Relationship between Torques and power consumption in dry machining of UNS A92024-T3 alloy.
Domingo, Rosario ; Garcia, Manuel ; Sebastian, Miguel Angel 等
Abstract: This paper presents an experimental study about the
effect of the torques on the calculation of the power consumption during
the dry drilling in UNS A92024-T3 alloy. Thus, two drill types have been
used with three different diameters. The coatings of nitrided lands and
their impact on the power consumption during the dry drilling of
aluminium alloy are analysed. In the tests have been utilised different
cutting speeds and the power consumption has been calculated by a
piezoelectric dynamometer, that allow obtaining the value of the thrust
force and torques, once that the cutting speed has been fixed. Results
provide information of the different degree of influence according the
diameter of drill or the cutting length.
Key words: coatings, power consumption, dry machining, light alloys
The dry machining processes have been studied under different
perspectives because they are considered environmentally friendly process. Thus it recurrent to find analysis in which the cutting fluid
is not present (Domingo et al., 2008; Domingo et al., 2009). However it
is necessary to analyse more deeply the influence elements that allow
increasing this sustainability, such as the coatings of cutting tools
(Coldwell et al., 2004; Nouari et al., 2005) or cutting forces (Domingo
et al., 2008) due to their influence on the power consumption.
Nevertheless, these variables are researched under other perspectives,
looking for outcomes, such as the thrust forces, the torques and more
frequently the wear tool. There are a small number of studies focused on
the process sustainability.
On the other hand, in the aeronautical field, the UNS A92024-T3
alloy is a material of special interest in the drilling process. Due to
it, the behaviour knowledge has been analysed by different authors. For
example, the evaluation of drilled hole quality (Kurt et al., 2008),
some models to predict the thrust forces (Domingo et al., 2009), the
optimization of cutting parameters for surface finish and hole diameter
accuracy (Kurt et al., 2009). Once more, the sustainability continues
without be present in the majority of the investigations. An important
element of sustainability in manufacturing is the power consumption.
Thus, this paper presents a study about the effect of the torques
on the power consumption during the drilling with drills without coating
and with coatings of nitrided lands, considering different cutting
conditions along the research study.
The experimental methodology is focused on the taking of data from
a piezoelectric dynamometer, in particular Kistler type 9257B. A correct
configuration of this dynamometer allows obtaining the six variables,
the three components of forces (Fx, Fy and Fz) and the three components
of the torques (Mx, My and Mz). Thus, the thrust force and the torque
are found experimentally, during the drilling process in a milling CNC.
Almost, a multi-channel amplifier Kistler type 5070A has been used;
the signals have been converted to units of forces and torques, by means
of specific software DasyLab, programmed for this use, and to obtain
mechanical data form electrical signals. In the Figure 1, the aluminium
plates and the dynamometer can be observed.
The drills characteristics are shown in Table 1, they are two
drills types, High Speed Steel twist (HSS) and High Speed Steel with
nitrided lands twist (HSS N). Both drills types are recommended in
aluminium alloy. They have different diameters, 4 mm, 6.3 mm and 8 mm;
thus six drills have been used, and 243 holes have been executed. Each
tool has drilled a cutting length of 217.5 mm in UNS A92024-T3,
according to thickness of plates. The cutting conditions are N = 4000
rpm and feed f = 700 mm/min for drills of diameters 4 mm and 6.3 mm, and
N = 4000 rpm and feed f = 500 mm/min for drill of diameter 8 mm.
In this Section, firstly, the torques are shown. Afterward, the
power is analysed, including the differences between the first hole and
the average of results. Outcomes provided for torques are shown in
Figure 2 and for power consumption in Figure 3.
It is possible to observe than in UNS A92024-T3 alloy, the drills
more convenient, from a sustainable perspective are HSS, and the
nitrided lands provoke a major consumption power. Although there is an
exception for diameter 6.3 mm in the first hole; however the consumption
power average for this diameter is more convenient also for HSS.
In Figure 4, the percentage attributed to torque in the power
result is illustrated. In it, a high percentage is appreciated, superior
to 94%. Although there is difference between them, it is really much
reduced. In the alloy UNS A92024-T3, the influence of torque is reduced
for drill HSS and diameter 4 nun and drill HSS N and diameter 6.3 mm,
during the average results front to first results drill.
In general, the calculation of the power of the first hole allows
knowing the best drill under the minor consumption perspective. Only, an
exception has been found, in UNS A92024-T3, for diameter 6.3 mm.
A comparison between data from Figure 3 and Figure 4 permits to
analyze the link between the percentages of torque on the power. As it
can be seen, in UNS A92024-T3 the better conditions are reached by HSS
drill with the lower cutting speed and the higher feed.
In this sense, the feed seems to be an important variable to
consider when the reduction of the power is an objective, although it is
probably that the best cutting conditions were dependent of the type of
drills, when the minimum power consumption was an aim.
This last question, it is maybe, the main limitation of this study,
to know the dependency of the drills with the feed and speed in the
determination of the power.
This paper has summarized the study carried out in order to know
the influence the nitrided lands of the cutting tools on the power
consumption during the dry machining of light alloys. Nowadays, the
sustainable manufacturing is a priority and the consumption power should
be analysed in the drilling processes, it necessary the calculation of
torques. This paper has demonstrated that the influence of torque in the
calculation of power consumption is superior to 94% when the drill is
practically new. Also, the drill HSS provokes lower power consumption in
UNS A92024-T3 than drill HSS N as consequence of an increment of torque
with the last drill.
In the future, a deeper study will be realized by the authors,
analyzing the relationship between the energy and the wear tool, focused
on different types of drills respect to materials, coatings and
geometries, identifying the best cutting conditions for users of drills
in industrial plants.
This work has received financial support from the MICINN (Spanish
Government), by means of the project DPI2008-06771--C04-02.
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Teer, D.G. (2004), The use of soft/lubricating coatings when dry
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177-178, pp. 716-726, ISSN 0257-8972
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Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-901509-71-1, ISSN
1726-9687, Vienna, Austria
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methods in the optimization of cutting parameters for surface finish and
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machining parameters and coating on wear mechanisms in dry drilling of
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Tab. 1. Drills type
Drill Material Coating Point angle
HSS HSS Bright 130[degrees]
HSS N HSS Lands N 130[degrees]