Mechanisms of energy absorption and yielding of composite structures.
Dumitrache, Ramona ; Dumitrache, Cosmin Laurentiu ; Chircor, Mihael 等
Abstract: The cracks can propagate in any direction and in any plan
in relation to the main stress direction, according to the local
tensions as well as to the material's features and some of these
cracks can damage the material's behavior by decreasing its
strength. Broken fibers decrease the traction strength, while the
delaminations among adjacent layers decrease the compression strength.
An effective method to improve the impact features of graphite fibers
reinforced composite materials is to add a small percentage of fibers
with high strength, this leading to higher performances under impact.
Key words: metallic materials, fiber, impact, energy, crack
As it also happens with the metallic materials, one can assume that
the fiber breaking of a composite material starts from small defects,
inherent in the material. These defects can have different aspects:
fiber micro-cracks, matrix defects, detachments along the interface
between fibers and matrix. For a better understanding of the factors
affecting the traction behavior of glass-epoxy damaged test bars (with
broken fibers), several studies have been carried out, regarding the
yielding mechanisms in the proximity of concentrators area. Unlike
homogenous materials (metals' behavior can be predicted by
computing the stress concentrator while the fibers' behavior by
computing the concentration factor at the crack's peak; in the
latter case, the main effect is given by the perpendicular propagation
of the crack on the main direction of the traction stress.
Every time a crack propagates in a normal direction in respect to
the fibers' direction, their breaking will lead to a full
separation of the layers. The frail fibers, such as graphite fibers,
have low breaking strength, which leads to a low energy absorption
capacity. The composite's energy per unit area necessary for the
fiber fracture under tensile stress is given by the relation
[U.sub.1] = [V.sub.f][[sigma].sup.2.sub.fu]l/6[E.sub.f] (1)
where [V.sub.f] represents the low volume percentage of
reinforcement, [[sigma].sub.fu] the fiber break strength, [E.sub.f]--the
fiber longitudinal elasticity modulus and l - the fibers' length.
In this respect, Beaumont proposed a similar expression (by replacing
the fibers' length with their critical length) in order to
characterize the energy released during the fiber breaking process. It
was noticed that the number of broken fibers has an insignificant
influence on the total impact energy (Belingardi & Vadori, 2002).
The matrices made of thermo-rigid resins, such as the epoxy or
polyester ones, are frail and could undergo a small deformation before
breaking. Unlike these, metallic matrices can undergo deep plastic
deformations before breaking. The material's matrix cracking and
deformation phenomenon occurs through energy absorption. The mechanical
work performed during the matrix deformation is proportional to the
mechanical work performed during the breaking deformation related to the
volume unit [U.sub.1m] multiplied by the volume of the deformed matrix
per unit area of the crack's surface. Taking into account Cooper
and Kelly's equation for the volume of the matrix destroyed by
cracking, the necessary energy for the matrix fracture per unit area is
given by the relation:
[U.sub.1][(1 - [V.sub.f]).sup.2]/[V.sub.f]
[[sigma]]/4[tau][U.sub.1m] (2)
where [[sigma]] is the tensile breaking strength of the
matrix, d--the fibers diameter and [tau]--shear stress along the
interface between fiber and matrix.
During the breaking process, the fibers can detach from the matrix
when cracks occur along them. In this process, the secondary or chemical
bonds between the fibers and the matrix are destroyed. This kind of
crack occurs when the fibers are strong, while the interface between the
matrix and fibers is weak. If the breaking of the bonds occurs on a
larger surface, a significant increase of the breaking energy can be
obtained. An increase of the impact energy can be noticed when the
strength of the fiber-matrix interface diminishes. It was shown that the
energy produced by the detachment of the fibers can't be matched by
the elastic energy stored in the fibers after the detachment (Khondker
et al., 2005).
Fiber tearing occurs when in a tenacious matrix discontinuous or
fragile fibers are included. Fiber fracture in their weakest section
doesn't necessarily occur in the material's breaking plan. The
matrix tension concentration determined by the fiber breaking is favored
by the yielding of the matrix, thus preventing the matrix cracking
phenomenon, which can accompany the phenomenon of fiber breaking in
different points. An original analysis was carried out, taking into
account the fact that the dissipated energy during the tearing of the
discontinuous fibers, with the length [l.sub.c] can be used to
approximate the tearing energy of the continuous fibers within
the composite material, with an equal distribution of the
fibers' strengths, assuming that the average value of the torn
fibers' length equals [l.sub.c]/4. In other words, the tearing
energy per unit of the surface is given by the relation:
[U.sup.1] = [V.sub.f] [[sigma].sub.fu][l.sub.c]/12 (3)
where [V.sub.f] is the fiber volume fraction (volume percentage of
the reinforcement).
The tearing of the fibers is usually accompanied by a major matrix
deformation, which doesn't occur during the fiber detachment
phenomenon. The detachment of the fibers from the matrix, as well as
their tearing, is similar phenomenon which can occur in a composite
structure, because in both cases the deterioration takes place at the
interface (Luo et al., 1999).
A crack propagated along a lamina can be stopped as soon as its
peak touches the adjacent fibers. This process is similar to the one
related to the arrest of the matrix crack at the interface between
fibers and matrix. Because of the high shear stress, the peak of the
crack can split, going in a privileged direction parallel to the lamina
plan. These types of cracks are also called cracks determined by the
structure's delamination and every time they occur, they generate
the absorption of a high quantity of breaking strain energy. They
frequently occur when the multi-layered material is subject to a bending
stress, as it is the case with the impact tests carried out on
Charpy-Izod devices.
We may assert that the influence of the material's features
under tensile stress and the features related to the impact phenomenon
can be considered as being mutually opposing. For instance, a decreased
inter-phase strength, which affects the material's tensile and
shear strength can lead to an increase in the impact strength. Composite
materials made of fibers with a high value of longitudinal elasticity
modulus absorb less energy and are much more fragile than fiberglass
composite materials with a lower elasticity modulus. Clearly, a
compromise can be reached with respect to the interdependence of
fiberglass and high elasticity modulus fibers, by combining them in the
same composite material.
The impact strength of high elasticity modulus fiber composites
generally proved to be rather low as compared to regular steels and
aluminum alloys or fiberglass reinforced composites.
An effective method to improve the impact features of graphite
fibers reinforced composite materials is to add a small percentage of
fibers with high strength (with low elasticity modulus). This method
leads to higher performances under impact. In this respect, fiberglass
is frequently successfully used. Adding fiberglass, besides from
improving the composites' impact performances, also diminishes
costs, because they have a lower cost as compared to carbon fibers. The
embedment in the matrix of two or more fibers from different materials
is called hybridization.
Beaumont and others define an adimensional parameter called
ductility index used to establish the impact performances of different
materials with similar geometries. The ductility index is defined as the
ratio between the propagation energy and the impact fracture initiation
When a composite structure is stressed under impact, the type of
deterioration which occurs depends on the incidental energy,
material's properties and the test bar's geometry. As a result
of a simple calculus, one could determine the energy necessary for the
delamination, bending fracture, respectively penetration of the bullet,
by using the following relations:
2/9 [[tau].sup.2]/E [wl.sup.3]/h, 1/18 [[sigma].sup.2]/E wlh,
[pi][gamma] t d (5)
where: [tau] and [sigma] [MPa] represent the inter-laminar shear
strength, respectively the bending strength; [gamma] [J/mm] is the
thickness fracture energy; d, w, l, h [mm] represent the bullet's
diameter, respectively width, length and thickness of the bent test bar;
E [MPa] is the Young modulus.
Unlike the first two situations, when delamination and bending
fracture of the test bar depend on the relative values of [tau],
respectively [sigma] and on the l/h ratio, in the latter case, the
bullet will penetrate or not, according to the incidental energy and the
bullet's dimensions. The higher the bullet's launching speed,
the most likely the penetration. As a general rule, the impact
determined by the bullet comes either as a delamination of the composite
material, or as fiber bending fracture. (Agarwal et al., 1990)
In the case of composite materials, the cracks can propagate in any
direction and in any plan in relation to the main stress direction,
according to the local tensions as well as to the material's
features. Some of these cracks can damage the material's behavior
by decreasing its strength. When a composite structure is stressed on
impact, the type of the occurring damage depends on the incidental
energy, the features of the material and the test bar's geometry. A
simple calculus can determine the necessary energy for: delamination,
bending fracture, bullet penetration. Studies on notched test bars
showed that on traction stress their behavior depends on the yielding
mechanisms in the proximity of the notch, the broken fibers decrease the
traction strength, while the delaminations among adjacent layers
decrease the compression strength.
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Tab. 1. Results obtained during Charpy impact test
Material Impact energy
Modmor II, graphyte-epoxy ([V.sub.f] = 55%) 114
Kevlar-epoxy ([V.sub.f] = 65%) 694
S Glass - epoxy ([V.sub.f] = 72%) 694
Nomex-Nylon-epoxy ([V.sub.f] = 70%) 116
Boron-epoxy ([V.sub.f] = 60%) 78
Steel Alloy ([[sigma].sub.r] = 700 593
[right arrow] 1100 MPa)
Steel Alloy Rockwell hardness = 43-46 214
Refired stainless steel 509
Aluminum-based alloys 84
Aluminum based alloys (solution treated 153
and precipitation hardened)