Modeling synchronous and asyncrhronous correlations through statistical methods in Romanian tourism.
Secareanu, Constantin ; Andrei, Daniela Ruxandra ; Dridea Stanescu, Catrinel Raluca 等
Abstract: Tourism represents a social and economic phenomenon,
specific for modern civilization. It can be developed like an
interdependent economic activity with all arias, having a multiplier
role regarding these. Due to its complex content and its dynamic
character, it encompasses a large material and human potential, with
important implications on society and economic evolution. In this
article we intend to identify and quantify some essential correlations
between a series of variable statistics of tourism activity.
Keywords: tourism, statistical correlation, regression function
Investigating the causal links of dependency between variables
which reflect the evolution of social and economic phenomenon's can
be done by a series of techniques and methods among which are the
statistical correlation and regression. These methods allow various
utilizations--including touristic activity--for analysis, theoretic
generalizations and creating predictions.
Temporal correlations met in the case of chronological series
present a few particular aspects. First of all the type of correlation
must be identified:
The internal correlation or autocorrelation, through which a
connection is established between the values of a statistical variable
registered in a period ([y.sub.t]) and the values of the same quantified
variable for a previous period ([y.sub.t-1]),as an effect of an inertial
[y.sub.t] = f([y.sub.t-1]) + [epsilon] (1)
Same-time correlation, through which the factorial variable x
exerts its influence over the resulting variable y mostly in the same
time period t.
[y.sub.t] = f([x.sub.1]) + [epsilon] (2)
The asynchronous correlation or time-delay correlation, through
which the effect takes place at a certain time interval from the cause.
Thus, the resulting variable for t period is dependent on the factorial
variable registered in period t-1.
yt = f([x.sub.t-1]) + [epsilon] (3)
Measuring the probable correlations that should exist between the
average number of employees, the existing accommodation capacity on the
"hotels" sector, are realized as follows.
The first identified and measured correlation is the synchronous one that should exist between the average number of employees and the
existing accommodation capacity in the "hotels" sector.
The link between the two characteristics is as follows:
S = f(CE) + [epsilon] (4)
S = the average number of employees as a resulting variable (effect
CE = the existing accommodation capacity. Factorial variable
(causal variable);
[epsilon] = residual variable, which quantifies the influences of
the other factors considered non-essential.
To verify the existence, direction and shape of the connection
between the two characteristics we use one of the simplest (elementary)
methods of quality analysis, for example the graphic method.
Taking into consideration the order of the dots on the graphic we
can appreciate that between the two variables there is a direct
statistical link and the mathematical function that best fits this
connection is the liniar function. Thus, whith the increase of the
factorial variable CE, the resulting variable S also increases with a
sole exception in the year 2006.
To measure the dependency between the two variables we utilize the
regression method for the single factor linear model:
[Y.sub.t] = a + b x [x.sub.t] or [S.sub.t] = a + b x [CE.sub.t] (5)
Where a, b = parameters of the regression function
So the regression function that best adjusts the link between the
existing accommodation capacity ([x.sub.t]) and the average number of
employees ([Y.sub.t] adjusted values) is:
[Y.sub.t] = -20.67 + 0.326 x [x.sub.t] r = + 0.935 [r.sup.2] =
87.4%. (6)
The regression coefficient b = 0.326 shows by how much the
resulting variable Y is changed when the factorial characteristic x is
modified by one unit; in our case, by increasing the existing
accommodation capacity by 1,000 places, the average number of employees
will increase by 0.326 thousand persons, so 326 employees.
The value of the correlation coefficient (r = + 0.935) confirms the
existence of a high intensity linear correlation between the two
Also, the determination coefficient (r = 87.4%) indicates that
other factors not included in the model account for only 12.6%.
The second studied correlation is the one between the existing
accommodation capacity--CE (as a resulting variable) and the volume of
investments (INV), as the main factor of increasing the capacity in the
hotel sector.
The link between the two characteristics is:
CE = f(INV) + [epsilon] (7)
Undoubtedly between the two characteristics there should be a very
tight statistical connection. Using the same logic in the previous
example we should identify a function:
CEt = f(INVt) (8)
Through which the volume of investments in year t influences the
change of the accommodation capacity in the same year t. But investments
that take place in one year will barely influence the existing
accommodation capacity (revised at 31st of July of that year). Usually
the accommodation capacity in year t is influenced by the volume of
investments in year t-1. Thus we can observe a time-delay correlation:
[CE.sub.t] = f([INV.sub.t-1]) (9)
The order of the dots on the graphic we can appreciate that between
the two variables there is a direct statistical link and the
mathematical function that best fits this connection is the liniar
Thus, the increase of the investments volume in year t-1 led to an
increase in accommodation capacity in years.
Next we apply the regression method to determine the single factor
linear model that quantifies the link between the two variables:
[Y.sub.t] = 158, 98 + 0, 0274 x [x.sub.t-1] r = 0,962 [r.sup.2] =
92,5% (10)
The value of the regression coefficient b = 0,0274 shows by how
much the resulting variable Y is modified, in case that the factorial
characteristic is modified by 1 unit; thus, by increasing the investment
volume in year t-1 by 1 million lei, the existing accommodation capacity
will increase in the next year (t) by 0.0274 thousand places, so with
27.4 places.
At the same time, 92.5% of the accommodation capacity variation is
determined by the volume of investments, the other (not included)
factors (accommodation structures being shut down, changing the type of
activity etc.) having a residual influence of approximately 7,5%. The
correlation method gathers in its current state the whole complex of
identification for causal links between phenomena and investigation of
statistical connections, leading to synthetic numeric representations:
regression functions, regression coefficients, correlation coefficients,
determination coefficients, estimation errors etc.
The identified and quantified links between different statistical
values specific to the tourism activity offer the possibility of
creating unitary analysis and previsions, coherent and correlated, to
form the base of a realistic development strategy.
By identifying and quantifying some causal and relatively constant
relations between the analyzed variables, the presented models allow
creating the basis for predictions regarding the investment volume
necessary to increase the accommodation capacity, as well as properly
calculating the required work force in this sector. It's also
important to mention that the availability of statistical data at more
detailed levels (i.e. Types of accommodation structures) would lead to
obtaining regression functions with more representative parameters.
Johnson R., Gouri K. Bhattacharyy (2009), Statistics: Principles
and Methods, 6th edition, John Wiley and Sons Publishing,
Voineagu Virgil, Titan Emilia (2004), Sondaje si anchete, Editura
Fundafiei, Andrei Soguna, Constanta
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Statistica, Editura Scrisul Romanesc, Craiova,
Rezultate si performante ale inteprinderilor de comert si servicii,
Institutul National de Statistica, Bucuresti, 2005-2010,
Anuarul statistic al Romaniei--2010, Institutul National de
Statistica, Bucuresti.
Tab. 1. Evolution of Average number of employees and existing
accommodation capacity (Source: The National Statistics
Institut, 2010)
Average number of Existing
employees accommodation
Year --thousands of capacity--thousands of
persons-- places--
[y.sub.t] [x.sub.t]
2004 33.8 166
2005 34.8 170
2006 34.4 173
2007 36.5 174
2008 38.9 182
Tab. 2. Evolution of the existing accommodation capacity and
the volume of investments, (Source: The National Statistics
Institut, 2010)
Year Existing accommodation Volume of
capacity investments
--thousands of places --millions of lei
[-y.sub.t] [-x.sub.t-1]
2005 170 470
2006 173 479
2007 174 557
2008 182 749
2009 185 997