Production planning strategies using a data base integrate system.
Serban, Raul ; Calin, Oana Andreea
Abstract: This paper present the possibility to develop a data base
integrated system used for production planning strategies. Our study
could offer economical advantages such new production structures, new
control policies and low costs. This paper proposes a new vision for
creating a database integrated system for developing a production
planning strategies. Topics to be discussed will include: production
planning, data base system, manufacturing. Key words: production
planning, data base, informatics flow
The production planning strategy development using a data base
integrate system will improve technical solutions and product quality. A
data base integrated system could generate information about production
decisions, control policies, the waiting times and obstruction points.
This paper present the development of a data base integrated system
used to generate production planning in a flexible manufacturing system.
Using a data base integrated system will offer two important advantages.
The first advantage is represented by a better production resource by
eliminating bottlenecks and the second advantage is improving the
productivity of existing manufacturing systems (Mohora at all, 2009).
The parameters that describe production planning strategy are:
* The production operations: describes the type of the products for
which the machines can be used in the production process
* Period of time between production actions
* Production efficiency: measures the percentage of high quality
* Processing time: is the necessary time for current processing of
every machine.
The development of data base integrates system will be divided in
five steps.
The first step contains the integration study of the informatics
flow in production process.
Production design module is very important because this component
should be individualized to the needs of each user. Most manufacturing
systems of the enterprise may be based on a general structure,
independent by nature of the work carried out by a firm. Production
system, however, must work perfectly and respond effectively to every
user on their needs.
Production process is based on informatics flow, whether a company
manufactures auto components, IT components, food or clothes, etc.
Following and respecting informatics flow scheme is the first step
for all companies to create the best integration between their activity
and the standards used. Informatics flow scheme is shown below.
For the second step we propose to build a structure of a modern
data base integrated system like in the scheme below.
The data base integrated system will contain one server,
specialized software based on AJAX, PHP with data base and a Broadband
The advantage will be that the system access is possible from all
over the world, and the data will be seen in real time. Our research
presents in figure 3 a solution to develop a data base integrated system
with new specifications for universal use on various devices.
The new solution will allow developing individual production plan,
scheduling and arranging the development in production time in order to
enable a real time simulation for a production.
For the third step we propose a database structure presented in
figure 3.
Figure 3 shows the direct connection with our informatics flow for
production process presented in figure 1. The most important data
(database variables) used in our production planning are:
* Orders from clients for a period of time
* Production capability for a period of time
* Necessary supplies for a period of time
* Human resources for a period of time. The fourth step will
calculate the data variables using Linear Programming Model. We are
going to use the following decision variables:
* [] production of the item i during time period t
* [] inventory data for the item i in a period of time t.
Also we are going to use the following the parameters:
* T, I, K number of time periods, items, resources, respectively
* [a.sub.ik], amount of resource k required per unit of production
of item i
* [b.sub.kt] amount of resource k available in a period of time t
* [] demand for the item i in a period of time t
* [] unit variable cost of production for item i in a
period of time t
* [] unit inventory holding cost for the item i in time
period t.
The five steps will present an analysis for a period of time
comparing the old production data from the database. The analysis will
try to decide if the new order for production is viable in this period
of time and if it is not. In this case the data base integrate system
will propose, based on the previous production plans a better solution.
The proposed solution for developing a production planning
strategies using a data base integrated system can be a great support to
measure alternative production scenarios or may quantify the effect of a
production decision. The proposed solution has two important advantages:
* the solution could answer to a lot of production problems;
* the solution corresponds with the practical necessities in
production systems in rapport with the final user, the engineer.
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