Modification of a Zeiss gauge block interferometer.
Katic, Marko ; Simunovic, Vedran ; Barsic, Gorana 等
Abstract: Traceability of physical length to the SI unit of meter
is realized by means of interferometry, and primary interferometers are
used at the highest accuracy levels to perform calibration of national
gauge block standards. These devices are very expensive, given the fact
that they are manufactured on order and used almost exclusively by
national measurement institutes. Therefore, LFSB decided to retrofit and
modify an existing Zeiss gauge block interferometer, and preliminary
measurements show substantial improvements in accuracy.
Key words: gauge block calibration, traceability, optical
interferometry, absolute length measurement, interferogram analysis
For several decades length (meter) has been defined by wavelength
of radiation sources in vacuum, first by radiation of Krypton 86 and
currently by radiation of Iodine stabilized Helium-Neon laser (CGPM,
1983). Since such definition is not "tangible" and is
therefore very impractical to use in everyday measurements, comparison
of radiation source wavelength to physical length of an artifact has
been done for many years using the principles of interferometry. The use
of interferometers to accomplish this task is in principle simple and
well defined, but in order to perform highest accuracy measurements a
lot of factors have to be carefully considered. Because of high cost and
low availability of top level gauge block interferometers, LFSB decided
to upgrade its Zeiss interferometer, which used Krypton and Helium
spectral lamps, to operate with the current definition of metre.
Zeiss interferometer (Figure 1) is based on Kosters design
(Hariharan, 2003) which performs amplitude splitting of the source
radiation (visible light in this case) by a beam splitter which divides
the incoming beam into two beams- reference and measurement beam. These
two beams are reflected and then recombined at the beam splitter, where
they interfere. Zeiss interferometer features a monochromator, based on
Kosters prism, which is used to isolate certain frequencies of source
radiation- originally Krypton and Helium spectral lamps.
In order to achieve current state of the art accuracy and
measurement uncertainty, several modifications have been done on the
previously described Zeiss interferometer. These modifications,
described in the following sections, enable the use of lasers as sources
of radiation; improve temperature, pressure and humidity monitoring; and
enable digital interferogram acquisition and evaluation. Internal
optical system was not modified, due to extremely delicate alignment of
optical components and sealed optical path.
3.1 Laser coupling
In order to use a laser as the source of radiation, an optical
coupling system had to be designed. To achieve flexibility in the
design, optical fibers were selected for laser light delivery rather
than mirrors. The use of optical fiber requires a fiber launch system
(Figure 2) to couple laser light into the fiber. Fiber launch system is
comprised of a precision six axis alignment platform, a translation
stage for focus adjustment, and a microscope objective. Since multiple
wavelength interferometry is used (Malacara, 2005), a multimode cable
was chosen. In order to eliminate speckle pattern at the output of the
fiber, a rotating diffuser was used to reduce spatial coherence of the
Optical system for interferometer input aperture was designed with
achromatic elements to allow for different source wavelengths. Since the
focal length and diameter of collimating optics inside the
interferometer was not known precisely, a telescope assembly was
designed at the input aperture (Figure 3) in order to find the correct
input numerical aperture.
These modifications resulted in substantial reductions of necessary
laser power, due to good coupling efficiency. Furthermore, better
alignment of interferometer's optical axis is now possible, which
has beneficial effects on measurement uncertainty.
3.2 Interferogram acquisition and evaluation
The acquisition of interferograms is performed digitally with a
color CMOS camera. An objective lens was chosen to match the
decollimating optics of the interferometer. The camera has a resolution
of 5 Megapixels, which provides more than adequate pixel density for
fringe fraction analysis. Interferometric gauge block measurement was
previously performed by visual inspection of interferograms with
approximately [lambda]/10 (~60 nm) accuracy. To improve measurement
accuracy a software for interferogram acquisition and evaluation was
developed (Figure 4).
Its basic purpose is to capture the interferogram from the camera,
apply environmental corrections (Birch & Down, 1994), evaluate
fringe fractions automatically, and finally calculate the gauge block
length and deviation from nominal length. Measurements of gauge block
temperature and air pressure, temperature and humidity are taken at the
same time as the interferogram, providing the most accurate information
about these conditions at the time of the measurement.
Fringe fractions are determined by an edge detection algorithm
developed at LFSB (Katie et al, 2010), which transforms the captured
color image into grayscale by applying adaptive threshold based on
several histogram traces. The image is then binarized and fringe centers
are calculated by least squares fitting. This procedure was found to be
accurate to more than [lambda]/1000 (<1 nm), and represents the
largest single contribution to improvement of measurement accuracy.
Also, synchronous acquisition of environmental measurements further adds
to the achieved increase of accuracy.
The primary goal was to introduce laser as the wavelength source,
and to keep the laser-interferometer coupling system flexible enough to
allow the use of laser in other systems. Secondly, interferogram
acquisition was substantially improved by use of high resolution digital
camera and quality objective. The outcome of these particular
modifications can be seen in Figure 5, with evident increase in
interferogram quality. The software that was developed to acquire and
analyze interferograms allowed a significant increase in measurement
resolution and consequently in measurement accuracy. The fact that
environmental corrections are performed simultaneously with
interferogram acquisition allows further reduction of associated
measurement uncertainty.
Extensive modifications were performed on a Zeiss interference
comparator and presented in this paper, including laser-interferometer
coupling with speckle reduction, optical system for acquisition of
interferograms, and software for interferogram evaluation. It was shown
that it is possible to realize competitive performance levels by using
only widely available parts and with relatively low costs. The
performance of the interferometer is to be confirmed by extensive
measurements and intercomparisons with other European NMI's, and
will be presented in future works.
Resolution 1 of the 17th meeting of the CGPM (1983)
Hariharan, P. (2003), Optical Interferometry, Elsevier Science,
ISBN 0-12-311630-9, UK
Malacara, D. (2005), Interferogram analysis for optical testing,
CRC Press, ISBN 1-57444-682-7, USA
Birch, K. P.; Downs, M. J. (1994), Correction to the updated Edlen
equation for the refractive index of air, Metrology v.31, p.315-316,
Katic, M.; Mudronja, V. & Simunovic, V. (2010). Edge
Uncertainty in Fringe Analysis, Annals of DAAAM for 2010 &
Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, 20-23rd October
2010, Zadar, Croatia, ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-73-5, Katalinic,
B. (Ed.), pp. 1277-1278, Published by DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna