Shipboard crankshaft bearing in-situ repairs utilizing laser buildup welding.
Torims, Toms ; Gerins, Eriks ; Ratkus, Andris 等
Abstract: When ship diesel engines are overhauled, the surface
renovation of crankshaft bearings is of critical importance.
Conventionally the crankshaft is removed from the engine and the
subsequent build-up of bearing surfaces and grinding operations are
performed in the workshop. New technology has been developed to perform
crankshaft crankpin bearing surface grinding directly in the engine
housing. This article outlines a further study confirming that the
previously adopted grinding platform can be extended to fibre laser
build-up welding technology. It is ideally suited to shipboard
crankshaft surface renovation and opens up an entirely new dimension in
laser build-up welding applications, which offers considerable economic
Key words: in-situ crankshaft renovation, laser build-up welding
technology, thermal spray
One of the major challenges when overhauling ship diesel engines is
removing the crankshaft from the engine, as the entire engine has to be
dismantled. The crankshaft is then taken to the workshop and its working
surfaces are renovated and reshaped on stationary machines. To avoid
this time consuming and costly process, innovative equipment has been
developed for in-situ repair of crankshaft crankpin journals (Torims et
al., 2009).
Although the surface grinding technology has been ascertained to be
highly efficient and money-saving, it does not address damaged
crankshaft surface material build-up solutions. Hence research will be
undertaken on how to deploy thermal spray technologies in in-situ
crankshaft repairs using this technologically proven equipment. The
following conventional methods for shipboard crankshaft journal
renovation are currently used in ship engine repair:
* TIG/MIG/MAG build-up welding
* plasma coating (welding and spraying)
* metal-plastics, e.g. Devcon Plastic Steel[R]
* surface hardening and nitrating.
These surface refurbishing techniques are approved by most Ship
Classification Societies, but are limited to use only within workshop
(onshore) environments. Others can be applied for emergency repairs and
only as a temporary solution. None of these technologies can be used
fully on board the ship. A potential solution to the problem could be to
fit new laser buildup surface renovation equipment on the platform used
for insitu crankshaft grinding (see Fig. 1).
This platform is placed directly on the crankshaft bearing surface
to be repaired and ensures a solid base. Theoretically, if one finds a
way to fit a laser build-up welding head onto this platform, the
crankshaft surface refurbishing, including buildup welding, can be
achieved directly in the engine housing. In this case, repairs would
logically be limited to the crankpin journals only. This would have
enormous economic benefits and could be combined with an in-situ
crankshaft grinding machine. Thus in order to achieve the aforementioned
goals, a comprehensive feasibility study is needed. The initial step in
this study is to review laser build-up welding know-how, which at first
glance seems to be an excellent, tailor-made solution for shipboard
crankshafts repairs.
Laser beam build-up welding is technologically comparable to plasma
build-up welding and plasma spraying. One of the advantages of this
technology is its potential application in cases where the component is
heavily stressed (e.g. crankshafts). Compared with conventional build-up
welding, laser machinery distinguishes itself by the exact
controllability of the welding process and composition of the layer, as
well as the precise localization of the build-up material (Steen &
Mazumder, 2010).
The heat input into the workpiece is lower compared with MIG/MAG or
plasma welding, whilst guaranteeing metallurgical bonding to the
substrate. The accuracy of the resulting structures, in the range of 0.1
mm, is the highest possible in the group of build-up welding techniques.
On the other hand, the available system expertise (lasers, powder
feeders and nozzles) permits easy, successful integration of the laser
technology into manufacturing systems (Nowotny et al., 2007).
Laser beam welding uses a high-power laser beam as the source of
heat to produce a fusion weld. Because the beam can be focused onto a
very small area, it has a high energy density and deep penetrating
capacity. The beam can be directed, shaped and focused precisely on the
exact part of the workpiece. Laser beam welding provides good quality
results with minimum shrinkage or distortion. Laser welds have good
strength and are generally ductile and free of porosity (Kalpakjan &
Schmid, 2010).
Laser beam build-up welding is rapidly gaining ground in industrial
manufacturing. The new fibre laser applications make it possible to
reach difficult welding positions. Furthermore, a new compact coaxial
powder nozzle for fibre laser build-up welding has been developed. This
nozzle features in particular a compact design for improved
accessibility and a smaller powder focus. The powder distribution within
the nozzle is segmented into four, independent powder injectors. Thus
the powder delivery becomes virtually independent of gravity. As a
result, the nozzle can be used to perform build-up welding in any
direction (IWS, 2011).
Several build-up welding laser platforms are currently already
available on the market (IWS, 2011). Table 1 summarises the
technological features and parameters of shipboard diesel engine
crankshaft renovation needs.
The integration of coaxial powder nozzle onto the crankshaft
in-situ renovation platform is illustrated in figure 2. The nozzle can
be oriented manually and/or mechanically. Sufficient accessibility has
to be confirmed and there should be no "blank spots".
This technical solution cannot be applied to very small crankshafts
owing to space limitations, or to very large diameters (max. [empty set]
450 mm). Already at the outset, there are clear advantages of such a
technical solution: mobility, productivity, high surface quality with
little finishing needed. Yet there are also certain problematic aspects
and inherent difficulties:
* high initial cost of equipment
* highly qualified operators are needed
* high voltage power source (not a problem on vessel)
* separate station for welding powder or wire deposition.
An additional technical challenge is not to damage the
technological platform during build-up welding operations. In practice,
this means that particular attention should be taken so as to not touch
the crankshaft bearing technological radiuses--R8 and R20 and to allow a
certain tolerance--d (see Fig. 3).
Another aspect to bear in mind is that laser build-up welding of
outer surfaces of bearings will be achieved at a certain angle--[alpha]
and that respective laser power corrections will be needed to ensure
homogenous deposition of the new surface layer(s). For crankshafts with
external technological radiuses, subsequent manual application of some
material might be needed to compensate "black" area left by
the laser nozzle angle a (Fig. 3. a).
This article outlines an idea to use the laser build-up welding
technique for shipboard engine crankshaft beating surface repairs. It
proposes to use the previously developed technological platform which is
designed to perform renovation operations inside an engine. Theoretical
study has confirmed that fibre laser build-up welding technology is
ideal for shipboard crankshaft surface renovation. Although some
technical difficulties where identified, a machine for shipboard
crankshaft bearing in-situ repairs using laser build-up welding could be
built. Study also revealed that this know-how can be applied to
crankshafts with bearing diameters from 120 to 450 mm. If constructed,
tested and approved by the competent authorities, such a device would
offer an innovative solution for shipboard crankshaft repairs. It opens
up a new field of application to laser build-up welding and would
generate considerable economic benefits.
In order to confirm this initial study, the prototype machine will
be built and tested first in laboratory and then in-situ on board the
ship. These initial tests should focus on verifying the surface quality
and integrity obtained. Economic costs and practical factors also have
to be further scrutinized.
This work was supported by the ESF, under Project Nr.
2009/0201/1DP/ "Nanotechnological
research of the mechanical element surface and internal structure in
mechanical engineering".
Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, IWS Dresden.
(2011). Laser Beam Build-up Welding, Available from: Accessed: 2011-08-11
Kalpakjan, S.; Schmid, S (2010). Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology: 6th edition. Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-013-608168-5, Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey, USA
Nowotny, S. (2007). Laser Beam Build-Up Welding: Precision in
Repair, Surface Cladding, and Direct 3D Metal Deposition. Journal of
Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 16, No.3,Sept.2007.pp344-348, DOI:
Steen, W & Mazumder, J. (2010) Laser Material Processing,
Springer, ISBN 978-1-8499-6061-8, New York, USA
Torims, T.; et al. (2009). New Approach for the Crankshafts
Grinding and Determination of the 3D Surface Roughness Model for the
Crankshafts Bearings, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the
20th International DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 9783901509704, pp 1563-1565,
Editor Katalinic, B., Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria
Table 1. Laser build-up welding technical parameters
Maximal out nut power in KW
C[O.sub.2] 20
Nd:YAG 4
Diode 4
Surface layer geometry in a single operation
/for a 6 kW-C[O.sub.2] laser/
built-up layer width--l 0.5 to 8 mm
built-up layer height--h 0.2 to 2 mm
single layer thickness--b 0.3 to 3 mm
deposition rate up to 1 kg [h.sup.-1]