Object correlation based on relation density.
Stamin, Dragos ; Stamin, Cristina ; Marinescu, Mirel 等
Abstract: This paper proposes a method to correlate two nadiral
ungeoreferenced images based on the analysis of relation density of
correspondence relations between objects independently determined on two
images. This paper presents a brief illustration of the proposed method
and analyses the validity of the method. It also applies the method to
two different images of a same real scene.
Key words: image correlation, relation density
This paper proposes a method to correlate two nadiral
ungeoreferenced images for the purpose of making a relative registration
of images that differ from each other with respect to origin, scale
and/or orientation. The existent automate solution involves computing
classical correlation parameters based on the radiometric similarity
between small windows on images (Richards & Jia, 2006). The
automatic solution has a small tolerance for large differences in scale
and orientation. The proposed method is based on established
correspondence relations between objects determined on both images. The
implementation of the proposed method still needs optimizations, in
order to be applied to large images.
Consider two nadiral images (images A and B) located on the same
terrain scene, both of them already geometrically and radiometrically
processed (Liu & Mason, 2009). Images A and B have a different
origin, a different orientation and a different scale. To correlate the
two images, we have to find a biunique correspondence between the
elements composing each of the images (Stamin et al., 2008b). Assume the
composing elements are areal objects, that are determined, for example,
by segmentation techniques (***, 2011). The fundamental steps for
determining the set of correspondences are: 1) detecting spatially
distinct areal objects on each of the images and allocating a set of
characteristics to each of them; 2) determining the set of
correspondence relations; and 3) eliminating the false correspondences
by checking the correspondences via another method.
Depending upon the level of analysis desired, one may also want to
find the transformation parameters between images A and B.
For purposes of determining the set of correspondence relations, we
analyze three techniques: one based on dimensionless parameters
associated to each of the objects in images; another technique that
builds a ratio for each pair of distances between two objects on each
image; and a technique that uses pairs of three objects on each image to
build an angle (Stamin et al., 2008a).
As part of our discussion regarding the three techniques listed
above, we generally use the word ,,entity" for any of the
following: dimensionless parameters and distances between two objects or
angle made by three objects. Also, for distance and angle computations,
we reduce an object to a point, defined as the centroid of the convex envelope of the object.
For each of the enumerated techniques the same mathematics apply.
Each image has a number of spatially distinct areal objects,
{[a.sub.1],..., [a.sub.n]} [member of] A and {[b.sub.1,...,[b.sub.m]}
[member of] B, respectively. Therefore, for each of the images we have
one set of entities. With these entities we build a correlation matrix.
Subject to certain exceptions, this matrix indicates the correlation
parameter as the prevalent element of the correlation matrix.
Suppose the following two entity sets: [o.sub.n], ... [o.sub.n]
[member of ]A and [o'.sub.1], ..., [o'.sub.m] [member of] B.
First, we rearrange the elements of each set in increasing (or
decreasing) order. After elimination of all the repeating values, we
then obtain two strict increasing (or decreasing) sequences
[{[o.sub.i]}.sub.i=1..p] [member of] A and
[{[o'.sub.j]}.sub.j=1..q] [member of]B. The elements of the
correlation matrix are the ratios between one element of sequence
{[0.sub.i]} and another element of sequence {[o'.sub.j]}. Denoting
[o.sub.i]/[o'.sub.j] = [m.sub.ij] we will get the matrix
a) Let us analyze the case p=q. If the correspondence relation is
biunique, the matrix M will be a square one and all the diagonal
elements will be equal.
The most unfavorable case is when the consecutive elements from
each sequence generate the same ratio. Even in this case, the number of
equal elements on the matrix's diagonal is one larger than the
number of the equal elements neighboring the diagonal (Table 1).
Unfavorable cases seldomly arise and can be surpassed, for example, by
choosing different characteristics.
If there is not a biunique correspondence, matrix M may or may not
be a square matrix. It is certain, however, that not all the elements on
the diagonal will be equal. In this case, if we compute the distribution
of the values within matrix M and make the same analysis as above, we
find that the preponderant value indicates the correspondence relation
between the entities of the two images.
b) If p [not equal to] q we can go further in more ways. One easy
way (however, time consuming) involves consideration of square matrices
built from the initial nonsquare matrix through elimination of one or
more rows or columns, followed by application of the reasoning presented
in a). Another method is to calculate the distribution of the values of
the matrix, and then consider all the peaks of the distribution as
correlation ratios. To establish which one of these peaks is the right
one, one has to check the correctness of the correlation parameter by
another method. For example, if we obtain a set of peaks for correlation
parameters using dimensionless characteristics of objects, we can verify
the appropriate peak by applying the method whereby one locates the
correlation parameter by using ratios between distances or ratios
between angles.
In the following three ways two images of the same terrain scene
can differ: different origin, different scale and different orientation.
Since difference in origin does not impose any complications in finding
the correlation parameter, we focus on the last two cases. We also
consider the following additional factors: the precision of the calculus and the number of combinations taken (q). These factors can influence
the correctness of the results.
The results presented here are based on computing the elements of
the correlation matrix as ratios of distances between pairs of points.
The algorithm is a repetitive one in that it tries to locate object A on
image A that corresponds to object B on image B.
Case 1: Two images with different scales (see fig. 1). Having two
different scales results in a different number of identifiable areal
objects on each image. It also results in diminished geometric details
of areal objects with scale reduction. Therefore, we get a 15%
difference in areal object content between the two images. There are 29
areal objects associated with the left image and 36 areal objects
associated with the right image (see fig. 2).
Table 2 summarizes the results for the two images depicted in fig.
1. An algorithm was applied for 4 cases of combinations (10, 15, 20,
25), using three different precision levels (0.1, 0.01, 0.001). The
values reflected in Table 2 represent the number of correspondences
determined by the algorithm. One can observe that the number of
determined correspondences increases with the number of combinations
taken. However, increasing the precision level does not always lead to a
higher number of correspondences.
Case 2: Two images with different scales and different orientations
(see fig. 3). In the left image we have 29 areal objects and in the
right image 31 areal objects. The two images share in common only 26
areal objects (see fig. 4).
Table 3 summarizes the results for the two images depicted in fig.
3. One can observe that the number of determined correspondences
increases with the number of combinations taken and there is only one
precision that leads to favorable results.
The proposed method described in this paper determines the
correlation parameter in all the above cases. The number of the
correlated objects depends upon the number of combinations considered
and the precision level. While increasing the number of combinations
leads to a larger number of correspondence relations established by the
algorithm, increasing the precision level does not always produce the
same result. The scale difference is the main factor that influences the
convergence of the algorithm.
To determine the transformation parameters between the two images
it is sufficient to establish the minimum number of correspondences
between a real objects of the two images.
Liu, J.G. & Mason, J.P. (2009). Essential Image Processing and
SIG for Remote Sensing, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., ISBN: 9780470510322,
New York
Richards, J.A. & Jia, X., (2006). Remote Sensing Digital Image
Analysis: An Introduction, Fourth Edition, ISBN: 10 3-540-25128-6,
Springer-Verlag, Heildelberg
Stamin, D., Stamin, C. & Amza, R., (2008a). Methods for
correlating image objects, Tehnica military, nr 1/2008, pp. 47-59, ISSN:
1582-7321, Bucharest, Romania
Stamin, D., Stamin, C. & Buciu, C., (2008b). Image correlation
based on relation density, Proceedings of the 38th International
Scientific Symposium of Military Equipment and Technologies Research
Agency, May 2009, CD-ISBN: 978-973-0-056846, Bucharest, Romania
*** (2011). Image Segmentation, Pei-Gee Ho (Ed.), InTech, ISBN
978-953-307-228-9, Rijeka, Croatia
Tab. 1. The unfavorable case of correlation matrix
1 2 4 8 16
1 1 2 4 8 16
2 1/2 1 2 4 8
4 1/4 1/2 1 2 4
8 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2
16 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1
Tab. 2. Results for two images with different scales
Precision Level
0.1 0.01 0.001
Q 10 10 15 3
15 12 20 6
20 14 18 5
25 13 22 7
Tab. 3. Results of method application for two images with
different scales and different orientations
Precision Level
0.1 0.01
q 10 5 8
15 3 13
20 6 17
25 6 23
26 7 26