More efficient studying in complex studies due to elementary control of workload on an example in the degree program mechatronics/robotics.
Malisa, Viktorio ; Komenda, Titanilla Vanessa
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to assist in the weekly
assessment of students' workload and to optimize learning outcomes
in the degree program Mechatronics/Robotics by means of an
ECTS-barometer. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
developed so called ECTS credits. which can be used to capture learning
activities of students on a weekly basis. As the degree program
Mechatronics/Robotics consists of a number of disciplines the allocation
of workloads and associated assignments can be optimized with the
implementation of the ECTS-barometer so as to avoid overloads.
Key words: efficient studying, ECTS-barometer, workload,
mechatronics, robotics
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) has
been developed in order to be able to compare course achievements across
Europe. This transparency of learning outcomes allows for the academic
authentication of course achievements abroad. The main purpose of ECTS
is to "facilitate planning, delivery, evaluation, recognition and
validation of qualifications and units of learning as well as student
mobility. Learning outcomes describe what a student is expected to know,
understand and be able to do after successful completion of a process of
learning, whereas workload indicates the time students typically need to
complete all learning activities (such as lectures, seminars, projects,
practical work, self-study and examinations) required to achieve the
expected learning outcomes" (European Commission, 2010). As the
field of Mechatronics consists of a number of disciplines, allocated
learning activities can overtax students. Hence, ECTS credits can be
used to illustrate course achievements on a weekly basis so as to avoid
overloads. Those credits provide information of the required learning
outcomes for each lesson and indicate the time students typically need
to complete the requested learning activities for each lesson
respectively. As a result, the announcement of weekly course
achievements could help to improve learning outcomes in the degree
program Mechatronics/Robotics while not sacrificing too much of
Mechatronic relevant knowledge.
The modern definition of Mechatronics includes the synergistic interaction of different technologies. In order to be able to design
Mechatronic systems the so called added value of the synergetic effect
is of high importance (Bradley, 2004). With the added value it is
possible to implement innovative functionality and control complex
systems. The feature of Mechatronics is to combine special areas
(shownin Fig. 1). As represented, Mechatronics is defined by the sum of
three special area modules with the added value of Mechatronics: From
each part Mechanics, Electronics and Computer Science the main focus for
Mechatronics is defined and an added value for the Mechatronics science
is added. (Malisa and Hieger, 2009)
The added value ([M.sub.Av]) describes the modality how the three
fields of Mechanics, Electronics and Computer Science are combined and
work together. The Mechatronics engineer is related to an effort of
solving technological problems using interdisciplinary knowledge among
mechanical engineering, electronics and computer technology. As further
developments in Mechatronics will form and increase the
Mechatronics-added value, a reposition of Mechatronics will occur and
the Mechatronics engineer must be able to act as an interpreter of all
these fields.
It is evident, that Mechatronics including the specialization in
Robotics is a rather complex degree program due to the synergetic
combination of three engineering fields. During the development of the
curriculum of the degree program Mechatronics/Robotics lecturers are
confronted with the challenge to impart high amounts of knowledge of the
three special area modules within the Mechatronics discipline while not
causing overloads.
According to the Bologna Framework, 60 ECTS credits are attached to
the workload of a full-time year of formal learning (academic year) and
the associated learning outcomes. Based on an average workload of 1500
hours for an academic year in Austria, one credit corresponds to 25
hours of work. As one term (half of an academic year) has 15 weeks, so
students are expected to spend 50 hours per week engaged in learning
activities. 50 hours, in turn, correspond to 2 ECTS credits. Here it
should be kept in mind that these numbers represent average students.
Furthermore, the course achievement is divided into hours of
attendance and hours of self-study. On the one hand, hours of attendance
are considered as the time, a student spends in the classroom. On the
other hand, hours of required self-study are
defined as the time, a student spends on projects, preparing
presentations or studying for exams. During one term approximately 20
hours of lecture units (1 lecture unit corresponds to 45 minutes) per
week are scheduled. This results in 225 hours of attendance per term,
meaning that students have to engage about 525 hours of self-study.
(Malisa und Komenda, 2010)
In planning a term for students in the degree program
Mechatronics/Robotics, the student schedule only shows the hours of
attendance, which correspond to about 30% of the overall learning
activities (Malisa, 2008). The remaining 70% of required study time is
not explicit and can be arranged by each lecturer independently. Due to
the complexity of the Mechatronic field a more efficient coordination
between individual lecturers concerning the dispensation of
students' assignments per week is evident and should result in
avoiding overloads for students. Furthermore an optimal distribution of
workload should be defined.
With the identification of learning outcomes and the time students
typically need to complete requested learning activities for each lesson
in the degree program Mechatronics/Robotics respectively, the
ECTS-barometer can be implemented to show the students' expected
weekly workload. In this sense, lecturers are asked to distribute amount
of hours of attendance and self-study separately over the whole term.
The overall workload per week is calculated by summing up the hours of
attendance and the time for self-study of all lectures within one term.
Fig. 2.shows an allocation of workload in the second term of the
Master degree program Mechatronics/Robotics as an example. It is evident
that the Mechatronics/Robotics course lasts 17 weeks. This is due to
holidays and an attempt to reduce the overall workload per week. In Fig.
2.dark bars depict the amount of attendance and light bars the hours of
self-study. The ECTS-barometer including its visualization of learning
activities provides the possibility to recognize hours with low workload
which is helpful in terms of shifting lecture units due to significant
overloads in according weeks. Furthermore, students as well as lecturers
well prepared for upcoming learning activities.
ECTS-barometers should be implemented above all in complex studies
in order to be able to control students' workload. Moreover, the
data acquisition processes and the creation of such barometers should be
carried out before the beginning of the term. Hence, overloads can be
detected in an early scheduling phase and can be considered in the
development of time tables. Especially in complex studies lectures run
risk of overtaxing their students due to the wide range of the specific
study course. With the implementation of the ECTS-barometer lecturers
can plan students' schedules so as to optimize their workloads,
while not sacrificing too much of the required learning outcomes.
Fig. 3.shows an example of an ideal distribution of the workload of
students in the degree program Mechatronics/Robotics while visualizing also the oscillation of real workload. The number of hours of attendance
should be high at the beginning and should decrease at the end of the
term. This is due to rudimental learning activities at home in the first
weeks. In general, lecturers introduce themselves and their study course
whereas they do not provide any homework in those weeks. On the other
hand, hours of self-study should increase accordingly to the advancing
semester. As examinations are generally at the end of the term in the
degree program Mechatronics/Robotics, required learning activities
should increase significantly at the end of the semester.
Due to the complexity of specific study courses, especially of the
degree program Mechatronics/Robotics, the need for an assisting tool in
the planning and weekly assessment of students' workload has been
evident. ECTS credits have been developed by the European Credit and
Accumulation System and can be used to capture learning outcomes on a
weekly basis. Based on those credits an ECTS-barometer has been
introduced which visualizes the hours of attendance and hours students
need to complete requested assignments for each lesson respectively.
Furthermore, an optimal dispensation of workload has been given. The
ECTS-barometer should improve scheduling of learning activities and make
overloaded weekstransparent. It should support students as well as
lecturers in their efforts to optimize learning outcomes.
Bradley, D. (2004). What is Mechatronics and why teach it,
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, pg. 41/4,
European Commission (2010).European Credit Transfer and
Accumulation System (ECTS). Available
from: 2010-05-31
Komenda, T.; Malisa, V. (2010).Implementation of the ECTS-barometer
to illustrate course achievement using the Master degree program
Mechatronics/Robotics as a model.Joint International IGIP-SEFI Annual
Conference, Trnava, September 2010
Malisa, V. (2008).ECTS-Barometer zur Darstellung der
Studienleistung. 5. Faehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium "Angewandte
Automatisierungstechnik in Lehre und Entwicklung" (AALE) an der
Hochschule Harz in Wernigerode, Wernigerode, 2008
Malisa, V.; Hieger, C. (2009).Graphical Analysis about the
definition of Mechatronics, 20th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna,
November 2009