The concentration level of touristic units in the sustainable development of Romanian tourism.
Andrei, Daniela Ruxandra ; Gogonea, Manuela Rodica ; Stan, Elena Roxana 等
Abstract: On international level in the development of tourism a
tendency to reevaluate the environment in the conditions of sustainable
and ecological development of touristic destinations, is noticed. In
this context, the evolution of accommodation is analyzed by touristic
destinations turning to medium and structural indicators and also degree
of territorial concentration by applying territorial distribution
coefficients. A correct evaluation of the number, of the touristic
accommodation on the territory has a significant impact on establishing
and the forecasting of the touristic request therefore on the results of
the touristic activity, with deep implications on the sustainable
development of tourism. The need to study the degree of territorial
concentration of tourist facilities is a result of the impact of
sustainable development of regional tourism on sustainable development
in this field
Key words: accommodation, touristic destinations, degree of
territorial concentration, sustainable development of tourism
An essential component of the touristic offer is the establishment
of touristic reception.
The oversized estimation process of the touristic potential of a
touristic destination and the incorrect forecast regarding the touristic
request can lead to the appearance of a excessive number of touristic
establishments and so the creation of a unfavorable economic situation
for those business owners, that will record an occupancy degree
insufficient to ensure the non-deficiency of the business. On the other
hand, there are oversaturated areas in which opening another
accommodation unit would be, economically speaking, irrational and
The proposed analysis starts with an overall presentation of the
evolution of accommodation made by touristic destinations, between the
years of 1994 until 2010, strengthen by the results of the determined
structural medium indicators (Gogonea, 2009). The calculated structural
indicators (specific gravity: [g.sub.i]) for the two years, 1994 and
2010, help in calculating the territorial concentration coefficients
Gini and Struck (Badita, et al., 2002).
Determining the degree of variation of the distribution of
territorial accommodation, in the presented context is essential for
creating a suitable framework for territorial eco-touristic sustainable
development, as a special component in this millennium.
The evolution tendency accommodation between 1994 and 2010 is
synthetic presented through the six main touristic destinations (TD) of
Romania (figure 1):
* TD 1--Seaside--In 1994 the Sun and the Black Sea hold an
important place between the preferences of tourists; in this context
continuing the construction process of the touristic units, the average
established growth being of 19.06 units annually, representing an
average increase of 2.26% with the hope that through a quality offer,
oriented the "ecological" elements will satisfy at a high
level the market's requests, the profit being high on local,
regional, national, and international level.
* TD 2--Spas--they are the only destination the confronts an
average decrease of 9.125 units, therefore 2%, due to the pronounced
lack of interest to evaluate this natural potential resource, that in
other countries is very well exploited, especially that the existent offer involves the ecologic sustainable development;
* TD 3--Mountain--the attraction to the mountain air and heights,
dressed as practice of tourism records a average growth of 26.875 units
a year, which means that in relative value is represented by the 3.40%,
presented a satisfying evolution in the conditions of a sustainable
* TD 4--Danube Delta- the growth of the number of accommodation is
moderately low in comparison with the other destinations, with only 4
units annually transposed relatively through an average increase of
4.48%, which is pretty unsatisfying regarding the offer that could be
significantly in the direction of ecologic in the context of sustainable
* TD 5--Residence towns- with a growing future, business tourism is
the most to be exploited in this kind of destinations, fact seen in the
average established growth of 7.52%, which transposed in absolute value
means an average increase of 45.625 units a year;
* TD 6--Other locations--developing and increasing the practice of
cultural, religious and not lass business tourism, are transposed
through the necessity of building new accommodation spaces; thus
explaining the fact, that for this type of touristic destination records
the highest average growth of 61.5 units annually, which means 6.53%.
Overall, (fig. 1) the evolution of all the accommodation structures
in Romania is confronted with a general growth tendency with a medium of
3.88%, which means an average increase of 148.875 units a year.
The presented results describe the first level in the analysis of
territorial repartition of touristic units. The next level, which will
be dealt with next, will consist of a structural comparison of
aforementioned units in the main touristic destinations.
The comparison of the accommodation structures numbers made by
touristic destinations could also be highlighted structurally.
The presented conclusions regarding the evolution of accommodation
structures are also highlighted through the accommodation structures in
2010 beside the ones in 1994.
Thereby the most significant increase is highlighted (graphics
number 2 and 3) in other locations (TD 6), with a 9.574 percent
difference, while the most obvious decrease is registered by spas (TD
2), with 11.34 percent.
Given the fact that regional development of tourism has an
important factor, the concentration degree accommodation units, we could
say that it plays a decisive part in the analysis of the disparities
between tourist destinations.
In this context the necessity of establishing the degree of
territorial concentration by tourist destinations appears. This could be
drawn starting from the structural coefficients (specific gravity), to
get to apply the coefficients of Ginni ([C.sub.G]) and Struck
Because the results that are obtained through the method of Gini
([C.sub.G] = 0,448) and Struck ([C.sub.S] = 0,204), tend to the lower
limits of the intervals (0,408, and 0), reflect the tendency of
uniformly distribute the accommodation structures by tourist
destinations, in 1994.
The same tendency of uniformly distributed tourist structures is
also established in 2010 for Romania. The coefficients values ([C.sub.G]
= 0,466 and [C.sub.S] = 0,247), being so close to the same lower limits
of the intervals (0,408, and 0) settle the fact mentioned for 2010.
Analysis of the territorial concentration of accommodation units by
destinations began with the study of the evolution of accommodation in
Romania, during 1994-2010. Thus it was established that the number of
tourist facilities has increased in almost all tourist destinations,
except the spa area which has experienced a significant decline. These
trends of increase or decrease are also confirmed in structural terms by
comparing the structures established in 2010 with the ones established
in 1994.
Steady evolution is considered the first positive step in the
analysis of territorial distribution of tourist facilities, which was
completed by determining a relatively uniform distribution of them.
The low concentration degree, and the high uniformity represent a
reflection of the regional development politics that was coordinated
satisfying nationally through some wining project that were run between
1994 and 2010.
The differences, between regions, about the number of tourist
structures are not highlighted fact that opens a satisfying perspective
regarding the process of sustainable development of tourism.
The right evaluation, with a positive result, of the number of the
distribution of tourist accommodation in the territory, has significant
impact over establishing and forecasting the touristic request,
therefore over the results of tourist activity, with practical and
efficient implications over the sustainable development of tourism.
Establishing the degree of concentration for touristic units is a
reference point for a future research of the uniform repartition impact
of lodged tourists on the touristic activity from Romania.
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Fig. 2. The structure of accommodation structures made by
destination in 1994
TD.1 24,96%
TD.2 18,73%
TD.3 21,41%
TD.4 2,22%
TD.5 11,73%
TD.6 20,95%
Note: Table made from pie chart.
Fig. 3. The structure of accommodation structures made by
destinations in 2010
TD.1 24,96%
TD.2 18,73%
TD.3 21,41%
TD.4 2,22%
TD.5 11,73%
TD.6 20,95%
Note: Table made from pie chart.