Internet sales diffusion determinants: empirical evidence from EU countries.
Simicevic, Vanja
Abstract: Aim of the paper is to research to what extent Internet sales by individuals is influenced by the barriers people perceive to
buying/ordering over the Internet, using of Internet, and level of
computer/Internet skills them posses. Eurostat database is used as a
data source and multiple linear regression model is applied for
investigating the research question. Following relationships have been
found to be statistically significant for the percentage of the
individuals who bought goods/services over the Internet within last 3
months: giving personal details over the Internet, level of necessary
computer usage skills, and lack of necessary computer usage skills.
Key words: online sale, Internet, European Union, regression
The Internet is causing significant changes in the business models
in all of the industry sectors and all of the business aspects. Although
at the beginning of Internet usage (middle 90s), firms were less likely
to implement Internet as a sales channel (Palmer & Griffith, 1998),
and customers were less likely to buy goods over the Internet. Within
the last decade Internet sales have become widely accepted business
model in many fields (Cheng et al., 2006; Ruiz-Mafe et al., 2009). Many
researches have investigated the barriers to buying over the Internet
(Cunningham et al., 2005; Davis, 1989). The aim of this paper is to
research to what extent Internet sales by individuals from EU countries
is influenced by the perceived barriers, computer skills, Internet
skills and level of Internet usage. On the base of this founding we
define expectations related with results of this research: (1)
Hypothesis 1: Buying over the Internet is influenced by the level of
individuals' skills; (2) Hypothesis 2: Buying over the Internet is
influenced by the level of perceived barriers to buying/ordering over
the Internet.
Eurostat database is used as a source for information for the
research within the chapter of Information-Communication Technology.
Data is collected according to the Eurostat model for the Community
Survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals 2009 (Eurostat,
2009). Multiple linear regression model is used for testing the
hypothesis of this work. As dependent variable percentage of individuals
who used Internet for buying goods and/or services within last 3 months
is used. As independent variables following are used: (1) perceived
barriers are used for analysis (No need; Relevant information about
goods and services difficult to find on website; Lack the necessary
skills; It's too expensive; Too long delivery times; Problematic to
receive the ordered goods at home; Worried about giving personal details
over the Internet; Worried about giving credit card or personal details
over the Internet; Speed of the Internet connection is too low); (2)
level of computer skills (Individuals who have used a mouse to launch
programs such as an Internet browser or word processor); (3) level of
Internet skills (Individuals who have used a search engine to find
information), and (4) Level of Internet usage (Individuals who used
Internet within last 12 months).
Number of On-line shoppers is increasing constantly. The reasons
are in the increase of Internet users, the rich offer of wide range of
products and services over the high-quality designed web-sites and
increasing percentage of females shopping on-line. The habits of using
Internet and related skills were investigated by the calculating
descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation). The same analysis
was conducted for perceived barriers to buying/ordering over the
Internet and made their last online purchase within last three months.
The average percentage of individuals who bought over the Internet over
the last 3 months, with basic computer skills, with basic Internet
skills, and who used Internet over the last 12 months are presented in
Table 1. Table 2. presents average percentage of individuals who
perceive barriers for buying/ordering goods over the Internet. The
largest perceived barriers to buying/ordering over the Internet are
worries about giving personal details over the Internet (22,8%) and lack
of the necessary skills (21,7%).
Pearson correlation coefficients between buying over the Internet
over the last 3 months and other factors examined are presented in Table
As expected, perceived barriers influence percentage of individuals
that bought goods/services over the Interact over the last 3 months in
negative manner, but only three of the barriers have found to be
statistically significant (No need, Lack of the necessary skills,
Worried about giving personal details over the Internet).
According to the results of correlation analysis there is a
positive correlation between percentage of individuals that bought
goods/services over the Interact over the last 3 months and level of
computer skills, level of Internet skills and Interact usage over the
last 12 months.
In order to explain buying over the Internet by the perceived
barriers and level of knowledge (computer and Internet skills), and
Internet usage, multiple regression model was designed with the
percentage of employees that bought goods over the Internet over the
last 3 months as independent variable. Results are presented in the
Table 4. where estimated values for regression parameters are presented
with p-values in the parenthesis.
The data fit the model rather well (Adjusted R-Squared = 0.936),
what indicates highly representative regression model and two parameter estimates for the perceived barriers to buying/ordering over the
Interact (Worried about giving personal details over the Internet, Lack
the necessary skills) are statistically significant at 1% level. Level
of computer skills is also found to be statistically significant at 1%
Impact of the perceived barriers that are found to be statistically
significant is negative, while the impact of the computer skills is
found to be positive. Those results confirm the research of the
Cunningham et al. (2005) that stress the influence of the perceived risk
and the consumer buying process of Internet airline reservations.
Similar conclusions have been found by Cheng et al. (2006).
Internet usage is widely accepted among EU countries'
citizens. However, there is still significant influence of the perceived
barriers for the buying/ordering goods over the Internet, and the level
of computer/Interact skills. Multiple linear regression model is used
for the analysis and relationships have been found to be statistically
significant for the percentage of the individuals who bought
goods/services over the Internet within last 3 months: Worried about
giving personal details over the Internet, Lack the necessary skills,
Level of computer skills. Due to the wide use of Internet, usage of
Internet did not have statistically significant influence. Based on our
results both hypothesis of the paper can be accepted, thus confirming
that buying over the Interact in EU countries is influenced both by the
level of individuals' skills and the level of perceived barriers.
Cheng, J.M.S.; Sheen, G.J. & Lou, G.C. (2006). Consumer
acceptance of the Internet as a channel function perspective.
Technovation, Vol. 26, No. 7, (July 2006) pp. 753-894, ISSN 0166-4972
Cunningham, L.F.; Gerlach, J.H.; Harper, M.D. & Young C. E
(2005). Perceived risk and the consumer buying process: Internet airline
reservations. International Journal of Service Industry Management Vol.
16, No.4, (April 2005), pp. 357-372, ISSN 1757-5818
Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use,
and User Acceptance of Information Technology. MIS Quarterly Vol.13,
No.3, (September 1989), pp. 319-340, ISSN 1540-1960
Eurostat (2009). Community survey on ICT usage in households and by
individual, Available from 2011-03-04
Palmer, J.W. & Griffith, D. (1998). An emerging model of Web
site design for marketing. Communications of ACM, Vol. 41, No. 3, (March
1998), pp. 44-51, ISSN 0001-0782
Ruiz- Mafe, C.; Sanz-Blas, S. & Aldas-Manzano, J. (2009).
Drivers and barriers to online airline ticket purchasing. Journal of Air
Transport Management, Vol.15, No. 1, (January 2009), pp. 294-298, ISSN
Tab. 1. Habits of using Internet and related skills
Mean St.Dev
Percentage of individuals who bought
over the Internet over the last 3 months 25,0 18,4
Percentage of individuals with basic
computer skills 64,0 18,4
Percentage of individuals with basic
Internet skills 58,0 16,7
Percentage of individuals who used
Internet over the last 12 months 64,6 17,2
Tab. 2. Perceived barriers to buying/ordering over the Internet
Perceived barriers to buying/ordering Mean St.Dev
over the Internet
No need 5,0 3,4
Relevant information about goods and 3,2 3,2
services difficult to find on website
Lack the necessary skills 21,7 11,0
It's too expensive 3,9 2,8
Too long delivery times 10,3 6,8
Problematic to receive the ordered goods 11,6 7,0
at home
Worried about giving personal details 22,8 9,7
over the Internet
Worried about giving credit card or 5,6 2,9
personal details over the Internet
Speed of the Internet connection is too 3,7 3,5
Tab. 3. Pearson correlation coefficients between variables
buying over the Internet over the last 3 months and other
factors examined
Pearson (two-
correlation tailed)
No need -0,540 ** 0,003
Relevant information about goods
and services difficult to find on
website -0,121 0,549
Lack the necessary skills -0,610 ** 0,000
It's too expensive 0,028 0,887
Too long delivery times -0,182 0,336
Problematic to receive the ordered
goods at home -0,107 0,574
Worried about giving personal
details over the Internet -0,532 ** 0,002
Worried about giving credit card
or personal details over the
Internet -0,120 0,537
Speed of the Internet connection
is too low -0,223 0,264
Percentage of individuals with
basic computer skills 0,865 ** 0,000
Percentage of individuals with
basic Internet skills 0,835 ** 0,000
Percentage of individuals who
used Internet over the last 12
months 0,881 ** 0,000
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Tab. 4. Results of linear regression model
Constant 2,048
No need -0,381
Relevant information about goods and
services difficult to find on website 0,289
Lack the necessary skills -0,382 **
It's too expensive 0,000
Too long delivery times -0,485
Problematic to receive the ordered goods at
home 0,741
Worried about giving personal details over
the Internet -0,667 **
Worried about giving credit card or
personal details over the Internet 0,686
Speed of the Internet connection is too low 0,373
Percentage of individuals with basic
computer skills 0,092
Percentage of individuals with basic
Internet skills -0,431
Percentage of individuals who used Internet
over the last 12 months 1,119 **
Adjusted R-square 0,936
** Statistically significant at 1% level