Energy lifecycle management. A new concept for managing the energy efficiency in manufacturing processes.
Batista Ponce, Moises ; Rondan, Serafin ; Sebastian, Miguel Angel 等
Abstract: Manufacturing floors possess a considerable number of
particularities, which do that they are slightly repetitive and that the
learning obtained in a floor are not literally exportable to others
without a previous process of adjustment. This is especially relevant
from the energetic point of view. Thus, energetic management of a
manufacturing process must take into consideration a lot of aspect that
can influence in the total energy consumption of the process. In this
way, energetic savings can be strongly conditioned by the energy
efficiency as a consequence of a good energy management. This paper
contains the proposal of a new and specific methodology for the
energetic management. This methodology has been so-called Energy
Lifecycle Management (ELM) and it can be easily integrated in the
management of the manufacturing process.
Key words: Manufacturing Process, Energetic Efficiency, Energetic
Management, Energy Lifecycle Management, ELM
Currently the performance of a manufacturing process must take into
account economic, energetic and environmental aspects [1,2]. In
particular, energetic performance influences directly in the
productivity and in the competitiveness of the company, and it is not
independent of economic and/or environmental performance [2-5].
Energetic management of a manufacturing floor has an interdependent
character, which makes necessary a methodological systematizing in spite
of its own specificities. Nevertheless, it must be sufficiently flexible
in its applications in order to adapt specifically the solution to each
one of the manufacturing floors in every moment [3,4].
Notwithstanding, there can be found barriers--mainly organizational
and cultural--that make difficult the system implementation of the
energy efficiency management. In this paper a specific methodology--that
takes into account these barriers--for the energetic management has been
designed. This methodology has been so-named Energy Lifecycle Management
(ELM) and it can be easily integrated in the management of the
manufacturing process.
Energy Lifecycle Management (ELM) can be defined as a set of
energetic analysis and management tools for the implementation of
energetic management systems in the manufacturing floors [2,5]. These
management tools can be grouped in four different blocks, Figure 1,
according to [6-10]:
* Process lifecycle based energetic management, showing process
evolution along its lifecycle.
* Data analysis based management, using viable and verifiable
* Process lifecycle coordinated management, through the
coordination by an energetic manager along the useful life of the
manufacturing floor.
* Management of the energetic culture and the energy policy, at all
the levels of the company.
The main potential of energetic saving rests on the production
style, which is demonstrated when the lifecycle is taken into account
[2,5]. Thus, a previous analysis of the lifecycle must be carried out
before proposing and managing improvements for increasing the energetic
There are two ways: study based on process or study based on
product. The energy efficiency of the process takes into account the
efficiency of the manufacturing process including factors as the
efficiency of the transport and distribution, Figure 2. As a consequent
proposal, methods and operations of manufacture will be optimized,
slightly efficient equipments will be replaced, logistic centers will be
constructed, etc. Notwithstanding, it does not consider previous and
posterior features. In this viewpoint, the energy efficiency of the
suppliers, as well as the later product energetic consumption are
factors with a marginal weight.
On the other hand, the analysis based on the energetic lifecycle of
the product takes into account its global efficiency from the extraction
and transformation of the raw materials up to its final use, including,
so, the manufacturing process. In this sense, the influence of localized
improvements on the useful life can be analyzed without losing data
about the localized reductions or increases of the energetic
consumption, including, so, the contribution to efficiency of the
energetic suppliers and of the final use of the consumers.
A very interesting case study of the energetic lifecycle of the
product can be found in [11] where results on its application to the
manufacture of high stress steels for the automotive industry are
reported [11]. In effect, these steels need higher energy consumption in
their manufacturing process, but it is compensated by the savings in
fuel oil as a result of a lower weight of the car [11].
All that aforementioned can also be applied to other manufacturing
systems, such as those related with Naval Industry or Power Transformers
(low-medium voltage), as it can be observed in Figure 3. As a
consequence of all that, it can be said that energy savings during the
product useful lifecycle can be much higher than that reached in its
manufacturing process.
As it can be deduced from the behavior paragraphs, from the process
energetic lifecycle viewpoint the use of materials that need a major
quantity of energy in its manufacturing process cannot be considered.
The Energy Lifecycle Management (ELM) methodology is a set of tools
that make possible the energetic management of the manufacturing plants,
as well as its efficiency. Product lifecycle energetic management might
show important energetic savings related to the use and functionality of
the products. An approach centered on the energetic management based on
the product lifecycle exceeds the field of responsibility of the
manufacturing floor and it does not give it a higher competitiveness in
relation to its competence. Therefore, the energy efficiency must be
contemplated from the point of view of the process lifecycle, and not
from the product lifecycle by, mainly by two reasons:
* Energy management is a tool for obtaining a higher productivity
and competitiveness. The product energy efficiency can influence on the
added value and, therefore, in the perception of the product for the
market. Nevertheless, once decided the product, there must be
continuously searched the best production way; that will contribute
competitiveness across the energy efficiency of the processes.
* Product lifecycle plays a relevant role at the moment of
establishing policies, incentives, regulations, etc.
In summary, it must be reported that product based ELM can present
very much major opportunities of efficiency that process based ELM.
However, a great part of this potential of saving is out of the limits
of the plant.
This work has received financial support from the Spanish
Government project DPI2008-06771-C04-01, from the Andalusian Government,
and from the UE (FEDER).
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