Problems raised by noxes control at FCAW.
Moisa, Raul ; Popescu, Mihaela ; Opris, Carmen 等
Abstract: Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) is applied due to its
remarkable results and advantages (high productivity, joint quality,
good aspect of the joints etc) in various fields (industrial
construction, naval chemistry, petrochemistry etc.). FCA W
disadvantages, mainly the emission of pollutants, can be counteracted by
their rigorous control and local forced ventilation in the production.
Key words: noxes, FCA W, ventilation, protective devices
Flux Cored Arc Welding process (FCAW) gains field for joining
processes as well as for coatings. FCAW leads to obtain joints with
exceptional quality, in conditions of high productivity, while in the
case of welding reconditioning, it is necessary to rebuild or to coat
active parts of the components submitted to certain loads, such as
abrasion or moderate impact. The main disadvantage of using tubular wire
for welding consists in massive noxes emissions. From here results the
necessity of measuring "in situ" the noxes content, with the
specific purpose to verify their framing within admissible limits, as
given by the occupational health organisms. The problem of ensuring
environmental protection at FCAW is of strict actuality. Flux cored arc
welding (FCAW) is applied due to its remarkable results and advantages
(high productivity, joint quality etc) in various fields. FCAW emission
of pollutants can be counteracted by their rigorous control and local
forced ventilation in the production.
Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) has a wide applicability, due to its
numerous advantages: * FCAW provides high quality weld metal at lower
cost with less effort on the part of the welder than SMAW. It is more
forgiving than gas metal arc welding and is more flexible and adaptable
than submerged arc welding * Excellent weld appearance smooth and
uniform welds, less liable to porosity * Relatively high travel speeds
and considerably reduced spatter * Visible arc easy to weld * Excellent
contour of horizontal fillet welds * FCAW welds a variety of steels over
a wide thickness range * High deposition rate, high current density. *
Reduced distortion over shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) * High
operating factor can is easily mechanized * Economical engineering joint
designs * Less pre cleaning required than gas metal arc welding.
The limitations of FCAW regarding its applicability are as follows:
* Used only to weld ferrous metals, primarily steels * FCAW produces a
slag covering which has to be removed * Electrode wire is more expensive
on a weight basis than solid electrode wires * Equipment is more
expensive and complex than required for shielded metal arc welding;
however the increased productivity compensates for this * Earlier, self
shielding wires, because of their limited mechanical properties and
their inability to operate in vertical and overhead positions could not
become popular. These inadequacies have now been overcome and today FCAW
is widely used for all position welding.
Important to mention are the numerous applications of FCAW, such
as: * FCAW is replacing SMAW for many applications, replacing GMAW,
primarily the C[O.sub.2] version, and replacing submerged arc welding
(SAW) for thinner metal * FCAW is also used for surfacing and for
buildup * The metals weldable by FCAW are: Cast iron, low carbon steel,
low alloy steel, high and medium carbon steel, alloy steels, stainless
steels limited types * FCAW has been widely used for welding in bridges,
high rise buildings, ship building and offshore drilling platforms, main
frames on bulldozers, rotating frames for shovels and cranes, tractor
frames, bridge girders, large gantry cranes, furnace tubes, diesel
engine chassis etc.
Welding fumes and gases and the composition and quantity of both
are dependent upon the metal being welded, the process, procedures, and
electrodes used. Decomposition products of normal operation include
those originating from the volatilization, reaction, or oxidation of the
materials, plus those from the base metal and coating etc. It is
understood, however, that the elements and/or oxides to be mentioned are
virtually always present as complex oxides and not as metals. The
elements or oxides listed in table 1 correspond to the ACGIH categories
located in [TLV Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and
physical Agents in the Workroom Environment]. Expected constituents of
the fume would include: complex oxides of iron, manganese, silicon,
titanium, magnesium, barium and aluminum. Fluorides are also present.
Some of the precaution measures to be taken when using flux cored
arc welding include: * the necessity to use plenty of ventilation and/or
local exhaustion at the arc, to keep the fumes and gases below the
threshold limit value within the worker's breathing zone and the
general work area * it is recommended to use respiratory protective
devices (RPD) when welding in a confined space or general work area
where local exhaust and/or ventilation does not keep exposure below the
threshold limit value (figure 1, 2, 3) * the welders should wear a
helmet or face shield with a filter lens shade number 12-14 or darker *
the personnel must wear approved head, hand and body protection which
help to prevent injury from radiation, sparks and electrical shock. The
persons responsible for welding are forced, by legislation and by the
regulations of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to
apply direct measures to control the noxes emissions and to fit the
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL).
New generation flux cored arc wire have been produced lately, such
as ,,low fume" tubular wire, Stardual 208 HP, T 42 3 M M 1 H5
according to EN ISO 17632-A, that ensure low levels of fumes at welding.
This new ,,low fume" copper coated metal cored wire generates less
fume than similar standard products. It enables fume emission rate
reduction of up to 40% (standard shielding gas M 21). Other advantages
include: slag less metal powder tubular cored wire with outstanding
welding properties in the short-arc and spray-arc ranges * almost
splatter free when welding in the spray-arc range * provides good
restriking, even with a cold the wire tip, thus being suitable for a
robot applications.
Characteristics that recommend this type of wire for FCAW are: high
deposition rate and welding speed, good wall fusion, finely rippled
welds, without undercutting into the base metal, not even on
contaminated or corroded metal surfaces.
Main applications for these types of wire are: shipbuilding;
rolling stock construction; structural steelwork, boiler-works; bridge
cranes, cranes, earth moving machines.
Welding positions that are recommended for this type of wire are
presented in figure 4. Technical data include: current: DC+, gas: M21
(Ar/C[O.sub.2], Diffusible [H.sub.2]:3 ml/100 g max.).
Deposited metal submitted to chemical analysis gives results
presented in table 3, while mechanical characteristics are presented in
table 4.
The advantages of using flux cored arc welding (FCAW) are: quality
of the weld, increase productivity, reduced distortion etc. Problems
regarding noxes, their effect, measurements as well as a review of
respiratory protective devices are presented also. The case study
completes the data presented in the paper.
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*** (2011), Accessed on: 2011-03-14
Tab. 1. Substances and exposure limits
Substance Exposure Limit (mg/[m.sup.3])
Iron Oxide 5 10 (as [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3])
Manganese 5 CL * 1 CL * (fume)
Silicon Oxide 5 3
Titanium Oxide 15 10,20 STEL **
Magnesium Oxide 15 10
Fluorides 2.5 as F 2.5 as F
Aluminum Oxide nothing found 10
*** Nickel (Soluble) 1 (as Ni) 0.1 (as Ni)
*** Nickel Oxide nothing found 1 as Ni)
Barium 0.5 (sol.) 0.5
* CL--Ceiling Limit ** STEL--Short Term Exposure Limit
*** Present in E71T-GS
Tab. 3. Chemical analysis results for the deposited metal
Gas C Mn Si S P
Ar-C[O.sub.2] 0.02 1.6 0.8 [less than or [less than or
equal to] 0.005 equal to] 0.013
Tab. 4. Mechanical properties of the deposited metal
Gas Heat Rm, Rs,
treatment N/[mm.sup.2] N/[mm.sup.2]
C[O.sub.2] As welded 510-600 [less than or equal to] 420
Gas E, Kv, J,
% at -20 [degrees]C
C[O.sub.2] [less than or equal to] 24 [less than or equal to] 50