Passive sliding-mode synchronization of multi-robotic systems with structural uncertainties and external disturbances.
Anic, Luka ; Kasac, Josip ; Novakovic, Branko 等
Abstract: In this paper a class of sliding-mode based controllers
for passive synchronization of a multi-robotic system is proposed. The
considered system is composed of a master robot which provides motion
commands to the slave robot which performs the actual task. The
conventional approach to synchronization of bilateral teleoperators is
based on assumption that both robots have the same structure or
regression matrix. Such an assumption allows applications of the
conventional adaptive control approach for asymptotic tracking. The
controller proposed in this paper provides asymptotic synchronization of
master and slave robotic systems with different structural
configurations. Simulation example with two robots with two revolute
joints in horizontal and vertical plane demonstrates the effectiveness
of the proposed control strategy.
Key words: synchronization, telerobotics, passivity-based control,
sliding-mode control
A teleoperation system enables human operator to implement given
tasks in a remote manner. A typical teleoperation system consists of a
local master manipulator and a remotely located slave manipulator. The
human operator controls the local master manipulator to drive the slave
one to implement a given task remotely. More precisely, the human
imposes a force on the master manipulator which in turn results in a
displacement that is transmitted to the slave that mimics that movement.
Various applications of telerobotics can be found in under-water
operations, space explorations, telesurgery, nuclear reactors, etc.
(Hokayem & Spong, 2006).
Many control methods have been applied to bilateral teleoperation
like supervisory control, scattering approach, and [H.sub.[infinity]]
control (Hokayem & Spong, 2006). The mentioned methods are based on
assumption that system dynamics model is known, and this model is
entirely or partially included in control law. The adaptive control
approach (Hung et al., 2003) overcomes this problem, but still structure
of dynamic model in the form of regression matrix must be known. The
sliding-mode control overcomes needs for regression matrix, but
application in telerobotics is limited to linear 1-DOF mechanical
systems, (Cho, et al., 2001).
Synchronization-based approaches to bilateral teleoperation have
been developed relatively recently (Chopra, et al., 2008).
Synchronization phenomena have been observed in mechanical and
electrical systems, biological, chemical, physical and social systems
(Nijmejier & Rodriguez-Angeles, 2003; Pikovsky, et al., 2001).
Synchronization between master and slave robot is based on passivity
properties of interconnected mechanical system, and parameter
uncertainties are treated by adaptive control law (Chopra, et al.,
In this paper we propose a synchronization-based sliding-mode
approach to bilateral teleoperation avoiding needs for regression matrix
and providing asymptotic synchronization between structurally different
robot manipulators.
We consider the master and slave configuration of two robots with
different structures. We suppose robot position and velocity measurement
and short distance communication channel without time delays.
2.1 Master and slave robots dynamics
The Euler-Lagrange equations of motion for an n-link master and
slave robot are given as (Chopra, et al., 2008)
where [q.sub.m], [q.sub.s] are the nx1 vectors of joint positions,
[[tau].sub.m], [[tau].sub.s] are the nx1 vector of applied torques, M(q)
is the nxn symmetric positive definite manipulator inertia matrix, C(q,
[??])[??] is the nx1 vector of centripetal and Coriolis torques and g(q)
is the nx1 vector of gravitational torques. The human operator commands
the master robot with force [F.sub.h], and the remote force [F.sub.e]
appears when the slave robot contacts a remote environment.
Since the robot dynamics are linearly parameterizable, system (1)
can be written
where [Y.sub.m](x) and [Y.sub.s](x) are nx[p.sub.m] and nx[p.sub.s]
robots regression matrices, and [[theta].sub.m] and [[theta].sub.s] are
[p.sub.m] x 1 and [p.sub.s] x 1 dimensional vectors of robots inertial
parameters. The basic assumption of standard adaptive control-based
robots synchronization is that the regression matrices are known and
equal, what means that master and slave robots has the same structure.
2.2 Sliding mode synchronization control law
The proposed control law has the following form
[[tau].sub.m] = [K.sub.1] tanh([r.sub.m] - [r.sub.s]) + [K.sub.2]
sign([r.sub.m] - [r.sub.s]) [[tau].sub.s] = [K.sub.1] tanh([r.sub.s] -
[r.sub.m]) + [K.sub.2] sign([r.sub.s] - [r.sub.m]), (3)
where [K.sub.1] and [K.sub.2] are positive definite symmetric gain
matrices, and the vectors [r.sub.m] and [r.sub.s] are the outputs of the
master and slave robots, respectively
[r.sub.m] = [[??].sub.m] + [[lambda][q.sub.m] (4) [r.sub.s] =
[[??].sub.s] + [[lambda][q.sub.s],
where [lambda] is some positive parameter.
The saturation function tanh(x) is included to prevent control
signals with magnitudes larger then saturation level of actuators. The
control law (3) is completely model-free and doesn't include robots
regression matrices what guarantee robustness to structural model
uncertainties and external disturbances. In other words, independence of
the control law on the regression matrices provides mutual
synchronization of structurally different robots.
From the control law (3) follows that maximal values of control
torques is equal to [[lambda].sub.M]{[K.sub.1]} +
[[lambda].sub.M]{[K.sub.2]}, where [[lambda].sub.M]{x} is maximal
eigenvalue of the matrix.
This section presents the results of simulation verification of
proposed control strategy to synchronization of two robots with
different structures. Both robots have two rotational degrees of freedom
in a plane, but master robot is in horizontal plane (SCARA
configuration) and slave robot is in vertical plane (planar elbow
manipulator). The main structural difference between robots in
horizontal and vertical plane is absence of gravitational force in the
case of horizontal configuration.
The entries of the inertia matrix are given by (Kelly, et al.,
the vector of Centripetal and Coriolis torques is
and, the gravitational torque vector is
where [m.sub.1] and [m.sub.2] are masses of the first and second
links, [l.sub.1] and [l.sub.2] are lengths of the first and second
links, [I.sub.1] and [I.sub.2] are inertias of the first and second
links, and g=9.81m/[s.sup.2] is gravity acceleration, and [s.sub.i] =
sin([q.sub.i]), [c.sub.i] = cos([q.sub.i]), [s.sub.ij] = sin([q.sub.i] +
[q.sub.j]), [c.sub.ij] = cos([q.sub.i] + [q.sub.j]).
Parameters of the master robot in horizontal plane (g = 0
m/[s.sup.2]) are: [m.sub.1] = 1.8 kg, [m.sub.2] = 2.2 kg, [l.sub.1] =
0.3 m, [l.sub.2] = 0.2 m, [I.sub.1] = 0.004 [Nms.sup.2], [I.sub.2] =
0.002 [Nms.sup.2]. Parameters of the slave robot in vertical plane (g =
9.81 m/[s.sup.2]) are: [m.sub.1] = 0.6 kg, [m.sub.2] = 0.7 kg, [l.sub.1]
= 0.7 m, [l.sub.2] = 0.5 m, [I.sub.1] = 0.002 [Nms.sup.2], [I.sub.2] =
0.002 [Nms.sup.2].
Command forces are [F.sub.h1] = sin(t) + sin(2t), [F.sub.h2] =
sin(t) + sin(3t), and environmental disturbances are [F.sub.e1] = 0.4
sin(2t) + 0.2 sin(5t), [F.sub.e2] = 0.4 sin(2t) + 0.2 sin(6t).
Further, a continuous approximation of signum function in (3) is
introduced to prevent control variable chattering. The function sign(x)
is replaced by tanh([mu]x), where [mu] is a parameter with large value
([mu] = 1000).
In Fig. 1. we can see response of master and slave links positions
in the case of external disturbances. After short transient time, the
position error between links of master and slave robots asymptotically
converges to zero. A small stationary-state position error shown in
bottom subfigures is consequence of continuous approximation of the
signum function. In Fig. 2. we can see master and slave control torques.
Simulation results for other choices of initial conditions show
similar behavior. Also, controller shows high robustness to changes in
system parameters.
In this paper a sliding-mode approach to asymptotic synchronization
of multi-robotic systems with structural uncertainties and unknown
external disturbances is presented. The proposed approach avoids
limitations of standard adaptive control approach which requires
knowledge of robot system dynamics, and it is not limited to robots with
the same configuration. The future research will extend the proposed
control approach including assumption of time delays in communication
channel. Also, the Lyapunov-based stability analysis will be applied
with aim to provide exact controller tuning rules.
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