerized
data acquisition systems (3).
Following these experiments were obtained a total of 36 data files,
every data files for for each process performed.
In all cases, the graphs of variation of forces are properly the
plan of experiments (Table 1) manufactured from biocomposites polymer
reinforced with particles of oak and manufactured from biocomposites
polymer reinforced with particles of pine (Table 2).
Based on the results obtained by processing experimental, the
dependence graphs was drawing and made between cutting forces and
cutting parameter regime, keeping the others parameter constant. For
each product considered, depending on the parameters of the cutting
conditions, considered in the calculated data, are shown as graphs, the
study of parameters influence on the cutting force, component Fz, for
drilling biocomposites polymeric products. From the study of graphs, we
noted that the cutting regime parameters have a significant influence on
the process of cutting.
Figure 3 represent the variation of the cutting forces and their
dependence to the parameters of the drilling of the biocomposite
polymeric product reinforced with particles of pine wood.
Figure 4 represent the variation of the cutting forces and their
dependence to the parameters of the drilling of the biocomposite
polymeric product reinforced with particles of oak wood.
Analyzing the results obtained from these charts and program data
based on biocomposites polymeric product reinforced with fibers of oak
wood and pine wood, we can highlight a few conclusions:
--Components of cutting forces are much smaller compared to steel
or cast iron made in the case;
--Higher values of the cutting force, component Fz, were obtained
when it was processed biocomposites polymer product reinforced with
particles of oak;
--Comparative analysis of the two materials the materials based on
certain softwood and the reinforced particles of pine wood, are more
advantageous in terms of the size of cutting forces;
--To reduce variations of cutting forces was contributed the proper
geometry of cutting tools used for research experiments;
--Among the cutting parameters of cutting regime the feed rate and
cutting speed have a greater influence on the size of the cutting
From the analysis of the variation of the cutting forces for these
two types of biocomposite polymeric product (with particles of oak wood
and particles of pine wood) the following conclusions can be drawn:
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Tab. 1. Plan of experiments
D f n Vc Vf
[mm] [mm/rot] [rot/min] [m/min] [mm/min]
10.00 0.02 3000 94.2 60
10.00 0 05 3000 94.2 150
10.00 0.08 3000 94.2 240
10.00 0.1 3000 94.2 300
10.00 O.12 3000 94.2 360
10.00 O.15 3000 94.2 450
10.00 0.02 3500 109.9 70
10.00 0.05 3500 109.9 175
10.00 0.08 3500 109.9 280
10.00 0.1 3500 109.9 350
10.00 0.12 3500 109.9 420
10.00 0.15 3500 109.9 525
10.00 0.02 4500 141.3 90
10.00 0.05 4500 141.3 225
10.00 0.08 4500 141.3 360
10.00 0.1 4500 141.3 450
10.00 0.12 4500 141.3 640
10.00 0.1s 4500 141.3 675
Tab. 2. Plan of experiments
D f n Vc Vf
[mm] [mm/rot] [rot/min] [m/min] [mm/min]
10.00 0.02 3000 94.2 60
10.00 0.05 3000 94.2 150
10.00 0.08 3000 94.2 240
10.00 0.1 3000 94.2 300
10.00 0.12 3000 94.2 360
10.00 0.15 3000 94.2 450
10.00 0.02 3500 109.9 70
10.00 0.05 3500 109.9 175
10.00 0.08 3500 109.9 280
10.00 0.1 3500 109.9 350
10.00 0.12 3500 109.9 420
10.00 0.15 3500 109.9 525
10.00 0.02 4500 141.3 90
10.00 0.05 4500 141.3 225
10.00 0.08 4500 141.3 360
10.00 0.1 4500 141.3 450
10.00 0.12 4500 141.3 540
10.00 0.15 4500 141.3 675