Reconfiguration in self-organizing systems.
Kukushkin, Ilya Konstantinovich ; Katalinic, Branko ; Cesarec, Paulina 等
Abstract: Innovation in the field of assembling is going in many
directions. One of them is a creation of a new generation of automated assembly systems, based on natural fenomena. These systems have some
additional possibilities for minimization of assembling time using
reconfiguration. Different possibilities of the reconfiguration are
shown in this paper on the example of Bionic Assembly System.
Key words: mobile robots, assembly system, reconfiguration,
assembling, rearrangement
Migration of the products from the developed to developing
countries is one of the main characteristics of modern time. One of the
main reasons for this migration is labor low cost in developing
countries. The products with an intensive human work are the best
candidates for this migration. Typical approach of production of
products in developing countries is devided in many simple steps.
Developed countries are fighting against this migration in different
ways, but the main are innovation and production automation.
Production of the products can be divided in following tasks:
design, process planning, machining of parts, assembly. The complexity
of this tasks and actual level of automation are very different.
Assembly has the highest complexity of task and the lowest level of
automation. This fact makes the products with intensive assembly value
and time to the best migration candidates.
Innovation in the field of assembling is going in many directions.
One of them is a creation of a new generation of automated assembly
systems, based on natural fenomena. There is a new concept of assembly
system, proposed by Katalinic (2002), based on the self-organization.
The description of the system layout, functions and working scenarios
and strategies are given in (Katalinic & Kordic, 2002) and working
elements in (Cesarec et. al, 2009).
Assembly stations and mobile robots are the key elements of kernel part of this system. Assembly station is able to complete one or more
assembly operations on one or more different products. There can be more
alternative assembly stations for the same assembly operation. Assembly
stations can have fixed or movable positions in the layout. Assembly of
the product is completing step by step on assembly pallet, which is
carried by mobile robot, from one to the next stations.
In the comparison with the classical assembling systems this system
has some additional possibilities for minimization of time for
assembling one product and for assembling of one run. This can be
achieved through the rearrangement of the queues for the first case and
reconfiguration of layout, during the assembly for the second case.
These two possibilities are investigated and presented in this
Each mobile robot gets an assembly order. It means to assemble one
piece of one product. It follows step by step assembling plan of product
to complete this order. Robot communicates with all assembly stations to
find out, which station is able to complete next assembly operation. If
there are more candidate stations, it is choosing station with the
shortest completition time of operation.
It is very typical for assembly stations that there are waiting
robots in the queue in front of the station as shown in (1).
In front of the station S number one for operation ith on mth
product are waiting robots on ith operation in the assembling of mth
product, numbered from one till the last.
There are 3 priorities of orders (1--high, 2--normal, 3--low).
Typical situation in front of the one station is described at (2).
In station S it is possible to make ithoperation on mth product,
jth operation nth product and kthoperation on lth product. The queues of
the robots in the front of the station with the respect of priorities
are formed in following sequence.
In front of the station S number one for itri operation on mth
product, jth operation nth product and kth operation on lth product, are
waiting robots on ith operation in the assembling of mth product, with
the first priority, numbered from one till the last. Then, following
robots on j operation in the assembling of nth product, with the second
priority, numbered from one till the last. The last in the queue are
robots on kth operation in the assembling of nth product, with the the
third priority numbered from one till the last.
Shortest completition time of operation is a sum of waiting time in
the queue in front of the station and assembling time at the station.
All the robots in the system are following the trajectory based on the
criteria of the "smallest time resistance". For the operation,
which can be completed on more assembly stations it is nessessary to
solve the problem of changing a number of working stations.
In the case of introduce of new stations it is nessessary to
rearrange the queue from the robots, waiting in front of the other
station, as shown in 3.
The result of rearrangement of the queues is:
In front of the station number one for ith, jth and kth operation
on mth, nth and lth product are waiting robots on ith operation in the
assembling of mth product, with the first priority, numbered from one
till the middle. Then, following robots on jth operation in the
assembling of nth product, with the second priority, numbered from one
till the middle. The last in the queue are robots on kth operation in
the assembling of nth product, with the the third priority numbered from
one till the middle.
In front of the station number two for ith, jth and kth operation
on mth, nth and 11h product are waiting robots on ith operation in the
assembling of mth product, with the first priority, numbered from middle
till the end. Then, following robots on jth operation in the assembling
of nth product, with the second priority, numbered from middle till the
end. The last in the queue are robots on kth operation in the assembling
of nth product, with the the third priority numbered from middle till
the end.
2.1 BAS behaviour in case of assembly station failure
It can happen that the number of assembly stations is decreasing.
This can happen in case of one assembly station failure (Fig. 1.). In
this case, waiting robots in the front of this station must be moved in
the waiting queues in front of the active stations. This procedure we
are calling rearrangement of the queues.
In front of the stations number one and two for ith, jth and kth
operation on mth, nth and lth product are waiting robots on ith
operation in the assembling of mth product, with the first priority,
numbered from one till the last. Then, following robots on jth operation
in the assembling of nth product, with the second priority, numbered
from one till the last. The last in the queue are robots on kth
operation in the assembling of nth product, with the the third priority
numbered from one till the last. In case of the station number one
failure mobile robots are moving to the station 2 in the following way:
Robots on ith operation in the assembling of mth product, with the
first priority, numbered from one till the last are coming to the end of
the queue of ith operation in the assembling of mth product, with the
first priority, on the station two. New position at the station 2 of the
first robot of the station 1 will follow the role:
Then, following robots on jth operation in the assembling of nth
product, with the second priority, numbered from one till the last are
rearranged with the same rule. The last is the rearrangement in the
queue of robots on kth operation in the assembling of nth product, with
the the third priority numbered from one till the last. Final queue is
seen at Fig. 1.c.
Structure of Bionic Assembly System allows assembling more than one
type of the products in the same time. Sometimes it happens that the
product types are requiring two different groups of the machines, but
the robots are following the longer way to get to the needed assembly
In this case the system layout must be reconfigured. With the order
completion and system recieves the statistic of the mobile robots
movement. This data is analysed, and if 2 types of the products are
identified (Fig. 2a) system initializes the process of layout
Assembly stations number 1, 2, 3 and 7, 8 are fulfilling product
type 1 and the other are making product type 2. Machines 8, 7 are moving
closer to the 1, 2, 3 and 9, 10 are moved closer to 4, 5 and 6. Stations
are gradually moved from 1 place to another, to create two independent
layouts within one system (Fig. 2b). Assembly stations are
reconfigurated to make the robot way to the machine shorter. With each
assembling step stations are moved closer to each other to form a new
system layout.
A new generation of assembling systems has some additional
possibilities for minimization of time for assembling one product and
for assembling of one run.
This can be achieved through the rearrangement of the queues for
the first case and reconfiguration of layout, during the assembly for
the second case.
This paper is made with encouragement of Univ. Prof.
Dr.mult.h.c. Prof.h.c. Branko Katalinic and supported by the Erasmus
Mundus Action 2 Programme of the European Union.
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ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna,
Austria, EU, 2009
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