Factors affecting the reserve depletion level.
Bulearca, Marius ; Serban, Claudia Elena ; Muscalu, Mihai-Sabin 等
Abstract: This paper deals with revealing the many factors that
affect production and price trend in mining industry, the most important
being fluctuations in profit rates, fluctuations in extraction cost and
taxes introduced by the Government. Some, such as taxation and the
profit, can be treated as variable pricing policy by the government to
influence the extraction of non-renewable mineral resources.
Key words: basic economic principle, deposit depletion time,
non-renewable mineral resources, price trend, taxation and profit
There are many factors that affect the price-production trend in
the mining industry, the most important being: fluctuations in profit
rates; fluctuations in extraction cost; taxes introduced by the
Government. Some, such as taxation and the profit, can be treated as
variable pricing policy introduced by the government to influence the
extraction of non-renewable mineral resources.
At the same time, profit level fluctuations may have strong effects
on production and price trend in mining industry. At the same time, the
charging system may have strong effects on the policies used in the
mining industry. Operating with the basic economic principle is
restricted by many real world constraints.
Until now, economic analysis in general, and especially that
related to the natural resources market, has been characterized by the
concept of natural resource scarcity, much of the methodological
concepts being closely related to resources allocation problems at micro
and macro-economic level. In this sense, natural resources (raw
materials and energy) are scarce, according to, on one hand, the growing
supply-demand ratio on the market, and on the other hand, the manner in
which these resources are found in the production process.
Profit level fluctuations may have strong effects on production and
price trend in mining industry. First suppose that the profit market
rate increases. This means that the revenue rate obtained from an
alternative investment project, say term cash deposits, increases. If
owners do not undertake any changes of the originally conceived plan,
the reserves stock will lead to achieving sub-optimal rates of income
over time.
The way to avoid these losses is to move production today. This
means that the owners will extract and sell more now, which will lead to
lower the price asked on the market. Therefore, less to extract, higher
the net price of the remaining reserves may rise. This means that
reserves would be exhausted in less time than it would increase profits
(Samuelson & Nordhaus, 1992).
Situation in Fig. 1 illustrates this situation. The curve
"ab" is the production and price trend before increasing
profit. Immediately after the increase, owners should make an adjustment
by increasing production, and then prices start to fall at moment t(0)
to the "a" level.
For the remaining time left the owners will extract less so that
the annuity/rent of the reserves left would grow at a higher rate. It
will short depletion time from "T" to "T"'. The
new production and price trend "a'b" will be steeper than
the previous one "ab".
If the profit rate falls, opposite phenomenon will occur. Original
price will increase as owners push their production into the future by
reducing current extraction (Kula, 1994). This is because lowering
profit rates make stocks return more attractive than current production.
This is obvious also in that a lower profit rate would show a lower
growth trend than in the previous case. This means that depletion time
increases, as shown in Fig. 2.
In the beginning let's assume that extraction cost increased.
This can happen for a variety of reasons such as lack of skilled labor,
wage growth in mining industry and basic resources decline as owners
start extraction from fields with difficult access.
An increase in mining costs will reduce the current production
level and therefore will increase the starting price, but will reduce
further prices. This situation, in turn, will reduce the amount required
in the near future and will increase the future quantity (Tietenberg,
1992). The net effect will be the increased depletion time.
The situation is shown in Fig. 3. As the cost of extraction
increases, the rent will be reduced. In response, the owners will reduce
the current production and will increase, at moment t(0), the initial
price "a" to the new price "a'", so the new
production and price trend will be "a'b'".
On the other hand, a decrease in the extraction cost will have the
opposite effect, by increasing the initial value of the rent. If no
adjustment is made, it could lead to a situation in which the
cancellation price would be reached faster than desired, leaving owners
with unsold stocks.
To avoid such a situation, the owners should lower the starting
price. The gain will be that when extraction costs fall, the immediate
production level increase, which in turn will reduce the initial price
and depletion time (as seen in Fig. 4).
Operating with the basic economic principle is restricted by many
real world constraints. For example, fluctuations in profit market
rates; if it will increase, ceteris paribus, the extraction will
increase, and conversely, if rates fall, then there will be a slowdown
of mining extraction rhythm.
It is well known that the profit market rate may increase or
decrease quite rapidly in a short time. In this case, do we expect an
automatic adjustment of the output whenever the profit rate changes?
Therefore it might seem quite unrealistic to expect automatic
responses to profit rate changes from resource owners. Supposed the
profit market rate increased sufficiently thus constraining owners to
increase the extraction so that the accrued money would be invested in
deposits with high interest.
Normally, an increase of income production in mining, petroleum and
natural gas extractive industries requires an expansion of production
capacity, which takes more time. Moreover, the period with high profit
rates may not be so long, leading resource owners to think twice before
engaging in a costly action to extend the production capacity.
A similar problem may occur in connection with the tax system.
Fiscal policies at national level in many countries change with the
change in government leadership. Therefore, resource owners cannot be
sure on the time length of a particular fiscal policy.
If production capacity and production levels in the extractive
industries are based strictly on current tax law, when it suddenly
changes, the resource owners may remain with excess capacity or
inadequate structures with which they must operate in an optimal way.
Another important factor is the technological change related to
natural resources. A change in technology can reduce dependency and
hence the demand for a particular resource. For example, let's
compare solar energy to fossil fuels. A rapid technological development
of solar energy capture can result in substantial demand decrease for
fossil fuels.
This type of uncertainty is always in the attention of resource
owners when they set their depletion plan for their deposits. Besides
the fundamental economic principle, resource owners are guided also by
the rule which says: "Sell reserve stocks at the moment when the
demand exists for them." When depletion time ("T" in our
analysis) is high, it is necessary to develop a technological
Last but not least important issue is the time factor--that is
impatience--which can exert a strong influence on depletion time for
natural resources deposits. For various reasons, a resource owner can be
crazy after money in cash, which may be obtained either by selling its
property rights over resources, or by speeding up the extraction
regardless the fundamental economic principle rules.
When fields are owned by the state, selling property rights may not
be politically possible in most cases, and government remains with only
one alternative: fast depletion obtaining immediate cash resources. What
happens quite often nowadays.
Economic analysis of extractive industry is fundamentally different
from the analysis of agriculture, manufacturing and services. The main
reason is that the mineral resources are exhaustible resources. In other
words, in mining industry an initial stock of reserves will exhaust in
Consequently, natural resources appear to be scarce because, as
inputs required for production processes, they are not available without
limit during the production process. Taking into account given
restrictions on the temporal scarce character of certain resources, the
theory of optimum allocation of resources is a combination of production
factors in such a way to achieve maximum effect.
On the other hand, the economic fundamental principle shows very
clearly that, ceteris paribus, the price of mined ore and fossil fuel should increase linearly with the market rate of return. This raises the
question whether or not a contradiction between the economic theory of
natural resources and the situation observed in the real world is
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